What is the best way to sheathe the outside of a wooden house? How to cover the outside of a wooden house? How can you cover the outside of a wooden house?

When construction is completed, the owner has to decide how to cover the outside of the wooden house. Wood cannot be left without protection, otherwise it will quickly lose its original appearance and may suffer from insects, rodents and other destructive influences.

There are a lot of cladding options today, and each has its own advantages. The owner will have to choose a material that is durable, beautiful and at the same time inexpensive in order to avoid additional costs.

How can you sheathe the outside of a wooden house?

Inexpensive cladding materials

Tiles, porcelain tiles and other high-strength materials are expensive, and they also create additional load on the foundation.

In order to avoid high costs and at the same time provide protection for the home, we have to look for more democratic solutions.

  • First of all, these are siding, materials of natural origin and plaster. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. How to cover the outside of a wooden house inexpensively?

Plaster is the classic and cheapest option, which until recently was practically the only one. Treating walls with plaster mortar increases heat and sound insulation, allows you to completely level the surface, and reliably protects wood from the destructive effects of moisture and sun. In addition, modern plaster compositions make it possible to provide the wall with a beautiful finish, so the building will look more than aesthetically pleasing.

However, it has its downsides. Plastered walls will have to be renewed periodically, as this is not the most durable material.

  • In addition, applying plaster is a complex multi-step process that not everyone can do. You can invite a professional team, but their work will be quite expensive.

Lining and block house are materials made from wood. This is the most environmentally friendly solution for a wooden house, allowing you to install a layer of insulation and waterproofing, and at the same time the house will retain the natural beauty that only natural wood can provide.

The disadvantages are quite clear. Since these are natural materials, they also require protective treatment. The lining will have to be treated with antiseptics and painted, only in this case is it guaranteed to have a long service life.

  • Plastic or metal siding. When choosing the best way to cover the outside of a wooden house, siding always takes a special place.

This is one of the most durable and practical solutions: vinyl or aluminum panels are not destroyed by natural factors, in addition, they can withstand even very strong fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Externally, siding can completely imitate wood, stone, and other materials, so this finish can be quite aesthetic at a low cost.

What is the best way to cover the outside of a wooden house? Each type of material has its fans and opponents.

For example, siding causes a lot of controversy among owners of wooden houses: this material has very favorable performance characteristics, but due to its artificial origin it loses in environmental friendliness.

If you choose how to cover the outside of a wooden house cheaply, this is a profitable solution, but the appearance of the house will be very simple, which may disappoint those who like special aesthetics.

How to cover a house with siding

When choosing what you can use to cover the outside of a wooden house inexpensively, you need to take care not only of purchasing the cladding itself, but also of purchasing all the materials necessary for installation. Installation of siding, as a rule, involves the creation of a multi-layer insulated facade, which is called ventilated due to the presence of a gap between the insulation and the cladding.

If you choose what is better to cover the outside of a wooden house, reviews will tell you that siding remains the most affordable solution. This cladding will look good on a cottage, an ordinary village house, or a summer cottage. Even a non-professional can install it:

Installation of siding usually takes little time; it is a fairly simple cladding option. Vinyl panels can be of any color; this is a very beautiful and modern type of finish. The color and design of the siding is chosen in accordance with the finishing of the base and roof, so that the house acquires a harmonious, unified appearance.

It is a facade covering of the walls of a building, consisting of panels laid on a sheathing.

The range of panels is varied: they can be made of various materials and have a variety of shapes, textures and colors.

Installation of siding is quite simple, its operational period can reach fifty years.

In this article you will learn how you can cover the outside of a house other than siding.

The popularity of siding cladding is primarily associated with its characteristics, which are inherent in this type of material. Houses covered with siding have an aesthetically attractive and very neat appearance.

Distinctive characteristics of siding are:

  • Durability of the material;
  • a large assortment;
  • variety of materials (wood, vinyl, metal);
  • ease of care;
  • the presence of an air gap between the wall of the house and the cladding prevents the formation of mold or mildew;
  • quite easy to install;
  • UV resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • waterproof;
  • has resistance to mechanical damage.

quite fragile at subzero temperatures, flammable and quite flammable.

Requires care during installation, since even with a slight bend the material cannot be restored: the panel must be replaced.


Despite the presence of shortcomings, siding still has much more advantages, which determines the rapidly growing interest in this type of cladding.

