Household gas water heater Neva: how to choose the right reliable model for home use. Review of geysers Neva Neva 4511 chimney

Gas water heaters"NEVA" is produced by the company "Gazapparat", which has its own production area. All manufactured equipment must undergo performance, tightness, and electrical safety tests using automated installations.

Buyers say:

The Neva 4511 geyser gets good reviews: Most buyers focus on the affordable price and fairly good quality of the product.

“The parents, having decided to change the water heater at home, consulted with the seller and purchased a domestic Neva 4511. Since they are pensioners, the low cost of the water heater suited them well. When using it, they are very happy, the device works without problems, does not take up much space, and has decent power. I recommend it to all my relatives and friends.”

Sveta Seliverstova, Moscow.

“Having tested this unit, I can highlight its advantages: automation, copper radiator. The disadvantages include: you often need to change batteries, every 2 - 3 months, it is better to use alkaline ones (they are more expensive, but they will last longer); wires stick out from underneath; components made in China. If it turns off after heating, then the draft sensor needs to be replaced. I turned it 180 0 and installed it at the top. After this, warm air from the burner does not reach it, everything is fine.”

Igor, Voronezh.

“What I like about the 4511 model is that it has a temperature indicator, temperature and pressure control, compact dimensions, small price. I didn’t like the fact that it was noisy at work sometimes. throughput low, the water temperature depends on the pressure.”

Mikhail Granyuk, Korolev.

“The sizes are small, it works quietly, there is no wick. Made in Russia, and spare parts are most likely Chinese. Sometimes there are pops when turned on, after 5 months of use it became a little louder. But if you compare it with what was there before, it works almost silently. When you open the second tap, the pressure drops greatly.”

Marina Azhar, Rostov-on-Don.

“I installed it myself for a shower in the country. Be sure to check all parts before installation. Most nuts are simply pushed onto the connectors. We've been using it for over a year. At first it worked well, although there was uneven heating. With a weak gas flow, it takes a long time to warm up. If the gas is turned on too high, it quickly heats up and turns off due to overheating. Moreover, a strong flow of water is needed, but if it is weak, it does not turn on. After a month and a half of work it broke down solenoid valve. Changed it. After overwintering in a dry room, it started working normally in the new season. After a couple of weeks, popping noises began to be heard. Changed the batteries. And again, after a couple of weeks, the solenoid valve broke.”

Andrey Shishparenok, Moscow.

“I spent a long time choosing a speaker and settled on Neva 4511. I’ve been using it for more than two years. There are no complaints. The batteries are still the same. Some people are starting to complain about the cotton. I don't care, you can't hear him at all in the bathroom. Disadvantage: the water pressure affects, the less, the hotter. I guess this is normal."

Valery, St. Petersburg.

Neva instantaneous water heaters are divided into classes:

  • Economy
  • Comfort.
  • Premium

Neva 4511 belongs to economy class. The main parts are a copper heat exchanger, a burner, an enameled body.

Characteristics of Neva 4511

  • To heat water up to 40 0 ​​C, the heating rate is 8 l/min, for 25 0 C – 11 l/min.
  • Ignition is electronic, batteries are not included.
  • Dimensions: 565 mm x 290 mm x 221 mm
  • Power – 21 kW.
  • Gas consumption – 2.2 m 3 /h.
  • Reduced gas consumption – 0.8 m 3 /h.
  • The water pressure to turn on the water heater is from 3 atm.
  • Weight 11 kg.


  • Control – full automatic.
  • Two knobs: regulation of water flow through the column, control of the burner flame.
  • The temperature sensor turns off the water heater when the water overheats above 90 0 C.
  • The solenoid valve that controls the gas supply to the burner turns off the column in the event of a leak or pressure change.
  • A strainer is installed on the gas supply.
  • If the solenoid valve fails, the safety valve is activated.
  • The heat exchanger is made of electrolytic copper, shielded.

