Automation and installation of engineering equipment of buildings. Implementation of building automation systems. We invite you to cooperation

Automation engineering systems buildings pursues an important goal - automatic control all communications existing at the site. Alternative option, which involves manual control, is hopelessly outdated - it is necessary to conclude contracts with personnel, constant monitoring of all parameters and indicators, the risk of the human factor increases significantly, and one mistake can lead to serious consequences, including accidents.
Were you able to achieve optimal temperatures? Is the system maintaining normal pressure? Does the voltage meet the stated parameters? Are the volumes of coolant in the operating circuit sufficient? This is far from full list questions that the automated system should answer.
The exact set of functions of the complex depends on its type and configuration. Our company’s specialists are ready to design and install systems of any complexity. Most simple options perform the following tasks:

  • Controlling the functioning of modules that make up heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, reading their performance indicators, checking for compliance with standard values;
  • Actuation of dampers and valves, if necessary;
  • Safety guarantee. For example, if the system detects the immobility of air masses, the heating elements are turned off. If water heating begins to freeze, the temperature of the coolant automatically increases, which eliminates the formation of ice in the circuit, which can provoke ruptures and complex restoration work;
  • Protection of working modules from activities under increased load, errors during the connection process, short circuits, excessive heating;
  • Assessment of the condition of working modules;
  • Adjusting productivity in accordance with current needs, which ensures the most comfortable conditions at the facility, and also eliminates the overconsumption of energy resources;
  • Constant monitoring of temperature conditions in each of the controlled premises;
  • Changing operating parameters in accordance with specified algorithms without the need for human intervention.
Any system can be automated, be it heating, lighting, power supply or alarm system.
Automation and dispatching of building engineering systems contributes to achieving maximum safety of their work and minimizes the number of accidents. If the automation detects serious deviations from standard indicators, a corresponding signal is sent to the control panel, where the operator or microprocessor makes a decision on further actions. For example, if a sensor detects that the pressure in the water supply has seriously dropped, the emergency section is switched off. If there is a threat of failure of the heating element due to a critical increase in temperature, then voltage is no longer supplied to it.
Commands are issued from the control panel to change the operating parameters of the system in accordance with external conditions. For example, it becomes cold in a heated room - this is diagnosed by a temperature sensor, and a command is sent to increase the boiler power. If deviations from standard voltage parameters are observed in the autonomous power grid, stabilizers or more powerful modules and backup generators are activated.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/16/2008 No. 87 (as amended on 07/07/2017) “On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content”, paragraph 19. The subsection “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” reads , that the project must indicate descriptions of automation systems and dispatching of the process of regulating heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

In this regard, our company offers comprehensive design services for automation and dispatch of engineering systems. Here we suggest paying attention to a number of key points in the design process.

About designing your own automation of engineering systems

We do the design own automation engineering systems, that is, we design control devices that are installed on engineering equipment or placed next to it locally in each engineering system - this is the systems’ own automation and the lowest level of automation.

Below is an example of a completed installation of the heating system’s own automation system in a manifold cabinet:

The installed automation of engineering systems performs control functions regardless of the serviceability and performance of the control system above them, if one exists at the facility (we are talking about the system “ Smart House", as marketers like to call it).

Solutions for automation of engineering systems are developed during the design of these systems and are placed in this project in the form of diagrams and descriptions.

For example, this explanatory note for the heating project includes a description of solutions for automating radiator, floor heating and boiler rooms.

The automation project presents connection diagrams for servos, sensors, thermostats, controllers and climate control equipment.

Automation solutions in projects do not contain information about laying cables for their own automation

The automation of each system includes tens and even hundreds various devices, included in the automation of the control system, which are connected to each other by control lines, that is, low-current cables.

Each thermoelectric heating drive in these cabinets has low-current cables (these are white wires)

If the object has a large area, then equipping it with engineering systems with its own automation requires a serious approach to design. Here it is necessary to focus on the details of each project of an engineering system equipped with control automation, since the system can be designed correctly, the automation equipment will also be indicated in the project in the form of diagrams and descriptions, but the design of connections (low-voltage cables) between these control devices and engineering equipment may not be fully or adequately reflected in existing MEP designs to implement high-quality installation automated engineering complex.

About the design of automation and dispatch networks

The fact is that in engineering systems projects, attention is focused on the design engineering equipment. Automation in these projects is one of the elements of the system being created (occupies one of the sections of the HVAC and VK project), and the lines and cables of this automation, stretching throughout the building, are, in general, a minor matter. Often these low-current cables are laid by the engineers themselves, who are engaged in automation, commissioning and adjustment of engineering systems based on equipment automation diagrams from projects.

