What does location mean? What is a “housing location”? If you notice a good place for shooting, then the idea will be born by itself

Until recently, in Russia the most important criterion for choosing housing was its cost and level of “eliteness”. Today, the term “location” is increasingly heard in the vocabulary of realtors, and it is this term that is decisive for real estate market specialists.

What is location in real estate?

Location or location of housing is a capacious concept that implies the convenience of finding your new home in relation to residential, transport and service infrastructure.

Today it is no longer enough to just buy four walls and create your own inner world in an apartment - the environment surrounding the house is becoming extremely important, especially for people who move a lot and have to travel hundreds of kilometers to commute to work or to resolve everyday issues.

Agree, housing that is located within a five-minute walk from your office, metro station or trolleybus stop, located in an environmentally friendly, green park with nearby shops, pharmacies, kindergartens and schools is always better than the remote outskirts, from where it is an hour’s drive in traffic jams to any necessary point. Even the view from the window becomes important: you live here and every day you encounter the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen area!

Yes, of course, housing that suits you according to all location criteria will cost more. But is it worth sparing money to create your own comfort in life?

The situation with the choice is simplified by the fact that many large developers have long switched to the conceptual principle of constructing residential areas. You are invited to buy not just an apartment or a house, but a ready-made complex of well-thought-out living space - taking into account the well-equipped adjacent areas and recreation areas, commercial and social infrastructure, transport interchanges, etc.

The more rational and harmonious the concept of the area, the more convenient transport communications and the more diverse the infrastructure around your home, the more attractive and liquid (and therefore more expensive) your home will be.

What to consider when choosing real estate locations?

When choosing a house and area of ​​residence, always focus on a number of location criteria that are attractive to you:

  • Density of development and crowded area (noisy “youth” area in the evenings, quiet family quarter or busy urban space).
  • Proximity to public transport stops or metro stations.
  • The distance between your home and your place of work.
  • The time you have to spend traveling to the nearest kindergarten or school (if there are small children).
  • To what extent is your area equipped with commercial and social infrastructure facilities?
  • How close to the house are car parks?

Be sure to consider a few more important points: an attractive view from your window and the possibility of selling your home in the future. In fact, an apartment is a promising investment, and you need to choose it in such a way that its location is attractive not only to you, but also to your potential buyers. The higher quality housing you buy, the more expensive you can sell it in the future.

IN last years It is also customary to pay attention to environment residence: environmental and aesthetic attractiveness, level of crime in the area, “respectability”, lifestyle and level of culture of your neighbors.

As the practice of real estate agencies shows, today home buyers make their choice based on the following location criteria:

  • City area – more than 16%.
  • The proximity of transport communications and the metro is more than 12%.
  • Proximity of work – more than 10%.

Among the “local” criteria, it should be noted the area of ​​the apartment, floor, area of ​​the kitchen and loggia, ceiling height, versatility planning solutions, availability of ready-made renovations in the apartment and protected areas around the house.

Together with the criteria already listed, they create a complete picture of the house in which you want to live and enjoy comfort. All you have to do is listen carefully to your priorities and choose the best offer.

The era of near future locations

Just yesterday, the convenience of the area was the reason for the high cost square meters. Today, a comfortable location is the norm, and any advertising brochure for residential real estate describes in detail the “advantages” of the surrounding “landscape”.

According to market experts, the new concept of business-level housing will be relevant in the next 50 years, and construction companies are rapidly adapting to new “standards”.

Modern construction projects– these are not “houses” and “neighbourhoods”, but a unique and self-sufficient “habitat”:

  • With a single architectural and landscape style
  • With convenient transport and commercial infrastructure.
  • With a composition of residents homogeneous in terms of cultural level and interests.

The last point is especially important, since residential complexes are designed taking into account a certain aesthetic and architectural concept, and they are chosen by people who are impressed by this concept.

An example of modern business-level housing is the Admiral Waterhouse residential complex. This monolithic house with a cozy courtyard located on Dmitrovskoye Highway. The complex, built on the banks of the Klyazma Reservoir, next to the forest park of the same name, was created in the concept of a “club house for those who love unlimited freedom.”

