Breathalyzer at home. Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer? How to cheat a breathalyzer with a hangover: is it worth the risk?

Getting behind the wheel in a state alcohol intoxication, the driver endangers others and risks his life. Moreover, most of these people think that a small amount of alcohol will not affect the ability to drive in any way; a glass of beer or wine cannot be the culprit emergency situation. Such unfortunate drivers are very often stopped by traffic police officers. So they should know how to cheat a breathalyzer- a device used to obtain data regarding the concentration of alcohol in exhaled air. This information will also be useful to employees of enterprises where access control is in effect.

Are there “safe” standards for drinking alcohol?

In accordance with Russian laws, the norm for the presence of alcohol in the blood is 0.16 ppm. This indicator displays the level of alcohol in the exhaled air. As for the coefficient that relates to the blood test, it is 0.35. Exceeding these specifications is unacceptable.

Of course, if we are talking about driving a vehicle or performing official duties. Punishment – ​​suspension from work, deprivation of a driver’s license, imposition of fines.

Note! 1 ppm is an indicator that reflects the amount of alcohol in the blood equal to 0.045 mg per 1 liter of blood.

Any alcoholic drink has an effect on the human body. Moreover, the type of strong drink, its composition and strength are completely unimportant. It is almost impossible to hide alcohol consumption. After all, the components of ethanol take a long time to erode. Therefore, any device that is designed to determine alcohol in exhaled air will detect alcohol.

Therefore, people need to remember approximately how long it takes to clear strong drinks from the body:

  • bottles of beer - 4–5 hours;
  • glasses of champagne - 4 hours;
  • 100 g of vodka or cognac - 6 hours.

Of course, these are average values ​​that are suitable for people weighing up to 80 kg. Moreover, the time of alcohol withdrawal is influenced by individual factors: the presence of diseases, the general condition of the body, gender. Traffic cops can force any person to “breathe into the tube,” be it a lady or a representative of the stronger half of humanity. It's hard to fool a breathalyzer. After all, this device detects even small amounts of alcohol.

What traditional methods can be used to bypass a breathalyzer?

A special tester is equipment that is designed to determine the level of alcohol in the body. A traffic police representative may ask the driver to “blow into a straw” if there is a smell of alcohol, he has incoherent speech, or has poor coordination. The same equipment is used at the entrance of enterprises. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to bypass the breathalyzer if you have been drinking.

To deceive the device, you can use one of the following methods that people use:

  • consume approximately 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • eat a few slices of white chocolate;
  • Chew and swallow bay leaf or nutmeg.

Those who are constantly faced with taking a breathalyzer can be advised to purchase such a device. In this case, in the morning before a checkpoint at work or a trip in a personal or company car, you can control your condition by performing the purging yourself and looking at the results.

Note! You won't be able to fool a breathalyzer with mint chewing gum or a drug called Anti-Police. They will temporarily eliminate the odor, but when breathing into a straw, indicators will remain higher than normal.

Another option is to use a ventilation technique. It consists of the following: the responsible officer or representative of the traffic police asks you to breathe into the breathalyzer. If a person has a hangover after drinking and smells fumes, then he should take a deep breath and exhale the air several times. The chance of passing the test increases. However, repeated testing will accurately detect the presence of alcohol.

What is the effectiveness of each of the traditional methods

After a heavy drinking session, you should not drive. Alcohol and management vehicle- incompatible concepts. The same rule applies to people who are required to undergo an alcohol test before performing official duties.

If it turns out that after drinking you need to go to work or drive, then you should know the specific effects of simple products:

  • vegetable oil. This product has a gentle effect on the stomach, enveloping it. It becomes an obstacle to the absorption into the blood of the components that make up alcohol;
  • chewing gum. It will not help a drunk person sober up, but in the morning it will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of fumes;
  • coffee beans, white or dark chocolate. Such products are not able to rid a person of alcohol in the blood. They only eliminate the smell. In addition, the inspector may sense that something is wrong when he sees that a person is intensively “chewing” something.

It is worth talking about the effectiveness of the drug “Antipolitsay”. The advertisement claims that this product helps you pass medical examinations without any problems. So is it possible to fool the breathalyzer at the entrance of an enterprise using Anti-Police?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the state of his health. For some, this remedy really helps, but for others, buying the drug is a waste of money. The only task it copes with is faster removal of alcohol from the body.

