Actors are Geminis according to their horoscope. Famous people with Gemini zodiac sign. Famous people born under the sign of Gemini

Marilyn Monroe, Ernesto Che Guevara, Arthur Conan Doyle, Marquis de Sade, Mikhail Sholokhov, Carl Faberge, Joseph Brodsky, Dante Alighieri, Isadora Duncan, Francoise Sagan, Paul Gauguin, Paul McCartney, Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

Top 5 famous Gemini women: “In constant motion for the better”

Under the sign of Gemini, the most sociable, charming and energetic people are born, endowed with a lively mind and a cheerful character. The uniqueness of the Gemini personality lies in duality and the combination of two principles at once. Their changeable nature and contradictory character make it easy to get out of life's troubles and adapt to various circumstances. The Gemini nature is most clearly manifested in women born under this sign.

In a Gemini woman, inconstancy and unpredictability easily coexist with business acumen and high intelligence. She is more changeable than the weather and is constantly different: now a caring mother and housewife, now a seductive beauty, now a desperate traveler with a sparkle in her eyes, now an intellectual in glasses who can be met at a lecture on cybernetics or a classical music concert. Only one thing is constant in her - constant change, a craving for independence and new experiences. Here are just a few examples of successful Gemini women who, thanks to their excellent character traits, were able to achieve great success in life.

1. Angelina Jolie

Born 06/04/1975, Hollywood actress

Sometimes it seems that there are several personalities living in the Gemini woman. And it is not surprising that among the representatives of this sign there are quite a lot of famous actresses. One of the brightest and most unforgettable is film star Angelina Jolie, whose collection of awards includes an Oscar and several Golden Globes. Her film debut took place in 1982, after which she played dozens of roles, but the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” brought her real popularity. According to Forbes magazine, she was the highest paid actress in 2013.

Like a true Gemini, Jolie searched for herself for a long time, trying to try everything in this life. Before her success in big cinema, she tried alcohol and drugs, starred in low-budget films and video clips. The fact that Angelina Jolie is a Gemini by horoscope is evidenced by the fact that she chooses very different genre roles: from the sharp and dramatic role of Cornelia, the wife of the governor of Alabama in the film “George Wallace” to the charming killer in the action comedy “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” , thanks to which the actress became $20 million richer and managed to win the heart of Hollywood handsome Brad Pitt. Jolie has over 40 diverse roles to her credit!

2.Anna Kournikova

Born 06/07/1981, Russian tennis player and fashion model

Russian tennis star and simply a very beautiful woman Anna Kournikova made a bright start in sports, becoming the youngest participant in the Olympic Games (she was only 15 years old) and won the fame of the first racket of the world - however, only in doubles. It was Kournikova who gave impetus to the development of women's tennis in Russia, making this sport popular.

However, these are not her only successes. Upon completion of her sports career in 2003, she also quickly switched to show business, with the ease characteristic of Geminis of famous directors and actors. It was the twins’ sociability that helped Kournikova quickly “light up” in the filming of music videos, shows, films and photo shoots. Until now, the image created by the athlete is the standard for novice tennis players.

3. Nicole Kidman

Born June 20, 1967, Australian and American actress

One of the sexiest and most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Nicole Kidman, is the winner of numerous film awards, including the coveted Oscar. At the age of 23, she became the wife of Tom Cruise, charming this famous Hollywood actor with true twin spontaneity.

Today, Nicole is one of the richest and most sought-after Hollywood actresses, despite her age. This is not surprising - Geminis tend to remain youthful, slim and attractive until old age. Nicole, who celebrated her 50th birthday last year, looks simply gorgeous and continues to actively act in films, while running her own production company.

4. Daria Dontsova

Born 06/07/1952, Russian writer and TV presenter

The author of numerous ironic detective stories, Daria Dontsova, surprises us every month with a new novel, written in her characteristic lively and cheerful manner. A graduate of Moscow State University, Daria worked quite successfully as a journalist for some time, with the inherent Gemini ability to obtain up-to-date information, and then she was just as successful in becoming the best-selling author in Russia.

