A man from a legend. Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin Vasily Ivanovich memorial with round

(1997-05-20 ) (69 years old)

Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich(January 1, 1928 - May 20, 1997) - Soviet geologist, head of the Yamalneftegazrazvedka trust. He participated in the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, including the world's largest Urengoy gas field.


Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. His grandfather served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father, Tikhon Afanasyevich, was one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. The family had five children, including Vasily.

At the age of five, Podshibyakin was accepted into school, where in 1941 he completed eight classes.

That heroic era - the era of the development of Yamal, the era of the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields in the Arctic, how the indigenous peoples of the North perceived this time - is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded to the landing of the first landing of explorers in Novy Urengoy with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin.

O Motherland!
You sent us brothers,
They found the magic keys
And in the vast expanses of reindeer moss in Yamal
They revealed to us the treasures of the Earth.

Probably the sky is cloudy
A gas fountain rose above the world.
And the horizon that was beyond the forest
Moved beyond the distant ocean.

  • (Russian) (html). Salekhard. Municipal website. Retrieved April 11, 2011. .
  • (Russian) (html). Pravoteka.ru. Retrieved April 11, 2011. .

Excerpt characterizing Podshibyakin, Vasily Tikhonovich

“And then, we are a good sovereign,” he said, pronouncing e instead of e and ъ instead of ь. “Then that the emperor knows this. He said in his manifesto that he can look indifferently at the dangers threatening Russia, and that the safety of the empire, its dignity and the sanctity of its alliances,” he said, for some reason especially emphasizing the word “unions”, as if this was the whole essence of the matter.
And with his characteristic infallible, official memory, he repeated opening words manifesto... “and the desire, the sole and indispensable goal of the sovereign: to establish peace in Europe on solid foundations - they decided to now send part of the army abroad and make new efforts to achieve “this intention.”
“That’s why, we are a good sovereign,” he concluded, edifyingly drinking a glass of wine and looking back at the count for encouragement.
– Connaissez vous le proverbe: [You know the proverb:] “Erema, Erema, you should sit at home, sharpen your spindles,” said Shinshin, wincing and smiling. – Cela nous convient a merveille. [This comes in handy for us.] Why Suvorov - they chopped him up, a plate couture, [on his head,] and where are our Suvorovs now? Je vous demande un peu, [I ask you,] - constantly jumping from Russian to French, he said.
“We must fight until the last drop of blood,” said the colonel, hitting the table, “and die for our emperor, and then everything will be fine.” And to argue as much as possible (he especially drew out his voice on the word “possible”), as little as possible,” he finished, again turning to the count. “That’s how we judge the old hussars, that’s all.” How do you judge, young man and young hussar? - he added, turning to Nikolai, who, having heard that it was about war, left his interlocutor and looked with all his eyes and listened with all his ears to the colonel.
“I completely agree with you,” answered Nikolai, all flushed, spinning the plate and rearranging the glasses with such a decisive and desperate look, as if at the moment he was exposed to great danger, “I am convinced that the Russians must die or win,” he said. feeling the same way as others, after the word had already been said, that it was too enthusiastic and pompous for the present occasion and therefore awkward.
“C"est bien beau ce que vous venez de dire, [Wonderful! What you said is wonderful],” said Julie, who was sitting next to him, sighing. Sonya trembled all over and blushed to the ears, behind the ears and to the neck and shoulders, in While Nikolai was speaking, Pierre listened to the colonel’s speeches and nodded his head approvingly.
“That’s nice,” he said.
“A real hussar, young man,” shouted the colonel, hitting the table again.
-What are you making noise about there? – Marya Dmitrievna’s bass voice was suddenly heard across the table. - Why are you knocking on the table? - she turned to the hussar, - who are you getting excited about? right, you think that the French are in front of you?
“I’m telling the truth,” said the hussar, smiling.
“Everything about the war,” the count shouted across the table. - After all, my son is coming, Marya Dmitrievna, my son is coming.
- And I have four sons in the army, but I don’t bother. Everything is God’s will: you will die lying on the stove, and in battle God will have mercy,” Marya Dmitrievna’s thick voice sounded without any effort from the other end of the table.
- This is true.
And the conversation focused again - the ladies at their end of the table, the men at his.
“But you won’t ask,” said the little brother to Natasha, “but you won’t ask!”
“I’ll ask,” Natasha answered.
Her face suddenly flushed, expressing desperate and cheerful determination. She stood up, inviting Pierre, who was sitting opposite her, to listen, and turned to her mother:
- Mother! – her childish, chesty voice sounded across the table.
- What do you want? – the countess asked in fear, but, seeing from her daughter’s face that it was a prank, she sternly waved her hand, making a threatening and negative gesture with her head.
The conversation died down.
- Mother! what kind of cake will it be? – Natasha’s voice sounded even more decisively, without breaking down.
The Countess wanted to frown, but could not. Marya Dmitrievna shook her thick finger.
“Cossack,” she said threateningly.
Most of the guests looked at the elders, not knowing how to take this trick.
- Here I am! - said the countess.
- Mother! what kind of cake will there be? - Natasha shouted boldly and capriciously cheerfully, confident in advance that her prank would be well received.
Sonya and fat Petya were hiding from laughter.
“That’s why I asked,” Natasha whispered to her little brother and Pierre, whom she looked at again.
“Ice cream, but they won’t give it to you,” said Marya Dmitrievna.
Natasha saw that there was nothing to be afraid of, and therefore she was not afraid of Marya Dmitrievna.
- Marya Dmitrievna? what ice cream! I don't like cream.
- Carrot.
- No, which one? Marya Dmitrievna, which one? – she almost shouted. - I want to know!
Marya Dmitrievna and the Countess laughed, and all the guests followed them. Everyone laughed not at Marya Dmitrievna’s answer, but at the incomprehensible courage and dexterity of this girl, who knew how and dared to treat Marya Dmitrievna like that.
Natasha fell behind only when she was told that there would be pineapple. Champagne was served before the ice cream. The music started playing again, the count kissed the countess, and the guests stood up and congratulated the countess, clinking glasses across the table with the count, the children, and each other. Waiters ran in again, chairs rattled, and in the same order, but with redder faces, the guests returned to the drawing room and the count’s office.

