Children's Orthodox magazine "Svirelka. ROC mass media on the threshold of the third millennium

So, let's take a short excursion into history. Why was March 14th chosen to celebrate the Day of the Orthodox Book? Everything is very simple. It was on this day, in 1564, that the first book, the liturgical "Apostle", was published by deacon Ivan Fedorov. I want to remind you that before the advent of the printing press, books were hefty tomes. They were handwritten using very expensive materials such as parchment, i.e. leather dressed in a special way. These books were true works of art, combining calligraphy, painting and jewelry. Naturally, only the richest people could afford handwritten books. The advent of the printing press has significantly reduced the cost of the process of creating books, and they have now become a more accessible, mass phenomenon. Thus, it is believed that the aforementioned "Apostle" came out with a circulation of about 2,000 copies.

It is safe to say that 1564 was a turning point, as the printed book gave a tremendous impetus to the development of modern culture and science in Russia.

The holiday itself, which we are talking about today, is very young. It was established by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church December 25, 2009. And, like any holiday, it has a function not only of a cultural and educational nature, when we meet with people, mainly young people, and talk about an Orthodox book as a kind of historical phenomenon, about its significance for the development of society and the state. Its other important function is to highlight some of the problems faced by modern education... It can be said that the appearance of the "Day of the Orthodox Book" is the reaction of the Church to the general decline in the cultural and, first of all, the spiritual and moral level of man.

According to VTsIOM data for 2014, which we see on the slide presented, in comparison with 2009, the number of people who practically do not read books increased from 27 to 36 percent. I would like to note that in 1992 there were only 20 percent of such people. 43 percent of those surveyed said they don't like reading at all. In another poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, one can see a more alarming trend: it turned out that 58% of Russians cannot name any books at all that would make a strong impression on them. Why is this happening? We find the answer to this question in the same statistics. For the modern reader, light, entertaining reading is of the greatest interest - 37%. The second place is occupied by fiction - 29%, the third - literature by specialty - 21%. In last place, unfortunately, is religious literature - only 5%. What share of these 5 percent is Orthodox literature is an open question, there are no such statistics, however, I do not think that it is very large.

Based on these data, it is not surprising that today the question of the need to carry out work to popularize books with spiritual and moral content arises. But it is one thing to make a book popular, and another to arouse the reader's interest in this topic. The latter is the most difficult, since modern world with all its nature, wide propaganda imposes on us the idea that it is good for a person to correspond to a certain fashion, a certain trend. Suffice it to recall the excitement that appears when the next Hollywood film comes out. At this moment, especially among young people, one often hears the question: have you watched? At the same time, it is surprising that the plot of the film itself can be rewritten in just a couple of minutes. I don’t presume to say what this plot is, good or bad, films are different. But we are attracted to a greater extent by the picture, and "cool" special effects in isolation from the real content. There are very few people who, after viewing another picture, will try to find something literary work on which it was filmed. Even fewer people are able to comprehend what they saw and heard. Probably, this happens because by the time such a sensible idea can arise in our head, a new wave of fashion is already carrying us headlong. In addition, we are very lazy, because thinking about morality is hard work, and we want something easy that can instantly cheer us up. Unfortunately, everything that I have just said about films is also true for literature.

However, each of us has an idea of ​​the enduring, that is, permanent, values, which include love for our homeland, knowledge of its history and culture. All these are signs of education for us. I think that everyone here will agree with me if I say that being an educated and cultured person is better than being uneducated and uncultured. And it's not a secret for anyone that the development of our state is closely connected with the Church. One cannot escape from this fact or pretend that it simply does not exist. And if I love my country, if I want to be useful to my compatriots in the future, if I care about who my children will become, then I have no right to throw that huge layer of culture accumulated by the joint efforts of the Church and the state into the dustbin of history. from Prince Vladimir, who was baptized more than 1000 years ago, in 988. And in such a situation, the book, as a material carrier of knowledge, should be of great interest to us.

The Orthodox Church has always set and still sets as its main task the spiritual and moral development of the individual, and the state, especially since the era of Peter I, encourages scientific knowledge. Let's think about what an educated but spiritually immoral person can become? You don't have to go far for examples, just remember the inhuman experiments that were carried out on prisoners during the Second World War in Nazi concentration camps. So that we, or our descendants, never become those who trampled on everything human, we need now to learn to be People, People with a capital letter. And naturally, in this teaching it is best to turn to the experience of the Church, which has been going on for more than 2,000 years.

