White copious discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy. What a woman can and cannot do during pregnancy

Of course, the man himself does not feel any particular discomfort at this time, but the woman most often does not have time to get pleasure in such a short time. This situation does not suit both the woman and the man, because for any representative of the stronger sex it is important to feel like a partner capable of satisfying his woman.

Why does sexual intercourse not last long?

As a rule, such problems lead to quarrels and misunderstandings in a couple. Whatever one may say, a truly harmonious union can only be achieved if successful sexual relations. The solution to such a sensitive problem may lie in various reasons. Therefore, before taking any measures, it is recommended to visit a specialist.

Before you start worrying about the duration of sexual intercourse and take decisive action, you need to understand why premature ejaculation occurs. To do this, it is best to consult a urologist, who will advise and prescribe a series of tests in case the problems are caused by any disease.

Today, the most common causes of premature ejaculation are prolonged lack of sex and poor lifestyle choices. But it is important for a man to understand that absolutely anything can affect his sexual relationships:

  • physical exercise;
  • stress;
  • psychological problems;
  • incorrectly chosen clothes and any discomfort in general.

In addition, it is important to consider the fact whether premature ejaculation happens all the time or whether it happens sometimes, for example, after a long period of absence of sex.

Drugs to prolong sexual intercourse

When thinking about how to prolong sexual intercourse, as a rule, the first thing that comes to a man’s mind is pills and other drugs.

It should be noted right away that the tablets will only help if the problem is a disease or infection. In addition, you can use drugs to prolong the erection in cases where the problem is related to potency and not only does the sex itself not last long, but there is no desire to have sex at all. In such situations, doctors mainly prescribe drugs that increase potency:

  • etc.

In addition to pills, there are many other drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse.

Often the problem of rapid ejaculation is that the head of the penis is too sensitive in a man. In this case, you can use various creams, gels and sprays with anesthetics. You can find them in almost any pharmacy and use them 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse.

Such products will reduce sensitivity and allow a man to “last” longer. You can also use condoms. Firstly, they themselves reduce sensitivity, and, secondly, there are special ones.

How to prolong sexual intercourse with exercises?

Sex is often compared to sports, and this is not without reason. The fact is that during sexual intercourse a number of muscles are also used in the body. It is working with key muscles in this process that will make sexual intercourse longer. In order to learn to control themselves, men are recommended to try the following actions:

  1. While urinating, hold the stream for a few seconds. This will allow you to feel the muscles needed for the exercise.
  2. Once you understand which muscles need to be used, you need to tense them 10 times in one approach. Then take a short break (30 seconds) and repeat the exercise again. The first time you should do three approaches.
  3. Next, after the exercise becomes familiar to the muscles, you need to perform the same actions, but already delaying the state of tension for 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 10 times, but more approaches should be done: 5 or 6.
  4. You can also strain your muscles while trying to move your penis. Such exercises are very convenient because you can perform them anywhere and at any time. Well, the benefits from the classes will not keep you waiting, and very soon you will be able to please your partner.

How to prolong sexual intercourse - part 1

Movement technique as a way to prolong sexual intercourse

The so-called methods from the technical group are considered effective ways to prolong sexual intercourse. There are several rules that can help a man have sex much longer. Here are some tips:

There are also some rules related directly to the technique of movements during sex:

  1. Rule #1. Men suffering from it are recommended to alternate immersing the penis into the vagina during sexual intercourse: three shallow ones, then one deep. The total number of movements in one approach should be exactly 81. This approach allows a man to be a little distracted by numbers, and, accordingly, relieve a little excitement.
  2. Rule #2. If a man still feels that arousal is growing and ejaculation is close, he should not completely remove the penis from the vagina, leaving 2-3 centimeters, for about 30 seconds.
  3. Rule #3. If the first technique does not help, you can try alternating five deep and one shallow penetration, or nine deep and one shallow.

In some cases, it is also recommended that men learn to control themselves at their peak.. When a man feels that ejaculation is about to occur, he should try to delay ejaculation. Such training will allow a man to learn to control sexual intercourse after some time, thereby making it last longer.