Siding analogues

In addition to siding panels, you can also clad your house with other materials that are no less common on the construction market.

These include:

  • decorative plaster;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • sandwich panels;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • tree;
  • brick.

Each house cladding option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a cladding option, you should be guided not only by the aesthetic appeal of the material, but also by its technical characteristics.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a budget material, so it is widely used.

Plaster can be non-aqueous or water-free. Popular is mineral plaster, which is made on the basis of cement and additional components.

Decorative plaster can be polymer, silicone or silicate.


The material is presented in the form of a dry mixture, and for application this mixture must be diluted with water. Various colors and admixtures can be added to the plaster mixture to achieve the desired color and effect.

The advantages of decorative plaster are:

  • no toxic fumes;
  • high adhesive ability;
  • long shelf life of the dry mixture;
  • no special care required;
  • ease of manufacture and application;
  • does not absorb dirt;
  • a wide variety of colors and textures;
  • the vapor permeability of the material ensures a comfortable microclimate in the room;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • good sound insulation and heat insulation properties.

The plaster perfectly withstands atmospheric and mechanical influences.

Decorative plaster has disadvantages, but they are not decisive when choosing cladding:

  • in the absence of a reinforcing mesh, the plaster is susceptible to chips and cracks;
  • repair work must be carried out at temperatures above +5° C;
  • the cost of decorative plaster is much higher than usual.

When using decorative plaster, you should follow the recommendations for its application.

When creating a textured relief, professionalism and a lot of time are required.

Decorative plaster

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tile is a compressed and fired clay mixture with the addition of quartz, feldspar and natural-based dyes.

The main quality of the material is strength.

Porcelain tiles are made in the form of slabs of various thicknesses, textures and colors. It has properties that are not inferior to natural stone.

The main indicator of the color, structure and texture of a material is its composition, which includes manganese, chromium, iron, zirconium or cobalt salt. The surface can be matte, polished, embossed, polished or glazed.

The features of porcelain stoneware are:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • independence from weather changes;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no fading;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • fire safety and protection of walls from fire;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • ease of installation;
  • a ventilated façade ensures a comfortable microclimate.

The aesthetic appearance of a porcelain stoneware building is ensured by the textured coloring of the material., it is easy to maintain and simple to repair.

The disadvantages of porcelain stoneware are the heavy weight of the slabs, which requires a solid foundation for the building and load-bearing walls and high cost.

Porcelain tiles

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are a thin aluminum sheet with a thermal insulation layer. They are used for finishing office, administrative, sports and socially significant facilities.

The panels are available in glossy, matte, lacquered color coatings, and also treated with powder or polymer mixtures.

The advantages of sandwich panels are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • soundproofing;
  • good thermal protection;
  • a light weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and rotting;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • low cost.

Sandwich panels are easy to install and the structure itself is not heavy, which does not require additional reinforcement of the walls.

  • the possibility of having fire hazardous insulation in the panels;
  • limited assortment;
  • During installation, the joint areas must be covered with a special sealing tape.


The installation of sandwich panels should be entrusted to professionals, since minor errors can reduce the thermal insulation qualities of the cladding.

Particular attention should be paid to the places where the slabs are connected.

Sandwich panels

Natural and artificial stone

Facade stone can be natural, which is classified by species, and artificial, which is an imitation of natural rock or organic mineral.

Natural stone

There are several types of stone cladding for masonry:

  • “from the die”;
  • "Castle";
  • "Plateau";
  • "Shahriar";
  • "Assol";
  • "Rondo".

The texture of natural stone can be granite, marble, limestone, slate, sand.

The advantage of natural stone cladding is durability and strength. The material is environmentally friendly, frost-resistant and fireproof.

Natural stone cladding requires its treatment with protective agents to prevent the formation of salts on its surface.

The disadvantage of natural stone cladding is its cost and heaviness.

Natural stone

Fake diamond

It is produced by mixing polymer and mineral components, which are poured into molds and hardened under a brick press.


  • clinker;
  • concrete;
  • architectural;
  • polymer sand;
  • resin based;
  • ceramic.

Artificial stone has similar characteristics to natural material, but is much lighter.

Compared to natural stone, the resistance of artificial stone to external influences is much less, and therefore the service life is reduced.

Fake diamond

Cassette facade

Cassette facades are cladding material in the form of slabs. Cassettes can be composite or metal. The design of the structure is worked out by computer, based on the shape, size of the building and the material of the cassettes.

