Frequently asked questions about apartment renovation. Frequently asked questions about the repair of apartments and bathrooms Question about repair or repair

Overview information:

The order of repair in the apartment

Repair of an apartment is generally divided into two stages: documentary (“paper”) and production (working). Neglect development required documents and their proper execution should by no means be followed: unsystematic work leads to errors, each of which means a rework at least twice the price. Double - because you have to break what has already been done and completely redo it. At a minimum, because in this case, penalties from regulatory authorities and compensation for damage to neighbors are possible.

Documentary cycle

The documentary justification for the repair consists of the following steps:

  1. Measurement.
  2. Prototyping.
  3. Design.
  4. Drawing up a budget.
  5. Obtaining permits for the types of work that require them.


The dimensions of the rooms, the height of the ceilings, window and door openings and their location relative to the walls, the thickness of the partitions are measured. In the process of measuring, we find out what the partitions are made of (to do this, you need to remove part of the plaster or cladding) and the presence of voids between the slabs of the main walls and ceilings. They are found with a pointed steel probe or just a screwdriver. Also measured are furniture remaining after repair or newly acquired, oversized items, for example. a vacuum cleaner, a barbell, a bicycle, and pretending to be the amount of long-term storage - homemade items, tools, clothing for travel, etc.


Then you need to draw a plan of the apartment on a scale, cut out applications of moved objects from cardboard on the same scale and work out options for arranging them in terms of ergonomics and design. This is layout. His goals:

  • Create convenience.
  • Determine the need and scope.
  • Find out what you can do yourself, and what is better to entrust the pros.

Redevelopment must be minimized: any work related to it requires formal permission, and these are untargeted costs and unnecessary trouble. Redevelopment works include the following:

  1. or loggias with and.
  2. Transfer and / or expansion of door and window openings, - walls, ceilings.
  3. , regardless of whether the opening of the balcony block remains the same or not.
  4. The device of partitions giving a concentrated load - made of glass blocks, etc. heavy materials.
  5. Alteration of ventilation ducts, air supply systems or.
  6. The device of chimneys (gas ducts).
  7. Merging or division of premises, incl. bathroom.

In addition, permission will be needed for re-laying electrical wiring, and altering the descent from the gas riser to gas appliances. All performance work requiring a permit is documented by an acceptance certificate issued by the organization that issued the permit. WITHOUT AN ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE, THE WORK IS DEFINITELY CONSIDERED INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION.

Note: the installation or dismantling of partitions from tongue-and-groove blocks, foam and aerated concrete, drywall (GVL), plywood and lumber does not require permission.

Project and estimate

Based on the results of prototyping, a project is developed that complies with building codes (the model is "driven" into the norms), and an estimate for the production of work. To draw up an estimate, you need to make an explication - indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, ceiling, walls, and other data necessary for the calculation.

Design is hard work; even for experienced builders, the project often takes more time and effort than the actual construction. It is better to entrust the development of the project and estimates to experienced professionals who are fluent in SNiP (Building Norms and Rules). So it will come out sooner, easier and cheaper than later to remake amateurish flaws.

Advice: the estimate and the family budget allocated for construction are two different things. Approximately 30% “on top” should be included in the budget for paperwork and unforeseen expenses. Tentatively, we can assume that with reasonable savings and proper organization of work, you can meet 12,000 rubles / sq.m per TOTAL area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, including a balcony with a closet.


Construction design organizations, as a rule, also prepare packages of permits for work. Prices are not encouraging, but "self-registration" will cost more and may lead to a neurologist. There is only one “but” - the period of validity of permits is limited, therefore, when concluding a design contract, it is necessary to stipulate their phased receipt.

Production cycle

Repair work is carried out starting with the dirtiest and most difficult. They are performed immediately, and then the decoration is carried out from the far rooms to the entrance. The repair sequence is as follows:

It is advisable to separate the rough repair of the bathroom and its finishing with the replacement of plumbing so as not to “kill” the new one during the repair. Repair of the kitchen is complicated and requires separate layout, and the room is not a walk-through, so it is better to do it in a complex way. The hallway is done last, primarily because of the garbage.