And in this case, sometimes difficulties arise when automation and various elements equipment are located at different ends of the building: it is not clear how to lay the cables, where they can be brought out, how to take into account the location, connection, etc.

In general, low-current cables for the automation of engineering systems also require close attention from designers, builders and installers to ensure high quality design and installation work.

Automation cables must be laid correctly in compliance with certain conditions, they must be linked with other communications, these low-current networks must be laid on time (before finishing) and so on, that is, to perform work with high quality, it will be necessary to develop a project for an automation and dispatch network for engineering systems

Automation and dispatch network project ≠ control system project

We draw attention to the fact that the automation and dispatch network project contains information specifically about the cables of the grassroots automation (own automation) of engineering systems. The design of this network should not be confused with the design of the control system (also known as the “Smart Home” system), since the design of the control system (or “Smart Home” system) is a hardware and software add-on that allows you to control all engineering systems, that is, it the upper level of automation, which, by the way, may not exist if the customer refuses to implement it, but this does not mean that all other engineering systems will not work.

On a note: without a control system or in case of its failure (also known as the “Smart Home” system), the automation will work locally in each engineering system.

If there is no automation and dispatch network project

The customer may refuse to design an automation and dispatch network; in this case, there will simply not be low-current communication cables between control devices and equipment in the project, which will need to be taken into account by those installers who will be involved in the automation of systems in order to lay them based on the diagrams of the automation sections of engineering systems.

We propose not to shift the burden of connecting local control automation in systems to installers. Cable routes for low-level automation need to be designed.

Key features of automation and dispatch design

When designing, we do not replace the standard automation of engineering systems, therefore all automation is built on a 2-level principle, lower (local) and upper (general) automation, which is reflected in 3 projects:

    Grassroots level:
  1. The automation and dispatch sections in the engineering systems projects themselves contain information about the own automation of these engineering systems, in order to ensure their operability and the possibility of further dispatch and connection to the upper level of automation.
  2. The automation and dispatch network project includes the development of a cable route project for the tasks of the previous paragraph.
  3. Top level: control system project - in this project everything that relates to the general automation of a complex of systems is developed.

Lower-level automation can work separately without an upper level and a control system, but if they are combined (for example, for control using not local controllers of engineering systems Conductor Swegon, but the main controller AMX or Crestron), this will not happen. If the main controller fails, control will be disrupted in all systems.

Features of designing power supply and lighting systems

A peculiarity of designing an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system is the need to take into account the complexity coefficient, since projects under the “star” and “classical” schemes differ significantly in the scope of work.

There are more cables in a star circuit - the project is more complicated

In a star design for an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system, there are significantly more cables, electrical panels are more complex and larger, and there are also more other design issues.

Star circuit - for control system

In the project of an automation and dispatch network for a power supply and lighting system according to the “star” scheme, our company puts all the necessary solutions for automation and dispatch in the very essence of the project, and not in some separate section (as in HVAC and VK), and the control system already uses or does not use these solutions in his project.

Dispatching the engineering systems of a building, a group of buildings, an enterprise is the bottom of the most pressing problems in the implementation of automated process control systems - automated process control systems. Modern engineering systems are complex, integrated systems, the normal functioning of which requires automated dispatch systems. Engineering equipment included in the life support complex of buildings, as a rule, has a huge set of technological parameters and signals that require continuous monitoring. Only modern dispatch systems can provide such control.

Dispatching of engineering systems makes it possible to expand the traditional automation of engineering systems and bring it to a level where all systems are monitored and controlled from one dispatcher’s workstation. Dispatch of engineering systems allows you to maintain their performance and increase the efficiency of energy use. Thanks to operational monitoring of the condition of engineering systems and timely response to changes in the operation of systems and equipment, it is possible to effectively make management decisions and prevent possible failures.

The essence of dispatching is to visualize information about the functioning of engineering systems and provide the operator with the ability to directly control equipment from the control room. Data on the status of engineering equipment comes from local automation controllers and is transmitted to the server. The processed process data with the necessary analytical information arrives at the dispatch server and is displayed on computer screens at the operators’ workstations in a visual, dynamic graphical form.

When using dispatch systems for engineering systems, the rational use of all types of resources increases and thereby increases the profit from the operation of facilities. An automated dispatch system for engineering systems allows you to take into account energy resources, normalize their consumption, and adjust the operation of equipment taking into account external conditions. Thus, the client can save a significant share of financial resources and direct them to business development.