Small cassettes are made from aluminum. For large forms, composite materials are used.

Cassettes differ in color, size and texture.

Positive characteristics of a cassette facade:

  • strength;
  • resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • ease of construction;

A high degree of decorativeness provides individuality to any building equipped with cassettes.

A significant disadvantage of this type of façade improvement is its high cost.

Cassette facade


Wood is used as cladding to give the house a natural look.

Modern types of cladding can be used to imitate wood:

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • facade board (planken);
  • imitation timber.

The lining is a solid board. Has different quality classes. It is lightweight, accessible and low cost.

Block house is a high-strength material that is a covering in the form of timber. Classified by color and texture.

Facade board is a profile material resembling siding panels. The peculiarity of the installation is the technology of the permissible distance between the boards to ensure ventilation.

Imitation timber looks like a board. Mounted using tongue-and-groove technology.

The advantages of wood are environmental friendliness, non-toxicity and good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.

A significant disadvantage of wood is its susceptibility to rotting and fragility. However, with regular treatment of a wooden facade, its service life increases significantly.


The brickwork that is used to clad the building is designed to give the building strength and protect the internal load-bearing wall.

The structure of facing brick can be:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate;
  • hyper-hyped.

Based on the front surface, bricks are classified into:

  • smooth;
  • raised;
  • glazed;
  • engobed.

Brickwork can be of different colors, and the material itself differs not only in texture and composition, but also in color.

The main advantages of brick cladding are strength, resistance to external influences, and protection of the house.

In addition, the brick has:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • frost resistance and low thermal conductivity.

The disadvantage of brick cladding is its significant weight. In addition, the price of bricks is quite high.


Thus, quite a lot of alternative cladding options, in addition to siding panels, can be used when finishing the facade. You can determine what exactly is suitable in a particular case, based on the price, characteristics of the material, the ability to install it yourself, as well as in accordance with design ideas.

Useful video

In this video we will look at all analogues of siding:

In contact with

Some building materials from which walls are erected immediately imply the need for exterior finishing of the house: the resulting picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive crack formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: “How to sheathe the outside of the house.” Moreover, most often it is necessary to “sheath” it - without using mortar or other similar means that require a lot of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, there is a choice of materials and technologies, and a considerable one.

Basic Rules

When selecting materials for cladding a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the rooms, the vapor permeability of the materials must decrease from inside the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finishing should conduct steam better than the wall material. Then the increased humidity, which is typical for our homes, will be removed through the walls naturally (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the interface of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for rotting and the development of fungi and mold. In winter it freezes, destroying the wall material and/or finishing. Sooner or later such a system will have to be dismantled and rebuilt.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most other materials for exterior decoration of a house have low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today the second option is becoming increasingly popular. Very effective thermal insulation materials have appeared that can significantly reduce heating costs. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing what to cover your house with, consider these points.

Wood paneling

Wood has been used in construction and decoration for centuries, and it seems that it will be relevant for a long time. All thanks to its excellent appearance and ability to regulate indoor humidity. This is perhaps the only material that will remove excess moisture without problems, regardless of what material the walls are made of.

Wooden cladding can have a completely non-standard appearance: different colors and sizes, different directions. It's simple, but the effect is amazing

The most popular materials for wall cladding are block house and imitation timber. There is also lining for exterior finishing - it is thicker than what is intended for it, but otherwise it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - the front part has a rounded shape. Imitation timber is very similar to planed timber. Both types of cladding are attached to the sheathing, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, and optionally varnished or painted.

What does lumber look like for exterior cladding of a house?

If you can't decide how to cover the outside of a foam block house, consider wood cladding. In this case, lathing (metal or wood) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, insulation is laid between the slats - basalt wool (foam or polystyrene foam cannot be used), and then wooden sheathing is nailed.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be brick, log frame, frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the cheapest option, for most regions of Russia this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or block house onto the sheathing, the lower end of the upper board extends 10-20 mm onto the one located underneath it. It turns out the principle of the cone. This way you can cheaply cladding a country house or even a residential one. When properly processed, such cladding has a very good appearance.

How to cheaply cover the outside of a house? For central Russia - planed wooden boards

The disadvantages of such finishing are the same as with any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to cover your house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Wooden cladding requires maintenance, and, most often, annually.


