What is SEO optimization. Basic SEO: What You Need to Know About Search Engine Marketing. Increasing importance of SEO internal optimization

Hundreds of thousands of pages may contain an answer to a user’s key query, but most likely only the first ten will be viewed. Therefore, getting into the TOP 10 means achieving success in business promotion. To do this, you need to understand the differences and connections between internal and external optimization, what are the features and advantages of each.

SEO optimization tools

Internal SEO optimization of the site

Internal optimization consists of:

  • In a competent and internet site. For greater efficiency, keys are written in the Title, in the names of pages or sections. Use tags and meta tags. The number of characters of content on a page, which you need to be able to calculate, is extremely important.
  • In promoting the page by title, description, keywords, headings and captions for pictures. Everything matters - theme, size, water content and uniqueness.
  • Properly composed, which should accurately characterize the subject matter and activities of the resource using keywords.
  • The need to work on internal structure web resource, in a carefully designed site map. Check and remove duplicate pages, extra Title and broken links, eliminate all technical errors.
  • With special attention to usability– the most important SEO tool. Your Internet resource should work quickly, have a high-quality project design, formatting and be user-friendly.
  • A professional is needed to increase the attractiveness of a resource for search engines and readers. If the site contains articles that are unattractive to machines and uninteresting to visitors, then you should not hope for promotion. Using SEO copywriting techniques, unique articles are written using keywords. But to increase the ranking and attractiveness of the site, constant updating of unique content is necessary. When the optimizer ranks, those pages or websites where the text content is more literate and real appear in the first results. SEO analysis shows that resources that use SEO copywriting occupy higher positions in the rankings than texts written for robots.
  • In constant work on the text, page relevance And image optimization.
  • In the implementation, the purpose of which is to increase the statistical weight of pages within the project. It is better to promote the main page by HF requests, while it is better to equip secondary pages with mid-frequency SCH requests, internal thematic links that will connect all the pages of the site in a circle.

Off-page SEO optimization

  • External optimization determines number of quality links to your website, which are located on third-party sources. Google's ratio of the number of links to their quality is called PR, and Yandex uses a thematic citation index TIC.
  • The external optimization tool is external linking, which allows you to place links to another on the pages of any site. The trick is to redirect users to another web resource, which improves its performance. But if partner sites exchange links, then such optimization methods become worthless. Linking is needed so that participants do not intersect or refer to each other. The link that has a thematic key is preferable to which search engines respond, which has a positive impact on website ranking. High-frequency queries (HF) have the maximum weight on the main page, so proper placement of the link in a suitable place guarantees an increase in the resource’s ranking.
  • Links increase traffic by users of this resource and contribute to the growth of rankings in search engines, increasing their mass should be done gradually, without sudden jumps. In order for the link to be natural, you need to carefully analyze the site from which you are purchasing it. If previously the acquisition of link mass with the necessary anchors from influential and ranking sites was welcomed, now it is a weakly working promotion tool.
  • External SEO optimization involves... Particular attention should be paid to those websites whose age, volume, and SEO indicators are not up to par, but whose user traffic is comparable to that of their main competitors. To do this, you need to determine the competition in your thematic niche and use competition assessment programs for search queries. Determine external links to the resource, visitors and keywords and internal optimization of competitor sites. Of course, this is painstaking work, but in the future it can bring additional profit for your business.

How to achieve success in promotion?

In addition to SEO optimization tools for continuously improving your website for users and search engines, for development and success in promotion you need:

  1. Have an interest in online business. To bring a resource to the top of the search results, you should be interested in the process of its promotion as a whole.
  2. Deal only with familiar topics, then it will be easier for you to navigate thematic promotion. Remember that competent, well-readable unique texts have long been distinguished by search engines and attract new potential buyers to the site’s pages.
  3. Do not step on your own or similar rakes. Repeatedly analyze other people's and your own failures and, of course, successes. Other people's successful promotions in your topic after conversion to your own resource will definitely bring dividends.
  4. Carry out simple, uncomplicated innovations. This is the only way you can stand out and win the favor of many users. An unusual event or a charismatic angle on quite familiar things will be sufficient.
  5. In addition to large popular topics, use less popular ones. It is the latter that often work in a viral manner. Users love to jump from one resource to another site in search of something new, interesting or more complete information. An unusual angle and new products often, thanks to viral content, bring the site to higher positions and increase income.