Today, on the shelves of our bookstores, or in Internet libraries, you can find entire sections called "Orthodox literature". And what is not attributed to it: calendars indicating the days of remembrance of saints, prayer books, cookbooks, lives, teachings, answers to everyday life questions from Orthodox priests, stories, historical and theological works, etc. However, few people know what exactly is called Orthodox book and by what criterion can one judge her orthodoxy?

Indeed, according to the generally accepted opinion, an Orthodox book can be called one in which there will be no contradictions with the teachings of the Church and its dogmas. Also, it will most likely talk about something that is to one degree or another connected with Orthodox traditions and faith.

But is it possible to find a book that is both Orthodox and does not explicitly mention Orthodoxy? The answer to this question is more interesting, but at the same time difficult, since it “does not lie on the surface”. It is difficult because here we face such problems as assessing the personality of the author and the reader himself. Who are they? Atheists of the present or of the past? Liberals who consider it possible to revise the doctrine of the Church for the sake of new discoveries of natural science? Maybe sectarians? Or, what is even more frightening, are people near the Church, those who often confuse the Orthodox faith and popular superstitions?

It should be understood that the division that is present now, into secular and spiritual literature, is actually conditional, since there is a deep connection between them. Suffice it to recall the works of our classics, such asG.R.Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin, F.M.Dostoevsky, N.V. Gogol, A.I. Kuprin or K.G. Paustovsky, etc. In the works of these writers, the themes of love, humanism, the meaning of life, a person's place in the world, the constant struggle between good and evil and the choice between them are constantly raised. All these are Christian themes that were present in the past, in Old Russian literature... And the main goal of the latter was just the education of our ancestors, former pagans and idolaters, through the assimilation of Christian truths, through familiarization with a vast spiritual heritage Byzantine Empire and, naturally, through faith in God. The result of this upbringing is a huge country with the richest culture that managed to save itself in very difficult times and emerged from them as a winner. This is what our Orthodox literature is. However, it should be understood that her heart and primary source is the Gospel and no other works can replace Him.

So, if you decide to turn to reading serious literature, which book is better to take to get started? Of course, it is difficult to please everyone's tastes at the same time. Moreover, on the Internet, if you set such a goal, you can find a huge list of works, of which at least one is right for you. And yet, to begin with, I would suggest that you read the book of the modern author, archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church, Father Tikhon (Shevkunov), "Unholy Saints." The book includes short stories from the life of the author. Many of them are associated with, where the author began his monastic life. As Archimandrite Tikhon himself said: “Almost all the stories that were included in the book, I told at sermons. All of this is part of our church life. Preaching ... after all, it is built on the comprehension of Holy Scripture, on the interpretation of church eventsholy fathers and examples from life. "

Another work, general Christian, and by its name should be familiar to all of you, this is "The Chronicles of Narnia",cycle out of seven children's fantasy books (fairy tales ) written ... They tell about the adventures of children in a magical land calledNarnia where animals can talk,magic surprises no one, butgood struggles with evil ... The Chronicles of Narnia reveals the meaning of a large numberchristian ideas in a form accessible to readers.

If you want to get acquainted with the modern Orthodox periodicals, then your attention should be focused on two wonderful magazines. The first is called "Thomas", whichpositions itself as “ Orthodox magazine for the doubters ". In the title of the magazine - the nameapostle thomas , denoting a distrustful listener (due to the apostle's initial disbelief inresurrection of jesus christ ). Main topic: a story about Christianity and its role in cultural and social life. "Thomas" is addressed to all interested readers, regardless of their religion, attitude to faith and political views.

STATISTICS According to VTsIOM data for 2014, in comparison with 2009, the number of people who practically do not read books increased from 27 to 36 percent.