The Boston tables were moved apart, the parties were drawn up, and the Count's guests settled in two living rooms, a sofa room and a library.
The Count, fanning out his cards, could hardly resist the habit of an afternoon nap and laughed at everything. The youth, incited by the countess, gathered around the clavichord and harp. Julie was the first, at the request of everyone, to play a piece with variations on the harp and, together with other girls, began to ask Natasha and Nikolai, known for their musicality, to sing something. Natasha, who was addressed as a big girl, was apparently very proud of this, but at the same time she was timid.
- What are we going to sing? – she asked.
“The key,” answered Nikolai.
- Well, let's hurry up. Boris, come here,” Natasha said. - Where is Sonya?
She looked around and, seeing that her friend was not in the room, ran after her.
Running into Sonya’s room and not finding her friend there, Natasha ran into the nursery - and Sonya was not there. Natasha realized that Sonya was in the corridor on the chest. The chest in the corridor was the place of sorrows of the younger female generation of the Rostov house. Indeed, Sonya in her airy pink dress, crushing it, lay face down on her nanny’s dirty striped feather bed, on the chest and, covering her face with her fingers, cried bitterly, shaking her bare shoulders. Natasha's face, animated, with a birthday all day, suddenly changed: her eyes stopped, then her wide neck shuddered, the corners of her lips drooped.
- Sonya! what are you?...What, what's wrong with you? Wow wow!…
And Natasha, opening her big mouth and becoming completely stupid, began to roar like a child, not knowing the reason and only because Sonya was crying. Sonya wanted to raise her head, wanted to answer, but she couldn’t and hid even more. Natasha cried, sitting down on the blue feather bed and hugging her friend. Having gathered her strength, Sonya stood up, began to wipe away her tears and tell the story.
- Nikolenka is leaving in a week, his... paper... came out... he told me himself... Yes, I still wouldn’t cry... (she showed the piece of paper she was holding in her hand: it was poetry written by Nikolai) I still wouldn’t cry, but you didn’t you can... no one can understand... what kind of soul he has.
And she again began to cry because his soul was so good.
“You feel good... I don’t envy you... I love you, and Boris too,” she said, gathering a little strength, “he’s cute... there are no obstacles for you.” And Nikolai is my cousin... I need... the metropolitan himself... and that’s impossible. And then, if mamma... (Sonya considered the countess and called her mother), she will say that I am ruining Nikolai’s career, I have no heart, that I am ungrateful, but really... for God’s sake... (she crossed herself) I love her so much too , and all of you, only Vera... For what? What did I do to her? I am so grateful to you that I would be glad to sacrifice everything, but I have nothing...
Sonya could no longer speak and again hid her head in her hands and the feather bed. Natasha began to calm down, but her face showed that she understood the importance of her friend’s grief.
- Sonya! - she said suddenly, as if she had guessed the real reason for her cousin’s grief. – That’s right, Vera talked to you after dinner? Yes?
– Yes, Nikolai himself wrote these poems, and I copied others; She found them on my table and said that she would show them to mamma, and also said that I was ungrateful, that mamma would never allow him to marry me, and he would marry Julie. You see how he is with her all day... Natasha! For what?…
And again she cried more bitterly than before. Natasha lifted her up, hugged her and, smiling through her tears, began to calm her down.
- Sonya, don’t believe her, darling, don’t believe her. Do you remember how all three of us talked with Nikolenka in the sofa room; remember after dinner? After all, we decided everything how it would be. I don’t remember how, but you remember how everything was good and everything was possible. Uncle Shinshin’s brother is married to a cousin, and we are second cousins. And Boris said that this is very possible. You know, I told him everything. And he is so smart and so good,” said Natasha... “You, Sonya, don’t cry, my dear darling, Sonya.” - And she kissed her, laughing. - Faith is evil, God bless her! But everything will be fine, and she won’t tell mamma; Nikolenka will say it himself, and he didn’t even think about Julie.

