Basal cell carcinoma mcb 10. Stages of skin cancer. TNM. ICD. Skin cancer - description


One of the dangerous malignant diseases of the skin is considered to be basalioma, which in terms of prevalence prevails in third place after cancer of the stomach and lungs. This pathogenic tumor of epithelial nature is distinguished by its non-aggressive properties, slowly progressing in the body without signs of metastasis. Basalioma of the skin should be diagnosed in a timely manner, because without effective therapy it penetrates into all layers of the skin and is difficult to successfully treat conservatively.

What is basalioma

This oncological disease corresponds to the ICD-10 code C44.3. At first, the pathological process is asymptomatic, so the diagnosis at an early stage is significantly complicated. Basalioma is a slowly growing basal cell carcinoma without metastases that matures in the epidermis or hair follicles; characterized by a cell structure similar to the basic elements of the epidermis. The danger lies in the fact that a malignant neoplasm over time disrupts the function of muscle tissue, damages the innervation and even the integrity of the bones.

What does it look like

The main symptom of a characteristic ailment is skin defects in the area of ​​localization of the focus of pathology. Most often these are pink protrusions. different sizes, which gradually grow and thicken, can even reach bone structures. The appearance of the basalioma is determined by the form and type of the pathological process. Alternatively, there are such specific features:

  1. Nodular-ulcerative basalioma is represented by focal seals of the upper layer of the epidermis, which outwardly resemble nodules, may prevail in the plural.
  2. The large-nodular form of the disease is distinguished by a single protrusion above the skin. On the surface of such a pathogenic node, "spider veins" are clearly visible.
  3. The cicatricial-atrophic form starts with a seal, in place of which a fresh ulcer appears over time with a potential risk of secondary infection.


The disease is not aggressive, but in the absence of timely curative measures gradually progresses. To stop the pathological process, the first step is to establish and eliminate its cause. Reliably determine the etiology of pathology is problematic, but competent specialists There are a number of provoking factors that significantly increase the risk of morbidity. Among those:

  • ionizing radiation;
  • exposure to ultraviolet;
  • long-term viral infections;
  • the impact of toxic and carcinogenic substances on the epidermis;
  • mechanical and thermal damage to the skin;
  • hereditary factor;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the epidermis (old age);
  • immunodeficiency states of the body;
  • cicatricial tissue changes.

Separately, it is important to note that the risk group includes people who regularly visit a solarium or stay under prolonged exposure to sunlight to get a bronze tan. For such categories of citizens, the risk of developing skin cancer is especially high. Adults are more often ill, this disease is not characteristic of young children. With increased activity of provoking factors, basalioma is diagnosed at stages 2–4.


If there is a suspicion of a benign neoplasm of the skin, the patient first of all goes for a consultation with a dermatologist. Having learned about a malignant disease, he must undergo a detailed diagnosis, reliably determine the form and type of basalioma. The classification of a characteristic ailment is presented below:

  1. Solid basalioma (nodular, large nodular). The most common diagnosis is characterized by the presence on the surface of the dermis of basaloid cells with indistinct boundaries, resembling syncytium. The focus of the pathology is similar to melanoma, it differs in the vascular network in the center of the visual tumor on the skin.
  2. Nodular-ulcerative. It is characterized by a large seal in the form of a nodule, which at an early stage is not distinguished by its soreness. Later, purulent contents appear in the center with the formation of necrotic crusts. The risk to the life of the patient increases.
  3. Perforating. The foci of pathology are those skin areas that are most often injured, for example, limbs, interdigital space, visible skin zones. The neoplasm grows rapidly, causing neighboring tissues to die.
  4. Warty (papillary, exophytic). Outwardly, the basalioma resembles a wart, differs from the skin surface in a characteristic protrusion and hyperemia of the pathology focus, does not cause destruction of the underlying tissues. The pathogenic growth has the form of a "cauliflower", a mobile structure.
  5. pigmented. Pathogenic growth differs in color from the general tone of the upper layer of the epidermis (contains melanin in a capacious concentration). Over time, the structure of tissues changes, the visible areas of the lesion increase in size.
  6. Sclerodermiform. The pathogenic outgrowth is initially distinguished by a pale, cyanotic color, but as it enlarges, it turns into a flat and dense plaque with a clear contour and a swollen surface. It can be localized on the face, neck, and other visible areas of the skin.
  7. Cicatricial-atrophic. In the central part of the tumor, destruction with the formation of an ulcer predominates. The edges are ulcerated, a visible scar is concentrated in the center of the basalioma. There is hyperemia of the skin, involvement in the pathological process of soft tissues.
  8. Flat superficial basalioma (pagetoid epithelioma). There are several neoplasms, but all of them have a diameter of up to 4 cm. The basalioma grows upward, but not inward (no changes are observed in the layers of the skin).
  9. Spiegler's tumor ("turban" tumor, cylindroma). On the surface of the dermis, telangiectasias of pink-violet nodes with a diameter of 1–10 cm are concentrated, which are subject to immediate excision.


Basalioma on the face, neck or other part of the body prevails in one of four stages, where each subsequent one only aggravates the disease, delays the recovery process, even with the participation of medical and surgical methods. Doctors distinguish:

  1. First stage. Basalioma has appearance classic "pimple", does not cause any inconvenience, only an aesthetic defect.
  2. Second stage. The tumor reaches 5 cm, overcomes several layers of the skin, does not affect the subcutaneous tissue.
  3. Third stage. The subcutaneous fatty tissue is destroyed, and the neoplasm itself reaches more than 5 cm in diameter.
  4. Fourth stage. Not only subcutaneous tissue is involved in the pathological process, but also cartilage and bones.


A characteristic tumor is distinguished by a benign course in the body, since it does not give metastases. But the lack of timely treatment only complicates the clinical picture, since not only once healthy people are involved in the pathological process. soft tissues, but also cartilaginous, bone structures, the shell of the brain. A person without surgery can even die. The most common complications are listed below:

  • damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • the spread of the pathological process to the oral cavity;
  • damage to the bones of the cranium;
  • the location of the tumor in the orbit of the eyes;
  • progressive blindness and hearing loss.


At the initial stage, such an anomaly is painless, accompanied by an exclusively visible cosmetic defect. Therefore, the patient does not turn to the attending physician in a timely manner, and the diagnosis is noticeably delayed for an indefinite period. With visible symptoms, it is necessary to immediately conduct a series of clinical examinations and laboratory tests to clarify the final diagnosis. Differential diagnosis is as follows:

  • cytological examination (a smear-imprint or scraping is taken from the surface of the neoplasia);
  • histological examination (a fragment of the focus of pathology is used to establish the type of neoplasia);
  • Ultrasound, CT, radiography (to identify the depth and scale of the basalioma).

Differential diagnosis is very important, since basalioma resembles many skin diseases that are prone to recurrence in appearance. Alternatively, a flat superficial tumor is important to distinguish from lupus erythematosus, seborrheic keratosis, lichen planus, and Bowen's disease. The sclerodermiform form resembles eczema, psoriasis and scleroderma.

Basalioma treatment

A malignant disease is rarely congenital, more often it has a form acquired with age. Effective and timely treatment must be different integrated approach which includes drug therapy, surgery and a long rehabilitation period. Self-treatment of a suspicious mole is categorically contraindicated. Here valuable advice specialists:

  1. It is better not to use folk remedies in a neglected clinical picture; at the initial stage, it is desirable to use it in combination with the methods of official medicine.
  2. The choice of surgical intervention depends on the localization of the focus of pathology, so that it is easier for the surgeon to get close to it.
  3. At the entire stage of treatment, it is important to avoid visiting the solarium and exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. When ulcers appear, it is necessary to apply medical methods of treatment in order to exclude the addition of a secondary infection.
  5. With adequately selected therapy, the clinical outcome is favorable, positive dynamics prevails in 90% of all clinical pictures.

