Effective purification of moonshine. Technology and rules for purifying moonshine after the second distillation. Cleaning moonshine with soda

To clean moonshine as much as possible from fusel oils, you need to choose the most suitable method. Each technique is quite simple and is produced using substances that are available in every home. Cleaning moonshine removes unpleasant odor and taste, giving the alcohol a special softness. You can get rid of an unpleasant taste using different methods. However, not all methods are harmless and help to expel pleasant, high-quality alcohol. How to properly purify moonshine is of interest to many producers of this popular drink.


Moonshine brewing has been widespread for a long time. Methods for making homemade alcohol are passed down from generation to generation. There are countless moonshine recipes. The products used for its preparation are different, which is why moonshine is produced of different quality. This factor also depends on fusel oils, which are present in the liquid after distillation of the mash.

An unpleasant smell and taste are not the only disadvantages of moonshine. Fusel oils are dangerous for human health. They can lead to poisoning of the body. These toxic substances are created during the fermentation of the mash. Most of the fusel oils remain in it during distillation. But even a small portion of them, transferred into homemade vodka along with alcohol fumes, poses a serious danger.

Fusel oils in moonshine

To reduce the content of toxic oils and remove high-quality alcohol, you need to:

  • make the mash filling from proven ingredients: sugar, wheat, barley;
  • ensure the correct fermentation mode;
  • When distilling, adhere to the optimal heating temperature.

Fusel oils are viscous by-products in alcohol with an unpleasant odor, formed during the production of alcohol from starch-containing, sugar and fruit components during the fermentation process. When the mash boils strongly, the amount of evaporated fusel oils increases, which then condense in the cooling tube along with alcohol. Therefore, monitor the heating temperature of the mash in the apparatus. It should not exceed 90 C.


Among the available products used to clean homemade moonshine, the most popular are:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • baking soda;
  • Activated carbon;
  • charcoal;
  • milk;
  • poultry eggs.

Cleaning moonshine with eggs

They are added to the produced moonshine to bind and separate harmful components from the alcohol. After sediment has formed, homemade vodka is filtered. How to clean moonshine using these products?


The technology for purifying moonshine using potassium permanganate is simple. It is diluted in distilled alcohol at the rate of 1g per 1l. Stir well so that all crystals dissolve completely and leave for a day to settle. Complete clarification of the liquid and a sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the jar will indicate the end of the process. All that remains is to strain the alcohol through gauze folded in several layers. To improve the filtration process, you can put activated carbon powder on the fabric.

Moonshine purification technology using potassium permanganate

Use only the specified proportion; a large amount of potassium permanganate can negatively affect the body and also cause poisoning.


To clean moonshine from harmful substances and not cause harm to the body, you can use regular soda. It is widely used in baking and for other household purposes in every home. To neutralize acetic acid, which is in moonshine, it is introduced in an amount of 1 g per 1 liter.

Alcohol cleaning soda

Keep in mind that the amount of soda in a level teaspoon is 12g. Use these parameters in your calculations when determining how much it will need to be added to the moonshine. The action of soda lasts for at least 10 minutes, after which you need to filter the alcohol neutralized by it.


These drugs are different in composition, but are similar in their absorbent properties. They are the substances to which fusel oils and other poisons in moonshine “stick.” They are used in different ways:

  1. Place any coal to filter condensed alcohol in a watering can on cotton wool when distilling mash.
  2. At the rate of 50 g per 1 liter, activated carbon powder is poured into a jar of homemade alcohol and left for a month. Shake the mixture of coal and moonshine thoroughly every day. After a month, the mixture must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  3. Filtration is also carried out using charcoal, but the process of binding fusel oils in moonshine is accelerated from 30 to 3 days. Therefore, 3 days after filtering, homemade alcohol will be ready for use.

Charcoal filtration

Moonshine purification using different types of coal chips is of the highest quality. This technique can be used at the final stage in combination with other options for removing alcohol from fusel oils. This guarantees the preparation of the purest possible drink when brewing at home.


You can very effectively purify moonshine using milk. The content of casein and albumin in it determines the removal of harmful components in homemade vodka when they are chemically combined. Using this product makes it possible to prepare high-quality alcohol of your own making. Here are some cleaning methods using milk:

  1. Purification of milk mash during the distillation process. This technique is used to precipitate harmful substances and condense pure alcohol vapors without fusel oils. Use the ratio: 1 liter of milk per 5 liters of mash. Distill the prepared alcohol several times until clear. The effect will be enhanced by using activated carbon on cotton wool in a kitchen watering can, into which the moonshine is dripping.
  2. If you need to purify already distilled alcohol from ordinary mash, use the following proportion: 2 liters of milk per 10 liters of moonshine. Within a week, the created mixture must be stirred and stored in a dark place. The milk protein will curdle when combined with fusel oils and settle to the bottom. The procedure for removing harmful impurities from alcohol is completed by filtration through several layers of gauze. Then the filtered moonshine needs to be distilled again.