In some regions, planks and other lumber are not the most affordable materials. In this case, it’s cheaper. This is the option when, having completed the finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate the outside of a timber house, perhaps your option is siding

Since the sheathing is nailed onto the sheathing, the façade is ventilated. If you need to inexpensively decorate wooden walls (from timber, logs, panels), siding is one of the options. It can also be used for buildings made of any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag-filled concrete, etc. This cladding is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl. It consists of strips of material 205 and 255 mm wide, 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm thick. The longitudinal edges have a lock on one side and perforation for fasteners on the other (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the sheathing. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated wooden blocks are quite suitable. Only standard starting and side stripes will be required. The only caveat: the screws need to be “undertightened” a little, leaving some play in order to compensate for temperature changes in the materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack due to stress.

The advantages of this material for exterior cladding of a house: low prices, easy installation.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding: it quickly fades in the sun, so it is advisable to use dim colors. It has a fairly wide operating temperature range: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

One more point: houses covered with siding and having a broken configuration look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural frills, it does not have the most attractive appearance (as evidenced by the photo below).

If the building is simply long, without reliefs or protrusions, covering the walls with sading will not embellish it very much


Metal siding consists of strips of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, onto which a protective and decorative coating is applied. It has the same fastening system as vinyl.

Sheathing a house with metal siding is simple: you can do it yourself even without much construction experience

The coating can be made of polymers. It is distinguished by its reliability, resistance to burnout and other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color range is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of peeling.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of your home for a durable and vibrant finish, one of the metal siding options may be right for you. It can be bent, it is very difficult to break, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can be installed at sub-zero temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building covered with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with: it looks too “manufactured”. The building no longer resembles a residential building, but rather a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but I liked it so much that it began to be used for cladding facades. External design - brickwork of different types and colors, with or without drawings, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that you can understand that it is not brick cladding, but vinyl, only by touching the wall.

It is mounted, like other types, on the sheathing, there are perforations and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are used to join. Accordingly, the sheathing must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is inserted into the already installed lock, a match is achieved, and then secured. The main thing is that during installation, do not overtighten the screws, leaving the siding room to move with temperature changes.

The sheathing can be made of treated wooden blocks (with protective impregnation) or from plasterboard profiles (galvanized). How to install basement siding on a basement, watch the video. It is mounted on the wall in the same way. The difference is in area.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently, a new cladding appeared on our market: fiber cement boards and siding made of the same material. They consist of wood fiber, quartz, mica, cement, and may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior finishing). This mixture is formed into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy or matte, or can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. It is installed on guide mounting strips and secured to the wall with clamps. This material may be suitable for you if you do not know how to cover the outside of a frame house: it creates a continuous surface, the panel joints are airtight and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement slabs

Watch the video to see how to attach fiber cement boards.

Fiber cement siding is produced using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12 mm. This material is cut with a jigsaw, installed on a wooden sheathing with an overlap (like a cone) and nailed to it or screwed with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer of decorative coating is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory. It looks like marble or natural stone, does not burn, and has low water absorption characteristics.

This finishing material is made from polystyrene foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum strip or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles; the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and cladding it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of this cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and no reviews yet: it appeared only recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels is with clinker tiles

The choice of materials that can be used to cover a house at any time - winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options, and there are cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you won’t have to deal with mold and dampness.

Many people, after building a home, rack their brains over what to cover the outside of the house with. Therefore, in this article I decided to tell you about six modern finishing materials for the facade. Next, we will look at their features, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages, which will help you in your choice.

Modern finishing materials

The article will discuss the following façade materials:

Material 1: Wooden finishing boards

Wood paneling is, of course, not a new solution. However, modern wood processing technologies have allowed manufacturers to create higher quality finishing materials, which will be discussed further.

The most common among them are:

  • eurolining - consists of tongue-and-groove finishing boards. It differs from conventional lining by a deeper groove and, accordingly, a wide tenon, which ensures reliable joining. In addition, there are grooves on the back of the board that provide space ventilation.

Also, eurolining, as a rule, has a more precise geometry than conventional lining;

  • block house - differs from eurolining by the front side, which has a cylindrical shape;

  • planken - unlike lining, does not have tongues. The edges of the plank are beveled.

Before installing wooden materials, they must be acclimatized, i.e. stand in the open air for several days. This will prevent the appearance of cracks and some other negative consequences.

Wooden finishing materials have many advantages. The main one is, of course, environmental friendliness. Moreover, wood is known to be able to “breathe”, which contributes to a favorable microclimate in the house.

