How to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women. Signs of oophritis - symptoms, treatment with medication and folk remedies. Violation of the digestive tract

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is a fairly common gynecological pathology. It is rarely diagnosed as an isolated condition, since the ovarian membrane reliably protects the gland tissues from infection. In most cases, it is accompanied by damage to the oviducts (fallopian tubes).

The treatment regimen for ovarian inflammation in women depends on the current symptoms and the type of pathogen.

Oophoritis is an inflammation of the gonads (ovaries) in women. May be associated with damage to the fallopian tubes. It happens one- and two-sided.

Types of inflammation

The type of inflammation is based on the severity of the current clinical picture.

Acute inflammation

This form of oophoritis is accompanied by the development of vivid symptoms, which forces the woman to immediately seek medical help.


Common in women with tuberculous lesions of the glands. Symptoms correspond to the acute form, but are difficult to recognize, because they are masked by signs of tuberculosis.


If the patient does not receive the necessary treatment, the disease takes a chronic course, accompanied by periods of exacerbation and remission. There are no pronounced symptoms.

Symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries

The disease has many manifestations. They are not specific and resemble other female pathologies.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Soreness in the lower abdomen indicates an acute inflammatory process. It is caused by an increase in the size of the ovaries as a result of edema.

The duration of pain is from several days to several weeks.

Increase in body temperature

An increase in overall body temperature is a normal reaction to the presence of foreign protein compounds in the body. A feverish state creates an unfavorable background for the pathogen, but stimulates its own immunity.

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract

Oophoritis is sometimes accompanied by disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Against the background of inflammatory phenomena in the tissues of the gland, the following can develop:

  • attacks of nausea, vomiting - due to the reaction at the reflex level in response to pain;
  • diarrhea - caused by intoxication and irritation of the intestines located in the immediate vicinity of the focus of inflammation.

Pathological discharge from the genital tract

The appearance of transparent mucous secretions without a specific odor from the genital tract is considered the norm. Since oophoritis has an infectious and inflammatory origin, there is a change in the composition of the whites.

Allocations can be:

  • Purulent. Indicate the bacterial origin of the disease. Outwardly, they look like a viscous liquid of a yellowish-green hue, most often with the smell of spoiled fish. The amount of leucorrhoea depends on the type of pathogen. The appearance of foamy impurities is a sign of the presence of anaerobic microflora.
  • Serous. Typical for inflammation of viral origin affecting the body and cervix.
  • Bloody. Caused by a violation of the integrity of the vascular walls.

Menstrual irregularity

One of the potential signs of pathology is the violation of the menstrual cycle. Its reasons may be:

  • damage to the layer lining the inner surface of the uterus;
  • a decrease in the amount of sex hormones due to poor ovarian function;
  • disruption of the ovulation process.

This can be expressed as follows:

  • no bleeding;
  • scanty / excessively strong menstrual flow;
  • long breaks between menstruation;
  • severe pain.

Painful sexual contact

Inflammation of the organs of the female reproductive system is accompanied by soreness during sex. The symptom is caused, most often, by a bright deficiency of vaginal lubrication, provoked by a lesion of the vaginal mucosa or a lack of the hormone progesterone.

During friction, a woman experiences pain due to dryness of the vagina. This causes a decrease in libido, against the background of sexual dissatisfaction, the development of depressive states is not excluded.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders of oophoritis are not always accompanied. The reason for their appearance is a functional restructuring, which is often accompanied by a lack of estrogen and progesterone.

Important! Hormonal disorders accompany only bilateral inflammation of the ovaries.

The condition is expressed as follows: a woman has a violation of reproductive and sexual functions, there is a frequent change in mood, increased blood pressure, there is a set of excess weight, etc. As a rule, such abnormalities are formed only against the background of prolonged inflammation with concomitant hormonal abnormalities.


Problems with conception accompanying oophoritis are provoked by a violation of the process of egg maturation.

But most often, the absence of pregnancy is due to the development of adnexitis - a combined inflammation of the ovaries and oviduct. The lumen of the fallopian tubes decreases, which causes their obstruction.

Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall

This symptom occurs when inflammation is also transmitted to the tissues of the parietal (parietal) peritoneum. The contraction of the muscle layer occurs involuntarily, being a reaction to pain stimulation.

Additional symptoms that may accompany oophoritis include slight swelling of the abdomen from the affected gland. It indicates the formation of a tubo-ovarian abscess. The condition is recognized as life-threatening and "sends" the woman to the operating table.


The pathology treatment option is determined by several parameters. It:

  • the current form of the disease;
  • causes of oophoritis;
  • present symptoms.


When diagnosing inflammation of the ovaries, a woman must be prescribed drug therapy.


