"Good or evil. Your moral choice" Class hour. Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age. Topic: “Good will not die, but evil will disappear Conversation about what good and evil are


1.Formate children’s artistic and speech skills, develop coherent, emotional speech.

2.To form in children, through specific practical situations and works of children’s fiction, ideas about goodness and good deeds.

3. Bring children to the understanding that “a good deed speaks for itself”

4. Foster a negative attitude towards the immoral qualities of a person: evil, cruelty, envy.

5.Continue to cultivate humane feelings in children and cultural behavior skills.

6.Train children in the ability to determine a person’s state using pictograms, to correlate the state of their mood with a certain color

7. To instill in children respect for their peers, children, adults, the desire to do something pleasant and kind for them.


Umbrellas; colored paper; glue; colored petals; pictograms (joy, anger); a pictogram reflecting the duality of man; proverbs; story by E. Permyak “The Worst”; story by V. Dannikov “The Groove”; excerpt from V. Soloukhin’s poem “Hello.”

Preliminary work:

Reading works of fiction; conversations about good deeds and deeds; memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings; games; design of a book for children “Merry Entertainers”.

Children! Today we have many guests. Let's greet them and say "Hello!"

Children say hello and sit on chairs.

- Hello!

We bowed to each other and said,

Even though they didn’t know each other at all.

Hello? -

What special things did we say to each other?

Just "Hello"

We didn't say anything more.

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world? Why has there been a little more happiness in the world? Why has life become a little more joyful?

Children, why do you think this happens?

Children's answers. With this greeting sign we said: “I noticed you”, “I wish you health” (answer options).

You are right, children. We greeted each other, smiled and responded in kind. And we felt the warmth and kindness emanating from all of us.

Touch me with kindness - And illness will be washed away by a wave, And sadness will bypass, And the soul will be illuminated with beauty.

But, unfortunately, there is not only good in the world, but also evil. Let's think together:

1. What kind of person can be called kind? Children's answers.

2. Which one - evil? Children's answers.

3. What is the mood of kind people? Children's answers.

4. What does good look like?

Children's answers (flower, sun, ray, mother...).

5. What does evil look like?

Children's answers (cloud, hole, dragon, blot, cloud...).

- Guys, look at these little men (pictograms suggested: joy and anger).

Which one of them do you think feels joy? Children's answers.

- How did you guess? Describe the state of joy. Children's answers (glowing, cheerful eyes; “mouth to ear”),

- What kind of face does this person have (the anger icon is shown)? Children's answers.

- How did you guess?

Children's answers (brows furrowed, lips pursed).

- Do you like it? Children's answers.

- What needs to be done so that this person does not get angry, but becomes cheerful and kind? Children's answers.

- Well done, children! What color clothes would you choose for a kind person? Children's answers.

- And for an evil person? Children's answers.

- And now I suggest you try to portray a good person or an evil person using facial expressions and gestures.

Children show.

- Well done! Still, you will agree how unpleasant it is to portray an evil person.

Children, look at this image (icon of a two-faced face).

What do you think this means? Children's answers.

- Yes, indeed, very often there seem to be two halves living within us. One half persuades one to be obedient, not to be capricious, not to be insolent, not to be lazy, to go to bed on time, etc. And the second, on the contrary, is to climb somewhere, hit someone; a person can be stubborn, angry, angry, dissatisfied and do bad things. And if this second half defeats the first, then the person becomes angrier and angrier.

Tell me, children, what should each of us strive for? Children's answers.


Children, I have colorful petals in my basket. And I suggest you choose a petal that matches the mood of each of you. Children take a petal.

- Let's all make one flower together.

What flower does it look like? And which girl had this flower, from which fairy tale? Children's answers (V. Kataev's fairy tale "The Flower - the Seven-Colored Flower", girl Zhenya).

- Imagine, children, that your petal can fulfill one of your wishes. Think about what it will be like?