Types and comparison of online advertising

After SEO optimization, you should think about increasing sales, attracting customers and creating a positive image of your resource using online advertising.

SEO (search engine optimization of website)

The ultimate goal of the CEO is to acquire interested visitors to the resource. There are several benefits of such advertising:
  • Reaching a huge number of visitors by searching for information, goods and services through search engines;
  • Compared to other types of online advertising, the price of attracting an audience to the site is relatively inexpensive;
  • Due to the natural results of search engines, more high level user trust in the resource;
  • Through proper optimization, interested users are immediately taken to landing pages.

This type of advertising is published on websites or on search engine resources, taking into account the thematic area, according to the interests and preferences of the user, therefore its advantages are:
  • A very quick opportunity to get an interested audience;
  • Due to parameter settings, advertising is shown only to target visitors;
  • Pay only for a user click on an ad;
  • Available tracking of the effect of contextual advertising.

The disadvantages include: attracting targeted visitors costs a lot of money, setting up effective contextual advertising requires experience and skills, and with plugins that block advertising for the user, your ad will become inaccessible to him.

Such advertising on social networks takes the form of ads with images and is offered in two forms - pay-per-impression and pay-per-click. It works well to increase sales of both new and established products and services. Targeted advertising can be used to inform and promote brands. Another advantage is the targeted impact on a group of people through flexible settings. The disadvantages of targeted advertising are exactly the same as those of contextual advertising. If you fail to customize for the target audience, you can waste your entire budget.

This is an advertising, usually commercial appeal to a specific audience through email. The main goals of email marketing are to increase trust in the company, provide information about products or services, and attract new customers and clients. Through email newsletters, business relationships with subscribers or clients are consolidated. Taking into account the pros and cons of various types of online advertising, you can always find the optimal one that will allow you to achieve your goals. Try and experiment, evaluate the result.

Viral advertising

A minimal investment in viral advertising can yield amazing results. By distributing free and interesting information with hidden advertising, you receive a huge number of visitors who may well turn out to be your clients. Viral advertising has two disadvantages - the creation of a truly creative product, and after losing relevance there is an immediate decline in the audience.

Display advertising

Banner or display advertising is one of the most common and effective advertising on the Internet. Its advantages are:
  • Extensive coverage of possible buyers;
  • Increase in sales volumes of popular products and promotion of new or innovative services and goods;
  • Banner advertising works well in promoting brands and carrying out all kinds of promotions.

The disadvantage is the high cost of attracting each client, since payment is made not for results, but for the number of impressions.


SEO or search engine optimization– all these are names for the same type of Internet promotion (along with SMM, contextual advertising and e-mail marketing). Unlike others, SEO is aimed at getting free traffic from search engines to our site, which is why it is so popular. It is called SEO promotion, SEO optimization, SEO, and SEO promotion, but the essence does not change.

How does SEO work? What's the best way to promote your company online? Is it better to promote everything yourself or leave website promotion to a specialist?

I will answer all these questions in this article, because over the past 4 years, working with dozens of client projects, I have had to solve all these questions for myself and many others.

For more convenient reading, I have made an interactive table of contents for you - click and you will find yourself right there.

Why do you need SEO - website optimization and promotion?

Along the way, I will insert screenshots from my presentation.

SEO (" search engine optimization») - This website optimization for search engines. The main search engines in our market are Yandex and Google. We must optimize our website so that it ranks first for the queries that interest us. This is what they call be in the top in search engines.

Every day, people make more than 100 billion queries on Yandex and Google around the world. Each search query forces the search engine to look for an answer to it. Moreover, search engines must provide the most relevant, useful and reliable answers for the user.

The basic concept of a search engine has not changed for many years. And it is based on the rule:

The best and most complete answer must be given to the user's request.

Few people in the SEO business do everything right, because it is a lot of work. I do.

How does a search engine know which answer to a query is best?

If we briefly talk about the work of search engines, it looks like this - the search engine, in response to a query, looks for articles on the Internet in which phrases with this query are more often used. At the same time, the site on which this article is located must inspire the trust of search engines and match the subject of this request.

Every year, search engines become wiser and look not only and not so much for keywords on pages, but also determine the relevance of the entire text to the request. Relevance – compliance with the request.