Purification of distilled alcohol with milk

Use only skim milk to avoid unpleasant-tasting and cloudy moonshine.

Cleansing with milk is a safe and effective method, which is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility. After preparing pure alcohol using this method, you will be pleasantly surprised by the softness of the moonshine when consumed.


The principle of egg white to remove poisons is similar to the milk method. During the coagulation process, protein components bind toxic impurities in the alcohol solution and settle to the bottom. To remove harmful particles from 1 liter of moonshine, you need to use 2 eggs. First, beat the whites a little until they have a homogeneous consistency and then pour them into a container with homemade vodka. When all the sediment sinks to the bottom, you will need to filter the alcohol using gauze. In no case should flakes with harmful particles remain in purified moonshine. Pay attention to the freshness of the eggs. If they do not sink in water, they should not be eaten or used to purify alcohol. Such eggs can poison a person.

How egg white works to remove poisons

Homemade moonshine producers often believe that homemade alcohol cannot cause harm to the body. However, do not forget to clean it after distilling the mash. It contains poisons. You should definitely use the following methods for purifying this drink to protect yourself from poisoning. Only then can you calmly put out a decanter of homemade vodka for yourself and your guests, without fear of unpleasant sensations during the holiday and the next day. All you have to do is choose a way to clean the moonshine. Take care of yourself!

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Moonshine cleaning- this is the process of purifying a strong alcoholic drink, which is obtained as a result of distillation of mash through a moonshine still, the purpose of which is to remove harmful impurities, foreign substances and fusel oils from this drink.

Any moonshine needs to be cleaned, since foreign substances that impair the quality of the drink can be harmful to health. Their composition and boiling point are given in the table below:

This is the process of purifying moonshine from harmful impurities and fusel oils at home using charcoal or activated carbon.

If you decide to purify moonshine during the distillation process, then your output product should fall into a container with a funnel. A cotton pad is placed in the funnel as the first layer, after which small fractions of coal, then larger fractions, are covered on top of all layers with several cotton pads. Coal should be used at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of product. You will need to change the carbon filter itself. In this form, moonshine cleaning coal from fusel oils occurs immediately at the moment of distillation of moonshine.

There is another way to purify moonshine with coal: coal is added to the container with moonshine. This solution must be left to infuse for several days (from 2 to 14), then strain. Cleaning moonshine with charcoal is a good method of cleaning the product before the second distillation. It is best to use charcoal, preferably birch. Charcoal, which is used in water purification filters, is also perfect for you. Coal for the second method cleaning moonshine can be used at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter of product

Cleaning moonshine with oil- this is a method of purifying homemade moonshine with refined oil; the result of such purification is the adhesion of fusel oils and foreign substances with vegetable oil molecules. The proportions of oil for purifying moonshine will be: 20 grams/1 liter, the oil should be as purified as possible, odorless and tasteless. After the oil is added to the moonshine, you need to thoroughly shake the container with the solution, repeat the procedure every 5 minutes 3-4 times and leave the container with the oil and moonshine to settle for 12 hours.

After settling, you will need to carefully drain the purified moonshine through a tube lowered to the bottom. You can also do the same thing by turning the container upside down, in which case the oil film will rise up, and you can carefully drain the moonshine through a slightly loosened stopper.

Cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate- this is another quick way to clean moonshine using the well-known potassium permanganate (manganese). For this cleaning we will need: 3 gr. potassium permanganate and dilute in 0.3 l. warm water, stir the solution until smooth. The resulting solution is added to 3 liters of the finished product and left for several hours. You can also add a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of salt to the water solution. Moonshine that has been infused for 12 hours will need to be filtered through a layer of cotton wool.

This is a method of purifying moonshine after final distillation using ordinary homemade milk. It is important to understand that the melon method of purifying moonshine should be used after the final distillation, the first, second, third.

To clean 20 liters of moonshine with a strength of 50° you will need 200 ml of milk. Milk must be pasteurized and have a fat content of no more than 1-1.5%. What needs to be done in order for the purification of moonshine from fusel oils to be successful:

  • add milk to the container with moonshine;
  • mix thoroughly (you can shake);
  • close the lid so that the temperature does not escape, and leave for a week in a dark place at a temperature of about +20°C;
  • Shake the mixture thoroughly for 5 days in a row so that all the milk reacts;
  • The suspension will settle for 2 days;
  • After all the manipulations described above, it’s time to filter the mixture through layers of cotton wool.

If after cleaning the moonshine If your drink turns out slightly cloudy with milk, you can add the skin of any citrus product to it and let it brew for a day. In this case, the optimal amount would be 1 fruit per 3 liters of moonshine. It is believed that purifying moonshine with milk is the best way, because this is how vodka is purified in production, but it is not the milk itself that is used, but the protein casein.