About the balcony

When to repair the balcony? It is often advised to leave it in the end - there, they say, it is convenient to locate the preparation area (workbench with a vise) and store materials. But the experience of a do-it-yourselfer says that from frequent walking to the balcony, dirt and debris are carried throughout the apartment, it is much more convenient to work with long materials in the next room in line, and there is no danger that a block or board will fall down on the head of a random passerby.

Therefore, if the repair is voluminous, it is better to do the balcony first, especially since it is the farthest from the entrance. In addition, without risking ruining your home, you can hone your working skills on the balcony, learn to feel the material and gain experience in going through the authorities.


A drill and a simple set of metalwork tools are available to everyone who knows how to tinker. For repairs, you also need to purchase a puncher: they will come in handy later, and problems may arise when renting back due to intensive use. To the puncher, you must immediately purchase a set of drills, drills and chisels for concrete (an impact drill is unsuitable for long-term work of this kind) and a drill bit for concrete according to the size of the holes for the sockets. To the grinder - a few (2-3 to start) circles on stone and metal, cutting and cleaning. To a conventional drill, in addition to the existing drills, a metal cord brush for cleaning surfaces and a mixing nozzle for mixing building mixtures.

From small tool you need to stock up on a tape measure for 10 or more meters, building level at least 1 m long, also 1 m with a metal ruler and a 0.5 m locksmith's square. You will also need a metal spatula for plaster, a rule for leveling the screed, a chisel or chisel and a half-rubber for grouting. For work with glue, you need a notched trowel for glue.

From the painting tool you need round and flat brushes 30-40, 60-80 and 100-120 mm and a paint roller. For drywall you will need a spiked roller, and for another needle roller, a special one. Also stock up on a few mounting knives, a joint knife, adjustable and gas wrenches No. 1 and No. 2. For specific types of work, additional tools will be needed.

As for a soldering iron, a laser level and a kit for installing split system pipelines, they are expensive, they are rarely needed in everyday life (except, perhaps, a jigsaw), so it’s better to rent them.


Materials are heavy, dirty, required in large quantities and allow for long-term storage, such as cement, sand, plaster mixtures, ready-made paints, it is better to purchase immediately for at least 2 stages of repair in order to have time to buy more. Piece facing materials (laminate, MDF, lining, tiles, porcelain stoneware) are purchased immediately: then the seller may not have the right article, and even for one article the tone changes somewhat from batch to batch, but according to the results of an accurate calculation - they are expensive - and with reserve for battle and waste.

Materials that require special storage and preparation conditions immediately before use (self-leveling floor, glue, sealant, etc.) are purchased as needed: it suddenly turns out to be unusable, a claim can be made only immediately after purchase. This does not apply to hardware, fasteners, installation profiles and rough finishing materials (drywall, plywood) - they can be purchased immediately, if there is somewhere to store, and as needed.

Only one room needs renovation. Do you work with such volumes?

We are ready to offer you both complex and partial renovation apartments. Individual approach to the client is one of our priorities!

What should I do if I do not plan to remove the furniture from the apartment during the renovation of the entire apartment?

There are many solutions. For example, you can contact an organization that specializes in the removal and storage of furniture. If she stays in the apartment, the time spent on repairs may increase. Our employees will pack the furniture in a film and move it within the apartment at the right time.

What is the cost of the work is clear to me, and what materials are "rough"?

"Black" are all Construction Materials that are not decorative. We deliver these materials to you from our warehouses, being responsible for their quality.

These include:

  • Primers, adhesives, building mixtures etc.;
  • Plumbing materials (squeegees, faucets, pipes, etc.);
  • Materials required for electrical work (junction boxes, terminal blocks, wires, etc.).

Costs for draft materials calculated during the budgeting process.

Is it possible to start work on the desired date? Will this affect the cost?

