Dragon Age Origin return to Ostagar. problem solving. Files, drivers and libraries

Story quests

Upon arrival in Ostagar, we will be personally greeted by King Cailan, an enthusiastic young man who cannot wait to immortalize his name as the winner of the next Blight. From a conversation with His Majesty, we learn that the royal army has already won several victories over the Spawn of Darkness and Kaylan hopes for their final defeat in the coming battle. After talking with the king, he will leave for a meeting with Teyrn Loghain, the commander of the army, and you can talk with Duncan about your upcoming entry into the Guardians.

It turns out that simply declaring your readiness to become a Guardian is not enough - you also need to undergo some special ritual called Initiation. Duncan will not go into details of this ritual, but tells you to find one of the Gray Wardens named Alistair and return to him after that.

Alistair, a handsome young man with a good sense of humor, is arguing with one of the army magicians in the northeastern corner of the map. After the magician leaves, he will speak to you. You can ask him about the Gray Wardens, Duncan and the upcoming ritual and earn your first points of influence over a follower in the game.

Alistair is a romantic interest for a female character. Keep in mind that low (not to mention negative) influence with him will completely cross out the love line.

Returning to Duncan, you will finally receive a task - to go to the Korkar wasteland and get three bottles of the blood of the Spawn of Darkness there, plus find in the ruins of the old fort of the Guardians ancient documents obliging others (namely gnomes, elves and magicians) to help the Guardians during the Blight. In your group you will be given Alistair and two recruits like you - the thief Davet and the knight Ser Jori.

Vials of blood can be taken from almost any Spawn, with which the Wasteland is teeming; the documents are located in the ruins in the north-eastern corner of the map. The approach to them is guarded by two noteworthy squads of creatures. One is by the bridge in the southern part of the map and is led by an Emissary, which means a magician. The second is located directly in front of the ruins and its head is Alpha Harlock - a warrior, an order of magnitude stronger than an ordinary spawn warrior. How you deal with them depends on your personal tactical preferences, as well as who your GM is. One of possible ways– shoot at them with a bow at the maximum distance, which will lure only a few opponents towards you, and you can deal with them piece by piece.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to the chest with documents and open it. You will immediately be called out by a dark-haired beauty who will ask what kind of archdemon you need here. During the conversation, it turns out that the documents you need are no longer in the chest, because the beauty’s mother took them into her hands a long time ago. The girl will introduce herself to you as Morrigan and agree to take you to her mother. She will give you the documents without any argument, and Morrigan will take you to the camp.

When you hand Duncan the required documents and blood, he will immediately announce that everything is ready for the ritual. The essence of the ritual, as they will finally deign to explain to you, is to drink the blood of the creatures prepared by the magicians (that is why you needed three portions of blood - one for each recruit), which, in principle, can kill you on the spot, but if you are lucky and If you survive, you will become completely immune to the most terrible weapons of the creatures - their poison - and gain the ability to sense their presence.

After you complete the ritual, you will be given the Guardian Medallion, and your quest will be over.

Non-plot quests

If you are not playing for noble person, then you have not yet received a Mabari dog as a companion, and you can do this by completing this quest. It is issued by the kennel manager. First, your hero needs to enter the pen and put a muzzle on the sick mabari so that he can be helped without losing any of his limbs. After this, the manager will ask you to find a medicinal flower for the dog that grows in the Korkar wasteland. You can find a flower in the most various parts forests, one of which is the ruins a few steps from the place where you will meet the wounded soldier. Give the flower to the steward, and after certain events you will be able to get the dog as your constant companion.

If you are playing as a noble, after you find the flower in the forest, Davet will mention that the kennel manager needed something like this to treat the dogs. In this case, you can simply give the flower to the steward and receive the reward (or refuse it if you wish).

The prisoner sitting in the cage will ask you to bring him food. If you do not agree right away, but ask him in more detail how he ended up in such a deplorable situation, he will admit that he was engaged in theft and will offer you the key to the magicians' chest in exchange for food. You can kill him and take the key from the corpse if you want, but if you are playing as a kinder character, talk to the guard and ask him for his lunch for the prisoner. If you have points in Persuasion, you can persuade him to give you food for free, if not, bribe him with 10 silver coins.