How to drink alcohol and not lose your driver's license

Holidays or important events are rarely complete without alcohol. If you consume alcohol-containing products, you can only give one piece of advice. The point is that you should not drive after drinking. This is the only way to protect your health and not come under the close attention of traffic police officers. How to bypass the alcoram before work? There is only one answer. Don't drink too much alcohol the day before! Residual alcohol vapors take a long time to leave the body.

It is almost impossible to fool a device such as a breathalyzer. This equipment is designed specifically to detect alcohol in a person's breath. No pharmaceuticals or products traditional medicine cannot cope with such a task as clearing the blood of alcohol residues.


You won't be able to fool the breathalyzer! The only way to bypass the check is if there is a hardware malfunction. In other cases, it is better not to risk driving after a long and heavy feast, or going to work after drinking. If there is more than 0.16 ppm in the blood, you will be subject to deprivation of your driver's license or a large fine. Having discovered that an employee came to work not sober, management may decide to fire him. So it's not worth the risk. There are weekends and long holidays for drinking alcohol.

The traffic police breathalyzer is a fairly accurate modern device. However, home craftsmen can easily construct a breathalyzer with their own hands, and it will show no less accurate test results than a traffic police breathalyzer. Why do you need a traffic police breathalyzer (another name for this device is a breathalyzer)? How does he work?

The main task of the breathalyzer is to show the level of alcohol in the driver's body some time after drinking alcohol. To understand the basic principle of how a breathalyzer works, you can try to make a simple breathalyzer with your own hands. By conducting alcohol tests at home, you can become more familiar with the operation of this device and try to make it so that it does not show the presence of alcohol in the body some time after taking it.

Many people wonder how to fool a breathalyzer and whether it is possible to successfully pass an alcohol test some time after drinking alcohol so as not to lose their driver's license. It should be kept in mind that all breathalyzers are different. There are as many breathalyzers as there are ways to “deceive” them. However, how many of these attempts to “deceive” the device ended in failure - deprivation of a driver’s license and, what is even more serious, accidents on the roads.

After all, having once deceived the tricky device, the driver can use this trick constantly and begin to systematically drink alcohol while driving. How many cases of drinking alcohol while driving have led to tragedies! Therefore, before doing anything to prevent the tricky device from showing the presence of alcohol in the body, you need to think carefully: is it really necessary to drive after drinking alcohol? Is it possible not to use a personal car for some time? Maybe you can not drive, but take a taxi?

However, there are situations when there is no choice, and the driver has to get behind the wheel, although this may result in losing his driver's license. So, just in case, it doesn't hurt to know the basic principle of operation of a breathalyzer. A breathalyzer is a device designed not only to determine alcohol in the human body, but also to determine its approximate amount.

Why is it so difficult to fool a breathalyzer?

It’s not always possible to fool a breathalyzer. And most often this does not work out because:

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer and how to do it

The most common way to “deceive” a tricky device and successfully pass an alcohol test is to use the world famous Anti-police products. The Anti-Police product is a medicinal product (or rather, a dietary supplement) of chemical origin. It is sold freely without a prescription in all pharmacies. Already from the name “anti-policeman” it is clear that the main purpose of this medicinal product is to hide from the police (or from the wife, who is the “home police” for many libation lovers) bad smell, which occurs in the mouth after prolonged consumption of strong alcoholic drinks, smoking, and eating garlic and onions.

In addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, the dietary supplement “Antipolitsay” helps reduce the intensity of hangover syndrome. Accelerates the elimination of alcohol from the body and contributes to the almost complete sobering of a person who has taken alcohol in the shortest possible time.

However, "Antipolitsay" and others like it have biologically active additives, one of which is the popular “White Coal” product, there are many significant disadvantages, therefore, before taking these medications, you need to familiarize yourself with the medical contraindications:

Much more reliable way Naturally speed up blood circulation in the lungs, saturating the lungs with oxygen. To do this, before being tested on a breathalyzer, the driver must inhale and exhale vigorously several times in a row, as deeply as possible. A large portion of oxygen entering the lungs will temporarily displace alcohol from the body. But this also does not always work, because everyone’s lung capacity is different.

How to cheat a breathalyzer with a hangover: is it worth the risk?