Other positive aspects include:

  • attractive spring appearance - wooden coverings allow you to beautifully veneer even the most inconspicuous buildings. Finishing a wooden house in this way will preserve its natural appearance;
  • have good heat and sound insulation qualities, thanks to which such house cladding will make your home even more comfortable;

  • Modern antiseptic impregnations make wooden products resistant to moisture, decay, and other biological factors. Thanks to this, wooden finishing materials are very durable;
  • fire retardants make wooden materials fireproof;

  • They are relatively inexpensive, although this only applies to materials made from inexpensive species, such as pine, spruce, etc.

The only disadvantage is that wooden finishing materials need to be looked after - periodically coated with protective compounds or paints.

Below is the average price of some wood finishing materials:

Material 2: plastic siding

The most common facade material today is plastic panels.

They have become widespread due to a number of positive qualities:

  • they are cheap - this primarily applies to PVC siding;
  • durability - products can last several decades;
  • attractive appearance - imitate wood, brick and other natural finishing materials;

  • practicality - plastic is easy to clean and does not require maintenance;
  • resistance to moisture and negative biological factors;
  • do not ignite when exposed to open fire, but only melt.

To determine the quality of vinyl siding, look at the back of it. The material must be homogeneous, without visible impurities.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • vinyl siding is not resistant to mechanical stress. In the cold it becomes brittle. This drawback is especially characteristic of the cheapest products from little-known manufacturers;
  • Durable plastic panels, the so-called “basement siding”, are quite expensive.

In general, finishing with plastic siding is a good alternative to wood. The only thing is that it is advisable to purchase panels from well-known manufacturers. Below is the cost of some of their products:

Material 3: metal siding

Another modern material that is worth paying attention to is metal siding. It is a stamped metal panel made from sheets of galvanized steel or aluminum.

The profile of such panels can imitate timber, block house or siding (American lining).

In addition, metal panels differ in the type of coating into two types:

  • painted plain;
  • with photo printing - these panels reliably imitate the texture of wood, as well as other materials.

The main advantage of metal cladding material is its strength. It is resistant to shock loads and other negative influences. Therefore, it is often used for country houses.

Other advantages include such important points as:

  • durability - manufacturers, as a rule, provide a guarantee for metal panels of several decades;
  • attractive appearance, especially for materials for façade cladding with photo printing. Externally, they are difficult to distinguish from wooden paneling;

  • They are a practical coating because, like plastic panels, they do not require maintenance;
  • fire resistant - in this parameter they are superior to wooden and plastic panels.

Of course, this material, like all others, is not ideal.

Its disadvantages include the following:

  • high thermal conductivity, however, mineral wool or other thermal insulation material located under the panels can offset this drawback;
  • noise during precipitation and strong winds;
  • quite high cost, especially for metal siding with photo printing.

The cost of metal siding of various brands is given below:

Material 4: fiber cement siding

When choosing a façade material, many people prefer fiber cement siding, as this material has the following positive qualities:

  • attractive design - the material can quite reliably imitate various finishing materials, including wood;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • resistance to biological influences, moisture, as well as low and high temperatures.

True, despite all these advantages, fiber cement siding has not gained as much popularity as plastic siding, which is associated with some of its serious disadvantages:

  • high cost even compared to finishing materials such as metal siding and plinth panels;
  • fragility, resulting in the material being unstable to mechanical stress;
  • heavy weight.

The cost of fiber cement panels of some well-known brands is given below:

Brand Price for 1m2
CEDRAL 1300 rub.
Konoshima 1700 rub.
KMEW 2500 rub.
Asahi 2500 rub.

Facade material with insulation – thermal panel

Material 5: thermal panels

If you are interested in what you can use to cover the outside of your house other than siding, I recommend paying attention to thermal panels.

Unlike all the products described above, this material consists of the following two layers:

  • insulation – is the base of the panel, made of polyurethane foam, extruded or regular polystyrene foam. The thickness of the slab can range from 30 to 150 mm, which allows you to select the optimal thermal insulation for each individual case;

  • a decorative protective coating that protects the insulation from atmospheric influences. Clinker tiles that imitate brick cladding, porcelain tiles, marble chips, etc. can be used as a decorative coating.

Thanks to this, thermal panels make it possible to clad the facade and at the same time insulate the home without using additional thermal insulation materials. This is perhaps their main advantage.