Cleaning moonshine with egg whites- this is a method of purifying moonshine, similar to the milk method of purifying moonshine from fusel oils using egg whites. For one and a half liters of moonshine with a strength of 50°, we take one protein. The egg white is thoroughly beaten with a glass of warm water and added to the moonshine. After which it is necessary to comply moonshine purification technology milk, which is described above.

This is an inexpensive method of purifying moonshine, which moonshiners use quite often. Proportions: 10 grams per 1 liter of moonshine, settling time - at least 12 hours. To remove sediment, a thin cleaning filter (cotton wool, cotton pads) is used.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing.

Cleaning moonshine by freezing- this is an old method of purifying moonshine, which allows you to obtain relatively pure moonshine by freezing it. Technology for freezing moonshine: a vessel with moonshine - an aluminum pan with a lid is best suited - is placed in the freezer for at least 12 hours. Water and harmful substances will freeze to the walls of the container, but alcohol, which freezes at lower temperatures, will remain unfrozen. If you decide to freeze moonshine at home, please note that the strength of your product will be higher than before the procedure.

Cleaning moonshine with fruits.

Cleaning moonshine with fruits- this is a method of purifying moonshine, which is used to clean moonshine from harmful impurities and give the product fruity notes; it is used before the second distillation. This method is well suited for finishing distillation - a distinct fruity flavor remains.

Moonshine purification technology fruits: for 3 l. product with a strength of about 25°, you need to add 1 carrot and 1 apple. They must be cut into large pieces and the core must first be removed from the apple. It is necessary to defend the moonshine for 2-3 days until the fibers begin to peel off from the fruit. After this, they can be taken out and the solution distilled or consumed in this form.

How to filter moonshine at home and why should you do it? All methods of purification, processing and refining of alcohol are aimed only at improving its quality. There are several options for processing the drink that will help relatively quickly and easily rid it of harmful impurities, acetone, fusel, etc.

Cleaning moonshine with a barrier filter

Moonshine is purified at home using various materials, in most cases these are substances familiar to everyone or even food. Naturally, repeated distillation can also affect the quality of alcohol. But before you pour the moonshine back into the distiller, you still have to filter it.

Filtration of moonshine is a labor-intensive process, but very interesting. There are several methods that help rid alcohol of harmful impurities. The following substances will help clear the drink from fusel:

  • activated or charcoal: carbon cleaning is one of the most effective and simplest ways to rid a drink of impurities;
  • milk and egg white: these methods of filtering a drink are similar in their implementation scheme, they allow harmful substances to interact with milk or protein and, in this form, precipitate;
  • potassium permanganate crystals: will also help rid moonshine of unpleasant odor and taste;
  • bread: has a porous structure, for this reason it absorbs impurities no worse than a dishwashing sponge;
  • fruits: healthy and tasty - everyone knows this, but few people know that an ordinary apple can absorb a large amount of esters and aldehydes;
  • soda: will help remove impurities from moonshine, making it softer and more pleasant to taste;
  • vegetable oil: a natural product that easily absorbs all harmful impurities, but the filtration process is associated with certain difficulties.

Purification, or filtration, takes place in several stages - this will help to significantly improve the quality of moonshine, rid it of unpleasant odor and remove the aftertaste or so-called aftertaste.

It is often necessary to pass the alcohol through a filter several times, then leave it in a container, and only then proceed to re-distillation.

Using household distillers, you can get a good quality product at home. But only the alcohol that has passed through the rectifier can be considered pure. The strength of this drink ranges from 93 to 96 degrees. It can be considered pure thanks to the distillation column.

Cleaning moonshine with charcoal

Activated carbon tablets will help clean homemade alcohol from harmful impurities. They can be easily found at the pharmacy, and they are inexpensive.

You can infuse the drink with charcoal by adding a few tablets to the container, and then filtering it through a cotton-gauze filter. But there are other ways to improve the quality of your drink using charcoal.

It makes sense to crush the tablets or charcoal, then cut the bottle in such a way as to make a funnel. A cotton pad or piece of cotton wool wrapped in gauze is placed in the funnel, the smallest particles of coal are placed on it, then the structure is covered with another disc or piece of cotton wool. And this continues until all, even the largest pieces of tablets or charcoal, are placed in the filter.

Proper cleaning of moonshine with activated carbon

We cover the structure with several cotton wool discs on top. With the help of such a filter, it will be possible to filter several liters of moonshine (from three to five), but no more. But after one use, you will have to dismantle the structure and create a new one. Coal has the ability to accumulate harmful substances.

You can use a filter jug ​​to purify water. It’s not difficult to filter moonshine with it; just pour “fire water” into the device and wait until it goes through purification. You will have to filter the moonshine from 3 to 5 times; one cartridge is enough to purify 10–15 liters of alcohol. After this, the cartridge can be thrown away; using it further is hazardous to health. The throughput of the filter jug ​​is quite high, for this reason cleaning will not take much time.