Antibiotics are among the priority drugs that are prescribed to a woman when diagnosing ovarian inflammation. The choice of medication is influenced by the type of pathogen identified and its sensitivity to the active active ingredient.

The dosage of the drug is selected taking into account the fact that the drug will provide the necessary concentration of antimicrobial components in the focus of inflammation for as long as possible. That is why antibiotics with a long elimination period are prescribed for admission. In the case of a severe course of oophoritis, the simultaneous administration of several drugs is practiced.

Inflammation of the ovaries provoked by microbes - staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria, streptococci - is treated with Penicillin and a drug from the aminoglycoside group. When infected with anaerobic microflora, Metronidazole is used. In severe cases, the drug is administered intravenously.

Important! To exclude the development of intoxication, antihistamine drugs are also recommended for admission, for example, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin.


Suppositories are used topically and are prescribed for anti-inflammatory purposes. Treatment with candles is considered as an auxiliary.

The necessary therapeutic effect is provided by the use of suppositories, which include:

  • propolis;
  • oak bark;
  • walnut extract.

Advice! At chronic form inflammation and a tendency to exacerbate thrush, suppositories are recommended to be used in courses for prevention.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention for oophoritis is rarely used. The indication is the lack of a therapeutic result from the previously prescribed drug therapy.

Surgery is indicated in the following cases:

  • Tuboovarian abscess (abscess). The formation of a cavity filled with purulent masses in the area of ​​​​the appendages is a direct indication for an urgent operation. During medical manipulations, pus is drained. And only after that the woman is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The most commonly used laparoscopy, which is a low-traumatic procedure and allows the patient to recover in the shortest possible time. Open abdominal surgery - the surgeon performs an incision on the anterior abdominal wall - is recommended in the presence of adhesive disease or a large amount of purulent masses.
  • Peritonitis. Inflammatory process of infectious origin, the place of localization of which is the tissues of the peritoneum. The condition needs line surgical treatment, as it poses a serious danger to the life of a woman.

Important! With widespread inflammation that cannot be eliminated, or if there is a risk of rupture of the ovaries and / or fallopian tubes, partial / complete removal of the affected area is implemented.

How to treat folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies is in an additional way and should not exclude a medical regimen prescribed by a specialist.

With inflammation of the ovaries can be used:

  • infusions for internal use;
  • douching.


Herbal medicine can be practiced for any form of ailment.

  • Yarrow herb tea. 210 ml of boiling water brew 1 tbsp. dry product. Insist under the lid for 12 minutes, filter and drink.
  • Mix the grass of sweet clover, spool and butterbur inflorescences (take 20 g each). 1 tbsp put the mix in a thermos, brew with boiling water (250 ml). Leave for 70 minutes, filter. Drink a third of a glass six times a day for a full calendar month.
  • Wintergreen leaves (45 g) pour vodka (450 ml). Insist 14 days in a closet without access to sunlight. Take the remedy 40 drops three times a day.


With inflammation of the ovaries, you can use irrigation of the vagina. The following recipes are used to prepare the compositions:

  • It is necessary to mix chamomile inflorescences (20 g), oak bark (10 g), cinquefoil root (10 g), nettle leaf (30 g), knotweed (50 g). 2 tbsp mix pour water (1 l), bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Use for sanitation of the vagina, as well as tamponing (in case of leucorrhoea).
  • It is necessary to combine yarrow, sage, rosemary herb (each 20 g), oak bark (40 g). Pour the resulting composition with water (3 l) and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Filter. The douching procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  • Pour calendula color (3 g) with boiling water (250 ml). Leave for 60 minutes, filter.

Solutions should be weak in concentration to avoid overdrying of the vaginal mucosa and disruption of the local microflora.

The average duration of the course is 10 days with daily use.

Causes of inflammation of the ovaries

Most often, infection initiates the development of an inflammatory process in the tissues of the glands. But there are many other reasons, since the formation of inflammation is the body's response to the influence of a provoking factor.

Sexually transmitted infections

Quite often, damage to the organs of the female reproductive system with involvement in the process of the ovaries and oviducts is due to infectious pathologies.

The pathogens that can be obtained through sexual relations can act as damaging agents.

Viral defeat

Doctors believe: oophoritis can be of both bacterial and viral origin.

Tuberculous lesion

Tuberculosis is a frequently diagnosed pathology of infectious origin, caused by the ingestion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis into the body of a patient.

The main area of ​​damage is the tissues of the lungs, but sometimes the spread of inflammation to other organs is not excluded.