Residents of Admiral Waterhouse are offered spacious apartments (37-160 m2) with open plan and the possibility of expanding living space. For a comfortable life there is a large guarded parking lot, shops, restaurants and cafes, a fitness center, a beauty salon, and a laundry service.

The location is complemented by piers and slipways for yachts and boats of the local yacht club "Admiral", spacious sandy beaches, swimming pools, water attractions, Russian bath and Finnish sauna and windsurfing school.

Such self-sufficient “habitat zones”, where optimal conditions for a comfortable life are created, are likely to become the main type of housing in the near future. At least that's something worth striving for Russian market real estate.

With the spread of computer technology in our lives, it has become increasingly multitasking. One of the purposes of computers is entertainment. For this purpose, many special programs were created, including computer games. Their main difference is the genres, of which there are quite a few. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

There is quite a large group computer games, in which the player controls a pre-designed or created character. In general, they can be called role-playing. Among them are such genres as RPG, MMORPG, quests, arcade and 3D shooters, strategies and action games. The main similarity between these genres is that each game has its own developed world, characters, history and plot. During the course of the game, the player meets many characters and visits various places. In the terminology of these genres you can find such a word as location. This plays a role in a lot of games, so it's worth explaining what it is.


Location is separate part game world, which has its own characteristics - buildings, NPCs, terrain and nature. It allows the player to perform certain actions that are performed to complete the story, extra-plot tasks, or just for fun. It can never be separate or isolated (with the rare exception of secret or bonus ones), because the location is the game world. Depending on its significance for the plot, a location may have parts such as cities, settlements, be an arid desert or a dense and blooming forest. In a word, both the real world and the game world are diverse, and locations bring a lot of variety.

Creating locations in the game

Since a location is a three-dimensional space that must live a certain life and react in one way or another to the actions of the characters, a number of programs are used to create it. These are not only texture and character generators, they are also scripts, simulators of weather conditions, life and natural processes, and, of course, processes and operations whose task is to create interactivity and the possibility of interaction.

Meaning and features

Moreover, the game world itself may have different quantities locations. Their number depends on how powerful the hardware will be used to create the game, as well as on the graphical requirements and plot. Very indicative in this regard is one of the world's largest MMORPGs - World of Warcraft, which has a large and developed world with 5 continents, each of which has up to 20 locations. At the same time, the game runs perfectly even on weak computers.

Locations are also present in a slightly modified form in other games that do not have such an emphasis on plot or history. These are logic games, various strategies, casual and indie projects. In them, the location can be present in the form of a playing field, a background, or be the place where the actions are taking place at the moment.

Games with beautiful and atmospheric locations

As a successful development of locations by the creators of the game, we can recall the following: legendary game, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Her world, based on a rethinking of the Chernobyl accident, amazes with its detailed elaboration and the Soviet motifs of everyday life that are so familiar to many adults. In the game “Stalker”, the locations not only demonstrate the style of the game itself, but also allow you to feel its essence and exciting plot, as well as the Soviet legacy that remains in Chernobyl. In addition, with good graphics and a variety of objects and design, they can claim very good reviews.

Another game that amazes with the beauty and splendor of its places is Skyrim. Like a universe that already has several parts, the branched mythology of the world and the plot oblige the places in which the saga takes place to be beautiful, reflect the flavor of a particular ethnic area and at the same time give the player the opportunity to roam freely around the world. It must be said that in the game "Skyrim" the locations cope with this task successfully, and in many ways this is why it leaves a pleasant impression.