Ointment treatment

Conservative therapy is the main method of removing basalioma at the initial stage. Doctors recommend the use of ointments externally under occlusive dressings, the course of treatment varies within 2 to 3 weeks without interruption. The following pharmacological positions have proven themselves well:

  1. Metwix. A photosensitizing drug with the active ingredient methylaminolevulinate, which is supposed to be used externally. It is necessary to carry out 2 procedures with a week break between them. Among the advantages - high efficiency with good tolerance, short-term use. Disadvantages - contraindications, side effects.
  2. Curaderm. It is a glycoalkaloid with the active ingredient solasodine glycoside, which has an anti-cancer effect. The cream needs to be applied to the focus of pathology and healthy tissues by 1 cm. It is supposed to put a bandage on top, and it will take up to 3-4 weeks to be treated in this way. Advantages - sustainable therapeutic effect, affordable price. Disadvantages - side effects, risk of overdose.
  3. Solcoseryl. This is a natural preparation with an active component hemodialysate of calves up to 3 months. Therapeutic composition it is not recommended to apply to weeping ulcers, but otherwise it is supposed to rub the gel into the foci of pathology three times a day for 3 to 4 weeks. Among the shortcomings, doctors distinguish a selective, weak therapeutic effect in certain clinical pictures.


The procedure can act as the main surgical treatment, is progressive and has a minimum of medical contraindications. Cryodestruction is carried out with the participation of liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless, does not exclude the occurrence of repeated relapses. At the initial stage of the disease, it is carried out by close-focus X-ray therapy of the pathology focus, often combined with remote gamma therapy. In advanced clinical pictures, it is combined with radical surgery. The main advantages of cryodestruction:

  • stable cosmetic effect;
  • carrying out the procedure under local anesthesia;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • the possibility of carrying out during pregnancy, in old age;
  • gentle surgical method.

Among the main disadvantages of cryodestruction, it is necessary to highlight the selective therapeutic effect, the risk of repeated relapses after excision of the basalioma. This procedure is not performed free of charge, and its final cost is not available to all patients. It is necessary to consult with a specialist individually.

Photodynamic therapy

The essence of this surgical method for the treatment of basalioma is the removal of cancer cells by photosensitizers under the influence of a targeted beam of light. Photodynamic therapy is carried out in several successive stages, here are their summary for the hospital:

  1. The medical preparation Photoditazin is injected into the vein to accumulate the active component in the blood (photosensitization stage).
  2. The basalioma is viewed under ultraviolet light to clearly define its boundaries (fluorescence effect).
  3. Then the neoplasm is illuminated with a red laser with the maximum absorption wavelength of the photosensitizer (photoexposure stage).
  4. This is how the affected cells are excised, and a rehabilitation period is required to restore soft tissues.
  5. Additionally, drug therapy with local preparations is prescribed, which contributes to the appearance of crusts and healing of the affected dermis.

Cancer cells exposed to radiation are productively restored, returning their usual functions and integrity. Other advantages of such minimally invasive treatment are a short rehabilitation period, a minimum side effects and contraindications. The disadvantage is the high price of the procedure, the possibility of repeated relapse and an acute attack of pain.


If a malignant tumor is located in places accessible to surgeons, it is subjected to productive excision under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The operation is the most common, provides stable positive dynamics for a long period of time, but is characterized by a long rehabilitation. With sclerodermiform basalioma or repeated exacerbations, it is necessary to carry out an operation with the direct participation of a surgical microscope.

With excessive contraindications, the removal of a basalioma is carried out by minimally invasive techniques, which do not always guarantee a complete recovery of the patient. If the tumor comes into contact with internal organs or systems, the operation is also hazardous to health. Therefore, if oncology is suspected, you should not hesitate to diagnose and start an intensive course of treatment. Additionally, radiation therapy may be required to kill cancer cells that were not completely excised during surgery.

Folk remedies

Basalioma on the nose or in the nasolabial space can disfigure the face, and surgery is not always appropriate. Some areas are difficult to access, and the surgical instrument is not able to get close to them without risk to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, at the initial stage of the disease, surgeons choose alternative medicine methods in the absence of medical contraindications. Such folk recipes are especially effective in a full course lasting several weeks:

  1. A decoction of celandine leaves. You need 1 tsp. dried raw materials pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist and strain. Take in a concentrated form, a third of a glass three times a day. Every day it is recommended to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine. As an alternative, it is recommended to rub the foci of pathology with concentrated celandine juice several times a day and do not rinse until completely dry. The course of treatment is several weeks, it is important to additionally consult with a specialist.
  2. Healing ointment. The main ingredients are burdock leaves, celandine, pork fat. To prepare the medicine, it is required to mix pre-dried and crushed medicinal plants in a glass container, then combine with melted pork fat and simmer in the oven for a couple of hours. Cool the homogeneous composition, then store it in the refrigerator, and use it externally - lubricate the visible foci of pathology for 3-4 weeks. In addition, use the official methods recommended by the attending physician.
  3. Anticancer ointment. First of all, you need to grind 100 g of dried burdock root, then boil and cool, squeeze out the liquid. Combine the finished gruel with 100 ml of vegetable oil, keep on fire for 1.5 hours. Can be used as lotions, compresses, or gently rubbed into visible affected areas. Well intensive care- a few weeks in combination with the methods of official medicine.
  4. Golden mustache juice. A fresh medicinal plant, or rather its leaves, must be washed and passed through a meat grinder, then crushed through several layers of gauze. It is necessary to moisten the swab with the finished concentrate, apply it to the affected surface for a day. Positive dynamics is observed almost immediately - after the first procedure. The course of intensive care is determined purely individually.
  5. Medical fee. Combine 20 g of birch buds, spotted hemlock, meadow clover, celandine, burdock root. After 3 st. l. pour 150 ml of vegetable oil, on which the onion was previously fried. The finished composition must be infused in a warm place throughout the day, used as compresses and lotions for lubricating tumors. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, you first need to make sure that there are no allergic reaction for herbal ingredients.

Class: neoplasms С00 - D48

Subclass:malignant tumors skin C44

List of oncological diseases on the skin by localization:

  • C44.0 - Lips
  • C1- Eyelids
  • C44.2 - ear canal and ear
  • C3- Other parts of the facial skin: nose, forehead, cheeks, etc.
  • C44.4 - Skin of the scalp
  • C44.5- Torso
  • C44.6 - Upper limbs, shoulders
  • C44.7 - Lower limbs and pelvis
  • C44.8 - Skin extending beyond the described localizations
  • C44.9 - unrefined localization

Diseases excluded from the list:

  • C46- melanoma
  • C43- the skin of the genitals
  • C51-52, C60, C63
  • C00- lip basalioma


By international classification skin cancer tumors are indicated by coding C44. But the fact is that this is a whole class that simply indicates malignant neoplasms in a certain part of the body, but does not indicate the type of neoplasm.

Therefore, there is no exact ICD 10 code for skin basalioma. The only thing that can be specified is the area of ​​the affected body. For example, in the case history, basal cell skin cancer is indicated once and localization is specified. For example, C44.3 (on the face) and it seems that only one cipher can be used so as not to constantly write a complex and long name.


Basalioma or basal cell carcinoma of the skin is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the follicles of the upper layer of the skin or epidermis.


  1. Adenoid
  2. Pigmentary
  3. Cylinder
  4. ulcerative
  5. scleroderma-like
  6. Pagetoid
  7. scleroderma-like
  8. Large nodular nodular
  9. exophytic or warty
  10. perforating


  • 0 stage- there is a small neoplasm of atypical cells.
  • 1 stage- the tumor is located within the tissues and has a size of up to 20 mm.
  • 2 stage- affects the nearest tissues, but does not affect the fatty layer. Has a size of more than 22mm.
  • 3 stage- grows further and affects adipose tissue.
  • 4 stage- has a size of more than 5 mm, can affect the muscles, bones, cartilage, lymphatic and circulatory system.


