Thank you for your attention to my candidacy. Examples of how to write a cover letter for a resume. Find out by the resume of the manager who will "explode" the company's sales

By submitting a cover letter for consideration by a potential employer, you can do the following at the same time as applying for a vacancy:

  1. Show your awareness of the company as a whole, its success and status. This is perhaps the best way to communicate that your goal is to partner with a specific community and work in a specific position. In addition, by sending this document, you are telling a potential employer that working with him is a deliberate and balanced choice.
  2. Refer to your friends and acquaintances who hold prominent positions in the organization. In this miraculous way, a cold address turns into a warm one, and a positive and friendly impression is created, which is conducive to hiring.
  3. Provide the most suitable work experience for the desired position. Because sometimes it is not easy to snatch the necessary and relevant from the resume, which is replete with information about projects.
  4. And, finally, tell that you are in perfect order with the expression of your own thoughts, logic and human qualities, which are valued by some bosses much higher than professional skills.

What information is indicated?

  • Address to the addressee, greeting (letter header).
  • Source of information about the vacancy.
  • What position prompted you to write the message? What attracts you the most about her? The range of tasks provided, conditions, new ways for self-actualization?
  • Why are you interested in cooperation with this particular company?
  • Personal data: work experience and successful projects.
  • Remind me of motivation again!
  • Gratitude and goodbye.
  • List of additional papers.
  • Contact details and information about: when and in what format you are ready to be interviewed.

Common phrases

  1. Greetings.

    If you know the identity of the person who is in charge of the vacancy, then the greeting should be personalized, and if not, then in this case, contact the employees of a particular department.

    Good afternoon, Alexander Pavlovich!

    Hello Bogdana!

    Dear Rodion Anatolyevich!

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Greetings, colleagues! (in this context, this term is used as an appeal to people close in spirit and occupation).

  2. Position of interest, a few words about the company, the source through which the ad was found.

    I was interested in the position of Deputy Director for Product Promotion, and I am also considering the position of Manager of the Accounting Department.

    Recently I saw an open courier vacancy on your company's resource.

  3. Why are you referring specifically to this company? and why are you applying for a certain position?

    Your company made a huge impression on me.

    I have 8 years of experience in bulk purchasing and logistics solutions.

    I can describe myself as a highly professional specialist.

  4. Thanks for reading the cover letter and call to action.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

    I will gladly answer all your questions!

    I would be grateful if you can call me back!

  5. Additional information when sending accompanying documents.

    You can find detailed information about all my projects in the resume that I sent you along with the letter.

  6. The final part of your letter.

    Best regards, Mark Belous, Belous.

    Best wishes, Mark Belous, Belous.

Compilation rules

Read how to write a short resume cover letter.

How to make a document creative and original?

Tips on the general concept of correct letter writing to increase the likelihood of joining the organization.

  1. Knowledge of the company and position.

    Before you sit down to write, turn on your detective scent and thoroughly scout the details of the life of the company. This is the only way you can convey that you do not treat your work superficially and infantile, but with professionalism and exceptional responsibility.

  2. Human factor.

    Do you love people? If the answer is no, then it will have to be corrected. What is the concept of the word love for the reader: respect your interlocutor, give him real pleasure from reading the message, because writing a cover letter just for show does not make any sense.

  3. Details.

    Some little things from your life will add completeness to your personal image and help to win over you. But here it is better not to overdo it, so on the contrary not to overload the reader with your problems and not push away.

  4. Aesthetics.

    An important role is played by the general neatness of the text, monitor the state of the font and subheadings, the name of the letter (which is indicated when sending by e-mail).

    And do not overlook the name of the mailing address from which the correspondence is sent!

  5. Simplicity.

    A slender and logical structure without tricky words and sentences with a lot of participial and participial phrases will enhance the "wow effect" and give lightness and airiness to the writing.

And the following recipes will make your letter shine like a New Year's garland.

  • Grab the reader's attention from the first lines.

    Agree that gray, nondescript and the same type of templates will not be able to catch attention, but there are proven methods that will help you out.

    All my life I have built my career according to one simple principle: work at 101% and improve professionally every working day. I constantly monitor those schemes that are ineffective and depressing for the enterprise, then analyze them for errors and correct them.

    As a result, the labor productivity of everyone who is next to me increases significantly, which is expressed in monetary terms and a tangible rise in the strength and positive mood of colleagues.

    I'm sure I can handle the role of an analyst in your company!

  • Use humor.

    "Life is too serious a thing not to laugh at it." It is humor that will help you win over your opponent and dilute the atmosphere of seriousness. But please do not bend it, the letter should not turn into a buffoonery.

    Playing the game "Two truths, one lie" with you, I would say: overfulfilling the sales target for lighting equipment by two and a half times is a simple task for me, which I did every month at my last job; I have completed successful ascents of Elbrus and Kilimanjaro during my vacation; and I have a delightful job. The latter, of course, is a lie ... For now.

  • Express the utmost interest in the company at whose door you knock.

    Why are startups so impressed with so many job seekers? Of course, soft bean bags, knitted sweaters and free food and coffee can't help but catch on. Including me ... An employee accustomed to an ordinary and primitive office environment.

    But nevertheless, in your company I am attracted to a greater extent by working in a constantly inventing new products, acting, multinational, striving for development, close-knit international team!

An example of a good and competent message

Good day to you, Svetlana!

The portal "Exclusive Things" has helped me many times with the sale of its own products, and this time it exceeded all my expectations! It was there that I found your offer for the vacancy of the chief designer.

A cover letter is a form of business etiquette. In addition to a simple register of transmitted documents, it contains recommendations for handling them. In addition, according to the registration data, it is possible to determine the timing of execution and the fact of sending. An example of how to write a cover letter for documents - see the article.

How to write a cover letter for documents

There is no single unified form of writing. Requirements for registration of organizational and administrative documentation are described in GOST R 6.30-2003. The requirements of the specified standard are recommended.