Mechanical damage to the uterine mucosa and fallopian tubes

The formation of inflammation is one of the ways the body protects itself in response to an injury. That is why an unsuccessful cleaning of the uterus, therapeutic curettage or other medical manipulations can initiate the appearance of an inflammatory reaction in the tissues of the ovaries. Therefore, the cause of oophoritis can be not only infection, but also banal injury.

Inflammation of neighboring organs

Oophoritis can occur as a complication that accompanies inflammation of the organs located next to the glands.

In most cases, inflammation in the tissues of the glands is due to secondary infection.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the ovaries

Confirmation of oophoritis is based not only on the woman's complaints, since the symptoms of the disease are nonspecific. And it can accompany other female pathologies. To confirm the diagnosis of the patient, additional studies are prescribed.

Gynecological examination

Gynecological examination helps to identify signs of the inflammatory process. It:

  • swelling and soreness in the area of ​​​​the location of the female glands;
  • changes in adnexal mobility.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

Ultrasound helps to obtain more accurate data about the current state of the glands.


Laparoscopy is used to visually examine the glands, fallopian tubes, and body of the uterus. The device tube, equipped with a miniature video camera, is placed inside the body through a small incision in the anterior abdominal wall. In the future, the resulting image is broadcast on a large monitor.

Microbiological research

The microbiology of the smear is necessary to identify the type of pathogen, as well as sensitivity to antibiotics.

Consequences of inflammation of the ovaries

If medical care is not provided, the occurrence of serious consequences for women's health is not ruled out. These include:

  • impossibility of conception;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • tubo-ovarian abscess;
  • severe intoxication of the body.

Illness during pregnancy

Oophoritis formed during pregnancy can be dangerous for the developing fetus. If pain and whiteness that is uncharacteristic in color / smell / consistency appear, a woman should consult a gynecologist.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary studies to identify the type of pathogen, since the possibility of further bearing the fetus depends on this. Important! If causative agents of syphilis and gonorrhea are detected, an abortion will be recommended to a woman, regardless of the gestational age.

If the cause was the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora, then a course of antibiotics will be prescribed. The choice of medication depends on the current week of pregnancy and the type of pathogen.

Sex with inflammation of the ovaries

Acute oophoritis or a period of exacerbation of its chronic format is a contraindication for having sex. When the glands are affected during friction, women experience not just discomfort, but real pain.

During this period, many patients do not experience sexual desire, which is explained by psychological and physiological discomfort.

Inflammation of the ovaries is a serious gynecological pathology that requires adequate treatment for the condition. That is why, with the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist and undergo a course of therapy.

Inflammation of the ovaries in women is an infectious process of one or both gonads at once, which causes a malfunction of the appendages and most often manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower abdomen and an irregular menstrual cycle. Inflammation of the ovaries contributes to infection in the pelvic organs.

In this article, we will look at the main causes, symptoms of the disease, and also find out how to treat inflammation of the ovaries.

First of all, it should be noted that inflammation of the ovaries has a medical name "". Initially, the infection enters the vagina, and then through the uterus and fallopian tubes affects the sex glands. Foci of infection cause chlamydia, streptococci and Trichomonas. If the infection affected two appendages at once, then the patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the ovaries. In the case of infection and fallopian tubes, experts make a diagnosis called "".

Most often, the disease affects young girls and women under 35 who have regular sex, have more than one regular sexual partner and do not use any method of contraception. There are such causes of inflammation of the ovaries:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • injuries of the pelvic organs;
  • inflammation of the intestines, appendicitis, urinary;
  • incorrect installation of the intrauterine device;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • operations on the pelvic organs, such as laparoscopy or laparotomy. Especially often the ovaries begin to become inflamed after hysteroscopy.
  • childbirth;
  • frequent abortions;
  • violation of the psycho-emotional state (psychosomatics) - constant stress, hysteria, nervousness;
  • regular alcohol consumption, smoking;
  • excess vitamins;
  • lack of rest, proper sleep and unbalanced nutrition.

Remember! If you decide to install an IUD (intrauterine device) approach the choice of a specialist responsibly. Find out about qualifications and work experience, be interested in the opinions of his former patients. This method of contraception is one of the main causative agents of the inflammatory process in the ovary.

How does inflammation manifest?

Symptoms of inflammation of the ovary can be both mild and pronounced. It all depends on the course and cause of the disease, age, the presence of chronic pathologies and other individual characteristics of the female body.

Signs of inflammation of the ovaries are similar to those of salpingitis and adnexitis. Since the disease has several types, the symptoms will be different in each form.

So, acute inflammation of the ovaries manifests itself in the form of:

  • violations of urination and defecation (diarrhea or, conversely, constipation);
  • the appearance of subfebrile body temperature;
  • pain during and;
  • unusual discharge with a smell;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain in the ovaries;
  • lack of appetite, deterioration of the general condition.

