Four of Pentacles Tarot. Four of Coins: Tarot card meaning. General state of finances and trends of changes

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles in the upright position

The new venture will bring great profits. Success in financial affairs, successful investment of money, stability, reliability, prosperity. Lasting family happiness, love, harmony, devotion, comfort in the home.

  • reliability, contentment
  • confidence born of wealth, gift, inheritance

The correct four of pentacles tarot card predicts a period of financial and material security based on the receipt of a substantial gift or inheritance, as well as on the successful commercial activities of the Client. His hard work and business acumen led to increased status, power and financial rewards. All material and emotional needs of the Client are satisfied.

The four pentacles tarot card means property, talent, gift. Preserving what belongs to you. Inheritance. Satisfaction with personal status. In addition, an established situation in business or personal life; no worries. Good feelings about the future.

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles Reversed

Attachment to material things for the sake of one's security. Stinginess, fear of losing one's status, money, position. This condition is fraught with nervous tension, breakdowns, quarrels, scandals. Suspense, uncertainty, fear.

In relationships, the card describes strong excesses towards the material joys of life instead of spiritual rapprochement. At best, this is a successful relationship of convenience without any feelings on either side. In the worst case, the card foreshadows quarrels, squabbles over money, misunderstandings, resentment and a possible breakup.

  • confrontation, moving away from the goal, inability to control the situation
  • stinginess, fear of loss, greed, indecisiveness, obstacle
  • loss of control, loss of financial stability, powerlessness

In the wrong orientation, the Four of Pentacles Tarot indicates problems of excessive commitment to material wealth and property: greed, selfishness and stinginess. Fear of losing power or wealth is the main concern in the Client’s life, which prevents him from making urgently needed changes (the surrounding cards will show in which areas of life).

The reversed tarot card four of pentacles means opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The four of pentacles tarot card is a card of owning and preserving what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you earned it or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or protect his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it will prevent you from moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Waite gives a very sparse description of the Four of Pentacles, describing only the location of the pentacles and pointing out that since the pentacles are somehow in contact with the figure of the card character, he is supposedly holding them. If you follow this logic, then the character actually controls three of the four pentacles. How firmly the pentacle is attached to his crown is not obvious.

Note the following details of the picture:

  • The city is behind the character. Despite the fact that the picture shows tall towers, a quick glance at the map the city looks much more like a modern metropolis, dotted with skyscrapers. The city is not surrounded by an obvious fortress wall, which is generally not typical for the Middle Ages.
  • The character's boots are not laced. That is, if he suddenly decides to jump up and run, there is a chance of losing his shoe or even falling. Interestingly, the character sits on a stone pedestal so large that he can barely touch the ground with his toes.


  • Stability
  • Guarantees
  • Practicality
  • Stagnation
  • Limited space
  • Business acumen

Key ideas

  • Control of the surrounding space and ongoing events
  • Wise use of resources
  • Awareness of responsibility
  • Everything goes according to plan

Basic meaning

In terms of its meaning, the Tarot card 4 (Four) of Pentacles (Denariev, Coins) is close to the King of Pentacles and, through it, to the Emperor. In fact, the 4 of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles are synonymous. We can assume that the map depicts the actual ruler of the city behind him. He has significant resources at his disposal, but he spends them not only and not so much on his own whims, but on the life support of the city. Rational, reasonable use of resources. Holidays are held out of necessity, not whim. Purchasing grain is more important than the king's new dress. However, this unemotional style of government is not approved by everyone. Fans of tinsel and fireworks are unhappy with the small amount of resources being wasted.

The map speaks of the need for rational planning, strict control over the progress of the process and targeted expenditure of funds. The card describes a stable, stable financial situation that is currently prosperous.

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Meaning in relationships

The meaning of the Tarot card 4 (Four of Pentacles) speaks of a situation in which a person, passionate about his work, is not too interested in relationships and love. Moreover, he perceives them as a burden and an annoying hindrance. In his opinion, emotional factors negatively affect the reasonableness of decisions made.

The second side of this card is the problem of relationships with a person in a leading position. On the one hand, he is accustomed to flattery and veneration, and does not take criticism well. On the other hand, he suspects those around him that they are interested in a relationship not so much with him as with his “crown.” And distrust in this card is much more common than thirst for flattery.

Open - hole card

A very closed card. The character prefers to keep the maximum possible distance between himself and others. The smaller this distance, the greater the likelihood of conflict between the social and the personal.