Simply filter the finished product using any of the methods described above - this will help prepare the distillate for re-distillation or consumption.

Milk and egg white

The drink filtered with milk or egg white has good characteristics. But in order to ultimately get a product that will meet the most demanding requirements, you will have to be patient.

The alcohol processing scheme is as follows:

  1. The finished moonshine is poured into a glass jar.
  2. Then milk is added to the alcohol.
  3. The container with alcohol is actively shaken.
  4. Place the container with the drink in a dark and warm place and wait for 7 to 10 days.

To filter 1.5 liters of moonshine, you will need no more than 250 milliliters of milk. Some people advise using high-fat country milk, while others say that you can only use a pasteurized product with a fat content of no more than 2%.

There is no particular difference, but it is worth keeping in mind that during settling the container should be in a room where the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. The temperature regime is of particular importance, since during the settling process the milk will interact with some components of the moonshine, attract harmful impurities and precipitate with them.

Cleaning moonshine with milk

The egg white works in the same way: it is beaten and then placed in the distillate. The protein comes into contact with certain substances, attracting them to itself, and eventually precipitates.

When a precipitate appears in the form of flakes, the distillate is filtered by passing it through a filter made of cotton wool and gauze several times. The product can then be diluted and reprocessed.

Filtration with soda or potassium permanganate

It has long been known that potassium permanganate crystals will help cleanse the body of harmful substances. A solution of potassium permanganate is used as a remedy for intoxication; it helps cleanse the stomach and intestines and neutralize some toxins.

The thing is that potassium permanganate attracts poisons and toxins, which are fusel oils, aldehydes and esters. The crystals react with substances and settle to the bottom.

It is not difficult to prepare a solution from water and potassium permanganate; it is enough to dissolve 3 grams of potassium permanganate in 300 milliliters of water. The solution is poured into moonshine and the drink is allowed to stand for a while in a dark place.

After the potassium permanganate settles to the bottom, and this will happen after 3-5 days, the alcohol is filtered using cotton wool and gauze.

This method of purifying home distillate can hardly be called effective; in some cases it is not recommended to use it at all. You should not clean moonshine with potassium permanganate if you plan to refine it in the future and turn it into cognac, whiskey or brandy.

You can replace potassium permanganate with soda; it is well suited for refining alcohol. In addition, you don’t have to let the moonshine sit for days; just add 10 grams of soda to 1 liter of drink and let it sit for 12 hours.

Additional filtering will still have to be performed. You can take a regular cotton pad or roll the gauze in several layers in such a way that it does not allow small particles of soda to pass through.

Soda also softens hard water, for this reason it is often used to improve the quality of water or other drinks.

Filter alcohol with bread or fruit

Cleaning moonshine with bread is easy. This method of filtration will help rid the drink of harmful impurities and at the same time give it a pleasant smell. The aroma of bread will give the alcohol a unique appeal.

You can clean any distillate with bread, but there is one “but”: during the settling procedure, the drink may become cloudy. The situation can be corrected by a second distillation or repeated settling.

To carry out the cleaning procedure you must:

  • grind the crumb, you can cut it into cubes or slices, after cutting off all the burnt crusts;
  • after the crushed crumb is placed in moonshine, the container is closed with a tight lid;
  • after 10–12 hours, the drink should be filtered, now it is ready for consumption or distillation.

This method of purifying alcohol cannot harm the human body, since bread is a natural product. But you should only use fresh baked goods, preferably the loaf made from rye flour.

Instead of bread, you can use fruits or vegetables; most often moonshiners prefer apples and carrots. Fruits and vegetables are cut into large cubes, and then placed in distillate, infused in a container for 10 to 14 days.

After cleaning, the moonshine may become cloudy; lemon will help correct the situation. Its zest is placed in a drink, it is infused for several days - from 2 to 5, then filtered. Lemon will remove cloudiness and at the same time give the alcohol a pleasant aroma and add a touch of sourness.

Vegetable oil and ice

Perhaps the easiest way to rid moonshine of fusel is to freeze it in the freezer. It is advisable to pour the distillate into a saucepan and then place the container in the freezer for several hours. According to the laws of chemistry and physics, alcohol will not freeze, unlike water and fusel. When the water turns into ice, and at the same time all harmful impurities freeze, the alcohol can be drained. There is no need to filter it.

There is one more advantage of this method of purifying distillate after freezing: it will increase the strength. It is recommended to dilute this drink with clean water and recycle it.

If we talk about the method of filtration using vegetable oil, you will have to spend a decent amount on purchasing oil. It is necessary to choose a quality product that has gone through several stages of filtration. Simply put, the oil must be refined and free of foreign taste and odor.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need at least 20 grams of oil. It is simply poured into alcohol.
  2. After the oil is poured into the moonshine, close the container tightly with a lid, and then shake it several times every 5 minutes.
  3. Then the container is sent to a dark place, where it will infuse for about 12 hours.