The second most important factor for a search engine is behavioral factors. There is information that the inclusion of a key query in the title (header) of the page plus an average time of more than three minutes among users who came to the site through this page gives a position in the TOP 10 for almost any query. So our text on the site should not only be written according to the rules, but also involve the user and captivate his attention.

And the last factor, which is very important now, is the mobile optimization of the site. The site design should be adaptive, the font on mobile should be large, menus should be hidden under a button, etc.

Therefore, most simple steps to get traffic to your website:

  1. You should know what requests there are. The most obvious request is not always the most interesting and converting one.
  2. You must make a page on the site for the request you need.
  3. You must answer the user's question in a request within the document.
  4. You must get recognition of this document the best from outside (from other sites on this topic). Or imitate it.

The Role of Content in SEO

Plays the most important role in SEO promotion content. Content is text, photographs, videos, that is, any content of your site.

See for yourself, if you don’t have content, what should a search engine show to the user?

But the content should not be written on any topic, but on a specific one and written not just anyhow, but correctly. We must write on topics that are interesting to our target audience. Then we have a chance to get on our site exactly those who want to use our services.

Let's look at an example. If you have a travel agency and you write a text about China in general, then schoolchildren may come to your site and write a report about it. Therefore, you need to write about the real problems of your clients: “What to take with you to China,” “How to apply for a visa to China,” and so on.

Ideal scheme for SEO promotion Your business will therefore be structured like this: I find topics and develop the structure of articles for SEO, and you answer my questions and share what only professionals in their field know - details on each topic. The result is an interesting, useful and SEO-optimized article.

Of course, a search engine will not be able to determine which dance school is the best, since sometimes a person cannot determine this. The search engine does not see the dance schools themselves, it sees their websites and tracks the behavior of users on them (if they are happy, then everything is ok, but if not...). Its place depends on the quality of the site and its specific page.

I make quality content together with you, and you get the result.

Internal and external search engine optimization.

SEO website promotion divided into external and internal. External is what we do outside the site to show that it is worthy of the top, and internal is what we do inside.

About the role of links in SEO promotion. The first days of Yandex and Google

Idea PageRank And TIC- early ranking algorithms of Google and Yandex - come from Einstein. When Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford, they noticed how often scientific research Famous works are cited, for example, the theory of relativity. The more references your work has had, the more important it should be. If they were to upload every scientific article online and look at the references, they could theoretically decide which documents are the most important and rank them.

They realized that citations could be used to analyze documents on the Internet and rank them in a similar way, and instead of citations, links could be used. So they set about trying to "download" (or crawl) the entire Internet to find out which sites were being linked to the most. The sites with the most links were, in theory, the best sites. And if you searched for the word "university", you can find pages that talk about "university" and rank them.

Each site, depending on the number of links to it on the Internet, was given its own rating - TIC (by Yandex) and PageRank (Google) and, depending on this rating, the pages of these sites were ranked higher or lower. That is why, in the early days of search engine development, links played such a big role.

Google and Yandex today

Now search engines work much the same as they do today, although the algorithms have become much more complex. For example, not all links have the same weight. A link from a reputable site is much more valuable than a link from a non-authoritative site. A link from Wikipedia is probably worth about 10,000 links from sites that have no weight.

Google's ultimate goal is to find the "best" (or most popular) web page for any specific query you enter into the search bar.

All this means that we have only two main goals:

1. We need to let Google know what our page is about.

2. We must show that we are the best in this topic.

If we do this, we will win. To do this, we will follow a very simple algorithm that works every time with less effort than you think.

You can read more about how search engines work in my old article -.

Increasing importance of SEO internal optimization.

A competent SEO specialist knows that at the moment external optimization has little effect on search results, but internal optimization on the contrary – very strongly. That’s why SEOs spend 90% of their working time on it.

What do we do for internal website optimization? We are improving our site! So we get double benefit from this work.

This work includes:

  • Writing articles for the website (we have already discussed this)
  • Competent linking
  • Work on technical requirements search engine for SEO
  • Working on Behavioral Factors

I work on all of this on client projects first. If you need full-fledged SEO promotion, then contact me.

Keywords and their role in SEO optimization

The first step to getting our site to rank is to let Google know what our site is about. To do this, we need to target all our pages (and it’s better to start with the main page) for specific keywords and their forms.

Where are we for this looking for our keywords?