In the 4 of Pentacles, there is a paradox: the interests of the individual are ignored for the sake of the interests of the majority, which are determined by the leader alone.

Relationship intensity

The character would prefer a relationship with negative intensity. He is not at all interested in relationships in themselves. He is much more concerned about expediency and efficiency. Likes, devotion, loyalty mean nothing.

Expediency raised to absolute. Expediency, which practically merges with cruelty and inhumanity.

The ideal character of the card is endowed with colossal wisdom, and the power he possesses is perceived as a heavy cross. Unfortunately, in real life we ​​often encounter tyranny and unworthy behavior of rulers.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main scenario is the patriarch and his family. Members of a family, clan, clan, employees of a company, citizens of the state often tend to overestimate the patriarch, attribute to him infallibility, and turn him into a deity. Few people are able to maintain an adequate perception of the world with such an attitude towards themselves and really not believe in their “divinity.”

On the other hand, it can be a loner, a master, an expert of the highest level, living by his own laws and rules established by himself. He interacts with society only when he himself considers it necessary, and is not at all interested in the opinions of others about himself.

  • 4 of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: A stable, stable situation that does not carry any unexpected, unpleasant changes
  • 4 of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: Smart savings will help you get through difficult times
  • 4 of Pentacles Tarot in combination with a card: Particular attention should be paid to the balance of fluids in the body or technological process

Psychological condition

A calm, adequate person who knows what he is doing, why and for what purpose. He controls the situation inside and out. For him, there is nothing secret, incomprehensible or inexplicable in the process. A self-confident master of his craft.

A reserved, slightly tired person is endowed with power over those around him and bears its burden with dignity.

One of the problems is the desire to control everything and everyone. There is a danger of getting bogged down in trifles, losing the ability to see perspectives, and stifling the initiatives of those below you through petty tutelage.

In combination with the suit of Wands

In combination with the suit of Wands
  • in combination with: Prepare a new expedition without haste. There are no small details in preparing for a hike
  • combined with: Think slow, act fast
  • in combination with: Physical fatigue has reached dangerous limits. You should rest.

Importance in health matters

On the one hand, the value of 4 (Four) of Pentacles of the Tarot indicates good health. And if we talk about the negative aspects of this card, then we can talk about the desire to keep everything inside oneself. And it can be either emotions or literally constipation. The card can also speak about psychological stress that is so familiar that a person stops noticing them. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of movement and physical activity. But at the moment the person does not suffer from this.

  • with a card: You just think you're in control. In reality the situation looks different
  • with card: Perfect harmony between work and family
  • with card: It's time to celebrate

Business and finance, professional activities

The financial situation of the 4 of Pentacles does not cause any concern. This is a situation where money starts flowing into money. The hard work of forming financial flows has been completed, and thin financial streams have merged into a full-flowing river. Now the problem is not “where to get it?”, but “where to invest?”.

The situation is very stable. This is its plus and its minus. If abrupt changes suddenly begin, it will be very difficult to change from a state of peace to a state of war.

Stability, controllability, controllability

4 (Four) of Pentacles is a stable, controlled, manageable card in the meaning of work and money. Business is like a closed cycle, everything is debugged and works on its own. Moreover, the financial flow is organized in such a way that income can be received anywhere in the universe (live in the Bahamas and manage by phone, why not?)

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The effect of a gold mine in the game "World of Might and Magic". Incomes begin to increase themselves. Money is attracted to money.

There is no longer any need to count pennies and waste money on trifles. If you buy, then factories; if you invest, then in corporations. War feeds war, business feeds business. Many streams flow towards you.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Wonderful financial situation, well-being as the realization of the most daring ideas about it. Despite the subjective differences in the understanding of ideal wealth, everyone has a common problem - where else to spend the money? Not like chickens, peacocks don’t peck at money!

Looking ahead, the trend towards continued good health and increased income continues. True, with a caveat: in conditions of a stable world.

Weak adaptability to change is the scourge of all pentacle cards.

But even in a negative scenario, the loss of 2/3 of the business may not lead to a crisis. In general, the situation is very stable, with a large margin of safety.

Positive and negative impact on income

For the vast majority, the thought of where to put a million is much more pleasant than where to get it. But there are also those who are not entirely satisfied with this state of affairs in business. There is no self-development, no incentive to move on.

The enterprise no longer lives for the sake of profit, but for the sake of existence itself. The problem of maintaining an external image comes to the fore: mansions for offices, Dutch originals in the reception area, charity balls in London. Inside the organization there is excessive control and a lot of meaningless instructions.