How to write a cover letter for documents correctly? Let's start with the basic rules:

  • on company letterhead;
  • indicating the date and registration number.

Let us consider in more detail a sample of a cover letter on the direction of documents, into which main sections the text can be divided and what information can be reflected in them.

Letter section

Short description


About sending a response to a claim


The theme that defines its purpose

Covering letter of the transferred documents


A specific appeal to the manager, preferably addressed, indicating the name and patronymic

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Purpose of the message

Brief formulation

In response to your claim, I enclose a confirmation that the stated requirements have been met within the time frame specified in the Supply Agreement.

Main part

Summarizing the essence and expressing hope, gratitude, etc.

According to the information received from you, there were facts of violation of clauses 2.3 and 3.6 of the Agreement. In turn, I inform you that the components were handed over on time, which is confirmed by the Consignment Note, and the work was completed on time, which is confirmed by the date of acceptance of the work on the Order-alongside. The requirements that are presented in claim No. 2, sent to our address on July 14, 2017, I consider fulfilled in full. I ask you to consider and send information about your decision to us within the time period established by law. I express my gratitude to you for using the services of our company, and I hope for further cooperation.


List of applications. Polite signature


  1. Supply agreement, number of sheets.
  2. Consignment note, number of sheets.
  3. Work order, number of sheets.
  4. Photo of the installed banner, the number of sheets.

Head, Sidorova Maria Ivanovna.

Full name and contacts of the performer.

Example of a cover letter for documents

Employees of the enterprise have to not only send such appeals to counterparties, but also receive from them. It makes sense for business clerks to develop an Incoming Cover Letter Form for documents. It will be required if the counterparty provides the package without explanation. This often happens in cooperation with individuals, but for legal entities this case is no exception. To optimize the workflow, the counterparty will be able to fill out the proposed form in which he will indicate all the necessary information.

Sample cover letter for the transfer of documents. Form designed to be filled in by the counterparty:

What do not need to be specified

The text of the appeal is kept in a business style. Despite the fact that the message is not an independent form, you should not allow familiarity when compiling. The cover letter to the documents should not evaluate what is happening, be emotional and contain phrases that in one way or another may offend the recipient. An example of phrases that cannot be used and options for replacing them:

Who signs the letter

The head of the department, manager, chief accountant, head of the organization can sign the appeal. In this case, the ethics of communication should be observed. If the text contains an appeal to the head of the company, then an equal head must also sign it. It should also be remembered that the execution of orders is delegated by the head to the executors. Therefore, when signing by the director, the contacts of the contractor should be indicated so that the recipient does not have to waste time searching for the responsible person. Printing is optional in this case.

Upon receipt, the addressee will assign the document an incoming number and date, which the clerk will enter manually or with a stamp. Using this requisite, it will be easy to track the stages of passage and clarify at which instance of consideration the appeal is at one time or another.

Everything you need to know to write a cover letter.

Even though about a third of employers don't read cover letters, they are still important, so never submit a resume without a cover letter. In the letter, you demonstrate your written communication skills and mention those facts that have not been properly reflected in the resume. You can also prevent questions and remove objections that the employer may have when getting to know your resume (for example, about a long break or.

  • some are sent in response to an advertised vacancy
  • others are sent by the candidate on their own initiative
  • the third contains a link to a mutual acquaintance.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. What is a cover letter?
  2. Why do you need to send an accompanying resume along with your resume?
  3. Plan for writing a cover letter
  4. Tips to help you write a sales cover letter
  5. Examples of polite phrases to use at the end of a cover letter
  6. How to write a cover letter: templates for writing
  7. Examples of cover letters for a position: Brand Manager Assistant, Office Manager, Editor Assistant, Analyst, Trade Marketer, Regional Manager, Personal Assistant, Internet Marketer, Analyst Assistant, Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Personal Assistant to the Executive, Trainer by sales.

1. Cover letter- this is the announcement of your resume. In your cover letter, you must show that you meet the requirements stated in the vacancy as much as possible.
The resume focuses on the past and present. The cover letter is for the future. Tell the recruiter how you can benefit the company in the future and why they should choose you.

A cover letter can be critical for two equally qualified candidates.

2. Why do I need to write a cover letter?

A cover letter is your chance, and most likely your only chance to stand out from other candidates with similarities to your resume.
The main purpose of writing a cover letter is to convince a recruiter to open and read your resume. The presence of a cover letter for the resume indicates the serious intentions of the candidate.

3. Plan for writing a cover letter


Any letter begins with a personal greeting. It is very important to include the name of the addressee to whom you are addressing in the cover letter. Most vacancies include the name of who to send the resume to. In case the name is not written, then you will have to do a little research with the help of search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.) to find out the name of the recipient of your cover letter. To get started, visit the company's website, which has contacts of the organization, call the phone number and find out the initials of the person you need. If you have failed to find the name of the recipient, then the appeal: "Dear HR Manager!" will also be acceptable.


In the first paragraph, state what position you are applying for, and explain where and from whom you learned about the position. Otherwise, the employer will get the impression that you sent a universal cover letter without specifying a specific job position. This means that you save time writing your cover letter and thereby lose the employer's trust.


Do your research. Focus on the company you will be writing to and their open position. To do this, you need to go beyond the first page of Google search results. A company's website can provide you with a wealth of information about its products, services and important initiatives. Take the time to familiarize yourself with as much information as possible about the company. Demonstrate that you are up to date with the latest projects, acquisitions and public announcements. Two sentences indicating that you've taken the time to find information can be important.

What for?

Focus on what you have to offer them. You should make it clear that you respect the company and explain your interest, but the focus should be on what you can do for it. Prove to the recruiter that you are the best candidate for this position. Give three reasons why you should be hired.

4. Tips to help you write a sales cover letter

Council number 1. Don't retell your resume
When you start writing your cover letter, keep in mind that it is integral to your resume. Therefore, the letter should not repeat the information contained in the resume or be a descriptive version of your CV. Don't forget that recruiters are experienced in reading resumes and cover letters, so it doesn't make sense to duplicate the same information. This can irritate them with wasted time.