But before we say a wish, let's say the magic words:


The teacher gives a small comment about the children’s desires and asks them to name Zhenya’s desire, which brought her great joy and satisfaction. And asks the children to remember a proverb that talks about what kindness should be.

- “Kindness without reason is empty.”

Guys, remember how Zhenya and the boy jumped for joy. Your wishes are also very kind, and they cause joy and lift your spirits.

So I suggest you show it with a “mood dance” Each child “composes” his own movements.

- Well done!

Children sit on chairs.

- Guys, today I had a wonderful dream. A good fairy appeared to me in a dream. She said that she could transport me to any fairy tale with the help of a magic wand, but with one condition: I must help the heroes of fairy tales to avoid a bad ending. I, like you, I think, want to visit a fairy tale, but I find it difficult to come up with anything on my own. Maybe we can all cope together, and you can give me some advice.

Game situation: “Tell me” Fairy tales:

1. “Little Red Riding Hood”;

2. "Snow Maiden";

3. "Kolobok";

4. "Rock Chicken";

5. “About the Fisherman and the Fish”;

6. "Cuckoo". Children's answers.

- Thank you children for your kindness, you helped me a lot.

Now let's help one boy, his name is Vova. Listen to what happened to him: The story by E. Permyakov “The Worst Thing” is read.

E. Permyak THE WORST

Vova grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how can you not be afraid of this! He beat his comrades. He shot at the girls with a slingshot. He made faces at the adults. He stepped on the dog's tail, Cannon. He pulled out the whiskers of Murzey the cat. I drove the prickly hedgehog under the closet. He was even rude to his grandmother.

Vova was not afraid of anyone. He was not afraid of anything. And he was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long.

The day came when the boys did not want to play with him. They left him and that was it. He ran to the girls. But the girls, even the kindest ones, also turned away from him.

Then Vova rushed to Pushka, and he ran away into the street. Vova wanted to play with the cat Murzey, but the cat climbed onto the closet and looked at the boy with unkind green eyes. Angry.

Vova decided to lure the hedgehog out from under the closet. Where there! The hedgehog moved to another house to live a long time ago.

Vova approached his grandmother. The offended grandmother did not even look up at her grandson. The old woman is sitting in the corner, knitting a stocking and wiping away tears.

The worst of the worst that ever happened in the world came: Vova was left alone. Alone!

- What should Vova do to get the kids to play with him and for grandma to talk to him? Children's answers.

- Children, tell me, is it really so important that everyone knows about your good deed? And what do you think, is it necessary to talk about your good deed?

Children's answers.

- And I know that Anya Lapteva knows a story about the boy Vitya. Let's listen to her.

Anya tells the story “The Groove”.

V. DonnikovaGROOVE

Rain stopped. The boys ran out into the clearing and played with a ball. In the village, after rain, the ground does not dry out for a long time. The grass is all splashed, the edges of the ditch are wet, and the water in it glistens. Whoever crosses the ditch will certainly slip, grab the hazel branches and scold the ditch.

Vitya throws the ball, but sees everything. An elderly woman walked by with a can and almost fell.

Damn you! - she got angry at the groove: - That’s how much milk I spilled!

But the girl could not resist and fell into the clay with her hands. I wiped my hands and my dress got dirty.

Nasty ditch! - The girl stamped her foot and ran away.

Vitya hears how his favorite groove is scolded. “Why is she disgusting? - he thinks. - Birds drink water from it. Forget-me-nots are blooming near her. How many ships sailed in it!

When everyone left, Vitya went into the grove, collected dry branches... made the transition.

Now it was possible to cross calmly.

People were crossing. Nobody fell. No one was slippery.

And no one knew who made such a convenient transition. Yes, it doesn’t matter!

- For whom did Vitya try? When did you cross the groove? Children's answers.

- Was it important for Vitya that people knew about his good deed? Children's answers.

Conclusion “A GOOD WORK PRAITS ITSELF.” Hurry up to do good!

You will become a nice person

You will find your cherished dream.

After all, you will take with you on the road

Your sister - kindness!