The 4 of Pentacles character is a calm, serious, self-confident person. He is used to relying only on himself and knows how to cope with problems. Being strong, he does not take into account the weaknesses of other people, which can play a cruel joke on him. He is good at managing a well-functioning process, but struggles when faced with an unusual situation.

  • with card: Learn the art of management
  • with card: In this situation, profit is more important than friendship
  • with card: Thriftiness can turn into stinginess

When making a decision, exclude emotions

Card of the day Caution

Provide for force majeure and unexpected changes. Not everything has to follow your plan.

Questions to ask when drawing this card?

  • What situation are you in control of? Why are you so sure of this?
  • What resources do you have? How do you use them?
  • What business have you achieved mastery in?
  • What needs to be done to make the situation stable?

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The 4 of Pentacles card belongs to the element of Earth, which means it can talk about material, mundane things: money, health, order. In a favorable sense, it is a symbol of stability, excellent well-being; in an unfavorable sense, it is a crisis, loss, disorder. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in more detail.

The card indicates a person who is most fixated on material things in his life: he is dependent on money.

Interpretation of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position:

  • You are closed from others, unable to show your emotions. That's why you don't get them in return. A volcano of jealousy may be seething inside, but your loved ones don’t even know about it. It is important to learn to give vent to such feelings
  • The card represents the desire to accumulate money and save money. A person strives to save, but is extremely reluctant to spend. However, such an approach will not lead to wealth - on the contrary, you will have to constantly live modestly and cut yourself down in everything
  • The 4 of Coins Tarot often symbolizes a conservative person, stingy in every sense. He extremely dislikes wasting money, energy and emotions; he is not ready to give, he only strives to receive

Advice from the card when it appears in the upright position: save money, but do not try to then waste a large amount. Adhere to a reasonable distribution of finances: do not deny yourself the necessary and important things, but do not waste them either.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

When the Four of Coins appears in a reversed position in a reading, its meaning changes slightly. The interpretations are as follows:

  • Symbolizes a person dependent on material things and power. This is a true miser who saves on everything just to save more. Even if he has a lot of money, enough for three lives, he is not morally ready to spend it - like Kashchei, who “wastes over gold”
  • Also, 4 Coins promises health problems due to savings on doctors’ services and medications. A person puts off treatment until the last minute, just to avoid spending an extra penny.
  • Presages the collapse of a business or a reduction in wages. Money doesn’t love you and leaves your wallet quickly
  • In the sphere of relationships, the card symbolizes control, pressure on others, despotism and authoritarianism
  • Symbolizes a person who is stingy with emotions, cruel, indifferent to other people’s experiences

Stinginess is the main characteristic of the card. First of all, this concerns the material world, but also extends to the emotional sphere.

4 of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

In relationship readings, the card takes on the following meanings:

  • Indicates a married man or married woman. This is a person in a strong marriage. The relationship seems stable and almost ideal to others, but within the family there are a lot of problems related to finances
  • You strive to conform to the patterns imposed by society and adhere to generally accepted rules. It's all due to the fear of condemnation and criticism. An excellent example is a girl who gets married at the age of 20 to the first person she meets, just to “make it to 25” and not be left alone. Clings to her partner to avoid being abandoned, even if she has no feelings

Card advice: listen to yourself and choose a partner in accordance with your feelings. Don't live to please social stereotypes - be happy, not approved.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles:

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers always look at which cards surround the Four of Coins. This is necessary because it helps to create a more accurate and correct interpretation.

Let's look at examples of card meanings in combination with Tarot arcana:

  1. The jester is a symbol of greed, which you need to get rid of so as not to lose everything you have
  2. Magician is a favorable time for a new business. You can open a business, look for a job
  3. The High Priestess is a call to be careful and not share plans with people around you
  4. Empress - promises profit, material security and stability
  5. Emperor - you need to learn to control expenses so as not to end up with beans
  6. Hierophant - you are too sensitive and gullible, you need to become more indifferent to other people’s problems
  7. Lovers are a symbol of possessiveness and jealousy that interfere with relationships
  8. Chariot - the time will come to get the money put aside for a rainy day
  9. Strength - don't waste energy. On the contrary, you need to look for sources for its accumulation
  10. Hermit - a time of financial stagnation is coming. There won’t be large expenses, but you won’t get any tangible profits either.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - lack of peace and stability in the material sphere of life
  12. Justice - you risk suffering from the actions of scammers, be careful
  13. Hanged Man - you are sacrificing yourself in vain, stop and think about your own interests
  14. Death - to bankruptcy
  15. Moderation is a symbol of harmony and balance in all areas of life
  16. Devil - you are seriously addicted to money
  17. Tower - you will become a victim of financial fraud, which will cause you to suffer
  18. Star - there is every chance of getting something long desired
  19. Moon - relieve yourself of responsibility and let other people make decisions
  20. Sun - money will come from an unexpected source
  21. Peace is the right time to save money

