How to clean fat from a wooden kitchen. How to wash old grease in the kitchen: cleaning kitchen furniture, stoves, walls. Soda, salt, soap

Cleaning is a process that is not always enjoyable, especially if the hostess is faced with the question of how to clean the kitchen of grease. The surfaces of tables, cabinets and stoves quickly become dirty and accumulate traces of cooking, and it is not so easy to get rid of them later. To make it easier for yourself, you need to understand how and with what to wash fat with kitchen furniture to make it fast and efficient.

Modern housewives have the opportunity to choose from a wide and varied range of cleaning products available in stores. However, more and more often they return to the old and proven folk methods of cleaning, using effective improvised means.

The first and foremost rule that must be adhered to in order for the kitchen to always shine with cleanliness is that cleaning must be done regularly. In order not to have to invent and figure out how to wash old fat in the kitchen, it is better not to run it, but to eliminate it immediately as it gets dirty. Among other basic recommendations, the most useful are:

  1. Getting started cleaning, you need to understand what materials the surfaces that need to be washed are made of. For different sites different types of detergents are suitable for kitchens and furniture.
  2. Before using a commercial cleaning agent, read and follow the instructions for use.
  3. Compositions made from improvised cleaning agents are best tried first on small area kitchen surface, and then wash everything.
  4. Any detergents and mixtures must be thoroughly washed clean water, and then wipe the surface dry so that no streaks remain.

Everyone knows the harm of synthetic cleaning agents and detergents, but it is difficult to achieve shine in one of the most walk-through rooms without them. Many housewives use folk methods, trusting the age-old advice of their ancestors and not using industrial compounds. This question worries many people - how to wash fat in the kitchen quickly and efficiently?

Effectiveness of natural remedies

Our compatriots, even before the appearance of "Fairy" and "Comet", somehow coped with scale, grease and other contamination of furniture and dishes. They used the tools at hand and the available formulations.

The effectiveness of mustard powder was noticed by housewives many decades ago. This product is an excellent grease cleaner, just sprinkle it on the surface and clean it with a napkin. After that, the mustard is washed off with a stream of warm water.

The water that remains after rinsing the cooked rice is an excellent cleanser. They can wash glasses, plates and other dishes.

The fight against scale began not yesterday and not with the release of Antinakipin for sale. Citric acid powder can deal with this problem. It is worth noting that this acid has properties that whiten and disinfect the surface to be treated. To remove scale, 1 sachet of citric acid is poured into the kettle, bringing the water to a boil 2-3 times. The interval between procedures is until the contents of the teapot cool down. At the same time, the dissolved citric acid no need to replace each time.

Important: regular citric acid does an excellent job of descaling in an automatic washing machine... To do this, pour 2 bags of powder into the drum and turn on the washing mode at the highest temperature (boiling) without loading the laundry.

To the question: how to wash the kitchen from fat and at the same time disinfect the surface, there is universal advice- use a bar of laundry soap. In this case, absolutely any materials (glass, tiles, metal, etc.) can be treated with soapy water.

Important: the most effective laundry soap is an unremarkable dark bar, a bar that is bleached and deodorized with fragrances may not do the job.

Another cleaner known for a long time is baking soda. The powder is non-toxic, perfectly removes dirt and gives the dishes a sparkling look. If glasses, glasses and vases are washed with soda and rinsed with water, they will shine with all the colors of the rainbow. The surface inside the enamel pans, which has begun to darken, is perfectly bleached with soda powder. Plastic surfaces (walls of the refrigerator and other household appliances) are perfectly cleaned.

Clay mixed with table vinegar has proven itself quite well. This solution can be used to clean pots and tiled surfaces (walls, kitchen floors). After cleaning, the ceramic is wiped dry. The most important thing is not to use clay with stones, which in this case act as an abrasive material and spoil appearance the base to be cleaned.

The health of all family members depends on cleanliness in the kitchen, and if there is an allergy sufferer among the household, use chemicals to remove fat may be prohibited. Then the funds, proven by centuries and millions of housewives, will come to the rescue. And to the question: how to wash a kitchen set from fat without synthetic compounds, there is only one answer - natural remedies described above.

The use of household chemicals

Any housewife knows how to clean wood kitchen and floor surfaces from grease. For this it works whole line factories and factories producing household chemicals. The kitchen is a kind of room that is constantly polluted by flying drops of oil and small particles of food. Keep the floor clean hob, work surface countertops and walls with modern tools are uncomplicated and time-consuming. Gone are the days when cleaning kitchen countertops was a weekend spring cleaning.