PODSHYBYAKIN Vasily Tikhonovich (01/1/1928, Nikitskoye village, Vedovsky district, Tula region - 05/20/1997, Tyumen), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor (1983). Graduated from the Moscow Oil Institute named after. I. M. Gubkina (1956). In 1945-51 - office. depot driver Uzlovaya, Moscow region. In 1956-59 - assistant. drilling foreman, Art. engineer, art. master, beginning Narym oil exploration of the ZapSpbneftegazgeologiya trust. In 1959-60 - beginning. Nizhnevartovsk Party deep. drilling of the Surgut KGRE, in 1960-61-ch. iizh. Berezovskaya CGRE. In 1961-63 - beginning. Narykar NGRE. In 1963-67 -beginning. Tazovskaya NGRE. In 1967-71 - manager. Yamalo-Nenets geological exploration. oil and gas trust. In 1971-76 - beginning. Urengoy NRE. From 1976 to 1997 he headed the enterprise (then the state enterprise, JSC) Yamalnefte-Gazgeologiya. Under hand P. and with his participation in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, gas reserves were opened, including Bovanenkovskoye, East-Tarkosalinskoye, Etypurovskoye, En-Yakhpnskoye, Kruzenshternskoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Novoportovskoye, Pestsovoye, Urengoyskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Yuzhno-Russkoye , Yamburgskoye, more than 30 trillion m3 of gas have been explored. P. is one of the intelligence organizers. works in the Berezovsky gas-bearing region. With his participation, drilling of the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungortskaya groups was carried out. gas. deposits, P. supervised the exploration of the Tazovsky and Urengoy gas deposits and geophysics. work in this area. Elected member bureau of Purovsky, Tazovsky district, Yamalo-Nenets district. committees of the CPSU, dep. Yamalo-Nenets region People's Council deputies, deputy of the Duma of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979), medals, and the “Discoverer of the Deposit” badge (1970, Zapolyarnoye) Source: GATO. F. 1903, on. 2, no. 6834 A. Lit.: Letov V. Gubkin Land // Nap1 contemporary. 1971.N2 3; Oil and gas of Tyumen in documents. T. 2. - Sverdlovsk, 1973; Salmanov F.K. Siberia is my destiny, - M, 1988; Who's who in the Russian oil complex. - St. Petersburg, 1997; Lentsov Yu. Furious //IIxi ipi stirred the North. - Ekater! Shburg, 2000. A. S. Pimanov

