How dangerous is China? Chinese threat to Russia: myth or reality? Diseases in China

On Monday, the head of Sberbank German Gref said that in difficult situation, in which the Russian banking sector finds itself, “the only alternative to the West will be China.” Gref also said that he does not rule out the privatization of the country's largest bank. Following this, the state publication published an article “A Scary Tale: Should we be afraid of the seizure of Siberia by the Chinese,” in which the author called on Russians to get rid of infantilism and medieval fears, and trust their Chinese brother in order to receive “investments and technology.” Let's consider the arguments author, FEFU teacher, about the failure of the Chinese threat in detail.

Argument one. Statements that “Putin is selling Siberia to the Chinese” are unfounded

Negotiations have been ongoing for almost six months in the Trans-Baikal Territory for a 49-year lease. The investor in undeveloped land is a production company sewing machines“Huae Xingban”, which is registered in Zhejiang province, far from Transbaikalia. Transbaikalia is a strategic outpost for control of Eastern Siberia. There is a lot of land in Russia - for example, somewhere in the Urals, but land near Nerchinsk is leased. The purchase of land and subsequent settlement by Chinese peasants is neither the export of technology nor the export of capital, which the author is talking about. This will not lead to the development of “depressed regions through cooperation with the second economy in the world.” Rather, this will lead to the destruction of this area, as is happening in Africa, to which many studies and articles have been devoted.

In addition, the author, a resident of the Far East, should be aware that at the official level statements are being made about the control of 80% of the land in the Jewish Autonomous Region by Chinese citizens. Considering this specific nature of business, it is difficult to imagine that the transfer of land for 49 years will not turn into the creation of a Chinese enclave on Russian territory - right across the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Argument two. There are no Chinatowns in Russia.

There are Chinatowns in Russia - these are Chinese markets - they are even in St. Petersburg. Not to mention Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and other cities.

Argument three. "Siberia and the Far East have never been Chinese."

Based on the ownership of the territories in the Amur and Ussuri basin by the Manchu Qing dynasty, the author concludes that these territories did not belong to China itself. The authors of numerous scientific dissertations in the PRC, which claim that these territories belong to China since the Yuan Dynasty. In addition to scientific arguments, China also has a real refutation - its return to British jurisdiction in 1997. Hong Kong was also seized from the Qing dynasty, but returned to the PRC. Just like the Portuguese colony of Macau in 1999.

Today, against the backdrop of the return of Crimea, there is no need to rely on the strength of legal statuses. The main argument in the current world is the approval of one’s own population, the power of weapons, as well as the consent of the main world powers.

China has the approval of the population. An alarming symptom of 2015 was that absolutely all comments on forums on the Chinese Internet. This can also be considered an attack by trolls controlled from a single center. In this case, this is even worse, and there is probably no need to rush to import Chinese “capital and technology” into Transbaikalia. It is worth showing adult prudence and abandoning infantile ideas - that the Chinese will invest where no one wants to invest, and they are doing it for mythical economic gain.

Argument five. “The local leadership is forced to act with an eye on public opinion and hysterical publications in the media,” and because of this, lucrative contracts with the Chinese are being disrupted.

Having missed the shocking wording of the journalist that the authorities "forced" act with an eye on society, we will study real cases of interaction between local authorities in obtaining Chinese capital. Real statistics say that Russia received only $4 billion in 2014, taking into account the fact that in total in 2013 China invested $144 billion abroad. The real economic situation in China, whose stock market in just three summer months it fell by 40%, leaving no opportunity for unstable Russia, under sanctions, to receive any investment. The only exceptions are state-owned companies such as oil giants CNPC, as well as state-affiliated corporations that pursue strategic goals of control over Russian economy. For example, over the banking system.

However, China is taking these steps with great uncertainty. The most popular news in the Chinese media related to Russia over the past three days is the extension of EU sanctions for six months. The Chinese are carefully studying the risks they will incur when investing in Russian enterprises. And these risks are abandoned. , even if she is not a “brother forever” and even an ally of the United States. Paradoxically, the last argument is a factor of stability.