According to her, life constantly throws up some unexpected situations. However, Daria Dontsova, like a real Gemini, is used to living in multitasking mode and managing several things at the same time with the dexterity of a juggler.

5. Marilyn Monroe

Born 06/01/1926, American film actress and singer

No matter how beauty standards change, the legendary blonde and sex symbol of the 20th century Marilyn Monroe remains the personification of femininity and beauty. She burst into the film industry like a bright meteor, and, having lived only 36 years, was able to achieve a lot in life. Fans adored her, they dreamed about her, they imitated her. This Gemini woman was able to captivate any man. But no one knew that behind the dazzling appearance of the blonde with a charming smile and alluring gaze lay deep self-doubt and numerous complexes.

In the bright representative of the sign Gemini, two people coexisted: one passionately strived for fame and success, the second for loneliness, poetry, knowledge and books. It is known that Monroe's library contained more than 400 books of various genres. She loved to read all her life, thereby trying to bridge the gaps in education. And, probably, only those closest to her knew the other side of her twin nature.

So different destinies, so different women... Special natural charm, talent and extraordinary character allowed each of these women to realize themselves and become successful. They say that the mysterious, charming and incomprehensible Gemini woman alone is worth ten other women. I would like to add that she also achieves ten times more, being able to live not one, but several lives thanks to her talent.

"Gemini: celebrities of the Zodiac sign", astrologer Nadezhda Zima

7 January 2014, 16:36

Thanks to her ability to get along with people, intelligence, and good character, a Gemini woman can achieve serious success in her work. It is difficult for her to focus only on her family, especially if home life seems too boring to her. To withstand the company of boring, from her point of view, household members around the clock is beyond her strength.

Even in situations that are completely unambiguous, in the understanding of other people, the Gemini woman shows inconstancy and unpredictability. She does not always react to comments in a predictable way, which often becomes the cause of tension and conflicts. A completely trivial reason can cause her admiration or, conversely, resentment.

The duality of nature, inherited from the stars, is manifested in the fact that representatives of this sign, on the one hand, are nervous, witty, live only for today, and on the other, they are smart, businesslike, able to think deeply and clearly and hide their true ones behind feigned frivolity. intentions.

It is simply unrealistic to get bored in the company of a Gemini woman. Travel, adventure, novelty of impressions are her element, the need of her indomitable temperament. She really likes going to the theater, exhibitions, etc.

She loves cheerful companies and feels like a duck to water in them. And those around her feel good about her, because she is an excellent friend, has a kind and flexible character, gets along with people easily and naturally, and is able to maintain a lively conversation on any topic. At the same time, she can be not only dreamy and diversified, but also unyielding and demanding.

In addition, she is characterized by such qualities as cheerfulness, youthfulness, cheerful disposition, activity, and initiative. This person will never abandon anyone in a critical situation and will always lend his shoulder at the first call.

If someone hurts her pride, either unwittingly or consciously, the Gemini woman is unlikely to remain silent.

She is fast - in thoughts, in actions, in movements. Her ringing voice and the click of her heels can be heard everywhere. Aimless loitering, walking around the office, calmly and for a long time sorting through papers - all this is not about an employee born under this sign.

She works with sparkle, cheerfully, flavoring her actions with jokes and jokes, makes decisions with lightning speed and is offended when someone cancels them. Her brain produces thoughts at a tremendous speed, and therefore it is quite difficult for her to cope with this rapid flow.

The situation in the house of a Gemini woman changes with a frequency that is very characteristic of its owner. The subtle, light movements of her graceful hands can work wonders, creating truly heavenly corners in a typical home.

Being a caring mother, the Gemini woman will nevertheless not allow her children to somehow limit her vigorous activity. Together with them, she can have fun, organize exciting costume parties, invent and compose something, allowing many liberties in their behavior. With all this, if the children do not obey, she can punish them to the fullest extent.