  • ARTYUKHOV Andrey Viktorovich- Andrey Viktorovich ARTYUKHOV (born 1958), Chairman of the State Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug since 1998.
  • ARONOV Valery Alexandrovich- ARONOV Valery Alexandrovich (03/10/1939, Volgograd), laureate of the Lenin Prize of the USSR (1980), Honored Builder of the RSFSR (1989). Graduated from Volgograd Oil. technical school (1959), Volgograd, private engineer...
  • BRANSBURG Israel Peretsovich- BRANZBURG Israel Peretsovich (05/25/1928, Kostroma), discoverer of deposits. Graduated from Moscow. geological exploration nn-t im. S. Ordzhonikidze (1952). In 1953-new. iro-nzv.-techn. dept. Trust "Tyumennefte...
  • BRODNEV Mikhail Mitrofanovich- BRODNEV Mikhail Mitrofanovich (11/7/1904, village of Kuznetsova, Pirovsky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory - 11/18/1971, Tyumen), chairman of the executive committee of the Yamalo-Nenets District Council of Working People's Deputies (1944...
  • VASILIEV Yuri Borisovich- VASILIEV Yuri Borisovich (03/9/1941, Sumy, Ukrainian SSR), Honored Builder of the Russian Federation (1999). Graduated from the Yasinovatsky Industrial College (1961), Kharkov Engineering and Construction Institute (1969). In 1961...
  • VOLCHEK Vladimir Mikhailovich- VOLCHEK Vladimir Mikhailovich (03/24/1936, Nizhny Novgorod), Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1993). Graduated from Moscow. Institute of Culture (1961). In 1954-57 - organizer of the arts. amateur work club...
  • GERDT Albert Alexandrovich- GERDT Albert Aleksandrovich (03/31/1936, Gebel village, Kamyshinsky district, Stalingrad, region - 12/17/2001), Honored Builder of the RSFSR (1989). Graduated from Tyumen. mechanical engineering technical school (1965), Tyumen. engineer-st...
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  • Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich- IVANOV Ivan Ivanovich (11/1/1939, Pyat-kovo village, Uiorovsky district - 10/20/1992, Tyumen), delegate of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU. Graduated from Tyumen agricultural sector. Institute (1966). Work. activity began in 1966. agronomist...
  • ISYANGULOV Avzalitdin Gizyatulovich- ISYANGULOV Avzalitdin Gizyatulovich (09/14/1928, Elimbetovo village, Sterlibashevsky district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), Hero of Socialist Labor (1973), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1972), honorary oil...
  • KABAEV Leonid Nikolaevich- KABAEV Leonid Nikolaevich (09.25.1935, Mnkhanlovka village, Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian SSR), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970). Graduated from Kyiv State University. University named after T. G. Shevchenko (1958). Work. activities...


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Memory
  • 3 Awards
  • Notes
  • 6 External links


Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich(January 1, 1928 - May 20, 1997) - an outstanding Soviet geologist, head of the Yamalneftegazrazvedka trust. Participated in the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, including the world's largest Urengoy gas field.