When developing modern household chemicals, all the nuances are taken into account: the type of dirt, surface material and even the hardness of water from a centralized water supply. The compositions are quite strong, so they should be used with extreme caution. No need to neglect funds individual protection- rubber gloves and sometimes even a respirator. The fact is that many factory cleaners contain surfactants (surface active substances) - the strongest allergens.

Buying a new cleaner from the store gas stove, washing dishes or cleaning tile surfaces, you must carefully read the instructions and composition. If the list of ingredients is in doubt, it is best to clean the subtle area first. After all, you can spoil the coating in the bathroom or shower very quickly, and replacing it costs a lot of money.

Cleaning the kitchen

Any self-respecting housewife knows how to wash fat in the kitchen. If pollution is not removed in time, it accumulates and becomes a favorable environment for bacteria to grow. The room in which food is prepared for all family members must be clean with a safe microclimate. Therefore, grease and oil adhering to the floor, walls and stove must be removed in time.

If you use store products, the method of application is necessarily written on them. Therefore, write about how to wash kitchen furniture from grease special means, no need. Let's dwell on natural and environmentally friendly cleaners and folk recipes.

Practical housewives know how to wash fat from kitchen furniture without large financial costs. To do this, mix soda powder with several teaspoons of vegetable oil. Next, a brush is taken in hand and a homemade composition is applied in a circular motion to the surface of the headset. During work, the cleaning result will be noticeable immediately - one door (washed) will be very different from the still dirty one.

Fat stains not only furniture, but also dishes. You can wash the baking sheet from burnt dirt in the following way: mix soda and hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of homemade sour cream. With the applied composition, the baking sheet should stand for at least 0.5 hours. After that, you can use a brush and wash off the lagging grease.

Simultaneously with the decision of the question of how to wash kitchen furniture from fat, the hostess should take care of cleaning the blinds. To do this, vinegar is diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio. They put on an old cotton sock on the wrist, moisten it in the resulting solution and begin to wipe the blinds. By the way, vinegar is considered a universal kitchen cleaner.

Vinegar in the fight against pollution

Before you wash kitchen furniture from grease, you need to thoroughly wash the sink, faucet and other metal surfaces. Vinegar does an excellent job even with scale on the inside of the teapot. Any salts accumulated on the tap and on the surface of the sink, after softening, can be easily cleaned off with a simple napkin. If the dirt has been collecting for a long time, there is no point in unscrewing the mixer. It is enough to wrap it with a rag, which is abundantly soaked in vinegar solution. The holding time of this composition is from 20 to 60 minutes.

When solving the problem of how to wash the kitchen from fat, it may be necessary to eliminate bad smell off the carpet. This "aroma" can appear for a variety of reasons:

  1. Spilled liquid food;
  2. Pets;
  3. Constant humidity;
  4. Other reasons.

When washing the carpet in the kitchen, 1 to 1 ordinary vinegar is added to the detergent. You can do otherwise: pour vinegar and water into a spray bottle and treat the already washed carpet with it. All odors after such a procedure disappear without a trace.

Important: if you do not accept the pungent vinegar smell, you can squeeze lemon juice into the solution.

Cleaning pottery and tiles, as well as kitchen countertops, also lends itself to table vinegar. Many housewives use this versatile product to wash dirty kitchen towels. Just do not mix vinegar with washing powder in order to avoid the onset of a chemical reaction.

Kitchen furniture cleaning

Before washing the grease from kitchen furniture, it is necessary to revise the condition of all surfaces: working, horizontal and vertical. To remove pet fluff from carpet or soft upholstery corner, you must wear rubber gloves and wet your hands with water. Use these gloves to walk on dirty surfaces. Even very short wool and thin undercoat fibers gather on wet rubber.

To wash off grease from upholstered kitchen seats, you need to prepare a set of the following ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • vinegar 6-9%.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Soft seats are wetted with water;
  2. Places with grease stains are generously sprinkled with baking soda powder and begin to brush. The soda should be absorbed into the material and stay there for 15-20 minutes;
  3. After that, the powder is collected with a vacuum cleaner;
  4. If the stain has not disappeared, 1 tablespoon of the "Fairy" type agent, the same amount of vinegar and 250 ml of water are mixed and applied with a microfiber cloth to the oily area;
  5. The seat is wiped with a sponge moistened with clean water.