It's possible. After the estimate is drawn up and approved, the contract indicates the date of commencement of work, which is agreed with you. The contract will help you to get confidence that the work will be started at the specified time, and their cost will not change.

I am planning to renovate my apartment. Where should I start?

Construction work is paid in stages. When signing the contract, an advance payment of 10% of the amount indicated in it is made, and the rest is divided into several stages. Payment is made upon acceptance of each stage. Consumables do not need to be paid in advance. They are delivered to the facility, and payment is made separately, according to the checks provided.

What building materials are used in the process of work?

Our company has its own warehouse and bears warranty obligations for the work. This is achieved through interaction not with intermediaries, but with manufacturers and has a positive effect on the quality and cost of work. We use a line of building materials, mixtures and fittings from such reliable companies as RBM, Stayer, Honevell, TIGI-KNAUFF, Matrix, Ostondorf, etc.

What will be the costs for overhaul apartments for draft materials?

The cost of building materials depends on the technical solutions and the specifics of the task, and are calculated by our specialists individually when drawing up an estimate.

I plan to make repairs, but they do not have the opportunity to constantly be with the workers at the facility. What to do?

The contract is concluded between you and a legal entity, not employees, which means that our company guarantees that in your absence your property will be safe. For the duration of the repair, you give us the keys to the apartment, and at the end of it, our masters will replace the lock cylinder so that you do not worry about the safety of your property.

I am planning a renovation. What do I need to know about payment?

Construction work is paid in stages. When signing the contract, an advance payment of 50% of the amount indicated in it is made, and the rest is divided into several stages. Payment is made upon acceptance of each stage. Consumables do not need to be paid in advance. They are delivered to the facility, and payment is made separately, according to the invoices provided. In some cases, the cost of expendable materials may exceed half the amount of the contract.

Is a contract concluded during the repair and where can I find it?

The relationship between our company and the customer is built on the basis of a contract. The contract template is presented for review in one of the sections of our company's website.

How much will a call to the estimator's object cost?

A site visit by a specialist to take measurements and draw up an estimate, as well as the necessary consultations, are provided free of charge!

What guarantees do you provide for the work performed?

Our company provides a guarantee for all types of work performed for 12 months, for stretch ceiling 60 months. We also give financial and legal guarantees specified in the acts of acceptance of work and the contract.

How can I find out the cost of repairing my apartment?

The cost of repairing each apartment is determined individually by our experts when drawing up an estimate. A number of factors affect the cost of repairs:

Volume of work;
Your requirements for the design project;
The condition of the object (the cost of repairing an apartment in a new building will be lower, since there is no dismantling, furniture transfer, etc.);
Type of house (for example, the cost of chasing brick walls lower than concrete).
If you want to redecorating, the costs will be from 2900 rubles / m2. The preliminary cost of the work is determined during a telephone consultation, and the exact amount is determined when our specialist visits the facility and draws up an estimate.

Can the cost of work increase during the repair process?

When calculating the cost of work, we indicate it step by step in the estimate. The types and cost of work indicated in the estimate correspond to the estimates on the company's website. The signed bilateral contract specifies the price, which cannot be changed. An exception is the situation when there is a need for additional work. The customer is informed in advance about them, as well as options for solving the situation. In this case, an additional estimate is drawn up, which is paid separately. Therefore, price changes can only take place in agreement with the customer.

The apartment is located in an old house. Do you do any of these renovations?

Our company carries out repairs and interior decoration of all types of premises. Unlike a new building, in an old house it is necessary to dismantle the old finishes, plumbing, etc. There may be minor additional costs for the removal and transportation of construction debris and the transfer of furniture within the apartment.

What is Eurorepair?

This term began to be widely used in the early nineties of the twentieth century. There is no clear definition of the concept, because everyone puts their own ideas into it. For some citizens, it consists in multi-level ceilings with spotlights, for others - in an abundance of forging and marble in the decor, for others - in decorative rosettes, ceiling baguettes and columns with capitals. In general, "European-quality repair" means alignment plaster mixtures ceiling and walls under the "lighthouse", high quality interior decoration using expensive materials.