  • Primary examination by a dermatologist and an oncologist
  • Biopsy of a carcinoma.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood - increases the rate of lactate dehydrogenesis.
  • MRI, CT with large formations.
  • ultrasound abdominal cavity to rule out metastases to organs.
  • x-ray


  1. Surgical removal of the neoplasm- surgeons try to remove both the tumor itself and the nearby affected tissues. If the lymph nodes are infected, they are also removed.
  2. Chemotherapy- special chemicals are injected into the formation or nearby tissues that destroy malignant tissues.
  3. Radiation therapy - carried out in combination with chemotherapy and surgery. Before surgery, radiotherapy reduces the tumor, and after it destroys the remnants of the focus.
  4. Photodynamic treatment
  5. cryogenic method- freezing and exposure to negative temperatures on malignant formation.


Health is directly related to the foods we eat. Experts have identified a number of products containing trace elements that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, they recommend a special diet for cancer, which requires the inclusion of such foods in the diet:

  • greenery;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage (white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), broccoli;
  • citrus;
  • beet;
  • hot pepper (red);
  • whole grains.

It is forbidden to use products that have in their composition:

  • nitrates, nitrites;
  • yeast;
  • overheated, stale fats.

Also contraindicated:

  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  • muffin;
  • vegetables, fruits from greenhouses (domestic allowed);
  • mushrooms;
  • strong broths;
  • fatty dairy products.

It is important that the diet is balanced. The food should contain a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, trace elements. Such nutrition facilitates the passage of chemotherapy, improves the quality of life.

Related diseases and their treatment

Descriptions of diseases

Squamous cell skin cancer Gottron skin carcinoid papillomatosis Skin lymphoma Epithelioma Eyelid tumors

Merkel cell carcinoma Skin cancer basal cell and squamous cell Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal, anal margin, perianal skin Skin melanoma Skin melanoma in children

Medical standards. help

Standard of primary health care for malignant neoplasms of the skin (melanoma, cancer) stages I-IV (examination to establish a diagnosis of the disease and prepare for antitumor treatment) ... for patients with malignant neoplasms of the skin (when providing specialized care) ... for malignant neoplasms of the skin IV stages (surgical treatment) ... with malignant skin neoplasms of stage 0, I, II (surgical treatment) ... with skin cancer of stages I-IV (radiation therapy) ... with malignant neoplasms of the skin III (T1-4A, BN1-3M0) stages (surgical treatment) ... for skin cancer stage I-IV (remote radiation therapy) Standard of primary health care for malignant neoplasms of the skin (melanoma, cancer) stage I-IV (examination during dispensary observation)


Oncology classification

Superficial basalioma has the following main types:

  1. nodal. This type of pathology is the most common. The basalioma of the face and body looks like a tubercle, whose size reaches 1 cm. Its edges are gentle. It is characterized by the formation of a shiny surface, mother-of-pearl color (sometimes a more red color is observed). The tumor is covered with single telangiectasias. Pathology is characteristic slow growth. In this case, there are no painful sensations.

Over time, there is a disintegration of the tumor at its top, so an ulcer occurs. A skin-colored crust forms on the wound, the removal of which is accompanied by the opening of the bottom of the wound. A shaft is formed around the tumor (it is closed, annular).

Most often there is a basalioma of the face of this type.

It is located in the center, near the face.

Surgical treatment of this pathology brings a good result.

  1. superficial. The superficial basalioma is represented by a plaque, the size of which reaches 40 mm. It protrudes above the dermis, characterized by an ulcerated surface. The wounds heal, the skin of the pathology is thinned, has a red-pink color, and is atrophic. Sometimes there are worm-like edges, as in the nodular form of the disease. There is a basalioma of the face of this form, as well as cancer of open areas of the body (most often on the chest). Three quarters of the tumors of the considered form, located on the lower leg, were recorded in women.
  2. cicatricial. This form has certain distinctive features. Its surface is usually located below the healthy tissues of the dermis. The tumor is characterized by a high density, similar to a keloid scar. Her color is grey-pink. The edges of the tumor are slightly raised, shiny, reminiscent of the shape of a worm-like roller, as in the nodular form. Ulcers in the cicatricial form of oncology occur on the border with healthy skin tissues. This makes it difficult to determine the boundaries of oncology, which is necessary for the surgical removal of pathology.

The considered form is observed in primary cancer, its recurrence. The frequency of recurrence reaches 40%. Oncology is more often localized in the area of ​​the chest, face, neck.

  1. Ulcerative. Its experts consider it the most dangerous. Under its influence, serious defects in the affected tissues occur. This form of oncology is characterized by an ulcerative surface, it is located below the level of the skin. Sometimes there is a covering of the wound with dark crusts. Their removal visualizes the bottom covered with tubercles. Its color is different (red, gray, black). The edges of the wound rise above the surrounding skin.

The lesion in question is usually located on the head. Basalioma of the face manifests itself in different areas:

  • ear basalioma;
  • upper lip;
  • eyelid damage;
  • oncology of the skin of the nose, nasolabial folds;
  • damage to the skin of the cheeks;
  • pathology of the skin on the forehead;
  • basalioma of the scalp.

Specialists also use the classification of oncology with the following types:

  • perforating;
  • adenoid basalioma;
  • nodular;
  • pigmentary;
  • cicatricial-atrophic;
  • warty;
  • pagetoid superficial;
  • Spiegler's tumor;
  • nodular macronodular (solid skin basalioma);
  • sclerodermiform.


predisposing factors. The most important factor contributing to the occurrence of skin cancer is long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun. Skin cancer can develop under the influence of radioactive radiation. Prolonged thermal exposure can lead to the formation of a tumor. Occupational hazards that can cause skin cancer are contact with arsenic, resins, tar, and soot.
precancerous diseases. Skin cancer usually develops against the background of previous skin changes. Xeroderma pigmentosa, Paget's disease, Bowen's disease, and Queyre's erythroplasia are considered obligate precancer. Obligate precancer of the skin is rare, develops slowly, but always turns into cancer.
Optional precancer are chronic dermatitis, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers, chronic dystrophic and inflammatory processes.

Basic medical services according to treatment standards Choose treatment with artificial intelligence

Pulmonologist's consultation

Otolaryngologist's consultation

Gastroenterologist consultation

Codes without services:
B01.007 Geriatrics


Cytological studies

any Cytological examination of sputum - 189 clinics Analysis of pleural effusion - 274 clinics Cytology of smear-imprint of skin neoplasm - 347 clinics Cytology of synovial fluid - 169 clinics Cytology of thyroid gland punctates - 179 clinics pap test) - 454 clinics Cytology of a smear from the nipple of the breast - 289 clinics Cytology of a smear, an imprint from an intrauterine device - 351 clinics

General blood analysis

MRI of the pelvic organs

MRI of the chest

MRI of the abdominal organs

MRI of the lungs

Whole body MRI

Contrast on CT

CT scan of the pelvic organs

CT scan of the chest

Abdominal CT


Skin biopsy

Radiation therapy

What to do to the doctor (examination)

A02.06.001 Measurement of the volume of lymph nodes


Basalioma is mainly localized on the face and neck, but can occasionally occur on the skin of the trunk, genitals and extremities. Basalioma occurs more often in the elderly, and is equally common in men and women.
The tumor looks like a compacted flat plaque, often ulcerated. At the beginning of its development, the basalioma has the appearance of a translucent dense mother-of-pearl node with a pink tint. It may be covered with a dense epidermal crust. There are sometimes several such nodes. There are warty variants of basilioma with dense, dry to the touch, grayish growths, as well as inconspicuous semicircular pink elevations with ulcerations in the center. As the basalioma develops, the ulceration deepens and either a crust appears, under which a superficial, slightly bleeding erosion, or a sore, is revealed. This ulceration further deepens, spreads, the edges of the ulcer become ridge-like, dense. When the tumor grows in depth, the underlying tissues (subcutaneous fatty tissue, aponeurosis) are infiltrated and ulcerated.
Basalioma metastasizes extremely rarely, and in these casuistic variants, basalioma proceeds like cancer.