If she has any problems, she not only will not shift the responsibility for solving them to someone, but she will not even let anyone in on them. And if someone starts complaining to her about their troubles, she gets easily irritated.

Many of the people who have to deal with a Gemini woman cannot understand her. This is not at all surprising, because she is not able to fully understand herself. The only way out is to accept her as she is, to adapt to her peculiarities of her nature, to her rapidly changing mood.

True love is what all the beautiful representatives of this sign dream about. Alas, most often dreams remain dreams and longing for an ideal partner, the search for which sometimes takes your whole life. It is very difficult for her to find a suitable life partner, because while admiring, for example, a man’s intelligence and insight, she will not be able to close her eyes to flaws in appearance or clothing.

A man whom a Gemini woman considers worthy of herself is a rare find in her life, and therefore the sparks of passion living in her heart most often fail to flare up into a real fire. So she has to live with a feeling of incompleteness of life.

Sometimes she makes desperate attempts to find personal happiness, leading her to self-abasement. When her search for an ideal turns out to be successful, life for her turns into true bliss, however, Gemini women are extremely lucky.

A married Gemini woman is a reliable and kind friend and assistant for her husband, an active participant in all matters that interest him. At the same time, her husband does not have to relax: throughout his life together he will need to confirm that he is the best and worthy. His wife loves to flirt because she feels the need to constantly convince herself of her own attractiveness.

Love for a female Gemini is a difficult test, because a man’s lot is eternal uncertainty in his beloved, who constantly strives to slip away from his embrace.

The Gemini woman is not indifferent to the sexual side of life, but physical pleasure alone is not enough for her to feel complete satisfaction: she needs a partner with richer spiritual content.

Sincere confidence in her love does not serve as an obstacle to her being attracted to new representatives of the stronger sex, without losing her attachment to the “main” partner. Gifts can help maintain her favor.

Gemini women are excellent wives, lovers, and mothers. None of those who had to deal with them and then part with them can forget about these amazing representatives of such an ambiguous zodiac sign. Moreover, these memories are warm and bright, permeated with respect and gratitude for the happy time that life gave them.


Gemini woman - Aries man

These people get about the same pleasure from life. They are active, cheerful, love sexual entertainment and enjoy it. A man born under the constellation Aries can dominate a Gemini partner. He will guide this changeable, wayward person in the right direction. If a man is ready to put up with such a role and restless character, then their union has excellent prospects.

Gemini woman - Taurus man

Geminis are lovers of flirting, which may not please Taurus, who by nature is a big owner. On the other hand, a woman is unlikely to accept the fact that her Taurus partner will limit her freedom, and will also be bored with him in bed. Taurus vitally needs to be confident in everything, and changeable Gemini is not able to give them this feeling. All this gives reason to believe that this couple is not in danger of a strong and long-lasting relationship.

Gemini woman - Gemini man

The relationships that can arise between people of such signs can be characterized by the word “chaos”. Even the physical attraction that arises between them at the initial stage of the relationship will not help these extremely emotional, mobile, hectic, impulsive partners to establish harmony. Geminis can quickly get bored of each other. And if they stay together for a long time, then their couple will be extremely eccentric.

Gemini woman - Cancer man

The compatibility of this couple leaves much to be desired. Extremely sensitive, shy Cancer will take Gemini's manner of periodically playing with other people's feelings too much to heart, although this will be no more than a game. In addition, changeable, active Gemini will not be able to become the constant support Cancer needs. A long relationship between them is hardly possible.

Gemini woman - Leo man

An excellent union. The ingenuity and tirelessness of Gemini in bed will be greeted with delight by Leo. In addition, Leo will not encroach on the independence and freedom of Gemini, for which they will be extremely grateful to them. The personal properties of people of these signs are such that long-term and very close relationships are practically guaranteed to them.