If there is no treatment, then literally after 15-20 days of infection, the disease flows into chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

Symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries in a chronic form:

  • inability to conceive a child (more than a year);
  • dull, aching pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the leg, groin or lower back;
  • discomfort in the appendages during sex;
  • "daub" in the middle of the cycle;
  • irregularity of menstruation;
  • change in the nature of menstruation (became scarce or, conversely, plentiful).

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries also occurs due to lack of hygiene of the genitals, hypothermia or promiscuity.

Allocations with oophoritis

Like any other disease reproductive organs, oophoritis is manifested in the violation of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of unusual discharge. It can be both "daub" and copious discharge with a pungent odor. It all depends on what form of inflammation of the ovaries in women:

  1. Acute. The discharge is clear and copious. Sometimes purulent, with a characteristic odor.
  2. Chronic. Allocations white color, strong. Appears "daub" between menstruation reddish or brown.

Important! If purulent discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor! Otherwise, pus clots can enter the abdominal cavity, thereby possibly causing peritonitis.

How to identify pathology

Unfortunately, identifying inflamed appendages is sometimes quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that the signs of many diseases of the pelvic organs are similar to the symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries, and the treatment, accordingly, needs to be different. That is why, to confirm / refute the alleged diagnosis, the gynecologist may prescribe such examinations and tests:

  1. Gynecological examination, history taking.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the ovaries or pelvic organs in general.
  3. Donating blood and urine to determine the number of leukocytes.
  4. Blood test for hormone levels.
  5. Smear.
  6. HSG (X-ray examination).
  7. Laparoscopic diagnostics.
  8. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to detect viruses in the body.
  9. Diagnosis by RIF method for the detection of antigens of microbes or antibodies.
  10. Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

The most informative method for determining ovarian inflammation, the treatment of which depends on the stage of neglect of the disease, is laparoscopic diagnosis. It is this method of examination that provides a complete picture of the condition of the appendages, as it is carried out with the help of medical instruments and a small video camera, which are inserted through the punctures of the anterior abdominal wall.

Laparoscopic diagnostics is prescribed in extreme cases, and only when the pathology is accompanied by constant pain in the pubic area or the patient has long-term infertility.

If a woman has any suspicions of the presence of a disease, she can independently check this at home. The patient needs to measure the basal temperature and make a schedule. So, the basal temperature during inflammation will constantly jump. First, for several days there is an increase (up to about 37 degrees), then a sharp decline. And so constantly. If such jumps in basal temperature are detected, you should contact your doctor.

Treatment Methods

How to treat inflammation of the ovaries is determined only by the gynecologist after the patient has passed all the necessary examinations. That is why, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, a woman must comply with all the requirements before taking tests (for example, donate blood only on an empty stomach). Treatment for inflammation of the ovary (oophoritis) depends on the true cause of infection and the main pathogen. The therapy takes place in several stages.

Acute oophoritis requires immediate hospitalization, antibiotics and pain medications. Antiviral drugs and vitamins are also prescribed. Based on the results of the tests, physiotherapy can be prescribed, which includes the following procedures:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • radon baths;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis.

Chronic oophoritis requires long-term treatment. Initially, pain in case of inflammation of the ovaries is stopped, all microbial and inflammatory processes are eliminated, the body systems that have suffered from this disease (vascular, nervous, hormonal) are restored. The patient is strongly recommended a special massage and relaxation in places of a sanatorium type.

If the menstrual cycle was completely disrupted from inflammation of the ovaries in a woman, then its restoration with the help of hormonal preparations is required. Most often this birth control pills, for example, Regulon.

Unfortunately, almost every case of oophoritis carries with it the formation of adhesions in the pelvis. In this case, the treatment for inflammation of the ovary should be not only medical, but also surgical. The patient is removed adhesive processes, inflamed tissues of the appendage and cystic neoplasms (if any).

Pregnancy is not recommended for a woman with this disease. Absolutely all gynecologists say that you first need to cure the inflammation, and then prepare for conception. But if, nevertheless, fertilization took place, what to do? You should immediately visit a gynecologist. He will examine the patient, prescribe tests and ultrasound diagnostics. Given the location of the fetus, the neglect of the disease, the doctor tells if there is an ectopic pregnancy and whether the woman can give birth.

How to treat

Modern medicine offers a lot of drugs to combat this disease. Inflammation of the ovaries in women can be treated with antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. All of them have different cost and method of application.

Drug treatment without consulting a doctor is prohibited!