First of all, in the head. We sketch out a rough outline of all the keywords for our business by brainstorming with our team. As a result, we should have a very decent list.

Now we go with this list to Yandex-wordstat. This is a Yandex service that helps you find out how many times our keyword is requested by people on average per month in Yandex. Google has its own analogue - (registration in Google is required)

It makes sense to divide the key phrases of your business into 3 types:

HF ( high frequency) queries – the most requested word (words, phrases) in a specific topic (most popular queries). LF ( low frequency) requests – words and phrases that are requested with low frequency. midrange ( mid-frequency) request – something between LF and HF

Frequency– the number of times this word is requested on average per month during the year. Typically, LF is requested 50-1000 times, MF - up to 3000 times, HF - more than 3 thousand times. But these numbers depend on the topic.

For each type of key you need to write your own text size: for high frequency you need to write a longread of 10-20 thousand characters, for midrange - 3-5 thousand characters, for a couple of low frequencies - one text of 1-3 thousand characters. In a commercial topic, you shouldn’t try to promote high-frequency requests at all; it’s better to start with midrange and low-frequency ones.

Ideally, after working with keywords, you should create a structure of all key phrases and separate pages for them - semantic core. With the right semantic core, promoting your website will take much less time. But we'll talk about the core next time.

Is it possible to fool a search engine?

Google and Yandex are very smart companies. The algorithms they write have become incredibly complex. If you try to go deeper into the SEO rabbit hole, you'll start running into spammy ways to try to speed up the process. Automated software: instructions for creating spam or spin content, satellites, doorways, “cool” domains, boosting behavioral factors, etc.

Some of these things work, but for a very short time, since search engines are a thousand times smarter than the creators of the services that come up with these “cheats.”

Instead of doing this Sisyphean task, we will focus on creating net worth online.

So if you see some high paid SEO consultant telling you to use software and auto-generated content to build links, or when you see some SEOs have hacked the system, just know that it's not worth it.

To sum it up.

SEO plays a big role in promoting a website on the Internet, so you need to work on the content of your website on an ongoing basis and do it strategically, understanding what you are doing.

Continue reading in the next part.

My promotion rates

RatesLite promotionBasic promotionLarge-scale promotion
Promotion amount per month10,000 rubles20,000 rubles30,000 rubles and above
Duration6 months6 months6 months
One-time events:
SEO website audit
Meta tag optimization
Compilation/optimization of robot.txt
Creating sitemap.xml
Installing traffic counters from Yandex and Google
Marketing strategy
Keyword report
Creating an RSS feed for subscription
Optimization of images and linking
Solving indexing problems
Website page optimization
Competitor analysis
Monthly promotion:
Writing high-quality, large articles3 5 8
Promotion in in social networks 5 links from social media networks15 links from social media networks20 links from social media networks
Posting on the forum5 messagesis being discussedis being discussed
Work reports:
SEO reports
Traffic reports
Subscriber reports

Which is known as SEO website optimization. After reading this article, you will learn what SEO optimization is. in simple words, why it is needed, what main directions it includes and how to carry it out correctly.

In order to make good money on a site, it must have high traffic. In general, the rule always applies: the higher the attendance, the higher the owner’s income.

What does website traffic depend on? Firstly, on the amount of content posted on it, and secondly, on the quality. It is quality that largely determines the positions that a site’s pages will occupy in search engines, and therefore the number of visits to it from search engines.

How to make a high-quality website that ranks high in search results, so that the available amount of content gives maximum traffic? This issue is addressed by SEO website optimization. What it is?

The concept of SEO came to us from abroad, where it is an abbreviation of the words Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization). In Russian it is often denoted by the Russian letters SEO.

SEO optimization or search engine optimization is a set of measures aimed at increasing the position of the site as a whole and all its individual pages in search engines.

The main goal of SEO website optimization is to take the resource to the first positions in the Yandex and Google search engines for the main key queries.

For example, one of the key queries for the site is the query “financial literacy”. If you now type it in Yandex, you will see that my site will be offered to you in the first position in the search results. This is the main indicator that this site has undergone competent SEO optimization for this request.

Search engine optimization of websites in last years It just gained crazy popularity. A huge number of blogs, websites, forums, including quite powerful Internet portals, have been created and operate on this topic, and new ones are constantly being created. A huge number of freelancers and entire companies of various sizes offer their SEO optimization services, and a huge number of Internet businessmen and offline companies with their own websites use them regularly. The Internet is full of advertisements related to SEO website optimization. In general, this phenomenon is simply very popular and large-scale.