Who will buy building materials?

At your discretion. We proceed from the wishes of the customer. You can do it yourself, or the master is engaged in the purchase of materials, providing you with all reporting documents. Consultations on repair and materials free of charge.

Do you provide a guarantee for the work performed?

Let's give. For all work performed, we give a guarantee of 12 months.

Do I need to make an advance payment and how is the payment made?

We start all work without prepayment. Payment is made in installments based on the work performed.

What nationality will the specialists work for?

Repair- Finishing work will be produced by specialists who have been cooperating with the Happy Home company for a long time, and have passed quality control.

Is it possible to call a specialist on a day off?

Yes, we are open daily from 9 am to 9 pm. Calling a specialist on weekends is also free of charge, at a convenient time for you.

What is the final cost of the repair?

The final cost is made up of many factors, only after leaving and evaluating the apartment, taking into account your wishes, it will be possible to say the exact cost. The price is made up of several factors:

  • deadlines;
  • labor costs;
  • the complexity of the work;
  • housing footage;
Departure of the foreman is carried out FREE OF CHARGE.

What does price for square meter by gender?

The price per square meter on the floor implies all types of repair and finishing works, which include: plastering walls and ceilings, laying water pipes, installing plumbing, electrical work, painting the ceiling, wallpapering, flooring, etc. For example: cosmetic repairs in an apartment with an area of ​​60 meters on a turnkey basis will cost 60x40 = from 1600 USD. + material.

1. How to determine the cost of repairs?

From the very beginning, the customer must know what kind of repair he wants to receive - capital, cosmetic, etc.

Further, for a rough estimate, the total area of ​​​​the apartment is multiplied by the cost per square meter of the repair you have chosen. Our specialist will tell you more accurate after inspecting the object. In any case, major and cosmetic repairs in St. Petersburg will be done efficiently and inexpensively.

2. What type of repair is right for me:


Everything depends on the condition of your apartment and financial capabilities. If you wish, just refresh the apartment, glue new wallpapers and change the linoleum, cosmetic repairs will be enough.

Redecoration usually involves partial preparation of the surfaces of the apartment for finishing work. the same, or turnkey repair, means leveling all surfaces to a level, replacing plumbing and communications, repairing a bathroom and a bathroom, finishing an apartment with expensive materials.

The finishing work itself can be performed immediately after the acceptance of the apartment and the signing of the act of acceptance of the apartment.

If we are talking about a major overhaul with partial redevelopment, initially you need to obtain permission for the planned changes in the relevant authorities. and permits can be issued even in the process of building a house.

You can ask us a question about apartment renovation!

6. What is the difference between a rough finish and a fine finish?

These words usually describe the level of readiness of housing for instant entry. These concepts came into use during the construction of multi-storey new buildings, when developers built apartments with concrete walls(without plaster, screed, plumbing) - in fact, providing only walls with air.

This state of things is called rough finish. In the future, under the definition of a rough finish, any preceding finishing repair work. For example, wall plastering is commonly called a rough finish, and wallpapering is called finishing.

7. How quickly can you finish finishing?

Immediately after the request of the Customer We fill out an application and in a few minutes we agree with you all the questions: measurement of the room, etc.

In order for our specialist to have a complete vision of the state of the object, it is advisable to make an appointment already at the place of work. We proceed to the repair according to the terms specified in the contract for the provision

8. How long will it take

Usually from a month.

Much depends on the area, volume and technologies used, the violation of which can lead to serious negative consequences.

It can be even more difficult than remodeling a large private house. Changing the design of the walls requires professional knowledge, even if it is a simple combination of a balcony and a kitchen or a balcony and a living room. Most likely, you can save both time and money if you prepare a redevelopment project in advance with a professional designer or using a special program (there are such online services today).

2. What familiar things are important to you? What do you need to do in the new apartment so that they stay?

Often a person gets used to waking up in a room that is lit by the sun in the morning, having breakfast, watching the dawn, or going out to breathe on outdoor balcony. Such little things are important, often the absence of familiar and pleasant things does not make you feel at home, so we recommend asking yourself about this before starting repairs and redevelopment, in particular, take into account the location of windows.

