What is a category of employee? Management team of the organization. Classification of employees as management and support personnel

Registration No. 30852

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2012 N 1270-r (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 31, Art. 4400), the Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary and government institutions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation of August 5, 2008 N 583 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 33, Art. 3852; N 40, Art. 4544; 2010, N 52, Art. 7104; 2012, N 21, Art. 2652; N 40, Art. 5456; 2013, No. 5, Art. 396), I order:

1. Establish a maximum share of remuneration for employees of administrative and managerial personnel of federal government budgetary institutions and federal state government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, in the wage fund of these institutions in the amount of no more than 40%.

2. Approve an approximate list of positions related to administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the appendix.

Minister M. Topilin


Approximate list of positions related to administrative and managerial personnel of federal state budgetary institutions and federal state government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

1. Archivist

2. Accountant

3. Leading accountant

4. Lead engineer

5. Leading HR specialist

6. Leading specialist-expert of the organizational and methodological department

7. Leading Economist

8. General Director

9. Chief accountant

10. Chief civil defense specialist

11. Chief construction specialist

12. Clerk

13. Director

14. Dispatcher

15. Document specialist

16. Head of the office

17. Deputy General Director

18. Deputy chief accountant

19. Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs

20. Deputy Director for Medical Affairs

21. Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work

22. Deputy head

23. Deputy Director for educational work

24. Deputy Director for Social Rehabilitation and Cultural Services

25. Human Resources Inspector

26. Information security engineer

27. HR inspector

28. Labor standards engineer

29. Cashier

30. Typist

31. Head of the contract department

32. Head, deputy head of the legal department

33. Head of Information and Analytical Department

34. Head of General Department

35. Head of organizational and methodological department

36. Head of Human Resources

37. Head of Capital Construction Department

38. Head of the logistics department

39. Head of the labor protection department

40. Head of personnel training department

41. Head of department (laboratory, sector) for information protection

42. Head of planning and economic department

43. Head of Legal Department

44. Head of Social Department

45. Head of financial department

46. ​​Head of the economic department

47. Vice-rector for administrative and economic work

48. Assistant to the Rector for General Affairs

49. Vice-rector for educational and scientific work

50. Rector

51. Leader

52. Secretary of the head

53. System administrator

54. Advisor

55. Civil defense specialist

56. Office Specialist

57. HR specialist

58. HR specialist

59. Specialist in educational and methodological work

60. Senior specialist - pension consultant of the social department

61. Programming technician

62. Scientific secretary of the institution’s council

63. Economist for labor organization and planning

64. Economist

The division of personnel is necessary in order to determine wages and correctly allocate personnel when determining personnel policies. What groups and categories can personnel be divided into? What documents should I use? We will talk about this in this article.

All employees, regardless of the functions they perform, act as personnel of a cultural institution. In other words, the staff is a work collective.

But despite the fact that all employees are included in the staff, each of them belongs to a specific category.

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Such a division is simply necessary and is primarily associated with the determination of wages, which is carried out within the framework of the tariff SOT.

What categories are the personnel divided into?

In modern legislation there is no clear formulation of such a concept as “categories of personnel”. However, there is a regulatory document that contains a separate section “Categories of Personnel”. This document is the “Instruction on statistics of the number and wages of workers and employees at enterprises, institutions and organizations.”

After reading the contents of Section No. 5, you can determine that the concept of “Personnel Categories” includes groups of workers who are united among themselves depending on the job functions they perform.

All employees of an organization are usually divided into two groups - employees and workers. Let's look at each of them in more detail. The first group combines several categories:

  1. Managers;
  2. Specialists;
  3. Other workers who are classified as employees

The first category includes employees holding positions of heads of institutions and heads of structural divisions, as well as their deputies. Their main function is management. In addition, all these employees have other employees subordinate to them.

  • secretary;
  • clerk;
  • courier and others.

In other words, these workers are called support personnel - VP.

The role of specialists is performed by persons participating in the management of the organization and engaged in various types of work, where the main share is allocated to intellectual work. This includes employees of the engineering and technical service, economic department and others.

Specialists are divided into two groups:

  • administrative and management personnel (AUP) – specialists performing management functions. The result of their activities is information, which is almost impossible to do without in management. These include assistants, accountants, marketers, analysts and others;
  • engineering and technical workers (E&T) - whose activities are aimed at obtaining design, technological or design information in the field of technology and production techniques. These are engineers, technologists, designers and others.