After this time, the drink will have to be subjected to additional filtration. It is worth turning the container over and using the hole in the lid or stopper to drain the alcohol. The remaining oil and distillate are cleaned several times, passing them through gauze and cotton wool.

In order for moonshine to please you with its purity and transparency, you should approach filtration with all responsibility. It is not enough to simply divide the alcohol into fractions to obtain a high-quality product; you will also have to clean it of fusel. Filtration will help improve the quality of the distillate and improve its taste.

If you want to get high-quality and pure moonshine, then you should take care of the equipment in advance. A classic moonshine still can significantly reduce the concentration of fusel only with repeated distillation. If you use a distillation column in the process, then the compounds that give the drink a special aroma and taste will also be removed along with harmful impurities. And if distillation is done several times, the moonshine will be very strong, up to 96%. Simple moonshine systems have settling tanks or reflux condensers; they purify the raw materials during the distillation process. Purification of moonshine from fusel oils is possible using different methods; the most common ingredients used to remove fusel oil are:

  • vegetable oil;
  • dairy products;
  • Activated carbon;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • fruits;
  • bread.


Fusel oils and other dangerous components tend to dissolve in oil structures. It is necessary to use refined sunflower or olive at the time of purification, because foreign odors should not get into the raw material. This method can easily be done at home, but you will have to re-distill it. Process:

  1. Make sure the oil has no odor.
  2. Moonshine must be diluted with water so that its strength is from 15 to 20 degrees.
  3. Add oil to the raw material in proportions of 20 ml per 1 liter of drink.
  4. The container with the drink must be shaken for 1 minute, then left for 3 minutes and shaken again.
  5. Place the container with the liquid in a dark place at a temperature of 5–15 °C for 24 hours.
  6. After a day, an oil film forms on the surface of the raw material, which is saturated with dangerous impurities.
  7. Pour the alcohol into another container through a thin tube so as not to touch the film.
  8. Filter the purified composition through cotton wool with activated carbon.
  9. Re-distill the drink.


Cleansing with milk is a proven method. But it is worth considering that for a good result you need to choose the right milk and take into account proportionality. Full-fat milk will not work unless re-distillation is planned. Otherwise, the drink will become cloudy and unsightly in appearance.

Due to the fact that the dairy product is rich in albumin and casein, it is possible to bind together dangerous impurities and force them into a sedimentary composition, which is simply filtered out. The end result will be alcohol with a delicate taste and pure composition.

Purification option without distillation:

  1. For 10 liters of moonshine with a strength of 45–50 °C, add 100–150 ml of low-fat milk. Due to its high strength, the protein coagulates better.
  2. The raw materials are thoroughly mixed, tightly sealed with a lid and placed in a dark place for one week. For the first 5 days, the jar should be shaken well once a day.
  3. Moonshine is drained from the sediment and filtered through cotton wool.

Purification with distillation:

  1. For one liter of moonshine with a strength of 45 °C there is 100 ml of fat milk.
  2. The drink is mixed and covered with a lid.
  3. The jar is placed in a dark place for 5–7 days.
  4. The moonshine is drained from the sediment and diluted with water to 20 °C. Re-distillation is done.

Activated carbon

Pharmacy activated carbon contains foreign impurities, for example, starch and talc, due to which the taste of moonshine can deteriorate. It is best to use cleaner coal. It can be obtained from gas masks, water filters, or purchased special coal for making wine.

  1. Coal is placed in the raw material in proportions of 50 grams per 1 liter of moonshine.
  2. The mixture is infused for 1–2 weeks and shaken periodically.
  3. Purified alcohol settles for 5 days and is purified through cotton wool.

Potassium permangantsovka

Dark purple particles of potassium permanganate, when in contact with water, color it crimson. This ingredient is often used to clean moonshine from fusel oils.

  1. 2 grams of potassium permanganate are combined with 1 liter of unrefined moonshine and mixed well.
  2. The jar of raw materials is placed in a dark place for 10–12 days. The room temperature should be room temperature.
  3. When the liquid becomes lighter, and a sediment forms at the bottom, which can be filtered through cotton wool.


This method is the most controversial of the others. But people often use soda to clean strong drinks, as it can remove fusel oils and acetaldehyde. For the process of removing harmful substances, the following are used: baking soda, caustic soda and potassium permanganate. But it is worth remembering that caustic alkali is not used separately, it can be hazardous to health! That is why this method has been disputed for a long time.

  1. You need to mix two types of soda. For 1 liter of moonshine you need 10 g of soda. The drink should be no higher than 40 °C strength.
  2. Moonshine mixed with soda should be left in a dark place for 10–14 hours. After the first 50 minutes of infusion, the moonshine should be stirred again.
  3. Then carefully strain the drink so that the remaining soda is completely removed. You definitely need to re-distill it, otherwise you can ruin the taste and aroma of the alcohol.