Of course, they have other positive qualities:

  • due to joining with each other in a lock, they form a continuous surface without cold bridges;

  • high durability, especially for polyurethane foam-based panels covered with clinker tiles. The latter retains its attractive appearance for more than 100 years, although the insulation is unlikely to last as long;
  • Visually, clinker tiles used in thermal panels cannot be distinguished from brick cladding;

  • resistance to negative biological factors;
  • provide good sound insulation;

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high price - panels are more expensive than separate insulation and finishing materials;

  • insulation materials used in thermal panels have zero vapor permeability. Therefore, if you have a wooden house, the cladding must be done using a frame, i.e. using curtain façade technology. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate on the surface of the walls.

Below is the cost of some domestic and foreign brands of thermal panels:

Material 6: aquapanels

Finally, let’s consider such material as aquapanels. It is also unique in its kind, since it is used to rough-finish the outside of the house. In this case, decorative can be used as a finishing coating.

In other words, aqua panels allow you to combine “dry” facade finishing and “wet” ones. Accordingly, you can paint the facade in any color you like.

Aquapanels are sheets consisting of several layers:

  • core - made of Portland cement with light filler;
  • fiberglass mesh – reinforces the core on both sides;
  • glossy outer layer - made of cement.

Working with aquapanels with your own hands is reminiscent of working with drywall indoors - first the seams are reinforced, after which the entire surface of the panels is covered with putty. After this, the final finish is applied.

To reinforce the seams of aqua panels, fiberglass mesh and adhesive plaster are used. For example, you can use the Knauf Sevener mixture.

Among the disadvantages of aquapanels, one can highlight the rather high cost - about 700 rubles per 1 m2. In addition, the panels are quite fragile, so they require careful handling.

Here, in fact, are all the materials for facade cladding that I wanted to tell you about.


We got acquainted with the most important qualities of six modern facade materials. Well, now everyone must decide for themselves what to cover the outside of the house with, having considered all their pros and cons, which I described above. I recommend watching the video in this article. If you have questions about this or that material, write them in the comments, and I will answer you as soon as possible.

When constructing or restoring a country house, one of the main roles is assigned to the outer cladding of the building. The appearance of the building, as well as various technical characteristics, each of which is of no small importance, completely depends on it.

General properties and characteristics

The construction industry and the introduction of the latest innovations into it are moving forward. Natural wood as a material for cladding country houses and cottages still remains one of the most popular and in-demand building materials.

Often, builders, using wood as a cladding material, can resort to cladding the outside of the house. This allows you to achieve a beautiful, visible result, create the look of a “Russian hut” and sheathe the house with the highest possible quality. There are many reasons, citing which we can confidently say that cladding a house is desirable, and sometimes even a mandatory construction procedure.

In addition, there are a number of factors and necessary conditions that you should pay attention to when choosing cladding material:

  • Unfavorable climatic factors can always contribute to breakdowns and some kind of destruction. To avoid this, it is recommended to resort to cladding the house, preferably with additional protection against penetration by sedimentary moisture and condensation.
  • Thermal water and vapor permeability must be eliminated, thereby ensuring that the house is sheathed with a material that provides high-quality thermal and waterproofing.

  • Noise can also often be a nuisance, so you should choose a material with good sound insulation.
  • It happens that over time, the cladding often loses its former attractive appearance due to fading. To prevent an undesirable situation, it is recommended to choose a cladding material that will withstand the influence of sunlight and ultraviolet rays.
  • A fire can strike at any moment. To avoid this, there are materials for home cladding, the use of which will secure and protect your home from open fire.
  • Specialists often put forward requirements for the material that ensure ease of installation, as a result of which the use of special equipment is optional.

The best option, according to builders, is to choose a facing material that primarily performs protective and aesthetic functions.

However, home owners often have to choose between reliability and aesthetics, since it is quite difficult to find a material that meets both characteristics.

Requirements for facade finishing

In order to increase the life of the home, it is worth taking care of the possible influence of unfavorable external factors and ensuring the protection of load-bearing structures. Good thermal insulation and vapor barrier, eliminating the possibility of moisture penetrating into the middle of the house, as well as its evaporation to the outside - these are the main goals of a well-installed house facade. Do not forget that the facade is necessary not only to protect the entire house, but also the building itself must protect the facade structure. That's why The design of the structure itself is the most important aspect in planning the entire installation.