3. How many separate rooms does your family need?

Today, when people have become accustomed to spaciousness and free spaces, it is worth considering thoroughly how many separate rooms your family needs and whether you can combine, for example, a kitchen with a living room, creating spacious room for receiving guests and family gatherings.

If it is possible to organize a pantry or, it is better to do this, since the problem of storing things is always relevant in the family and cluttering up the space with tall cabinets is not always a good solution.

You should not try to do all this in a 50 m 2 apartment, you should objectively consider the possibilities and then make a decision.

Design: Christine Sheldon Design

4. What delays are you willing to accept?

Often delayed. This is unpleasant, but almost inevitable, since many circumstances often arise in the process, ranging from human factors to a banal lack of budget.

To roughly understand how long the repair will take, use a simple formula:

T = 10 + S (if the apartment is up to 35 sqm)

T \u003d 10 + 0.9S (if the apartment is more than 35 sq.m),

where T is time, 10 is days, and S is area.

Of course, the calculation is conditional, since not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment affects the duration of the alteration, but also the layout, the initial state of the apartment, the number of toilets, windows, doors, and much more. But approximately you can determine the time costs.

5. How do you plan to live in 5 years?

No, this is not a philosophical question, but quite a practical one. Repair is an investment in the future. Of course, we cannot know for sure what will happen to us even in a year, but if a young family is planning a child or an adult married couple is going to invite elderly parents to live, additional space and furniture will be required. You need to think over these nuances now, since repairs are not done for a short time.

Design: Vanessa Antonelli Designs

6. How much will you interfere with the neighbors?

And again, not an idle question. It's not even about politeness, although it is also about it. There is such a thing as a noisy work schedule, and non-compliance with it can lead you to the district police officer's office. Why are there problems?

Similar schedules differ for different cities. In Moscow, work is allowed from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday, in the Moscow region - from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends. By the way, prohibitions may not apply to new buildings for 1.5 years from the date the house was put into operation. It is better to study this issue in your city, for example, by calling the management company.

7. Is everything ready for launch?

The well-known saying about "measure seven times - cut once" is very relevant in the repair business. After the start, any adjustments lengthen the process. Of course, you will not avoid this, but try to keep it to a minimum by mini-rechecking before starting work.

Design: Jo Cowen Architects

Questions to ask the construction team

1. How many objects have the construction team already completed?

It is no secret that success depends on the experience and professionalism of repairmen, as well as on what guarantees they provide. No less important is the qualification of the team, whether there are specialists among them different profiles: tilers, plumbers, electricians.

2. How will the work be paid?

Find out in detail this question. It is beneficial for the customer to pay for repairs in stages or split the payment: 60-65% of the amount before repairs and 40-35% after acceptance of work. Not graduation, namely acceptance, since after full payment, the team is unlikely to redo anything.

The budget may increase, it happens and you need to be prepared for this, but it is worth fixing the cost of work per square meter, then it will be more difficult to deceive you.

3. Who will purchase the rough materials for the repair?

If the brigade will be engaged in the purchase (and more often it happens, because they have more experience in choosing finishes or), determine how they will report to you.

4. Who is responsible for the safety of the finished materials?

It is important to clarify this point, since cases of damage or theft, alas, are not uncommon. Find out who will be doing the counting finishing materials and how they should be purchased in case of shortage.

5. Is it possible to see another team project at the final stage of repair?

Nothing says better about the team and the quality of its work than real results. Ask if you can see the result of their actions live, so you can objectively assess the abilities of the masters.

Photo: CAPITAL BUILDING Apartment – ​​Renovations

6. Will the workers live in the apartment?

Whether they will need to live in an apartment that is undergoing renovation, and how this will affect the term of work, is important for you and your neighbors, because you cannot control every action of the builders. However, often the team that lives in the repaired premises does the job faster.

Design: RES4