The second group - workers, includes workers whose activities are directly related to the creation material assets, carrying out repair work, providing various types services:

  • transport;
  • material and others.

Dividing personnel into categories is very important point. It allows you to calculate wages for employees of an institution. Thanks to this division, it is much easier to carry out the placement of personnel in the case of determining personnel policy.

What documents to use when dividing personnel into categories and groups

Law No. 90-FZ introduced changes regarding professional qualification groups. These include groups of workers and employee positions, the formation of which takes into account the field of activity, as well as all the requirements necessary for the implementation of a particular professional activity.

If we talk about requirements, they usually relate to professional training and skill level.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation has issued several orders approving professional qualification groups and criteria for classifying professions and positions into qualification professional groups

According to these documents, all positions and professions are conditionally divided into several qualification groups:

  • professions of workers and positions of employees that do not require vocational education;
  • professions of workers and positions of employees requiring primary or secondary vocational education, as well as heads of structural units that require initial vocational education;
  • positions of employees requiring higher professional education with the qualification “bachelor”, and positions of heads of structural divisions requiring secondary vocational education;
  • employee positions requiring higher professional education with the qualification “certified specialist” or qualification “master”, as well as heads of structural units with a higher education.

Regulatory documents, defining categories of personnel, can be combined into two groups - industry-wide and sociocultural.

The second includes documents that relate specifically to the cultural sphere.

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All categories of personnel are important, because everyone knows the fact that personnel decides everything. Personnel are the main resource of any organization. The quality of services and products that the company supplies to the market depends on the work of its employees. To avoid costs, it is important to understand what the composition and number of personnel of the organization should be. These indicators are determined depending on the volume of consumer demand. The right approach to personnel selection provides the company with high competitiveness.

Main categories of personnel and their characteristics

According to the All-Russian Classifier of Professions and Positions, all enterprise personnel are divided into two main categories. Classification of personnel by category:

  • workers' professions;
  • employee positions.

Working professions are not popular enough, especially among young people, but they still remain very common. Representatives included in this group are mainly divided into the following types of workers:

  1. support staff. This division of the above personnel classification includes those who service production (driver, cleaner, secretary, etc.).
  2. main personnel - those who are directly involved in the production process (turner, seamstress, etc.).

Officials are also divided into types:

  • managers (director, chief specialists, etc.);
  • technical performers (secretaries, forwarders, etc.);
  • specialists (engineers, lawyers, economists, etc.).

Additionally, there is a classifier of positions and professions, that is, both workers and employees are divided into different types personnel.
Worker classification:

  • types of production and work (wool production or well drilling);
  • tariff categories (1-8);
  • qualification classes (1-3);
  • forms and systems of remuneration (simple, piecework, bonus);
  • working conditions (normal, difficult and harmful);
  • degree of labor mechanization (manual, automatic);
  • derivative professions (senior, assistant).

Employee positions are classified according to the following criteria:

  • category of positions (manager, specialist);
  • derivative positions (chief, junior, second, district);
  • qualification class (first, third, highest).

Of course, few people delve into such a concept as classification of enterprise personnel. And, perhaps, this is the first time you have heard about the existence of the All-Russian Classifier of Professions and Positions.

What influences category membership?

For most people, personnel categories depend on educational level. Therefore, one of the important criteria for the employer is that the employee has a certain education. At the same time, an important indicator is the presence of experience in a specific area. Of course, there are positions that can be filled without having any work experience or education. Regardless of the employee’s classification, all categories of employees work in accordance with labor laws.

We discussed various groups of personnel. Now it is important to consider the organizational structure of the enterprise.
Of course, it is important to understand that enterprise structures are completely different. For example, the structure of a company engaged in production metal doors, will differ significantly from the enterprise retail sales goods for children.

How to manage different categories of personnel?

There are several main types of organizational structures for managing an organization:

  • linear;
  • functional;
  • linear – functional;
  • divisional;
  • matrix

Each of the presented structures represents a clear system with its own rules.

Linear organizational management structure

With linear management, there is a clear distinction - who carries out whose instructions and is responsible for what. To achieve a certain result, the manager gives a specific assignment to a specific employee. In turn, this employee transfers specific instructions to other employees, that is, he assigns one task to one, another task to another, and so on. But in the end there should be one overall result. Thus, each performer is responsible for performing work on a specific assignment from a specific superior employee.