If such a technique is not yet available, you can try another trick: when approaching the peak, firmly press the area next to the head with your fingers. This will help relieve tension and prevent ejaculation.

How to prolong sex using traditional methods?

In order to prolong sex, men use many various methods, including a. In this case, herbal tinctures are very useful. The most popular in this matter are:

  • Melissa,
  • St. John's wort,
  • mint and chamomile.

You can make decoctions and tinctures from these herbs, and also drink them with tea. They do not have a special effect on potency directly, but they have a good effect on the central nervous system, calming the body and helping it relax.

Honey will also be a good helper. It can be eaten in its natural form or added to teas and herbal infusions.

You should also include in your diet some foods that prolong sexual intercourse. It is believed that the following have a positive effect on potency:

  • cilantro and parsley;
  • any types of nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • any products containing vitamin B in large quantities.

A good way to prolong sexual intercourse is a small dose of alcohol. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, since too large a dosage will lead to an absolutely opposite effect, and sexual intercourse will end before it has even begun.

Elderberry infusion has a similar effect, but has the undoubted advantage of the absence of an unpleasant alcoholic odor. In addition, you cannot get drunk from elderberry infusion.

In what positions is it better to have sex to prolong it?

To ensure that sexual intercourse lasts as long as possible, it is best to choose positions when the man is behind. Various variations of the “officer” pose are also good. The main thing is that during short pauses that help relieve excitement, do not forget about your partner and do not let her excitement subside.

It should also be noted that for training it is better to choose an experienced partner who will understand everything and help you.

  • If failure has occurred to you for the first time, you should not immediately stop all subsequent sexual encounters for fear that premature ejaculation will occur again.
  • Only a positive attitude, calmness and practice will help prolong sexual intercourse and make it unforgettable for you and your woman.

How to make sex last longer - part 2

Men should remember that their lifestyle has a great influence on sexual performance. This is why it is very important to maintain a daily routine and get a good night's sleep.

Nutrition is of great importance. You need to add more protein and natural aphrodisiacs such as honey and nuts to your diet. It is better to exclude fatty and spicy foods, which harm the body and lead to excess weight.

It is also important to learn to control yourself and your emotions. Depression or violent outbursts of emotions, screams, scandals should not be allowed. All this leads to emotional exhaustion, which, in turn, affects the duration of sexual intercourse. You can learn to control your own psyche with the help of various spiritual practices and meditations.

Stress and fatigue have a big impact on sexual relationships. Most men work a lot - some physically, some mentally. At the same time, at work and even at home, representatives of the stronger half of humanity often face serious stress and anxiety. It is important to learn to rest and relax, forgetting about all your worries. Constant fatigue and exhaustion greatly affect a man's libido.

It is important for men to learn to receive positive emotions from life. Must visit interesting places, communicate with interesting people, have hobbies and interests. Women love active and cheerful men, not gloomy and boring ones. And increased attention from women very seriously increases male self-esteem, which, of course, will give confidence to any man in bed.

And most importantly, when faced with a problem, you should not shut down, be embarrassed, or try to avoid repeated failure. Any problem can be solved, the main thing is to approach it calmly and without anxiety. Excessive worries will only aggravate the situation and deprive you of the self-confidence that is so necessary in intimate life.

The duration of sexual intercourse is an important part of the sexual relationship between a man and a woman. If the duration of intimacy suits both partners, then it is not worth using drugs that affect this indicator. Problems arise when a man cannot give pleasure to his beloved, this makes sex meaningless for one partner. To correct the situation and influence the problem, you can start taking appropriate medications.

Purposes of use

Various drugs are used to increase the duration of the act; they often have a complex effect on the body. These medications are taken if:

  • the length of time spent on intimacy does not allow a woman to fully enjoy herself;
  • premature ejaculation occurs (previous ejaculation);
  • observed increased sensitivity glans penis;
  • the sensations from PA became not too bright;
  • it is necessary to increase potency and endurance.

Unfortunately, there are no averages to help determine whether you need to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. If sex lasts no more than 2–7 minutes, then you need to resort to stimulant tablets.

Prolongation is required if a man has high or low sensitivity of the genital organ. If it is elevated, then even short contact leads to premature ejaculation.