Gemini woman - Virgo man

Poor compatibility. Gemini will perceive Virgo as a bore, and Virgo Gemini as a frivolous person who cannot be relied on. Even if physical attraction arises at the initial stage, it will not last long: in their sexual life, Geminis are fans of experiments. Virgos adhere to once formed ideas about how to behave in bed. Constant reproaches and criticism doom the union of these people to fragility.

Gemini woman - Libra man

That's a very interesting couple. Both Libra and Gemini are characterized by passion, love of sexual experimentation, lack of possessive aspirations and strong jealousy. These people complement each other well in terms of temperament. A short-term relationship will bring both a lot of pleasant experiences and can lead to a very successful marriage.

Gemini woman - Scorpio man

Such a connection usually begins with physical attraction, which is not surprising, since these people are united by good sexual compatibility. However, jealous Scorpio will try to influence the changeable Gemini, which will cause a violent reaction of discontent among the latter. This confrontation can turn into almost hatred towards each other. Representatives of these signs get married in extremely rare cases.

Gemini woman - Sagittarius man

People of these signs are united by variability of nature, activity, tirelessness, lack of possessive claims on each other, as well as great demands. Gemini may criticize their partner's lifestyle and behavior, but this will not be a severe test for his psyche. In general, the relationship can hardly be called easy. However, this couple has chances for a harmonious union, and they depend on the amount of effort put in by both partners.

Gemini woman - Capricorn man

These are people with different life positions and aspirations. The love of freedom and independence of Gemini is unlikely to delight Capricorn, who is distinguished by conservatism. And the partner’s manners and behavior in intimate life will be considered defiant, reaching the point of indecency. In turn, frivolous Gemini may consider Capricorn a bore, since he is constantly concerned with various problems, mainly of a practical nature. They will succeed in a short-term relationship, but a long-term one is unlikely.

Gemini woman - Aquarius man

These are interesting people, and their union turns out the same. Both Gemini and Aquarius are lovers of adventure and an active lifestyle. It is unlikely that a stable, even relationship will develop between them. But, most likely, partners prone to unpredictability will find this style of communication the most optimal. The foundation for their relationship will not be physical attraction, but tender affection. The connection will bring both a lot of pleasant emotions.

We have previously written about this wonderful sign. If you have already read the general characteristics of the sign Gemini, then you know that people born between May 22 and June 21 are sociable, talented, fond of art and love long trips.

Despite the fact that they cannot imagine themselves without society, some representatives of this sign are extremely shy.

Almost without exception, Gemini men are fickle, often change their views, forget about their promises and easily part with people.

Let's find out in more detail what a Gemini man is? How to win his heart? What kind of family man is he and what is his character?


Men born during this period are one of the few among other signs of the zodiac circle who have good taste and know how to present themselves favorably with the help of properly selected clothes.

Geminis are supporters of rich dark tones in ensembles. At work or other events, such a man will be dressed to the nines. But in everyday life, representatives of the sign prefer a comfortable, sporty style.

Geminis have a very beautiful appearance and even over the years they do not lose their physical attractiveness. A Gemini man usually looks graceful, slender and fit.


Thanks to their insatiable love of sociability, Gemini men are real crowd favorites. They often spend time in noisy, numerous companies, easily meet and adapt to new people, and their natural magnetism attracts the people around them.

But the representatives of the sign themselves, despite the huge number of contacts with people from all over the planet, prefer to communicate only with those who are on the same intellectual level with them.

Gemini is considered one of the most intelligent signs among all the constellations of the zodiac circle; they are comprehensively developed, intelligent, well-read and well informed about all the latest events. They love life and love to participate in its knowledge. Actually, they expect the same from other people.

Because of their passion for travel, Geminis are constantly on the move, and their erudition and impressions of what they have seen in new places make them good storytellers.

In general, representatives of the sign are sweet, charming and a little spontaneous. And their forgetfulness when making promises and inconstancy do not have a negative connotation. This is simply a feature of the character of a Gemini man.


Despite the fact that Geminis are hardworking, energetic and take initiative in everything, they strive more for entertainment than for work. Therefore, many representatives of the sign do not achieve significant career heights, and success in work comes only when they are truly passionate about the work they are doing.