Antibiotics are prescribed strictly by the attending physician. Only he will be able to correctly select the required dosage, based on the neglect of oophoritis, the individual characteristics of the organism and the tolerance of the active substance. Antibacterial agents are prescribed one-time or as a course. But most often, the treatment is at least 7-10 days, until the pain and inflammation are completely eliminated. In most cases, they are treated with such drugs:

  • doxycycline;
  • Sulfaten;
  • Ampicillin;
  • cephalaxin etc.

You can learn more about antibiotics in the article "".

No less effective from oophoritis are vaginal suppositories. It is in this form of release that the active substance is localized locally and quickly relieves discomfort in the lower abdomen, lowers body temperature, and relieves infectious processes. For greater efficiency, suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with other drugs. Most often do not have side effects and almost instantly soothe the vaginal mucosa, suppress the number of bacteria and fungi. It:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Betadine;
  • Hexicon and others.

Read more about candles from oophoritis in the article "".

Inflammation of the ovaries after hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is a method of diagnostics and surgical intervention on the pelvic organs, which is performed using special optical instruments. Quite often, after hysteroscopy, patients complain of incessant pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, girls are diagnosed with inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. This explains the discomfort.

Launched inflammation of the uterus (ovaries) leads to the removal of the organ! In order to preserve the reproductive function, the doctor can only remove the uterine node, which is a complication of inflammation in women.

Symptoms and treatment of oophoritis after hysteroscopy are practically no different from ordinary inflammation. If only the ovary becomes inflamed, then the drug therapy regimen consists in the use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. However, bilateral inflammation requires antibiotics and physiotherapy.

So that after hysteroscopy there is no possible complications, the patient should adhere to absolutely all the recommendations and appointments of a specialist.

inflammation and sex

Sex with inflammation of the ovary in most cases is prohibited. Why not? Sexual intercourse and sudden movements during it can aggravate the situation and infect not only nearby organs and tissues, but also the partner. Therefore, if you still decide on intimacy, you should use a condom.

But most often, a woman with this disease does not have a desire for sexual intercourse. This is explained by the fact that in patients the level of hormones is disturbed, libido and sexual activity decrease.

In addition, if there is no treatment for inflammation, and the patient lives a regular sexual life, during sex she may experience sharp, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness. To relieve pain, you need to take an anesthetic (Spazmalgon, Spazgan, No-Shpa). To prevent painful discomfort, the patient should first cure the pathology, and only then return to her usual intimate life.

Remember! Is it possible to have sex during inflammation of the ovaries, only the attending physician will tell after a gynecological examination and testing.

Disease prevention

Since bacteria are the main factor in the occurrence of pathology, a woman needs to use contraceptive methods. In addition, the prevention of inflammation of the ovaries is:

  • gynecological examination at least twice a year;
  • taking vitamins;
  • observance of hygiene of genitals;
  • timely access to a doctor if pain or other unusual symptoms occur;
  • proper nutrition and good rest;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking.

Every woman should constantly take care of her women's health not only to prevent the occurrence of any diseases of the reproductive organs, but also to give birth to a healthy child.

Finding inflammation of the ovaries, many women immediately think about their treatment. The first step is to consult a doctor, take tests and prescribe medications. Only drug treatment will help to remove inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. The course of therapy includes antibiotics and additional drugs that destroy bacteria. It would be illiterate to take painkillers for pain in the lower abdomen without consulting and receiving the results of the analysis. This may worsen the inflammation.

Since there are many infections that are pathogens in inflammation of the ovaries, self-medication is strongly discouraged. You will not be able to correctly diagnose, determine the type of infection and select the necessary drug. You will achieve the appearance of chronic inflammation of the ovaries, which in turn can lead to infertility. When the disease is advanced, the attending physician has the right to prescribe surgical intervention.

In gynecology, inflammation of the left ovary, bilateral or inflammation of the right ovary in women is distinguished. With bilateral replenishment - treatment immediately! Constant medical monitoring, systemic testing, taking the necessary antibiotics and proper nutrition help you overcome your illness.

Important! Depending on the causative agent of inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, specific and nonspecific forms of oophoritis can be distinguished. In the first case, the causative agents are chlamydia, mycoplasmas and Trichomonas, and in the second - streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli.

The first signs of inflammation of the ovaries are manifested as follows - the fallopian tubes become inflamed. This process called salpingitis. If one of the ovaries also becomes inflamed, then adnexitis takes place. Bilateral inflammation of the ovaries, as well as unilateral, can be chronic, acute and subacute.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of inflammation of the ovary should be recognized by you as soon as possible. Adnexitis of the ovary of acute and subacute forms manifests itself:

  • Pain in the abdomen, sacrum and lower back are regular. Moreover, the strongest sensations fall on the side of the inflamed organ.
  • Frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain and cutting in the area Bladder.
  • Bleeding that occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • The temperature jumps sharply, fever and weakness appear.
  • During intimacy, a woman feels signs of inflammation of the appendages in the form of sharp pains or a feeling as if she is pulling the ovary.
  • Along with the disease, there are problems with the intestines or stomach.
  • Abundant purulent discharge from the vagina is observed.
  • Colds of the ovaries in women, which manifests itself in the form of pain.
  • A significant increase in the ovaries with this disease.