A bell rings.

- Hear the bell. And I think it’s no coincidence. We talked about goodness. But only good wizards appear with bells.

Why do you think? Children's answers.

- Children, there are umbrellas and a note here. (White umbrellas)

- Who do you think all this is from? Children's answers: from Ole - Lukoie, read the note:




Children offer to decorate umbrellas with funny pictures and give them to guests.

Since it is very important that not only children, but also adults have good dreams

The conversation is held at the beginning of the school year (first half of September).

For 1st grade students.

"What is good and what is bad? Good and evil."

Busy with good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning here,
Good afternoon and good hour.
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
Is there so much kindness in the house?

Goals of the conversation:

- nurturing a culture of verbal communication;

- familiarity with stable forms of greeting, farewell, request, gratitude, apology;

- developing students' ideas about good and evil;

- nurturing the desire to do good deeds;

- learn to think about the spoken word.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory conversation

Teacher : Today we have an unusual lesson with you - a lesson of kindness. What is good? What is evil? Our ancestors also thought about these questions: great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers, and you and me. And although we live in the third millennium, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will think about good and evil. Today in class we will talk about good and evil and learn to distinguish good from evil.Today we will talk about a very important topic in the life of every person. Our conversation will be dedicated to kindness and good deeds! What do you think is"Good"? this is all good, kind, beautiful. For example, spring, sun, smile...(children continue.) What is "evil"? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad...(children continue.) We live on planet earth. If there is good and evil on our planet, it means that people can do good and evil deeds. Remember when you encountered good in life, and when did you encounter evil?( student answers.)

Working on a story

Teacher : And now I invite you to listen to one story that happened in his city of Good.(Story by V. Oseeva “Just an Old Lady”)

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

-Hold my books! – the boy shouted, handed his bag to the girl and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is this your grandmother?

- “No,” the boy answered.

- Mom?” the friend was surprised.

- No!

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! – the boy said smiling. - It's just an old lady!

Teacher : Could this story happen to any of you? What did this incident teach you? (Children answer ).

Now let's go back to school to do good deeds.

Teacher : Read the proverb on the board. “A kind word to a man is like rain in a drought.”

How do you understand its meaning? What kind words do you know?(Children answer)

Teacher: But not only words, but also deeds should be good, because as the proverb says, “It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.”

Teacher : Is it difficult to be kind? (Children's answers )

Teacher : For this you need to have a good heart, a kind soul; may your soul be good.

A student reads N. Trutneva’s poem “Kindness”

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

Being kind is not at all easy.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And he doesn’t demand a reward in return.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

Games - competitions

    Teacher : Look at these photographs, if there is a good hero in it, you joyfully clap your hands, if there is an evil one, you cover your face with your palms.

    "Where is the good hidden"

Teacher: Name the words and phrases in which “good is hidden.” (Good afternoon, conscientious, respectable, good night, good health, benevolent, good-hearted, good-natured...)

    Teacher : People have always treated kindness in a special way. No wonder they say: “A kind word pleases a cat.” You have a cut proverb on your desk, collect the proverb and read it.

A good word is like rain in a drought.

A good answer to a good hello.

Speak boldly about a good deed.

Life is given for good deeds.

Thank you - great power.

    "Smile of Kindness"

History of the word "Good"

Teacher: There are many kind words in greetings and wishes that we often encounter in life. And there are greetings and wishes that include the word GOOD. Which for example?(Welcome, good afternoon, good evening, good journey, good hour.) Do you know the history of the word "Good"? this word is originally Russian. Kindness has always been valued by the Russian people. Have you heard such expressions as “giving good” and “receiving good”? What does it mean to “give good”?(to give consent, permission to do something.) What does it mean to “get good”?(to obtain permission, consent to something, approval.) There are many kind words in our speech. A kind word can cheer us up, make us happy, and warm our souls.

Teacher: Have there been situations in your life when you had to help someone, save someone?(Children's stories).