Alternative therapy methods

Treatment of basalioma on the face can be carried out and folk ways. You can use an ointment to treat this pathology, tinctures, masks. They are prepared from the following plants:

  • hemlock;
  • carrot;
  • round-leaved wintergreen;
  • aloe;
  • celandine.


Skin cancer is one of the most common tumors. The standardized incidence rates are 26 for men and 21 for women per 100,000 population. On the territory of the former USSR, the tumor is more common in the south of Ukraine, in Moldova, Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, Astrakhan and Rostov regions. The incidence of skin cancer in last years increases. The growth rate corresponds general growth incidence of malignant tumors.
Three patterns explain the unequal incidence of skin cancer in different areas.
1. The tumor is more common in residents of the southern regions and districts. So in the Krasnodar Territory, the incidence of skin cancer is 5 times higher than in the Tyumen Region.
2. Cancer mainly occurs in people with light skin color in blacks, this tumor is 6-10 times less common than in whites. In the southern regions of our country, skin cancer among the light-skinned visiting population is several times more common than among local residents.
3. The likelihood of skin cancer is higher in people who work outdoors. Especially often the tumor develops in fishermen and people engaged in agricultural work in the air.

Risk factors

A type of skin cancer, basalioma, can occur for various reasons, which experts have combined into special groups:

  • mandatory reasons;
  • relative reasons;
  • risk factors.

Let us consider in more detail all the reasons that provoke the development of such a skin pathology as a basalioma of the face or another part of the epidermis.

Common causes of skin cancer include:

  • Bowen's disease;
  • pigment xeroderma;
  • erythroplasia of Queyra;
  • Paget's syndrome.

Basalioma on the face, other parts of the body can be formed for the following relative reasons:

  • solar keratosis;
  • skin horn;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • keratoacanthoma;
  • syphilitic gummas, granulomas;
  • keloid scars;
  • radiation ulcers;
  • seborrheic acanthoma;
  • cold abscess (in tuberculosis).

Basalioma of the face and body can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • immunosuppression;
  • numerous moles;
  • excessive sunburn on the skin;
  • prolonged exposure to the epidermis of oil products, tar;
  • freckles;
  • age;
  • thermal injury;
  • exposure for a long time to the epithelium with arsenic, derivatives of this substance.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with warty tuberculosis, syphilitic skin lesions, Paget's or Bowen's disease, mycosis and ringworm, as well as with other benign and malignant skin tumors or their metastases to the skin.
The most difficult is the differential diagnosis with eccrine spiradenoma, cylindric, follicular keratoma, eccrine poroma and seborrheic wart.

Medical therapy

You can use the ointment for the treatment of basalioma. In this case, the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

Apply this remedy under an occlusive dressing. For topical application, the following ointments are recommended:

  • "Curaderm".
  • "Omain".
  • Metwix.
  • "Podophylline".
  • Solcoseryl.
  • "Fluorouracil".
  • "Glyciphon".
  • "Ftorafur".
  • "Prospidinovaya".

For the treatment of formations in the corners of the eyes, inside the auricle, on the eyelids, interferons are used. In these areas, it is impossible to apply surgical excision, chemotherapy, laser. Also, cryodestruction of basalioma is not applied in these areas.

Stages of development

Basalioma skin cancer has stages, like any other form of oncology. Let's imagine them:

  1. Zero stage. During this period, cancer cells form inside the dermis, but the tumor itself is still absent. initial stage pathology can only be detected by an experienced specialist. Symptoms may not appear at all or be very mild.
  2. First stage. Basal cell carcinoma is just emerging. It is this stage that is considered the most favorable for treatment. The tumor is within 2 cm.
  3. Second stage. At this time, a flat basalioma is formed. The tumor grows, can reach 5 cm.
  4. Third stage. It is fixed with a deep basalioma. It is characterized by ulcers on the surface, the germination of oncology inside the skin, fatty tissue, muscle fibers, tendons, and bone tissues. The patient is concerned about the pain syndrome of the skin.
  5. Fourth stage. With it, the destruction of bone tissues located under the affected skin is fixed.



Basalioma of the skin: features of the pathology Most often, this pathology manifests itself in the elderly, or rather in

Malignant skin diseases account for about 25% of cancers. Skin cancer usually occurs in exposed areas of the body; characterized by slow growth, late and rare metastasis, in 90% of cases it affects the scalp or neck. Basic histological forms- squamous (30%) and basal cell (basalioma) cancer (60%).

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:

Basal cell carcinoma- characterized by limited and slow growth. clinical picture. The disease begins with the appearance on the skin of a small, clearly demarcated nodule with a smooth surface of pink or red. The presence of a translucent pearl belt is characteristic. The tumor may contain different quantity melanin pigment, so its color varies from pink to dark brown. As the nodule grows, its central part ulcerates and becomes covered with crusts. The tumor may be represented by satellite nodes or a crusted central area of ​​ulceration. Frequent sign- associated telangiectasia. The tumor may ulcerate and invade underlying tissues. Types basal cell carcinoma: superficial, nodular, pigmented, scleroderma-like (sclerosing). Metastasis does not occur.
Squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma consists of cells of stratified squamous epithelium, often keratinized. Tumor cells are held together by desmosomes (intercellular bridges in a light microscope). The central part of the epithelial nests may contain concentric aggregates of keratin (keratin pearls). The tumor grows rapidly and metastasizes (hematogenously and lymphogenously). Genetic Aspects. Ferguson Smith's epithelioma (*132800, 9q31, ESS1 gene, B). Clinical picture. The tumor is represented either by nodes - satellites, or by a crusted central area of ​​ulceration. Localization of the tumor: lips, paranasal and axillary areas.
Bowen's disease- form of intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma or carcinomas in situ. Occurs on the skin and oral mucosa. It is more often manifested by rashes of a nodular type or limited erythematous plaques covered with a yellow keratinized crust or scales. They can merge into large areas, often with papillomatous growths. Appears within 4-6 decades of life. Against the background of Bowen's disease, undifferentiated cancer often develops.

rare forms
. Basal cell carcinoma with whiteheads and coarse, sparse hair (109390, Â vs. À dominant). Basal cell carcinoma, multiple whiteheads on the face and extremities, increased sweating, increased facial pigmentation, coarse and sparse hair on the head.
. Basal cell nevus syndrome (*109400, loci 9q22.3 - q31 and 9q31, PTCH and BCNS genes, В). Multiple basal cell carcinoma of the skin with cysts of the jaws, erythematous lesions on the palms and soles, and (often) skeletal abnormalities, especially of the face. More rare symptoms: strabismus, hypertelorism, coloboma, glaucoma, kyphoscoliosis, defects of the ribs and cervical vertebrae, cysts and fibromas of parenchymal organs, ovarian cancer, brachydactyly, mental retardation is possible. Significantly increased sensitivity to x-rays.
. Basal - squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in structure and biological behavior is considered as a transitional form between basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma; the term does not apply to the keratotic variant of basalioma containing tumor cells of the basal type, as well as small areas with incomplete keratinization. Synonyms: basal squamous cell carcinoma, intermediate carcinoma, metatypic carcinoma, basal squamous cell carcinoma, mixed carcinoma. Rombo syndrome is named after the oldest member of the family affected by this pathology for many generations.
TNM - classification (see also Tumor, stages). Tx - insufficient data to evaluate the primary tumor. Tis is carcinoma in situ. T0 - the primary tumor is not determined. T1 - tumor up to 2 cm in greatest dimension. T2 - tumor up to 5 cm in greatest dimension. T3 Tumor more than 5 cm in greatest dimension. T4 - a tumor that grows into the underlying structures: cartilage, skeletal muscles, bones. In the case of synchronous development of multiple tumors, the classification is made according to the largest of them, and the number of tumors is indicated in brackets - T2 (5). Nx - it is impossible to establish the status of regional lymph nodes. N0 - No metastases in regional lymph nodes. N1 - there are metastases in the regional lymph nodes.