Filters Barrier or Aquaphor

This method attracts many people with its ease and accessibility. Carbon columns are inferior in price to water filters. This method is very good, but it has its drawbacks, which it is recommended to know about in advance.

Official information from the websites indicates that replaceable cassette filters are created only for water, and nothing is said about other liquids. The manufacturer is not responsible for the consequences if something goes wrong.

The special tank is made of plastic; upon contact with alcohol, it can begin to release dangerous substances - formaldehyde and phenolic compounds.

There is a way out: you can protect the quality of moonshine if you use not a plastic tank, but a glass jar as a receiving container, installing a filter element on its neck.


Fresh and natural bread is suitable for the process. Cleansing with black bread is an ancient method that was previously used only by rich people. Traditional way:

  1. The bread is cut into slices, the crust is removed, and the crumb needs to be finely crumbled.
  2. The crumbs are added to a jar of moonshine, mixed thoroughly, the container is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 2-3 days.
  3. The drink is filtered twice through a layer of cotton wool, diluted with water to 20 °C and distilled again.


Egg whites contain enzymes that can absorb fusel oils and other harmful components. Albumin and casein in protein act as neutralizers. When protein interacts with fusel, harmful substances precipitate. It is worth knowing that this method does not foretell re-distillation.

  1. A drink with a strength of 45 °C is mixed with proteins. Proteins are needed in the amount of three syringe cubes per 3 liters of raw materials. It is important not to allow the yolk to get into the moonshine, otherwise it will have an egg taste.
  2. Protein is mixed with water, approximately 10% of the total liquid. Carefully combine the two ingredients with a mixer until foam forms.
  3. The mixture is poured into a jar of moonshine and placed in a dark place for 7 days.
  4. The liquid is shaken 1-2 times a day to thoroughly separate the fusel oils.
  5. The moonshine is filtered through a cotton wool filter.

By freezing

This is the oldest method of purifying moonshine. To do this, you need to take an aluminum dish with a lid. Pour moonshine into it and put the container in the freezer for about twelve hours. The procedure is very simple: fusel oils and water freeze to the walls of the dish, and the remaining alcohol will not freeze. Next, you just need to drain it into another container.

But you need to remember that if you purify moonshine in this way, the resulting product will have a greater strength than before it was frozen.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

This purification of moonshine is used during the second distillation of the drink or immediately before use.

To do this, you need to take one medium carrot and one apple, after removing the core, cut everything into small pieces and add it to moonshine, the strength of which is twenty-five degrees. Leave the jar with the resulting drink for several days, when the carrots and apples begin to decompose into fibers, you need to strain the resulting drink in a convenient way.


Cleaning is considered one of the important stages in the preparation of a high-quality and safe product. These were the most popular methods for getting rid of fusel oils, which are easy to perform even for beginners.

Experienced moonshiners agree that the most effective and fastest way to purify moonshine from fusel oils is the method using activated charcoal or charcoal. This is not surprising, because coal particles have large pores that can absorb not only small impurity elements, but also large ones.

So, how to purify moonshine at home so that the filtration takes place with maximum effect. Let's consider 2 effective ways:

  1. Express method. During distillation, a funnel is placed in the container into which the distillate will be collected. One layer of cotton wool is placed in it, small fractions of coal are poured on top, then larger fractions and finally covered with 2 cotton pads. Everything needs to be pressed tightly. As a result, you will not need to spend additional time cleaning moonshine from fusel, since the product is filtered right at the exit from the moonshine still.
  2. Infusion. After distillation, the alcohol is poured into a glass jar, and crushed coal is placed there. Everything is thoroughly mixed and left in a cool place for 5-14 days. At the end of aging, the consistency must be filtered through multi-layer gauze.

This is one of the best options for quickly clearing moonshine before the second distillation. It is preferable to use coal from birch. A water filter component will be no less effective. It often contains silver, which will only improve the quality of filtration.

Use coal in the following proportions: 50 g. for every liter of alcohol. This calculation is suitable for both the first and second cleaning methods. Therefore, when filtering moonshine through a funnel, the cotton wool with filler will need to be periodically replaced with a new one.

Vegetable oil

Not all moonshiners know that fusel impurities and other harmful components are perfectly neutralized in vegetable oils. Therefore, moonshine can be cleaned with olive or sunflower oil. The main thing here is to use an odorless product, that is, refined, otherwise the concentrated aroma will be transferred to the drink.

With this method of purifying moonshine at home, some of the vegetable oil remains in the alcohol, even with high-quality filtration. Therefore, the second distillation in this case is a mandatory step.

How to clean moonshine after the first distillation with vegetable oil:

  1. Dilute the moonshine with water to a strength of 20o. For every liter of alcohol you will need 20 ml of oil. For example, in 5 liters you need to add 100 ml of cleaner.
  2. Mix the ingredients for 1-2 minutes, then leave for 5 minutes and shake everything thoroughly again.
  3. Place the jar in a dark place with a constant temperature of 6-15°C, the lower the value, the better.
  4. After infusion is completed, the liquid will become slightly cloudy, and an oily film will form on its surface. You need to drain the pure alcohol through the tube. Try to do this in such a way as not to touch the film.