The cover letter should complement the resume, not repeat it.

Council number 2... Be short
Include in your cover letter only the information you need in a concise form. Imagine you only have 15 seconds to convince an employer to meet with you. What would you tell him? Paste this into your cover letter! Recruiters are too busy to read long essay-like cover letters. Therefore, divide the text into small paragraphs, using a bulleted list as needed.

Council number 3.Don't use clichés
Read the letter again, and remove from it any clichés or platitudes that do not convey any meaningful and specific information about you. For example, don't write that you are "responsible, sociable, executive, hardworking, honest, etc." This is all written and it is not even worth mentioning about it.

Council number 4.Check seven times
The cover letter must be written in accordance with all the rules of syntax and punctuation, as well as style. Do not forget to check the text of the letter for grammatical errors. The proverb: "Measure seven times, cut once" is the best fit for this case.

5. Examples of polite phrases that can be used at the end of a cover letter:

Thank you for your attention to my resume.
I would appreciate reading my resume.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you in advance for your interest in my resume.
I am very pleased that you have responded to my letter.
I am very glad to have the opportunity to send you my resume.
Thank you for your attention to my resume.
I would be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can talk in more detail about my professional experience.
Looking forward to being invited for an interview.
If you have any questions, please contact.
I will be very glad to have the opportunity to meet in person.
Thank you in advance for your attention to my resume.
I will be happy to answer your questions.
All the best and happy day!
I would be delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself in an interview.
If you have any questions, you can call me by phone: 234-56-78-90 or write a message by email.

6. Cover letter templates

A cover letter is usually no more than one page long and is four or five paragraphs long. In the first paragraph, you must introduce yourself and explain the reason for writing the letter, in the second, describe your professional skills, in the third, answer the question of why you are a suitable candidate for the vacancy. The last paragraph must necessarily contain a call to action: ask the addressee to schedule an interview for you and provide your contacts.

Cover letter template for candidates with no work experience
Dear HR Manager!

Main part. Insert in each block the basic requirements that are indicated in the job description by section:

  1. Education.
  2. Professional skills and knowledge.
  3. Technical skills, languages.

Completion. Answer the question: "Why should you be considered for this vacancy?" You must emphasize that you are a perfect fit and would be delighted to work for this company.
phone number

Cover letter template for candidates with work experience
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for vacancy "X".
Introduction. Explain why you want to work for this company or why you are interested in this vacancy.
Main part. Insert in each block the basic requirements that are indicated in the job description:

  1. Work experience.
  2. Education (indicate if it meets the requirements of the vacancy. In case the education is not suitable - do not include this information in the cover letter, but focus on experience and skills).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Technical skills.

Completion: answer the question: "Why should you be considered for this vacancy?" You must reiterate here that you are a perfect fit and would be delighted to work for this company.

7. Examples of cover letters for resume

Example No. 1.
Position "Assistant Brand Manager"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "brand manager assistant".
I am an effective performer and organizer, I can analyze a large amount of information in the context of solving diverse problems. I try to find non-standard solutions in order to improve quality, while reducing the time spent on completing tasks.
My strengths are: analytical skills, efficiency and independence in decision-making, high learning ability.
Experienced user of MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point; know the basics of business correspondence and business etiquette; I speak English fluently.
A high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent communication skills will help me become an indispensable assistant for a brand manager.


Example No. 2.
Position "Office Manager"
Dear HR Manager!
I was interested in a vacancy for the position of "office manager" in your company. I am very close to the values ​​of your company, which are shared by employees, such as: decency, sincerity, responsibility and ambition. I also heard a lot of positive feedback about working in your company from a friend of mine who told me about this vacancy.
Let me tell you why I am perfect for you:
I am a graduate of MESI. He studied in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration". During my studies, I did an internship at companies such as Venus and Mars. My responsibilities included: preparation and verification of contracts, as well as the creation of various types of documents using a special office program.
working in these companies taught me a lot. I expanded my knowledge of document management and applied it successfully in practice. And also got acquainted with the peculiarities of working in the office.
I am a sociable and responsible person. I can work effectively under stressful conditions. I learn quickly and easily master new skills. I know perfectly two languages: English and German.
If you have any questions, you can call me by phone: 123-45-67-89 or write a message by email.


Example No. 3.
Assistant Editor Position
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacant position of "assistant editor", which I saw on the website of your company "N".
Currently, I work at Kristall as a research assistant. I would like to start a career in publishing. Graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in Russian language and literature. At the university I gained a lot of experience working in a student newspaper as a journalist, so I am very familiar with publishing.
I can work in stressful situations and love to work in a team. Besides, I am fluent in English.
I will be very glad to have the opportunity to meet in person.
Looking forward to your reply.

Example No. 4.
Position "Assistant Analyst"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "analyst assistant".
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the competition for such a large company as "X", which is included in the list of the 50 largest private companies in Russia and is one of the leading in the field of consumer goods of daily demand. The stability of the company is important to me, and "X" develops even during the crisis, opens many directions and develops its own brands.
I believe that I can successfully cope with the responsibilities described in the vacancy.
She received her bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from Moscow State University. An effective performer and organizer, I can analyze a large amount of information in the context of solving diverse problems. I love working with numbers, in exact disciplines I had the highest scores in the University. I try to find non-standard solutions in order to improve quality, while reducing the time spent on completing tasks.
Experienced user of MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point; I can translate and adapt texts, make presentations, analyze and visualize data in Excel, know the basics of business correspondence, ethics and culture of business communication; English proficiency level - Upper-Intermediate.
A high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent communication skills will help me become an indispensable assistant.
I would appreciate reading my resume.