With such a structure, there is a high risk that if somewhere someone executes an order incorrectly, the result will not be the same. There is a very high responsibility for the correctness of the task. If someone suddenly gets sick, it will be difficult to immediately replace him without damaging the production process. The biggest disadvantage of such a system is that if suddenly there is a need to make adjustments, you won’t have to count on efficiency. This structure is convenient to use in small organizations.

Functional and linearly functional organizational structure of management

The implementation of individual tasks is assigned to a separate unit specializing in a separate type of activity. The headquarters, consisting of line and functional managers, coordinates orders and transfers them to the performers. This structure allows functional managers to relieve themselves of part of the burden. The line manager, on the contrary, is busier, since he has to take part in the interaction of functional managers with executive departments. At the same time, performers carry out instructions from both the line manager and the functional one, which leads to difficulties in mutual agreement, that is, instructions may diverge, for example, in terms of priority. There is a decrease in responsibility and the risk of delays in obtaining the final result. There are also difficulties in coordinating activities, and it is impossible to quickly resolve issues that arise during the execution of work.

With this system, the main figure is the head of the department.

The line manager gives instructions to the functional manager, and he, through his assistants, distributes instructions among the performers. With this organizational structure HR management increases responsibility for the results of each department, which entails a weakening of the relationship between these departments. As a result, it is difficult to understand whether the organization's work will be completed correctly and on time.

Divisional and matrix management structure

With this management structure, the decisive role is given to the heads of the unit. The head of the unit bears full responsibility for the performance of the work for which the unit is responsible. At the same time, functional managers also report to the head of the production unit.
A project manager and responsible executives in each department are also appointed. The line manager assigns a specific project to each project manager. The project manager establishes who and in what time frame must complete this or that work that will lead to the completion of the task set by the line manager regarding a specific project.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of organizational management structures, but all of them are not perfect. Therefore, organizations are forced to develop their structures by improving existing structures that will most beneficially contribute to development. The larger the organization, the more complex the structure and the more it needs to be constantly refined.

The advantages of this or that structure are necessarily the ability to quickly make decisions and make changes in the progress of work. It is important that you can clearly trace the area of ​​responsibility of each employee.
You can clearly see the complexity using the example of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. Just think about the entire scale of activity, how many people of different categories are involved so that we can receive high-quality medical service. Of course, changes will be constantly made to the work of the ministry, which is what we are seeing. New diseases, new treatment methods, new specialties appear. Take the composition of specialists working in clinics in 1980 and now, of course, we will notice that there are more of them.

To effectively manage an organization, it is necessary to understand that different times There are different periods in the development of an organization. Either we can observe the greatest leap in development, then a slower one, or a period of stagnation may occur. It is during times of increased demand that we must not forget to review the organization’s management structure. Otherwise, there will be a possibility of missing something, then the organization will begin to lose its established competitiveness, and there will be a decline in demand.

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Personnel (labor personnel) of an enterprise is the main composition of qualified workers of an enterprise, company, or organization.

Typically, an enterprise's workforce is divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production departments. Production personnel - workers engaged in production and its maintenance make up the bulk of the enterprise’s labor resources.

Categories of production personnel

The largest and most basic category of production personnel is workers enterprises (firms) - persons (employees) directly involved in the creation of material assets or work to provide production services and move goods.

Workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Support workers include workers engaged in maintaining equipment and workplaces in production workshops, as well as all workers of auxiliary workshops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, housekeeping, warehouse, etc.

Managers- employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists ~ employees with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as employees who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

Employees - workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, business services (agents, cashiers, clerks, secretaries, statisticians, etc.).

Junior service personnel - persons holding positions in the care of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as in servicing workers and employees (couriers, delivery boys, etc.).

The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes personnel structure enterprise, workshop, site. The personnel structure can also be determined by such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, work experience, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, etc.

Professional - qualification structure of personnel

The professional and qualification structure of personnel is formed under the influence of the professional and qualification division of labor. Under profession usually understand species (genus) labor activity, requiring certain preparation. Qualification characterizes the extent to which workers have mastered a given profession and is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories. Tariff categories and categories are also indicators characterizing the level of complexity of work.

In relation to the nature of professional preparedness of workers, such a concept as speciality, determining the type of work activity To within the same profession (for example, the profession is a turner, and the specialty is a lathe-borer, a turner-carousel operator).

Differentiation in specialties for the same working profession is most often associated with the specifics of the equipment used.

Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there is a change in the number and specific gravity individual professions, etc. professional groups of production personnel. The number of engineering and technical workers and specialists is increasing at a faster pace compared to the growth in the number of workers, with a relative stability in the share of managers and technical performers. The growth in the number of these categories of workers is due to the expansion and improvement of production, its technical equipment, changes in the industry structure, and the emergence of jobs in which it is necessary engineering training, as well as the increasing complexity of products. It is obvious that this trend will continue in the future.

Planning the number and composition of personnel

Personnel requirements are planned separately by groups and categories of workers. When planning the number of personnel at an enterprise, a distinction is made between attendance and payroll.

Turnout - the number of employees who actually show up for work during the day.

Categories of organization personnel

IN payroll includes all permanent and temporary employees, including those on business trips, vacations, and military training.

The attendance number of workers is calculated, and their payroll number is determined by adjusting the attendance number using a coefficient that takes into account planned absences from work.

In practice, two methods are used to determine the required number of workers:

1) according to the labor intensity of the production program;

2) according to service standards.

The first method is used to determine the number of workers employed in regulated work, the second - when determining the number of workers employed in non-standardized work, mainly auxiliary workers. The number of engineers and employees is determined according to the staffing table.

Indicators of personnel dynamics and composition

The staff of an enterprise in terms of size and level of qualifications is not a constant value; it changes all the time: some workers are fired, others are hired. To analyze (reflect) changes in the number and composition of personnel, various indicators are used.

Average number of employees (R) determined by the formula:

Where P 1, R 2, R 3, … R 11, R 12— number of employees by month.

Frame acceptance rate ( K p) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired by the enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of personnel for the same period:

Where R p— number of hired employees, people; — average number of personnel, people.

The staff attrition rate (Ar) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period:

Where R uv— number of dismissed workers, people; — average number of personnel, people.

Personnel stability coefficient (K s) It is recommended to use when assessing the level of organization of production management both at the enterprise as a whole and in individual divisions:

Where R'uv - number of employees who left the enterprise at their own request and due to violation of labor discipline during the reporting period, people; average number of employees at this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period, people: R p— number of newly hired employees during the reporting period, people.

Staff turnover rate (K t) is determined by dividing the number of employees of an enterprise (workshop, site) who left or were dismissed during a given period of time by the average number of employees for the same period:

Where R uv— number of retired or dismissed employees, people; R? — average number of personnel, people.


"LABOR RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISEOrganization of labor at the enterprise"

Line staff

This includes:

  • sellers;
  • cashiers;
  • workers;
  • operators;
  • waiters;
  • consultants;
  • clerks;
  • doctors;
  • teachers and many others.

Selection of line personnel

Recruiting line personnel is a very difficult and problematic job. This is due, first of all, to the high turnover of line personnel, which is caused by relatively low wages.

In addition, the number of applicants for such positions is usually very large, but most applicants are considered this work only as a temporary one. For example, during student holidays or until you can get a higher paying job.

The third problem lies in the fact that line personnel can be divided into two parts:

  • unskilled workers - sellers, cashiers, laborers;
  • workers with special knowledge and skills - teachers, doctors, mechanics, bank employees.

The problem lies in the fact that it is very difficult to find a worker with highly specialized skills for a permanent job with a low level of payment.

Line personnel management

To manage line personnel, an organizational structure of the same name is usually used.

What categories are the personnel divided into?

Its peculiarity is that each department is headed by one manager, who is subordinate to a superior. At the same time, everyone follows the instructions only of their immediate superior and is also accountable only to him. Such a system provides subordinates with clear and interconnected tasks and instructions. At the same time, there are no problems with reporting and the unity of functioning of the entire vertical is ensured.

The disadvantage linear system personnel management is that the manager, without the presence of additional experts and specialists in various fields, must be absolutely competent in all the nuances of the production process. This often leads to overload. Yes, and such a system is only suitable for controlling lower levels small businesses with a narrow range of tasks to be solved.

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In reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of individual sectors of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production sectors), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees.

From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees.

ConsultantPlus: note.

By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 367, the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades OK 016-94 was put into effect on January 1, 1996.

When distributing workers by personnel categories in statistical reporting on labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades (OKPDTR), approved by the USSR State Standard 08.27.86 N 016.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

classifier of workers' professions;

classifier of employee positions, which contains positions of managers, specialists and employees.

33. Workers include persons directly involved in the process of creating wealth, as well as those engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, providing material services, etc. In OKPDTR, the professions of workers are listed in section 1.