Gemini experiences all failures in their work very painfully, and can even become depressed, but not for long.

Prolonged gloomy moods are not typical for them at all. As soon as some new interesting thing looms on the horizon, those born during this period will immediately perk up and return to a full, rich life.

Love and compatibility of a Gemini man

Gemini men have an attractive appearance, so they do not suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex.

They themselves will prefer a spiritually and intellectually developed girl, and not a notorious beauty. Although, fearing serious relationships and real feelings, people of the Air element will often prefer light flirting to serious relationships.

Representatives of this sign never fully open up even to their close and beloved people; no one knows what is really on their mind.

In marriage, men born under the sign of Gemini remain just as unpredictable and flighty, often looking for an excuse to be away from home; attempts to pacify his inconstancy or tame him are unlikely to be crowned with success. Rather, on the contrary, they will accelerate the gap.

If a woman really wants to live her whole life with this person, then she needs to learn to look after him, take care and selflessly give affection, without demanding anything in return.

You should also learn to make changes in your relationship so that you don’t get bored with the routine.

It's not easy, but many women take on this role for the sake of long and strong family relationships. Representatives of such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are ideal for the role of a faithful wife for Gemini men. They have the best compatibility with Gemini.

Famous Gemini men

Many world-famous men, bright personalities, who are the true embodiment of successful men, were born under this zodiac sign.

Here is just a small list of the most famous men who are Geminis according to their horoscope:

  • John Kennedy
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Colin Farrell
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Mark Wahlberg
  • Alexander Pushkin
  • Tom Jones
  • Peter the Great
  • Johnny Depp
  • Malcolm McDowell
  • James Belushi
  • Paul McCartney

As you can see, the company is very worthy. Many representatives of the fair half of humanity would be happy to connect their lives with any of these men!

From May 21, the zodiac sign Gemini comes into force, endowed with an amazing thirst for activity, energy, as well as kindness, decency, honesty and nobility, which coexists perfectly with frivolity and frivolity, sometimes even unreliability in hasty decisions.

On May 25, right after the sign of Taurus, having adopted a little obstinacy, patience and conservatism from their horned neighbor, the “twins” of the first decade were born - Cillian Murphy (1976)

and Russian celebrity of the first magnitude, singer and actress Kristina Orbakaite (1971).

Literally on their heels, celebrating her birthday on May 26, is a rebel of “blue blood”, an Oscar nominee, an extravagant personality and a strong actress who knows how to surprise, the life partner of the same original, director Tim Burton - Helena Bonham Carter, which turns 46 this year.

A few days later, on May 29, the now 55-year-old woman will celebrate the semicircular date Annette Bening with two Golden Globes in his acting baggage.

The month of May will be completed by two celebrities of completely different age categories. This is an actor and director, an 82-year-old winner of five prestigious Oscars and one Golden Globe. Clint Eastwood ,

and a very popular representative of the middle age category of the acting fraternity - Colin Farrell, who, at 36, can boast a Golden Globe for his performance in the film Lay Low in Bruges. Both celebrities celebrate their birthday on May 31st.

The list of June “twins” opens with another representative of cinema veterans - the 75-year-old Oscar winner. Morgan Freeman. Freeman turns 76 on June 1.

On June 4, another Oscar-winning actress celebrates her birthday. Angelina Jolie, UN Goodwill Ambassador, mother of six children and wife of actor Brad Pitt, who managed to get into the top twenty “most hated stars” this year, according to Star magazine respondents.

Right after Jolie - June 5, Teddy Bear's best friend celebrates his 42nd birthday - Mark Wahlberg, has not yet reached the real statuette, but already has two Oscar nominations.