STC Energo-Resource effectively develops and implements automated dispatch control systems (ASDC) and control systems (ASDU) for engineering systems of various facilities:

  • industrial facilities and enterprises;
  • business centers;
  • shopping and entertainment centers, hypermarkets;
  • detached buildings or complexes of residential buildings;
  • sports facilities;
  • medical institutions;
  • warehouse complexes;
  • separate areas within an industrial, commercial, public, office or residential facility.

The implementation of the ASDC dispatch control system, and, if required, the ASDU dispatch and control system allows:

  • Graphically, visually display information;
  • Keep records and analysis of energy consumption;
  • Carry out round-the-clock operational management depending on the situations at the facility;
  • Quickly and reliably diagnose the condition of an object;
  • Reduce the level of impact of the human factor;
  • Significantly reduce the number of service personnel;
  • Reduce operating costs;
  • Plan equipment maintenance;
  • Promptly monitor failures, preventing developments emergency situations in a preventive mode;
  • Provide the dispatcher with contextual clues in emergency situations;
  • Keep a log of events automatically, documenting the causes of accidents, losses and their culprits;
  • Obtaining and analyzing data to develop measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency.

Dispatching covers engineering systems:

  • Internal and external lighting;
  • Boiler installations and individual heating points, forming a heat supply system;
  • Elements exhaust ventilation(BB) and supply ventilation(PV), central air conditioners and air conditioners (fan coil units, thermal curtains, air flow regulators);
  • Refrigeration centers and cold supply stations;
  • Security and fire alarm systems (smoke removal systems, fire protection valves, water and gas fire extinguishing systems, etc.);
  • Separate wells and water intake units, pressure boosting installations;
  • Cold water supply (CWS);
  • Hot water supply (DHW);
  • Leakage control (flooding and drainage);
  • Diesel power plants, transformer substations, powerful UPS, power distribution devices;
  • Energy resource metering units;
  • Elevators and escalators;
  • Access control and management systems, video surveillance.

The engineering systems dispatch system is a multi-level system remote control and management. It includes:

Lower level (field level): sensors, actuators and cable system. The lower level can include from units to thousands of signal sources, polled sensors, various devices connected via various types of interfaces that transmit information to middle-level equipment.

Average level: controllers that receive and process analog and discrete signals and generate control commands. Mid-level equipment consists of programmable controllers, discrete and analog input modules, relay inputs and outputs. Controllers convert data received from the monitored equipment, make preliminary calculations of the state of the equipment, generate data packets, and also generate signals for controlled devices. An object can contain hundreds of such controllers, depending on the structure and size of the object.

Top level: control computer with application software (operator's workstation). The top-level equipment is a computer with special software. It requests and receives data from controllers.

The software with which the operator works displays the equipment involved in the system in a form convenient for the operator (building layouts indicating the placement of equipment, structural chains of equipment for various subsystems). It is possible to work with logs of alarms, events, operator actions, filtering events in logs by date, time, type of event, type of equipment. The operator's workstation can set the operating parameters of the equipment, with the appearance of alarms when the parameters go beyond the specified limits, and display statistics on changes in system parameters in the form of graphs and tables. User rights are also differentiated according to the capabilities of management and dispatch of engineering systems.

Dispatch post (operator's workstation) equipped with an uninterruptible power supply, sound alarm and includes 3 monitors (left, center and right). From the point of view of placing information on them, each monitor is independent and self-sufficient. Each monitor can display any frame with information. The distribution of frames with information on monitors is carried out by the dispatcher himself, based on his own preferences and ease of perception.

The following frame types exist:

  • Start frame;
  • Main mnemonic diagram of buildings;
  • Main mnemonic diagram of the structure;
  • Mnemonic diagram of the engineering system circuit;
  • Mnemonic diagram of the floor plan for equipment placement.

For quick fix In the event of a malfunction, a floor-by-floor mnemonic diagram of equipment placement is displayed on the screen, on which it is possible to accurately determine the location of emergency equipment.

After putting the dispatch system into operation, the STC Energo-Resource company provides service maintenance of the system. The company’s specialists, in agreement with the customer, using remote access, can see the real picture of what is happening in any dispatch circuit of the customer’s facility in “on-line” mode and make the necessary changes to the software.

The need to use dispatch systems for engineering systems is obvious. They enable reliable interaction between all life support subsystems of the facility, operational monitoring and control. The more complex the engineering complex of an object, the role is more important dispatch systems.

Main mnemonic diagram of the building

Mnemonic diagram of the engineering system circuit (heating)

Mnemonic diagram of the floor plan for equipment placement

Based on OWEN equipment, a set of works was carried out to automate and dispatch the engineering systems of the building of the Administrative and Business Center of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of Moscow.