Workers, in particular, include persons employed:

33.1. management, regulation and monitoring of the operation of machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as directly managing or servicing machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the work of these workers is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.2. production of material assets by hand, as well as with the help of simple mechanisms, devices, tools;

33.3. construction and repair of buildings, structures, installation and repair of equipment, repair Vehicle;

33.4. moving, loading or unloading raw materials, materials, finished products;

33.5. at work on receiving, storing and sending goods in warehouses, bases, storerooms and other storage facilities;

33.6. care of machines, equipment, maintenance of production and non-production premises;

33.7. sinking of surface and underground mine workings, drilling, testing, sampling and development of wells, geological surveying, prospecting and other types of geological exploration work, if their labor is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.8. machinists, drivers, stokers, switch post attendants, track and artificial structure linemen, loaders, conductors, workers repairing and maintaining transport lines, communication lines, repairing and maintaining equipment and vehicles, tractor drivers, mechanics, crop and livestock workers ;

33.9. postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, radio operators, telecom operators;

33.10. operators of computers and electronic computers;

Personnel classification

janitors, cleaners, couriers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.

34. Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code of 1, refers to managers.

Leaders, in particular, include:

directors (general directors), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, work performers at enterprises, structural units and divisions;

main specialists: Chief Accountant, chief dispatcher, Chief Engineer, chief mechanic, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, chief researcher, chief editor;

state inspectors.

Specialists include workers engaged in engineering, technical, economic and other work, in particular, agronomists, administrators, accountants, geologists, dispatchers, engineers, inspectors, proofreaders, mathematicians, mechanics, standard setters, editors, auditors, psychologists, sociologists, technicians, commodity experts, physiologists, artists, economists, energy specialists, legal advisers.

36. Other workers classified as employees are workers involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, business services, in particular, agents, archivists, attendants, clerks, cashiers, collectors, commandants, controllers (not classified as workers) , copyists of technical documentation, secretaries - typists, caretakers, statisticians, stenographers, timekeepers, accountants, draftsmen.

Human resources of an enterprise are the main resource of each enterprise, the quality and efficiency of which largely determines the results of the enterprise's activities and its competitiveness. The difference between human resources and other types of enterprise resources lies in the fact that each hired employee can refuse the conditions offered to him and demand changes in working conditions and modification of work that is unacceptable from his point of view, retraining in other professions and specialties, and can finally resign from the company for of your own free will.

Labor resources- this is the part of the working-age population that has the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience for work in the national economy. Labor resources include both employed and potential workers.

Work force– is a person’s ability to work, i.e. the totality of its physical and intellectual data that can be used in production. In practice, the workforce is characterized by indicators of health, education and professionalism.

Human capital– a set of qualities that determine productivity and can become sources of income for an individual, family, enterprise and society. These qualities include health, natural abilities, education, professionalism and mobility.

Labor potential– this is part of a person’s potential, which is formed on the basis of natural data (abilities), education, upbringing and life experience.

Components of labor potential:

1. Health. Lost work time due to illness and injury. Costs of ensuring personnel health;

2. Morality and ability to work in a team. Losses from conflicts;

3. Creativity. Number of inventions, patents, entrepreneurship;

4. Activity;

5. Organized. Losses from violation of discipline. Performance;

6. Education. Costs for staff development;

7. Professionalism.

Classification of enterprise personnel

Product quality, losses from defects;

8. Working time resources. Number of employees, number of hours of work per year per 1 employee.

Enterprise personnel (personnel, labor collective) this is the totality of employees included in its payroll.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups:

industrial production personnel, engaged in production and its maintenance. It includes all employees of the main, auxiliary, auxiliary and service workshops; research, design, technological organizations and laboratories on the balance sheet of the enterprise; plant management with all departments and services, as well as services involved in capital and current repairs equipment and vehicles of the enterprise;

non-industrial personnel, mainly employed in social sphere activities of the enterprise. This includes workers in trade and public catering, housing, medical and health institutions, educational institutions and courses, pre-school education and cultural institutions on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

According to the nature of the functions performed, industrial production personnel (IPP) are divided into four categories: workers, managers, specialists and technical performers (employees).

Workers These are workers directly involved in the production of products (services), repairs, movement of goods, etc. These also include cleaners, janitors, cloakroom attendants, and security guards.

Depending on the nature of participation in the production process, workers, in turn, are divided into main (producing products) and auxiliary (serving the technological process).

Managers employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions (functional services), as well as their deputies. They are divided into linear , heading relatively separate units, and functional , heading functional departments and services (for example, the head of the workshop and the head of the personnel department).

