What to do to make your period go faster. How to speed up your period Is it possible to speed up your period?

How to speed up your periods so that they go faster is a fairly common question. There are two ways to speed up the arrival of menstruation:

Based on this information, it becomes clear that you can induce regular discharge with the help of a qualified physician and on your own at home. The expected effect is promised by taking hormonal drugs, especially oral contraceptives.

Important to remember! Before asking yourself the question of how to speed up your periods so that they go faster, you should understand how complex the biological process taking place in a woman’s body is, and how easily it can be removed from a harmonious state.

Is it safe to speed up your period?

Provoke menstruation ahead of schedule unsafe occupation. Each woman takes responsibility for her condition and health by deciding to call the regulator prematurely.

The reasons that provoke women and girls to accelerate the arrival of menstruation can be different, but most often these are long-awaited trips, celebrations and important events in life.

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is a guarantee of normal women's health.

Before engaging in corrective methods to make your period go faster, you need to think about how these accelerating actions will affect the woman’s general condition and whether it will provoke pathological processes.

The most dangerous consequence provoking premature regulation is:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • infertility;
  • painful monthly discharge;
  • cessation of regulation or violation of clear periodicity;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • death.

The safety of this or that method of approaching “monthly arrivals” or the least degree of negative consequences can be judged by a doctor based on examination and available diagnostic information.

Be careful! The situation of provoking the onset of menstruation can be extremely dangerous if a woman is pregnant. Therefore, before embarking on your plan, you should undergo an examination by a gynecologist or undergo testing.

Having more information at his disposal, the doctor will individually select the most suitable solution for the woman. safe way, which will not entail negative consequences.

Medicines to speed up periods

Oral contraceptives

The planned approach of the arrival of regula can be carried out by those who regularly take oral contraceptives. It is necessary to stop taking the drug several days ahead of schedule.

The expected result will be the arrival of menstruation literally the next day after finishing taking the pill.

After such measures, it will be necessary to take additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and after resuming taking oral contraceptives, use condoms for 14 days.


Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone. Pharmacological form – solution for injection (1%, 2.5%). Progesterone injections are prescribed as an emergency measure, which will trigger the onset of menstruation within 2-4 days.

This drug can cause excessive hair growth, disruption of the normal menstrual cycle and hardening of the skin.


The drug is based on dydrogesterone at a concentration of 10 mg per tablet. The peculiarity of the drug is its similarity to progesterone, which is a natural hormone. Duphaston promises a pharmacological result similar to a natural hormone.

In addition, it is necessary to point out the guaranteed safety of this drug, in contrast to other synthetic progestogens, which can cause the appearance of excess hair, deepening of the voice, etc.

The active ingredient of the drug has a positive effect on blood lipids and does not affect blood clotting.

In addition, dydrogesterone does not interfere with liver function and carbon metabolism in the body. Duphaston is indicative for use not only to speed up the onset of menstruation.

  • It can be prescribed for:
  • endometriosis;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irregular cycle;


To provoke the arrival of the regulators in the early stages, Duphaston is taken as prescribed by the doctor in this regimen: for 5 days, 2 times. per day 1 tablet. Immediately after the end of the course, menstruation may begin.

Sometimes it happens that the regulation comes on the 3-6th day after stopping taking Duphaston or on the 3-4th day of the therapeutic course.


Utrozhestan is based on micronized progesterone obtained from raw materials of plant origin. The dosage form of the drug is gelatin capsules, vaginal suppositories. Methods of administration: intravaginally and orally. One gelatin capsule contains 100 mg of pharmacological substance. pharmachologic effect

In order to speed up the onset of menstruation, you need to start taking capsules on days 16-25 of the cycle. To make regulations go faster, daily dose, determined by the doctor, can range from 200-400 mg (the dose is divided into 2, for morning and evening administration). The method of administration of the capsules is also determined by the physician.

A distinctive feature of Utrozhestan is the possibility of vaginal administration. Thanks to this, it can be taken by women who experience drowsiness as a side effect or suffer from liver disease.

Contraindications for taking this drug are oncological diseases of the genital organs and breasts, asthma, thrombosis, epilepsy, and uterine bleeding. The desired result should occur within 2-3 days.


Postinor is also an emergency remedy that is used after an act of violence, unprotected intercourse, etc.

The drug is very active, provoking exfoliation of the endometrium in the uterus. After 3 days of taking it, “red discharge” occurs.

This drug should be used in exceptional cases due to side effects, which it has on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.

Thrombosis, lactation and puberty are conditions that do not allow taking this drug.

