What is useful kiwi for pregnant women. Is it possible for pregnant women to eat kiwi in the early stages: benefits and harms. What is kiwi

The successful development of the fetus is the main task of the expectant mother. In this regard, she tries to protect her child from all sorts of threats. Since nutrition is the main building block in this line of defense, it needs to be given special attention.

Doctors and nutritionists advise eating plenty of vegetables and fruits during this period of life. Why? They contain many vitamins and minerals. One such fruit is the kiwi. However, before use, you should learn about its benefits and contraindications to it.

Important! The human body always adapts to local foods. Therefore, some nutritionists recommend eating those fruits that grow in the homeland of pregnant women.

Kiwi is made up of…

This delicacy came to us from New Zealand. It was found in the 20s of the last century and began to be grown also in Japan, Russia, China and India. This fruit contains:

  • B vitamins (pyrodoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin);
  • magnesium, fluorine and phosphorus (from 30 mcg);
  • folic acid;
  • iron and calcium (from 300 mcg);
  • vitamin C (more than 90% of the fetus);
  • zinc (about 150 mcg);
  • manganese (up to 100 mcg).

Each 100 g of the product contains from 61 to 65 kcal of energy. However, for ordinary people These are just numbers and terms. Therefore, it is necessary to find out specifically how such chemical composition affects the successful development of the fetus, as well as the mother.

Healthy mom and baby

Kiwi is very necessary to maintain the health of both the child and the mother. Using it at least once a day, a woman gives the body a storehouse of valuable components. Here are the positive results it brings.

Benefits for Mom

Pregnant women often experience mood swings. What is it connected with? During pregnancy, the heart begins to work intensively. As a result, the load on the heart organ and nervous system increases. In order to relieve such stress, calcium and magnesium are needed. In turn, magnesium molecules are responsible for the condition of tissues, especially muscles. Magnesium ensures the successful transport of oxygen to every cell.

In addition, the cell needs vitamin E, which maintains the integrity of its shell. This organic compound repairs the damaged parts of the membrane.

The presence of iron and ascorbic acid in the composition of the fruit deserves special attention. Thanks to vitamin C and iron, high level supported:

  • metabolic process;
  • development of the placenta;
  • the work of the immune system;
  • formation and absorption of hemoglobin.

A proper supply of these substances protects the body from infectious and viral diseases. The production of hemoglobin in the right amount prevents the appearance of anemia in a future woman in labor.

Important! Anemia is a common occurrence in pregnant women. What is the reason? Mom gives part of the blood cells to the baby. Therefore, she should eat a lot of all kinds of fruits that stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

No disease

Among other things, it is important to eat kiwi periodically for the benefit of the whole organism. Regular consumption of this fruit contributes to:

  • cancer prevention;
  • removal of cholesterol from the body;
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins (fiber is responsible for this);
  • normalization of digestion.

In this case, the woman will forget about hemorrhoids, which is often the result of childbirth. In this regard, she needs to eat kiwi throughout her pregnancy. As a result, a healthy mother will be able to bear a full-fledged child.

Benefits for the baby

Kiwi is rich in folic acid. But it plays a major role in the development of the central nervous system. So, in the early stages of pregnancy, the neural tube is formed. If vitamin B9 is supplied in sufficient quantities, then the likelihood of defects in brain development decreases. Therefore, mom needs to start eating this fruit as early as possible.

Folic acid is also actively involved in the formation of bone marrow. And he, in turn, is responsible for the production of blood. Therefore, vitamin B9 deficiency is highly undesirable.

Human health directly depends on the condition of teeth and bones. Kiwi contains fluorine and calcium. These elements are necessary in the process of formation of joints, bones and teeth.

However, in order not to harm the fetus, it is important for the mother to eat this fruit correctly. There are some features of its use.

How to use

First, you should try a few slices of kiwi. Then observe the reaction of the body: is there a rash, heartburn or heaviness. At the same time, pregnant women are forbidden to eat kiwi if they have the following diagnoses:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis (in the acute stage);
  • allergy to fruits from the citrus family;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • increased acidity.

It is necessary to limit the use of kiwi even when there is a tendency to these diseases. In this case, during pregnancy, it is better not to eat it at all.