If the sensitivity of the organ is reduced, then the sensations during intimacy will be blurry, not as bright as we would like.

Types of drugs

Deciding on your own which pills to take and which ones to give up is quite difficult. But there is a classification of drugs into groups; it will help you understand what effect the substances that make up the tablets have on the human body.

Drugs that prolong sexual intercourse, generally accepted classification:

  1. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5) - affect potency, improve blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, and normalize its outflow. When taken regularly, they help stabilize potency and eliminate premature ejaculation.
  2. NO synthase activators - have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the penis, thereby improving blood flow to the organ. The effect is persistent and long-lasting, but with prolonged use, tolerance (susceptibility) decreases. The advantage of this group of drugs is their good tolerability and minimal impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Testosterone – this can include all medications that contain hormonal components or substances that stimulate the production of testosterone in the body. When taken for a long time, such drugs are addictive and can disrupt a man’s natural hormonal balance. Prescribed only if indicated; dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.
  4. Homeopathic medicines have a minimum of contraindications and are well tolerated. Almost everyone can take them; they do not affect blood pressure levels. The course duration can range from several weeks to several months. Medicines are not toxic, but before using them it is recommended to be examined for allergies to the main active ingredients.

What pills prolong sexual intercourse?

Coitus has a different time frame, but if there is a problem with premature ejaculation, then you can resort to help large quantity medicines. Choosing a drug that prolongs sexual intercourse is not so simple, for this reason, before going to a specialized store or pharmacy, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of the drugs.


These pills for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse in men will help make intercourse 4 times longer. They are prescribed as a preventive measure or in case of problems with potency, erection and premature ejaculation. Dapoxetine is well tolerated and has good feedback, both among doctors and among patients.


It is used to prolong the act, avoid premature ejaculation and improve potency. The product is well known and has a lasting effect that is observed for 8 to 12 hours. It is recommended to take the pill 1 hour before sex. But Viagra has a number of disadvantages: it is poorly compatible with other medications and is quickly addictive.

Prolongation of intimacy can only be achieved if you take the medicine 1.5 hours before the intended contact with the woman. The effect lasts for 11 hours. Despite the fact that Super P-force appeared on the pharmaceutical market not so long ago, its effectiveness is not questioned by doctors.

Avanafil (Avana – 100)

It can prolong sex, but this drug is not designed for long-term use. The reason is that it does not have a lasting effect. Intended for one-time use. The result appears after 30 minutes and lasts for a maximum of 4 hours, then begins to subside.

Super Vidalista

Contains tadalafil as the main active ingredient. Promises prolongation of PA, elimination of problems with erection and potency. Ideal for those men who have increased sensitivity or have circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.


It is not inferior to Viagra in popularity, it has a lasting effect that does not subside for 36 hours. With long-term use, it increases potency and erectile function, helps cope with various disorders and makes the act 2 times longer. But an impeccable reputation and demand influence the cost of Cialis, which can hardly be called democratic.

At therapeutic use Coitus is prolonged on average by 3–4 times. Helps improve potency and is well tolerated by patients. The effect is observed 1 – 1.5 hours after taking Dynamico and persists for a long period of time. Affects a man's sexual energy, making him more active.


Increases blood flow to the penis by relaxing the walls of its smooth muscles. It acts relatively quickly, the result lasts for a long period of time (up to 12 hours). But it may not be possible to do without increasing blood pressure, for this reason men with high level blood pressure you should stop using this medication.

You can buy a dietary supplement in order not to cum for a long time at a pharmacy or online store. The tablets are made only from natural ingredients, therefore they are safe, do not increase blood pressure, and have a minimum side effects and contraindications. Semental is successfully used in the treatment of impotence and early ejaculation.

This is a dietary supplement; you will have to prolong sexual intercourse with the help of a food supplement for several months. Golden Horse is compatible with alcohol, helps increase desire, has a minimum of contraindications and is one of the means that strengthens the condition of the body. There may not be any side effects during the treatment period, but serious health problems should not arise.


Tablets for rapid ejaculation and prolonging PA, a list with approximate prices in table form.