Traditional recipes to speed up menstruation

You can also provoke the appearance of menstruation ahead of schedule using folk recipes, the most effective of which are taking a hot bath, ascorbic acid or herbal decoctions.

Hot bath

Hot water can speed up blood circulation in the body. This is what it is based on home method accelerating the arrival of regulation.

Taking a hot bath allows you to achieve what you want, provided you stay in extremely hot water for 20 minutes (no more), and then have active sexual intercourse. The onset of your period will not make you wait longer than 1-3 days.

A simple method like a hot bath will help speed up the process and help your periods go faster. But this procedure is not suitable for women with high blood pressure

You can enhance the effect by adding hot water table salt and drops of iodine solution (2 points of rock salt, 8 drops of iodine).

Be careful! For women with diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland, such procedures are dangerous.

Taking ascorbic acid

Taking ascorbic acid helps induce menstruation. Significant doses of vitamin C reduce the effects of progesterone. The endometrium in the uterus begins to detach from the walls and regulation occurs.

In parallel with the reception large quantity ascorbic acid (2 g one-time), you need to drink enough water to remove this substance from the body naturally.

This method of approaching menstruation can be called safe, but even its use requires consultation with a doctor. Stomach diseases, low blood pressure and increased acidity are a contraindication for ascorbic acid.

Infusion of elecampane root

You can provoke menstruation ahead of schedule using a prepared decoction of Elecampane. The preparation of the required solution is as follows: Elecampane root (5 g) is kept in the boiling process (200 ml of water) for 15 minutes.

After 240 minutes of infusion, the infusion begins to be taken in small doses (2-3 tsp) several times during the day. Nursing and expectant mothers, as well as women with cardiovascular diseases should not drink this product.

In order for your period to go faster (on the same day), you need to speed up the process almost as much as in the first case, you just need to boil 1 tbsp. l. mixture of Elecampane root in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes, then keep covered for about half an hour.

You should immediately consume 50 ml of the decoction in the morning and 50 ml in the evening. You need to be prepared that the resulting decoction has a bitter taste.

Parsley decoction

Women have noticed the ability to induce menstruation from parsley decoction. Spicy herb can improve blood circulation and provoke its flow to the uterus. The seeds used are parsley seeds (2 tbsp), which are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and kept in a steam bath for 60 minutes.

After this, after filtering the solution, it is divided into three portions and consumed at equal intervals throughout the day (morning, lunch, evening). You can expect your period at night, some time after your evening appointment.

Blue cornflower decoction

How to speed up your periods so they go faster and don’t cause harm women's health- use decoction of blue cornflower:

  1. Place blue cornflower inflorescences (2 tbsp) in a container;
  2. send 200 ml of boiling water there;
  3. leave for 4 hours;
  4. drink ½ glass before breakfast and dinner.

Medicines and folk remedies should not be used groundlessly and indiscriminately.

You should resort to accelerating your periods carefully and only in extreme cases. After all, these methods can disrupt the menstrual cycle and negatively affect a woman’s health.

How to speed up your periods so they go faster:

How to get your period premature:

Menstruation often causes some discomfort, when the time of its appearance can change plans. Sometimes it happens that menstruation comes at the wrong time, so many women are interested in the question of how to speed up the end of their periods. For this there are various ways: from taking medications to folk remedies.

Normally, the female body works according to its laid down plan. The menstrual cycle is a complex hormonal mechanism, and it is undesirable to interfere with it unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, if you really want to make adjustments during normal monthly cycle, a woman must be aware that this can provoke a failure. However, there are certain ways to avoid harming the body.

First of all, a woman should inform her doctor about her desire to shorten her menstruation and not use uncontrolled medications at her own discretion. It is also worth remembering a few important rules:

  • you cannot do this regularly and for several cycles in a row;
  • It is prohibited to use acceleration of menstruation during an irregular cycle in women over 40 years of age;
  • you should not use acceleration methods when the cycle is already unstable;
  • It is prohibited to use any methods at elevated body temperature;
  • Do not accelerate menstruation due to infectious and other diseases;
  • It is prohibited to shorten your period due to food poisoning.

Gynecologists do not advise interfering with the normal course of the menstrual cycle, but there is still an extreme need. To make your period end faster, there are proven ways traditional medicine, as well as medications.

Medication methods

It is important to remember that using medications without the advice of an experienced gynecologist is unacceptable. In some cases, an excessive accelerating effect can cause complications, requiring treatment and even surgery.