    - (from Latin locatio placement, position) determining the location of something. There are sound, optical, sense of location in animals. In technology, various devices are used that are used in industry, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) sound, determining the direction to an object and the distance to it by the sound it creates. field (passive L.) or by the reflection from it of sound created by special. devices (active L.). When active... ... Physical encyclopedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 location (2) light location (1) echolocation (2) ... Synonym dictionary

    LOCATION- determination, with the help of (see), the location of various objects in any space (space, air, water) by the signals emitted by them or reflected from them. Depending on the nature (see) of the signals, L. is distinguished: sound, thermal, ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    location- 2.39 location (location, computed): A method for determining the location of an AE source, based on an algorithmic analysis of the difference in the time of arrival of a signal at various sensors. Source: GOST R ISO 12716 2009: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I Location (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) determination of the location of an object. Depending on the methods, there may be sound location (see Sound location, Hydrolocation), Optical location, Radar. Many people have this property... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution), detection and recognition of distant objects, determination of their coordinates and speed using electronic devices. mag. (optical ranging and radar) and sound waves. Sound L. uses the object generated... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. locatio placement) determination of the location of an object by a signal emitted by this object or a signal (wave, ray) reflected from the object; there is l. sound, optical, radar, etc. New dictionary foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Location- (from Latin locatio placement) determining the location of an object by the signal it emits or by the signal reflected from it. There is radar, sound location, hydroacoustic, etc... The beginnings of modern natural science

    Location- determination of the location of targets (objects) by signals (for example, sound, electromagnetic waves) emitted by the targets themselves (passive laser) or signals reflected from them sent by special devices (active laser). There are sound... Glossary of military terms


  • Archipelago. Six in pirate latitudes, Andrey Vasiliev. Fireroll is an incredible cocktail of chance, intrigue and pirates. This is an online RPG. There are no laws and rules here?!!! No matter how it is! Pirate Code so far no one has canceled, as well as the thirst for money and power. And... audiobook
  • Organization of multidirectionality of hierarchical ascent (descent) and location according to the structure of heterogeneous knowledge, L. S. Bolotova. The article discusses the features of heterogeneous knowledge that are reflected in the construction of models in the field artificial intelligence, and a description of the location mechanism based on their structure is proposed.…

) has a number of distinctive properties, which we will discuss below. Manipulating these properties allows you to create good balanced games.

Objects can be classified on different grounds:

  • by location: above-ground and underground; on land, on water and under water;
  • by status: unfinished and abandoned;
  • by functionality: active and not active.

The players themselves divide any locations into two groups: unplayed and “boyans” (played and replayed). Of course, everyone wants new locks, but with the long existence of a project (and if several, then even faster), this category becomes very rare...

What to choose: “boyan” or a new location when writing a game? If the new one is an abandoned toilet on the street 100 kilometers from the city, and the “boyan” is an unfinished nine-story building in the center, then I think the choice is obvious. Balance is always very important: remoteness - epicness - getting into the theme of the game.

So, let's move on to the description of the locations. We will apply the following criteria to each of them:

  • epicness (degree of unusualness and originality);
  • the danger of being removed from the game (due to local riots, conflicts with law enforcement, demolition, etc.);
  • degree of suitability for single-crew or multi-crew play.

Well, let's go!

Abandoned buildingscasts") - everything that is abandoned by Homo sapiens and, often, occupied by representatives of marginalized sections of the population. These are both large and small buildings, resettled or simply abandoned.

The degree of epicness varies individually each time: there may be forgotten things, toys, military maps, tools, books, etc. If all this is there and corresponds to the theme of your game, this indicator goes off scale.

The risk of being kicked out of the game is low only if an occupied building is suddenly demolished an hour before the start (in my memory this happened only a couple of times), although if it is a private sector, then the neighbors may call the right person.

Depending on size suitable for different types games.

Abandoned cities and towns- a cluster of the above locations. Usually the epicness in such metas is literally off scale. Removal from the game is unlikely, but they are only suitable for multi-crew teams.

Separately, we should highlight the casts called “ shit houses”, - so polluted by the contingent living in them that the smell of the location follows you for several more hours. Epic... Is this word appropriate in this context? Well, only if you don't write cool game about homeless people, then the ambiance just scales up, but, I’m afraid, it won’t be appreciated... Removal from the game is of average probability, because such locations are usually located in the private sector, and the neighbors may get tired of it... Use is appropriate in single-crew games, but... But better not use them =)

Unfinished buildingsunfinished"). We started building a house, but the contractor ran out of money, and everything stopped. This is Short story most unfinished projects.