Example No. 5.
Position "Project Manager"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "project manager".
I would like to join the team of professionals in Company A and I am confident that I will be able to successfully apply my experience and skills.
13 years of analytical and design work in various business areas: mechanical engineering, leasing, banking, insurance. I have bachelor's and master's degrees from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
I am able to quickly understand the essence of the analyzed investment project, build financial models and present the results of the analysis for the end user in the form of a presentation in Russian and English. I have the skills of preparing opinions on investment projects and writing business plans, as well as market surveys by industry.
I use a systematic approach in solving professional problems, is able to predict the development of events and the consequences of decisions made, to highlight and formulate the main directions in work, to determine long-term goals, to propose and argue forms and methods of work for solving the tasks.
I can manage several projects in parallel and work on a tight schedule.
Strengths: diligence, perseverance and dedication, the ability to control oneself and control the situation, leadership qualities, punctuality.
I am enclosing my resume and hope for the opportunity to tell more about myself during a personal interview.
Tel .:

Example No. 6.
Position: "Personal assistant"
Dear HR Manager!
I am very interested in the vacancy "personal assistant" in your company. Working in a large company like yours provides opportunities for professional growth and personal development. These are the duties that are indicated in the job description that I would like to fulfill.
I am sure that in this position I will be able to reveal my potential as the best assistant and my professional experience will be in maximum demand.
I have 3 years of experience in administrative and informational support of the head. I know how to effectively interact with all divisions of the company. I can effectively use the experience gained in the company "X" for positions in your company.
I am able to solve complex and non-standard tasks. As a rule, I manage to cope with them quickly enough, but if the problem does not give in right away, I will still continue to look for solutions and will definitely bring the matter to the end. Under any circumstances, I try to do everything I promised and meet the agreed deadlines.
I enjoy multitasking; qualities such as reaction speed, sociability, stress resistance, will help me to successfully cope with duties as a personal assistant.
I would be delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself in an interview.

Example No. 7.
Position: "Marketing Specialist"
Dear HR Manager!
I would like to start working and build my career in your company as a “marketing specialist”.
I am interested in the alcoholic market, I defended my diploma and had an internship in the company "X", which occupies the 5th place in the rating of the largest wine and vodka producers.
I can describe myself in three words: analyst, researcher and organizer.
In Company A, he was responsible for analyzing the profitability of discounts, sales and investments in promotions in federal chains: Auchan, Perekrestok, Metro. I interacted with the sales and analytics department, as well as with external agencies that are engaged in conducting marketing activities in the networks. I have experience in the design, implementation and development of various categories of goods.
I know very well the principles of planning and pricing, assortment management. During the period of work in the company "A" has reached a new professional level and is very grateful to the company for gaining experience in trade marketing and for the opportunity to work in interesting projects.
I was part of the team that introduced a new product line to the Russian market. In the first 3 months, sales were twice the planned figure.
I think one of my strengths is my ability to multitask with large databases. This skill was acquired through the daily execution of various tasks in strict deadline mode.
I achieve high results by building a working network of contacts, which helps me effectively interact with all related departments in the company and complete tasks on time.
I strive to become the best in my field and want to work in a company where I will have the opportunity to develop my skills, engage in interesting projects and work with people from whom I will learn something.
I would be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can talk in more detail about my professional experience.

Example No. 8.
Position "Trade marketer"
Dear HR Manager!
Please consider my resume for the vacancy "trade marketer".
I have 3 years of experience in trade marketing and sales. Got valuable international experience in the FMCG sector.
I successfully complete tasks regarding the preparation of a promotional calendar, budgeting and marketing activities, interacting with sales, marketing, finance and external agencies. I am engaged in the audit of retail outlets, in order to analyze the competitive environment, control the work of merchandisers and the placement of POS materials.
Since I am subordinate to the sales manager in Russia and the trade marketing manager in France, this organizational structure requires me to solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, I learned how to carefully plan my working day, manage working time effectively, and this work also requires me to set priorities correctly.
I plan and agree on a budget for trade marketing events and a promotional calendar, monitor key business indicators, including such indicators as sales, market share, distribution, volume, profit, brand health indicators, and provide reports on the audit of outlets.
My persuasive skills and perseverance help me to control my budget in order to reduce the company's costs of merchandising and trade marketing activities.
Thanks to teamwork, I develop my communication skills. Moreover, meetings with clients require from me the display of diplomacy and the ability to negotiate.
The analysis of external and internal sales helps me develop my analytical thinking. Thanks to analytical thinking, I can build causal relationships and answer the question of why sales are growing or going down, subsequently I am able to effectively plan the volume of goods that needs to be produced at the plant, as well as plan promotional activities for the whole year, taking into account all the risks and opportunities.
The most important quality that I have developed in myself during my studies and work is stress resistance. I know how to react correctly to any situation - first I analyze it, and then I try to find an alternative solution to help get out of the crisis situation.
I am very glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume.

Example No. 9.
Position "Analyst"
Dear HR Manager!
Please consider my resume for the vacancy "analyst".
I have gained 3 years of marketing experience in international companies in countries such as France, Scotland and Spain. Now I work in the company "X", which is the leader in the sale of the brand "N" not only in Russia, but also in Europe.
I am engaged in the preparation and analysis of weekly reports on internal and external sales (turnover, pieces, outlets, SKU, margin). I use a P&L model for pricing (discount size, price prediction and preparation of price quotes).
Conducting and analyzing marketing research allowed me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.
Thank you for your attention to my resume.

Example No. 10.
Position "Marketing Manager"
Dear HR Manager!
I would like to offer company "X" my candidacy for the position of "marketing manager".
I have 5 years of experience in marketing, trade marketing, planning, research, analytics and strategic marketing. He gained valuable international experience in the FMCG sector, in the automotive and construction business. He worked in countries such as Hungary, Poland and France.
Moreover, studying at the Department of Marketing at Moscow State University gave me the necessary knowledge in the field of marketing, which I can successfully apply in your company.
I can be useful with my knowledge of foreign languages ​​(I am fluent in Russian, English, and German at an intermediate level) and knowledge of specialized computer programs: SAP, SPSS, Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Photoshop, Html and Google Software Analytics.
I have successful experience in conducting a presentation, developing a plan for launching a new product, analyzing business indicators (sales, stocks, prices, TM events) and organizing point-of-sales (POS) events. And also, conducting and analyzing marketing research allowed me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.
Please contact me by phone if you are interested in my candidacy.
Thank you in advance for your attention to the resume.