On June 9, the thirst for activity and energy inherent in the “twins” is clearly demonstrated by stars of the first magnitude with their acting career - Oscar-winner Natalie Portman, which celebrates its 32nd anniversary this year,

and 49 year old Johnny Depp with a Golden Globe for his role in the musical Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

Another unfortunate from the twenty “most hated stars” of this year, and previously repeatedly recognized as one of the most profitable stars in Hollywood, is 26-year-old Shia LaBeouf, whose name is very popular among the youth audience due to his constant participation in various blockbusters, celebrates his birthday on June 11th.

On June 20, almost at the very junction with the next zodiac sign - Cancer, a beautiful Australian was born Nicole Kidman, celebrating her 46th birthday with a well-deserved Oscar and three Golden Globes to her name.

Thomas Hardy

Judy Garland

Paul Gauguin

Edvard Grieg

Bob Dylan

Arthur Conan Doyle

John Kennedy

Marilyn Monroe

Alexander Pushkin

Frank Lloyd Wright

Francoise Sagan

Walt Whitman

Ian Fleming

Robert Schumann

Gemini man

I will be happy to tell you everything that happened to me this morning...

I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but I've changed several times since then.

Love brings with it a feeling of security from the outside world. You stop being lonely. There is a loved one next to you, ready to help always and in everything. But almost every rule has an exception. And this exception is the beloved - Gemini. There is no need to talk about any reliability here. He can go buy bread from a nearby bakery and return three days later. If you try to find out where he was and what he was doing, your affair will most likely end there. Therefore, if your Gemini is very dear to you, pretend that nothing happened and learn to put up with his unpredictability and impermanence.

But in the company of Gemini you will never be bored; when he is with you, you will be with not one, but two, or even three or four men at once.

A Gemini man is a welcome guest in any home. He is extremely cheerful, a pleasant conversationalist, has excellent manners, is a master at telling jokes, and is the life of the party.

If you happen to meet him at any social event, you will be unconditionally fascinated by him.

But don't rush to take the fatal step. Think before you agree to become his wife. A Gemini's thoughts, desires, and moods are as changeable as the wind, and you may feel this before your honeymoon is over.

While courting you, he may one day appear at your house with flowers, perfume and books (one of which he wrote himself) and invite you to go to the theater or circus. All evening he will give you such attention, smiles, tender words and assurances of love, from which all other men will immediately fade in your eyes, and you will feel like the happiest woman in the world.

But the next day, when you wait with bated breath for his call, he will either cancel the date or not call at all. Thousands of doubts will begin to torment you. Maybe you behaved wrongly? Or was he just joking? Or maybe he was in trouble? Or does he have another woman? Any of these assumptions may turn out to be correct.

A week later, your lover will appear, but with a completely different mood. He will be maliciously sarcastic and irritated. He will not like everything about you: from lipstick to literary tastes. In another day he will be gloomy and silent, and you will not receive any intelligible answer to all your questions.

If you manage to survive such a change in your lover, he will again appear before you cheerful, charming and witty, and you will again go to theaters and art galleries, museums and concerts and will be amazed again and again by the breadth of interests and erudition of your Gemini. This time he will be even more tender and attentive to you, and you yourself will not notice how you say “yes” to him.

If you are the type of woman who expects consistency, warmth and comfort from family life, then you are making the wrong choice. In the palette of Gemini's moods, there are all shades - from sunny yellow and cloudless blue to hopeless gray, and it cannot be said that there are more joyful shades. Therefore, I will repeat to you again: if you are romantic and seek harmony in life, Gemini is definitely not your type of man.

If the Sun was in the constellation Gemini at the time of his birth, the main trait of his character will be changeability. Therefore, if you are a gambler by nature, you can take a risk. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky. But before you place a bet, you need to know the conditions of the game in advance. Ultimately, even among Geminis there are very persistent and purposeful people who know what they want. A striking example of this is the late US President John Kennedy and Queen Victoria of England. True, these are just two exceptions known to me, whose characters were reflected by their high position and responsibility for the fate of states.