Name PC. Price, rub.)
20 2500
4 3400
20 3500
20 3200
20 2700
20 2600
5 900
1 800
24 1850
100 1400


Drops that prolong the time of sexual intercourse contain various components. In most cases, they have a combined effect:

  • increase the flow of blood and nutrients to the cavernous bodies of the organ;
  • stimulate the production of testosterone, the main male hormone;
  • increase sensitivity and receptivity;
  • help cope with impotence and erectile disorders of various origins.

The drops have a convenient release form and can be easily used while in a restaurant or cafe. As a rule, they do not have a pronounced taste or smell. But it is better to consult a doctor before starting to use medications of this form, as they may have contraindications.

The composition includes the following components:

  1. L-arginine.
  2. Vitamin C.
  3. Aphrodisiacs of natural origin.

Greases and lubricants

In order not to cum quickly, that is, to make sexual intercourse last longer, it is not necessary to take pills; you can use products produced in the form of lubricants, gels, creams and ointments. Medicines are applied directly to the phallus, 10 - 15 minutes before entering into intimacy.

The cream is convenient because it does not affect blood flow and does not increase blood pressure.

Creams and gels

This group includes various preparations: cream, gel, lubricant. They all contain an anesthetic. That is, they have a local anesthetic effect, are applied to the head of the penis and reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Creams have a number of disadvantages:

  • can corrode latex, which eliminates the possibility of using condoms;
  • lead to development allergic reactions;
  • cause a sliding effect.

List of the most popular gels and creams:

  1. Rhino prolongator cream.
  2. Bull Power Delay Gel.
  3. Gel lubricant Contex Long Love.

Medicines to prolong sexual intercourse for a man in the form of a spray can be prescribed by a doctor. Such products contain an anesthetic, mainly lidocaine. They have no serious contraindications and are easy to use.

Operating principle of the spray:

  • applied directly to the head of the male organ;
  • 10 – 15 minutes before sex;
  • you need to wait for the product to dry completely;
  • Let's start sexual intercourse.

The spray does not reduce the sensitivity of the partner, but at the same time it allows you to make intimacy long and memorable.

List of the most popular drugs:

  1. Stud 5000.
  2. Peineili.
  3. Harmony Control.
  4. LS Marafon (Lovespray Marafon).

You can buy it in an online store or sex shop; you won’t be able to find such a spray in a regular pharmacy, since it has nothing to do with food additives or medicines. The price is reasonable, and the consumption is minimal.

The duration of sexual intercourse depends on many factors, and in order to increase it, they resort to condoms that have a local anesthetic effect, that is, they reduce sensitivity. Condoms are preferred if there are contraindications to the use of pills.

Advantages and disadvantages of contraceptives with anesthetics:

  • cause discomfort in the form of burning and tingling;
  • risk of developing local allergic reactions;
  • during sex you will have to give up oral sex;
  • do not affect general blood flow;
  • do not cause addiction and do not reduce tolerance;
  • They have a minimum of contraindications and are suitable for almost all men.

This method of contraception is good, but condoms have little effect on the duration of intercourse. The anesthetic effect lasts 15–20 minutes, and then gradually subsides.


Pills for prolonging sexual intercourse have a number of contraindications; most often they are not recommended for people with the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature of the genital area.
  3. Systemic diseases or reduced immune status.
  4. Arterial hypertension.
  5. Kidney failure at any stage.
  6. ICD ( urolithiasis disease) – is perceived as a relative contraindication.
  7. Oncological diseases of tumor and other origins (including during the process of metastasis).
  8. Hemophilia and other pathological disorders in the hematopoietic system.
  9. Hormonal problems in the body.

Quality sex life couples directly depends on the satisfaction of partners with the duration of sexual intercourse. Both the man and the woman should receive pleasure. In this regard, many men are interested in the question of how to continue sexual intercourse.

If a man experiences health problems that prevent a full sexual life, then qualified medical assistance will be required. In all other cases, it is permissible to use advice and recommendations regarding sex techniques, use recipes traditional medicine, a man can also make a choice in favor of medications (tablets, gels, creams).

A man experiences problems continuing sexual intercourse in cases where, upon interruption, ejaculation occurs or an erection disappears. Therefore, many men are interested in the name of drugs to prolong sex: gels, sprays, tablets, which in a short time make it possible to increase potency and restore an erection.