Example No. 11.
Position "Personal assistant to the manager"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "personal assistant manager".
6 years of experience in the administrative field and providing full support to the manager: planning the agenda of the working day, maintaining a calendar, prioritizing tasks, tracking results and deadlines for their implementation, organizing internal and external communications, preparing analytical and information materials.
I know the basics of office work, archiving and business etiquette. Confident PC user (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point), fluent level of English.
I have the skills of negotiating and building effective interaction at all levels of management. I can work with a large amount of information in multitasking mode. Able to respond quickly to changes in external conditions.
I am able to independently solve and bring all questions to the final result, and each time find a third non-standard solution, in which the quality of the result increases, and the time for implementation is reduced. My strengths are high learning ability, initiative, energy, diplomacy, attention to detail, diligence, stress resistance.
She is ready for intensive and strenuous work: irregular working hours, business trips, always being in touch, fulfilling the manager's personal assignments, switching between different tasks and projects.
I will be happy to answer your questions.

Example No. 12.
Position "Internet marketer"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "internet marketer"
Work experience over 12 years of independent management of advertising campaigns, promotion of mobile applications; SEO, SMM, Content Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Email Marketing.
I know very well web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Yandex Direct, Metrica), I can analyze and develop systems of performance indicators: audit traffic sources, set goals, segments, events, calculate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, incoming traffic and key site indicators.
I know how to work in a team, interact with contractors and negotiate, find optimal solutions, work in multitasking mode.
I have a creative approach to work, I use the entire additional arsenal of Internet marketing tools, I am looking for new ways and sources of online promotion, monitoring and testing of online innovations.
Thank you in advance for your interest in my resume.

Example No. 13.
Position "Sales Coach"
Dear HR Manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "sales coach".
I managed to achieve my career goal and become a sales coach. I grew and developed first in Russian companies: Afanasy-pivo, Happyland, Termeks, then I looked for opportunities to gain new experience and personal growth and conquered new heights in international FMCG companies: Schwarzkopf & Henkel, L'Oreal and Avon. Now, at trainings, I pass on my successful 15 years of experience in the field of sales and management, I provide effective tools and sales techniques.
Let me explain why I am the ideal candidate for this position.

  • Firstly, I am a manager with more than 12 years of successful experience in sales and all the time I am at the firing line, regularly checking in practice how accurately my trainings “hit” the target.
  • Secondly, I am a business trainer who owns the methodology for creating trainings and webinars for the needs of the company. I am a real practitioner, not an ordinary teacher or trainer who himself has never had to sell, convince clients and negotiate. I was in the fields all the time, daily checking the effectiveness of the cases and exercises I had developed for learning in training.

My goal is to make a real breakthrough in the actions of the participants after completing the trainings! My trainings also give students a huge boost of internal energy and motivate them to achieve high professional success in the company.

I would be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can tell you in more detail about my professional experience.

Yet 55 examples of cover letters for different positions from the level of a specialist to a top manager from the spheres: marketing, sales, finance / banking, procurement, logistics, law, production, personnel management, IT, administration, you will find in the book

Download chapter from the book "Examples of Good and Bad Cover Letters"

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Coach-consultant for job search and career building. The only coach-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Expert in resume writing. The author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!"

Modern employers are increasingly demanding a cover letter for a resume from the applicant, usually containing 2-3 paragraphs. In this material, we will analyze in detail how to draw up such a document.

You will learn:

  • Do I need to write a cover letter for the resume.
  • What are the benefits of a good resume cover letter?
  • How to design and send a cover letter for a resume.
  • How to write an English resume cover letter.
  • What you don't need to write in your resume cover letter.
  • How does a resume cover letter affect an HR decision.

What information does a cover letter for a resume contain?

Documentary support of a resume or a recall for a vacancy refers to additional information and is submitted by a potential candidate for the position in addition to the standard documentation of his education and work experience presented in the resume. Most often, the employer looks at such information even before getting acquainted with the resume.

First of all, a short resume cover letter is a useful addition to adjust the applicant's image. Its purpose is to present your skills and emphasize that you are the one who will benefit the company as an employee.


However, in practice, most applicants do not take the chance to win over their employer. Sometimes people are so doubtful about their capabilities that they cannot profitably present personal advantages, fearing to appear as a braggart or a deceiver. At the same time, about a third of Russians successfully practice this opportunity, hoping that a little accompaniment to their resume will increase their chances of achieving their goal. By the way, they are doing the right thing. Their judgment is fully justified, which is confirmed by the results of surveys of both novice recruiters and skilled headhunters.

First of all, HR specialists choose the most meaningful resume, where they can get the necessary information before meeting with the respondent. This allows them to pre-filter out inappropriate people to save valuable interview time.

From the general mass of applicants, personnel officers single out those who can present themselves. It is believed that people who can present their professionalism, are able to win over and convince others, can present a company with honor on the market. In addition, out of several thousand (over 600) interviewed personnel officers admitted that they do not consider a resume without a cover letter at all.

Benefits of a good resume cover letter

In addition to adhering to the high standards of business, which the applicant adheres to, supporting his own resume with an accompanying message, it will be useful for him to achieve several significant goals, such as:

  • demonstration of writing skills (the template structure of the resume does not allow, so to speak, to show off eloquence and the construction of beautiful phrases);
  • an emphasis on motivation (which is important for people who are changing their field of activity or are not very experienced in the chosen niche);
  • presentation of their advantages, which are especially useful for this organization (in the summary, information about this is contained in the general block along with skills and experience);
  • individualization of attitudes towards job search (the standard type of resume will allow you to send it to each company in an unchanged form, but the text of the cover letter to the resume will confirm your interest only in the desired organization);
  • the manifestation of your interest in the company, the search for information about it and the attractiveness of the data obtained.