Grouping by stages. Stage 0: TisN0M0 . Stage I: T1N0M0. Stage II: T2-3N0M0. Stage III .. T3N0M0 .. T1-4N1M0 . Stage IV: T1-4N0-1M1.
Treatment skin cancer currently does not cause serious difficulties due to its slow growth and diagnosis, as a rule, in the early stages.
. Close focus radiotherapy. Used for tumors of the face (to avoid a cosmetic defect). Recovery occurs in 90% of cases. The disadvantages of the method are depigmentation and atrophy of the skin at the sites of irradiation.
. X-ray therapy is the best treatment for patients with a high surgical risk (for example, the elderly). Sometimes the method is used for cosmetic indications (for example, with the localization of basalioma on the lips and eyelids). The application and interstitial method (brachytherapy) is also used.
. Excision with primary closure of the wound. Allows you to study a sample of tissue with healthy edges. If necessary, plastic surgery is performed at the same stage. For large tumors (T3), preoperative remote gamma therapy is indicated, followed by wide excision of the tumor and autodermoplasty. Excision of regional lymph nodes is indicated only when they are damaged. Needs a differential diagnosis with various processes(including tumor) .. Tumors of sweat glands - rarely recorded neoplasms of exocrine (both ordinary and apocrine) glands - occur in old age. They often metastasize to regional lymph nodes, so the latter are removed when the primary tumor is excised. 5 - year survival - 40%.
. Micrographic Surgery Mosa involves drawing the contours of the tumor to determine the extent of the resection. The method is acceptable for tumor recurrence, sclerosing form of the tumor, tumor localization on the nose and in the paranasal space. The cure rate is 99%, immediate plastic surgery gives good cosmetic results.
. Basaliomas of the nasolabial folds, medial and lateral canthus, and posterior canthus are clinically aggressive. They can grow deeply and therefore require extensive resection.
. Cryotherapy. The likelihood of scarring is minimal.
. Electrodissection. It is used for tumors less than 1 cm in diameter and in the elderly.
. Local treatment with ointments (colhamic 0.5%; prospidin 50%) is carried out in debilitated (elderly) patients with contraindications to radiotherapy, refusal of surgery.
. Relapses are treated with wide excision.
. Prophylactic lymphadenectomy is not indicated.
. Chemotherapy is carried out only with extensive inoperable forms, when other treatment options have been exhausted.

Course and forecast. Adequate treatment ensures recovery in 90-95% of cases. Largest number recurrence occurs within the first 5 years after removal of the tumor.
Prevention. Prevention of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the skin, the use of sunscreen. Regular self-examination of the skin by patients for the timely detection of neoplasms. Prevention of skin contact with inorganic arsenic compounds.

ICD-10. C44 Other malignant neoplasms of the skin. D04(0 - 9) Cancer in situ

There are 2 classification options for determining the stage of skin cancer (squamous or basal cell, except for melanoma). One is widely used by most oncologists. The other is intended for oncodermatologists. There are not so many differences between them. The stages established by one and the other systems most often coincide.
Skin cancer is staged based on three signs. For this, the TNM system was created, where the T attribute refers to the tumor itself, the N attribute refers to regional lymph nodes, and M encodes metastases. Knowing the indicators in the TNM system, you can determine the stage from the table.
Also in the article are indicated and deciphered.

Determining the stage of skin cancer in the old classification.

In order to determine the stage of skin cancer in the old classification, to begin with, the maximum size of the tumor is determined. If in one place the tumor reaches 2 cm, and in another, already 3 cm, the largest value is taken.

There may be several options here:

  • If the growth is less than 2 cm in size, does not germinate anywhere, then its size is encrypted as T1.
  • If the tumor size is from 2.1 cm to 5 cm, then it is encrypted as T2.
  • If the tumor is more than 5 cm in diameter, and has not sprouted anywhere, it is encrypted as T3.
  • If the skin cancer grows into the muscles, cartilage and bones located underneath, then it is assigned the code T4.
  • Tis means Bowen's disease, it doesn't matter what size the tumor is, the main thing is that the histology confirmed it.

Metastases in regional lymph nodes means the letter N. If the lymph node is not regional, then its lesion already falls into the category M1 (which means stage 4 skin cancer). To know which lymph nodes are regional, you need to know the structure of the lymphatic system and the path of lymph drainage from a particular region of the skin.
If damage to regional lymph nodes is detected (during palpation, ultrasound, puncture), then in the old classification, the indicator is simply assigned the value N1. If regional lymph nodes are not affected - N0. There are no other values ​​in the old classification.
The M value is related to distant metastases. In the old and new divisions at the stage of skin cancer, the methods for determining it are the same. When there are no metastases, M0 is assigned. When they are - M1.

Skin cancer staging table based on TNM features (old classification).

Stage of skin cancer T N M
0 stage Tis N0 M0
First stage T1 N0 M0
Second stage T2 N0 M0
Second stage T3 N0 M0
Third stage T4 N0 M0
Third stage T1-T3 N1 M0
Fourth stage Any T Any N M1
Fourth stage T4 N1 M0

Skin cancer first stage. Sizes up to 2 cm in diameter, does not germinate deeply. Regional lymph nodes are not affected. There are no distant metastases.

In the photo, skin cancer of the second stage in the form of a flattened outgrowth. The dimensions are more than 2 cm, the thickness is large. Regional lymph nodes are not affected. There are no metastases.

Skin cancer of the third stage more than 5 cm in diameter and more than 2 mm in thickness with signs of poorly differentiated. Regional lymph nodes are not affected.

In the photo, skin cancer of the fourth stage with germination of the bones of the skull (seen on x-rays). To the touch, there is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

New classification for staging skin cancer.

AT new system the size of the tumor is no longer so important. Risk factors are taken into account, the main of which is depth. And sprouting into the bone does not always mean T4.
The new classification differs in the size of lymph nodes and their number. Hence N1, N2, N3 are obtained. But this does little to change the meaning. Unless, to the fourth stage of skin cancer, metastases are now equated not only to distant organs or distant lymph nodes, but also large metastases to regional lymph nodes.
The size of the lymph nodes is determined by the maximum measurement. Usually, the length of the lymph node exceeds its width. If there is only one lymph node, no more than 3 cm, then it is assigned the status N1. If there is only one lymph node, but its size is from 3 to 6 cm, or there are several lymph nodes, and they are all up to 6 cm, then the value N2 is assigned. If the lymph node is more than 6 cm in diameter, then the N3 indicator is set. When everything is fine with the lymph nodes.

Characteristics of the TNM system for staging skin cancer (new classification).

Values Their signs
Tis Bowen's disease (according to histology);
T1 In size up to 2 cm, and at the same time there are less than two risk factors;
T2 The tumor is more than 2 cm in diameter. Either the tumor is smaller but 2 or more risk factors are present;
T3 Germination in the bone of the upper jaw, lower jaw, in the orbit or temporal bone of the skull;
T4 Germination in the bones of the skeleton, the base of the skull;
N0 No regional metastases;
N1 Regional metastasis in only 1 lymph node on the same side, less than 3 cm in diameter;
N2 Metastasis in 1 regional lymph node from 3 to 6 cm. Or metastases in regional lymph nodes up to 6 cm in diameter;
N3 Metastases in the regional lymph nodes more than 6 cm in maximum dimension;
M0 No metastases;
M1 Metastases to distant lymph nodes or internal organs.