Loving a Gemini is easy and pleasant, unless you give yourself to it with all passion. Remember, Gemini has a certain spiritual essence unique to him, which he will not share with anyone, not even with you. Don’t complicate or dramatize your relationship, try to treat everything calmly and simply. Don't bore him, but try to stimulate his imagination all the time. Don't protest against his changeability, but change with him. Be a lively, interesting conversationalist, because the most important thing for a Gemini is the intellectual level of their partner. Unlike all the other men who are intimidated by smart women. Gemini will prefer that you sparkle not with your outfits, but with your brilliant, sharp mind.

Geminis often change friends, but this does not happen out of heartlessness, but from constantly changing interests and from the desire to have partners with similar interests. Geminis do not give in to nostalgia for the past, be it memories, things, people and places where they lived. Being very sociable by nature, Gemini hates loneliness and, being alone for a long time, may begin to shed tears, but this is nothing more than a manifestation of sentimentality. In general, if you want to attract the attention of a Gemini for a long time, do not cling to him, do not expect constancy from him and, most importantly, be an interesting person.

Geminis, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later the first marriage is concluded, the more likely it is that it will last a long time, maybe forever. But even if Gemini is married only once, he will compensate for his desire for duality with two cars, two apartments, two diplomas, two jobs, two hobbies, etc.

In financial matters he is also ambiguous. Either surprisingly generous, even wasteful, or stingy. But if you still compare these two traits, then generosity will probably outweigh.

Will he remain faithful to you? In the form in which he understands it, without a doubt, yes. Women feel extraordinary sympathy for Gemini, and he, for his part, is not indifferent to them. Therefore, most likely your life will not be calm. But if you sincerely believe him, he will never allow himself to destroy your faith, you can be sure. True, I mean precisely real, unconditional and reckless faith. If you secretly do not trust him, he will feel it and will not hesitate to take advantage of it. Geminis have the ability to read your secret thoughts - remember this. Don't think that your Gemini spouse will act around other women as if he doesn't notice them. On the contrary, he will happily chat with them, laugh and even have a drink or two. But this does not mean that he is flirting with them. Gemini needs listeners, and what gender they are is indifferent to him.

The woman who achieves intellectual harmony with Gemini can be calm. He will not cheat on her either physically or morally. This is a rule to which there are practically no exceptions. And his smiles, exuding always and everywhere, are just a manner of behavior. He just can’t help but smile, just like the sun can’t help but shine. Understand and never reprimand him for this. Otherwise, you may ruin his character.

He will most likely develop friendly relations with children. He can teach them a lot. They will be happy to share their problems with him and confide their secrets to him. Gemini does not like to lecture and speak in an edifying tone. He is not a big disciplinarian, which makes the children more sympathetic. But his reluctance to insist on doing certain obligatory things leads to the fact that his children are sometimes a little loose. This is how Geminis spoil their children. Although Geminis almost never physically punish their children, they have a bad habit of making comments to their children in a caustic, sarcastic tone, which can hurt the child. Being cold by nature, Geminis do not like hugs and kisses, but children need it. Otherwise, the Gemini father is a good parent, if, of course, the children do not tie him down too much and do not distract him from his numerous Hobbies and activities.

With a Gemini husband, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem as jealousy, because Geminis have a very poorly developed sense of property. Even if some rumors reach him, he will most likely simply brush them aside - After all, love for a Gemini is, first of all, not physical, but intellectual intimacy. Therefore, if you are looking for a community of interests in marriage, spiritual unity. Gemini will be a good partner for you.

You just need to get used to his numerous “ifs”, not to pay attention to some coldness and detachment, to his desire to have his head in the clouds. Never try to get anything from him by pushing Gemini to the wall or making a violent scene for him. This will not only not lead to the desired result, but will cause a reaction that is completely undesirable for you. The twin will simply disappear, dissolve, cease to exist for you. Don't forget that his sign is Air.

It is often said about Geminis that they must have two loves at the same time. Let me explain this statement. It does not mean at all that two loves are two different women. Most often this is not the case. If you are connected to him not just by marriage, but by a spiritual and emotional connection, then you understand what I mean and what such a statement means.