Thus, it is quite difficult, almost impossible, to fool a modern breathalyzer. If someone succeeds, then it is simply an accident, like a lottery. Modern devices very effectively detect the presence of alcohol in the body of an unscrupulous driver, and traffic police officers have long learned by heart all the tricks of such deceivers. It’s best not to take risks and take advantage taxi or public transport services, and perhaps simply postpone the trip until you are completely sober. Thus, the driver will have a clear conscience, and no unpleasant incidents will occur on the road.

Every driver should remember that most of the most serious traffic accidents occur precisely because drivers drive on the road while intoxicated. Before you drive with a hangover or take Anti-Police in order to fool the breathalyzer, you need to remember how many people die every day in road accidents due to the careless driving of drunk drivers. Perhaps these memories will stop the driver, and he will postpone the trip until he is completely sober.

There are only a few people who have successfully fooled a breathalyzer. And there are hundreds of those who, due to their carelessness and driving while drunk or with a hangover, lost their driver’s license or, even worse, got into a serious traffic accident. So don't tempt your fate. A driver who “sins” by driving while drunk has two options to correct himself - either stop drinking alcohol, or use the services of a taxi and public transport. Of course, if a person values ​​his own life.

However, no one is stopping drivers from purchasing or making their own breathalyzer and conducting experiments to “cheat” it at home. Such research activities will help to better understand the operating principle of the device. As a result, any driver sooner or later must come to the conclusion that the most the best option– never drink alcohol before. How to get behind the wheel. And your conscience will be calm, and your health will be in order.

Many drivers are still confident that a glass or two of champagne or a bottle of beer will not lead to intoxication, and they get behind the wheel.

But bad luck: at the nearest intersection there is a traffic police patrol car. The driver is asked to “blow into the tube.”

How to fool a breathalyzer without losing your “rights”?

Permissible alcohol limit: what is it?

Drivers know: the legal limit for the presence of alcohol in the blood is 0.35 ppm, and in exhaled air this level is 0.16 ppm. Everything that is above, according to the Rules traffic and the Code of Administrative Offenses are punishable by a fine and deprivation of a driver’s license.

What is the value - ppm? How much can you drink to drive without fear of punishment? And is it possible to fool a breathalyzer, as many drivers believe?

The amount of alcohol in the blood equal to 0.045 mg per 1 liter of blood is 1 ppm. Even if a person, after drinking a glass of wine or champagne, feels sober, alcohol does its destructive work, and it is impossible to hide its presence in the blood. It dissipates over time, and a breathalyzer will accurately detect its presence.

Here is the approximate time for alcohol to be removed from the blood (it must be taken into account that in a person weighing 60-70 kg it takes longer to clear it than in obese people weighing more than 100 kg):

  • a glass of champagne - 4-4.5 hours;
  • 100 grams of vodka – in 5-5.5 hours;
  • 300 ml of beer – in 2.5-3 hours;
  • 100 grams of cognac – 5-5.5 hours.

These are average data for the removal of alcohol from the body for a person weighing 70-80 kg. It is clear that these 100 grams cannot be detected in a person’s breath and blood. Failure to undergo the examination will result in automatic loss of license.

Traditional ways to deceive the tester

Drivers and those who have to undergo alcohol testing often share various ways to get rid of the smell of a hangover at home. The options are called different.

Most Popular:

  1. drink 70-80 ml of vegetable oil;
  2. chew coffee beans or nutmeg, bay leaf;
  3. eat a few shares of chocolate;
  4. chew the seeds.

It’s worth saying right away: neither chewing gum, nor activated carbon, nor garlic rubbed on the teeth or Anti-Polizei can fool the tester. They will eliminate the smell of alcohol, but alcohol vapor will still remain in the exhaled air, which is what the breathalyzer will show.

Ventilation is considered a more effective method. Experienced drivers know: if you ventilate your lungs well before breathing into the traffic cop device (inhale and exhale deeply several times), you can influence the results. However, repeated testing will reveal the presence of alcohol.

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer “honestly”?

Yes, just don’t cheat, and don’t drink at all, or at least before you get behind the wheel. Moreover, it is important to know that the device can react not only to vodka or wine, but also to kvass, kefir and even so-called non-alcoholic beer, which still contains a certain proportion of alcohol product. Therefore, you need to be careful even with these drinks.

In vino veritas?

Is it worth seeking the truth in wine if you then have to lose the opportunity to drive for the next two years? After all, it turns out that there are no options on how to fool the breathalyzer.

Rumors do not arise out of nowhere, and the above methods can change the readings of the device.

What are these rumors and the effects of simple products based on?