No matter how perfect your resume is, the company is interested in a loyal and highly motivated employee who will work for the good of its promotion, as opposed to a simple specialist with qualifications. It is this fact that will allow you to emphasize the cover letter.

  • How to write a resume and create a positive employer image

How Resume Cover Letter Affects HR Decision

Domestic company HeadHunter, which specializes in online recruitment, when conducting a survey of employers found that 36% of them agree to cull the applicant's resume if his cover letter is not drawn up correctly.

There has been a persistent tendency when employees of the HR department are submitted only 20-40% of the resume with an attached cover letter. A quarter of interviewed recruiters engaged in personnel selection confirmed that a resume with an introductory message is quite rare. Cover letters for top positions are the most important: about 17% of enterprises do not at all familiarize themselves with the documents of applicants for the position of a top manager in the absence of the required file. However, for most other jobs, a resume cover letter is seen by HR managers as an added advantage.

Employers show interest in the reasons for choosing a company and the degree of motivation of a candidate for work in this particular vacant position (80%). More than half hope that the applicant's cover letter contains a clear statement of its usefulness to the organization (53%). Over 60% of HR personnel agreed that the optimal cover letter should consist of 3-5 phrases.

Most executives believe that the most appropriate style for a cover letter is business. At the same time, 15% of HR managers admit the use of a conversational manner of presentation, and 17% of this audience do not attribute style to an important factor at all. Approximately 29% of employers welcome the emotional phrases and emoticons that applicants include in their cover letters. Disadvantages noted by many recruiters include: grammatical errors (56%), formulaic phrases (53%), incompetence in business writing styles + familiarity (49%), verbosity (38%) and unclear thoughts (35%) ... Almost all HR professionals (91%) say that an illiterate resume cover letter is unacceptable.

Find out by the resume of the manager who will "explode" the company's sales

How to recognize candidates who will bring profit to the company by their resume? Use a method that allows you to recognize the character and qualities of a person by a short description, which was described by the editorial board of the magazine "Commercial Director".

Expert opinion

Andrey Kolesnikov,

CEO of PowerLexis, St. Petersburg

To get an employer interested, you need to compliment him.

To receive a call for an interview and to successfully pass it, the applicant needs to win the favor of the interlocutor. And the most effective way to do this is with a nice compliment. However, it needs to be thought over, made targeted, not standard. The employer you are seeking to apply for a job should make sure that you are familiar with the direction of his company, see interesting prospects here and are going to defend personal opinion. The recipient of your letter can easily distinguish real enthusiasm from a string of routine phrases, and therefore will undoubtedly be benevolent to you.

One day we received a cover letter for a resume, where the applicant clearly wanted to win our favor. Here's what it said:

"Ladies and gentlemen! In the activities of your company, undeniable respect is the responsibility to customers, high quality products and the degree of decision-making. I will be very happy to work in your team to increase the overall profit. " This person was not even invited for an interview, as his appeal could well have been addressed to any other company. Obviously, he sent this template to everyone. PowerLexis, by the way, does not produce goods at all, but provides services.

And here is an example of a letter confirming that the author has studied the history of the company well: “... I am interested in this vacancy due to the narrow specialization of the company. I am convinced that now, in a time of fierce competition, this is the best way to gain high market positions ... ”. We immediately highlighted this message and invited the applicant for an interview. Takeaway: If you know nothing about compliments, don't try to use them.

Basic requirements for how to write a cover letter for a resume

When writing your resume cover letter, follow these guidelines:

  • maximum conciseness of the business style, it is inappropriate to “spread the thought along the tree” here (the optimal reading time is no more than 10 minutes, the volume of the letter should fit in the A5 format);
  • capacity: the information provided in the letter should be the most important for the employer, since the "water" that increases the volume reduces the candidate's "points";
  • style: information for business is clothed in a business style with a clear structure and understandable constructions that are not clogged with subordinate clauses, with the exception of familiarity and excessive emotions (the latter are possible for organizations of a narrow direction, for example, creative ones, but they are rare on the market);
  • individual approach: an easy, lively style of presentation should be woven into the rules of office work, you need to write as if you are conducting a dialogue with a recruiter;
  • uniqueness: do not forget that your message should stand out from other similar letters, while your uniqueness should not go beyond the terms of the company;
  • relevance: do not use unnecessary information that your potential employer does not need;
  • specifics: any information becomes significant and reliable due to numerical values ​​(numbers, terms, percentages, number of projects, etc.);
  • Recommendations: Most likely, at the interview you will be asked to submit them, but when you get ahead of the recruiter's desire, your resume will become more meaningful.

What to write in your resume cover letter

  • The address to the addressee is mandatory and must contain the name and patronymic of the personnel worker. Here you need to observe the utmost politeness and tact: “Good afternoon, Irina Petrovna! Please discuss my candidacy ... ".
  • A link to the original source of a vacancy announcement is a sign of good form, so it is better to tell the employer where you saw information about hiring specialists (message board, newspaper, website). In some cases, you can personally indicate the intermediary: "Petrov A.I, a long-time partner of your company, told me about the announced vacancy ...". In addition, the title of the vacant position should be mentioned here, adding that you have done similar work in another organization.
  • The main content of your resume cover letter. In this part, it is enough to identify the range of personal professional interests, and then offer services to the employer. You can add your own short description without using common hackneyed phrases. The best option would be to present your strengths, which will further benefit the common cause in your position.
  • Demonstration of the desire to work for the good of the company and grow professionally within its walls. This is an additional item that can be inserted into the main content if necessary.
  • Providing contact details and the promise of a quick response to the invitation for an interview. By entering a phone number in the cover letter to the resume, the applicant greatly simplifies the tasks of the HR specialist of the employing organization, because the personnel officer can immediately call him if the content of the message aroused favorable emotions in the management.
  • Gratitude. A high-quality application to the resume should end with one of the phrases: "Thank you for your attention (or your time)", "Thank you in advance for the phone call" and others.