Note: How to treat inflammation of the ovaries in an acute form? The woman is subject to mandatory hospitalization. The hospital stay may take longer than you think. Also, many women are interested in whether they will be given sick leave in case of this illness and how long it will last. In this case, a sick leave is issued. For more information, please contact your physician. If the form of the disease is acute, do not try to correct the situation with suppositories or methods. traditional medicine on your own, because you can only aggravate the situation.

What to do with inflammation of the ovaries in women in a subacute form? It is necessary to pay attention to the causes of inflammation of the ovary. The pathogens of mycoplasmosis and tuberculosis can provoke the occurrence of this disease. Symptoms in this case will be very similar with adnexitis. Various types of hypothermia are possible. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and pass all the tests.

chronic inflammation

With chronic inflammation of the ovaries, the symptoms may be more pronounced. It occurs due to incorrect or incomplete treatment of adnexitis at the time. With inflammation of the ovary in women, the symptoms and treatment will be as follows:

  • Pain during inflammation of the ovaries is dull, gives to the groin and vagina.
  • Scanty but regular vaginal discharge.
  • The ovaries can become inflamed and hurt on the eve of menstruation and with hypothermia.
  • Sexual function is disturbed, sexual desire disappears, and cutting pains appear during intimacy.
  • Menstrual disorders.
  • Constant fatigue and irritability.
  • The woman cannot become pregnant. This is due to dysfunction of the ovary. Is it curable? Of course. Consult a gynecologist so that he can prescribe you treatment and relieve inflammation.
  • The ovaries increase in size and become more sensitive.


How is ovarian inflammation treated? Treatment for inflammation of the ovary should be carried out according to the symptoms. In some cases, this disease can be confused with appendicitis or endometriosis. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of this kind is difficult.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis of an inflammatory disease, the doctor must refer you to a range of different examinations. Many women are interested in whether there is a need to examine the history data. Yes, previous inflammations, abortions, and complications during childbirth are important data for the treatment of ovarian inflammation. In addition, the doctor may ask if the woman has been treated before, and what medications could have been prescribed by a doctor before.

Then the patient is sent for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, as well as for blood donation for laboratory analysis. A mandatory gynecological examination is carried out to determine if the ovaries are enlarged. With the help of a bacteriological examination, doctors will be able to find out what was the causative agent, as well as understand how to treat this particular inflammation of the ovaries.

If the specialist has a suspicion of subacute inflammation, then you will additionally have to undergo hysterosalpingoscopy. During this procedure, you can find out about the presence of gross anatomical changes that have occurred in the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy is used to view the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. If the patient has a chronic form of oophoritis, then laparoscopy will reveal how infected the fallopian tubes are, whether there are adhesions in them.

Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries

Before curing the ovaries, the specialist needs to put correct diagnosis regarding the pathogen, as well as determine the stage of the disease. Treatment can be medical, medical or surgical.

Acute stages are treated with antibiotics, painkillers and restorative drugs. The patient must comply with bed rest, as well as undergo irradiation with ultraviolet rays. If she suffers from insomnia, then the attending physician may prescribe sleeping pills, as well as vitamin complexes. In addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy gives excellent results. You can also consult with your doctor about it.

The chronic form of adnexitis is treated with the help of physiotherapy and balneology. In addition, the woman must drink a course of asteroid drugs so that the adhesions resolve. Treatment in a sanatorium or resort will be effective. In order to increase blood flow in the pelvis, it is recommended to do special exercises. If specific case is not amenable to such methods of treatment, then it is necessary to perform an operation. Which can be prescribed by the attending physician who knows the entire history of the disease.

If the inflammation is specific, treatment is with antibiotics. The choice of drug depends on the causative agents of the disease. Of particular importance is the choice of dosage. If the case is advanced, then the doctor may prescribe a combination of several antibiotics. If the pathogens are streptococci or staphylococci, then the woman needs to take penicillin and aminoglycosides. They are also prescribed by the attending physician. Metronidazole is taken if the flora is filled with aerobes. Depending on the severity of the case, this antibiotic may be given intravenously. In other cases, a woman is prescribed it parorally.

Important! In order to stop intoxication, antihistamines such as Suprastin and Diphenhydramine are prescribed. In addition, the doctor may prescribe azithromycin or trichopolum.

