A woman with an octopus tattoo on her butt. Deyjah Morgan is a girl with an octopus tattoo on her butt. Marine and pirate theme

Octopus tattoo on side

Octopus in tattoo. Although there is no strict gender binding, not everyone agrees to get this type of stuffing.

Where did the octopus in the tattoo come from?

The first verified version of the appearance of the marine mollusk is associated with the development of marine themes in technology. First of all, the octopus was associated with the kraken - a mythical monster capable of dragging an entire ship under water.

The strength of the sea mollusk is so great that even a small individual is able to hold the hand of an adult. At the same time, he is a wonderful hunter and swimmer. By painting the octopus on the body, the sailors tried to gain its protection and gain the same ability to be unsinkable.

In modern culture, the octopus, according to one myth, is a reflection of Lovecraft's Cthulhu. This character is so colorful that it has received massive approval.

The appearance has many features similar to an octopus. Howard Lovecraft himself considered octopuses to be mysterious and dark creatures. That is why his creation has such an expressive design.

Octopus tattoo meaning

Octopus tattoo has several official interpretations:

  • Kraken tattoo is a symbol of rock, fate and indomitable force;
  • the meaning of the octopus tattoo is danger, quick attack, pursuit of the victim;
  • classic octopus - ability to regenerate.

Sailors considered a tattoo depicting the king of the deep to be something of a ward against the dangers of the choppy sea. It skillfully hunts mollusks; octopuses that live at great depths reach 5-10 meters in length. That is why the animal is associated with strength, superiority and skill in hunting.

Tattoo meaning for girls and men

Octopus tattoos are rich in interpretations when it comes to gender differences. So in Japan and Korea, the interpretation of the symbol makes girls and men sexy.

In European culture, getting a tattoo for a girl means a bright, rich life. This is a symbol of independence, the desire for a vibrant life. When drawing up a sketch, it is important what the tattoo means to you personally.

On its side, the octopus demonstrates the owner's secrecy and caution. On the arm, shoulder blade or chest is the desire to live a long and comfortable life.

Value per zone

The meaning of the tattoo is:

  • gang leader;
  • "lucky";
  • a cunning schemer;
  • remained in the shadows of the police for a long time.

Tattoos are given to those who allowed themselves to be caught red-handed. If the octopus is crowned, it means the criminal has successfully left the crime scene.

Choosing style and design

The peculiarity of the mollusk is its elastic, flowing tentacles. Thanks to this, the tattoo can be varied in composition.

It can be placed compactly with selected tentacles, or you can build an ornate composition.

The most popular tandem is a ship and an octopus

Popular techniques for creating tattoos in this style:

  • new school
  • old school
  • realism
  • watercolor
  • oriental
  • Polynesia
  • neo-traditional
  • Japanese
  • black and white technique.

Where can I get a tattoo?

There are many places where you can get a tattoo. An octopus on the butt looks good because it can smoothly flow around the buttock. Often he is given a place on the leg. If the tattoo beats on the arm, the mollusk lowers its tentacles down or spreads it to the chest or back.

  • Octopus tattoo on shoulder
  • Octopus tattoo on shin

  • Photo from:

  • Whale and octopus tattoo on chest

  • Octopus tattoo

  • Octopus Shoulder Tattoo
  • Octopus tattoo with ship on shoulder
  • Octopus tattoo on back

  • Octopus tattoo, sleeve

  • Octopus tattoo on side

  • Octopus tattoo on side

  • photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BLfdQtNh1T1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Rose and octopus tattoo forearm

  • Octopus tattoo
  • Octopus tattoo

A girl with an octopus tattoo is often seen in photos on the Internet. Full of drawing:

  • back
  • shoulder
  • part of the chest
  • forearm.

The sea creature is present in the group with the name of a loved one.

It is better to draw a sketch of a sea creature in color. Octopuses can take on any color and can beautifully bend their elastic body. It is worth choosing styles whose tattoo designs are made in watercolors or bright computer graphics.

To reveal the full potential of a drawing, you need to clearly define the place, choose a drawing that will embody the most original ideas. To help, take a photo from the Internet that shows a mollusk in its natural environment.

Video octopus - photo gallery

Among marine-themed images, the octopus tattoo is the most powerful. It embodied both the beliefs of ancient sailors and modern scientific discoveries. Even children know about these mysterious invertebrates. They are respected, feared, admired. Such a drawing never goes unnoticed.

Cthulhu, sea chameleon and much more.