You won’t be able to open the magician’s chest right away - the pacified one standing next to you is preventing you from doing so. You will have to wait until night falls and the subdued one leaves (that is, after you return from the Korkar Wasteland after completing Duncan's quest). Taking the items from the chest will complete this quest.

If you have points in Persuasion, the sentry at Tairn Loghain's tent can call him to talk to you, but your meeting with him will not affect anything

From an elf messenger named Peak (he first talks to the leader of the Ash Warriors, and then runs away, so catch him before he disappears) you can trick him into luring out a good one-handed sword.

You can meet Daveth and Jory in the camp before you return to Duncan after talking with Alistair (though they won't tell you anything particularly interesting).

You can meet a sorceress named Wynn in the camp - a calm and very pleasant gray-haired person. Remember this - this is not your last meeting.

In addition, there are various little things scattered around the camp, such as plants from which you can make potions (or simply sell), boxes and chests (sometimes locked, so it makes sense to walk around when you get Davet in the group, if you are not a robber yourself ).

Wilds of Korkari

Story quests

Non-plot quests

Not far from the place where you entered the Wasteland, you will find the body of the missionary Jogby. He will have a letter from his father Rigby with him, and in it there will be a hint where to find their chest. The chest is located in the southern part of the map and contains several wolves, including an alpha wolf (elite). When you take the contents of the chest, the quest will be completed.

In the western part of the map you will find an abandoned parking lot and a chest. In the chest you will find a magazine of the already familiar Rigby. After reading the magazine, a new mark will appear on your map - a trace of the Chasind site. All you have to do is explore the parking lot and go to the next one that appears on your map. Repeat this several times and the trail will lead you to the Hasind treasure in the southern part of the map (behind the bridge with the Herlock emissary). You will not be able to find the treasure unless you have examined all traces of the Hasind sites before.

In the central part of the map you will find the corpse of missionary Rigby. In his will, you will find out where he hid some of his belongings - in an abandoned camp almost directly to the west of his body. When you find the hidden casket, you will have a choice - take its contents (an amulet without any special properties) for yourself or take it to Rigby's widow, Jetta. You can find it in the Church in the village of Redcliffe. When you give her the casket - or take it for yourself - your quest will be completed.

On the corpse of a soldier near the place where you met the Harlock emissary, you will find a bag of ashes and a piece of paper describing a local legend. If you want, you can follow the instructions and pour the ashes onto the pile of stones that is located northwest of the bridge. This will summon Gazarath, your first "orange" mini-boss.

Gazarat can be killed without much difficulty using bows - he usually pursues one of the group quite persistently, so if this one runs in a circle while the others shower Gazarat with arrows, then he will not last long.

Battle of Ostagar and Tower of Ishala

After King Cailan and Loghain formulate a plan of attack at the meeting and give you the mission to light the signal fire on the tower of Ishal, the battle itself will begin. Run across the bridge to the tower, where the guards will tell you that the Spawns of Darkness that came from nowhere have completely occupied it. After this, you will be joined by either two guards or a guard and a mage (if you do not have a mabari dog in your group), or only one mage. Clear the approaches to the tower and don't forget to comb the area around - you will find several boxes with supplies.

Ishala Tower consists of four floors. They are quite small. The first three are filled with Spawns of Darkness of all varieties and sizes. On the fourth you will meet the boss - an ogre.

In principle, a fight with an ogre can be carried out by simply hammering on it with all available means, periodically healing squad members and using any stunning-paralyzing techniques and spells on it. As an alternative to attacking head-on, you can use bows, shooting at him from a distance while the ogre is chasing one of the group members running in a circle (periodically changing the runner if the ogre suddenly decides to be distracted by someone else). This way you can kill him without drinking a single healing potion.

After you deal with the ogre, you can finally complete your mission. Light a signal fire and see what rather unexpected consequences it will lead to.