Thus, public opinion is opposed not to real investments in “technology and capital,” which do not exist, but to the undermining of the country’s national security. In turn, Russian officials are unable to offer either profitable projects or themselves as adequate partners to participate in joint business with the Chinese. This is evidenced by the meager share of investments that China directs towards its largest neighbor. Moreover, we are mainly talking about only one province -

Being an Asian country, it is quite safe for tourists. The local police are always happy to come to the aid of tourists, and there are not many natural hazards here, which makes the holiday comfortable. However, you should be aware of the dangers that may await tourists in order to skillfully avoid them.


You can encounter problems already when checking into a hotel - it can easily turn out that you end up in a room that does not correspond to the number of stars you ordered. And if you ask to be moved to a better room, the management can easily demand an additional payment. To avoid this, you should book rooms only with trusted companies, and also carefully read the terms of the contract.

Food and products

It is better not to buy food in small shops and markets - they often do not meet quality standards. Also, do not forget that vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed before consumption.

Chinese restaurants serve Asian cuisine, which is distinguished by its variety and good taste. However, you should be careful when eating unfamiliar dishes - your health may deteriorate sharply. It is also best not to eat foods that smell or look strange. Eating in small cheap eateries is also quite dangerous.

Chinese food dish


Drivers in China often try to deceive tourists by attributing to them a car breakdown - they stick door handle on glue or tape, so that with a light touch it remains in the client’s hand. Then the passenger is required to pay for the “breakdown”. In this case, it is better to immediately contact the police - most likely, you will be recognized as the right one.

Another popular way to deceive tourists is through unofficial taxis. They are painted in similar colors, and often even have a meter, but travel in such taxis is prohibitively expensive. Before leaving the hotel, it is better to find out the numbers of official taxis there so as not to overpay.

Road traffic

In large Chinese cities, traffic rules are observed quite strictly, but in the provinces you can see real chaos on the roads. The much-loved bicycles and scooters are also causing confusion. By the way, scooter drivers often do not give way, so you need to be careful with them.

Counterfeit money

In China, they often try to slip counterfeit money to tourists - this method of fraud is quite common. This usually occurs in markets or among street vendors - such violations do not occur in large stores. It's better to read carefully appearance local money, and when shopping you should carefully inspect banknotes, checking for watermarks. If you have even the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the bill, then you need to ask for it to be replaced or refuse the purchase altogether.

Casual dating

You shouldn’t be too trusting of random acquaintances or people who are trying to provide you with help that you didn’t even ask them for. Under no circumstances should you share your information with new acquaintances. bank card, documents, money or any personal data.

Diseases in China

No special vaccinations are required before traveling to China, but in some regions there is a risk of contracting an infectious disease.

The Celestial Empire's refusal of the "one family - one child" policy is dangerous for Russia

In contact with


Vladimir Laktanov

Fundamental changes are coming to China's demographic policy. From January 1, 2016, the principle of “one family, one child” is abolished. The country expects additional population growth, and its neighbors - headache from a growing and increasingly intensifying giant. The interests of Russia, whose strategic partner after turning to the East was China, may also suffer. Boundless and thoughtless cooperation with the Celestial Empire could result in a serious clash in the future.

Birth restrictions in one form or another were introduced in China throughout the post-war period. But the greatest success was brought by the “one family - one child” program, adopted in 1979. The reason for the restrictions was an acute shortage of land, water and energy resources. China's socialist economy could not feed all its citizens. Children were actually perceived as “extra mouths to feed” that were better to get rid of at an early stage. The ban was regulated mainly by economic measures: for violating this principle, the family had to pay a fine equal to several years’ income.

The program was quite flexible and had many exceptions. For example, residents of rural areas, of whom there are hundreds of millions in the country, were not covered. Residents of Beijing also had the opportunity to have two children if each parent was the only child in their family. However, thanks to the implementation of the program, the average birth rate per woman did fall - from 5.8 to 1.8 children. As a result, by 2000 it was possible to keep China's population at approximately 1.2 billion people. The problem of “extra mouths” was solved.

Now the strict restriction will be lifted and will no doubt affect population growth. In 2014, about 17 million children were born in China - this is a whole European country. Once two children are allowed, an additional 3 million children are expected to be born each year. Measures to increase the birth rate, like the former ban, are caused by socio-economic reasons: the Chinese nation is aging, young Chinese of working age can no longer adequately provide for the elderly.