The entire process of search engine optimization of a website can be divided into 2 large areas:

  1. Internal website optimization– holding events directly within your resource for the purpose of its search promotion.
  2. External website optimization– holding events on third-party Internet resources to promote your own.

Let's briefly consider the main steps for SEO optimization in both directions.

Internal SEO website optimization.

Internal website optimization includes the following points:

  1. Semantic core of the site. This is the most important principle of internal optimization. Even before starting work on the site, it is necessary to create its semantic core - a set of those words and phrases that will be key for the entire resource, and for which it should occupy high positions in search engines in the future. And further, when writing and publishing materials on the site, you need to constantly use keywords in them, however, in moderation and without overspam.
  2. SEO content optimization. If you want your Internet resource to rank high in search results and have high traffic, then every article posted on the site must be SEO optimized. I spoke in more detail about search engine optimization of articles for the site separately: – I recommend that you definitely read it and take note.
  3. Working with meta tags. The html code of any page on the site contains the so-called. meta tags containing information that is not shown to readers, but is visible and used by search robots. In particular, this short description site pages, a list of keywords for it, information about the author, etc. Proper implementation of search engine optimization requires the mandatory completion of all important meta tags: this can be done conveniently with the help of special SEO plugins.
  4. Availability of a site map. One of the important tools for internal SEO optimization of a website is the presence of a special sitemap.xml file on it, which helps search robots read information faster and better and monitor updates on the site. This file can be created using special plugins or services.
  5. Working with the robots.txt file. Another important file for internal SEO optimization of a website: in it you can and should close from search robots those pages and files of your resource that do not carry any importance, do not contain keywords and will only reduce its weight. For example, these are various kinds of technical pages, duplicate pages, etc. In addition, you can give other important commands to individual or all search robots in the robots.txt file. This is very important point in search engine optimization – it should be carefully studied and used.
  6. Internal linking. This internal website optimization tool allows you to improve behavioral factors that are important for search engines: the number of pages viewed by the user and the time spent on the site. It consists of correctly inserting links to other thematic articles on your resource into your articles, using a convenient menu, tags (tags), etc.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that internal optimization, if desired, can be carried out without any financial costs at all: there is plenty of detailed information about all these optimization methods on the Internet, all issues can be resolved through comments and forums.

External SEO website optimization.

External website optimization – already more difficult task, since it requires working with third-party Internet resources. Often such work may cost certain financial costs, but there are also many free ways carrying out external SEO optimization. All work in this direction comes down to placing links to your website on third-party Internet resources in order to attract targeted visitors.

  1. Website promotion on social networks. One of the simplest and available methods external optimization, which consists of placing links to the site and its pages on popular social networks. Only this should be done not in the form of spam, but in the form of messages that bring real benefit, so that these links are followed and the necessary information is received.
  2. Website promotion on forums. The direction of external site optimization is similar to the previous one, with the difference that on some forums links are not hidden from indexing (as in social networks), which will bring even more benefit to the resource being promoted. Here, too, in no case should you spam: only useful and informative messages supported by a link, or placing a link in your signature/profile.
  3. Working with online catalogs. There are many directories on the Internet in which you can place your sites, and from which users will go to them, many of them even allow you to leave a link open for indexing. The most significant and important for SEO optimization can be called Yandex.Catalog and Google's DMOZ. However, new and frankly weak sites will definitely not be accepted there, and in general it’s not easy to get into these directories (it’s easier to get into Yandex.Catalogue for a fee). But you can first focus on other directories, only they must be of high quality, not spammy, and not be under search engine filters, as is often the case.
  4. Working with other sites and blogs. The most significant way to externally optimize a website is to place links to it on other thematic Internet resources. Most often this happens for a fee (there are even entire link exchanges for this), but not always. For example, you can agree with the owner of another site that you will write him a high-quality article that will contain your link, and he will post it for free. You can comment on thematic dofollow blogs (where links are not blocked from indexing). You can start your own diaries/blogs on large portals and write there, gaining readers and leaving your links. You can exchange links with other sites (if that makes sense). In general, there are different options.
  5. Contextual and other advertising. Well, an exclusively paid way of external site optimization is working with contextual and other advertising services. By posting, you will attract new targeted visitors to your site, some of whom may become its adherents, strengthen behavioral factors, which will increase the site’s position in search engines.