Vegetable oil

It is better to use it before drinking or immediately after drinking alcohol (in small quantities!). The oil envelops the oral cavity and the walls of the stomach and esophagus with a thin film and prevents alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the blood. If immediately after drinking a glass you manage to get home within 15-20 minutes, you will not have time to get drunk.

Chocolate, coffee, cinnamon

It would be naive to believe that eating chocolate or coffee beans, which are recommended by experienced drivers, will relieve you of the presence of alcohol in your blood or exhaled air.

It’s just that the inspector won’t smell it, and if based on your appearance, he won’t be able to suspect you of drinking alcohol and won’t offer to take a breathalyzer test.

Chewing gum, cinnamon or nutmeg will also contribute to fresh breath, but their smell, on the contrary, may lead the traffic police inspector to believe that you are deceiving him.

The device only shows alcohol vapors; it does not react to other odors, therefore, whether you drink coffee or cocoa, or eat a kilogram of bay leaf, the smart device will only react to the vodka you drink. It is impossible to deceive him.

Mints, chewing gum

It is not recommended to use sweets to get rid of the smell of alcohol. You can achieve the opposite effect and only make things worse: blood sugar rises, and the bacteria in the intestines that secrete alcohol to process it intensify their activity. The result is that the alcohol level shown by the breathalyzer will not decrease, but, on the contrary, will increase by 0.2-0.4 ppm.

Such methods can only freshen breath, get rid of the “stale” appearance, so that a person can pass the checkpoint the next day after drinking alcohol, but they will not remove alcohol from the blood.


It is believed that such drugs will help bypass medical examination. Yes, if at least 24 hours have passed since drinking alcohol, and more than one “anti-hangover” pill has been taken within the last 12 hours.

The only effect of Antipolice and similar drugs is that they relieve hangover syndrome and help remove alcohol from the body faster.

How to drink and not lose your license?

The breathalyzer does not have a brain, it does not hear or see, it simply senses alcohol molecules and reacts to them. The traffic police inspector sees and hears, who decides whether an examination is necessary. Of course, if you drink more than one mug of beer or more than one glass of vodka in the evening, everything will show the person’s face, and trying to convince the inspector that you just ate a plate of okroshka will not work.

But what to do if at a business dinner with important partners it is impossible to refuse a glass of wine?

If you drank it a few hours ago, it can go unnoticed; you just need to eat something fatty before drinking alcohol to increase the time it takes for the alcohol to be absorbed into the blood. Unless the inspector has reason to doubt your sobriety, he will not use devices that show your blood alcohol level.

Two more ways to quickly get rid of the remains of a hangover: a bath and sorbents. Sweating will help speed up the elimination of alcohol and toxins from the body. To prevent the device from indicating the presence of alcohol vapor, simply steaming for a few hours is not enough. But the next day you can safely drive.

Activated carbon and other sorbents will help quickly cleanse the blood, but will not completely eliminate alcohol in the blood.

There are no methods that 100% guarantee quick relief from a hangover and the presence of alcohol in the body. The only option is not to drink at all or to drink only when there is no need to go somewhere in the next few hours.

In our country, there is a law that a driver is considered drunk while driving if the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air exceeds 0.16 ppm, and in the blood - 0.35 ‰. It is also worth remembering that the error of a professional breathalyzer, with which inspectors check road users, is no more than 0.05 ppm. However, you can try to fool any device. So, some drivers who drive while drunk come up with various ways so that the breathalyzer shows 0. What these methods are and how effective they are, we will tell you in our article.

Ways to fool a breathalyzer

Drivers who drank alcohol while driving long ago figured out how to make the breathalyzer show 0. Here are the most common methods:

  1. Enhanced lung ventilation helps a lot. To do this, you need to take several fairly deep exhalations and inhalations. However, you should not hold your breath for a long time, since in this case the device will show an even higher concentration of ethanol. The thing is that at the moment you hold your breath, the air in your lungs becomes even more saturated with ethanol.
  2. To ensure that the result shown on the breathalyzer is less than the real one, you can try to exhale a smaller volume of air than required. In this case, less air will pass through the sensors with the catalyst and, accordingly, less ethanol will settle on them, which will lead to a decrease in the actual readings. However, professional devices are able to determine the required amount of air that must pass through it. At this moment they make a sound signal. Therefore, if you blow less air into the device than necessary, it simply will not give a signal, and you will have to repeat the procedure.
  3. To get alcohol out of the body faster, many drivers try to speed up their metabolism. To do this, before getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, the driver needs to do a light jog or any other physical exercise that will speed up the metabolism.
  4. It is believed that if a drunk driver drinks a cup of coffee, strong tea or an anti-hangover drug, the breathalyzer will not show alcohol in the body. You can also take sorbents for this purpose.