1. Biography

Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin was born on January 1, 1928 in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. His grandfather served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father, Tikhon Afanasyevich, was one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. The family had five children, including Vasily.

At the age of five, Podshibyakin was accepted into school, where in 1941 he completed eight classes.

From 1943 to 1945, he studied to become a machinist at vocational school No. 8 in Uzlovaya, Tula region. After graduating from college, he worked as an assistant driver at railway. He studied at evening school, and in 1951 he entered the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after Academician Gubkin. I passed the entrance exams with flying colors. He studied with passion and wrote several scientific student papers.

After defending his thesis, he asked to be sent to Siberia. Having become a mining engineer, he worked in the north of the Tomsk region in Narym, developing Berezovo. He started as an assistant drilling foreman. In 1956 he was appointed senior engineer of the Narym oil exploration, and in 1958 he became its head.

In 1959, oil exploration, headed by V.T. Podshibyakin, was relocated to the Tyumen region on the banks of the middle Ob. In the same 1959, he headed the Nizhnevartovsk party of the Surgut complex expedition.

In 1963, V. T. Podshibyakin was appointed head of the Tazovskaya oil exploration expedition, and since February 1967 he has been the manager of the Yamalo-Nenets Geological Exploration Trust for oil and gas.

With his participation, the Igrimskaya and Shukhtungorsk groups of gas fields were drilled, and exploration of the Tazovskoye and Urengoyskoye fields was carried out. Under his leadership, 36 gas fields were discovered in the Yamalo-Nenets District, including Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye.

On April 21, 1970, the Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and technology under the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded V. A. Abazarov, G. P. Bogomyakov, I. Ya. Gira, L. N. Kabaev, K. V. Kavalerov, A. G. Kraev, B. N. Kryuchkov, V. P. Maksimov, O. A. Moskovtsev, I. I. Nesterov, S. A. Orudzhev, V. T. Podshibyakin, F. K. Salmanov, V. G. Smirnov, V. V. Sobolevsky, A. D. Storozhev, Yu. B. Fain, V. Yu. Filanovsky-Zenkov Lenin Prizes in 1970 “for the discovery of large and unique natural gas fields in the northern regions of Western Siberia, effective exploration them and the preparation of industrial reserves."

In 1971, in connection with the liquidation of the trust, he was appointed head of the Urengoy oil exploration expedition. In 1976, Vasily Tikhonovich was appointed head of the Yamal production geological association for oil and gas exploration "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" of the Main Tyumen Production Geological Directorate. Until 1997, Podshibyakin was the permanent leader of this association.

An excellent specialist in his field, a brilliant organizer and business executive, who never reached into his pocket for a sharp word in disputes with his superiors and knew how, like no one else, to get his associates to do a good deed...

- V. D. Tokarev, A. P. Lidov.

For his services in the discovery and exploration of oil and gas fields in the Tyumen region in 1981, Vasily Tikhonovich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Was elected as a deputy State Duma Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

That heroic era - the era of the development of Yamal, the era of the discovery of the largest oil and gas fields in the Arctic, how the indigenous peoples of the North perceived this time - is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded to the landing of the first landing of explorers in Novy Urengoy with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin.

O Motherland!
You sent us brothers,
They found the magic keys
And in the vast expanses of reindeer moss in Yamal
They revealed to us the treasures of the Earth.

Probably the sky is cloudy
A gas fountain rose above the world.
And the horizon that was beyond the forest
Moved beyond the distant ocean.

- Rugin R. P. Fire-breathing region // Samotlor. - Tyumen, 1975. - P. 3-6.

He was buried in Tyumen at the Chervishevsky cemetery, next to Yu. G. Ervieu.

2. Memory

Monument to Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin in Salekhard

On October 15, 2005, a monument was erected in Salekhard to the pioneer of oil and gas Yamal, Vasily Podshibyakin. One of the streets and a microdistrict of this city bears his name.

3. Awards

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1983).
  • Order of Lenin (1983).
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979).
  • Lenin Prize laureate (1970).
  • Honored Geologist Russian Federation.