Here I want to focus on the fact that Lately search engines have become much more vigilant about the use of external links to rank a site, because they understand that many links are bought for money, that is, this is not a natural increase in the link mass, but an artificial one, which misleads search robots. Therefore, sites that were overzealous in matters of external optimization by purchasing links even began to be “punished” by lowering their positions, just like sites that actively trade links.

White and black SEO.

Among webmasters, you can often hear the concepts of “white hat SEO” and “black hat SEO.” What is meant here?

Black SEO– this is poor-quality search engine optimization of a site, which may not only not bring benefit to it, but even harm it. This includes, first of all, all sorts of methods for automatically boosting behavioral factors, automatically distributing links, all kinds of “runs” through catalogs and sites, etc. That is, some massive and completely unnatural actions for the site, which, of course, will be identified by search robots as cheating with all the ensuing negative consequences.

White hat SEO– this is competent and high-quality search engine optimization of the site – handmade“white” methods with high-quality thematic Internet sites. Only white hat SEO can bring real benefits to the website being promoted.

In conclusion, I want to say that I personally, while doing SEO optimization of the Financial Genius website, practically, with rare exceptions, did not use any paid methods of promotion, much less, I did not buy links en masse, as many for some reason like to do, considering this method almost not a panacea. As you can see, the site is excellent and constantly developing, and is highly positioned in search engines. Therefore, from my own example, I can conclude that high-quality SEO optimization can be carried out for free if you have the time and desire for it. And this will certainly bring good results.

SEO website optimization is a whole science, here I have examined only its most superficial basics. However, this is something that every owner of an Internet resource should understand at least to some extent. It is thanks to competent SEO optimization that sites reach the TOP of search results, become visited and bring good income to their owners.

Now you know what SEO website optimization is, what internal and external optimization is, white and black SEO, what methods and means you can promote your website on the Internet. I’ll give you a link to another article on a similar topic, there are a number of points that I didn’t mention here, take a look, it will also be useful to know and apply:

That's all for now. I wish your Internet resources good development dynamics and high traffic, and you, their owners, as a result, high income. See you again at !

Ask the following questions, which are actually nothing more than myths and misconceptions:

SEO Myth #1: The more outbound links, the better the site will rank.

Outgoing links to thematically related and non-thematic sites are taken into account by all search engines (SE). You need to understand that outgoing links to resources with the same or similar topics have a good effect. It is important not to overdo it with links, otherwise your site will turn into a “link dump” in the eyes of the dog.

SEO myth No. 2: You don’t need to update your website to maintain your position in the SERPs

By regularly updating the structure and content of your site (for example, replacing outdated material with new material, fixing broken links, optimizing code, etc.), search robots will visit your site more often. In order for your site to maintain its position in the search results, update it regularly. Experience shows that sites that are rarely updated lose their positions in search results, unable to compete with frequently updated resources.

SEO Myth #3: All you need for promotion is links

Links have always had a positive effect on website promotion. But recently, due to the active spread of link spam, the situation has begun to change. Moreover, not only the purchase of links, but also the use of link building strategies has become ineffective. The owner of the resource cannot be 100% sure that the link leading to the page is of high quality and will not damage the resource. You should not chase links - this is only a small part of the big picture, on the basis of which the dog forms an opinion about your resource. Undoubtedly, a large number of Relevant links linking to your resource helps in ranking, but these should be natural links.

SEO Myth No. 4: We create great content and our website must be in the TOP of search results.

Search engines recognize only the content that is most in demand among users as high-quality. You need to understand that the content of the site must meet quality standards. For example, when writing unique texts, you should not ignore the rules of grammar and SEO optimization, and you also need to take into account the time intervals for releasing content. And for readers who have decided to promote their website by generating quality content, I strongly recommend reading a series of wonderful posts about

SEO Myth #5: Adding videos helps promote your website

Fact: Website visitors eagerly consume video content. However, when choosing this strategy, it is important to understand that adding a video to a page can significantly increase its loading time. The result is user dissatisfaction and a decrease in the site’s ranking in search results. When posting a video on a page, you should keep in mind that PS algorithms will not be able to recognize its content, so it is important to use text descriptions with images on the page with the video.