Important! Fruits and vegetables brought from abroad are abundantly treated with chemicals, as well as wax. This is necessary in the fight against fungal microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to wash fruits thoroughly with warm water and soapy water.

Before you start eating kiwi fruit regularly, you should consult your doctor. Many of them advise eating it after meals. It is so easy to relieve the discomfort and heaviness that occurs in the stomach after eating. Kiwi can be consumed in three ways:

  • Raw. Cut the fruit into thin rings or slices, after removing the peel.
  • Jam. Kiwi successfully tolerates heat treatment. At high temperatures, useful substances are not destroyed in it. it a good option for the winter.
  • Salad. To prepare it, you need to chop and mix strawberries, kiwi, banana and apple. Pour all the ingredients with low-fat yogurt (preferably without additives). As a seasoning, you can use cinnamon or vanilla.

With this exotic delicacy, a woman can pamper herself and her baby for all nine months. But you should not get too carried away so as not to provoke an allergy. Measure is needed here. In this regard, nutritionists recommend taking fruits separately. Every two days - some the new kind. Such a variety will significantly enrich the body of mother and child with vital carbohydrates and trace elements. As a result, everyone will grow up healthy and strong!

Expectant mothers are always careful about what is included in their usual diet. This is especially true in early pregnancy. Sometimes even the most familiar products can cause them whole line doubt. Probably, more than one girl wondered if it was possible for pregnant women to eat kiwi. Now we'll find out.

Kiwi - what kind of fruit is it?

Kiwi got its name from an ordinary small bird. It is not known what Alexander Ellison, the man who discovered this delicacy for mankind, wanted to say. Perhaps he hinted at the similarity or taste preferences of the feathered one.

To date, there are more than 30 different varieties of this fruit. Among them are the usual for us kiwi with a peel, only of a different color, and exotic varieties without a peel that can be eaten whole. Although the "shaggy" fruit should be eaten with the skin. It also contains many vitamins. The most popular variety in domestic supermarkets is the Hayward variety. Only ripe fruits should be eaten. As a rule, kiwis are still unripe on the shelves. The ripe fruit is soft to the touch, but without wrinkles on the peel. In order for the fruit to ripen at home, it can be temporarily put in the same vase with bananas and oranges.

Nutritional and biological value of fruit

In order to answer the question of whether kiwi can be pregnant, you need to analyze its composition. Based on the nutritional and biological value of the product, further conclusions can already be drawn.

So, first of all, consider the energy value of the product. During pregnancy, it is very important to control your weight, it must be within the normal range. The energy value of kiwi is 61 kcal per 100 g of the product. As we can see, from this side it does not carry danger in itself. The protein in this fruit is 1.14 g, fat - 0.52 g, carbohydrates - 14.66 g. Here, the indicators also look normal.

Kiwi is a source of vitamin C, it contains as much as 92.7 mg. Further descending: B9 - 1.8 mg, B3 - 0.36 mg, B6 - 0.2 mg, vitamins A, B1, B2 are contained in small amounts. In addition, kiwi contains many minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, fluorine, and so on. Therefore, from the point of view of nutritional and biological value, the benefits of kiwi during pregnancy are undeniable.

The benefits of kiwi for a child

But first of all future mom take care not of yourself, but of the health of your baby. A simple enumeration of the vitamins that are contained in the product cannot answer the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat kiwi. To fully understand the likely benefits of this fruit, you need to know how it affects the child.

Record holder for specific gravity is vitamin C, so let's start with it. This component takes an active part in the formation of the fetal membrane, which is the protection of your baby. It also provides a regular supply of oxygen to the child. Next comes in simple words- folic acid. Can kiwi be pregnant in the early stages? Of course! Folic acid is known to be prescribed during pregnancy planning and in its early stages. Vitamin B9 significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester and affects the formation of the placenta.

If you are still thinking about whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat kiwi or not, remember the minerals that it contains. Potassium is needed for the formation of bones, the nervous system, muscles and the main human organ - the heart. And fluorine takes part in the formation of baby's milk teeth. Therefore, in terms of vitamin value, kiwi is a rare fruit.

Benefits for the expectant mother

At a time when a woman is carrying a child, a lot depends on her health and well-being. Kiwi, in turn, is able to help her maintain a good mood, without the need to resort to all kinds of vitamin complexes.

