What awaits a girl in November. Love horoscope for Virgo Men

On Virgo They have high expectations, but sometimes they are too high. This bothers you - for how long, really?

Love, Virgo family in November 2016

Relationships in families are quite harmonious, spouses take care of common everyday life, and solve children’s problems together. This month, your children may need serious support, and not only moral, but also quite tangible, financial. And at the very end of November you will have to pay a lot a large sum. I must say that this is not the first time, but also not the last, so calculate the real costs and avoid excessive spending.

Financial problems may once again stand in the way of the unity of Virgo lovers. If you are still together, then stop stepping on the same rake every time - after all, each next conflict may be the last.

To look charming in November​2016 horoscope Virgo recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar haircut calendar for November 2016.

Virgo's career and finances in November 2016

In general, November is good for Virgo. You will intuitively choose the optimal solutions and be able to convey them to your partners. Relations with colleagues from other cities or countries will improve somewhat, travel, productive contacts, and achievement of important agreements are possible.

For all professional matters best time- first and second ten days of the month. In the third decade, you will have to return to complex and controversial financial issues, which will again lead to problems. It is likely that your partners’ demands will be excessive, and you will have to look for solutions, according to the proverb “And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.” With your intelligence, logic and resourcefulness, this will turn out to be quite possible, but your partners may behave like the famous old woman extorting the last from a goldfish. And at the same time, they themselves do not take much part in the affairs. And because of this, at the very end of the month a conflict will break out, which will continue in the future.

An employee in November can complete a large amount of work and receive approval from his superiors. Business trips planned for this month will be very successful.

Virgo’s financial situation is not particularly stable, and the point is not that there will be no money, but that expenses will increase. And in one case this is connected with business, repayment of debts, and in the other - with the growing needs of loved ones.

For Virgos, November 2016 will bring many reasons for discontent. More precisely, you yourself will diligently find them in every aspect of your own life. Your already not the simplest character at the end of this autumn will be aggravated by nasty heavy rains and causeless irritation. Even the person you see in the mirror will not stay away from your caustic remarks. You suddenly don’t like your own appearance and figure, but instead of correcting obvious shortcomings, you will get angry, “mumble,” spreading these negative waves to everyone around you. The entire world will suddenly fall under the blow of your wrath! Colleagues, relatives, friends, and even people who accidentally cross your path will hear long tirades on the topic “if it weren’t for all of you, my life would have been several times better!”

Will you be able to rid yourself of this unreasonable hatred of all living things? Yes, but in order to achieve this goal, you will have to isolate yourself from society for some time. Spend a few weekends alone with your thoughts. Remember an activity that always put you in a positive mood. Read again the book that made you smile in your distant childhood. Try in any way to find that very “source of kindness”, after drinking from which your “today” will be illuminated with a warm ray of light.

In November 2016, single Virgos will find it more difficult than others to get rid of causeless irritation. Of course, because besides yourself and a couple of close friends, you will not have a person ideally suited for the role “ punching bag"! You will get tired of tormenting yourself very quickly, and your friends, after several scandals you have caused, will prefer to retire for a while. So all you have to do is find new victims on the vastness of the World Wide Web. If before November 2016 you were practically unaware of this phenomenon modern world, as “trolling”, then now you yourself will become one of these virtual trolls! It will be difficult for you to provide an account even to yourself of why and why you are interfering with your angry comments in other people’s correspondence on the forum. You will not be able to explain what wrong the person you blocked on your social page did to you. However, while you are pouring out your anger in the virtual space, the real world around you is reliably protected from this negativity...

In November 2016, married Virgos will try to keep their emotions firmly in their hands so as not to splash them out on their family. Alas, you will immediately forget these good intentions when one of your unloved relatives once again appears within the walls of your home. Your “victims” at the end of autumn 2016 will be people with whom you have always had rather tense relationships. It is possible that you will go so far that you will even break off any kind of contact with them. This conflict will be vividly discussed by the whole family, quietly, behind your back, reproaching you for your rudeness and rudeness.

But in November 2016, a super-negative emotional mood will become a faithful ally for Virgos at work. When communicating with colleagues, you will need both the ability to loudly declare yourself and the skills of sharp, ultimatum refusals. The situation at work will be such that both you and your long-time colleagues, forgetting about friendly relations, will enter into intense competition for a vacancy that is about to become vacant. While everyone around you is digging holes for each other, you cannot afford to relax. But in a fierce battle for the vacant seat, you will be able to let off steam and give full vent to your November anger.