Flemeth's Hut

When you wake up from the wounds inflicted on you in Ostagar, you will find Morrigan next to you. She will inform you about what happened on the battlefield, about Loghain's betrayal and that, for reasons unknown to her, her mother decided to save you and Alistair from certain death.

Alistair and Mother Morrigan - who will introduce herself as Flemeth - are waiting for you outside. (Your dog is also located there if you are playing as a Noble Person.) A conversation with them will outline your further tasks and give several story quests: Nature of the Beast, Firestarter, Earl of Radcliffe And Broken Circle.

After you have been given the honorable mission of saving Ferelden from the Blight, Morrigan will join your group and advise you to first go to Lothering, where you can find out local news and decide what to do next.

If you are not playing as a Noble Person, then when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering you will meet the already familiar mabari and several spawn of Darkness led by Harlock Alpha. After you deal with the enemy, the mabari will join your group as a permanent ally, and you can even give him a name.

In Ostagar, immediately upon arrival, Duncan offers to meet with Gray Warden Alistair. You need to talk to Alistair in the north of the location and return with him to Duncan.

permanent squad member Alistair joins;
100 XP for completing the quest.

After Alistair joins, Duncan asks to bring three vials of darkspawn blood. They are needed for the initiation ritual into the Gray Wardens. In the Wild Lands of Korkari, such vessels will be found in many killed creatures of darkness.

2750 XP and amulet Oath of the Guardian Infected Blood And Cache of the Gray Wardens.

After joining Alistair, Duncan asks to find Ancient treaties Gray Wardens. In the Korcari Wilds, in the area of ​​the Gray Wardens outpost, you need to examine a chest Guardian's Cache. There will be a conversation with the witch Morrigan and her mother Flemeth. After receiving the required agreements from Flemeth, the squad will move to Ostagar.

2750 XP and amulet Oath of the Guardian for completing two quests - Infected Blood And Cache of the Gray Wardens.

In Ostagar, the huntsman asks to find Wild flower to treat a sick dog. There are many of these flowers growing in the Korcari Wilds (just find one). This quest is a prerequisite for the future appearance of a permanent member of the squad - the mabari dog. The joining of the mabari dog will occur after the Battle of Ostagar, before the first visit to Lothering.

When playing as a noble who already has a mabari dog, this quest is given by Daveth's temporary companion in the Korcari Wilds at the time the flower is found.

250 XP and 20 silver coins for completing the quest, if you do not ask for a reward;
500 XP and 50 silver coins for completing the quest if you ask for a reward;
zero total for completing the quest if you refuse the reward;
250 XP when adding a dog to the Abandoned Farm location.

In Ostagar, a prisoner in a cage asks for food and drink. You need to get food and water from the guard (buy, or steal, or convince him to give it) and give it to the prisoner. Can be obtained from a prisoner in advance Mage Chest Key


Alternatively, you can simply kill the prisoner during the dialogue and thus get the key. The chest is guarded by the pacified one, he leaves after evening.


100 XP for completing the quest. After the initiation scene into the Gray Guardians, you just need to go to the military council in the north-west of the location (at point 17). In Ostagar, before the battle, Duncan orders a signal fire to be lit at the top of Ishal's tower. On the way to the tower, the battle for Ostagar will begin. You need to climb to the top floor of the tower, defeat the ogre and light a fire (touch the object