It's worth noting that vinegar when mixed with olive oil (1: 1) can even remove minor scratches and scuffs from furniture. The more thoroughly the rubbing is done, the less defects are visible after the end of the work.

Finally, one more unique recipe cleaning the handles on the gas stove. In the pharmacy, you need to buy ammonia-anise drops, cotton swabs and discs. You need to work with an old toothbrush. Where the brush does not reach, you can spread the surface of the stove with a stick. A little effort and the front of the gas stove sparkles with cleanliness!

Housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen. Cooking, washing dishes and daily cleaning are time consuming, but no matter how tidy the hostess is. Sooner or later, the kitchen furniture becomes covered with deposits and grease stains.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease and return it to a decent look? What means to use, and what is needed to make the room sparkle with cleanliness? It's not like that difficult task, as it might seem at first glance.

What you need to clean the kitchen

To clean a kitchen set, no special equipment or expensive tools are required. You will need:

  • a few soft rags;
  • foam sponge;
  • brush (you can use an old toothbrush);
  • gloves;
  • an apron or protective gown.

When cleaning the kitchen, it is best to do it with the windows open. If climatic or weather conditions do not allow this, ventilate the room after finishing work.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease

Using household chemicals or improvised means, you need to adhere to a certain sequence actions to clean the lockers as efficiently as possible and do not require a lot of time and effort. Observe the following sequence of actions:

  • Dampen a cloth with warm water and thoroughly dampen the surfaces.
  • Apply the selected detergent evenly to the furniture.
  • Leave the dirt to "turn off" for the required period of time.
  • Clean off greasy deposits with a foam sponge or brush.
  • Remove residual cleaning agents with a damp cloth.
  • Clean the surfaces with a sponge.
  • Repeat the manipulations if necessary.

If you are using a store-bought product, when buying, pay attention to which surfaces the chemical is intended for. Anything that can be used for plastic or MDF can ruin wood or polish.

How to clean grease from kitchen furniture

In hardware stores, you can find wide range of anti-fat gels, powders and liquids. By purchasing a chemical, you can be sure that the chosen product will deal with the problem quickly, and your furniture will shine clean again.

But you can do without chemicals, and clean the dirt with a melamine sponge. Its principle of "work" is similar to a stationery eraser, and it copes with greasy stains without the use of any additional cleaning agents.

Some housewives prefer steam cleaners. Thanks to the powerful flow of hot steam, dirt and grease can be removed from surfaces without much difficulty. However, this unit cannot be used for wooden furniture as well as for film coated materials.

The cheapest, safest and easiest way to tidy up the furniture in the kitchen is to use improvised tools that are always present in every kitchen, and are also stored in home first-aid kits.

How to clean kitchen furniture from fat with folk remedies

It is better to clean the dirt by cutting off after they appear. If grease and dirt remain on surfaces for a long time, there is a danger that the dirt will "eat" into the material, and it will not be possible to remove it. You can use a variety of cleaning products and methods to clean kitchen cabinets and countertops.

Mustard powder

If your headset is stained with greasy stains, wipe it with a damp foam sponge sprinkled with mustard. The grease will dissolve without a trace, and all you have to do is wash the surfaces with warm water.

Laundry soap

This product is almost universal, and will help wash off grease from any surface. Lather generously with a damp sponge bar and wipe the surfaces. After 15-20 minutes, remove greasy marks, using a brush if necessary. Wash the surfaces with clean water.

Saline solution with hydrogen peroxide

Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a tablespoon of salt and 10 drops of peroxide to 1 liter of water. Moisten the surfaces liberally with the resulting product, and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the grease with a sponge or brush and wash the headset with a soft cloth dampened with warm water.

Baking soda

Soda can be used to clean furniture made of any material except polished furniture. Moisten the surfaces hot water, and then apply the "gruel" of soda using a sponge or brush.

Wait until the stains "soften" and will be washed off the surface of the cabinets without effort. After there is no trace of fat, rinse off the remaining baking soda with warm water.

3% vinegar solution

Vinegar works well with grease, but it's best not to use it for delicate coatings. Before using this product, test its action on a small area of ​​furniture, and if the acid has not done any harm to it, you can start working.

Pour vinegar onto a sponge and wipe off the dirt. After 3-5 minutes, use a brush to remove greasy stains... After the surface has been cleaned, wash the cabinets first with dish soap and then with clean water.

Vodka or alcohol and essential oil

Any surface can be cleaned with vodka or diluted alcohol, this tool is practically harmless. It can be used for glass surfaces as well as mirrors.