Potency enhancing drugs are divided into two main groups:

  • Dietary supplements that require long-term use to achieve a sustainable effect;
  • Inhibitors (selective), which are taken immediately before sexual intercourse, act quickly, but do not last long.

If you need to make sexual intercourse longer, then you should choose the means of the second group. The following are popular: Levitra - increases blood flow to the tissues of the male reproductive organ and relaxes smooth vascular muscles. It is recommended to take the pills half an hour before sex, but the effect appears within 15 to 20 minutes. The effect of the drug lasts up to 12 hours. Important nuance– the product is compatible with alcohol.

Viagra is a name familiar to almost everyone. The drug should be taken 40 - 60 minutes before sexual intercourse, while the duration of action is limited to 4 - 5 hours. In order for the product to be as effective as possible, take it on an empty stomach and wash it down big amount liquids (preferably water). Incompatible with alcohol.

Cialis is a type of tablet that acts very quickly (the effect is noticeable after 15 minutes) and for a long time (up to 36 hours). Reduces smooth muscle tone, significantly increasing blood flow to the tissues of the penis. Can be used with any diet, compatible with alcohol.

Few people are familiar with the name Super P-force, since the product is relatively new, but also highly effective and lasts for 10–11 hours. Before taking any medications, you should always consult your doctor.

Folk remedies

Men who try to avoid the use of various kinds of “chemicals”, fearing side effects, turn to traditional medicine. Folk remedies are based on a general strengthening effect on the male body. Usually, to achieve a visible effect, they need to be taken for a long time - from a week to several months.

But there are folk remedies that can be used immediately before sex or if, for some reason, intercourse is interrupted. First of all, we are talking about an infusion of cornflower flowers. Take immediately before sexual intimacy. You will need to prepare the infusion in advance. To do this you will need a handful of fresh cornflower flowers. They need to be filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left in a thermos for 30 - 40 minutes.

The effect of taking “chemistry” is much more pronounced and manifests itself faster than from traditional medicine. But the latter almost never have unwanted side effects. In addition, folk remedies are taken not only as an independent erection stimulant, but also as part of a complex to improve a man’s sex life.

Is it possible to increase the duration of sexual intercourse if an erection has disappeared? A man can get an erection again without resorting to synthetic drugs. If a person does not have health problems, then continuing sexual intercourse will not cause any particular difficulties. Massage, it is better to start with an ordinary one, and then, if desired, move on to an erotic one.

Blood tends to stagnate, especially if the position has not changed for a long time during intimacy. Stimulating blood circulation will help you get an erection back faster.

Alcohol. It is important to choose the right drink and not overdo it with the quantity. 50 grams of high-quality vodka is enough to significantly speed up the delivery of nerve impulses from the brain to the tissues of the male genital organ.

You can speed up blood flow with the help of simple exercises that you remember from school physical education lessons.

New impressions. The male body is designed in such a way that impressions that seem new cause a particularly violent reaction. Change your position, turn on the light (if it was turned off), try to continue sexual intercourse not in the bedroom, but in the living room, bathroom or kitchen - a man will be pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of a seemingly simple method.

A good option for continuing sexual intercourse may also be to change the method - if previously only vaginal sex was practiced, it’s time to try oral sex, which, according to authoritative sexologists, gives a woman the opportunity to feel an orgasm much faster. In the minutes that the couple spends on sexual experiments, the man will have time to rest and the erection will return.

Popular techniques developed by Western scientists - sexologists - will help make sexual intercourse last.

Seamans technique

Otherwise, the technique is called “stop-start” or “excitation-inhibition”. A man masters the technique of controlling ejaculation over a period of two to ten weeks.

Masters-Johnson technique

The essence of the technique is that when ejaculation approaches, the partner must squeeze the genital organ and hold back ejaculation. Compression is performed with the thumb and forefinger. The thumb should be placed at the junction of the shaft of the genital organ with its head. The woman’s remaining fingers should lightly clasp the shaft; no movements of the fingers should be made so as not to accidentally stimulate ejaculation.