AGIOTAGE- Artificially induced excitement, excitement in order to attract attention to something. (Explanatory dictionary Ozhigov)

"Remember that the earthly Fatherland with its Church is the threshold of the heavenly Fatherland, therefore love it fervently and be ready to lay down your soul for it." (right. John of Kronstadt)

In the destinies of the present and in the destinies of the future Orthodox Christianity, this is the whole idea of ​​the Russian people, in that is its service to Christ and the thirst for heroic deeds for Christ. This thirst is true, great and has not ceased in our people since ancient times, unceasing, perhaps never, - and this is an extremely important fact in the characterization of our people and our state. (F.M.Dostoevsky)

For 20 years the library has been working in the direction of "Revival and preservation of national and spiritual traditions of the Russian people." The revival of spirituality, intelligence, morality is always topical in the work of the library. The project "My Russia, Orthodox!" Allows our readers to expand their horizons on the study of literary heritage about the history of our Motherland, the history of the church, Orthodox holidays

Goal and tasks

Orthodox education of children, adolescents, youth of the village; Preserving the memory of the great Orthodox saints; Teach readers - children, adolescents, young people to read Orthodox literature correctly, understand it and think correctly; Show readers Orthodox customs, traditions, life. Attracting readers-children, adolescents, youth and their parents, institutions and organizations located in the village to participate in the events held by the library for the Orthodox education of the younger generation;

about the project

"Peter and Fevronia. Day of Family, Love and Fidelity" - we were filmed by Orenburg television

Dear Supporters! In our hard time the spiritual upbringing of the younger generation is becoming extremely important. And this is not accidental, because moral development in a person is associated with his spiritual development. A well-mannered person and a person who reads books will never go astray, will not become a drug addict, alcoholic, etc.

The holiday "Day of Family, Love and Fidelity" was held again in the registry office of the village of P-Pokrovka. They honored the heroes of the day - those who lived in love and harmony for 35, 40 years.

And that is why the library is often called the temple of the book, and the word temple itself is associated in the mind of a person with a spiritual temple, therefore, spiritual enlightenment is the leading place in the library. Our library has extensive experience in this noble cause. Spiritual and moral education consists of many moments, this is the education of patriotism "Forever in the memory of the people!"

And citizenship, instilling family values, fostering love for your small homeland, your land, preventing bad habits, nurturing the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. my motherland Working on the project "My Russia, Orthodox" we have achieved considerable results.

"The light of the understanding of the book. Day of Slavic culture and writing. Cyril and Methodius".

Fragments of the holiday "Easter! Great Resurrection!"

The lighting of the library by Father Daniel

From our events, readersacquire knowledge about the Orthodox past of our Fatherland, about Orthodox saints and their exploits in the name of the Faith. We also interact with the Orthodox Church. We show all the hardships of the trials our country has inherited.


The Orthodoxy hours that we spend in the library and outside of it on the foundations of Orthodox culture not only contribute to the dissemination of information about the role of Christianity and national culture, but also draw attention to the moral foundations Orthodoxy, introduce the younger generation to national shrines ... The work on the project will continue in the next 2015.

On International Childhood Day, librarians held loud readings about the Life of the Saints at the Pravoslavnaya station. The children took part in quizzes and received prizes, which were bought at the expense of library readers.

Fragments of holidays

Studying the history and cultural heritage of our region, we introduce our readers to famous poets and writers. Live communication gives a good result. After all, the formation of a civil sense of personality begins with small things: respectful attitude to the village, city, village where you live; respect for the family; involvement in what is happening around ... So that our children do not grow up "Ivans who do not remember kinship ...".

Meeting with the famous Orenburg poetess N.Yu. Kozhevnikova

Meeting with the famous Orenburg poet, prose writer P.G. Rykov

Meeting with S.I. Zhdanov. a famous photo artist, author of the book "Notes of a Photo Hunter", Thanks to Sergei Ivanovich, we know what wonderful birds and animals inhabit our steppe region, how to protect our native nature ...

Meeting with the Orenburg writer, poet S.I.Burdygin.
We do not have enough chairs to place in the library of our readers at the holidays that we hold, there are no books to encourage children to participate in contests, quizzes, etc., we need stationery, we need money for gifts for children on the most beloved Orthodox holidays "Christmas", "Easter", "Trinity", which are traditionally held in the library. Thanks in advance if you find it necessary to help us! To instill in readers spiritual and moral values, to infuse good into their souls is the goal of all our work. You can see about our holidays in the Library work blog on the Orenburg news portal on the library website, you can also see