Determining the stage of skin cancer using a new classification.

Stage of skin cancer T N M
0 stage Tis N0 M0
First stage T1 N0 M0
Second stage T2 N0 M0
Third stage T3 N0 M0
Third stage T1-T3 N1 M0
Fourth stage Any T Any N M1
Fourth stage T1-3 N2 M0
Fourth stage T4 N0 M0

Skin cancer code according to ICD-10 (and basalioma).

This classification is for service purposes only. C 44 means skin cancer (basalioma or squamous cell). The number after the dot indicates a specific region. This is important for statistics and for financial calculations.

Codes by region in ICD-10:

  • C44.0 Skin of lips
  • C44.1 Skin of eyelid, including adhesion of eyelids;
  • C44.2 Ear and external auditory canal;
  • C44.3 Other and unspecified parts of the face;
  • C44.4 Hairy part of the head and neck;
  • C44.5 Torso;
  • C44.6 Skin of the upper limb, including the area of ​​the shoulder girdle;
  • C44.7 Lower limb, including hip region;
  • C44.8 Skin cancer extending beyond one or more of the above areas;
  • C44.9 Malignant neoplasm of skin, area unspecified

Code in the histological conclusion, indicating the degree of differentiation.

Sometimes, for greater importance, oncologists may include a G indicator in the diagnosis. It can be important in distinguishing between the first and second stages of skin cancer. Indicates the degree of differentiation.

G values ​​in the diagnosis of skin cancer:

  • G1 - highly differentiated;
  • G2 - moderately differentiated;
  • G3 - low-differentiated;
  • G4 - undifferentiated.

In contact with

Skin cancer - description.


Class: neoplasms C00 - D48

Subclass: malignant tumors of the skin C44

List of oncological diseases on the skin by localization:

  • C44.0 Lips
  • C1 - Eyelids
  • C44.2 Ear canal and ear
  • C3 - Other parts of the face skin: nose, forehead, cheeks, etc.
  • C44.4 - Skin of the scalp
  • C44.5 Torso
  • C44.6 Upper limbs, shoulders
  • C44.7 Lower limbs and pelvis
  • C44.8 - Skin extending beyond the described localizations
  • C44.9 Unrefined localization

Diseases excluded from the list:

  • C46 - melanoma
  • C43 - skin of the genital organs
  • C51-52, C60, C63
  • C00 - Basalioma of the lip


According to the international classification of tumors, skin cancer is coded C44. But the fact is that this is a whole class that simply indicates malignant neoplasms in a certain part of the body, but does not indicate the type of neoplasm.

Therefore, there is no exact ICD 10 code for skin basalioma. The only thing that can be specified is the area of ​​the affected body. For example, in the case history, basal cell skin cancer is indicated once and localization is specified. For example, C44.3 (on the face) and it seems that only one cipher can be used so as not to constantly write a complex and long name.


Basalioma or basal cell carcinoma of the skin is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the follicles of the upper layer of the skin or epidermis.


  1. Adenoid
  2. Pigmentary
  3. Cylinder
  4. ulcerative
  5. scleroderma-like
  6. Pagetoid
  7. scleroderma-like
  8. Large nodular nodular
  9. exophytic or warty
  10. perforating
  • 0 Stage - there is a small neoplasm of atypical cells.
  • Stage 1 - the tumor is within the tissues and has a size of up to 20 mm.
  • Stage 2 - affects the nearest tissue, but does not affect the fat layer. Has a size of more than 22mm.
  • Stage 3 - grows further and affects adipose tissue.
  • Stage 4 - has a size of more than 5 mm, can affect the muscles, bones, cartilage, lymphatic and circulatory system.


  • Primary examination by a dermatologist and an oncologist
  • Biopsy of a carcinoma.
  • Biochemical analysis of blood - increases the rate of lactate dehydrogenesis.
  • MRI, CT with large formations.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to exclude metastases to organs.
  • x-ray


  1. Surgical removal of the neoplasm - surgeons try to remove both the tumor itself and the nearby affected tissues. If the lymph nodes are infected, they are also removed.
  2. Chemotherapy - special chemicals are injected into the formation or nearby tissues that destroy malignant tissues.
  3. Radiation therapy is carried out in combination with chemotherapy and surgery. Before surgery, radiotherapy reduces the tumor, and after it destroys the remnants of the focus.
  4. Photodynamic treatment
  5. Cryogenic method - freezing and exposure to negative temperatures on a malignant formation.

Skin cancer - description.

Classification and causes of neoplasm: briefly

Correct classification for basalioma of the skin of the face, nose is very important. Further treatment depends on the type of tumor. right choice method of specific therapy. There are 4 stages of neglect of the pathology, where the first stage is the onset of the disease, and 4 is the final of the disease, often leading to irreversible consequences for the whole organism (cachexia, fusion of bone tissues, etc.). Features of the classification of the disease are the allocation of several forms of basalioma. These include: nodular, superficial, cicatricial, ulcerative.

Laser removal of nasal basalioma

Collecting a detailed life history is another sure method of making an unmistakable diagnosis. Be sure to take into account information about bad habits, lifestyle, the presence of frequent injuries, occupational hazards. In rare cases, an ultrasound examination, computer diagnostics are prescribed. Be sure to examine regional and nearby lymph nodes, which will not allow you to miss cancer of the skin of the face, wings and back of the nose. Assign general, biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis.

Traditional Treatments

Treatment of basalioma on the face is a meticulous process that requires deep knowledge and the availability of accurate medical equipment. Most often, combined therapy is used, using several therapeutic methods. So you can achieve stable remission, prevent the development of metastases, prolong the life of the patient. Do not be afraid of referral to the oncology dispensary, modern science able to help even in advanced cases.


Small basaliomas of the skin of the face are usually not removed by the scalpel method (curettage and subsequent fulguration), being afraid to leave a significant defect after surgery. It is no longer possible to do without surgical treatment in the last, fourth stage of the disease, with damage to the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and facial bones. The cost of the procedure, given the complexity of the manipulation, is quite high. The procedure involves the presence of bleeding, the introduction of painkillers, suturing.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is ideal for treating hard-to-reach basaliomas. The method has been known for a long time, well studied, all contraindications to the appointment of therapy have been clarified. The procedure is carried out only in a hospital, under the supervision of a radiation oncologist - a specialist who is able to correctly select the dose and other parameters of the supplied radiation. Manipulation is quite easily tolerated by patients.

As complications, you can notice changes in blood tests, such as a drop in hemoglobin, extremely rarely, radiation burns. Radiation therapy has an acceptable cost. But the duration of the course can be more than one month, which reduces the attractiveness of this type of treatment. With timely access to specialists, the technique significantly improves the prognosis of the course of the disease.

Drug therapy (chemotherapy)

Chemotherapy in the treatment of basaliomas is used less and less. Today there is no reliable, peremptory data confirming the positive dynamics of the development of the disease. Treatment with medicines is prescribed after removal of the oncological focus. The oncologist-chemotherapist selects the therapeutic regimen, having carefully inquired about the patient's data. Cytostatics (imiquimod or 5-fluorouracil) are usually prescribed, which are detrimental to the affected tissues.

Modern medical methods (laser therapy, cryodestruction)

Cryogenic and laser destruction are safely referred to modern methods of treating neoplasms. Cryodestruction is the effect of liquid nitrogen on the pathological process. Evaporating from the surface of the skin, it causes a critical decrease in temperature in a separate area of ​​the skin, which leads to freezing of the pathological growth. Manipulation is carried out on an outpatient basis, using special dispensers and a thermos for storing the substance.