But no less important are the changes that have occurred in the Chinese economy over the past decades. It grew by leaps and bounds - an average of 9.5% per year. According to the UN, China's total GDP has grown from $263 billion in 1979 (8th in the world) to the current $7.2 trillion (2nd). Quantitative indicators hide the qualitative difference between China in 1979 and today. If 36 years ago every “extra” Chinese was in the literal sense of the word “an extra mouth,” now he is a worker, a producer, someone who, through his labor, helps the country acquire additional economic power.

Deng Xiaoping's plan and the CCP's firm line to suppress "democratic" tendencies in Chinese society have led the country to success over the years. Initially copying other people's achievements, purchasing technology and working only as the assembly shop of the world, China raised a whole generation of highly qualified personnel familiar with Western production culture, which over time allowed the transition from copying to its own production. By the way, post-war Japan did exactly the same thing in its time.

While solving the problem with personnel, China was simultaneously solving the problem of shortage of raw materials. To do this, he literally invaded Africa, vigorously buying up concessions, and as a result became a key investor on the continent. In addition, China is 2.5 times ahead of the United States in terms of trade volume with African countries. While the Old World reflected, tormented by a guilt complex for its colonial past, and dealt primarily with humanitarian issues, China was aggressively exploring a new space for itself. And I successfully mastered it.

Thus, at the moment, the Celestial Empire has a core of qualified personnel, a minimal resource base and, importantly, an industrial and transport infrastructure built over the years. The foundations of future power have been laid. It's time to start building up human resources, which we see in the example of the abolition of the “one family, one child” principle.

Dangerous Partnership

Despite the importance of technology—civilian and military—demographic superiority still has a significant advantage in the world. And maybe even more than before. Suffice it to recall the footage of the recent invasion of hundreds of thousands of refugees into Europe. Having an overwhelming technical advantage, The EU failed to defend itself. What prevents us from opening fire on the aliens is our own values, which have been spread throughout the world for so long that it is impossible to abandon them overnight.

In the future, something similar is possible, for example, on the Russian-Chinese border. What will happen if millions of migrants with household belongings move towards our Siberia? Will Russia be determined enough to attack them with Grads, as it once did on Damansky Island? And what will follow if there is an ultra-modern army behind the backs of the peaceful Chinese? By the way, Muammar Gaddafi once tried to perform such a “trick” by blackmailing neighboring Egypt with millions of “Libyans who wanted to embrace their brothers in faith in a friendly embrace.” Cairo then rose to the challenge.

Muammar Gaddafi. Photo: HAMZA TURKIA/TASS

The Chinese threat looks like a bogeyman. About her in Lately Only the lazy don't speak. However, this is exactly how all apocalyptic events in history happened. Yesterday there was no problem, but tomorrow the tragedy can no longer be prevented. If Russia does not want to one day find itself in a situation that cannot be dealt with, measures must be taken now.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly assess what is happening. The abolition of birth control in China is a sure sign of danger. All future benefits of mutual economic partnership pale before this. Especially when the partnership is clearly expansionist in nature. Land leasing in Siberia, construction in Russian Far East Chinese enterprises, inviting Chinese concessionaires to domestic Russian infrastructure projects such as the reconstruction of the Trans-Siberian Railway or the construction of the Kazan-Moscow high-speed railway - all this is the surrender of one’s own, Russian living space.

Local Russian officials will be happy to participate in all sorts of mutually beneficial cross-border projects, because they are often well aware of their personal benefits. Major federal officials are also always happy to move in line with the “general line,” be it the construction of liberal capitalism or the course of import substitution, implemented for some reason in alliance with China. However, when the strong and the weak come together (the size of China’s economy and population exceed those of Russia by an order of magnitude), the strong always wins. In the case of China, short-term benefits will sooner or later turn into harsh dictatorship, despite the recent peace-loving assurances of Comrade Xi.

One day new leaders will replace him and they will be free from the obligations of their predecessors. Therefore, the only correct line for Russia can only be to rely on own strength. The list of “allies” known from history - the army and navy - should be supplemented with its own powerful economy and corresponding demographic policy. Neither the countries of the West nor the East will ever do their work for the Russians. It's time to stop being fascinated by strangers, even if they are advanced Chinese. Soon there will be 1.5 billion.