Kiwi benefits during pregnancy:

  • improves immunity;
  • prevents swelling;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • helps to cope with toxicosis;
  • accelerates metabolism, promotes hematopoiesis, etc.

And this is only a small part of what benefits this fruit can bring. Its vitamin composition is truly unique. Vitamins C, B9, B3, B6, A are part of all expensive vitamin complexes. So why get them artificially when you can just eat a few kiwi fruits?!

Kiwi against toxicosis

Toxicosis is not the most rosy symptom of pregnancy. Sometimes he can harass a woman not only in the early stages, but right up to the very birth. If in the first trimester it is possible to “pass” it somehow, then in the future a woman will need a clear and thoughtful mechanism to combat toxicosis. Kiwi for pregnant women, the benefits and harms of which, of course, are very important, really helps to cope with toxicosis.

Many women have noted from their personal experience that fruits that have a sour taste cope well with poor health. Due to the high content of vitamin C, kiwi fruits have always been sour. Eating them to cope with toxicosis is worth small slices, but very often. For example, one small piece once an hour. Judging by the reviews on the thematic forums, such a tool is very effective. If kiwi as a fighter against toxicosis did not suit you, listen to your body. No one, except the future mother, will be able to determine exactly which remedy is best for her.

Harm kiwi

To the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat kiwi, I would like to hear a more detailed answer. After all, this fruit carries a possible threat that can adversely affect the condition of the expectant mother and her baby. Well, first, first side effect its use can cause allergies. This applies to those women who did not try it before their pregnancy. Kiwi, as a rule, is not classified as an allergen, but it is still better to play it safe and start introducing it into your diet gradually.

There is one category of women who should give up this fruit during pregnancy. These are girls with stomach problems. These include gastritis, ulcers, kidney pathology. The fact is that kiwi is 84% ​​water, therefore, due to its use, the load on the kidneys increases and bladder and excess acid can cause stomach pain.

One way or another, for a healthy pregnant woman, eating kiwi will only benefit. But you should not get too carried away, because in everything you need to know the measure. Therefore, 1-2 fresh fruits in the daily diet will make the mother happy and the child healthy.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman is a key issue. Not only her well-being, but also the health of the baby in the womb depends on what the expectant mother will eat. Gynecologists recommend that young mothers give preference to vegetables and fruits in their diet, mainly those that grow in the woman's homeland. Doctors advise treating exotic products with great caution. However, how to resist the aromas of overseas fruits that fill the shelves of supermarkets? In this article, we will figure out whether it is possible for a future mother to eat kiwi.

Kiwi is a fruit that grows on a tree vine. It was cultivated in New Zealand, where the variety of exotic fruit that we gladly enjoy was bred. At first, this fruit did not have a name. Due to the fact that the fruit was covered with a shaggy skin, like a kiwi bird, it was also named after her. Today it is grown in India, China, Japan and even in Russia under special conditions on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

This fruit has a unique chemical composition, due to which kiwi is considered a dietary and therapeutic product. Kiwi contains acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They affect a person in this way:

  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the heart starts to work much better;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • anemia and other diseases with blood and vessels are prevented;
  • regulated arterial pressure;
  • the urinary organs are cleansed, as well as the digestive organs (a person does not feel any diseases and simple unpleasant symptoms - heaviness, belching, heartburn, painful urination);
  • works correctly nervous system.

Due to the fact that kiwi contains salicylates, the fruit can cause an allergic reaction in a person, and due to the fact that there are amino acids, dangerous diseases associated with the digestive organs can develop.

Kiwi during pregnancy: benefits and harms

The body of a pregnant woman works in a different rhythm, as all organs and systems are rebuilt, because they need to support the life support of not only the expectant mother, but also the child she is carrying. During this period of time, it is very important what a woman eats. We propose to consider in detail how kiwi can affect the health of the expectant mother and fetus inside the womb.

What is useful kiwi during pregnancy?