Yes, the Four of Coins most often promises unfavorable events in life. But this is a reason not to be upset, but to think about whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are managing your income correctly. It is worth learning how to properly distribute finances, then money will come into life easily.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A person will have clear boundaries of what can be done and what cannot be done. The card also speaks of stinginess or frugality.


The card indicates stingy relationships in all areas - emotionally and materially.



Any enterprise related to investments and savings will bring success. The Arcanum can also indicate that a person does not live on a small income.

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✚ For the future

The card symbolizes great stability, which occupies a very significant place in the life of every person. Try to achieve a stable present in order to ensure a fulfilling and bright future filled with bright colors. However, there is a possibility that you are an excessively stingy person, which does not allow you to get the most out of life. You take care of your health and try to keep it in excellent condition. You just have to be more relaxed about spending money, then life will become easier and more interesting.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

A person who asks about the possibility of new relationships in his life must ask himself - is he ready for such global changes in life? Most likely, this person has now set his priorities in such a way that his financial situation, status in society and career occupy the main place in his life, and his loved one may simply not have enough strength and attention. If a person is currently in a relationship, he should also think about the fact that his partner may be receiving too little attention from him. Reluctance to change your habits and course of action, which has been developed over the years, can cause separation or serious disagreements.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Stability, reluctance to share, clear boundaries of what is permitted and economy. You strive to save money from your modest profits in a routine job that you don’t want to change just out of habit. The card says that you are very careful about your health and physical and emotional state, and therefore it is strong. The card indicates frantic jealousy in relationships on your part, caused by an acute desire to rule and not share with anyone. You are a stingy man of small views. Try to spend your saved money wisely!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of clearly defined boundaries. The boundaries are most often of a material level, that is, living within one’s means, saving, no changes - everything goes according to plan. But the card can also appear in a more abstract sense, as the personification of the stability of the inner world.

Tomorrow won't bring much trouble. Most likely, this is the usual way of making money, a quiet evening with your family or with your loved one. No “outbreaks” are expected. Perhaps a little disappointment associated with the inability to make a large purchase.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You can create a strong family with a real partner, which will be distinguished by bright emotions and harmony. A family hearth allows any person to achieve their goals, which improve their personality and allow a person to become more self-confident. However, the development of these relationships can be hindered by jealousy, which plays an important role in such love. Jealousy is a destructive feeling that, in excessive quantities, does not allow you to reach a new level. Therefore, try to restrain excessive emotions that may interfere with your love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You are a serious and reliable person. You are not alien to such qualities as pragmatism and determination. However, Fate has prepared a serious test for you - a situation in which these qualities will have to be replaced with the opposite. You may also have to sacrifice your beliefs. Think about it, is your desire worth it?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Crisis events have arrived, but you are not ready for change and make decisions to serve your own interests. Feeling concerned about the future. Self-restrictions are possible. A reasonable distribution of resources and a period of accumulation of benefits are necessary.

Excessive dependence on material things, concentration on one thing and stinginess will interfere with your life. Success will come if you approach the problem intelligently. Focus on one global goal, and don’t be scattered about trifles, but at the same time be generous!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Four of Coins promises you complete confidence in your partner, peace of mind for tomorrow and reliability of the relationship. However, this does not at all mean a speedy marriage, quite the opposite: now begins a period of long build-up and thinking about the question: Should I propose or not? Fortunately, the cards ensure that the answer will come to you. Fate will guide you, but you have to wait.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

✚ For treason

From the outside, such a union seems ideal, but inside, unpleasant things happen that slowly destroy the relationship. One of the partners is pathologically jealous of the other, poisoning the lives of both. A riot of feelings and unrestrained emotions sometimes get out of control.

Brief description of the card
Waite gives a very sparse description of the Four of Pentacles, describing only the location of the pentacles and pointing out that since the pentacles are somehow in contact with the figure of the card character, he is supposedly holding them. If you follow this logic, then the character actually controls three of the four pentacles. How firmly the pentacle is attached to his crown is not obvious.
Note the following details of the picture:

  • The city is behind the character. Despite the fact that the picture shows tall towers, a quick glance at the map the city looks much more like a modern metropolis, dotted with skyscrapers. The city is not surrounded by an obvious fortress wall, which is generally not typical for the Middle Ages.