Hong Kong

Let's start, perhaps, not with specific rules and security threats, but with indisputable facts: firstly, China is a very safe country, much safer than Russia and many other European countries, and secondly, the Chinese are still friendly towards , often with emphasized respect - China is still learning and aligning itself with the West. There is also another factor. The Chinese themselves are a cautious nation, to put it mildly. However, here there are also “buts” and special cases, which will be discussed below.

This article would never have appeared (after all, security in China is an obvious fact), if not for a random entry in one of the “Laowai” blogs that caught our eye a few days ago. Under the heading “News from Shenzhen, crime” there was a note about a brutal murder taking place in one of the largest metropolises in Southern China. Four students killed the fifth. Dismembered. They were caught. They were deprived of Russian citizenship. They appropriated Chinese. In several days. To execute. And they executed. Is this really possible in a country where even demonstrators apologize to the police, and the police apologize to them in return?.. I had to check the facts.

For comments, we contacted the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Guangzhou, where we promptly made inquiries about the specified Shenzhen University. It turned out that no students disappeared during the year, and deprivation of citizenship, much less its further appropriation and execution, is not realistic under any circumstances. After talking with the author of the blog, it turned out that the story has nothing to do with Shenzhen. This incident did not occur in the warm southern Chinese metropolis, where even a fight is a loud incident, but in Northern China, Harbin in 2010. As South China managed to find out, two Yakut students killed and dismembered a third, throwing the body into the Songhua River. No one was shot. After detention and a Chinese trial, the first was given 10 years, the second – 2 years. The threat in China, as it turned out, comes not from Chinese citizens, not from the Chinese state, which, by the way, issued a very lenient sentence for this atrocity, but from compatriots. But rumors continue to circulate, causing confusion among those living in China and fears among those who would like to visit this country. Perhaps it’s time to put an end to the stories and talk about everything in detail. In addition, we have compiled our own lists of Chinese cities where you should be wary of certain threats.

Threat to life

China as a whole is as safe as possible in terms of threats to life. There have been a minimum number of cases of attacks on foreigners, both in daylight and at night. (by the way, if they attack at night, it’s from behind - the Chinese are afraid of an open confrontation). The Chinese are friendly in 99% of cases, willing to help a foreigner, and the overall criminal situation in China and Hong Kong has improved dramatically over the past 20 years - the number of murders has decreased significantly. This is due to the improvement in the standard of living of the population. There are exceptions here too: the risk group includes young girls who came to work in China, who do not speak, and who are in a semi-legal position - employers will not stand up for them, no one will contact the police. By the way, ownership makes your life much safer; any criminal is extremely afraid of retribution from the quite effective police. There are also geographical features: The level of aggressiveness of the Chinese population increases sharply from south to north. If southerners solve all problems with their voices, then stern northerners quickly move from words to action - endless fights are the calling card of Northern China. It is in the three provinces of Northeast China that the maximum number of disappearances of foreigners, murders and other violent crimes against Russian citizens occurs. Recently, the story of a gang of Chinese nationalists operating in the “northern capital” Beijing, who beat Chinese girls, has been gaining popularity. Over the past 10 years, we have never heard of anything like this south of Beijing, with the exception of the above-mentioned rumors, which, as it turned out, relate to Harbin. Violent crimes happen most often within Russian-speaking “collectives”, the police try not to interfere in these disputes until the last minute, maintaining neutrality. As can be concluded from the above, South China is many times safer than North China.

While writing this article, one of the readers said that several years ago they demanded money from her with a knife - in the “northern capital” Beijing, in.

I would especially like to note the incidents on the roads. As you know, in China over the past 10 years the number of cars and motorcycles has increased many times over, but here, too, the main threat to the life of a foreigner comes from himself - news that another has crashed on his own gasoline scooter comes almost every month. Driving often occurs at speed, while drunk, or in violation of rules. traffic. The result is tragic. Source of danger? The foreigner himself.

There is also a threat to life due to violation of Chinese law. The death penalty is provided for murder, rape, and drug trafficking. The last point increasingly applies to our compatriots. There is no provision for deportation for him; usually the Chinese court gives a death sentence with a delay of 2 years. The Chinese police are effective, the court is quick to reach a verdict - concessions can be symbolic, as long as Russia has friendship with China.