Student: A.L. Barto "We didn't notice the beetle"

We didn't notice the beetle.

And the winter frames were closed,

And he's alive

He's still alive

Buzzing in the window

Spreading your wings...

And I howl to my mother for help:

There's a live beetle there!

Let's open the frame!

Student: M. Sadovsky “Kind Heart”

I once brought a puppy into the house,

Homeless tramp

To feed him a little,

Hungry poor guy.

Well, well, said mom, let him

He will live a little

There is such sadness in his eyes!

There is a spoon of soup...

I found it in the yard later

The kitten is barely alive,

I brought it to the house too,

Mom said again:

Well, well, she said, let him

He will live a little

There is such sadness in his eyes!

There will be a spoon of porridge...

I found a chick under the nest,

Crows hovered above him,

I hid it in a tomboy's hat,

We came home with him.

Well, well, my mother said, “let it go.”

He will live a little

There is such sadness in his eyes!

There will be a crumb of bread...

One day I brought a hedgehog

A snake and a turtle.

And the hare ran into our door.

Probably out of fear.

Mom said: - Let them live -

The apartment is so wonderful

And if you make room, here

And there will be a place for us!

Game "Say the Word"

Teacher: We said that a kind person is a polite person. I suggest playing the game “Say the Word.”(The presenter reads, the children complete the sentences.)

These words are short

They can be heard everywhere in the morning.

They live in this wide world

It's high time to remember them.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...(Thank you.)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...(Good afternoon.)

If you can't eat anymore

Let's tell mom...(Thank you.)

The boy is polite and developed

He says while meeting… (Hello.)

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We say:... (excuse me, please.)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...(Goodbye.)

You need to know how twice is two

All the magic words

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

I'm talking… (Please.)

Comrades! Keep repeating

In the morning according to the dictionary:

Thank you, sorry,

Allow me, allow me,

Thank you.

Basket of VIRTUES

Teacher: Now I suggest looking into the basket of virtues. What do you think is there?(children's assumptions.) Who wants to say the cherished words: “If I want to become kinder, I need to learn...” (Children say these words, take them out of the basket and attach the words to the board:

- Help where my help is needed;

- Understand the other;

- Take care of loved ones;

- Help out friends in trouble;

- Don't quarrel;

- Smile at those with whom you communicate;

Being kind does not mean forgiving everything. To be kind means to fight bad. Hurry to do good, and do not wait for others to do it for you.

Regional state government educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Orphanage No. 12”

"Teach your heart to be kind"

(Conversation with game elements)

Compiled by:


Derevtsova Tatyana



Continue to form the pupils’ idea of ​​good and evil;

Convince of the necessity of good and the inaccessibility of evil.


Reveal the positive aspects of kindness;

Develop communication skills, speech;

Develop the ability to give your own assessment of facts, events and situations in life;

Cultivate the desire to do good deeds and deeds.


Preliminary work:

Conversation with game elements.


Multimedia projector, computer, colorful flowers and droplets, karaoke song from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” - “If you are kind...”, fur toy, audio recording with calm music, tape recorder, pen for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

Children sit in a semicircle.


I'm glad you're all healthy and doing well. May this activity bring you the joy of communication and fill your soul with wonderful feelings. We will talk about a topic that is very important for everyone, but which one exactly - you will answer for yourself after listening to the children’s statements. (I turn on a video recording of children expressing their idea of ​​goodness)

Topic message

So, what is the topic of our lesson or what will we talk about today? (Children's answers)

That's right, today we will talk about kindness, the necessity of good and the inaccessibility of evil.

Quatrains on the screen

Always do good and evil

In the power of all people.

But evil happens without difficulty,

it is more difficult to do good.

What is good and what is evil? Throughout its history, humanity has been trying to answer these eternal questions.