If we talk about anti-inflammatory suppositories, then they are prescribed as an additional remedy to the main method of treatment. Candles with propolis, oak bark or walnut extract show high efficiency.

Apart from their medicinal properties, candles are an excellent means of preventing leucorrhea and thrush. Do not forget that candle treatment should take place in combination with drug treatment and physiotherapy procedures. When using candles, do not forget to observe what character the discharge takes.

Pregnancy with inflammation

Even if a woman successfully treats inflammation, this does not mean that she cannot have pregnancy problems. The fact is that chronic adnexitis disrupts the functioning of the ovaries. If a patient with an infection in the ovaries still becomes pregnant, then a sluggish form of inflammation can sharply worsen. An alarming symptom for pregnant women should be sharp pains and vaginal discharge. The health of a woman and her fetus depends entirely on the accurate diagnosis of the disease.

If the doctor was able to detect the causative agents of syphilis or gonorrhea, then he recommends terminating the pregnancy. If adnexitis has arisen due to opportunistic flora, then the woman is given antibiotics, and their dose is set depending on the duration of pregnancy. But do not forget that there is still a risk of miscarriage in the presence of inflammation, so do not plan to conceive until the moment of complete recovery.

Reading 6 min.

Inflammation of the ovary, or oophoritis, is a serious disease. With delayed treatment or an incorrectly chosen technique, it can not only provoke the onset of a chronic form, but also lead to infertility and even early - up to 40 years - the onset of menopause. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will decide on the need for hospitalization or prescribe a home therapy regimen.

What is oophoritis and its symptoms

The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of an acute or chronic type in the right or left ovary. It is extremely rare for inflammation to occur on both sides at once. As an independent disease, it rarely occurs, since the ovarian membranes themselves are strong enough and can resist infectious agents for a long time. Inflammation is caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, candida fungus and E. coli. The infection usually rises from the side of the vagina.

Important! If oophoritis is not treated, then complications may arise - inflammation of the appendages, fallopian tubes and the uterine mucosa itself.

The main thing that a woman started was a sharp, sharp and at the same time pulling pain in the lower abdomen, most often in the left or right side of the abdomen. Sometimes, with bilateral inflammation, the pain spreads to both halves.

Then the temperature rises, spasms become stronger, general weakness, chills, vaginal discharge with bad smell, sharp pain when urinating.

If the disease is not treated, it will go from acute to chronic, accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  2. purulent discharge from the vagina;
  3. constant pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. a decrease in sexual desire up to a complete rejection of sexual intercourse;
  5. insomnia, neuroses and depression;
  6. difficulty getting pregnant or infertility.

Some patients complain that with inflammation of the appendages, the chest begins to hurt, but doctors do not connect these two phenomena with each other.

At the first symptoms of inflammation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, when the body temperature rises above 38 degrees, and the pain is unbearable, call an ambulance.

How to treat?

Since the symptoms of inflammation can be similar to inflammation of the organs abdominal cavity- before starting treatment, the doctor prescribes whole line investigations to confirm the diagnosis.

First of all, ultrasound and gynecological examination on the chair are prescribed. Then the woman will have to take tests - urine, blood, sowing on pathogens (a swab from the vagina).

Important. Treatment tactics depend on the stage of the disease, whether it is chronic or acute, what pathogen is caused, and whether there are concomitant diseases.

Acute oophoritis is treated in a hospital, where the patient is most often taken by ambulance doctors. Acute inflammation cannot be removed without intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs. Also in complex treatment, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory or antifungal drugs are used.

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries requires a long complex treatment under the constant supervision of a doctor, but it passes at home.


The following groups of drugs are used to treat inflammation.

Tablets that help treat cold appendages:

  1. - are prescribed by a doctor after tests, depending on the type of pathogen, in the acute form, until the results of the examination are obtained, broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The course of treatment is at least seven, more often than ten days;
  2. painkillers- paracetamol, aspirin, spasmalgon, nurofen;
  3. B vitamins, vitamin C;
  4. probiotic to restore microflora;
  5. immunomodulating drugs.

Also in the complex treatment physiotherapy is used - warming up, magnetotherapy, baths.


To reduce pain, relieve high body temperature and alleviate the inflammatory process, candles are used.

This type of treatment is necessarily prescribed in combination with other drugs - antibacterial drugs, painkillers or antifungals. This is how the drugs will be most effective.

Candles are almost non-existent. side effects, well restore the microflora of the vagina, have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal or analgesic effects, depending on the composition.

Scheme for chronic oophoritis

In the absence of symptoms of acute inflammation, the treatment of oophoritis and concomitant inflammation of the appendages is carried out either in a day hospital or at home.