Pour vodka into a spray bottle, add 5-7 drops essential oil, and thoroughly "irrigate" the headset. When greasy drops become soft, clean the surfaces from dirt, and then rinse with warm water.

How to clean wooden kitchen furniture

The best means for cleaning solid wood headsets can be considered a mixture of vegetable oil and soda (proportion 1: 2). Oil can soften dried fat, and baking soda will help remove traces without leaving any residue.

Apply the cleaning solution to the dirt and brush over the surface with a brush. After 15–20 minutes, gently scrub off the greasy residue and remove the remaining dirt and cleaning agent with a damp foam sponge.

How to wash varnished surfaces

Such furniture must be washed with care, as corrosive substances can hopelessly ruin the coating. Use this cleaning method:

  • Add 100 g of white clay to 50 ml of 3% vinegar.
  • Apply cleaning powder to furniture.
  • After 15–20 minutes, rinse off the clay and vinegar with a damp cloth, then polish the cabinets dry with a soft cloth.

You need to act carefully and without pressure, otherwise you will scratch the furniture.

How to clean MDF kitchen furniture

This material is sensitive to aggressive agents containing chlorine and to abrasives. It is better to wash such furniture with special products that can be found at a hardware store.

You can also use laundry soap, it will also not harm the surfaces.

To avoid harm to health and to protect the skin of your hands, clean surfaces of grease with gloves. When using harsh chemicals, it is better to work with open windows, and after cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room for at least 20 minutes.

Your kitchen will always look neat if you do not put off cleaning until later, but clean the furniture from dirt and grease right away.

Not really

Any housewife tries to keep the kitchen set clean, as a result of which she conducts regular cleaning. However, there is not always the strength and time to wash a wall apron or countertop from greasy deposits that accumulate in a very short time. After a certain time, the neoplasms turn into persistent greasy stains that cannot be washed off with dishwashing liquid or running water... At this moment, the first difficulties begin, since it is necessary to carry out hygiene, and effective ways there is not much removal. Let's consider each of them in order.

Baking soda and sea salt

Positive characteristic this method its versatility is considered. The abrasive compound can be used on almost any surface with the exception of varnished panels. An excellent result is achieved by processing aprons and kitchen set made of wood, tiles.

Before using the mixture directly on a wide area, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the kitchen set. Wait a quarter of an hour, then evaluate the result. If the abrasive particles did not damage the panel, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

  1. Put on heavy rubber gloves, take a kitchen sponge and dampen it in hot water... Go over the surfaces of the headset, softening the grease.
  2. Take 100 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes and fragrances, place in a coffee grinder, grind. If you don't have a grinder, use a hammer to crush the mixture into powder. Mix salt with 100 gr. baking soda, dilute the dry mixture with filtered water. In the end, you should have a thick mass that can be easily processed with both horizontal and vertical panels.
  3. Scoop up a large number of on the hard side of the sponge or use an old toothbrush. Treat greasy areas by rubbing the mixture thoroughly into the surface. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the term, take a sponge, moisten it in water and wipe the panels again. Then completely rinse off the product. cold water, evaluate the result. Repeat the previous manipulations several times if necessary.


To prepare the cleansing mixture, you will need 100 g. chopped table salt and half a grapefruit. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder or blender, mix with salt. As with soda, the composition should be thick, otherwise adjust with salt or, on the contrary, water.

Scoop a large amount of the product onto the toothbrush and rub the greasy spots. Glue cling film on top, wait half an hour. At the end of the period, wash off the composition. If you are not happy with the result, repeat the procedure.

Salt does not always effectively remove old fat spots, in most cases it is necessary to repeat the manipulations 4 or even 5 times. If the kitchen is equipped with a light fitting, we recommend adding a teaspoon of peroxide to the saline solution. This combination will speed up the cleansing several times.

Mustard powder

Mustard has been used in everyday life for a long time, it is used to clean not only the kitchen set, but also interior items in the bathroom. Also, the product is used to wash dishes and remove complex dirt from the surfaces of household appliances.

To use mustard powder correctly, mix 50-60 gr. cool water, you should have a thick mixture. Now cut the lemon into 2 parts, wipe the grease stains with it, wait 5 minutes, wipe again.

Repeat the steps 5-7 times, only then use mustard. Scoop some of the mixture onto a damp kitchen sponge and rub the panels well. Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. If you don't like the effect, repeat the steps.