Kiwi is a fruit beneficial features which during pregnancy, as we mentioned above, are very important for a woman and a child:

  • vitamin A contained in kiwi is needed in the process of formation of mucous membranes and erythrocytes, bones in the fetus, the retina of the eye is also formed under its influence;
  • vitamin C in this fruit supports the health of a woman, her immunity, which falls during the period of bearing a child;
  • thanks to vitamin B, which is in kiwi, the child's nervous system is properly formed, and the woman's heart works correctly;
  • the soft tissues of the child are formed under the influence of potassium, this trace element is also needed in order for the heart to work properly, potassium prevents the occurrence of edema in the woman herself;
  • so that a woman does not gain weight, she properly digests proteins, carbohydrates, she needs magnesium, which is in kiwi, the same trace element is needed so that the mother’s nervous system is strong and resistant to stressful situations;
  • so that a woman does not develop anemia, she needs to eat kiwi, because it contains iron;
  • the health of the teeth and the future mother and her child in the womb depends on whether fluoride enters the woman's body, if there is kiwi, then caries and other problems with tooth enamel can be prevented;
  • iodine contained in kiwi prevents disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, stabilizes the hormonal background of a woman in position;
  • the correct development of the bone tissue of the fetus provides calcium, it is also responsible for ensuring that the woman has normal blood clotting, and the muscles are in good shape.

On the different terms pregnancy, the beneficial properties of the fruit will affect the body of the expectant mother and the formation of the fetus in different ways:

  1. In early pregnancy, kiwi should be eaten so that the fetus does not have congenital defects:
  • the fruit contains folic acid, which is involved in the ontogenesis of the fetus, its nervous system, the formation of placental vessels and nucleic acids. This vitamin is very important in laying the hematopoiesis that occurs between mother and child;
  • so that the placenta has a protective barrier, you must definitely eat kiwi until the 13th week, because it contains vitamin C, which performs this function during pregnancy;
  • in the first trimester, due to the constant changes that occur in the hormonal background, the woman's nervous system is unstable, she is prone to breakdowns. If there is kiwi, then vitamin A contained in it will make the psycho-emotional sphere of a woman more stable;
  • iodine is extremely important in the first trimester of pregnancy for the development of the child, his intellectual development and attention;
  • in the first weeks of pregnancy, women are often tormented by toxicosis, and kiwi can relieve unpleasant symptoms, nausea, and vomiting.
  1. In the second trimester of pregnancy, one of the most essential elements that a woman needs is iron. The child grows, develops, he and his mother have the same circulatory system. So that a woman does not develop anemia because of this, she needs iron, which is in kiwi. Calcium is required in the second trimester, because it is at this time that the child's skeleton is strengthened.
  2. On the later dates Pregnancy kiwi should be eaten because it contains potassium, which normalizes blood pressure. If the pressure is in order, then there will be no edema, which usually leads to preeclampsia and preeclampsia, and these are pathologies that complicate the course of pregnancy and can lead to the death of the child.

Is it possible to kiwi during pregnancy: the harm of an exotic fruit

In addition to the unconditional beneficial effect of kiwi, harm is also possible, because it is a sweet and sour fruit that not everyone can eat:

  • A pregnant woman may develop allergies, especially if the pregnant woman has a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Important! Before you try kiwi during pregnancy, eat only half of the fruit first to see how your body reacts to it. If nothing happens, only in this case it is possible to eat kiwi further throughout the pregnancy without fear.

  • Women who had stomach problems before they became pregnant should not eat sour kiwifruit, because the disease can only get worse. Because of pregnancy, it will be difficult to treat them, the woman will thus overshadow her beautiful position.
  • Kiwi can cause diarrhea if a woman has a weak stomach. With such a pathology, even half a fruit can affect the digestive system.

Just know the sense of proportion, and then kiwi will not harm your health and will not negatively affect the baby.

How to use kiwi for pregnant women?

Normally, a pregnant woman can eat no more than 2 kiwis per day, if she has no contraindications to eating kiwis and a predisposition to allergies. Nutritionists testify to this. In addition, they note that kiwifruit must be consumed in a special way in order to resolve certain health problems:

  1. If you eat a fruit with a peel that contains fiber and amino acids, then kiwi will help get rid of constipation during pregnancy. In this case, it is better to turn the pulp and peel of kiwi into puree, mix it with green apple, apricots and prunes. So the fruit will be better absorbed by the body. All ingredients can be mixed in a blender to make a detox shake. It is better to drink such a drink from fruits and kiwi during pregnancy at night (1 hour before going to bed). If you add mint, then it will also serve as an excellent sedative.
  2. With edema during pregnancy, kiwi should be combined with banana, pear, tangerine and pomegranate. Vitamin salads can be prepared from these fruits so that the fruit is better absorbed. Such salads are dressed with lemon juice mixed with liquid honey.
  3. You need to eat kiwi with heartburn during pregnancy. It is enough just to eat a whole fruit a few hours before the main meal twice a day.