Attention, the Virgo horoscope for the month of November 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the coming year 2016, the Red Monkey should draw up personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The first ten days of November 2016, under the favorable aspect of Saturn, promises Virgos to be very fruitful and without any emergency situations. You will have to work hard this month. The results will not keep you waiting. The second half of the month will be marked by establishing relationships with colleagues, making new acquaintances and useful connections. During this period, Virgos need to be extremely attentive to others, take into account their opinions and listen to their advice. During this period, the stars are on your side. So don’t be confused when you suddenly get a lucky ticket. This is not a joke, but a very real reality. In November, creative Virgos will partially or completely change their attitude towards life or specific aspects of it, and possibly their worldview. Take a look at your life from a different angle, and you will immediately see how many prospects are in front of you. Look around you, and you will be surprised that you have not noticed many opportunities to change your life before. Breathe deeply. Enjoy every moment, share joyful moments with your loved ones. Success is just around the corner.

Aspects of Mars on the Virgo zodiac sign in November 2016 will fill Virgo’s life with harmony and a powerful flow of energy. All this will have a positive effect on professional activity representatives of your zodiac sign. During this period, it is important to direct all your strength and imagination to achieving your highest priority goals. Now you have every opportunity to achieve the desired results. The first ten days of November 2016 will be successful for concluding serious deals and signing large-scale contracts. There is also an opportunity during this period to move to another job with a higher salary or to a more prestigious position. In the middle of the month, your financial affairs will gain momentum and quickly go up. The main thing is not to exaggerate your capabilities and abilities. Do not hesitate to seek advice and help from more competent and powerful people. The second ten days of the month will be prosperous and profitable for Virgo businessmen. Previously concluded deals and projects will attract powerful cash flow. It is very likely that you will meet new potential investors.

Family relationships of Virgos in November 2016 under the influence of Venus will resemble a quiet haven, a powerful rear where they can completely relax and feel absolutely safe. A harmonious and smooth relationship with a loved one will bring peace and comfort to the lives of representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign. You will be happy next to your partner, and all life's troubles will seem petty and completely frivolous. Family will be your main priority during this period. For those representatives of your zodiac sign who are in search of their soulmate, there is a chance to find their own personal happiness. It is quite possible that their fate is very close. Do not delve into your thoughts about the meaning of life and do not philosophize. All thoughts can lead to false conclusions. Enjoy every moment spent in the company of your loved one. Remember that you are loved and respected.

November 2016 is a great period to improve your body’s health and restore lost strength and energy. Show your imagination and do something that will be useful for both soul and body. Sign up, for example, for dancing or water aerobics. It is worth noting that new hobbies will not only improve your health and give you moral satisfaction, but will also give you the opportunity to make new acquaintances and expand your circle of friends. Don't sit idly by. There are so many interesting things happening around you. Be proactive and enjoy the results.

Virgo horoscope for November 2016. November 2016 for Virgo will be like going to the kitchen! You know, how in a situation when you calmly go to the kitchen for an apple, you don’t think about anything like that, AND SUDDENLY YOUR HAND GRABED A CHOCOLATE! This is how Virgos in November 2016 will go about the month without thinking about anything, until your hand or other organs grab something either tasty, or forbidden, or brown - it depends on who is lucky. The main thing is that you will be absolutely sure - that “IT itself happened to you.”

That is why the November horoscope advises Virgos to finally break away from the phone or computer and return to real life. Since in real life it will be no less interesting. Yes, and Virgo’s horoscope for November 2016 is one of the most positive. Of course, “in real life” it is much more difficult to communicate with people, and there are much fewer people who you want to like. But if Virgos miss the favorable November 2016, they may not notice how the clock suddenly strikes twelve, and the New Year has already arrived.

Yes, and judging by the horoscope, November 2016 will give many Virgos an excellent opportunity to see that the world is full of half-crazy people just like you. Yes, and the streak of success, as the horoscope for November shows, will seem to you as wide as a runway, but don’t rush to take off. It’s better to just run further through November and along the runway of your luck and luck, without taking your feet off the ground and reality. The main thing is from reality. And at least in November 2016 (just for one month), stop being pessimists who complain about the noise when luck knocks on their door. Remember: even when your wings weaken, your faith will dry up, and you will no longer be able to fly, which means you are already at least halfway to your goal, and have already passed the point of “no return.”

Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo favorable days- 1, 2, 5, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo unfavorable days - The world would not have been created if its CREATOR had thought about how to cause trouble to anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo career, work and business. As the career horoscope for November 2016 for Virgo suggests, next month the most important thing for you will be to be able to distinguish the important from the urgent. And it’s not so easy to distinguish the important from the urgent. But it's important. Because you will need to be on time everywhere. In addition, the horoscope warns that the position of the stars predicts the possibility of intrigues and intrigues of ill-wishers or envious people next month. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this; next month you can easily defeat them with the help of friends and intuition. After all, intuition is just the ability of the head to smell ass. And in November, your intuition (or ass, as you prefer) will not let you down. And although Virgos cannot boast of the same intuition as Pisces or Pisces, in November 2016 your “gut sense should work to its fullest.”