The price of a NEVA 4511 geyser depends largely on the location of the store. The price may include a delivery fee.

The domestic gas water heater Neva is a product of domestic development, as are the Astra and Oasis water heaters. Already from the name alone it becomes clear that devices under this brand are manufactured in St. Petersburg. Potential buyers have a variety of speaker models to choose from, differing not only in performance, but also appearance. A total of nine model lines are on sale. Advantages geysers Neva from the manufacturer NevaGaz:

  • The presence of flame modulation in advanced models - due to this, automatic support of the set water temperature is achieved;
  • A special series of designer columns - for those who appreciate beauty;
  • Availability of ultra-thin models - for those who save space;
  • Range of models for rooms without a chimney - perfect solution for old and new houses;
  • Affordable cost of equipment - compared to similar models from other manufacturers, Neva geysers are relatively cheap.

Each manufacturer is ready to praise their products at any time of the day or night. What do users say about Neva geysers? We learn about this from customer reviews.

What does a buyer who wants to purchase a gas water heater focus on? Of course, based on reviews from other customers. Let's find out what user reviews are about Neva geysers.

Geyser Neva Lux 5514

We bought this speaker with the expectation that it could provide solid performance. With a power of 28 kW, this unit produces up to 14 l/hour, and this is quite enough for taking a shower and washing dishes at the same time. Despite the fact that the Lux 5514 geyser is a domestic device, it performs well. The model is reliable, heats water very quickly, has extremely clear controls - in fact, there is only one knob for adjusting the temperature. Somewhere I came across reviews that this column has a bad heat exchanger, but in fact it has served for 6 years and does not seem to be going to break.


  • Amazing reliability for a domestic water heater;
  • Affordable price, analogues from foreign manufacturers are more expensive;
  • Electronic ignition starts automatically, you just need to open the tap. The absence of a pilot allows you to save on gas.


  • It seems to me that it is a little noisy, analogues are quieter;
  • There is no automatic maintenance of water temperature, so when the pressure changes or the second tap is opened, the temperature changes slightly;
  • The batteries need to be changed frequently, and she doesn’t want to run on cheap batteries;
  • Sometimes it goes out due to inexplicable reasons. Thank God this happens quite rarely.

Geyser Neva 4511

We needed an inexpensive speaker from famous manufacturer, so my husband and I decided to opt for the Neva 4511 gas water heater. It works quite calmly with two taps, providing consumers with a sufficient amount of hot water. True, when opening the second tap, the heating temperature changes slightly, but this is easily corrected with the help of a mixer. Therefore, this behavior is not a disadvantage. There is a small display on the front panel that shows the temperature of the hot water. There are two knobs nearby to regulate the temperature. Just above there is a small peephole to control the combustion of gas. But the design of the speaker is as if it was cut out of a single piece of iron with an ax - a mere rectangle. But it is quite reliable, although it is not without certain drawbacks.


  • Heats water quickly, no need to wait long for heating after switching on;
  • Quite affordable price; analogues from imported brands are more expensive;
  • For three years there has been no leakage, which indicates the reliability of the assembly and heat exchanger;
  • Convenient temperature and pressure adjustment.


  • Sometimes the gas does not ignite immediately, but after a few seconds, which causes a strong bang;
  • When overheated, it begins to make noise, like a roaring engine at high speeds. The noise appears already after +50 degrees;
  • Very thin body. Not a very important flaw, but still somehow undignified. Although now all equipment is made in such cases, even washing machines.

Geyser Neva Transit VPG-10E


A simple geyser, cheap, but not without its drawbacks. For example, it regularly turns off because it simply overheats. What kind of logic is this - to save gas and not swim for more than 20 minutes? I had to change the sensor, although after a while it went glitchy. If the pressure drops, you have to adjust the heating temperature, otherwise you can simply get burned. It also seemed to me that it used up the batteries too quickly - my neighbors have the same speaker, so they change it about once every six months. Despite a bunch of shortcomings inherent in most inexpensive speakers, there were no serious breakdowns. Changed it a couple of times rubber gaskets, since it started to drip, but the heat exchanger still feels fine, although the neighbors have already had to change it.