  1. If a drunk driver drinks Anti-Police or chews gum, he will get rid of the smell of alcohol. In this case, the inspector will not suspect that the person has been drinking and will not require a test.
  2. Some people try to fool the breathalyzer with menthol mouthwash. It may be possible to deceive the traffic police inspector in this way, but this will not affect the readings of the device.
  3. If a driver has to drive after drinking alcohol, then in order to reduce the rate of absorption of alcohol through the gastric mucosa, you can drink 50-70 grams of sunflower oil.
  4. Some cunning people try to use soluble vitamins to activate the body's processes and speed up the removal of ethanol from the blood. However, it is not known how long it will take before the vitamins are absorbed into the blood and begin to act in the body.
  5. If you eat fatty foods, you can ensure that the food helps bind free alcohol in the body. Some drivers advise eating white chocolate, which supposedly speeds up the breakdown of alcohol.
  6. Other people believe that after drinking beer, if they brush their teeth, chew a bay leaf or some spices, they can get the meter to show a lower ppm reading.

Important: alcohol is completely eliminated from the body within 24-48 hours, so the later you get behind the wheel after a feast, the lower the readings on the device will be.

The effectiveness of each method

Above we have listed ways for drivers to fool a breathalyzer. However, the effectiveness of each method can be disputed or confirmed, which is what we will do next.

Vegetable oil

Is it possible to fool a breathalyzer using vegetable oil? The answer is yes, only if you drink it before drinking alcohol. The oil will cover the walls of the stomach and intestines with a thin film and will prevent alcohol from being quickly absorbed into the blood. However, the oil acts for a certain period of time, and after a few minutes you will still begin to get drunk.

This method will work if, after drinking the oil, you took a small dose of alcohol and immediately got behind the wheel. Here it is important to get home in 15-20 minutes, while the oil works and prevents alcohol from being absorbed. In this case, if you are stopped while driving, the breathalyzer will show zero, since you simply will not have time to get drunk yet.

If you take the oil after drinking large doses of alcohol, this will only allow you to quickly remove the remaining alcohol from the intestines due to the laxative effect of the oil. But this procedure will not affect the ethanol concentration in any way, since the alcohol vapor is exhaled from the lungs.

Chocolate and coffee beans

If you chew coffee beans or eat chocolate, you will be able to remove the smell of alcohol and the inspector may not feel it, but you won’t be able to deceive the device. All drivers know what a breathalyzer is, and changing the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air will not work in this way.

If you drink coffee or eat chocolate while hungover, it will most likely make your breath fresher and remove the consequences of a recent celebration from your face, so the inspector may simply not find a reason to use a breathalyzer.

Spices, chewing gum, candies

The ethanol detected in the body will not go away from the use of various spices (bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc.), so it will not be possible to deceive the device. The same goes for onions and garlic. Not only will they not clog up the fumes, but they will also create such an aroma that, on the contrary, they will help to suspect you of driving while intoxicated even faster.

Eating chewing gum, sweet candies and lollipops can cause reverse effect. Due to the sugar content in them, intestinal bacteria can be activated in the stomach, which release alcohol during food processing. As a result, the concentration of ethanol in the body will only increase. This will add 0.2-0.4 ‰ to the device readings.

Warning: If you use an alcohol mouthwash, you will only increase the reading on the meter because you will be exhaling more ethanol.


Anti-police medicines are usually advertised as quick way fool the device. This medication really accelerates the removal of ethyl alcohol from the blood and quickly eliminates hangover. The tablets have a prolonged effect, which promotes faster removal of alcohol from the body.

However, to deceive the breathalyzer, it is very important how many hours after drinking alcohol you are going to drive. If this happens 24 hours after the last use of alcohol and after 12 hours of regular use of Anti-Police, the device will show zero.

Fatty food

If you have eaten beer or another alcoholic drink with fatty foods, this may slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood. In this case, you will not get drunk so quickly, which will allow you to get home before the first signs of alcohol intoxication appear. Also, fatty foods help reduce the degree of intoxication, but the person will not sober up so quickly.