There is also a threat to life as a result of natural and man-made disasters. Most of them do not affect life: bus fires, earthquakes in remote areas, mining accidents. Chinese aviation and rail transport are absolutely safe. There is also no information about the death of foreigners from South China typhoons. Sometimes (once every six months) ferries in Hong Kong get into accidents - but they are like Russian minibuses there. Terrorist attacks occur only in Xinjiang, although isolated cases occur in other Chinese cities. Explosions and fires, as a rule, are the result of a violation of safety regulations, and also do not occur in places where foreigners gather. Mass protests in Hong Kong, which involved about 100 thousand people, did not lead to the death of a single person. Southern China is obviously safer than Northern China.

The most unsafe cities for foreigners to live in are: Harbin, Shenyang, Beijing, Urumqi. The safest: Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Dalian. During the heyday of market relations - in the distant 90s, Guangzhou was considered the “criminal capital” of China, like Hong Kong once was - a place of concentration of gangs, but since the 2000s, the authorities have effectively dealt with the situation - and the crime situation has changed dramatically. Crime in Guangzhou is a story from the past.


What you really have to worry about in China is your property. There are still a lot of petty thieves in China - and the main danger factor here is loss of vigilance. China is a very friendly country – but you shouldn’t relax at all. main feature Chinese thieves - they are very cowardly and never steal if there is at least a pair of prying eyes in their field of vision. Things left unattended disappear instantly. Scooters are often stolen. However, there is another extreme to this extreme - they will return both your wallet and phone.

The second threat to property is petty deception, which is not considered deception. You just didn’t know, and it would have been a sin for the Chinese not to take advantage of it. They cheat on prices in wholesale markets, during repairs, or anywhere where they can take advantage of your ignorance of the price - even to the point of inflating the price of renting an apartment, it’s just business - that’s how it is done here. To avoid this, you need to become an active Internet user and check all analogues and their prices on the Internet. Without, of course, it will be quite difficult.

Robbery is punishable by death in China, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property in a Chinese apartment or hotel. Here, too, there are exceptions, they concern ultra-cheap motels, as well as places with large concentrations - as a rule, foreigners are “without” and do not go to the police, as a rule, their visas are not always in order, there are Chinese thieves who know this.

Transport. For driving without a license and without license plates, you may be deprived of vehicle. Most likely it will. Returning the “remedy” is almost impossible.

Important: a number of sources report that, according to an unspoken ruling, the police do not investigate cases where the amount of the loss is below 10,000 yuan. If your iPhone or scooter is stolen, you can forget about it. The same applies to property disputes.

In the heat of the election battle for the post of President of Russia, very important information about events in our huge eastern neighbor, China, went unnoticed. At the session of the National People's Congress held in Beijing (the highest government agency People's Republic of China) it was decided to change the country's constitution, removing the restriction on one person serving more than two terms as chairman of the People's Republic of China. Such a restriction was introduced in 1982 at the insistence of the father of Chinese reforms, Deng Xiaoping, as a measure to protect society and the party from the totalitarian dictatorship built by Mao Zedong. It is the principle of alternation of power that has become one of the most important foundations in China’s new economic model, designed to prevent the construction of a new cult of personality and reverse the reforms being carried out in the country.
Let's delve a little deeper into the hierarchy of power in China. Formally, the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party is not the head of state. The head of the People's Republic of China is considered to be the Chairman of the People's Republic of China (in the West he is usually called the President of the People's Republic of China). The Chairman is elected by the delegates to the National People's Congress. This structure of power is similar to what existed in the USSR. The General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was formally the head of the party, but not the state. Highest government post Soviet Union was listed as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and was elected by people's deputies, who in turn were elected by citizens throughout the country. But it is clear that in a one-party system, congress deputies always voted unanimously for the only proposed candidate - the General Secretary of the CPSU. This is exactly the system that still operates in China.
In 1992, Deng Xiaoping resigned from all positions and left the political scene. By doing this, he set an example for other politicians on how to retire with dignity. He destroyed the practice of leaders holding leadership positions until their death. Since then, all Chinese leaders have remained in power for no more than two five-year terms. At the end of the first term, it was decided to introduce a new person into the CPC Central Committee, a successor to the current leader, who was supposed to lead the country at the end of the leader’s second five-year term. Deng Xiaoping was succeeded in 1993 by Jiang Zemin, who in turn was replaced in 2003 by Hu Jintao, who was the head of the People's Republic of China until 2013. At the last (and now we can really talk about the last) elections in China, Xi Jinping became the country's chairman. In 2018, he was to be re-elected for a second term, and his successor was introduced into the CPC Central Committee. However, no new person was introduced to the Central Committee, but a draft amendment to the country’s constitution was put on the agenda. Thus, the current head of China, Xi Jinping, who was supposed to leave his post in 2023, can now remain the permanent leader of China until his death. As they say, everything is back to normal.