Game "Continue the Phrase"

- Continue the phrase: “Good is………”(Children's answers)

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers: goodness is primarily associated with the ability to sympathize, rejoice, empathize, and respond to the feelings of others. Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

- Continue the following phrase: “Evil is……….”(Children's answers)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers: evil is war and betrayal, envy and greed, it is the persecution of people of a different nationality, a different skin color. Evil is indifference, selfishness, deception, drunkenness; This is when a strong person offends a weak person, the younger ones do not respect the elders, and the adults do not care about children. Unfortunately, evil is very common and insidious. Evil is disguised and sometimes difficult to recognize.

“Doing good for people means making yourself look good”

How do you understand the words “become prettier yourself”? (Children's answers)

(You need to do more good deeds, good deeds make you feel better and more pleasant, people treat you better)

What do you think is more on earth: good or evil? Why? (Children's statements)

Game "Colorful Drops"

You have droplets on the table, choose any and write on it the quality or event that, in your opinion, is the most evil. (The pupils complete the task)

Let's pin them on the board. (Children pin their drops on the board) - It turned out to be a rain of evil.

Can good conquer evil? (Children's answers)

How to make good defeat evil? (Children's answers)

Select the droplet again and write on it good qualities and actions that can be used to correct and destroy evil. (Children complete the task)

We attach a droplet with good deeds on top of the droplets of evil and destroy them. (The girls take turns securing their drops)

The teacher sums up the game:

In our lesson, it happened like in a fairy tale, good defeated evil. But things don't always happen so simply in life. A person must be judged by his deeds. You can say a thousand times that you feel sorry for the elderly, and never give up your seat in transport to an elderly person, verbally take care of

nature without noticing the trash can. What kind of friends you have, what kind of people you are, depends only on you.

Physical education minute:

Dance "Let's Dance"

Goal: to organize active recreation for children to increase attention and activity at the next stage of the lesson.


I want to tell you a story.

This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his fame. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage would not be able to answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter. That's how it all happened. The envious man caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked the sage: “Which butterfly is in my hands, oh wisest one: alive or dead?”

What do you think the sage answered?

And then the sage, who was truly a very smart man, said: “Everything is in your hands.”

Conversation on content

How do you understand the words of the sage “Everything is in your hands”? (Children's answers)

(The life or death of the butterfly at the moment depended only on the envious person)

A proverb appears on the screen

Pay attention to the screen: “Good deeds make a person beautiful.” How do you understand this proverb? (Children's answers)

(After good deeds a person is always praised, given compliments, this decorates him).

Does this proverb fit our story? (Children's answers)

(Yes, it would be better if the envious person dreamed of good deeds, did good deeds, then he would be known in the area).

There are values ​​in life, without which there is no life on earth. Name the qualities of a kind, good, positive person. (Kind, noble, honest, responsible, smart, kind-hearted, friendly, sincere, benevolent, good-natured, worthy, sympathetic, merciful, etc.)

The qualities you named are not innate, they need to be nurtured. When man appeared, he was rewarded with reason, speech, the ability to master and art. Man began to get his own food, make beautiful things, and build houses. But what a person was like inside always depended on his heart. Everything is in your hands, what actions to take.

Game "Glade of Kindness"

Please choose one of the flowers. Think about what kind deed you did yesterday or today, write it on a flower. If someone has not done a good deed, then write what good deed you could do today. (Children read out their good deeds and deeds)

Now we will place these flowers in our clearing. (Children place their flowers)

We have a “Glade of Kindness”.

Game "Pass the Good in a Circle"

(Calm music sounds).

Today we are talking about kindness. Let's stand in a circle, pass this wonderful little bear to each other and say good wishes.

Bottom line

Our lesson has come, let's summarize. What did we talk about today?

Tell me, can you teach your heart goodness?

Let's take care of the good!

We must not allow evil to prevail over good.

And it depends only on us!

You are still children, you have many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet beautiful, but first of all you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind. Hurry up to do good!

I propose to end the lesson on a musical note, let’s sing a song from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat” - “If you are kind...”