You need to think about what the addressee wants to see accompanied by the resume in order to write this particular phrase. If an existing vacancy announcement mentioned extensive work experience, this should be the focus. In some cases, employers want to see an employee with similar qualifications in a certain position, without any exceptions. Therefore, listing other skills will be incorrect. This also applies to other requirements mentioned in recruitment advertisements.

How to design and send a cover letter for a resume

In accordance with the standard rules, a cover letter for a resume should be composed:

  • on a separate A5 sheet if you are submitting your resume on paper;
  • in electronic form, if documents are sent to the company's e-mail address;
  • the name and address of the recipient, his details, title, date - everything must be drawn up according to the rules of office work for official letters.

As a rule, the cover sheet is attached to the resume, which confirms its title. In this case, generally accepted formalities must be observed, namely:

  • when sent in hard copy, the accompanying letter is drawn up on a separate sheet of paper or on a special form;
  • in the electronic form of sending, the accompanying text is entered in the message field, and the resume is attached as a separate file, while the subject of the message should be "Resume for a vacancy ...".

There are other known ways to deliver a cover letter to an employer:

  • before submitting a resume (thereby "checking" the organization's mail is carried out, the ground is being prepared, the interest remains);
  • immediately after sending it (to clarify some details, an additional reminder about yourself, encouragement to invite you for an interview);
  • after the interview (often with the same chances of success, any additional action can persuade the employer to your side, and this step can be a tactful and appropriate response to the vacancy).

How to write a resume cover letter without work experience

It is not difficult for a person with extensive professional skills to interest a potential employer. And for a young specialist with a brand new university diploma or an employee who is changing the direction of activity for the first time, this is not easy to do.

To motivate a recruiter to read your resume, it's important to spark their curiosity by writing a high-quality resume cover letter, a sample of which should contain the following elements:

  • a respectful greeting (if you know the name of the recipient of your message, make the greeting addressable);
  • the source where you found the vacancy (newspaper, Internet resource, the person who recommended the vacancy);
  • a professional resource that you could offer the company. If you do not have work experience, you need to identify other advantages that distinguish you from competitors.

The advantages can be:

  • consent to a long probationary period;
  • readiness for training and career growth in this profession;
  • consent to irregular working hours and business trips;
  • specialized education and additional training courses;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • other skills related to the upcoming activity.
    1. contact information (it is appropriate to once again leave your personal contacts not only in the resume, but also in the accompanying message).
    2. goodbye (short and courteous).

How to write an English resume cover letter

Today, finding a decent job with a high salary is becoming an urgent and intractable problem in our society. The state of the labor market requires from applicants not only well-formed skills of work in their specialty, sometimes employers make additional requirements. Among them, the most common is knowledge of foreign languages. Practice proves that employers give such people maximum preference for employment.

Very often, when filling existing vacancies, the management puts forward requirements for candidates for a position to write and provide a cover letter, which is translated from English as "cover letter". Sending a simple resume to the employer is no longer enough to find a lucrative job. It needs to be backed up with the indicated addition.

Recall that the cover letter belongs to the category of business correspondence and is attached to the resume with other documents.

  1. Introduction

To interest a potential employer with your letter, and as a result, your own candidacy, you should "hook" the employer from the first line, and more specifically - from the introduction. Therefore, we advise you to approach the writing of this part of the message with full responsibility.

  • If you have common acquaintances with a prospective employer, it is useful to mention this in order to inspire his favor and trust:

Recently I met Ann Brown, who I know from my childhood, from your main company and she recommended me to write to you my resume-letter. She knows about my talents in programming area and considers me a good candidate for a IT-specialist vacancy.

(The other day I met Ann Brown, whom I have known since childhood, and now an employee of your company, who advised me to send my resume here. She is familiar with my success in programming and is sure that I can quite count on a programmer's place in the company you lead).

  • Briefly and clearly state your achievements in the professional field, emphasizing the nuances that may be of interest to the employer. You need to write about those skills that will be useful in a potential position that the applicant wants to take.
  • You can start with the original question and then, in the process of writing a cover letter for your resume, gradually answer it, intriguing the employer to read the entire text.
  1. How to arouse the employer's interest with a question

The "catchy" question formulated at the beginning of the cover letter, combined with its English version, can be formulated as follows:

Are you looking for an expert of the sales-market area who has sales records for a few different companies and a high developed professional talents?

(Do you need a professional salesperson who has broken all the records in this field in a number of companies at the same time, who has the highest skill?)

In the introduction, you do not need to waste time on a detailed description of the search for this vacancy and its interesting aspects for the applicant. Just mention its name in the subject line.

  1. Main content

The second part of the cover letter explains why the candidate seeks to get into this particular organization in order to take the declared position. Without praise, you need to list the real advantages of this position and transparently hint between the lines at your professional talents as a potential employee. Additionally, it is not superfluous to show a positive attitude towards the company's products or professionals who work in this service sector. All information must be correct.

For an example of a cover letter in English, you can give the following texts:

  • "I would like to have a job in your company because ..." or "I would be happy to get a position in your company because ...".
  • "While I worked in other firm, I always want to be a part of this company ..."
  • "I am very interested in this vacancy, as ..." or "I am very interested in this vacancy, as ...".
  • “I see that your company is in a process of development and that you`re planning to lauch a few new projects. Will I become a part of them? " or “I noticed that your company is growing steadily and you are starting a number of new projects. Do I have a chance to take part in them? "

After that, a personal qualification is described with a full indication of work experience and professional qualities, so that the employer sees in the candidate a future employee of his company, who brings her benefit, profit and is interested in its growth. The wider the list of performance characteristics a job applicant has, the higher his chance of making a proper impression on the employer.

  1. Description of character traits in cover letter

How to add your positive traits to your resume cover letter? An example in English might look like this:

  • "Even in stressed situation I try to keep the balance" or "I am always balanced, even in a tense situation."
  • "I would happy to have a chance to work with you" or "I would be happy to have a chance to work with you."