Technique of prolonged sexual intercourse

Sexologists claim that the technique increases the duration of intercourse and improves its quality, while simultaneous orgasm is possible for partners. Short description: a man inserts his penis into his partner’s vagina, after which he does not make forward movements for a time sufficient for “the first wave to subside.” Then sexual intercourse occurs according to the usual pattern for the couple. A few moments before ejaculation, the man stops the friction without removing the penis, and waits until the “final” wave subsides.

Taoist technique

Unlike most popular techniques, it is of Eastern, not Western origin. It does not require preliminary training, but few men can master the technique the first time.

The diagram looks like this:

  • Alternating frictions according to the scheme 3 shallow - 1 deep. When ejaculation approaches, the man must partially remove the penis, leaving about 3 centimeters in the vagina;
  • Alternating frictions according to the scheme 5 shallow - 1 deep;
  • Alternation of movements according to the scheme 9 shallow - 1 deep.

In order for sexual intercourse to last, it is important to pay attention to the positions that the couple uses for intercourse. The best options are those in which the man is behind or the woman is on top. Consistently changing positions will help ensure an unforgettable night. It is recommended to start from the knee-elbow position, moving towards the classic missionary position towards the end.

Of all the methods for prolonging sexual intercourse, men try different ways and selects the most effective one. It must be remembered that the duration of intercourse is also affected by the general state of health, which always requires close attention. Healthy image life, improving sex techniques and application useful recommendations by prolonging sexual intercourse, they will ensure full and intense sex for both partners.

Sex can be prolonged using a variety of products and means. However, getting carried away with generics and stimulants is not only unprofitable, but also dangerous for your health and heart.

What can't you say about folk remedies to prolong sexual intercourse in men, based on natural recipes and components. But herbs alone will not be enough for this, and it is important to provide an integrated approach.

This approach includes a thorough change in lifestyle, a review of nutrition, and the involvement of various physical activities. And so, gradually, it will be possible to achieve the desired result by prolonging the erection for 20-40 minutes.

If you take natural dietary supplements in courses, then this figure can be even higher.

Proper nutrition and moderate exercise are an excellent way to generally strengthen the body, increase potency and prolong sexual intercourse. Where the body is healthy, there are all the prerequisites for eliminating a wide variety of pathologies.

Additionally, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat enough protein;
  • pay attention to natural aphrodisiacs - figs, avocados, nuts, honey, chocolate, herbs, sour cream, pineapples and celery;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • play sports and take frequent walks;
  • learn to protect yourself from stress, nervous experiences, and avoid depression;
  • Get enough rest and not overexert yourself.

It is important to pay sufficient attention to gymnastics aimed at maintaining the health of intimate muscles and prolonging sexual intercourse.

When eliminating the factors that cause premature ejaculation, sufficient attention should be paid to exercises to prolong sexual intercourse for a man.

Such training teaches a man to understand how his muscles work, and also helps to control them during sex:

There are other sets of exercises that are easy to use at home, as well as in other places.

Kegel exercises

During urination, a man holds the stream for a few seconds, squeezing his muscles, and then relaxes them. You need to repeat it 3-4 times a day, starting with 2-3 seconds of retention.

Then you can add “swinging” to the exercise during an erection, when a man tries to make the penis “jump” a little from side to side by tensing the muscles.

Taoist technique

No less effective method not only to prolong sexual intercourse, but also to generally strengthen potency. During sex, alternate full penetration with 3-4 short movements, increasing the number of frictions before ejaculation.

Stop-start technique

The idea is that before ejaculation you need to delay ejaculation. To do this, abruptly stop stimulation, stop any sexual contact, and continue after 2-3 minutes. This is repeated 2-3 times.

All techniques used to prolong sexual intercourse require several weeks of practice for the first visible results.

Application of "Lidocaine"

To prolong sexual intercourse, a man can use lidocaine in the form of a spray.. This substance significantly reduces sensitivity, but the partner’s opinion should be taken into account, since without a condom it can also reduce her sensations.

The spray can be used to solve 2 problems: ejaculation immediately after the start of sex, and also in case of a prolonged erection, but ejaculation is too rapid.

Using the product is very simple: spray the spray for 15 minutes from a distance of 10 cm, just 1-2 sprays will be enough.