General mechanism of action medicines based on their hemostatic effect. In order to reduce menstruation, the following means are used:

  • calcium gluconate with ascorbic acid;
  • ascorutin;
  • vikasol;
  • vitamin E;
  • dicinone;
  • oral contraceptives.

To reduce menstruation by 2-3 days, calcium gluconate with vitamin C is used. To achieve the desired result, start drinking the drug from the first day of menstruation three times a day simultaneously with taking ascorbic acid.

is a drug that strengthens small blood vessels, which reduces bleeding time. The product gives a good effect, but you can take it no earlier than the third day of your period.

The set of exercises is carried out gradually without excessive load. The total duration of classes should not exceed 40 minutes.


When you really need your period to end faster, you need to consult a gynecologist and choose the best remedy. It is safest to use physical exercise and herbal preparations.

Whether women want it or not, they menstruate monthly. But menstruation does not always start on time, and it also happens that the bleeding continues large quantity days than usual.

If the discharge is constant for 5-7 days, and a woman needs to be “clean” on a certain date, she will probably want her period to go faster. But desire alone is not enough here. Action needs to be taken.

Is it possible to speed up your periods?

A trip, an important meeting, a competition, a vacation on the beach and other everyday affairs sometimes coincide with menstruation and make a woman worry about whether everything will go well.

If the desire to speed up your periods is not related to curiosity, but has reasonable reasons, then you can reduce the duration of the discharge by 1 to 2 days. The main thing is not to do this too often and give the body time to restore its usual rhythm.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make your period one day or two days. Usually the intensity of the discharge decreases, and in the end only a smear flows out. In order for menstruation to end quickly, provoking measures should be taken in advance.

When deciding to use this or that remedy, a woman must understand that it is better not to interfere with the physiological cycle. But if the situation requires it, certain safety rules must be followed. Then the discharge will quickly disappear, and the body will not suffer.

Four simple rules for safely speeding up your period:

  1. You cannot force the body to perform menstrual function at an accelerated pace every month. Any hemostatic method is allowed to be used no more than once every six months (minimum interval - 4 months).
  2. If you have an irregular cycle, it is prohibited to intentionally stop the bleeding. In case of emergency, you should consult a gynecologist.
  3. During the period of inflammatory disease and at elevated temperatures, any attempts to slow down the cycle are dangerous. To avoid complications, it is easier to postpone all plans and get sick. There is no need to interfere with menstruation.
  4. If the method used did not work, you cannot try others in the same month. Intervention in the reproductive system affects the functioning of the endocrine department. This is fraught with failures of various systems.

Accelerating menstruation is prohibited in case of food poisoning and acute infectious pathologies, as well as at body temperature above 37.5°C.

Drugs to speed up menstruation

Hormonal medications will help women speed up their critical days:

  • Silest.
  • Marvelon.
  • Utrozhestan.
  • Norkolut.
  • Postinor.

Vikasol and Etamzilat are suitable hemostatic agents.

But you can take any medication only in consultation with your doctor. Oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone reduce the number of “red days” or delay their onset. Under the influence of artificial hormones, discharge becomes scanty and does not cause.

In addition to contraceptive and hemostatic pills, in order to speed up the course of menstruation, doctors prescribe vitamins:

  1. Ascorbic acid - 5 tablets for every 10 kg of weight (if you are prone to allergies, reduce the dose).
  2. Vitamin E – strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves the absorption of potassium and magnesium and tissue regeneration.
  3. Vitamin D – strengthens bones, teeth, hair, participates in the absorption of potassium and magnesium.
  4. Hematogen – increases iron levels in the blood, prevents anemia.
  5. Calcium and potassium are substances that improve the health of the cardiovascular system.

If you are looking for a way to make your period end faster, start fortifying your body 4 weeks earlier. When the bleeding stops at the right time, increase the number of hours of rest and continue taking vitamins. Buy quality medications from trusted manufacturers.

On menstrual days, the female body requires increased amounts of vitamins and microelements. Fruits, greens and vegetables rich in vitamin C are especially useful. Instead of tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, it is better to drink pomegranate, lemon or orange juice (can be diluted with clean water).

How to speed up menstruation with folk remedies

If critical days traditionally last a long time, the answer to the question “what to do to make your period end faster” can be found in brochures with folk recipes.

Nettle is famous for its vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties.

5 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and slowly simmer for 20 minutes so that the mass does not boil. Drain the cooled liquid from the grounds and take 5 times a day, 3 tbsp. l.

During prolonged critical days, you can use decoctions onion peel. The raw materials are not poured with boiling water, but hot water(eleven). After half an hour, filter the infusion. Drink it in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 1 tbsp. l.