Laser treatment can work wonders, because now we can act on pathology with high temperatures. Pleased with the high precision of manipulation, complete absence or a very slight scar, even when treating large neoplasms.

Mixed treatment

This treatment regimen differs in the maximum therapeutic indicators. As a rule, several sessions of radiation therapy are prescribed before the operation, then the neoplasm itself is removed, choosing the most sparing method. According to indications, specialists can prescribe postoperative radiation or chemotherapy. To reduce the risk of a disfiguring scar, regenerating and anti-inflammatory ointments are actively used. Such complex therapy is carried out only in an oncological dispensary on an inpatient basis.

Alternative treatment

"Grandmother's" advice treatment is carried out when X-ray therapy was carried out and there is a remission of the disease, which will achieve a stable therapeutic effect. Such recipes will benefit in the early stages of the disease, in the absence of germination in the underlying tissues, in the absence of metastatic lesions. Traditional medicine should not be used as a substitute for traditional treatment. Here are a few recipes suitable for curing the diagnosis of "Basalioma of the skin of the face."

Tobacco tincture

Tobacco tincture has an inhibitory effect that prevents the growth of cancer cells. To prepare the tincture, you will have to extract pure tobacco from a whole pack of cigarettes without a filter. Such tobacco products do not contain unnecessary flavors and additional substances. Mix the resulting raw material with two hundred grams of vodka, leave for 14 days, then, after straining, apply a moistened swab like a lotion. During the first 10 days of use, improvements will become noticeable - scarring of the frame, cell regeneration, and a decrease in the area of ​​skin lesions. This treatment is useful for severe symptoms of skin disease.

camphor tincture

Pharmaceutical camphor crystals (10 grams) are mixed with a bottle of high-quality 40% vodka. With daily shaking of the container, leave until the solids are completely dissolved. Apply a rag soaked in the resulting solution. Alternate a ten-day application with a five-day break.

Basalioma of the skin: features of the pathology

Most often, this pathology manifests itself in the elderly, and more precisely in the representatives of the stronger sex. The considered skin disease received such an interesting name for the reason that it occurs inside the basal layer of the skin. Basal cell carcinoma is diagnosed in 30% of cases of cancerous lesions of the dermis. In order not to start pathologies, you need to know what a basalioma is and how it manifests itself.

Let's consider what code according to the ICD received the basalioma of the face, other parts of the body. It belongs to the class of neoplasms C00 - D48. The subclass of the pathology under consideration is C44 (malignant tumors of the skin).

Depending on the localization of the oncological lesion, the disease received the following codes:

  • C44.0 (lesion of the lips).
  • C1 (eyelid involvement).
  • C44.2 (basalioma of the auricle, ear canal).
  • C3 (different areas of the face: forehead, nose, cheeks).
  • C44.4 (basalioma of the scalp).
  • C44.5 (damage to the skin of the trunk).
  • C44.6 (oncology of the dermis of the shoulders, upper limbs).
  • C44.7 (lesion of the skin of the pelvis, lower extremities).
  • C44.8 (oncology of the skin beyond the indicated localizations).
  • C44.9 (unspecified localization).
  • C43 (damage to the skin of the genital organs).
  • C46 (melanoma).

Basalioma of the skin of the face

Basalioma of the face is considered a popular pathology of malignant lesions of the skin. Often appears in men. You can even recognize the disease yourself. Initially, formations in the form of a small nodule may disturb. Its color is flesh, red. Gradually, its growth is noted without discomfort, pain. Then brown crusts appear.

The appearance of suspicious formations on the skin of the face should serve as a signal to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe studies that will need to be completed to make an accurate diagnosis.

Basalioma of the scalp

This pathology is considered an intermediate link between benign and malignant formation. More often, pathology is observed in open areas of the skin. Nevertheless, its localization in the hair zone of the head is possible. It is difficult to detect this pathology due to its location under the hair. The danger of oncology lies in the germination in bone, muscle tissue, subsequent destruction.

Basalioma of the lower eyelid

Basalioma of the eyelid is a malignant formation from the cells of the lower layer of the skin. The prognosis for this pathology is quite favorable if high-quality treatment is carried out. Oncology of the eye is practically not prone to metastasis. It is also called corrosive ulcer, basal cell carcinoma, carcinoid by its specialists.

Basalioma of the lower eyelid often develops in old age. It only affects the skin. There is a gradual growth of malignant formation. Education is growing quite slowly. Gradually, it can reach a size of 10 cm. In the first stages of development, the basalioma of the eye is like a bubble (translucent, with a dense structure). Then an ulcer appears, a crust forms on it, the removal of which is accompanied by bleeding.

Basalioma of the eye is localized in different areas of the organ of vision:

  • lower eyelid;
  • external adhesion of the eyelid;
  • medial commissure of the eyelid;
  • upper eyelid.

If any violation occurs in the corner of the eye, on any of the eyelids, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment. In the eye area, basalioma is quite difficult to treat. Microsurgery, radiation therapy, microsurgery with freezing are used. To restore the damaged eyelid, restore its normal mobility, its reconstruction will be required.

Basalioma of the skin of the back

Basalioma on the back is not considered malignant by some experts due to the absence of metastases and its slow growth. If the pathology is started, recurs, the prognosis will be unfavorable. Cancer cells arise due to the uncontrolled process of cell transformation. Provoking factors are internal, external environmental factors.

In most cases, the tumor grows slowly. It may increase over several years. At the first stages of development, oncology does not provoke manifestations of pain syndrome. In some cases, burning, itching may disturb.

Oncology classification

Superficial basalioma has the following main types:

  1. Nodal. This type of pathology is the most common. The basalioma of the face and body looks like a tubercle, whose size reaches 1 cm. Its edges are gentle. It is characterized by the formation of a shiny surface, mother-of-pearl color (sometimes a more red color is observed). The tumor is covered with single telangiectasias. Pathology is characterized by slow growth. In this case, there are no painful sensations.

Over time, there is a disintegration of the tumor at its top, so an ulcer occurs. A skin-colored crust forms on the wound, the removal of which is accompanied by the opening of the bottom of the wound. A shaft is formed around the tumor (it is closed, annular).

Most often there is a basalioma of the face of this type.

It is located in the center, near the face.

Surgical treatment of this pathology brings a good result.

  1. Surface. The superficial basalioma is represented by a plaque, the size of which reaches 40 mm. It protrudes above the dermis, characterized by an ulcerated surface. The wounds heal, the skin of the pathology is thinned, has a red-pink color, and is atrophic. Sometimes there are worm-like edges, as in the nodular form of the disease. There is a basalioma of the face of this form, as well as cancer of open areas of the body (most often on the chest). Three quarters of the tumors of the considered form, located on the lower leg, were recorded in women.
  2. Cicatricial. This form has certain distinctive features. Its surface is usually located below the healthy tissues of the dermis. The tumor is characterized by a high density, similar to a keloid scar. Her color is grey-pink. The edges of the tumor are slightly raised, shiny, reminiscent of the shape of a worm-like roller, as in the nodular form. Ulcers in the cicatricial form of oncology occur on the border with healthy skin tissues. This makes it difficult to determine the boundaries of oncology, which is necessary for the surgical removal of pathology.

The considered form is observed in primary cancer, its recurrence. The frequency of recurrence reaches 40%. Oncology is more often localized in the area of ​​the chest, face, neck.

  1. Ulcerative. Its experts consider it the most dangerous. Under its influence, serious defects in the affected tissues occur. This form of oncology is characterized by an ulcerative surface, it is located below the level of the skin. Sometimes there is a covering of the wound with dark crusts. Their removal visualizes the bottom covered with tubercles. Its color is different (red, gray, black). The edges of the wound rise above the surrounding skin.