  • The character's boots are not laced. That is, if he suddenly decides to jump up and run, there is a chance of losing his shoe or even falling. Interestingly, the character sits on a stone pedestal so large that he can barely touch the ground with his toes.

Map Keywords
  • Stability

  • Guarantees

  • Practicality

  • Stagnation

  • Limited space

  • Business acumen

Key ideas of the map
  • Control of the surrounding space and ongoing events

  • Wise use of resources

  • Awareness of responsibility

  • Everything goes according to plan

The main meaning of the 4 of Pentacles card
In its meaning, this card is close to the King of Pentacles and, through it, to the Emperor. In fact, the 4 of Pentacles and the King of Pentacles are synonymous. We can assume that the map depicts the actual ruler of the city behind him. He has significant resources at his disposal, but he spends them not only and not so much on his own whims, but on the life support of the city. Rational, reasonable use of resources. Holidays are held out of necessity, not whim. Purchasing grain is more important than the king's new dress. However, this unemotional style of government is not approved by everyone. Fans of tinsel and fireworks are unhappy with the small amount of resources being wasted.
The map speaks of the need for rational planning, strict control over the progress of the process and targeted expenditure of funds. The card describes a stable, stable financial situation that is currently prosperous.
Four of Pentacles in relationships
The card speaks of a situation in which a person, passionate about his work, is not too interested in relationships. Moreover, he perceives them as a burden and an annoying hindrance. In his opinion, emotional factors negatively affect the reasonableness of decisions made.
The second side of this card is the problem of relationships with a person in a leading position. On the one hand, he is accustomed to flattery and veneration, and does not take criticism well. On the other hand, he suspects those around him that they are interested in a relationship not so much with him as with his “crown.” And distrust in this card is much more common than thirst for flattery.
Psychological condition
A calm, adequate person who knows what he is doing, why and for what purpose. He controls the situation inside and out. For him, there is nothing secret, incomprehensible or inexplicable in the process. A self-confident master of his craft.

Wheel of Fortune: a stable, stable situation that does not contain any unexpected, unpleasant changes.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Hanged: Saving wisely can help you get through tough times.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Moderation: Particular attention should be paid to the balance of fluids in the body or technological process.
Four of Pentacles in health matters

On the one hand, the card indicates good health. And if we talk about the negative aspects of this card, then we can talk about the desire to keep everything inside oneself. And it can be either emotions or literally constipation. The card can also speak about psychological stress that is so familiar that a person stops noticing them. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of movement and physical activity. But at the moment the person does not suffer from this.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 3 Posokhov: prepare a new expedition without haste. There are no small details in preparing for a hike.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 7 Posokhov: Think slow, act fast.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 10 Staves: physical fatigue has reached dangerous levels. You should rest.
Financial situation of the Four of Pentacles

The financial situation of the 4 of Pentacles does not cause any concern. This is a situation where money starts flowing into money. The hard work of forming financial flows has been completed, and thin financial streams have merged into a full-flowing river. Now the problem is not “where to get it?”, but “where to invest?”.
The situation is very stable. This is its plus and its minus. If abrupt changes suddenly begin, it will be very difficult to change from a state of peace to a state of war.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 7 Cups: You just think you're in control. In fact, the situation looks different.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card 10 Cups: perfect harmony between work and family.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card King of Cups: It's time to have a party.
Card of the day Tip
When making a decision, exclude emotions.
Card of the day Caution
Provide for force majeure and unexpected changes. Not everything has to follow your plan.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card 6 of Swords: do not limit yourself to your city, travel far away.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Queen of Swords: You make an overly strict impression on your subordinates.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Page of Swords: in this situation, inaction and paranoia are better than active action.

Character Four of Pentacles- a calm, serious, self-confident person. He is used to relying only on himself and knows how to cope with problems. Being strong, he does not take into account the weaknesses of other people, which can play a cruel joke on him. He is good at managing a well-functioning process, but struggles when faced with an unusual situation.

4 of Pentacles combined with a card Queen of Pentacles: Thriftiness can turn into stinginess.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Knight Pentacles: In this situation, profit is more important than friendship.
4 of Pentacles combined with a card Page of Pentacles: learn the art of managing.
Questions to ask when drawing this card?