What else to drink to make your period go faster:

  • Bay leaf decoction. Aromatic raw materials provoke the onset of menstruation during a delay and help the “red days” end faster. 10 g of bay leaf are poured into 500 ml of water and the mixture is boiled over low heat for 1 hour. The product turns out bitter. It is filtered and cooled. Take 2 tbsp at half an hour intervals. l. The maximum dose per day is 1 glass. Contraindication: cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Burnet. A mixture of herbs and boiling water (2 tablespoons per 250 ml) is simmered in a water bath for 30 minutes and filtered. The decoction is very strong. It is diluted with water in equal proportions. Drink 1 tbsp decoction. l. with a break of half an hour, but not more than 6 tbsp. l. per day. Menstruation passes faster due to the effects of vitamins and minerals contained in burnet. It is prohibited to exceed the dose. Side effects may include allergies.
  • Shepherd's Purse. 2 tbsp. l. the herbs are infused for an hour and a half in a glass of boiling water. The strained product is taken 4 times during the day in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Shepherd's purse preparations are contraindicated for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypotension, VSD, hypotension and heart failure.
  • water pepper. 120 drops of pharmaceutical tincture of water pepper, divided into 3 doses per day, will help speed up the end of menstruation. It is recommended to add drops to water and take half an hour before meals. This method has no contraindications, but its effectiveness is rather weak (it does not help all women).

In order for your period to end quickly, your diet needs to be divided into small portions. Dietary restrictions inhibit natural processes and in some cases shorten the cycle. Temporary vegetarianism will help you deceive your internal clock.

Physical exercises to correct your cycle

Continuing the topic “How to speed up your periods so they end faster” bloody issues» consider acceptable physical activity.

Proper training increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, activates muscles and repels epithelium. Daily exercises of 40 minutes during the “red numbers” will shorten the unpleasant period by 1 day.

Useful exercises:

  1. Squats.
  2. Abdominal exercises.
  3. Jumping in place.
  4. Stretching.
  5. Pilates.
  6. Bodyflex.

But it is better to do yoga on critical days.

Her exercises are smooth and do not require high-amplitude movements. Static poses improve body flexibility and increase muscle tone. Breathing exercises promotes relaxation.

Systematic exercise reduces and eliminates pain during menstruation, shortens its duration and stabilizes the cycle.

What are the dangers of prolonged menstruation?

Unfortunately, not every woman has a well-functioning 28-day cycle. Normally, blood loss takes 5 days and gradually decreases in intensity. Too abundant or dangerous due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the development of anemia.

Pathological menstruation must be corrected in consultation with the doctor, without secretly taking the drugs described above. The gynecologist will prescribe suitable treatment only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

And finally interesting fact . Active sex life without the use of barrier contraceptives with mandatory orgasm, it shortens the duration of menstruation. Scientists explain this by the influence of prostaglandin, which is contained in sperm. Thanks to its presence, the uterus is quickly freed from the endometrium.

So have sex more often, but with a trusted partner. And do not forget to calculate the “safe” days so as not to get pregnant instead of short critical days.

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There are a couple of weeks left before your long-awaited vacation, and in anticipation of a fantastic vacation, you cross out the remaining days on the calendar with a pen. However, in addition to the regular calendar, each woman has another personal, special calendar - with the dates of critical days. After recalculating the numbers a couple of times, you discover a very unpleasant fact: the coveted vacation coincides with the beginning of menstruation. Or in other words: your period should have already started, but for some reason it’s delayed.

What to do if the onset of menstruation occurs at an inconvenient time, if menstruation does not occur at the wrong time? How to speed up your period and what to do if your period is delayed? What can be done to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, or to postpone it to a later date? How exactly to do this, and what consequences might it have? Let's figure it out.

Underwater rocks

If your period does not come on time, the first thing you need to do is find out for sure whether you are in an interesting situation. If there is a possibility of conception, then buy a pregnancy test and check. If the result is positive, menstruation can no longer be expected for the next nine months, until the end of pregnancy. And the most reliable answer to the question “how to speed up the arrival of menstruation” in this case will only be: “abortion”. If the test is negative, to be more convincing, go to the gynecologist and get tested hCG test(“pregnancy hormone”), if the test is negative, the doctor will tell you what to do.