The project provided for automation and dispatching of the following engineering systems:

1. Ventilation systems

2. Thermal curtains

3. Refrigeration system

4. Drainage pumps

5. Gas control

6. Pumping station utility and drinking water pumps

7. ITP (individual heating point)

The principle of constructing control systems and structure

OWEN equipment was used to automate the engineering equipment of buildings. The system is designed on a two-level principle. At the local automation level, freely programmable communication controllers OWEN PLC154 are used, located in control and automation panels. To expand discrete and analog inputs/outputs, OWEN MV110, MU110 input/output modules are used, which are connected to the controller using the RS-485 interface (Modbus RTU). Communication between the controllers, as well as with the control center, is carried out via data transmission via the Modbus TCP protocol based on Ethernet technology.

To control the building's engineering systems, control panels have been developed that are located close to the controlled units. In addition to automation, the boards house ballasts, switching and lighting equipment, elements relay automation, secondary power supplies and controllers.

At the basic level of automation (controller level) direct (without the participation of the dispatch system computer) continuous control is provided technological equipment, automatic maintenance of specified values ​​of parameters of technological systems.

At the top level, interaction is carried out between personnel (operators, dispatchers, etc.) and the system through a human-machine interface, which uses a specialized server and a SCADA system.

To view and change control parameters, it is possible to connect a control panel that provides convenient access to the controller parameters in the form of a system of Russian-language menus. The project provides for power supply, protection and control of equipment in both automatic and manual control modes.

Main functionality of top-level control systems:

  • control of basic life support parameters, condition of equipment and subsystems of information and engineering support from the central control room of the facility;
  • visualization of information about the state of equipment, parameters, life support facilities and subsystems;
  • operational indication, registration, signaling of deviations in equipment operation from permissible values;
  • archiving, documenting and printing the necessary information;
  • fault alarm analysis;
  • logging equipment operation and personnel actions;
  • automatic call of service personnel when emergency situations are detected.
  • INTELVISION offers services for design, installation, programming and commissioning of automation and dispatch systems for engineering systems and buildings (BMS) in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazakhstan and the CIS.
    We are also developers software.

The INTELVISION company created the first one in St. Petersburg, which was recognized as the best in Russia according to the results of the Hi-Tech Building Awards.

Our portfolio includes objects for such customers as: Gazprom, YIT, Global, CMI-Development, Russian Railways, Hyatt, Marriott, Yota.

Advantages of an intelligent building:

  • reduction in energy costs - up to 60% for various subsystems;
  • opportunity ;
  • reduction of service personnel;
  • increased comfort and safety;
  • reducing the risk of accidents, reducing insurance premiums;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the property for tenants;
  • transparent operating processes;
  • detailed information about the functioning of the building in a visual form.

INTELVISION specializes in creating complex building management systems and integrating building subsystems into a single top-level management system. The following subsystems can be combined into a single automated building management system (RMS - room management system, BMS/BMS, building management system):

  • electricity supply;
  • HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning);
  • lighting based on technology, DMX;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • motorized blinds;
  • automated fire extinguishing.

Energy efficiency of buildings

INTELVISION specialists have been trained under the certification program of the largest international system for assessing green buildings, LEED, and are ready to provide comprehensive consulting support in the development of projects. We have not only the necessary knowledge, but also real experience in creating energy efficient buildings. During the construction of the Alpiysky multifunctional complex, we applied a number of modern energy-saving technologies, thanks to which the complex can qualify for a LEED “silver” certificate. We will help you develop optimal solutions in terms of resource saving and energy efficiency in the field of
  • integrated building management systems;
  • engineering systems;

Building Management System

Automation of buildings and automation of engineering systems of buildings begins already at the design stage of any modern complex. When developing projects for building automation systems, the tasks of managing heating systems, electricity supply, water supply and sewerage, lighting, ICT, etc. are solved. The higher the functional load, the more difficult it is to automate building engineering systems: for example, in large retail, industrial and office complexes, traditional tasks building automation, such specific ones as air conditioning, security and fire extinguishing, telecommunications, etc. are added. Building automation assumes that all elements of engineering systems, having their own local control points, are combined into a common intelligent building control system BMS.

INTELVISION offers design of building automation systems, supply of equipment, installation, commissioning and technical support of building automation systems and automation of engineering equipment, SMIS and SMIC systems based on equipment from Schneider Electric, Siemens, Wago, Phoenix Contact, at the request of the customer.

We are certified specialists in KNX, Lonworks, DALI, Bacnet, Modbus, PLC technologies, which we actively use in building automation projects.

Examples of Building Automation

The INTELVISION company implements projects of Smart Buildings and Residential Complexes based on equipment from the world's leading brands. Let us note the following projects: ,