  1. What situation are you in control of? Why are you so sure of this?

  2. What resources do you have? How do you use them?

  3. What business have you achieved mastery in?

  4. What needs to be done to make the situation stable?

The Four of Denarii signifies excessive preoccupation with the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deep-rooted fear of any change. Such an “attitude” is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that we are one step away from stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), meaning the rupture of the hardened crust. If the Four of Denarii finds itself in a position that requires such behavior from us, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of our hands.


Here this card shows that we cling to our position, or at least expect that it will guarantee us a stable income and well-being. This is an expression of an overly conservative attitude towards life, which blocks our path to new, more favorable situations. Sometimes it means that we are simply accustomed to thinking and acting in a certain way, without wanting to either reconsider our positions or learn new things. We are desperately trying to squeeze at least something more out of an exhausted field, while new paths and opportunities have long been waiting for us; or we simply do not want to notice them, because we do not believe in their reliability, preferring to hold on to our wretched but familiar chair.


At the level of consciousness, the Four of Denarii means a certain fixed idea or ingrained prejudice that prevents us from perceiving new opportunities and views. Here it plays the role of a warning: we are close to falling victim to our own stubbornness or our own limitations. This card should be taken as advice to abandon our previous ideas as soon as possible, to learn to perceive new views and ways of acting, because otherwise we will face a crisis that will ultimately force us to do this.

Personal relationships and love

Sad state. A person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with rituals and once and for all set patterns of behavior. A person “clings” to a partner, which indicates his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. And, although these attempts are humanly understandable, they are at the same time stupid: where trust is replaced by constant concern (“what will happen tomorrow?”), and natural human relationships become ritual, “contractual,” all love dies. Therefore, the Four of Denarii serves as a warning here too: even if such concern is the result of the best intentions, it will still lead to a break.

Inner meaning

The four of pentacles tarot card is a card of owning and preserving what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you earned it or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or protect his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it will prevent you from moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Combinations with other cards


Crazy: spontaneity, impulsiveness

Empress: openness of heart, extravagance

Wheel of Happiness: movement, rapid changes

Hanged Man: Retirement, relinquishment of control


Emperor: control, order

Chariot: control

2 of swords: hopeless situation

2 of Pentacles: satisfaction with the existing situation, reluctance to change




Sun in Capricorn

20°—30° Capricorn

Original title: Lord of Earthly Power Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the card reaches out a hand holding a rose tree branch with a single fully open white rose in the center. Four disks are located at the vertices of the square

Chesed color on the Princess scale: rich azure, mottled with yellow
Colors of the Sun on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber with streaks of red
Capricorn colors on four scales: indigo; black; blue-black; cool dark gray approaching black
Formula: Four (Chesed) + Disks (Asiya) + Sun in Capricorn = POWER.

This card is named quite appropriately. It corresponds to the Sun in Capricorn, and according to the ideas of the ancients, the Sun shows its highest power annually upon entering the sign of Capricorn, where it conquers death and stops moving downward, to the south, into darkness. In the Book of Thoth, Crowley points out that Chesed “symbolizes the establishment of the Universe in three dimensions, i.e. below the Abyss." And in the Saturn ritual from the Eleusinian Rites, he calls this sephira “a fortress on the forefront of the Abyss.” This is an excellent description of the Four of Disks.

To get a good look at this map, imagine that we are floating in the air several hundred feet above a square, fortified citadel surrounded by a wide moat. We are moving upward from the bottom edge of the map, but have not yet reached the “dead center”. From the four corners of the citadel, four watchtowers rise high above the fortress walls, the upper platforms of which are marked with symbols of the elements. The main gate of the fortress is located at the bottom of the map; A fortified bridge spans the moat. From this vantage point we can see only one additional entrance to the fortress - a tiny opening in the opposite wall (not equipped with a bridge). It is possible that there are similar passages in the other two walls - on the right and on the left, but we cannot say this for sure. However, roads lead to the fortress moat on all four sides, so our assumption may well turn out to be correct. But, one way or another, the imagery of this card does not reveal all its secrets.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This woman has surrounded herself with a fortress and clings to the possession of her imaginary treasures. In fact, she had accumulated so much rubbish, trying to decorate herself - even feathers and furs - and by this effort she had disfigured herself.

Straight position

Meaning of the card

The moment you become stingy, you approach the main phenomenon of life - breadth, generosity. The moment you start clinging to anything, you miss the goal. Since things are not the goal, you, your inner being is the goal - not a beautiful house, but your beauty, not the amount of money, but your wealth, not the number of things, but an open being, accessible to a million things. (Osho)