Let me say right away that experimenting with your monthly cycle is a complex and dangerous thing. Because, one way or another, these actions imply an artificial hormonal imbalance in the female body. Drugs that cause the expected hormonal imbalance affect women differently and, as a rule, are far from favorable. Experts constantly warn that experimenting with your menstrual cycle clearly carries a potential risk of causing health problems with your own hands. Often such experiments end in irregular, unpredictable cycles in the future or serious problems with conception.

Hormonal background of a woman

To figure out how to bring your periods closer or further, you need to understand how this complex mechanism called the female body works. With the help of the monthly cycle, a woman’s body prepares for possible pregnancy. The entire hormonal system is involved in this process.

During the menstrual cycle, all changes in a woman’s body are controlled by the brain, in particular its organs, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which secrete hormones that regulate the entire monthly cycle.

The hypothalamus is responsible for the amount of hormones produced by the entire hormonal system of the body. The hypothalamus is very sensitive to stress and, in principle, any psychological influences, so stress in some women provokes menstrual irregularities.

It is here, in the hypothalamus, that information about the lack or excess of hormones comes from all over the body. Having analyzed the information received, the hypothalamus gives a command to the gland, also located in the brain - the pituitary gland, which controls the activity of the ovaries, by releasing gonadotropic hormones - follicle-stimulating (affecting the growth and maturation of the follicle where the egg develops) and luteinizing (promoting ovulation - the fact that the formed follicle bursts, releasing the mature egg into the fallopian tube).

In addition, the pituitary gland gives the command to the ovaries to begin the formation of the egg and prepare it for fertilization. In one cycle there is one egg that matures in each of the ovaries alternately. The maturing follicle produces a female sex hormone called estrogen.

During the growth process, the follicle reaches approximately 20 mm and then ruptures, releasing the egg, which passes into the fallopian tube in order to wait for the sperm to connect with it. The outer shell of the egg gradually becomes yellow, from now on it is called the corpus luteum, which begins to produce progesterone– female sex hormone. The hormones estrogen and progesterone prepare a woman’s body for a possible pregnancy. Within two weeks, the corpus luteum develops and then resolves; if pregnancy does not occur, the level of hormones in the blood decreases, the uterine mucosa prepared for pregnancy is rejected, causing menstrual bleeding and coming out along with the discharge.

Under the influence of certain factors, such as stress, poisoning, physical activity, the corpus luteum can continue to function, forming a cyst that delays menstruation. When the cyst finally breaks through, menstruation begins, and with it the woman’s new monthly menstrual cycle begins.

The work of hormonal contraceptives is based on this process: first they stimulate the production of hormones, then they abruptly stop it (after taking the pills stops), causing bleeding. Essentially, hormonal contraceptives regulate menstrual processes and stabilize the menstrual cycle. Any disruption in the production of hormones, any abnormalities in the functioning of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland can shift the menstrual cycle, cause menstruation ahead of schedule or slow down its onset.

What is amenorrhea?

Absence of menstruation for 6 months or longer during reproductive age, i.e. 16-45 years in medicine is considered a deviation and is diagnosed amenorrhea. Amenorrhea is a sign of disruption of the female hormonal system at any level and is always accompanied by infertility. A long delay in menstruation may occur due to physiological, or psychological reasons. Amenorrhea can be triggered by inflammatory diseases of the woman’s genital organs, unexpected psychological stress, a serious change in diet, fasting, or a change in diet or menu.

Amenorrhea can be primary (when you have never had a period) and secondary (when you have had a period, but for some reason stopped). Primary amenorrhea often occurs in the absence of sexual development of a girl (in the case of a genetically determined underdevelopment of the hormonal system) or a delay in this development (as a result of severe illness and stress).

As for secondary amenorrhea, it can form against the background of poisoning, serious illnesses (for example, heart disease or tuberculosis), alcohol abuse, poor diet, stress, and various lesions of the endocrine glands.

How to induce menstruation and cure amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is treated with cyclic hormone therapy. That is why, before treatment, it is necessary to establish at what specific level of the hormonal system the failure occurred and why it occurred. To do this, the amount of hormones in the blood is determined and a full examination is carried out in order, first of all, to exclude tumors and cysts that are subject to surgical treatment. And only after this you can begin hormonal treatment. Cycles of hormonal therapy are carried out over 3-4 months, and then repeated with a break of 1-2 months for a long time.

But not every delay in menstruation is amenorrhea. If the menstrual cycle disturbance is minor - literally a few days - there is, in principle, no special reason for concern. The duration of a stable menstrual cycle for many women is about 32-34 days, for some women it is 23-25 ​​days - all this is the norm. But when menstruation occurs at different intervals each month, the cycle is different quantities days, if menstruation is absent for more than 40 days, treatment measures should be taken.