Signal tower). You will be transported to Flemeth's hut.
Havard's Shield

for defeating the giant;
After you arrive at the camp for the first time. On the world map you will see a marker for one remote place. Go there. You will witness how bandits try to kill one noble sir. You can get into a fight, or you can just wait until the thugs injure their victim. We approach the bleeding nobleman, he will be Sir Elric. He recognizes you, and you him, for both were in Ostagar. Elric will tell you about the important papers of King Cailan that still remain in Ostagar, where the key to the chest is hidden, and where they are kept. He will also ask you, on occasion, to bury the king with appropriate honors, after which he will go to the Creator.
Now we will have an Ostagar marker on our map. As soon as you think you're ready, go there. You have to clear the territory from the creatures of darkness. Each Genlock General will have a piece of Kaylan's equipment. Along the way, take the key to the hiding place, look into the abandoned royal tent and unlock the chest with the documents that Elric told you about. The body of Kaylan himself will be crucified on the fortress bridge. Garlock the Necromancer, the last of the generals, will constantly run away from you. You will have to run after him quite a bit through the dungeons of the Ishal Tower. He will eventually lead you to the battlefield where Duncan died. The corpse of the ogre who killed the king will remain at the site of the battle. The necromancer will revive him, so you will have to fight this huge monster first, and then kill the evil sorcerer. After winning, you will find yourself on the bridge, and a cutscene will play about how you bury Kaylan. As a result, we get the king's full set of armor (cuirass, boots, gloves and helmet), the king's weapons (Maric's blade and Kaylan's shield) and Duncan's weapons (sword and dagger).

Sulker Pass and Golem in Khonlith
After the first arrival at the squad’s camp, a Sulker Pass marker will appear on the world map. A merchant will be waiting for you there, who will give you the golem control rod and tell you that the golem itself is located in the village of Khonlit. When we get there, we find complete destruction. The golem will stand motionless in the center of the square. But the control wand cannot revive him, because... the bauble has long since lost its power. Let's go figure out what's what. A couple of houses will be open. Also in the vicinity there will be a personalized chest of a certain Olaf, which will be locked with a key. In one of the houses the passage will go far, far down. We explore the dark corridors, killing all sorts of demonic creatures. As a result, we will meet a man named Matthias, who was the elder of this settlement. He will tell you that his daughter Amalia ran away below and got lost. We go to the very depths of the passage, find Olaf's key and meet the demon of Desire. In the dialogue with him, choose the option “demon, you won’t get it” (or something like that). It is possible to deceive if the persuasion skill is high (level 3 or higher). Say that you agree to give up the girl. And then kill the demon. The demon, by the way, also deceives and in the end always says: “I changed my mind and am keeping the girl for myself.” But it's not scary. Because the girl herself will get scared and run away, not wanting to stay. A girl dies only if she is voluntarily given to a demon. We kill the creature and return upstairs to Matthias and report everything. As a reward, he will tell us a secret word that can revive the golem. Let's revive stone creature. This is how we meet Sheila. When you leave the village, don't forget about Olaf's chest, it contains valuable things.

Star metal
During your travels around the world map, the following event will occur. You will witness a scene where an elderly couple finds a child in a meteorite pit and takes it for themselves (reference to Superman). Afterwards you need to go down into this pit and pick up the meteorite iron from there. Levi Dryden's brother will forge a cool sword from it later in Soldier's Peak.
Soldier's Peak and Demon Deals
When you first enter the squad’s camp, a guy named Levi Dryden will contact you. He will tell you about the ancient fortress of the gray guards, Soldier's Peak. The young man wants to go there because... His grandmother Sophia Dryden once commanded that fortress, and no one still knows what happened to her.
In Soldier's Peak, we will now and then watch scenes from the past of the fortress, which will be reproduced by local ghosts. Very soon we will understand that something like a small civil war has happened here. Sophia Dryden, in order to preserve the fortress, made a deal with demons. And, alas, after the enemies of the guards were defeated, the demons took over. The fortress is infested with undead and other evil spirits. There was a rupture in the veil, and now the fortress is virtually doomed to extinction.
However, we will meet Sophia Dryden herself, or rather her shell. She managed to contain the demon that had entered her body and is able to close the gap in the veil. True, she will do this in exchange for one favor. We have to go to the fortress tower and kill everyone we meet there. You can agree, or you can convince Sofia to first seal the hole in the curtain (you need a persuasion skill of at least 3). In the tower we will meet the magician Avernus, whom it is advisable to leave alive, but prohibit him from experimenting on people. If you kill him, Morrigan and Leliana will be very offended. Sophia Dryden will be furious that you deceived her and will try to kill you. We kill her, take the guard-commander’s set of armor and entrust the fortress to Levi.
Note 1: Sophia Dryden can be killed right away. In this case, Avernus will close the hole in the veil.
Note 2: On the way to Avernus you will find a bottle of possession potion. By drinking it when playing as a warrior, you will receive two abilities: speeding up the battle (at the expense of your own health), and throwing (without harming yourself) your own infected blood onto your opponents, which knocks them down and wounds them (sometimes severely).
When you return to the fortress next time, the corpses and other disgrace will be removed, and good merchants and blacksmiths will appear.