Citric acid and alcohol

The product has not only cleansing properties, but also perfectly disinfects the surface. To prepare the mixture, take 3-4 sachets of citric acid, dilute with cold water. Do not wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Scoop the composition onto a sponge, apply to the kitchen set, wait 10 minutes. Rinse the sponge, soak it in rubbing alcohol or vodka, remove excess product. For best results, you can dilute vodka / alcohol with vinegar in a 3: 1 ratio.


It makes no sense to talk about which manufacturer to give preference to. Choose a composition according to your financial capabilities. Below will be given practical advice for the selection and use of household chemicals.

  1. It is important to understand that powder production involves processing with abrasive particles, due to which it severely damages the varnish surface. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at preparations produced in the form of an aerosol, gel or spray.
  2. It is not necessary to handle a hard metal sponge to remove grease. Household chemicals will dissolve contamination if you wait a certain period of time (indicated on the back of the bottle).
  3. An oven, electric / gas stove, extractor hood and other metal surfaces will require special efforts from you. Soaking is not enough, you have to repeat the manipulations at least 3-4 times.
  4. If you do not have a hood, due to which all the fat rises and settles on top cabinets, soak them using polyethylene. Apply the product, glue the cling film and secure with electrical tape. Wait a while, clean the surface with a sponge.
  5. When choosing a drug, carefully read the label, most manufacturers indicate for which type of surfaces this or that product is suitable. Don't thoughtlessly cover your headset with unfamiliar means. First, make a test on a small area of ​​the countertop / cabinet, then proceed with processing.

Table vinegar

The main disadvantage of using table vinegar solution (6%) as a cleaning agent is considered to be low efficiency. If grease stains have appeared for a long time, and you have delayed their removal, you will not be able to clean the headset in a short time. You will have to repeat the procedure several times daily for 3 days.

Fold gauze or bandage in 8-10 layers, place cotton wool between the rows. Soak a compress in a vinegar solution (not to be confused with vinegar essence), rub the area of ​​contamination. If the coating permits, use a hard sponge. For low potency, add a small amount of thick crushing liquid to the vinegar.


Use a maximum concentration of laundry soap or tar soap as a means for cleaning the kitchen set from grease. To use the product correctly, take a kitchen double-sided sponge (foam rubber and an abrasive coating), lather the hard part and walk over the surface. Wait 20-30 minutes, rub the headset again. At the end of the second step, rinse off excess water and buff with a soft cloth.

Fight with grease stains on the panels of the kitchen unit immediately after they appear. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve a result in 1 step. First, try folk remedies, if the result is low, take a closer look at household chemicals.

Video: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture

A large amount of a greasy layer on the surface of a tile, a hob often makes us think about "How to wash the fat in the kitchen?" This is a time-consuming job that requires the use of effective tools.

Everyday cooking involves the use of oil and fat, as a result of which they are sprayed onto nearby surfaces, and vapors rise and settle on walls, ceilings, furniture, household appliances, and dishes.

The sticky oily coating attracts dust, resulting in the formation of stubborn dirt that cannot be dealt with by simply wiping the surface with water.

But how to wash the kitchen of grease and put it in order? There are many ways that involve the use of modern household chemicals. Popular methods that have passed the test of time are not inferior to them.

Which remedy should you choose?

To combat fatty contamination, it is necessary to choose the best product for the kitchen, which will be effective and safe. If preference is given to household chemicals, then such compositions are sold in special containers of different packaging and have certain cleaning properties.

These are mainly solutions of high concentration that easily deal with any layer of contamination. In order to use the composition as directed, you must read the instructions for use.

But many housewives want to know how to wash fat with simple folk ways, which are environmentally friendly and completely safe. There are a lot of options and it's worth talking about it separately..

Whichever method is chosen, grease stains should be removed periodically, this will be the key to easy cleaning and quick tidying of surfaces in the kitchen.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

First of all, the fat remover in the kitchen must be safe, since this is an area for cooking, which means that there must be environmental friendliness. Relevant are folk methods, which are provided for the use of natural cleaning products.

The most accessible are food products that are in stock for every housewife:

Mustard powder is an excellent cleaner and has been used in this direction for several centuries. With the help of powder, you can quickly clean the tiles in the kitchen from grease without damaging the enamel surface.

The product is used to sprinkle on contaminated areas previously moistened with water. To wipe the surface, use a soft dry cloth, on which a layer of dirt remains. The mustard is washed off the surface with a stream of warm water.

Cleaning procedure furniture facade from oily plaque runs in the following order:

The surface of the facade is moistened with hot water, and after 10 minutes the contaminated areas are wiped with a sponge dipped in mustard powder. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.