Filtration of moonshine with milk is very popular among experienced craftsmen - this way the “soul” of the drink is preserved and its taste is softened. The principle is based on the binding of harmful impurities by casein and albumin molecules, which are part of milk protein. As a result, a flocculent sediment appears, falling to the bottom due to gravity. Filtration takes about a week, after which the distillate is removed from the sediment and distilled again. After cleaning, the moonshine acquires a pure structure and also becomes soft in taste.

Milk is a simple, effective and completely safe way to make high-quality alcohol

Please note that milk contains fats, which make the drink cloudy. Therefore, in moonshine there are 2 cleaning recipes. In the first, low-fat milk is used, and re-distillation is not provided; in the second, the percentage of fat content of the product is not important, since secondary distillation will help clean the structure.

A method for purifying moonshine with milk without distillation

The advantages of this filtration of moonshine are obvious; the method is absolutely safe, does not require secondary distillation and makes it possible to combine alcohol purification with other methods. But it also has disadvantages; in rare cases, the structure of the liquid may become cloudy.

Cleaning steps:

  • prepare a low-fat pasteurized dairy product at the rate of 150 ml per 10 liters of fortified drink with a strength of 50°;

Instead of pasteurized milk, in this case it is allowed to use dry milk. But 3 hours before purifying the moonshine from fusel oils, you will need to dilute it in warm water.

  • mix the dairy product with the fortified drink, seal the jar hermetically and leave for 5-6 days in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25°C;
  • Every day during infusion, the container should be shaken well;

From the very first minutes, a precipitate in the form of large white flakes will begin to form in the liquid. This milk protein enters into a chemical reaction and precipitates harmful impurities.

  • At the end of aging, the alcohol is drained from the sediment and filtered several times through multilayer gauze with a cotton pad.

If, after cleaning at home, the moonshine has acquired a cloudy structure, it should be filtered through a charcoal filter.

VIDEO: What is better to clean the distillate - coal, oil or milk?

How to properly clean moonshine followed by distillation

In this case, the fat content of the dairy product does not matter, the main thing is that the milk is fresh. The process of eliminating harmful impurities is as follows:

  • 100 ml of homemade dairy product is mixed into 1 liter of alcohol, but the alcohol is first diluted to obtain a strength of 45-55°;
  • all components are mixed well, tightly closed with a lid;
  • the container is placed in a dark place for 4-6 days, while the contents need to be shaken for better cleaning for the first 3 days;
  • The moonshine is drained from the sediment and diluted 20% with water, after which it is sent for secondary distillation, divided into fractions - heads, body, tails.

Using these methods, you can check the quality of store-bought vodka. Sometimes the result is shocking in terms of the volume of sediment.

Chicken egg white

Purifying moonshine at home using protein from chicken eggs allows you to eliminate not only harmful components in the drink, but also an unpleasant odor. This method works best when filtering distillate prepared with wheat or sugar mash. But if the alcohol was prepared using berries or fruits, it is not recommended to use egg whites for cleaning.

The composition of the cleaning product includes casein and albumin, in fact, thanks to which all impurities are deposited at the bottom. In terms of absorption level, this method of purifying moonshine at home is not inferior to coal. In addition, it should be noted that distillate losses are minimal - only up to 5%.

Let's look at the steps on how to clean and filter moonshine from fusel oils and unpleasant odors using egg whites:

  • dilute the distillate to a strength of 45-55°, but leave 20% free space in the container;
  • separate the white from the yolk, add water to it in a volume of 10% of the alcohol and beat with a mixer until smooth, but until foam forms;
  • mix the protein solution with moonshine, cover the container and leave to infuse for 1 week;
  • Shake the mixture every day, but do not perform these manipulations 1 day before removing the sediment.

After the holding time has expired, strain the liquid without sediment through a cotton-gauze plug in a funnel. Change the filter and do the same with the sediment. Dilute pure alcohol with drinking water to obtain a strength of 18-20° and distill it a second time.


This is the easiest way to filter moonshine at home. When the temperature drops below 0°, fusel oils and other impurities begin to freeze, while the freezing point of pure ethyl alcohol is -114°C. The method is quite time-consuming compared to other cleaning options, but high quality in this case is guaranteed.

You need to put the jar in the freezer or outside if weather conditions meet the requirements for freezing. When ice forms in an alcoholic drink, and this is fusel oil, the remaining liquid must be drained and the rest must be disposed of.

In the north they practice the “crowbar” method, although it is more convenient to use a metal corner. They leave it outside for a while so that the metal freezes well, place it in a bowl and slowly pour the distillate over it. When moving, the fusel freezes and the raw material flows off. The result is fast and quite effective.