History of the Gray Guardian Base
The quest is completed in Soldier's Peak. To take it, just read everything you can get your hands on inside the fortress. As soon as all necessary information will be received, an entry will appear in the diary that one of the knights hid a treasure in the fortress. To find it, click on the picture above the fireplace. A cache with a chest will open. Let's take our things. The quest is completed.
Note: The cache must be found before completing the main quest in the Peak and leaving the fortress, because... When you return to the fortress again, it will no longer be possible to enter inside.


[Addon] Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar (2010)

[Addon]Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar (2010)

Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer's website: http://www.bioware.ru
Interface language: English (original) / Russian (EA)
Platform: PC

System requirements:
-OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
-CPU: Intel Core 2 1.4Ghz, AMD X2 1.8Ghz (Intel Core 2 1.6Ghz, AMD X2 2.2GHz for Windows Vista)
-VIDEO: ATI Radeon X850 128 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB (ATI Radeon X1550 256 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB for Windows Vista)
-RAM: 1 GB (1.5 GB Vista)
-HDD: 600 MB
-OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
-CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4Ghz
-VIDEO: ATI 3850 512 MB, NVIDIA 8800GTS 512 MB
-RAM: 4 GB (Vista) or 2 GB (XP)
-SOUND: DirectX® 9.0c compatible
-HDD: 600 MB

“Memories of the Battle of Ostagar will haunt you for many years to come. This battle destroyed your order and claimed the lives of many great men and women. And now, rumors have appeared that one of your comrades who survived the battle has escaped captivity and is seeking the help of the Gray Wardens. It's time Gray Wardens return to Ostagar and take revenge on the creatures of darkness."
In the new addition you will be able to:
Return to the battlefields of Ostagar, which this time are infested with darkspawn who have set up their camp in the middle of the snowy plains
Return the king's lost weapons and armor
Get a second chance to take the Dog into your party

Add. information:
To install this DLC, your game must be version 1.02a.
1. Run daupdater.exe.
2. Select add-ons.
3. Install.

Add. information.
Inside there is patch version 1.02a + crack

If you want to thank me, click on "+" in my profile

but I

Dragon Age: Origins / Dragon Age: Origins [Full Content] (2009)

Downloadable content (DLC's and things) LOOK BELOW!!!

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: add-ons
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Platform: PC


Dragon Age: Origins mods (2009)

Very useful additions for fans of the game Dragon Age. After installing the Pocket_Plane mod, an item with the unknown power “Stone of Teleportation” will appear in your inventory; use it to teleport to the Vault. You will appear in a room where: there are various chests with names like "Storage Chest", "Magic Chest", "Rune Chest", etc...

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Add-ons
Developer: Xenon, Daex3m, Musya
Publisher: Gelenka23
Interface language: English and Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven
Processor: Intel Core 2 1.4 GHz or AMD X2 1.8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1.6 GHz or AMD X2 2.2 GHz for Vista)

but I

No DVD for Dragon Age: Origins (2009)

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Crack
Developer: Antistarforce
Publisher: Antistarforce
Developer website: www.antistarforce.com
Interface language: English
Platform: PC

Processor: Intel Core 2 1.4 GHz or AMD X2 1.8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1.6 GHz or AMD X2 2.2 GHz for Vista)
RAM: 1 GB (1.5 GB) for Vista
Video card: ATI Radeon X850 128 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB (Radeon X1550 256 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB for Vista)
Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 20 GB

but I

Dragon Age - Origins all DLC (2009)

List of exhibited DLCs: ===================== - The Stone Prisoner - Warden's Keep - Blood Dragon Armor - Memory Band - Feral Wolf Charm - Guildmaster" s Belt - Band of Fire - Dalish Promise Ring - Collector's Edition (Adds 3 items: Bergen's Honor, Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes, Final Reason) - The Edge - Embri's Many Pockets - Helm of ...