  • There are no frills in the design, just a simple white body with two handles and an indicator;
  • It normally lights up in the evening, when water pressure traditionally drops;
  • Electric ignition, you can save on gas - whatever you say, but the piezoelectric gas igniter does not work so economically;
  • It can operate on liquefied gas; you can install a water heater in your dacha.


  • There is no temperature monitoring; with a sudden change in pressure you can get burned;
  • There are no major breakdowns, only minor ones, but it takes a long time to find where the water is coming from;
  • Frequent spontaneous shutdowns for no apparent reason; replacing the sensor did not help for long.

Geyser Neva 4510

They probably haven’t come up with anything worse than this column yet. How was it possible to release a model with such a flimsy heat exchanger? How could anyone even guess to make this thermally loaded unit from such a thin metal? A year has passed since the purchase, and leaks have already begun. It feels like this is an ordinary Chinese column in the Russian style - they didn’t even think of eliminating the obvious shortcomings. It makes a lot of noise, drips water, and switches off periodically. Recently it completely stopped turning on the first time, I have to turn off the water and turn it on again. Replacing the batteries didn't help, and cleaning everything that could be cleaned didn't help either. I decided to completely change the heat exchanger, found out the price, and decided to add a little more money and buy a normal column. Why such insanely expensive parts?

In our everyday life Water heaters are becoming increasingly popular. To prevent circumstances from catching us at the wrong moment, we strive to predict all situations.

Shutdowns have become commonplace for city residents warm water. In the private sector, the problem of water heating has never disappeared. It is for such cases that geysers are suitable.

Types of devices

A geyser is a water heating device. Gas is the main source of energy.

The main criteria are the characteristics of the device, its quality and price.

Conditionally according to technical specifications columns can be divided into types:

  • by type of ignition;
  • by type of chimney;
  • by power (on which the volume of heated water depends);
  • on safety;
  • to size;
  • for additional functions.

As for the quality of the product, the popularity and fame of the brand can be decisive. On the domestic market quality manufacturer performed by NEVA company. This is confirmed by many reviews of the product. The quality of components and assembly guarantees the reliability of the device.

Note: The service life of the NEVA 4511 column is 12 years from the date of installation, and the warranty service is 2 years.

Ignition of the column

By igniting the column we mean igniting the gas, namely the method in gas columns is:

  • manual ignition;
  • piezo ignition;
  • electronic;
  • microturbine.

Manual ignition is a rarity for modern speakers. Older models required matches to ignite the gas. Today such models are rare.

Piezo ignition. By analogy with piezo electric stoves, to ignite the gas you need to press a button on the column panel. This method is still used in modern models.

Electronic. The most convenient and popular way. Reliability and economical gas consumption make such models a little more expensive. By analogy with a car, a spark is created by a small battery; batteries are often used. The NEVA 4511 column belongs to this model range.

As for microturbines, the current in them is generated by a hydrodynamic generator controlled by a water flow. The cost of such copies is much higher.

Columns with electric ignition are easy to use. The gas is ignited automatically when you open the water tap, thereby saving gas consumption.

Type of combustion products removal

Atmospheric speakers are available for sale. They discharge combustion waste directly into chimneys.

The branded range of NEVA speakers is represented by VPG models from series 10 to 14, in various modifications.

Turbine columns are not connected to the chimney; they take oxygen for combustion from outside and throw combustion products there. They are intended for installation on any floor of a building in houses without chimneys. The higher price is justified by the ease of their use, since chimneys are much more expensive to build.


Power instantaneous water heater determined by the volume of water it can heat. For heating large quantity water you will need a powerful unit.

Based on their power, speakers can be divided into:

  • power from 17 - 20 kW (small speakers);
  • from 20 - 26 kW (average);
  • from 26 – 28 (high power).