To induce menstruation during amenorrhea, the most commonly used treatment is healing herbs, in particular chamomile and elecampane herb.

Pharmaceutical camomile. The most widely known property of chamomile is its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the diuretic effect of chamomile flowers. However, few people know that chamomile, like shepherd’s purse and other medicinal herbs, has a positive effect on menstrual irregularities.

Douching with chamomile infusion is recommended for any inflammatory female diseases. Chamomile stimulates wound healing, is included in blood purification mixtures and significantly improves blood composition in case of long-term use. However, despite the mass of positive properties, it is still not worth using it arbitrarily, at your own discretion. Chamomile has contraindications.

Elecampane grass. This is very strong remedy traditional medicine, which causes menstruation, literally after a few doses. This is literally a salvation in cases where a remedy is needed to induce menstruation using folk remedies. In this case, a dose of 100 g is recommended. decoction twice a day.

In addition, they drink a decoction of elecampane and for pain in case of prolapse of the uterus; baths from a decoction of elecampane are useful for diseases of the uterus. According to many traditional healers, elecampane is a remedy that relieves melancholy, causeless fear and anxiety that arise from poor digestion.

Like any medicine, elecampane has contraindications:

  • 1. Elecampane in any form is very dangerous for pregnant women to take - after taking the decoction, an abortion can occur, literally in a few hours;
  • 2. Drinking the decoction is not recommended during menstruation - it can cause heavy bleeding.

Answering how soon and in general how to induce menstruation if there is a delay due to psychological reasons, we can safely say that with the help of herbs you can be cured in one or two weeks. It is possible to induce menstruation with the help of herbs in several doses of herbal medicinal mixtures, but treatment without determining the cause that caused the disruption of the monthly cycle can provoke negative consequences. To reduce the risk, it is recommended to take herbs that do not cause menstruation, but regulate the menstrual cycle - chamomile, calendula.

Premature periods “at will” – reality or fantasy?

If you have read carefully about amenorrhea and the menstrual cycle, then you already understand that with the development of modern pharmacology, menstruation “on demand” is quite accessible. But is it worth disrupting your menstrual cycle because of a simple desire to go to the sea, for example? It is possible to induce menstruation with medication at a time convenient for you, but no one can guarantee that your menstrual cycle will subsequently be completely restored. A woman’s body is a delicate, high-precision mechanism that is quite easy to knock out of normal activity, but to restore it is very difficult.

If you carefully look at the annotation and instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives, you will see that it gives recommendations for use for all occasions. This is because these cases have been verified through clinical trials. As for amateur performances and, so to speak, “unauthorized” use, no one can guarantee you anything.

Do not try to change your own monthly cycle under the influence of momentary desires - in this case you can suffer greatly.

Games with hormones

Drinking regularly hormonal birth control pills, with their help you can manage your menstrual cycle. The mechanism of how to induce menstruation with medication or cancel it altogether is simple. As you already know, in the first half of the cycle our body produces estrogens - hormones that are mainly produced by the follicular apparatus of the ovaries. And in the second half of the cycle - progesterones, the main hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries. His actions are aimed at preserving a possible pregnancy. In other words, menstruation begins precisely when progesterone levels drop. Naturally, with the help of hormonal drugs, its decline can be predicted.

To influence a woman’s hormonal levels, stabilize the processes of the regular onset of menstruation, and the timeliness of menstruation, many different drugs are used. Menstruation can be induced with medication, for example, “ Norkolut», « Duphaston», « Sometimes it happens that the regulation comes on the 3-6th day after stopping taking Duphaston or on the 3-4th day of the therapeutic course."and other drugs. However, before taking the pills, it is imperative to consult a doctor who can prescribe the drug that is suitable for you and its exact dosage. Remember that drugs that can cause menstruation ahead of schedule have contraindications, even if you do not take into account the individuality of each woman’s body!

Menstruation “on demand”

Another option for using oral contraceptives is “on demand” menstruation. Greater awareness of how oral contraceptives work and their widespread use gives women a sense of confidence that they can delay menstruation. Immediately after the end of the first, drinking the second package of the drug without a mandatory break of seven days, a woman can thereby cancel her period.

However, such an experiment is fraught with serious consequences, and will definitely not end well for a woman’s reproductive system if this method is used more than 1-2 times a year. Based on artificial fluctuations in female hormonal levels, the positive effect that will accompany the vacation can be very unpleasantly disappointing later, causing a lot of inconvenience, and even insoluble problems.