Good and evil: the reasons for our actions


    To cultivate kindness and mercy towards people, to show by example the magnificent power of kindness;

    develop knowledge about caring for others

Equipment: computer presentation “Good and Evil. Reasons for our actions”, sheets of paper, markers, statements about goodness, cards with the names of objects that you can take with you on a trip.

Cultivate the desire to do good deeds and deeds. conversation with role play elements

Material used during preparation for the conversation:

    Davydova A.V. Cool watches. M.: VAKO, 2010. – p. 15

    Zhirenko O. E., Savchenko E. V. Cool hours. 5-9 grades – M.: VAKO, 2006. – p.52-53

Progress of the conversation

Organizing time. Introducing the topic, goals, and outline of the conversation

Teacher's opening remarks:

“Being kind is good and joyful. It brings good to a person

a pleasure such as the wicked never knows; to be kind -


Yu. Yakovlev

They say that if a person has kindness, it means he has succeeded as a person. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “If good feelings are not cultivated in childhood, you will never cultivate them, because this truly human thing is established in the soul simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, simultaneously with the experience and feeling of the subtlest shades of the native word. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school - the school of instilling good feelings. Next to the word “good” the word “evil” always walked and never stopped for a minute. Good and evil are two forces that fight stubbornly and forever. The reasons for our actions are measured in these two words.

At the gates of the saint's monastery

He stood begging for alms,

Poor, withered, barely alive

From hunger, thirst and suffering.

When he only asked for bread,

And the gaze showed living torment,

But someone laid a stone

Into his outstretched hand.

Humanity of society, family, individual is determined primarily by the attitude towards children, the elderly, the most defenseless and in need of help, and the desire to help people in misfortune.

Role-playing game “Who will be saved”

Guys, imagine that you are walking through the desert, one of you will be an old man, a mother, a child, a father, a guide. On the table there are cards on which everything that a person can take with him on a trip is written, for example: a car, a horse, a camel, a bottle of water, a book, a bag of dried fruits, a warm blanket, a shovel, sandwiches, etc. You need to cross the desert in a week. Now you will take turns tossing the dice and take as many cards from the table as the number of numbers that appear on the dice. Then tell us what you will do with what you got, for example: don’t take it with you, share it with someone, use it only for yourself.

Questions for conversation.

Is it worth being merciful in our time? Who needs mercy and compassion most? Is it worth telling everyone about your merciful deeds and expecting gratitude for them?

Is it possible to blame other people for not showing mercy?

Is it easy for you to show mercy to whom and in what situations?

Are there people unworthy of mercy?

I will read you a fairy tale by V. Nemirovich-Danchenko

"The Key of the Merciful Enemy"

“The caravan walked through the desert... The sun burned. The golden mounds of sand disappeared into the dazzling distance. The sky was drowning in an opalescent sheen. Ahead, a white winding line, is a road... In fact, there was none. The carcasses of fallen camels seemed like a road here. The wells were left behind, and the pilgrims took water with them for two days. Only tomorrow can they reach the oasis with stunted palm trees. In the morning, the wonderful Marepa with blue waters and shady groves could still be seen in the distance. Now the mirages are gone. Everything froze under the stern gaze of the merciless sun... The riders swayed sleepily, following the guide. Someone began to sing, but in the desert and the song falls on the soul with tears. And the singer immediately fell silent. Silence... All you could hear was the uniform rustle of thin legs plunging into the sand, and the rustling of silk curtains behind which dark-skinned Bedouins were hiding from the heat. Everything froze, even the human soul! On the way, the caravan met a dying Arab; nearby lay a driven horse, white on the golden sand; the rider, wrapping his head in a white burnous, laid it on the lifeless body of his friend... The camels passed by dispassionately. None of the people even turned their heads to where, from under the white silk, the gaze of the one dying in the desert sharply and greedily followed them... The entire caravan had already passed him. Only the old man, riding behind, suddenly got off the saddle and leaned over the Arab.

What happened to you?