Dragon Age - Origins all DLC (BioWare)
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: add-ons
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: EA
Developer's website: http://www.dragonageorigins.ru/
Interface language: English and Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven

but I

Text translation for Dragon Age Origins (2009)

Dragon Age: Origins From the creators of Mass Effect™, Star Wars®: Knights of the Old Republic™ and the legendary Baldur's Gate™, BioWare comes an epic story of violence, lust and betrayal. Dragon Age: Origins marks the return developers to the origins of the genre role playing games and represents a fusion of the best visual...

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Russifier
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Interface language: Rus
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 1.4 GHz or AMD X2 1.8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1.6 GHz or AMD X2 2.2 GHz for Vista)

but I

Dragon Age: Origins - Patch v1.01 (2009)

The possibility of damage to character characteristics has been eliminated; - fixed portrait design sliders that appear when importing a character from the downloadable character builder; - fixed import of preset face settings from the downloadable character builder; - the lower difficulty level has become even easier; - a little...

Dragon Age: Origins - Patch v1.01
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: patch
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer's website: http://www.dragonageorigins.ru/
Interface language: English and Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven


Dragon Age: Origins official crack + Downloadable Content (2009)

Installed on version: any Type of Russification: official Type of Russification: text+sound Installation information: Extract the files to the required folders: File: singleplayer_ru-ru.tlk - Dragon Agemodulessingle playerdatatalktables File: singleplayer_ru-ru_f.tlk - Dragon Agemodulessingle playerdatatalktables File: core_ru -ru.tlk Dragon Agepackagescoredat ...

Dragon Age: Origins crack (text+sound) official + Downloadable Content
Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: add-ons
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer's website: http://www.dragonageorigins.ru/
Interface language: English and Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven


Dragon Age: Origins - DLC Pack Deluxe 2010

Complete set of add-ons (3 quests + 16 items) from collector's edition games: The Stone Prisoner [Stone Prisoner] Warden "s Keep [Fortress of the Guardians] Return to Ostagar [Return to Ostagar] The Edge [Blade] Embri"s Many Pockets [Embry Pockets] Helm of the Deep [Helm of the Depths] The Lucky Stone [Luck Stone] The Lion's Paw [Lion's La...

Dragon Age: Origins - DLC Pack Deluxe 2010 (RUS/ENG)
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: RPG / Add-on
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer website: http://www.bioware.ru
Interface language: Russian / English
Platform: PC

but I

Russified text+sound for Dragon Age: Origins (2009)

Text and sound crack for Dragon Age: Origins v2.0

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Russifier
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer's website: http://www.bioware.com/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel Core 2 1.4 GHz or AMD X2 1.8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1.6 GHz or AMD X2 2.2 GHz for Vista)
RAM: 1 GB (1.5 GB) for Vista
Video card: ATI Radeon X850 128 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB (Radeon X1550 256 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB for Vista)
Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 20 GB


Dragon Age Toolset (2009)

BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins Mod Toolkit allows you to create your own content for the game, including locations, full-scale campaigns, and even in-engine cutscenes. - Create new adventures. You can create your own location or use art and textures drawn in the depths of BioWare. Start...

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Editor
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: BioWare
Developer website: http://social.bioware.com/toolset.php
Interface language: English
Platform: PC

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

I noticed that our blog does not have a description of the passage of this DLC. Maybe it's because of its linearity, but I still think it's worth mentioning.

So, directly about the passage.

To go to Ostagar again, you need to install the Return to Ostagar DLC. It costs $5 Evergreen or 400 BioWare Points.