  • Yulia Gorbunova. The history of the development of Siberia - his personal story - www.m-vremya.ru/news/13506.html // Local time : newspaper. - 2009. - V. July 14.(memories of Vasily Tikhonovich Podshibyakin’s son about his father)
  • Kraev A. G. To the treasures of the frozen earth - gusi.yanao.ru/5/1/28/. - Salekhard: Northern Publishing House, 2009.
  • Russian State. Natural resources. Extractive industry. Processing industry. Energy - asmo.ru/82.html?&L=cwtfussesyorill. - ASMO-press, 2001. - (Golden Book of Russia).
  • V. D. Tokarev, A. P. Lidov. The era of Hervieu. - Moscow: Siburgeo, 2009. - 366 p.

6. External links

  • Historical figures - www.salekhard.org/istoricheskie-lichnosti (html). Salekhard. Municipal website.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1997 No. 137 “On awarding state awards of the Russian Federation” - www.pravoteka.ru/pst/1059/529275.html (html). Pravoteka.ru.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/16/11 10:01:24
Similar abstracts: Kozlov Vasily Tikhonovich, Tretyakov Anatoly Tikhonovich, Kravtsov Olgerd Tikhonovich, Shmarev Alexey Tikhonovich, Sergeev Alexey Tikhonovich, Polukarov Nikolay Tikhonovich,

Vasily Tikhonovich PODSHYBYAKIN (01/04/1928 - 05/20/1997)

  • Outstanding Soviet geologist, permanent director of Yamalneftegazgeologiya.
  • For great labor successes and significant contribution to the discovery and development of the West Siberian oil and gas complex, he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor (twice), and medals.
  • In collaboration with others, he was awarded the title of Lenin Prize laureate. Marked with the “Discoverer of the Deposit” sign.
  • Together with his wife Pava Alexandrovna, they raised four children: Vyacheslav, Alexander, Evgeniy, Elena.

Whether it’s good or very good, our state is called a gas state. This is no exaggeration. Indeed, the threads of gas pipelines, like the arteries of a large organism, supply energy not only to our country, but also to almost all of Europe. Few people think about how and by whom the storehouses of the Yamal land were discovered, who became the discoverer of the riches of hydrocarbon raw materials in seemingly lifeless spaces. Such pioneers include the legendary personality, known not only in Yamal, Vasily Podshibyakin.

Asked to be sent to Siberia

Vasily Tikhonovich was born in the village of Nikitsky, Volovsky district, Tula region. Graduated from a vocational school. His grandfather, according to conflicting data, served as an orderly for Nicholas II, and his father, Tikhon Afanasyevich, became one of the first chairmen of the collective farm. The family had five children. After the FZO, Vasily worked as an assistant driver at the Uzlovaya station depot in the Moscow region. I dreamed of a railway transport institute, but graduated from the Moscow Petroleum Institute. Fate! After defending his thesis, he asked to be sent to Siberia.

Having become a mining engineer, he worked in the north of the Tomsk region in the Narym oil exploration as an assistant drilling foreman, senior engineer, and head of the Narym oil exploration. Transferred to head of the Nizhnevartovsk State Security Bureau in Surgut.

Events developed rapidly. It was confirmed that there is gas in Yamal! Lots of gas! Podshibyakin is being transferred here from the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. In December 1963, a new gas torch broke out in the middle of the tundra. The fire of the earth broke out in the Month of Great Darkness - this is what the Nenets call December. And three more years later, in the Month of Mosquitoes - June, a unique super-giant gas field was discovered - Urengoyskoye. Podshibyakin is transferred to Urengoy. Construction will begin in a tiny village big city young romantics. He led the huge team of Yamalneftegazgeologiya until the end of his life. 36 is open with him gas giants in the Yamal tundra: Zapolyarnoye, Tambeyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye, Novoportovskoye, Urengoyskoye, Kruzenshternskoye and many others.