The NEVA column model 4511 consumes 21 kW, but produces up to 11 liters of hot water per minute. For an approximate determination of liters per minute, take a look at this table:

The NEVA 4511 column is suitable for two water collection points. If you need to use more points, it is better to take a column with more power. The NEVA 4511 column is the most compact of the entire series and is suitable for small rooms. More powerful NEVA speakers from the Lux series.

Safety in use

A gas water heater is a high-risk device.

To simplify use and prevent various accidents, the speakers are equipped with additional sensors. Among which:

  1. Ionization sensor. If the fire goes out, the sensor cuts off the gas supply.
  2. Additional temperature sensors. They are triggered if the ionization sensor is not working.
  3. Heating sensor. Monitors temperature flow heater, i.e. regulates the temperature of the entire device, as well as the heating elements.
  4. A water pressure sensor, the main task of which is to turn on or off the gas supply automatically when drawing water.
  5. Temperature difference control sensor. A device for increasing and decreasing the water temperature, in case someone additionally opened the water, is implemented in newer Neva Lux models, model 4514, 4513.
  6. Gas and water pressure sensor. Control the supply of water or gas to the column. If you open a water tap and turn it off, the column will not supply gas automatically.
  7. Safety valves. Shut off the water or gas supply if high blood pressure in system.

Features of domestic systems

This means that when the gas pressure drops below 13 mBar, the column continues to operate.

At the same time, the automation does not allow turning on the device at low pressure. Gas supply in our territorial latitudes is a secondary problem. The main task is to control the water pressure.

Take into account: The Neva 4511 column turns on at a pressure of 0.2 atmospheres, but long-term operation in such conditions is undesirable.

An important advantage of the Neva and Neva Lux columns is the replaceable heat exchanger. Instead of buying a new speaker, it is enough to purchase an accessory part. It costs from 3,500 to 4,500 thousand rubles, depending on its type. New models are equipped with a copper heat exchanger; this material is resistant to corrosion, but salt and scale deposits remain a problem.

Neva service

Solenoid valve failures often occur. When you open the tap, you hear the click of the electric ignition machine, but no gas flows.

Gas flows through the solenoid valve to the burner. Replacing it is not difficult, just like the heat exchanger, it is sold separately. Attached to the column with screws. The valve diameter is standard, therefore, knowing the model of your column, you can replace it in a matter of minutes.

For installation work on installation gas equipment Only professional specialists who are authorized to carry out the work should be involved.

Before installation, they check for gas leaks in the system. Note:

It is strictly not recommended to install any gas equipment yourself, especially a water heater. Specialists, following the instructions, comply with the rules for connecting to the gas source and water supply system.

You should pay attention to the manufacturer's warranty. You need to know in advance how to get it. Installation of the column is possible only after obtaining the right to commission it.

To start the device for the first time, you must call the service center specialists to obtain a note on the warranty card. Only after this does the warranty certificate come into force. Also, the column must be officially installed, i.e. in coordination with local economic authorities. It would seem that everything

additional functions, built into the column, are automatically adjusted. But this does not mean that nothing depends on you.

Expert advice:

It is better to limit the outlet water temperature. At high water temperatures, the formation of salts and scale on the heating element accelerates.

Consider the hardness of the water in your piping system. Repair and maintenance in case of breakdowns must be carried out by qualified specialists.

It is necessary to clean the burners and heating element, as well as clean the entire device from dust and dirt. With proper use, the column will last a long time. Watch the video in which a specialist describes the features of the device and Neva 4511:

Due to frequent hot water outages, many apartment residents began to install

Old and inconvenient speakers have been replaced by new compact and modern units. Such products satisfy the needs of many consumers. The devices are equipped with modern automation and have a multi-stage protection system. This is very important feature, since it provides increased safety during operation.