In these locations you will not find artifacts of former life, at most a pile of bricks in the corner, but the beauty of such buildings lies elsewhere. As a rule, they are large or have unusual shape and layout, they are quite interesting to wander around. In general, the epic quality is high.

We note the risk of being removed from the game as medium. I'll explain why. Unfinished buildings may have security, and this cannot always be discovered during reconnaissance and planning. Plus, construction is often carried out in already inhabited areas, and people are now vigilant.

Unfinished buildings, of course, are different, but in the vast majority of cases they are suitable exclusively for multi-crew games.

Bomb sheltersbombari") - locations that are extremely epic in nature. They are rare, difficult to get there, but damn interesting. Since bombers are always objects of defense (no matter military or civilian), there are all kinds of gas masks, rotary locking mechanisms, metal constructions strange shapes, tables with terrain models and other wonders. Suitable for both single-crew and multi-crew games. The risk of withdrawal is average - the owners may show up, the alarm will go off (this has happened) or the doors will be welded shut before the game.

Underground industrial facilities- ventilation shafts, collectors, pipelines, catacombs, adits, underground passages - everything that is underground and made by human hands. The epicness tends to zero, the buildings are typical. The risk of removal is minimal, suitable for multi-crew games with a random lineup. They cannot withstand many people, so use them carefully and wisely.

Heating mains- the same as the previous one, but only above the ground.

Bridges, passages and tunnels- average interest of the location. If a bridge is over a full-flowing river, then it even more or less causes adrenaline, but all sorts of pedestrian crossings over roads, etc. almost uninteresting. Overall, the epicness is average to minimal. The danger of being kicked out by the locals is high, and besides, people who show such inadequate aspirations for such objects are paid close attention by security and gentlemen police officers. In terms of flirting, large classic bridges are preferable for random multi-crew games (especially those that need to be climbed under), and transitions are good for single-crew games.

Abandoned equipment- cranes, barges, ships, trains, planes, etc. If these are not ordinary cars that you encounter in everyday life, then the epicness is high, flirting with a rusty Cossack is somehow not ice at all... The risk of removing a location from the game is almost zero, something extraordinary must happen. More suitable for multi-crew games.

Burnt buildingsburners") - usually wooden old buildings. There is soot, stench and dirt all around. When you walk through such locations, you cannot be sure whether the ceiling or beam under you has burned out or whether the burnt wall will collapse. The epicness is close to zero, the danger of being removed from the game is only if the location falls apart... Suitable for single-crew games.

If you can, never play with the burners... Cry from the soul...

Towers and other similar structures- interesting locations for those who love dangerous codes and adrenaline. Use with caution in single-crew games. The arrival of 5-8 teams will turn the tower into christmas tree. There is a danger of falling apart, besides, such structures are usually swayed by the wind, and there is also a bunch of commands hanging. In general, it is preferable to use on a multi-crew. The epicness is high. The probability of withdrawal is average, in a visible place after all.

Point locations- stops, banners, benches and anything you want to place one code. Suitable for specific types of tasks - points. The epicness is zero, removal is unlikely, it can be used in any type of game (I don’t think it needs a picture).

Agent locations- civil places: restaurants, cafes, cinemas, parks, squares, shops, etc. I would rate the epicness here on the scale of compliance with the theme of the game or the unusualness of the place, in general, it varies. As a rule, an agreement is reached with the owners of establishments, and in public places everything goes so quickly that there are no problems with removing a level from the game. Locations are suitable for any type of game.

And finally, what should not be used for locations: transformer booths, even unfinished ones, as well as power transmission masts (to hell with them!), buildings that are already falling apart from old age. Safety comes first! Guarded facilities are also a bad choice - don't push your players to break laws that could result in fines.

And in the end I want to wish everyone games from non-boys)))