In ancient times, octopuses were feared, considering them to be the children of the famous god Cthulhu. They were depicted on the body as a protective talisman, emphasizing their sacrifice to a powerful deity. Today, the meaning of an octopus tattoo is directly related to the characteristics of this animal. Among the main interpretations of this mysterious symbol are the following:

  • Wisdom. The brain, huge for an invertebrate, created around the octopus the surroundings of the smartest sea inhabitant. In fact, his intelligence is equal to that of a cat. But this does not prevent the octopus from being used as a symbol of wisdom.
  • Eternity. The octopus received this definition due to its ability to regrow damaged tentacles. The excellent ability to regenerate honors the octopus and adds significance to its images.
  • Immortality. Of course, no octopus lives forever, but having three hearts makes people bow before the sea giant. And tattoos with his image acquire supernatural powers to prolong and protect the life of the owner.
  • Hypocrisy. The meaning of the symbol received an unpleasant color due to the ability of the octopus to change color, merging with the surrounding background.

Previously, the image of an octopus was a favorite subject for tattoos among professional fishermen and sailors. But over time, the tattoo “came out of the water”, while remaining for a long time the prerogative of men.

For the stronger sex, the octopus is, first of all, an expression of courage and strength. It gives self-confidence and emphasizes independence. In addition, the image can be regarded as a sign of secrecy and love of solitude.

A girl with an octopus tattoo can also be perceived as a strong and independent person. However, most often on the body of the fair sex, the octopus is associated with motherhood. This is due to the well-developed reproductive function of the mollusk.

Another meaning of a cephalopod is associated with the ability to recover and adapt – the beginning of a new round in human life. An octopus tattoo is perfect for people who have experienced a divorce, breakup of a serious relationship, or other life difficulties.

Variety of variations.

Octopus provides huge selection all sorts of image variations. The eight tentacles of the mollusk can be depicted as smoothly flowing or clutching an object that is symbolic for the owner.

Octopus tattoo designs can be complemented by the presence of other sea creatures: turtles, fish or corals. An octopus can be good-natured, cartoonish, or ferocious. Application techniques and style directions also leave room for imagination. You can depict an octopus in both monochrome and color. But, the latter option will be replete with shades of red and pink tones.

Body orientation.

The choice of location on the body depends on personal preference. For example, an octopus tattoo on the butt is more suitable for women. Such tattoos make ladies sensual and liberated. In this case, the octopus can be located on one buttock, or completely entwine the soft place with its tentacles. You can emphasize femininity by placing the octopus on your stomach.

The stronger half of humanity is more pragmatic in terms of choosing a place. As a rule, men get an octopus tattoo on their arm. The head of the mollusk is located in the forearm area, but you can play with the tentacles. Slide them down your arm or stretch them across your chest and back.

The meaning of an octopus tattoo is that it is:

  • universal picture - male and female at the same time;
  • a thing that is invariably attractive in any execution;
  • original unhackneyed plot;
  • Easily varies in size and color.

Yes, octopuses are not chosen so often, but it is useful to know that it can be represented as a double, paired one. Those who filled in a similar plot, as well as experienced craftsmen they say that octopuses are best shown in large pictures (as it is easier to draw the details there). As for the tone, blue and orange “animals” are mainly in demand, although black ones are quite beautiful.

Culture, myths, associations

If we look back, it becomes obvious that:

What does this animal mean today?

If you understand what an octopus really means, then it is obvious that it is one of the most intellectually advanced marine species. His image is more feminine than masculine in nature, as it speaks of deliberate impermanence and instability. The reason is simple: regular color changes.

Based on this, even a small octopus symbolizes the ability to adapt and be diverse, isolation and the ability to regenerate, security and autonomy, the ability to change and think quickly.

And again about gender

Girls and boys can equally safely wear an octopus on themselves, since the qualities it depicts are universal and extremely useful in any situation. What is important is that the criminal world does not make such tattoos, and there is also nothing to fear from this side. It is useful for lovers of everything original to know: this creature is shown harmoniously in any size and in different colors, wherever you want to stuff it.

This means you can safely experiment and invent. The very appearance of the “hero” hints that one could at least think about a Polynesian style.

You've probably seen a photo of a tattoo with a large octopus on a girl's buttocks and thighs flashing across numerous public pages and blogs. Some people just like and scroll through, some try to find out who it is, some think it’s body painting or fake.

Today I decided to write a detailed article about this girl, whose name, by the way, is Daizha Morgann and tell the story of this tattoo.