The use of hormonal pills to adjust the start date of menstruation is an unjustified step, which can only be used in cases of extreme necessity and always under the supervision of a gynecologist. The artificial creation of such vibrations should be carried out only for medical reasons.

How to bring your period closer or delay it with emergency contraception?

The most dangerous thing for accelerating or delaying menstruation is the use of drugs emergency contraception. For example, the use of such a serious drug as “ Postinor“can subsequently result in years of treatment for all sorts of problems with the menstrual cycle, and taking such a pill during pregnancy can result in a miscarriage, with all that ensues.

How to speed up your period without pills?

Typically, the action plan depends on the duration of the delay in menstruation. In some women, quite healthy, delays are caused by even the slightest stress. For others, delays occur 1-2 times a year in certain months. But you should hardly think about how to speed up the arrival of your period if there is a delay of several days.

But if the delay of menstruation bothers you greatly, you can try the following safest way to speed up the arrival of menstruation without pills. To do this, you can sit in enough hot bath for a while and then actively make love. Yes, yes - everything ingenious is, in fact, simple. An active rush of blood to the genital organs and the tone of the uterus can cause menstruation and somewhat accelerate its arrival.

If you are interested in how to speed up your periods, then the safest and most reliable substance for this is natural acid, elements located in parsley or lemon. Parsley is rich in vitamin C, which is necessary for the human body to fight infections, and can “visually” demonstrate how to bring your period closer. The same goes for lemon and ascorbic acid in tablets in prophylactic recommended doses. If you have a healthy, strong cardiovascular system, and you are not averse to workout, then this is an excellent time - physical activity in moderate quantities will help normalize the cycle.

How to induce menstruation using folk remedies?

Induce menstruation using folk remedies medicinal herbs quite simple, but you should know that some of the herbs that are used in this case have an abortifacient effect. Therefore, before doing anything, it is imperative to take a pregnancy test!

Herbs aimed at speeding up the onset of menstruation without pills can, in most cases, have an aphrodisiac effect ( parsley, for example), and sedative (for example, mint, lemon balm), and in some cases even have a poisonous effect. To regulate the monthly cycle, it is often used chamomile, although it also helps with heavy menstruation. At the right approach You can induce menstruation within 24 hours. Some recipes can help stabilize your cycle if your periods are irregular.

Many mothers, and especially grandmothers, know how to induce menstruation using folk remedies. Eg, parsley decoction, drinking half a glass a day in two doses for three to four days can bring your period closer. Used to speed up the arrival of menstruation when delayed infusion of a mixture of medicinal herbs: 3 parts (for example, teaspoons) of valerian root, and 4 parts each of mint leaves and chamomile flowers. The mixture of herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water, then steeped a little and drunk hot twice a day, half a glass. And here one or two lemons, which can be eaten two or three days before the start date of menstruation, on the contrary, delay the onset of menstruation by 3-5 days.

Recipes for inducing menstruation using folk remedies:

Recipe No. 1. Take 2 teaspoons of blue cornflower herb, chop and pour one glass of boiling water, cover the container with the infusion with a towel and leave to infuse for about 1 hour, then strain thoroughly. Drink cornflower infusion 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon shortly before meals.

Recipe No. 2. In the same way as cornflower, infuse 2 teaspoons of verbena flowers and herbs. The infusion is taken when menstruation is late, 50 grams three times a day. at once. Washing with vervain relieves itching in the vagina. Compresses are removed from it headache. But the use of verbena is contraindicated for pregnant women - it can cause abortion and associated bleeding.

Recipe No. 3. According to some traditional healers, the upper part of the gladiolus rhizome can cause menstruation at a rapid pace. Such a suppository, inserted into the vagina, is a very potent remedy that can induce menstruation within a few hours.

Recipe No. 4. If you take 50 gr. A decoction prepared from the root of elecampane taken internally can induce menstruation on the very first day of using the product. To prepare the decoction you need to take 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed elecampane root (sold at any pharmacy) into a glass of boiling water and continue to simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then you need to wrap the container with the broth, for example, in a towel, and leave for half an hour. You need to drink the decoction twice a day, taking 50 ml. Elecampane decoction has a bitter taste. And it can easily provoke an abortion, therefore it is contraindicated for pregnant women. And be sure to keep in mind that a large dose of elecampane can cause severe uterine bleeding, so you should not overdo it!

Recipe No. 5. Those who know the properties of carrot seeds know how to induce menstruation if they are late. To do this, you need to take dry carrot seeds orally before eating, literally 3-5 grams.