Used for treatment complex of preparations:

  1. antibiotic therapy for a course of three to seven days, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets;
  2. anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories (Diclofenac) or orally (Nurofen);
  3. antifungal (Terzhinan);
  4. immunostimulants;
  5. medicines to improve blood flow in the pelvic area;
  6. after a course of antibiotics - means to restore the intestinal microflora and vaginal mucosa.

For the successful treatment of chronic inflammation of both the ovaries and appendages, women planning a pregnancy are recommended to undergo a course of mud therapy in a hospital or sanatorium, drink therapeutic mineral water under the supervision of a doctor, visit a masseur or chiropractor.

Scheme for acute oophoritis

What and how to treat acute inflammation? First of all, you need to understand that such oophoritis is treated exclusively in the hospital, with a favorable course of the disease, treatment is continued in a day hospital and at home.

After the initial diagnosis of the disease, the doctor prescribes a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. In addition to antibiotic therapy, metronidazole is prescribed in the very first hours after admission to the hospital.

After receiving the culture results, the attending physician will prescribe an antibiotic against a specific pathogen (Amoxiclav, Ketocef). Also, depending on the intensity of pain, the presence of high body temperature and the severity of the inflammatory process, the nature of the discharge from the vagina is discharged:

  1. anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, paracetamol, nurofen;
  2. Terzhinan, Betadine;
  3. painkillers for severe pain syndrome;
  4. immunomodulators;
  5. vitamins;
  6. antihistamines;
  7. preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora and mucosa.

Important! The type of antibiotic therapy, dosage and additional drugs are prescribed by the attending physician based on the results of examinations. Self-administration of antibiotics will not give an effect, since oophoritis requires complex treatment.

After the initial treatment, the patient is discharged either to the day hospital of the polyclinic, or to home treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist. Treatment with candles, taking vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs continue, as a rule, for several more days or weeks after discharge.

Non-drug means to cure inflammation of the ovaries can not. When you try to be treated with baths, douches or teas of acute oophoritis, you can not only exacerbate the course of the disease and contribute to the onset of a chronic form, but also lubricate the symptoms, thereby complicating doctors' diagnosis.

Reference. Folk remedies are very effective in complex treatment - to relieve vaginal dryness, reduce inflammation, prevent such dangerous consequences diseases like adhesions in the tubes and further infertility.

The danger to the reproductive system is oophoritis or inflammation of the ovaries. This is an insidious disease that, without treatment, can lead to quite complex consequences, one of which is infertility. At the slightest suspicion of inflammation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since recovery depends on the timeliness of the measures taken.

What causes inflammation of the ovaries

Oophoritis occurs due to the spread of infections present in the body. The pathogen can enter through the cervical canal, fallopian tubes, uterus, blood, or from neighboring inflamed organs: the bladder, vagina, or intestines. The disease almost never goes away as an isolated process, it is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes.

Cause inflammation of the ovaries can be different reasons. It can be caused by the presence in the body of candida, staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, as well as pathogens of mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia or tuberculosis. Not only bacteria can lead to the disease, it can be provoked by the use intrauterine devices, hypothermia and abortion.

There are factors that increase the risk of inflammation, these are:

  • overwork and frequent stress;
  • non-compliance with safety measures during sexual intercourse and promiscuity;
  • venereal infections;
  • complications during childbirth;
  • reduced immunity and the presence of diseases that contribute to its decrease;
  • menstruation and premature onset of sexual intercourse after an abortion or childbirth;
  • operations in the abdominal cavity;
  • infectious diseases, such as influenza or tonsillitis.

How does inflammation of the ovaries manifest?

There are 2 forms of oophoritis - acute and chronic. Each has its own symptoms.

Signs of inflammation of the ovaries of an acute form:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, which respond in the lower back and sacrum;
  • the presence of purulent or serous discharge;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • the presence of high temperature;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • the presence of bleeding in the intervals between menstruation;
  • obvious symptoms of intoxication syndrome: loose stools and bloating.

Acute oophoritis has vague symptoms, so it can be confused with other diseases, such as peritonitis, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and appendicitis. Diagnosis requires additional diagnostics, which includes urine and blood tests, ultrasound, gynecological examination, laparoscopy and bacteriological examination.


In addition to official means, there are many folk ways promising a cure for oophoritis. They should be used with caution and only as an adjunct to the prescribed treatment. Treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the ovaries is different:

  • in the acute form, only cold compresses and washings are used, for example, tincture of arnica;
  • in the chronic form - it is recommended to take warm baths with a decoction of yarrow or chamomile, mud baths, and also wrap the lower back and stomach.