In addition to lifting the term limit for the head of state, provisions on “Xi Jinping’s guiding ideas in socialism with Chinese characteristics” were introduced into the Chinese constitution. The session also approved the creation of a new anti-corruption agency - the National Supervisory Commission, which was given super powers. From now on, any Chinese citizen can be arrested without any charges for up to six months. The Chinese leadership explains all these decisions by the need to strengthen the fight against corruption. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that a serious political turnaround has begun in China. The current leadership of China has decided to abandon the ideas of Deng Xiaoping and return the country to the totalitarian dictatorship of the Mao Zedong era.
It would seem, why should we care about the political situation in China? Big. China has made a huge economic leap over the past few decades, one of the consequences of which has been global industrialization, the development of science and the creation of a powerful military-industrial complex. China has considerable nuclear potential, a huge army and, more importantly, it is heavily overpopulated. It is no secret that China considers the lands of the Far East and Eastern Siberia to be its original Chinese territory, and the annexation of these lands is only a matter of time. And if we compare the population of Russia (144.3 million people per 17.1 million sq. km - 8.4 people per 1 sq. km) and China (1.379 billion people per 9.594 million sq. km - 143, 7 people per 1 sq. km), then it becomes clear that China’s expansion on the eastern borders of Russia is inevitable.
In this light, it can be assumed that the current authoritarian strengthening of power aims not only to take control of all citizens of the PRC, but also to facilitate the conduct of possible military operations. But we still have time. China's development program is planned for decades ahead, and the first point of China's territorial claims is Taiwan. Next is the island of Palawan, now part of the Philippines, and the Japanese Senkaku archipelago. The Chinese have territorial claims to India, Bhutan, Mongolia and some other countries. But these are all minor things. The main jackpot is with its northern neighbor - Russia. Huge, sparsely populated lands east of the Urals, rich in forests, wildlife and, most importantly, minerals. This is the main goal of Chinese policy, which expects to seize Russian territories in the second half of this century.

"After the Second Opium War Russian empire", taking advantage of the conquest of China by the British and French armies, occupied Chinese territories by force of arms, and in a vile manner appropriated the lands of northeast and northwest China with an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square kilometers" - this is an excerpt from a Chinese history textbook for the eighth grade from section entitled “Thieves' behavior in Russia.” That is, every Chinese from school is firmly convinced of the need to return the occupied lands and confidently follows the general line of China’s creeping expansion into the eastern Russian lands. According to official data, more than 300 thousand Chinese move to Russia every year. According to the FSB, the actual number of migrants is at least twice as large. The Chinese have already filled the entire Amur region, the capital of which, Blagoveshchensk, has become more like a Chinese city than a Russian one. Also, a huge number of Chinese have settled and continue to arrive in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, the Chita region, Transbaikalia, the Krasnoyarsk region, etc.
Thus, China is creating its “fifth column” on the territory of a potential military enemy, the purpose of which is to carry out instructions from the General Staff of the PRC at hour X - to carry out sabotage and not allow the opportunity to deploy defensive lines in time Russian army. And then the Russian leadership will have only two options left - to launch a nuclear strike on China and receive a similar response to the western part of Russia, or to surrender its eastern lands to the Chinese in exchange for guarantees for civilians.
Frankly speaking, the prospect is far from rosy. Is there a way out of this situation? Without a doubt. As the well-known hero used to say, there are no hopeless situations. First of all, it is necessary to increase the population of Russia, that is, to increase the birth rate, and many times over. Secondly, it is necessary to increase the attractiveness of life in Siberia and the Far East. To achieve this, radically improve the region’s infrastructure and increase wages. local residents, create jobs for Russian citizens. But this is easier said than done. Here, as in any other area of ​​life, everything comes down to the economy, or rather to its underdevelopment and dependence on the mining industry. And here, unfortunately, we will not be able to do anything without radical steps to change the economic model. And it is necessary. For the moment has come when not only the security of the state is at stake, but also the very existence of our nation.