Can be used together with a condom by spraying inside the latex accessory. Lidocaine will begin to act within 2-4 minutes, and its effect lasts for 4-6 hours.

Instead of lidocaine, you can choose professional sprays and gels, which are sold in sex shops and are designed specifically to prolong sexual intercourse.

They contain beneficial plant components that have a positive effect on the male and female body, and also enhance pleasant sensations.

You can prolong your erection with special devices.

They are sold in sex shops and usually come in 2 types:

  • condoms with a desensitizing agent, - this could be the same lidocaine and its derivatives;
  • cock rings– put on the root of the penis, there are options with gripping the scrotum. They prolong an erection and prevent ejaculation from occurring for a little longer. However, excessive use of rings can be harmful to your health.

But pumps, which are used to temporarily increase the size of the penis, cannot prolong an erection.

You can get rid of short-term erections and help yourself control the process of orgasm by regularly using herbs to prolong sexual intercourse for a man:

Additionally, you can use a general strengthening recipe made from honey, walnuts, dried apricots and ginger.

Take equal parts of dried fruits and nuts, add ginger and some lemons, pour honey over everything and grind in a meat grinder. You can beat it in a blender, but add honey after mixing the active ingredients.

How much effective remedy to prolong erection and sexual intercourse would not be, it will not replace a responsible attitude towards one’s health and giving up bad habits.

If you smoke and drink alcohol regularly, then even the best doctor and high-quality drug or method will not help prolong your erection!

Dr. Kegel, a world-famous sexologist, has developed a set of exercises that allows a man to learn to restrain ejaculation and prolong the time of sex. You can do the exercises even in a traffic jam, even at work. The duration of sex will increase by several tens of minutes.

Every man has pelvic floor muscles located in the groin at the very, very bottom. These muscles help maintain an erection and are involved in toilet activities. And, most importantly, they ensure ejaculation. When the moment of male orgasm comes, the pelvic floor muscles contract and shoot sperm. According to Dr. Kegel, you can learn to control your pelvic floor muscles and hold back ejaculation for a very long time.

The main muscle of the pelvic floor is the pubococcygeus, also known as the PC muscle. Feel it. Go to the toilet and start, sorry, pee. When the process has begun, interrupt the stream of urine. To do this, you will have to squeeze some internal muscle. By the way, this is the same PC muscle. We will learn to control the PC muscle.


It is necessary to alternately tense and relax the PC muscle. Tighten it, count to three and relax. Do this 10 times. It is advisable to perform the exercise five times during the day. It can be done more often.


Masturbate until you feel that you are already on the verge of ejaculation. Then squeeze the penis tightly with your hand and do not let go until the erection subsides.

Your task is to squeeze the blood out of the penis so that it relaxes. And along with it, the PC muscle also relaxed.

With each new approach, you will strengthen the skill of relaxing the PC muscle.

The exercise must be repeated until confident control of ejaculation appears. This is not a matter of one day.


Start performing the third exercise after completing the first two exercises for at least two weeks. If you start doing it, then continue the previous ones.

You will need a partner. We will practice directly in combat conditions. During sex. Try to feel the moment of approaching ejaculation. Thanks to the second exercise, you already know how to do this. As soon as you feel that it’s about to happen, slow down the pace of friction, or even stop altogether, to avoid further stimulation.

If, according to your feelings, there are still 2-3 frictions left before ejaculation, then tighten the PC muscle and then relax. And you will feel the desire to cum recede.

If you slowed down the friction too late. And the sperm is almost flowing out, then just take a deep breath and try to relax the PC muscle without preliminary contraction.

The first exercise is designed to keep the PC muscle in good shape. This exercise can be done throughout your life. Moreover, it has a preventive effect against many “male” diseases.

The second exercise teaches you to control the PC muscle. Once you have learned control, this skill cannot be forgotten.

And you will successfully practice the third exercise in the future. sex life, pleasing yourself and your partner.

You will feel the first results after approximately six weeks of training.

On average, it takes three months to learn to control ejaculation.

Some men achieve excellent results by performing only the first exercise, skip the second, and implement the recommendations from the third point immediately without preliminary training.