SEO Myth No. 6: PR and TIC are some of the most important indicators for SEO

PR and TIC are really good indicators, but at the moment, alas, they have little effect on anything. At one time, these indicators were a kind of measure of page quality in the eyes of the search engine, responsible for determining the popularity of a page for a specific request and helping the system show the user the most relevant results. Today this is no longer relevant, and here’s why: There are no more PR updates and there won’t be any, and TIC has little direct impact on anything. PR, like TIC, is no longer an indicator that influences the ranking of sites in search results. At the same time, you need to know that these indicators remain relevant when choosing donor sites for placing links.

SEO Myth #7: You only need to set up SEO once

Let's say one day you optimized your resource perfectly, and the site got to the desired position in the search results. But then you notice that he begins to lose them. Why? Here are a few possible reasons: — degradation of the reference mass; — lack of new content on the site; — updating PS algorithms; — competitors made a better website and did a better job of promoting it; — obsolescence of current content; — accumulation of errors in the operation of the site; — server malfunctions.

SEO Myth #8: You need to add every page to the search engine index via AddURL

This will not speed up indexing and will not affect rankings in any way. If you want to reduce indexing time, improve your internal linking structure, use XML and HTML sitemaps, and try to share links with more authoritative resources. Better yet, “grow” a good Twitter account.

SEO Myth #9: Meta Keywords Tag Affects Ranking

This meta tag was used by the PS back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth PS servers lacked the performance to analyze entire pages. Since then, PSs have evolved greatly. In addition, these meta tags were no longer used due to the fact that often unscrupulous promoters added descriptions to the content of this meta tag that did not correspond to reality. Google, for example, has openly stated that this tag does not affect rankings at all and there is no point in using it. Despite this, when conducting site analytics, we very often come across even an over-optimized keuwords meta tag. In my opinion, at the moment this is more a rule of good manners than an important parameter influencing ranking.

SEO Myth #10: Nofollow links influence link juice distribution

In the past, you could use this attribute to control the distribution of link juice and thereby influence the promotion of sites. At the moment, as a result of updating the PS algorithms, the weight of such links is not taken into account. And according to some data, it’s even the other way around - a page with such a tag loses some of its weight.

SEO myth No. 11: Title and description meta tags must be present in the snippet

Many people believe that the contents of the title and descriptions tags will definitely appear in the snippet in the results search results. It is not always so. The content of tags is often replaced by fragments of page text (usually the first paragraph of page text with an occurrence keyword), more relevant to user requests. In some cases, SEs use text from external sources, for example, from the anchor text of links.

SEO myth No. 12: A website can only be optimized for Yandex

Despite the fact that Yandex is the leader Russian market search, don't forget about Bing and Google. SEO optimization methods are designed to increase traffic from all search engines and develop websites that are friendly to both visitors and search engines. There are optimization methods that work better for Yandex, but a good SEO campaign should take into account the interests of all major search engines.

SEO myth No. 13: My website is in the TOP and all problems are solved!

For commercial resources, having a site in the TOP does not mean mandatory presence sales Quite often, to increase conversion, you need to do a lot: work on usability, create landing pages, present the product in an original way, and much, much more. Moreover, competitors do not sleep, and in order to remain in the TOP of search results, you need to carry out daily work to improve and fill the resource with original and popular content. You cannot stop website promotion once you have achieved results.

SEO Myth No. 14: Registering your site in directories brings great benefits to your site.

There is absolutely no difference in which directories you will register your resource: “white”, “gray”, “closed”, “paid”, “free” - placement in all these directories does not bring any benefit to the site. The benefits of these manipulations were available in the distant years 2006-2008. Now, alas, other technologies rule the roost. There are two directories that I would welcome site placement in - Yaca and Dmoz. Staying in them indicates a fairly high quality of the resource. PSs are more loyal to such sites. In other words, they have a higher level of trust.

SEO Myth #15: Links are no longer important

Links from your site to other (relevant) sites and sites within the same topic will affect the reputation of your site in the eyes of the PS. An effective search engine marketing campaign must also include a link building program. At the same time, it is important to understand the difference between a purchased and a natural link, because natural links are the most valuable. I hope this post was useful to you, debunked some myths, made some aspects of modern SEO clearer, and will help you in website promotion.