Recipe No. 6. Amenorrhea is treated with a decoction of fennel root; in addition to how to speed up menstruation, fennel also provides a diuretic effect. This will require 2 tbsp. spoons of root per 300 gr. water. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you should use only enamel dishes. Moreover, the capacity should be significantly larger than the volume of medicinal raw materials that you plan to receive, because initial stage When boiling, this decoction foams strongly. Pour boiling water over the raw material and keep it on low heat or in a boiling water bath for about 20-30 minutes. Cool the broth for 15 minutes at room temperature, filter and add boiled water to the original volume.

Medicinal folk recipes there are many, it’s up to you to decide which one to choose, but still, it is best to delegate this decision to a more competent person - a specialist in the field of gynecology. And you should definitely consult a doctor if your period does not come for more than a month. The gynecologist will not just advise how to speed up the arrival of menstruation if it is delayed with the help of medications (often “ Progesterone"), but will also conduct an examination that can reveal the true cause of the malfunction of the female body. A serious examination should be carried out in case of regular delays in menstruation.

In particular, it will be necessary to examine a urine test, a blood test for hormones, an ultrasound of the uterus and carry out other measures, depending on the specific situation. After all, in fact, it is not the absence of menstruation itself that is scary (especially if the woman does not plan to have a child in the near future). The reasons that led to their delay are terrible. After all, in the end, for example, premature menopause ensures the same premature aging. Do you need it?! Therefore, it is better to monitor the regularity of your menstrual bleeding carefully and, in case of obvious irregularities, do not be lazy to visit the antenatal clinic once again.

And it’s better not to experiment with the menstrual cycle; you’ll still have many years to ride this horse (your own body). There is no need to spur her on.

It happens that women desperately need their periods to start faster, but they don’t know how to speed them up. For this purpose, there are ways to speed up menstruation at home, moreover, you can use a folk recipe, or you can purchase pharmaceutical drugs, which significantly shorten the menstrual cycle and also provoke it to begin earlier than usual.

Reasons for delay

The main factor provoking a delay is a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Almost all representatives of the fair sex have experienced similar problems. In some cases, women experience amenorrhea, a problem in which a woman may not have periods for several months in a row. And also one of the main reasons is disturbances in the hormonal system. When the body lacks estrogen and progesterone, menstruation may not occur for months, and in some cases even years.

There are a number of other pathologies that capable of disrupting the cycle, these include:

  • ovarian cyst;
  • presence of tumors;
  • adnexitis;
  • sexual infections.

It is worth adding that the absence of critical days does not always indicate illness. In this regard, it is necessary to consider other reasons causing the delay include:

  • sudden change in weather or climatic conditions;
  • diet;
  • too little weight;
  • taking certain medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • physical activity or stress.

All these factors can influence the course of menstruation. In any case, if the delay lasts for a month or more, you should not think about how to speed up the menstrual cycle, but urgently seek help from medical institution to receive qualified assistance.


Naturally, women have their own secrets on how to speed up the end of menstruation. But it is necessary to understand that any interference in the body’s functioning can disrupt a woman’s hormonal levels, so using such methods on an ongoing basis is not recommended.

To hasten the onset of menstruation, you can take some medications, but it is worth considering that they have contraindications and side effects, so they must be taken with extreme caution. So, drugs that can cause menstruation are::

By the way, in order for your period to come 2-3 days earlier, you can use regular aspirin. The product is very easy to make; you just need to take two tablets and crush them thoroughly. Next, dilute the medicinal powder with a glass of water and drink it, it is better to do this before bed.

Traditional medicine

Many women are hesitant to speed up menstruation with pills, considering this method unsafe. And they use this option, how to speed up menstruation with folk remedies.

So, in order for menstruation to start earlier, you can make the following products:

These are just a few effective remedies that can help you get your period. But still, it is better not to disrupt the hormonal levels in women’s bodies, but to patiently wait for the natural process. After all, any intervention can negatively affect women’s health in the future.

Contraindications for use

There are cases in which it is strictly prohibited to interfere in any way with the natural menstrual cycle, as well as to influence the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Such contraindications include any diseases in the reproductive system, especially if there are pathologies of internal organs. It is impossible to adjust menstruation if the cycle comes irregularly, as well as for girls whose cycle has not yet been fully established.

In the presence of infectious diseases It is also extremely dangerous to provoke the appearance of menstruation. In addition, you cannot accelerate menstruation at high temperatures, which increase blood clots. If a woman is under stress, she should also refuse such manipulations. Even if there are no contraindications, all accelerating measures should be carried out with extreme caution.