An effective and inexpensive folk remedy for removing fat is rice water, which is obtained after washing the cooked cereal. This product is good for cleaning porcelain and glassware - plates, glasses and other items.

You can remove grease from the kitchen with a homemade solution of vegetable oil and baking soda. The ratio of oil to soda is 1: 2. The finished mixture is ground on the surface to be treated with a brush and after 10-15 minutes it is wiped with a damp soapy rag or other degreasing solution.

Vodka or alcohol will help clean the walls of kitchen furniture from grease stains. Particular attention should be paid to stains that are difficult to remove, which are moistened and left for 5 minutes, and then wiped with a sponge and alcohol.

How to clean the tiles in the kitchen from fat folk remedies and video recommendations from a housewife

An improvised food product that can deal with dried fat on the surface electric oven, is a baking powder for the dough. A baking powder is poured onto the previously wetted inner walls, a pause is maintained for about two hours, after which the curdled fat is easily removed.

Effective cleaning of fat deposits

Time-tested remedies for fat removal include:

  1. Citric acid.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%).
  3. Citrus
  4. Soda, salt and table vinegar.

To get rid of fat folk remedies, it is necessary to mix the following components together: dissolve citric acid in vinegar and add soda. The resulting mixture is applied to a washcloth, sponge or napkin and rubbed with little effort into places where there is a greasy layer or stains.

When the procedure is over, the rest of the mixture is washed off with hot water and the surface is wiped dry with a clean cloth.

But not only soda and citric acid will easily remove grease from the tile and give the surface its original appearance. For example, citrus fruits can help remove greasy stains and layers from the microwave. To do this, take an orange, lemon, grapefruit or lime, cut into pieces and place in a deep bowl of water.

The dishes must be put in a world wave and turn on the mode with the maximum heating temperature. After 15 minutes, household appliances are de-energized and dirt is removed from the walls with a sponge.


A good result is obtained by cleaning the microwave oven with vinegar. The principle is the same as peeling with citrus fruits, but instead of fruits, vinegar in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to 400 ml water.

Ways to remove old fat in the kitchen

If you do not know how to wash old fat in the kitchen, then you can try to make yourself a simple and inexpensive composition, which will require:

  1. Laundry soap.
  2. Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Table vinegar - 3 tablespoons

Rub the soap with a grater and fill it with warm water. The soda is quenched with vinegar and combined with a soapy solution. The resulting mixture can be used to wipe the tiles in the kitchen, clean pans and any other utensils from carbon deposits.

Helpful Tips for Fighting Stubborn Fat in the Kitchen

The soap is specially rubbed on a coarse grater, which makes it quickly dissolving, so it better shows its cleaning properties after combining with water. Unclear detergent all contaminated surfaces are wiped.

It's easy to clean your kitchen tiles with baking soda. It is a unique fine-forming agent that will not damage enamel or glass coatings. After such processing, the dishes will acquire a seasoned shine and cleanliness. Soda gruel is applied to the contaminated area, and a little vinegar is poured on top.

The composition remains on the surface for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. A special scraper is used to remove stubborn stains. Knowing simple ways, there will be no questions about how to clean the tiles in the kitchen.

We clean the tiles in the kitchen

Most prone to fatty deposits tile... You can clean the tile using all of the above methods, but you need to remember that a smooth surface is afraid of mechanical damage. In no case should abrasive products and hard sponges be used.

Everyone decides for himself how and how to wash the tiles, but the option chosen depends on the degree of surface contamination. After all, not all formulations made from food or citrus fruits cope well with old dirt or grease. How to clean the tiles in this case? It must be remembered that with any option chosen, you will have to work hard, although not physically.

In order to get rid of the accumulated fat, it will be necessary to treat the surface several times with soapy water, a soda composition with vinegar or lemon. The procedure will have to be repeated until the result is satisfied. But if folk methods prove to be powerless, you will have to use effective means household chemicals.

A vivid video example of how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat with your own hands

Dishwashing liquids are suitable for daily care, but when the layer of dirt becomes stable, then drugs will come to the rescue. Do not use powdery compounds, as they are abrasive and can lead to scratches, and this will worsen the appearance of the finishing material.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the composition and consistency. When applying the fat-removing composition to the treated surface, gloves should be used to protect the skin of the hands from adverse effects. After the procedure, the composition must be thoroughly washed off.

Now you know how to remove grease from tiles in the kitchen with minimal cost, efficiently and quickly.