To immediately dot the i’s, I’ll say right away - yes, Deyzha is a porn actress. If you enter her name on some reputable thematic site, you can while away the evening watching 10-15 interesting videos with her participation.

Yes, I watched them all

In addition to this work, Deyzha runs a periscope (where she mostly spins on a pole and chats with viewers in skimpy outfits), sometimes posts short videos on YouTube (mostly dancing), she is a model, travels a lot and lives life to the fullest (if you understand, what am I talking about).


Let's return to the octopus. The author of the tattoo is this venerable gentleman named Greg James. Greg has tattooed such famous people as Ozzy Osbourne, Tommy Lee (that dude who was married to Pamella Anderson), Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charlie Sheen and so on.

He is a participant in a huge number of tattoo conventions, his designs adorn the covers of magazines, books and even the walls of the Hard Rock Cafe. Well, the quality of the tattoo itself actually shows that he knows his business.


You probably won’t be surprised, but Deyzha put a deep philosophical meaning into F***. Incredible right?

“When I was a child, every girl grew up watching Disney cartoons. My favorite was the cartoon "The Little Mermaid". I think most little girls watched this story, imagining themselves as the glamorous princess Ariel, living happily with her prince, while I dreamed of being a bad girl with big breasts and eight tentacles. There weren't many ways to express this through a tattoo, and given what I do in life, great solution I started getting a tattoo right on my butt.”

Most popular materials

Elena Letuchaya's tattoos

Today, octopus tattoos are becoming increasingly popular in society. There is nothing strange in this, because any animals, birds and plants regularly become the heroes of “skin painting”. And this cephalopod rich story developments in the world of tattoos.

In the 21st century, the maritime theme takes on new life. Old school with sharks and anchors is back in fashion. So there was a place for eight-armed people.

Before you go to a tattoo parlor, you should decide where it is best to get a tattoo.

There are several accommodation options:

  • Above the shoulder blade;
  • breast;
  • forearm;
  • ankle;
  • wrist
  • back.

Photos of placement of octopus tattoos

Above the shoulder blade

On the chest

On the forearm


On the wrist

On the back

However, do not forget that areas with thin skin located close to the bone will be the most painful. Therefore, you will have to use local anesthetics.

Another option is the thigh, or buttock. Plus - large volume soft fabric allowing the procedure to be carried out painlessly. In addition, the skin surface area is large, and you can create full-fledged drawings rather than miniatures.

If in the criminal world the location of the tattoo still had some significance, then in secular society it has long been blurred. Each person determines which image and where to place it. Therefore, an octopus tattoo on the butt will not surprise or confuse anyone.

In particular, a girl with an octopus tattoo on her butt will look bold and sexy. At the same time, the image on her body does not look provocative at all.

Modern women's tattoos are often banal. These are stars, hearts, butterflies and ladybugs. How different the octopus version is from them will depend on the style of execution. Believe me, anything can be made banal. However, as well as vice versa.

You can often see very large tattoos depicting octopuses. They can occupy the entire back, moving to the neck and/or buttocks, depending on how the mollusk’s tentacles are placed in the sketch. Another option is to switch from the shoulder blade to the shoulder and arm.

Octopus tattoo symbolism

If you look for the original meaning of an octopus tattoo, then you will most likely come across information that this creature has some kind of connection with otherworldly forces, the afterlife. It is often associated with the spiral and swastika symbols.

  • It is known that octopuses are excellent masters of camouflage and stealth. A mollusk lying on the seabed is invisible even close up. It was believed that it helps to endow similar properties tattoo owners.
  • An octopus has three hearts. For this, he was endowed with magical powers and was considered a symbol of immortality.
  • Nowadays, it is believed that this creature symbolizes time and cycles. The concept of eternity, infinity, and the change of lunar phases is identified with it.
  • The octopus has a very large brain, and the level of intelligence is not inferior to our pets. Therefore, a tattoo often means wisdom and the ability to comprehend “mysteries covered in darkness.”
  • Often such a symbol was applied to protect against the evil eye and damage.
  • The Cretan civilization identified the eight-armed mollusk with the center of our universe and the very starting point from which it originated.

Tattoo of an octopus with chaotically straightened tentacles

The following interpretation is very often used: the octopus symbolizes the constant cycle of changes characteristic of our objective reality. This is a symbol for people striving for constant movement and development. It is believed that even the position of the tentacles in the drawing is important. The story with them is about the same as with solar symbols, like the swastika. Curved clockwise, they promote development, and counterclockwise, they inhibit certain processes. If the positions of the octopus’s limbs are chaotic, then they do not carry any sacred meaning.