Said - done

The heroic era of the development of Yamal is very well said in the poems of the famous Khanty poet, former deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Roman Rugin. He responded with the poem “Fire-Breathing Land,” dedicated to the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor Vasily Podshibyakin.

O Motherland!

You sent us brothers,

They found the magic keys

And in the vastness

reindeer moss of Yamal

They opened it for us

treasures of the Earth.

Probably the sky

cloud canopy

Raised above the world

gas fountain.

And the horizon

which was behind the forest,

Moved over the distant ocean.

On the monument to Vasily Tikhonovich in Tyumen, as a testament to future generations, there is a motto: “Go forward, search and not give up!”, which the great geologist himself followed all his life. His contemporaries spoke about this.

Tells USSR State Prize laureate, Honored Geologist of the RSFSR Alexey Myltsev:

- My memories of Vasily Tikhonovich take me back to those distant times when my wife and I arrived in the village of Tazovsky in September 1964, where the Tazovskaya NGRE was based at that time. The village greeted us with warm sunny weather. And I took it as a wonderful destiny. At that time, “orders” were being carried out on the expedition. This business was familiar to me from my mining days. After waiting a little, I entered the room where the head of the expedition was sitting at the table.

A very tall man with a thin face and long muscular arms. Looks likefor over 35 years. “...Here, I’m on my way to work,” I said and submitted the documents. “Yes, you passed the training of a miner in the Moscow region. Wonderful! I am sending you as an assistant driller of the fourth category to the drilling crew. So, is this your wife?” This issue was immediately resolved. Nina was assigned as a paramedic for drilling sites. The housing issue has also been resolved. We were given half a beam car. This was another joy. It’s not for nothing that the Yamal sun shone so warmly!

The head of the expedition spent a lot of time, in addition to special concerns, choosing a site for the deployment of scouts. In late autumn, he allocated a plot of land for the builders to build a village with the sonorous, musical name of Gaz-Sale. Soon two eight-apartment buildings were erected there. Despite enormous difficulties, the village under the leadership of Podshibyakin grew and settled down. New people arrived and the volume of work increased sharply.

Vasily Tikhonovich valued the personnel very much, well understanding how difficult it was for people in the Arctic conditions. He was very easy-going; after production disputes, people were not offended by him. He always persistently defended his point of view, being an example for us, young department heads.

By the way, Vasily Tikhonovich had a great sense of humor. They knew about this in their circle of friends. I am and will continue to be proud that I worked under the leadership of such a person, a fellow countryman from the Uzlovoy station, where I worked at the Tulaugol mine.

And here is how the former commander of the Yamalo-Nenets Production Association of the Tyumen Directorate speaks about Podshibyakin civil aviation Vladimir Vasiliev:

- I knew Vasily Tikhonovich for almost forty years. We had to communicate when resolving issues of interaction - our association supplied all the necessary cargo, transported shift workers, primarily geological exploration expeditions. We also communicated with a deputy of the district council, a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party at various meetings. He resolved production issues promptly and did not like discussions. For him, the word was law. Said - done. I think I’m not the only one who remembers Vasily Tikhonovich with warmth and respect.

Dynasty of lovers in the north

Vasily Tikhonovich became the founder of the Podshibyakin dynasty. His brother Vladimir Tikhonovich also became a major specialist in the field of oil and gas geology, a skillful organizer of geological exploration.

The second brother, Alexey Tikhonovich, tried many working specialties until he entered the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport. For many years he worked on the railway. But still, he also ended up in the system of Glavtyumengeology.

The third brother, Dmitry Tikhonovich, graduated from the Agricultural Institute and is a livestock engineer by training. He worked in many regions of the country until he found himself the director of an animal farm in Yamal. He did a lot to restore the number of reindeer herding state farms.