The lesion in question is usually located on the head. Basalioma of the face manifests itself in different areas:

  • ear basalioma;
  • upper lip;
  • eyelid damage;
  • oncology of the skin of the nose, nasolabial folds;
  • damage to the skin of the cheeks;
  • pathology of the skin on the forehead;
  • basalioma of the scalp.

Specialists also use the classification of oncology with the following types:

  • perforating;
  • adenoid basalioma;
  • nodular;
  • pigmentary;
  • cicatricial-atrophic;
  • warty;
  • pagetoid superficial;
  • Spiegler's tumor;
  • nodular macronodular (solid skin basalioma);
  • sclerodermiform.

Stages of development

Basalioma skin cancer has stages, like any other form of oncology. Let's imagine them:

  1. Zero stage. During this period, cancer cells form inside the dermis, but the tumor itself is still absent. The initial stage of the pathology can only be detected by an experienced specialist. Symptoms may not appear at all or be very mild.
  2. First stage. Basal cell carcinoma is just emerging. It is this stage that is considered the most favorable for treatment. The tumor is within 2 cm.
  3. Second stage. At this time, a flat basalioma is formed. The tumor grows, can reach 5 cm.
  4. Third stage. It is fixed with a deep basalioma. It is characterized by ulcers on the surface, the germination of oncology inside the skin, fatty tissue, muscle fibers, tendons, and bone tissues. The patient is concerned about the pain syndrome of the skin.
  5. Fourth stage. With it, the destruction of bone tissues located under the affected skin is fixed.

Risk factors

A type of skin cancer, basalioma, can occur for various reasons, which experts have combined into special groups:

  • mandatory reasons;
  • relative reasons;
  • risk factors.

Let us consider in more detail all the reasons that provoke the development of such a skin pathology as a basalioma of the face or another part of the epidermis.

Common causes of skin cancer include:

  • Bowen's disease;
  • pigment xeroderma;
  • erythroplasia of Queyra;
  • Paget's syndrome.

Basalioma on the face, other parts of the body can be formed for the following relative reasons:

  • solar keratosis;
  • skin horn;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • keratoacanthoma;
  • syphilitic gummas, granulomas;
  • keloid scars;
  • radiation ulcers;
  • seborrheic acanthoma;
  • cold abscess (in tuberculosis).

Basalioma of the face and body can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • immunosuppression;
  • numerous moles;
  • excessive sunburn on the skin;
  • prolonged exposure to the epidermis of oil products, tar;
  • freckles;
  • age;
  • thermal injury;
  • exposure for a long time to the epithelium with arsenic, derivatives of this substance.


If a basalioma appears on the face, it is easier to detect it than in other areas. Doctors can achieve an early remission of the pathology if skin cancer is detected at an early stage. Therefore, it is very important to know the signs of basalioma. You can notice the formation of squamous cell carcinoma on your own. The main thing is to pay attention to any neoplasms on the skin of the face, open areas of the dermis. Doctors recommend monitoring any changes in the condition of moles (their color, size, texture).

The following main signs indicate the development of skin cancer:

  • the presence of a mole of fuzzy, uneven edges;
  • asymmetry of moles;
  • rapid growth of a mole;
  • change in the color of the mole;
  • large size of the mole (size larger than 6 mm).

The appearance of one or more of these signs requires consultation with an oncologist. Better to be safe. These symptoms do not necessarily indicate the development of skin cancer.


The patient himself can suspect that this disease is developing if he knows what it looks like. Diagnosis is represented by examination of moles. You need to contact a specialist in the case when the color, size, structure of the mole has changed.

If this dangerous diagnosis is suspected, the doctor will refer the patient to the following studies:

  • biopsy;
  • tests for tumor markers;
  • histological, cytological examination, radiography.

The listed diagnostic methods are able to confirm / refute a dangerous diagnosis. If a patient has had a superficial basalioma in the past, he needs to regularly undergo these examinations. This will help prevent the recurrence of skin basalioma or notice the appearance of new tumors in time.


Treatment of basalioma of the skin is most often carried out through the following methods:

  • radiation therapy;
  • taking medical preparations;
  • surgical removal.

The doctor selects the treatment of skin basalioma taking into account individual indicators (stage of the disease, patient's condition).

Irradiation is given to patients diagnosed with advanced skin cancer. This method of therapy is quite easily tolerated. The probability of complications is 20% (trophic ulcers, headaches, cataracts). I use radiation for patients over 65 years of age. Popular methods are:

  • beta rays;
  • close focus radiation therapy.

For chemotherapy, I use the following drugs:

  • "Doxorubicin".
  • "Cisplatin".
  • "Methotrexate".


If the mass is larger than 7 mm, surgical treatment is required. The use of laser therapy for large basalioma of the skin guarantees a long-term remission. Most often, the pathology of the skin disappears forever, the need for repeated laser treatment disappears.

It is important to remember that oncology has fuzzy, uneven edges. Complete elimination of the tumor requires careful determination of its boundaries. Treatment of basalioma on the face, other areas of the skin aimed at removing the tumor, is performed by the following methods:

  • curettage, fulguration. Apply on many areas of the body, except for the face (nose, eyelids, ears, lips, temples). Initially, curettage is carried out, then the effect of current to stop the bleeding. Often used to remove formations with smooth edges;
  • excision. The formation is removed during the biopsy. Used for small formations under local anesthesia;
  • MOS operation. It is a layer-by-layer removal of tissues until all pathologically altered skin cells are eliminated. Use on the entire surface of the skin.

Cryodestruction of basalioma

This method of treatment has been used since the 1960s. Cryodestruction of basalioma is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Aerosol. The action on cancer cells is at a depth of up to 10 mm.
  2. Application. Differs in deep penetration.

Cryodestruction of basalioma consists in the formation of ice crystals that provoke tissue necrosis. Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze multiple skin lesions. The advantages of the procedure are:

  • painlessness;
  • destruction of oncology;
  • satisfactory appearance of the area affected by nitrogen;
  • time (literally 5 minutes);
  • relapse prevention;
  • immediate activation of protection in the area of ​​injured tissues;
  • application for the removal of benign, malignant formations.

Wounds on the skin after cryodestruction heal for about 3 weeks, so not everyone chooses this method of removing formations.

Medical therapy

You can use the ointment for the treatment of basalioma. In this case, the therapeutic course is 2-3 weeks.

Apply this remedy under an occlusive dressing. For topical application, the following ointments are recommended:

  • "Curaderm".
  • "Omain".
  • Metwix.
  • "Podophylline".
  • Solcoseryl.
  • "Fluorouracil".
  • "Glyciphon".
  • "Ftorafur".
  • "Prospidinovaya".

For the treatment of formations in the corners of the eyes, inside the auricle, on the eyelids, interferons are used. In these areas, it is impossible to apply surgical excision, chemotherapy, laser. Also, cryodestruction of basalioma is not applied in these areas.

Alternative therapy methods

Treatment of basalioma on the face can also be carried out by folk methods. You can use an ointment to treat this pathology, tinctures, masks. They are prepared from the following plants:

  • hemlock;
  • carrot;
  • round-leaved wintergreen;
  • aloe;
  • celandine.


Health is directly related to the foods we eat. Experts have identified a number of products containing trace elements that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, they recommend a special diet for cancer, which requires the inclusion of such foods in the diet:

  • greenery;
  • garlic;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage (white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), broccoli;
  • citrus;
  • beet;
  • hot pepper (red);
  • whole grains.

It is forbidden to use products that have in their composition:

  • nitrates, nitrites;
  • yeast;
  • overheated, stale fats.

Also contraindicated:

  • alcohol;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee;
  • muffin;
  • vegetables, fruits from greenhouses (domestic allowed);
  • mushrooms;
  • strong broths;
  • fatty dairy products.

It is important that the diet is balanced. The food should contain a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, trace elements. Such nutrition facilitates the passage of chemotherapy, improves the quality of life.