After installing the DLC, you will immediately receive the quest “The King’s Confidant”, and a new location “Lands of Banna Loren” will appear on the map.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

When you arrive at them, you will find an old man with whom the guards of these lands are talking. If you take a closer look at him, you will recognize him as King Cailan's assistant, Elric. You can wait until the guards leave or rush into battle, in any case, one of the guards will pierce him with a knife. When you approach him, he will recognize you and tell you that King Cailan has entrusted him with an important mission. He gave him the key to the chest in which the king's personal belongings were hidden.

The old man hid the key in Ostagar itself, in a secluded place.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Since Elric himself understands that he will die, he asks US to go to Ostagar, recapture the king’s things from the creatures of darkness and, if possible, find and bury Kaylan’s body. If Alistair and/or Wynn are with you, they ask you to take them with you, after all, they were there themselves.

After this, the Ostagar icon will appear on our Map. What's the matter =)


Upon arrival this awaits us

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Is this...the new Legion of the Dead armor with a Mabari head??!! Oh if only...=)

So, we are moving towards the place of the military council, where Kaylan and Loghain discussed the battle plan. There we will have a small skirmish with the creatures of darkness, led by an elite emissary.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Only he will be called “Garlock the Messenger”, and he has the first part of the royal set - “Greaves of Kaylan”.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Plus, it's a gift for Alistair.

We go to the right, towards the kennel and the magician’s camp and come across a group of creatures of darkness, led by “Genlock the Blacksmith”. Unfortunately, part of the set does not fall from him. A little to the left is Elric’s hiding place and we take the key from there.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

We move towards the royal enclave, and we are attacked by pestilence wolves.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

From the king's chest we take the blade "Sword of Marik" and Kaylan's secret correspondence with the Empress of Orlais.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

From this correspondence we learn that our king maintained friendly relations with the empress, and she was even ready to give him her troops. If Loghain is with you in the group, he will say that Kaylan was a deceitful and two-faced person. Look who's Talking...

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

We remove Kaylan's shield from it - paired with Marika's blade it gives very good bonuses.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Moving forward a little, we will see a picture from which I, a person who NEVER shed tears at the last scene of the film Titanic, inadvertently flowed out a stingy male tear (albeit one small one, but still...)...

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

And its completion...

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Tell me honestly, what did you want to do with this ogre?

One way or another, we will see a small and distant genlock necromancer, who will revive the skeletons lying nearby, and he will run away towards the tower.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Well, first we’ll deal with the bastard, and then we’ll bury our king. We move straight, but at the intersection we first turn left. There we will be met by the genlocks sitting behind the ballists and their leader - “Garlock Strategist”. That's what we need =)

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

We take off the royal gloves from him and move, now to the tower.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Near the entrance we will be attacked by "Garlock"


Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

We remove Kaylan's breastplate from him.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Upon entering the tower, we will see our genlock again when he fires a fireball at us. Why are all pyromaniacs, huh? =)

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

He will run away again (who would doubt it), and we will be attacked by garlocks and genlocks, which fall from one blow. There will still be ogres there, but they are not as scary as the first ogre in the tower at the beginning.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

We go to the room nearby, where “grunts” await us again.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

From the weapon rack in the room you can take a good two-handed hammer - “Naga Crusher”.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

In the dungeon we will meet a couple of creatures of darkness and several fel spiders. Nothing complicated, we follow the beacon, which should lead us to the surface.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Coming to the surface, we will find ourselves on the battlefield itself. And again we will see part of the tragic video.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

And then this necromancer infection comes out again and what do you think it does? Well, yes, he revives the same ogre who killed Kaylan.

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

Do you see anything strange on this ogre? Yes, yes, this is Duncan’s sword and dagger, which stick out ugly from the ogre’s chest. We need to pick them up!!!

Return to Ostagar

Return to Ostagar

This ogre is an orange boss, but there is nothing difficult about him. But don’t forget about the necromancer - he revives the corpses lying here. So, it's better to have one member of your team kill him first, and then kill the ogre all together. Our treasured blades fall from the ogre,