But Vasily Tikhonovich’s son Vyacheslav followed directly in his father’s footsteps. In 1972, after graduating from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, he qualified as a mining engineer-geologist with a specialty in Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields. Labor activity He began in the Glavtyumengeology system as a well exploration operator in the Megion NGRE, then worked his way through all the steps to the head of the RITS Karskaya, Urengoy expeditions, the head of the Chechen-Ingush and Novo-Urengoy NGRE, and the general director of OJSC Urengoy Drilling Company. He took part in the discovery of many oil and gas fields in Western Siberia.

The second of the young Podshibyakins, Alexander, also graduated from TII. Qualification - mining engineer with a specialty in "Drilling of oil and gas wells." He worked in many engineering positions, where he was distinguished by his ability to solve complex technological problems. IN last years worked as chief engineer at Tyumenburgaz LLC.

We managed to record his very interesting notes about his ancestors:

Our great-great-grandfather was Fedosei Timofeevich Kogul. Year of birth unknown. They say they are from runaway peasants. Or maybe he wanted to join the Cossacks? So, our village surname was Fedosov. His grandfather received it during collectivization because he was one of the first to learn to drive a Fordson tractor. My grandmother was a true Russian beauty. When I, a foolish child, asked my grandmother how she, so beautiful, married this terrible giant, my grandmother answered (before that, she always crossed herself) and certainly with her special kind grandmother’s smile: “He was the strongest in the village.”

The family had seven children. Two died at an early age. My grandfather's economy was strong.

Dad got married in 1949. While we, his sons, were being born, he was studying at the institute. Once every two weeks he came home and took with him a bag of potatoes, enough for the whole room. One day I received a letter from Malaysia from his classmate. He expressed condolences over the death of dad and at the same time remembered the sacks of potatoes. My father was an excellent marksman. He was a member of the Moscow national team. Mom was responsible for all the household chores. I believe that it was largely thanks to my mother that my dad became what he became.

One of the streets in Salekhard bears the name of the discoverer of deposits in Yamal. A monument to the hero was unveiled here on September 9, 2000. His name has become a symbol of geologists, a symbol of the geological industry Soviet Union, a symbol of a great state. It’s not for nothing that people, speaking about their place of work, proudly emphasized: “I work for Podshibyakin!” Old-timers of Salekhard remember how often his name was pronounced in connection with the construction of houses in the city (the area built by Yamalneftegazgeologiya is still called “Podshibyakinsky”), with the construction of roads and many other objects.

Stanislav GONCHAROV,

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of Glavtyumengeology, Honored Geologist of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Alik YAGAFAROV, member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, Honored Geologist of the Russian Federation

Podshibyakin Vasily Tikhonovich

Main stages of labor activity

Assistant drilling foreman, senior engineer, head of Narym oil exploration (1956-1959); head of the deep drilling party of the Surgut complex geological exploration expedition (KGRE), Chief Engineer Berezovskaya GRE; head of the Narym and then Taz oil and gas exploration expeditions (1959–1967). Manager of the Yamalneftegazrazvedka trust (1967–1971). Head of the Urengoy NGRE (1971–1976). General Director of the production geological association "Yamalneftegazgeologiya", OJSC "Yamalneftegazgeologiya" (1976–1997).

Scientific and production achievements

Under the leadership and with the direct participation of V.T. Podshibyakin in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 36 gas, oil and gas condensate fields were discovered, including Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye with total gas reserves of more than 30 trillion m3. He is one of the organizers of exploration work in the Berezovsky gas-bearing region.

Participation in public life

He was elected as a member of the bureau of the Purovsky and Tazovsky district committees, the Yamalo-Nenets district committee of the CPSU; deputy of the Yamalo-Nenets District Council of Deputies, deputy of the Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

State and industry awards

Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal (1983), laureate of the Lenin Prize - for the discovery of large and unique natural gas deposits in the northern regions of Western Siberia, their effective exploration and preparation of industrial reserves (1970). He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1966, 1979), and the Discoverer of Deposits medal (1970, Zapolyarnoye). A street in Salekhard is named after him and a bust is erected.