Before you eat kiwi, be sure to check its quality. It should not be soft, its peel cannot be damaged, it should not smell like citrus fruits. If the expectant mother eats such a fruit, then she will begin to have problems with intestinal motility. By eating high-quality and fresh kiwi, a pregnant woman will provide herself and her child with biologically significant elements throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Video: "Kiwi Fluffy Fruit"

Usually pregnancy is accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger, which increases as the baby grows and develops. Cravings for sweets are considered a natural state, however, instead of a bar of milk chocolate or a cake, nutritionists recommend giving preference to fruits.

Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry- a small-sized fruit of a tree liana of the genus Actinidia, growing in New Zealand, Italy, Chile and Greece. It tastes like a mixture of melon, banana, strawberries and citrus fruits. The fruit has several types, but the variety with brown skin and bright green juicy pulp is considered the most famous.

In addition to the distinctive taste, kiwi contains many nutrients necessary to maintain physiological processes in the human body. Adding fruit to the diet provides the pregnant woman and growing child with sufficient amounts of vitamins C, K and E, folic acid and potassium.

Is it possible to eat kiwi during pregnancy?

The nutritional value

According to the National Nutrient Database of the Ministry Agriculture USA, kiwifruit is a good source of vitamins K, C and E, potassium, folic acid, dietary fiber, copper, choline, magnesium and phosphorus. The medium-sized fruit covers 100% of the daily requirement of an adult for vitamin C.

Nutritional value and calorie content of kiwi:


Value per 100 g


Alimentary fiber

Calcium, Ca

Iron, Fe

Sodium, Na

Vitamin C

g = gram; mg = milligram; mcg = microgram.

100 g of kiwi contains 4 micrograms of vitamin A, the main function of which is the regulation of cell division, the maintenance of immune responses and participation in the processes of vision. This substance promotes the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

B vitamins (B1, B2 and B12) are involved in many energy reactions of the human body. With their help, there is a transmission of nerve impulses, heart contractions and respiratory movements.

Kiwi contains about 6% of daily dose vitamin E for a pregnant woman. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and cell division. Also, the biological compound is an antioxidant.

The fetus contains vitamin PP or nicotinic acid. The substance is involved in the oxidative reactions of the body, dilates blood vessels, is a participant in the processes of enzyme synthesis.

The fruits of the plant contain a wide variety of macro and microelements. Potassium and magnesium are involved in heart contractions, transmission of nerve impulses, maintaining water and electrolyte balance. Also in the fruit there are calcium, phosphorus and sodium, without which the development of the skeleton and teeth of the fetus, the flow of biochemical reactions in the body is impossible.

Editor's note:

Yashkina Irina, Obstetrician

Kiwi contains a special protein - actinidin, involved in the breakdown of a wide range of food proteins and improving digestive processes. Employees of the Riddet Institute in the course of research have confirmed the effectiveness of actinidin in the digestion of proteins contained in beef, chicken, fish, legumes, milk and cottage cheese.

Kiwi contains trace elements: iron and aluminum. They are involved in the processes of enrichment of cells with oxygen and the synthesis of enzymes. The fruit contains dietary fiber that stimulates digestion and improves intestinal motility.

Kiwi contains a large number of organic acids. They are involved in the redox reactions of the body. Also, acids are a "preservative" for vitamins and other useful substances, due to which, during long-term storage of the fruit, its composition does not change.

Image: pixabay

Health Benefits of Kiwi during Pregnancy

Reducing the risk of birth defects

The high content of folate or vitamin B9 in kiwi fruits increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and reduces the risk of a neural tube defect in a child by 70%. The disease occurs in about 3% of newborns and is usually detected by an ultrasound doctor in the fourth week of gestation.

Experts strongly recommend that pregnant women aged 15 to 45 consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily after consulting a gynecologist. You should start taking the vitamin at least one month before the intended conception of the child.