In any case, next month be more attentive to your colleagues, clients or subordinates; perhaps not all of them are your allies. As the November horoscope suggests, the only obstacle to the implementation of your plans for Tomorrow can only be your doubts today. Try to replace doubts with moderate risk and optimism and everything will work out for you. Just remove from this “cocktail” of risk and optimism, trust, as we have already indicated above - excessive trust in November 2016 will be very similar to a rake for you. And although Virgos are natural skeptics and cynics, you can sometimes be childishly naive and gullible. Especially either with people of the opposite sex or with old acquaintances.

Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo Finance. Virgo will have warm and friendly relationships with money in November. So this is money – you can trust it absolutely. And be friends with them. In November you will meet with them regularly, although you will mainly discuss plans for the future.

Love horoscope as of November 2013 Virgo. Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo Love. The November love horoscope promises Virgos pleasant surprises from your loved ones, and possibly from new acquaintances. The main thing is not to faint from excessive admiration for you and from an incredible amount of flattery! Try not to lose the ability to reason and think sensibly, because some Virgos, especially Virgo women, like to admire some kind of nonsense. And then they marry her. Or even worse, you start lying to someone and giving compliments, and then you yourself believe in your own words. Therefore, the love horoscope for November warns Virgo that you should be very attentive in amorous matters next month. Don't be too susceptible and gullible to sweet words.

The horoscope asks married Virgos and Virgos in long-term relationships to be more patient and less demanding of your significant other. The only perfect pair in life is your favorite shoes, and everything else must be worn patiently, and even old shoes sometimes chafe. Therefore, do not forget to “cleanse” your relationship of these same trifles and “blisters on the heels” - your partner may simply get tired of doing this for you. And Virgos - less jealousy, if someone else likes your soulmate, this is not a reason for jealousy - it means you just made the right choice...

Well, for single Virgos, we can only repeat once again that “The November love horoscope promises Virgos pleasant surprises from your loved ones, and possibly from new acquaintances. The main thing is not to faint from excessive admiration for you and from an incredible amount of flattery! Try not to lose the ability to reason and think sensibly, because some Virgos, especially Virgo women, like to admire some kind of nonsense. And then they marry her.” November 2016 can really give Virgos new acquaintances and new relationships. And this already applies to both Virgo women and Virgo men.

At the end horoscope for November 2016 Virgo once again reminds you of caution and excessive gullibility. In November 2016, read even water labels carefully. It is quite possible that you will see in small print there: “The water is natural. Ingredients: extract of natural or identical natural water, thinner, transparency enhancer, preservative, acidity regulator, transparent colorant.”

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For those born under the Virgo zodiac sign, November promises to be quite a stormy month. During this period, you will be able to find like-minded people and new friends. And also, there will be an opportunity to achieve the desired heights in your career. At the end of the month, there is a high probability of getting injured. Therefore, carefully monitor your health.

November promises to be stormy for Virgo love relationship. This month, get ready for various events that will unfold in your personal life.

In the first half of November, representatives of this sign will immerse themselves in family affairs. But starting from the second half of the month, the love atmosphere will resume. Virgos will have the opportunity to charm the opposite sex.

If you are alone, the stars advise you to take a closer look around, it is possible that your soulmate is somewhere near you. You will have the opportunity to fall madly in love. And also, love adventures are not excluded. And for those who are already in a relationship, November will help refresh their feelings for their partner.

At the end of the month, Virgos will become more sensual. In addition to sexual passion, tension may arise in a relationship. It is also possible that there will be difficult moments that will require radical solutions. But at the end of the month, personal relationships normalize.

In November, Virgos will want new successes in their careers. Representatives of this sign are subtle psychologists in communicating with people, so this ability will benefit them.

During this period, you will be able to find like-minded people who will be interested in your ideas. Thanks to your charm, the path to success will be easier.

In November, Virgos are full of energy. They will have the opportunity to achieve the desired heights in their business.

Representatives of this sign will have everything in order with their finances. They will be able to realize long-standing plans. And also, Virgo will have a chance to make good money. It is possible that this month you will acquire something precious that you have long dreamed of.

During the November period, try to carefully monitor your health. There is a possibility of injury and acute illness. Therefore, stay away from risky situations.

The most favorable days in November for the Virgo zodiac sign: 4, 5, 23, 27, 30.

Less favorable days in November for the Virgo zodiac sign: 8, 14, 17, 28, 29.

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Inga Polonskaya.