You can fool a breathalyzer in this way if you are driving home immediately after drinking and eating fatty foods. It is important that the trip is not long, because after 20-30 minutes the alcohol will still begin to be absorbed into the blood. The effect of eating fatty foods is similar to the effect of vegetable oil.


Since a breathalyzer evaluates the degree of intoxication by the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air, after enhanced ventilation of the lungs, the concentration of alcohol in the exhalation will temporarily decrease. If a test is carried out at this time, the readings on the device may be two times less than before enhanced ventilation.

Important: the device will show zero or its readings will not exceed the norm if the ethanol concentration does not significantly exceed the norm before ventilation. Otherwise, even though the device readings decrease by half, they will still be higher than normal.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is very difficult to ventilate the lungs before the test without the traffic police inspector noticing. If he notices this, he may suspect him of trying to deceive the device.

Acceleration of metabolism

You can significantly speed up your metabolism not only with physical exercise, fitness and jogging, but also with the help of a steam room. In this case, toxins and alcohol are eliminated from the body faster. However, it will not be possible to quickly purify the blood, so it will not be possible to deceive the device. This measure is suitable as one of the techniques in a set of procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and ethanol.

Activated carbon and other sorbents

Any sorbents can quickly cleanse the blood and stomach of alcohol and its breakdown products. You need to take the drug according to the instructions. He doesn't provide side effect. But it will not be possible to quickly and completely remove alcohol from the body, so it will not be possible to fool the breathalyzer in this way.

- Yeah, it smells like fumes!

The inspector will be happy to handle the “divorce.” Unlike the driver, he knows for sure that the smell of fumes is not yet a sign of the presence of alcohol in the blood.

"Fume" is just traces of alcohol, products of the breakdown of alcohol, the excess of which the body tries to remove, including through “fumes”. In this case, the level of alcohol in the blood can be exactly zero .

You can reliably verify the absence of alcohol only with the help of a certified breathalyzer or, as a last resort, an online breathalyzer.

How to fool a breathalyzer and is it necessary?

Before answering this question, it is advisable to understand the simple principle of the dependence of alcohol level on the time of consumption. If no more than 10 minutes have passed, then particles of alcohol remain in the oral cavity, which usually greatly increase the level of alcohol in the air exhaled into the device. If more than 10 minutes have passed, then the device measures alcohol vapor from the lungs, which is what it is designed for.

Perhaps this can be used as a way to lower the alcohol level - delay the blowing for a few minutes. And the readings will be significantly lower if you have just taken alcohol.

Alas, significantly, no way you can't deceive breathalyzer, especially electrochemical and timely verified. And as you know, traffic police officers usually have electrochemical breathalyzers.

If you “don’t confuse the sour with the bland,” then usually (regularly) traffic police officers are armed with very accurate breathalyzers. Except, perhaps, in cases where there is an elementary scam of the driver for money, then the traffic cop has an inexpensive breathalyzer, bought with personal money and, moreover, deliberately unbalanced.

You should be aware of the “hyperventilation effect.” If you take several deep breaths before blowing, a breathalyzer with a semiconductor sensor will show almost 2 times lower than the real one. BUT! Using full-time A traffic police officer's breathalyzer with an electrochemical sensor will almost never work!

What can you do to fool a breathalyzer?

It is clear that the driver will not be able to do ZERO when alcohol has been consumed. But it is possible to influence the readings to some extent. And this is not deception at all, but ordinary physical actions.

  • Ventilate the lungs vigorously.
  • Come up with something original to delay the blowing.
  • If the breathalyzer is mouthless, for example AT-126 (which is extremely rare in the case of the inspector’s “personal initiative”), then you can blow harder and keep the device away from your mouth.
  • Eat well or drink plenty of something non-alcoholic.
  • Drink 70-80 g of sunflower oil (they say it’s a 100% remedy, but we haven’t tested it).
  • Quit and drive sober (maximum efficiency). And this is the most The best way“how to honestly cheat a breathalyzer” - just don’t drink alcohol. But if you have to, then before the trip, at least half an hour in advance, make sure that the device shows zero.
  • Traffic police officers are people too. And the car enthusiast needs to better understand not only traffic rules, and how traffic cops think, but also their rights. And we car enthusiasts usually have them - if we don’t overdo it.

A correctly formulated question is not “how to deceive”, but rather “ how not to be deceived“Agree, this is more important.

