Do-it-yourself hot smoked electric smokehouse. DIY electrostatic smokehouse. Additionally, it is worth preparing

An electric smokehouse is a device with which you can cook meat and fish in the shortest possible time.

The device has quite simple design, his really do it yourself, using available materials.

What does a smokehouse for cold and hot smoking consist of? Use in home, apartment

The smokehouse is metal container, securely closing the lid:

  1. Chips are poured onto the bottom, which when heated begin to smolder and produce smoke.
  2. Inside there are grates for semi-finished products and a tray for collecting fat.
  3. In order for the device to work, you need to connect the transformer wire to the grid at the bottom.
  4. You need to hang food at the top that need to be smoked. In this case, each of them must be connected to the opposite pole of the transformer.
  5. The smokehouse must be closed with a lid and ignite the fuel in the smoke generator.

Attention! The transformer must be turned on after smoke appears from the fitting on the cover.

There are smokehouses two types, namely: working on the principle cold or hot smoking They differ in that the latter disinfect food using heat treatment, and the former due to the long exposure of food to smoke.

Photo 1. Electric cold smoker made from an old refrigerator.

Another difference is the cooking time. The cold smoking device must be operated for 1-2 days, the smoke in this device is supplied through a special pipeline. The hot smoking device will cook food in 2-4 hours. Here, the smoldering sawdust is at the bottom, and the smoky masses simply rise.

The operating principle of an electric smokehouse is charge action. With its help, the smoke rises and envelops the food, after which it exits through the outlet pipeline.

For home use The smokehouse is not suitable for cold smoking. Within the walls of an apartment or house it is better to use electric mini smokehouse for hot smoking.

On sale you can find models in which both smoking modes are present, they are complemented by the function oven. Making a smokehouse yourself is not difficult if you follow the recommendations.

Stages of making an electric smokehouse with your own hands

Anyone can create such a device if they have a barrel of the required diameter and other components on hand.

Using such materials, you can make a device for hot smoking, subject to the following algorithm:

  1. The hull is being prepared. It needs to be checked for leaks. A hole is drilled in the upper element of the housing. In the future, a chimney pipe will be installed in it.
  2. Below you need to place electric stove , on which the tray for smoldering sawdust will stand.
  3. A tray designed to collect fat is installed. It can be made from sheet metal. To be able to place products, you need to install grates or hooks.

Important! Knowledgeable people It is recommended to check the smokehouse before use. It is worth assessing the level of smoke concentration, the absence of open fire in the sawdust tray, the location of the food grates, and how efficiently the heating element works.

A high-quality check is the key to long and trouble-free operation of the smokehouse. If you ignore this step, you can ruin all the products along with the smokehouse. With good assembly and high-quality testing, the service life of the device is significantly extended and the quality of its work is improved.

How to properly prepare for assembly?

To properly assemble such a device you do not need to have big amount construction skills, but worth preparing certain components, such as:

  1. Metal container with a lid. The best option in a similar situation is a metal barrel with volume 200 l. It is better to take a container in which various oils or chemicals were stored. You can get rid of any remaining contents by thoroughly washing the barrel before use. If oil was previously stored in it, you need to put dry firewood in it and set it on fire. After everything has burned out, you should treat the inside of the container with floor or dishwashing detergent.

  1. Electric thermostat regulating the temperature from 20 to 90 degrees Celsius.
  2. Special tiles.
  3. Pallet, made of metal. Fat will drain into it.
  4. Thermometer.
  5. Metal grid.
  6. Cable, along which it will be summed up electricity.
  7. Wire rack or old sawdust pan.
  8. Can be screwed furniture wheels to the bottom of the smokehouse. Moving heavy equipment becomes easier and the mobility of the entire installation increases.

Reference. It is worth remembering that no matter how high-quality the assembly is, a homemade smokehouse is inferior to a professional one in terms of cooking power and speed. Devices from the store have a more beautiful appearance, but you will have to pay for them from 10,000 to 20,000 rub.

Do not forget that the manufacture of the smokehouse must be carried out under certain conditions:

  1. Room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Humidity above 80% is not allowed.
  3. If the products are located in a running installation, you can't touch it.
  4. All components that perform their functions under voltage are needs to be insulated.

Additionally, it is worth preparing:

  1. Drill for drilling holes in the housing.
  2. Furniture wheels.
  3. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  4. Tin snips or wire cutters.

These tools will come in handy during assembly.

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How to make, photo of the process

When creating a cooking device, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. You need to decide which project an electric smokehouse will be made. When creating an installation, you can use 4 different schemes . The choice remains with the person doing the assembly. A smokehouse can be made from a bucket, metal sheets, barrels, bricks and stainless steel.

Photo 2. Drawing of an electric smokehouse. The order of the elements is from top to bottom: mesh, thermometer, bowl of water, grease tray, sawdust container, electric stove.