When exterior finishing of log walls of a building, several insulating materials are most often used at once for the purpose of the best insulation.

Weather conditions and various external factors pose a great danger to the facade during finishing work. Otherwise, you will have to return to repairing the facade every year, and the process is complex and very painstaking.

To ensure that the lining of the logs of the constructed dwelling is not damaged, it is necessary to pay special attention to various chemical protection agents in order to prevent the influence of rain, winds, frost and other climatic factors. To prevent the sun's rays from having a negative impact on the cladding, after building a house from rounded timber, you can also resort to using acrylic paint on top of the cladding material.

Popular types

Block house

Among modern materials for facade cladding, one of the first positions is occupied by a block house, as shown by statistics and consumer reviews. This type of cladding is especially popular in Canada and Northern Europe. The block house is used not only for cladding facades, but also for decorating interior spaces. It is a cladding board that looks like a log house.

When choosing boards for cladding, you should pay attention to the growth rings: the closer and closer they are located in relation to each other, the better and higher quality the wood is.

In addition to the fact that the block house is one of the most economical options, it is also an environmentally friendly material that has characteristic features and advantages, namely:

  • durability. The cladding does not crack or deform. Manufacturers guarantee that cladding with block house slats and corrugated sheets will retain an attractive and aesthetic appearance for many years;

  • a block house is often sheathed if necessary to hide construction defects;
  • This material is not characterized by mold, fungi and any rotting;
  • installing a facade with a slatted frame and processing it using a block house does not require special knowledge and also requires a minimum amount of time and effort;
  • the material has excellent waterproofing properties, especially the block house made of pine, which initially needs to be treated.

The negative aspects of using a block house include the following:

  • high flammability, since wood that is prone to fire is used for its manufacture;
  • the material has low vapor permeability, resulting in a high risk of condensation.


A good option when choosing a material for cladding the facade of a house is lining. It has high sound and heat insulation, and also gives the structure a decorative effect. This material has such obvious advantages as:

  • durability, as it does not rot under the influence of external factors and is not affected by a humid environment;
  • provides an aesthetic appearance of the building.

However, there are also negative features of this choice, namely:

  • needs careful care;
  • has a high price;
  • has low fire resistance;
  • To maintain a presentable appearance, periodic painting is necessary.


Another popular material preferred by many builders for cladding a village home is brick. The final covering of the facade with brick will give the building the most aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained appearance, however, it is worth noting that this is quite an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford it. As an alternative, you can always resort to using brick-like façade panels. The brick cladding of the house is quite good, since this material has the following advantages:

  • the brick is not affected by weather conditions and other external factors that can lead to rotting of the material;

  • brick is not flammable, however, exposure to fire reduces its strength by more than 50%;
  • The material is characterized by good sound insulation.

Among the properties of brick there are also negative aspects, such as:

  • has low heat-saving characteristics, as a result of which it is necessary to use additional insulation during the construction process;
  • high price.

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain stoneware is a popular material for cladding the facade of a house, which protects well from natural influences and external factors. Finishing with this material has an attractive and modern look. Porcelain tiles have the following advantages:

  • has moisture-absorbing properties, which makes it not susceptible to moisture;
  • mechanical impacts do not pose a danger to porcelain stoneware due to its characteristic strength and hardness;
  • is non-flammable and monolithic. Its design is solid and does not involve cracks.

However, despite a number of advantages, the following disadvantages of this material should also be noted:

  • has a high cost and is not an economical solution;
  • characterized by a complex and lengthy installation process.

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are another material that is ideal for cladding the façade of a building in a stylish and attractive way. In addition to its aesthetic and presentable appearance, this material will also provide protection from external factors and weather conditions, therefore it is durable and of high quality. To make clinker tiles, shale glycine, flux and coloring pigment are used.

Manufacturers are faced with the important task of preventing even the slightest failure and performing high-quality work. Otherwise, deformation of the material will occur, and the result of work on the product will noticeably deteriorate.

Many builders give their preference to clinker tiles, because This material is in great demand due to a number of obvious advantages such as:

  • the use of clinker tiles ensures a long service life due to its beneficial properties and high quality;
  • this material will not deform as a result of the influence of severe frosts and sudden temperature changes due to the low level of moisture absorption;
  • This material is good for its unpretentiousness and does not require special care, since little dust settles on the surface, and moss and lichens can rarely appear.

The negative characteristics of this material include the following:

  • special fragility, since clinker is made of ceramics;
  • high price.