Therefore, it is better to have your own breathalyzer or not use at all. As a last resort, we determine our “ norm» on the online breathalyzer page, and we are always within the limits of what is permitted.

Summary: to the question of how to deceive a breathalyzer, especially a staff one and an attorney, the answer is simple - effectively and quickly - no way. But it is possible to fool an inexpensive breathalyzer, especially a mouthless and semiconductor one.

If you choose a combination of pleasure and common sense (your own device), then you should go to the page on how to choose a breathalyzer.

Useful video for the driver

Orange, banana and kvass are dangerous foods for the driver, after which the breathalyzer shows the presence of alcohol. However, in reality, the presence of alcohol in bananas or oranges is not confirmed. Perhaps rare varieties of fruit were used in the video.

Be careful! The reaction to kvass is very noticeable and stable, especially in the first minute after taking the drink.

FINE! We'll know.

Reviews containing information in accordance with the content of the page are accepted for publication. Just something useful on the topic.

Time it takes for beer to leave the body

Beer is considered one of the most popular low-alcohol drinks, but it has one significant drawback - a specific smell that instantly betrays a person who has drunk at least one bottle. It is useful for drivers to know how long it takes for beer to leave the body. The problem is not only the smell (it can be drowned out), it is much more important to correctly calculate how long after drinking a bottle of beer the alcohol in the blood will return to normal and you will be able to drive.

Moreover, getting rid of the smell of alcohol is only half the battle, this way you can only deceive the traffic police inspector, but not his breathalyzer, the device will immediately show intoxication. Therefore, next we will find out how long it takes for beer to dissipate.

The answer to this question depends on the person’s weight and the physiological characteristics of his body. Overweight people process alcohol faster than thin people, but much also depends on the condition of the liver. The time it takes for a bottle of beer to air out will be different for everyone, but some... general recommendations You can still give:

  • Even if you have only drunk one bottle of beer, you cannot drive before 5-6 hours later. You may not feel intoxicated at all, but the breathalyzer will show that you are exceeding the norm, which can lead to big troubles.
  • If you have drunk more than 1 liter of beer, then on the same day you can no longer drive a car, you need 12-15 hours to pass, only after this time you can get behind the wheel again.
  • Also, on the second day after drinking alcohol, you should take care of your appearance, a “bruised” driver instantly arouses suspicion among traffic police officers.

It should be remembered that alcohol has Negative influence to the driver's reaction. With an alcohol concentration of 0.5 ppm (about one bottle of beer), it is difficult to correctly determine the speed of moving objects. At 0.5-0.8 ppm (1 liter of beer) – the eyes react poorly to changes in lighting and red color. After 1 liter of beer, the driver’s viewing angle is significantly narrowed; he ceases to see what is happening on the sides of the road. After 2.5 liters of beer, a person loses the ability to drive any vehicle.

It’s better not to travel like that...

Conclusion: the time after which beer is eliminated from the body depends on your physiological characteristics and the condition of the liver. Even after just one bottle of beer, it is better not to drive before 5-6 hours.

I weigh 104 kg, fat, height 184. I drink beer often and a lot, to get drunk I need at least 3 liters of 10% beer, while I am able to calmly drive a motorcycle. Liter I don’t even notice what is there and what isn’t, the main thing is the process. For me to be unable to drive, I need to consume at least 5-6 liters in 3-5 hours, then yes, coordination and attention are impaired. It’s worth noting separately that a thin person who doesn’t drink will be able to take a liter to lie down, but a well-trained fat person won’t take even 10 liters, unless of course his health allows it.

Well done, but still you shouldn’t drive a car even after 1 liter of beer

Another question: can I drink 3 liters if I weigh 60 kg and tomorrow by 11 am the alcohol will be gone from my body?

But for me, for two days it can be seen with the naked eye that I consumed a couple or three liters of beer. The smell lingers for two days, my hands are shaking, my eyes are swollen... So, well, screw this alcohol.

According to the article, a bottle of beer = 0.5 ppm. According to your calculator = 2.2. And who to believe now? 2.2 ppm = 1.2 mg/l in exhaled air, which means you can go straight after a bottle of beer.

The calculator gives accurate values.

According to your calculator, my norm of 3 bottles of beer 0.5 l with a strength of 5% disappears in 5 hours 30 minutes. And I myself can smell the spirit even after this time. Not sure about the accuracy of the calculator.

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Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

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