Popular models refers to the gas water heater Neva 4511, which is produced by the Baltic Gas Company. The company has been operating since 1995 and is the country's leader in the production of household and industrial gas equipment. The company sells its products wholesale and retail at low prices, which can be seen on the official website. The sales market is open throughout the country and there are more than 1,500 settlements for the sale of gas equipment and spare parts. The company's products combine advanced European technologies and the experience of Russian engineers.

The Neva 4511 model is designed for very fast heating of water in a private house or apartment. The geyser is mounted vertically, connecting to a chimney with natural draft to remove combustion products. The column is designed for 2 water intake points. Two types of fuel are used for operation - liquefied or natural gas.

The front part is equipped with knobs for regulating gas and water flow, as well as a display. The column operation process starts after opening the tap with hot water. At this moment, the electronic automatic ignition system is activated. It produces spark discharges and operates on a battery.

It is worth mentioning separately about the safety of the device. According to the operating instructions, the unit automatically turns off when:

  • there is no water or the pilot burner goes out;
  • heating the liquid above 80 o C;
  • when the draft in the chimney is disrupted.

Manufacturers provide a 2-year warranty on the product. The operating period of a gas water heater according to the Neva 4511 instructions is up to 12 years.


The Neva 4511 geyser has a rectangular shape, ergonomic classic design. It is lined with a white or silver panel. Facing affects the price of the product. Silver coating will cost more. Details can be seen on the company's official website. The speaker has compact dimensions and light weight, only 10 kg. Its width is 29 cm, height - 56.5 cm, depth - 22.1 cm.

The heat exchanger of the two-tier column is made of copper and does not contain lead and tin impurities. The increased diameter of the pipe protects against scale accumulation. The unique burner is made of stainless steel, which significantly extends its service life. Main characteristics of the Neva 4511 unit according to the instructions:

  • productivity 11 l/min when heating the liquid to 25 o C;
  • fuel consumption (liquefied and natural gas) 1.66 m 3 / h and 2.2 m 3 / h;
  • open combustion chamber type;
  • rated power - 21 kW;
  • electronic type of ignition;
  • chimney diameter - 11–12.5 mm;
  • Efficiency - 87%.

At the bottom of the device, batteries are installed in a special box. If it fails, it is not a problem since it is easy to replace it yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

The domestic model Neva 4511 can please potential buyers of geysers with several advantages:

  • compact size and ergonomic design;
  • high performance;
  • ease of use;
  • availability of maintenance and repair;
  • low cost;
  • safety and reliability,

Any technique has a number of advantages, but also disadvantages. The Neva unit has several disadvantages:

  • compared to foreign-made products, its efficiency is significantly lower;
  • does not show the outlet water temperature;
  • low throughput;
  • the heat exchanger clogs quickly;
  • the column should be installed only on a dry wall with high-quality thermal insulation;
  • the need to periodically change batteries.

According to experts, the service life of a device is always influenced by the rules of its operation, as well as the quality of assembly in production. They it is also not recommended to take on do-it-yourself repair , and involve only specialists for this.

Geyser Neva 4511: reviews

For some users, such equipment can last a long time and not break if you follow the operating instructions. Others have it breaks down faster. Many of the buyers leave their reviews after purchasing and installing this unit.

In your Vacation home I bought this column. It runs on bottled gas. There were no problems with installation. We were pleased with the device because it became much more comfortable. It operates quietly in automatic mode and consumes little gas. We are on summer season One bottle is enough.

Kira, Voronezh

We moved to an old type apartment and there hot water only from the gas water heater. We removed the old one, replacing it with the Neva 4511 model. It became a real salvation for us after the old, noisy and cumbersome one. The new one works automatically, is very quiet and does not require matches to ignite.

Asya, Rostov-on-Don

We were advised to purchase a Neva water heater by a repairman gas technology, when our previous column failed. It is considered the most popular among buyers because it is inexpensive and reliable. It has been serving us for three years now and so far we are happy with the purchase.

Alexander, Yaroslavl