Drink! - That was all the dying man could say. The old man looked after the caravan - it was moving slowly and

dazzling distance, no one looked back. The old man raised his head high, and from there he suddenly felt something, some kind of wind, penetrating into his soul... The old man took off his bellows With water, first washed the face and mouth of the dying man, then gave him a sip... another.

The dying man's face became animated.

Are you from the Ommiad family?

Yes... - answered the old man.

I guessed from the sign on your hand... I am from the El-Hamids. We are mortal enemies...

In the desert, in the face of Allah, we are only brothers. Drink!.. I'm old, you're young. Drink and live...

The dying man greedily fell to the furs... The old man put him on his camel...

Go and tell your people about the revenge of one of the Ommiads.

I still don't have much time left to live.

Let's go together.

It is forbidden. The camel is small, it cannot withstand such weight. The Arab hesitated. But he was young, fame and love awaited him. He sat down silently... Stopped...

Do you have any relatives?

Nobody! - answered the old man.

The one who remained looked after him for a long time... He deceived his enemy... He had children, but they were famous as brave warriors... They no longer needed him.

The caravan disappeared into the dazzling distance... The sun was burning... The sky was drowning in an opal shine. The old man wrapped his head in a blanket and lay down with his face to the ground.

Several months have passed.

The same desert. The pilgrims also took water with them for two days in the last oasis... The riders on tired camels swayed sleepily, and suddenly the guide stopped... - What is there? - he pointed into the distance. The pilgrims who were catching up with him were already looking there in amazement... There, among the endless sands, greenery was visible. Tall, proud palm trees stretched out, a spring gurgled between the lush bushes, and the cheerful babble of cool streams filled the languid, ominous silence of the surrounding desert... Bright flowers greeted the weary travelers with a delicate fragrance, as if with a gentle greeting. The incorrupt body of a merciful old man lay by the stream. He was picked up, wrapped in silk veils and taken to the oasis of his family.

The Arabs say that a new spring flowed from the deepest bowels of the earth at the command of Allah, where a few drops of water from the old sheikh's bellows fell into the sand. The Bedouins call this wonderful oasis “The Key of the Merciful Enemy.”

Questions for a fairy tale.

Why do you think the old man showed mercy?

What would you do if you were a young Arab?

Was it possible to find some way out to save the two of them?

Why did an oasis appear where the merciful old man died? Imagine that you are driving through the desert and you run out of water.

What will you do?

Creative task “Oasis of Mercy”

Imagine that every act of kindness turns into a blooming oasis in the desert. Draw such an oasis and tell us what needs to change on earth for all deserts to turn into oases, and whether this is possible.

Creative task “Help Project”

“People around the world may look different, belong to different religions, may have received different educations and may be at different levels of the social ladder, but they are all the same. They are all people who need to be loved and who need to be helped if they need our help.”

Mother Teresa

The guys are divided into groups. Each group must draw up a project for the activities of a charitable organization. Children must write: what will be the name of their organization; who will she help; under what conditions will people work in it; who will finance it; its basic principles, etc.

Summary of the conversation

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out. Little good deeds, little words of love help make the earth happy and are like heaven on earth. Do good, learn to do good deeds, guys!

Subject:" Good and evil"


To form in children an idea of ​​good and evil;


    to form ethical forms of behavior in society and when communicating with each other;

    develop the ability to analyze actions and correlate them with universal human values;

    increase the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the team.

Organizing time

Guys, the topic of our class hour today......But, by the way, you yourself can name the topic, but a little later.

Listen to the poemOlga Slepenkaya “What is good?”

Good is you!
Good - it's me!
Good is our whole Earth!
Good is a holiday in the family,
Good is the song of a stream in spring,
Good is a sea of ​​joy and laughter,

Good is as wonderful as summer!

When mom and dad are nearby - Welcome!
And people walk smiling in the subway,
Well. in general, good is something like that

What I can’t explain at times!

So, what do you think will be discussed in today's class?

You guessed correctly that our meeting today will be devoted to the topic of good and evil.

What do you think is good?