The accompanying message should motivate you to take action. It is necessary to write it in such a way that immediately upon reading the employer understands that he is facing an experienced and responsible candidate, an employee striving to achieve results, capable of selflessly working for the common good of the company.

  1. Cover letter design

The key principle in composing a real cover letter is personally written text. It is strictly forbidden to copy or modify someone else's version.

A letter of this type should be in a generally accepted format and contain the following elements:

  • introduction (a single paragraph of no more than 500-600 characters without spaces);
  • enumeration of the reasons for contacting the company - several paragraphs in the form of a bulleted list, explaining the reasons for the applicant's choice of this particular position (the volume of the text should not exceed 1,800 characters);
  • information about professional experience, supported by specific examples, with the possibility of attaching own projects and works (approximately 3,200 characters);
  • the final part with the contact information of the applicant (about 400 characters).

When composing the text of the cover letter for your resume, you should adhere to the style of business correspondence. The use of a specialized vocabulary in it, corresponding to the vacant position for which the candidate is fighting, dramatically increases his chances of arousing the interest of the employer and becoming an employee of the organization.

Mentioning recent company events and showing genuine interest in its activities gives the job seeker an opportunity to win the employer's sympathy and encourage feedback. The most important thing is to do everything sincerely, otherwise the position will go to another applicant, not you.

Before sending your formal cover letter to your employer, be sure to reread the cover letter in English a couple of times to check for grammatical errors. If you wish, you can use the professional services of a translator.

  1. Correct address to the addressee

At the very beginning of the accompanying message in English, there is an appeal to the addressee, which should begin with the words "Dear", that is, "Dear (s)".

If the letter is sent to a man, the turnover Mr is used, for a woman, respectively, Ms (without specifying marital status).

When the applicant is well acquainted with the employer, you can use the phrase Dear Mike, and if, on the contrary, you have never seen him, it is better to apply correctly by his last name - Dear Mr Berkley.

  1. Expression of interest in a position

The level of interest in the vacancy is conveyed by the description of professional skills and experience. In this way, the candidate presents himself, that is, he first meets the employer, describing his skills and business qualities.

In addition, if you know people from among the employees of this company, mention them. But, of course, with their consent. The cover letter for the resume is prepared in different versions. Here's an example in English to describe the custom parameters in a cover letter:

"With my management skills and understanding of your business, I can immediately begin to work in this position…"

Hint that you really hope for an answer by using this phrase: "I look forward to hear from you."

  1. How to present your competence

“Thank you for your attention. I "m waiting for a possibility to talk to you why I could to work in that vacancy. Please contact me ..." from you a call or an answer by e-mail ... ".

  1. How to complete your cover letter

As a rule, at the end of the message there is a short wish and the name of the author. Be guided by the example of the English version of the final part, which can be formulated like this: "Best regards, Elena ..." or "All the best, Elena."

  1. Spell checker

Errors in the text can create an unfavorable impression on the manager of the future employee and discourage him from continuing to read. Therefore, it is worth checking the grammar of the text once again using special programs. It is necessary to check the correctness of the arrangement of words in sentences: in Russian, phrases can start with the use of any words, while English provides special rules that determine the order of constructing sentences.

Spelling check is a must if you are writing your resume cover letter yourself and without a translator. Take your time when writing text. It is better to comprehend each sentence several times, because the correctness, conciseness and literacy of the message will affect the opinion about the author and the possibility of his employment in the chosen organization.

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What you don't need to write in your resume cover letter

1. Do not push your ambitions in your career.

Try not to use expressions like "I want to work where I can realize my skills and move up the career ladder." Such a pompous statement is more likely to scare away the employer than delight him. In addition, prior exposure to company operations will only allow you to deal with those who are trying to promote their employees professionally. So do not waste the recipient's time insisting on privileges before you have proven your abilities in practice.

2. Don't talk about the salary

This should not be done even when the employer asks you to indicate your previous salary at one of the points of the announcement. Why? Employers need this data to filter out applicants who are either very expensive or not very experienced, which prevented them from earning more money earlier. Knowing your previous earnings will only diminish your chances of success. What to do? Complete your resume cover letter with a magic phrase that rules out further questions: "My salary was negotiable."

3. Don't mention why you left your previous job

Sometimes people feel the need to explain what made them work for so long (or short) in their previous positions. This is not worth doing. It is better to prepare in advance the answers to all kinds of questions about your work experience and save them in case of an interview during the appointment. Do not include facts in your cover letter that are likely to arouse the employer's suspicion.

Typical mistakes of every second resume cover letter

Let's name the most common disadvantages that can spoil the impression and even "chop off" all chances of success when discussing a resume.

Error 1.Stereotyping

The stereotyped, hackneyed phrases written "under a carbon copy" have a detrimental effect on the meaningfulness of your letter. If, after reading it, the employer decides that you are stamping them for distribution to all sorts of organizations, then your candidacy will surely be ignored.

Mistake 2.Business style violation

Of course, originality is good, but not in this case. In business correspondence, humor is also inappropriate if it does not correspond to the corporate culture of the employer's firm. Informal and unceremonious addresses can be harmful to the author. Do not use jargon, emoticons, non-statutory punctuation, etc.

Mistake 3.Common phrases

Try to exclude such convenient but meaningless expressions such as “I am a qualified (responsible, stress-resistant) worker,” “I am a quick learner,” etc.

All epithets should be supported by facts, arguments, numbers. For example, you do not need to write "I am a knowledgeable specialist", you should say "I have devoted more than ten years to this field."

Information about experts

Andrey Kolesnikov, CEO of PowerLexis, St. Petersburg. PowerLexis is a consulting company specializing in the development of technologies for capturing an audience through "live" business presentations. PowerLexis offers clients the development of concepts for presentations of products, services, projects, companies; development of corporate style and presentation design standard; consultations and analysis of presentations. Clients: Microsoft, Uniastrum Bank, Baltika OJSC, Baltic Customs Agency, Informtechnika group of companies, Beltel, Spetstrest No. 2 group of companies, etc.