To eliminate extraneous aromas from moonshine as much as possible, it is recommended to add 30 grams to 1 liter of drink. raisins and chopped violet root 5 pcs. The consistency should sit for at least 10 days, after which it will be completely usable.

Rye bread

In ancient times, few people were interested in the best way to clean moonshine from harmful impurities, since they used a centuries-old bread cleaning recipe. This method has not lost popularity in our time.

You need to use only fresh bakery products made from rye flour without various impurities. Homemade rye bread is an ideal option.

This product contains a lot of yeast and gluten, which help retain fusel oils. As a result of such cleaning, even the lowest quality alcohol will acquire a pleasant aroma and become lighter in color.

The process will require 100 grams. bread pulp per 1 liter of moonshine. Before purification, the alcoholic drink should be filtered using one of the previous methods. After this, the bread is cut into slices, they are cleared of the crust and crumbled into small particles.

The crumbs are poured into a container, mixed with the distillate, covered with a lid and left for 3 days in a dark place. After infusion is completed, the consistency will acquire a yellow color, which is eliminated by subsequent filtration.

Place a funnel with a stopper made of cotton pads into a clean jar and strain the alcoholic drink through it. The remaining pulp is disposed of without pressing. Next, the moonshine must be diluted with water and put to distillation, separating the fractions.


Bonding of fusel oils and other impurities is carried out using Karluk glue. Before use, the component is first diluted in water until a jelly-like consistency is obtained, and then mixed into the moonshine. Adhesive elements bind unwanted components of the drink and are deposited on the bottom of the container.

This method is of the highest quality; it purifies the distillate as much as possible. Its only disadvantage is its inaccessibility. The fact is that glue was used, as a rule, in large-scale production activities. The shortage is also affected by a sharp decline in the number of sturgeon, from whose swim bladders the component is produced.

Salt and soda

Quick cleansing of the drink from toxins and fusel oils is carried out by using baking soda with salt. The advantages of the technology are that it is short-term, the process requires no more than 1 day. The downside is ineffectiveness. The fact is that soda is not capable of precipitating all harmful components, so it requires repeated distillation.

Cleaning steps:

  • dilute the moonshine to obtain a strength of 40-50°;
  • separately dilute 10 g. baking soda in 100 ml of clean water;
  • mix the ingredients with 1 liter of alcoholic drink, close the lid;
  • shake thoroughly and leave for half an hour, then stir again;
  • place in a cool, dark place for 15 hours.

After a precipitate has formed, the clear liquid is carefully drained and filtered. A cotton pad is placed in the funnel, granules of crushed charcoal are poured on top, after which everything is covered with one layer of cotton wool. A fortified drink is passed through such a “sandwich” into a container.

Using salt and soda, you can partially clean the product from harmful impurities, the smell and taste remain unchanged.

Potassium permanganate with soda

There is also a conventional method for cleaning moonshine with potassium permanganate, but it is less effective than the combined method, so let’s consider the second option. Baking soda helps neutralize acetic acid, when potassium permanganate partially eliminates fusel oils.

The main advantage of such cleaning is the minimum time required. The downside is the likelihood of residual manganese crystals, which has a negative impact on human health. To eliminate this factor, it is necessary to distill the composition a second time.

Prepare the ingredients based on the following proportions: for 1 liter of alcohol you need 1.5 grams. manganese and 10 gr. baking soda. Pre-mix potassium permanganate with water in a volume of 200 ml, pour the alkaline solution into moonshine and shake thoroughly. Add manganese, cover the jar and stir well.

Place the container in a dark, cool place for 14 hours. During this time, a thick sediment forms at the bottom of the jar, the clean liquid is drained from it and placed for repeated distillation.


A less effective cleaning method that partially cleanses an alcoholic drink of harmful components, but at the same time gives it a pleasant aroma and aftertaste. Secondary distillation is definitely needed here.

For 3 liters of alcoholic product with a concentration of 20o you need to prepare 1 carrot and 1 apple. The fruits are peeled, coarsely chopped and added to a container with moonshine. After this, the jar is left to infuse for 2-3 days until the fibers begin to separate from the carrots and apples.

Making alcohol cloudy

Some tasters like moonshine with a cloudy milky color, just like it is made in real Russian settlements. To achieve this effect, you can use several recipes that give the product the desired shade without compromising its taste and aroma.

Some people like the authentic color of moonshine - it can be specially made cloudy

  1. Whey from milk. For 1 liter of moonshine you will need from 10 to 25 ml of whey, depending on the required color saturation.
  2. Powdered milk. Use the ingredient in proportions of 5-15 g. for every liter of fortified drink.
  3. Vegetable oil. To obtain a white consistency, 3-5 drops of refined sunflower or olive oil are enough. After adding the component, the liquid must be mixed thoroughly.

VIDEO: Little tricks of a moonshiner