(children's answers)

Kindness is a quality of a person that cannot be seen or touched, but without which it is impossible to live in this world.

What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe scales can help us with this?

– We will put “evil” on one side of the scale:

(dark chips that mean: “envy”, “betrayal”, “greed”, “rudeness”, “war”, “lie”, “cowardice”, “indifference”).
– To defeat evil, you must try to tip the scales with good deeds. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, what people around you are doing, and put them on the scale, drop by drop.

(Children talk about their good deed, a white chip is placed on the scale. Soon the scale of “good” outweighs the scale of “evil.”)

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness.

And now we will play with you.

"Game become a wizard"

Using the characteristics on the slide, turn one girl into good and the other into evil.

That is, let’s choose antonyms for words with you. (words with opposite meanings)



Compassion, patience, love, care, friendship, responsiveness.


Cowardice, cruelty, envy, selfishness, greed, laziness, irresponsibility.

Game “Fairytale Heroes”.

Now let's play a little. You all love fairy tales and cartoons. And one of the main themes of fairy tales and cartoons was the theme of good and evil. In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. I will read you riddles about heroes, and after you guess the riddle, tell me whether this hero is evil or good and why you think so.

He lives in the wilderness of the forest,

Hero of my heart.

He rattles his bones

And everyone in the area is scared.

What kind of old man is this?

Well, of course, ...

(Koschei the Deathless)

He lives in the wilderness of the forest,

Hero of my heart.

He rattles his bones

And everyone in the area is scared.

What kind of old man is this?

Well, of course, ...

(Dr. Aibolit)

I fly in a mortar,

I kidnap children

I live in a hut on a chicken leg,

Golden-haired beauty

And my name is...

(Baba Yaga)

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
If you're kind, it's always easy
But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.

(Leopold the Cat)

He looks like a shepherd:
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep


“But my health is not very good.

It hurts my paws

then the tail falls off.

And the other day I started shedding.

The old wool is falling off me, even if you don’t go into the house.

But the new one grows clean, silky,

so my shaggyness has increased.

(dog Sharik)

This heroine wanted to become the mistress of the sea and have a goldfish on her parcels.

(old woman from "Goldfish")

“Whoever helps people is wasting his time.
You cannot become famous for good deeds.
That's why I advise everyone
Do everything exactly like this
How does the old woman named..."

(old woman Shepoklyak)

Well done boys!

You did a good job, now let’s play another game: “Find a Pair.”

On your desks you have signs of the “beginning” and “end” of the rules; now you will use arrows to connect the pairs correctly. And after that, whoever completes it raises his hand, and we will read to you what we did.

Game "Find a Pair"

Not to advance, but to give in.

Don't tear it apart, but glue it together.

Not to take, but to give.

Don't shout, but listen.

Don't show your fist, but extend your palm.

Don't step on

and glue it together

Don't break it

Don't pick it up

but give in

Don't hide

and give it away

Do not shout,

and extend your palm

Don't show your fist

and listen

Well done! You all completed the task correctly!

You and I very often become witnesses to the good and bad deeds of people, and sometimes we ourselves are participants in them.

Situation 1

Vasya helped the old lady cross the street, and then told everyone at school about his action.

Situation 2

Masha received a “2” and, in order for her mother to scold her less, she washed all the dishes and cleaned the room.

Situation 3

Vanya made a bird feeder in winter and constantly poured bread crumbs into it.

Everything is correct! Well done.


Now I will read a parable to you, and you listen to it carefully and tell me what its main idea is.

Parable of two wolves

“Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth.
There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked: “Which wolf wins in the end?”

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:
“The wolf you feed always wins.”

So what is the main idea of ​​this parable?

(children's answers)

I want you to start every new day of your life with a smile, with a good mood, with music and not be shy to smile at yourself, at the new day, at your mom, dad, teacher, classmates and all passersby. I hope that you will grow up to be kind, polite, decent people and follow the laws of kindness because good deeds and deeds live forever.

This concludes our conversation, thank you for your attention!

Song "Smile"