There are many popular materials for cladding and restoration of a country house, ranging from corrugated sheeting to siding. When resorting to exterior cladding of houses, builders often opt for siding. Aesthetic appearance, high-quality thermal insulation and high strength provide this facing material with an honest and good name in the market. In appearance, the siding is a narrow strip-like panel with a punched edge and a lock-type fastening. It is often used in cases where it is necessary to hide any construction defects or damage.

The following types of siding exist:

  • vinyl;
  • wood;
  • cement;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • ceramic.

Siding has a number of advantages that describe its positive characteristics, namely:

  • it retains its expensive and aesthetic appearance for half a century, which indicates its durability as a material. In addition, if there is siding cladding, constant painting of the coating is not necessary;
  • when choosing siding with installation, it is unlikely that any problems will arise, since the design does not involve complex work;
  • If the siding material is dirty, it can be easily cleaned with ordinary water.

Siding also has such negative qualities as:

  • the main part of the coatings is subject to mechanical stress;
  • does not have a wide range of colors to suit every taste;
  • high price;
  • vinyl siding sheets become brittle in severe frosts.

For combined buildings

A combination of facades is an excellent way to create an original, stylish and unique building. Combined facades involve division into functional zones and blocks in accordance with the different facing materials used. Having certain design ideas, you can realize a unique idea, transform or recreate an interesting style of the house facade.

Today, uniform finishing of facades with cladding material has begun to be quite successfully replaced by a combined one thanks to creativity and good architectural imagination. In order to implement combined cladding, at least two types of finishing materials are used.

The combined cladding of the facades of a country house has a number of undeniable advantages, namely:

  • if you correctly combine and plaster the facing materials, you can easily change the visual perception of the structure: lengthen, reduce, expand;
  • this type of installation is not labor-intensive and does not involve large expenses due to the fragmentary use of expensive high-quality materials;
  • An individual and original façade of the house is guaranteed.

There are many types of combinations of different materials, among which the following are worth highlighting:

  • finishing different floors with different materials is encouraged if the house being decorated is a multi-story building;
  • It will look good if you whiten and highlight some parts of the building through a combination of facing materials around the entire perimeter of the house.

It is worth paying attention to two existing technologies for combining materials.

Vertical technology involves the use of materials in contrasting shades. An aesthetic appearance is ensured by the design of the entire facade using one material, and the design of any parts and elements of the building, window or door openings, by another.

Horizontal design technology for combined facades is the direct selection of horizontal parts of the facade, plinths, floors, and roof. Most often, this technology is carried out with a combination of specific materials: stone and wood, brick and wood, and sometimes even tile and wood.

Installation methods

Any installation begins with the creation of a drawing and project, the necessary markings, and a plan necessary for an accurate representation of all further construction work. The preparation process begins with such preliminary work as leveling the walls, removing defects and various existing roughnesses on the surface. This is directly related to the creation of the sheathing, thereby creating a distance of 5–7 cm.

Thus, all unwanted defects and irregularities will be hidden and will not remain noticeable. After creating the project, you should, focusing on it, mark the walls, install existing profiles and beacons.

It is necessary to mount the brackets so that the vertical step does not exceed 80 cm, and the horizontal step does not exceed the total value of the installation seam and the width of the slab.

One of the most important aspects of a quality façade installation job is good thermal insulation, after all, this is a very significant thing that helps to significantly save money and not go broke on heating a country house. Directly for these purposes, special insulating boards are used, attached to the wall using the necessary fasteners.

It is important that there is not even the smallest distance between the wall and the insulation itself. In most cases, the insulation layer is fastened using screws with a wide head or dowels. The distance from the insulation layer to the future coating varies within 50 mm.

A very important step during installation is protection against blowing.

For this purpose, a special windproof membrane is used, which is installed on top of the insulating layer itself. A significant aspect is the need to cover the load-bearing profiles. For this, a plumb line is used, and it is important to control the distance between them. Fastening of profiles is often carried out using metal screws with a press washer.

Next comes the fastening of the panels themselves, the selected material for decorating the facade of a private house. To fasten the panels to the supporting profiles, special clamps or other devices are required. Their choice depends on the material used. The complexity of installing the facade of a house or reconstructing an old building depends on the facing material itself.

In order to achieve maximum quality results, it is necessary to follow a clear sequence of completing the assigned points. Otherwise, obvious defects and defects are likely to occur.