The daily rate should not exceed optimal levels. Otherwise, an excess amount of folic acid in a woman's body can increase the risk of developing an autism spectrum disorder, characterized by social disorders and unusual behavior of the child.

Strengthening the immune system

The daily intake of vitamin C for a pregnant woman should be 85 mg. 100 g of kiwi pulp contains approximately 120% of ascorbic acid from the recommended daily allowance, exceeding the levels of many citrus plants.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that actively fights free radicals in human body. Consuming enough of the substance helps in strengthening the immune system, reducing the risk of colds and flu during pregnancy.

Editorial opinion:

You should carefully monitor the concentration of vitamin C in the body. Taking more than 2000 mg of a substance per day leads to a disorder gastrointestinal tract accumulation of excess iron and an increased risk of kidney stones.

Normalization of digestion

According to scientific article magazine "Remedium Privolzhye" under the authorship of Yulia Borisovna Uspenskaya, the frequency of constipation during pregnancy is observed in 25-40% of cases. The cause of the complication is the consumption of harmful products, overweight, low physical activity and stress leading to neurological disorders.

The dietary fiber contained in kiwi helps prevent intestinal problems. A daily intake of 20-25 g of fiber and maintaining fluid balance in early and late pregnancy reduces the risk of constipation, hemorrhoids, morning sickness and stomach discomfort.

Restoring the quality of sleep

Experts from the US National Sleep Foundation conducted a survey in 1998 in which 78% of pregnant women admitted to sleep disorders.

An increase in the level of progesterone in the body usually does not cause problems with falling asleep in the first weeks after the conception of a baby. However, hormonal and physiological changes can subsequently lead to insomnia, which, if left untreated, becomes a chronic condition.

Kiwi contains antioxidants and serotonin, which affect the quality of sleep. According to a study from the School of Nutrition and Health, eating two fruits an hour before bed improves the duration and effectiveness of a night's rest.

Image: website

Fertility improvement

Adding kiwi to the diet promotes the production of progesterone, increasing the chances of successful conception in women with a luteal phase defect. The fruit contains vitamin C, the intake of which in the amount of 750 mg for six months increases the incidence of pregnancy by 25%.

Also, ascorbic acid, due to its antioxidant properties, helps protect sperm and its DNA from damage. In one study, taking 1000 mg of the substance twice a day increased the number, motility and morphology of sperm in. In addition to kiwi, vitamin C is found in mangoes, tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, peas and potatoes.

Editorial opinion:

Approximately three months before the expected conception of a child, a married couple should be examined at the Family Planning Center closest to their place of residence, refuse bad habits improve nutrition and sleep.

Reducing the risk of developing preeclampsia

Usually, blood pressure drops slightly at the beginning of pregnancy and slowly rises in the second and third trimesters. However, obesity, diabetes, multiple pregnancies and low calcium intake can lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure, increasing the likelihood of developing preeclampsia. In Russia, the disease occurs in 7–20% of cases.

Calcium, which is part of dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fruits, reduces the risk of hypertensive disorders. D-A-CH and the US Institute of Medicine recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers over the age of 19 consume 1,000 mg of the mineral daily.

One medium-sized kiwi contains 23 mg of calcium.

Replenishment of iron deficiency

During pregnancy, a 20% to 30% increase in blood production in a woman's body results in the rapid absorption of iron and vitamin stores. As a result, the risk of anemia increases, the severe degree of which can lead to premature birth and low birth weight of the baby.

The main symptoms of the disease are lethargy, general fatigue, poor appetite, pale skin and nausea. During pregnancy, experts recommend 27 mg of iron per day from a variety of sources. 100 g of kiwi contains 0.31 mg of iron or 1.14% of the daily requirement.

Image: Scimex

Contraindications and methods of use

The use of kiwi has practically no contraindications. But people with exacerbation of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as an allergic reaction should stop eating the fruit.

It is advisable to eat the raw fruits of the plant and exclude their heat treatment. Kiwis are used to make purees and juices, add them to salads and desserts. If desired, expectant mothers can make jelly, jam or fruit compote. These products have an unusual taste, but have less useful composition compared to fresh kiwi.

During pregnancy, you should carefully monitor nutrition. Proper diet prevents the occurrence of diseases in the expectant mother and fetus. The diet should include more chicken, fish, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals. Protein products are recommended to be steamed or boiled.