However, each person can decide for himself what the chosen picture will mean to him personally. After all, the symbolism of the past is perceived completely differently today. People have long ceased to be afraid of monsters from the depths, making them characters in popular horror films. And not everyone nowadays believes in mysticism, like Cthulhu sleeping at the bottom of the sea.

Octopus tattoo in ancient and modern times

In the Middle Ages, there was more than one meaning for an octopus tattoo. People considered him the patron saint of the deep sea and were naturally afraid of him. In those days they believed in the Kraken and other monsters. However, the discovery by scientists of the existence of giant octopuses and squids at depth suggests that our ancestors were not afraid in vain.

The giant octopus, known to science as Enteroctopus dofleini, can reach nine meters. Not surprisingly, sailors and fishermen were in awe of him, and got tattoos in the hope that the monster would spare them.

The tradition of making tattoos with a terrible creature to protect against it, or to show the courage of the owner, has existed for a long time. Also, this cephalopod often became a symbol of various secret and occult societies. In our time, this has even affected the world of comics and cinema. In Marvel, octopus tentacles and a skull are symbols of the secret terrorist organization Hydra.

Tattoo of an octopus tentacle and a skull of the secret terrorist organization "Hydra"

The new generation would have long forgotten about all these legends if it were not for the main promoter of horror in the literature of the recent past - Lovecraft. How many orders he created for tattoo artists without knowing it. It was he who wrote the work “The Call of Cthulhu” and a number of other works that tell about the Ancients. Among the mythical monsters described by the author, an important place is occupied by a monster with the head and tentacles of an octopus - the same Cthulhu who became the hero of memes.

Marine and pirate theme

It's no secret that modern tattooing as we know it came to us from sailors. They, in turn, borrowed it from various peoples with whom they traded and came into contact. Ordinary sailors and their worst enemies– pirates have made tattoos part of world culture. Among the most common motifs in modern times you can see:

  • Octopus with Treasures is a direct reference to the times of Jack Rackham and Edward Teach. Very often in pirate legends it was said that giant octopuses guard chests of gold at the bottom, much like mighty dragons do on land. It’s difficult to say how true this is. But what if multi-legged predators have a passion for everything shiny, like magpies?

  • an octopus with a compass is a maritime symbol. When it first appeared is difficult to say. But such tattoos were worn by European sailors back in the 17th century. The masters of the seas know the way very well. The sailors believed that this sign would protect them from trouble. After all, getting lost in the middle of the ocean is not an adventure, but a sure chance of never returning to your home port.
  • An octopus with fish is another symbol that came from pirates and privateers. There are different meanings. Sometimes they even depend on the breed of fish. For example, carp meant courage, and shark meant strength and power.

  • an octopus entwining a ship;
  • octopus with a bottle of rum.

Various inscriptions in English, Spanish, Italian and Latin are also additionally used.

Choosing the style and design of an octopus tattoo

Having decided to get an octopus tattoo, decide on the style. To do this, study the existing options in the catalog and on the Internet. Now there are much more of them than were offered in those days when pirate ships roamed the seas.

Don't forget that any professional tattoo artist is, first of all, an experienced artist. Therefore, a client can order octopus tattoo designs from him to get a unique result that no one else will have.

The style options can be anything:

  • realism for lovers of correct anatomy and detail;
  • octopus tattoo in watercolor style – originality and bright colors;
  • Trash polka is a style that is gaining popularity again. It is great for animalistic drawings;
  • minimalism;
  • linework;
  • biomechanics - tentacles combined with various details will look very impressive and impressive;
  • Old school - for fans of old nautical tattoos. If you want a real pirate tattoo, this is the old style.

Colored or black and white? The choice depends on how much you like bright tattoos. In addition, each additional paint costs money, increasing the final cost of the job. A beautiful colored octopus tattoo looks very impressive and attracts the attention of others. Especially if it’s summer outside. On the beach you will become the object of everyone's interest.

What should the character of the drawing be? Some people prefer to paint the octopus as a ruthless and bloodthirsty monster, sinking ships and devouring helpless sailors. Others make him sweet, kind and carefree.

How accurate and realistic should such a drawing be? Nowadays there are a lot of popular techniques that use primitivism. It doesn’t matter to the master exactly how to do this. In fact, the only difference is in the cost of time, material and number of visits. The most detailed and complex pictures are created in three sessions or more. This allows you to achieve a certain balance in time, pain and financial costs. Of course, walking around with a half-finished image is not always pleasant, but what to do if there are no other options?