Specialists– workers performing engineering, technical, economic and other functions. These include engineers, economists, accountants, sociologists, legal advisers, standard setters, technicians, etc.

Technical performers (employees)– workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, business services (clerks, secretaries-typists, timekeepers, draftsmen, copyists, archivists, agents, etc.).

Junior service personnel– persons holding positions in the care of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as in servicing workers and employees (couriers, delivery boys, etc.).

The ratio of the listed categories of workers to their total number, expressed as a percentage, is called personnel structure.

Depending on the nature of work activity, enterprise personnel are divided into professions, specialties and skill levels.

Profession a certain type of human activity (occupation), determined by the totality of knowledge and work skills acquired as a result of special training.

Speciality type of activity within a particular profession that has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from employees.

For example: economist-planner, economist-accountant, economist-financier, economist-labor worker within the profession of economist. Or: fitter, fitter, plumber within the working profession of a mechanic.

Qualification- the degree and type of professional training of the employee, his knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform work or functions of a certain complexity, which is displayed in qualification (tariff) categories and categories.

The personnel structure can also be determined by age, gender, level of education, length of service, qualifications and other characteristics.

Personnel Management– this is a comprehensive, targeted impact on teams and individual employees in the direction of ensuring optimal conditions for creative, proactive, constructive work to achieve the goals of the organization.

Personnel Management is associated with the development and implementation of personnel policy, the main goals of which are:

— meeting the enterprise’s personnel needs;

— ensuring rational placement, professional qualifications and job promotion of personnel;

efficient use labor potential of the enterprise.

The implementation of these goals involves the performance of many functions, namely:

— planning, recruitment and deployment of labor, including selection, orientation and adaptation;

— education, training and retraining of workers, advanced training;

— personnel assessment (conducting employee certification, promotion and career management);

— determination of conditions of employment, labor and payment;

— work motivation and discipline;

— ensuring formal and informal connections, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;

— implementation of social functions (preferential meals at the enterprise, assistance to the family, organization of recreation, etc.);

— control over labor safety.

Work with personnel at the enterprise is carried out by all line managers, as well as some functional departments and managers: the personnel department, the labor and wages department, the technical training department, and personnel managers (directors, managers).

Managing people is important for all organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service industries. Without trained personnel, no organization can achieve its goals and survive.

Human resources management is one of the most important aspects in the activities of an organization, therefore it is necessary that all managers at any level of management know and skillfully use the ways and methods of managing people.

Despite the fact that over the past few decades the prestige of blue-collar professions has declined significantly and every year thousands of young people across the country receive degrees in law and economics, the situation is gradually improving. The fact is that if no one works with their hands, and everyone is a manager, then the production of anything will simply be impossible. In addition, a highly skilled worker can earn much more than his white-collar peer, while avoiding so-called professional burnout.

The main differences between a worker and an employee

First of all, employees differ from workers in that their performance job responsibilities does not involve physical labor. In most cases, the execution of a task assigned to an employee does not necessarily have to be carried out in accordance with some established algorithm of actions. This provides an opportunity for representatives of this social group to approach their daily work creatively. An employee can be involved in industry (engineers, energy), and in the government apparatus (all kinds of officials), and in education (professors, graduate students), and in trade (managers, merchandisers). Remuneration for employees in most cases is a fixed salary + bonuses for specific projects.

The working class traditionally includes all those who earn their living physical labor. Its representatives are miners, electrolyzer workers, drivers, and people employed in conveyor production. Wage The worker is most often given a piece-rate bonus. In order to start your career in one of the working professions, you do not need to obtain a higher education - it is enough to graduate from a vocational school (nowadays such educational institutions are more often called “lyceum”) or a technical school, and in some cases, complete secondary education is sufficient.

Peculiarities of labor of workers and employees

The vast majority of employees work 40 hours a week, for example from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a five-day week. working week. The worker may have the same schedule, or may have a shift schedule, in which one shift lasts 6, 8, 12 or 24 hours and can begin in the morning, afternoon or evening.

An employee's place of work is most often an office in which he creates an intellectual product, using computer equipment and without being subjected to heavy loads. Workplace a representative of the working class is a workshop, a mine, a special equipment cabin; there, using mechanical tools of labor, a person creates a truly calculable product.

Sometimes almost any employee is forced to undergo work time strong emotional stress. In contrast, a worker at the end of his shift can afford to forget about everything connected with his professional activity, but only until the start of the next shift.