  1. Let's get started case manufacturing. Are looking for metal barrel and prepare as described above. Furniture wheels are mounted on the bottom. To do this you will need to drill several holes. Holes should be made at the bottom to allow smoke to escape. Their optimal diameter amounts to 10 mm.
  2. The installation base must be made of dielectric material, such as wood or plastic.

Photo 3. Cutting metal mesh with metal scissors. You can use it to make grates for a smokehouse.

  1. Need to make gratings. They must correspond to the width of the body and be securely fixed in it. It is worth choosing a metal mesh and, if necessary, trimming it using wire cutters or metal scissors.
  2. You can use an ordinary one as a pallet. pan, but you need to make sure that the diameter allows it to be in the housing.

Photo 4. Grid and tray, which is made of a pan, in an electric smokehouse.

After all preparatory procedures are completed , let's start assembling:

  1. Need to fix product rods using fasteners. They must be made of dielectric material.
  2. Need to put on a smoke exhaust hose to the nozzle and remove it to the ventilation.
  3. Connecting the cooler. To do this, take a plastic or metal hose of small diameter and wind it around the chimney in a spiral. Then one end of it is connected to the tap, and the other to the sewer.
  4. Hanging products, set fire to the fuel and when smoke appears, connect the transformer to the network.

If everything is done efficiently, then you don’t have to worry about the service life of the smokehouse.

Today we will tell you how to make a smokehouse and a smoke generator yourself from an old electric oven.

Hello. I've been thinking about smoking for a long time, but I still haven't gotten around to tackling this issue closely. Finally, there was time and opportunity.
And this miracle appeared to the world:
The smokehouse itself is an ancient Soviet electric oven “Kharkov M”; it has been in the way for a long time. Finally she found a use)
From what is in it, the case was made into a collapsible one. And added a thermostat.

The regulator was packed in a bag box, cheap and cheerful)
The regulator gave us the opportunity to clearly maintain what is required during hot smoking.
If we smoke cold, then the regulator is not used.

Also, the cut mesh for .

And it even turned out to be two tiers.

A separate issue is the smoke generator. There are many options, everyone chooses to suit their needs.

There is nothing complicated, as always :)
Pipe with welded nuts for 1/2 and M16

1/2 is our smoke outlet, and 16 a thin tube is screwed in to supply air from the compressor. , .

There are slits made on the 1/2 pipe, through which the ladies are sucked into the smokehouse.
A couple more photos for clarity

Covers were also made for the bottom and top of the smoke generator.

In principle, that’s all. You can connect the smoke generator to the smokehouse and actually smoke.

As you can see, the work is not difficult, it can be completed in a couple of days, not counting painting.
The smokehouse itself can also be easily replaced with a modern electric oven.

That's all. Thank you for your attention:)

P.S. The most detailed information on making this smokehouse can be seen in my video.

See also:

The idea is simple but effective: the principle of operation of this homemade electric smokehouse is that when charring electric heating element(also made by hand) firewood generates smoke.

My old friend Alexander was born and raised in the village. From his ancestors he inherited an irrepressible craving for keeping various domestic animals on the farmstead. Despite being busy with his main job, on his farm he kept a horse with a foal, two cows with calves, pigs with piglets, a dozen laying hens, several geese and turkeys, rabbits with rabbits, up to 50 broilers and someone else. On a small plot of land, all living creatures were housed literally on two floors.

But his worries did not end there. It was necessary not only to raise these animals, but also to process the products obtained on their mini-farm and sell the surplus. The sale of smoked meats was a particularly profitable business during the perestroika years and remains to this day. Smoked products at the market are simply torn off with your hands. Even through friends they sign up for a month in advance with a paycheck.

At first, Alexander used the traditional cold smoking method. Installed a smokehouse wooden cabinet, laid a long line in the ground chimney and built a pit with a fire. He hangs well-salted preparations in the closet, lights the fire early in the morning, covers the burnt coals with damp chooks and goes to work. During the lunch break he will throw in some lumps, in the evening he will add more, and at night he will monitor the progress of the process. But one day, in dry, windy weather, a fire broke out from the smokehouse, and part of the yard with the bathhouse burned down! This loss and the danger of open fire pushed the owner to the idea of ​​getting rid of the fire when smoking.

And he had an idea, to test which he connected two electric air heaters in series - heating elements, placed them on a trough made of galvanized tin and installed this device on bricks under the smoking cabinet.

Then he placed raw apple tree chicks on top of the heaters and plugged the cable into the mains.

The experiment was a success. The heating elements heated up, the wood began to smoke, and the smokehouse started working.

I also found out about this one convenient way smoked and after a while decided to make myself a similar yard homemade smokehouse.

Taking Sasha’s idea as a basis, I implemented it with my own hands in my own way.

For my smoking cabinet, a box from an old electrical panel with dimensions of 1200x600x250 mm was ideal.

It has a door and ventilation holes at the bottom and under the top cover (photo 1).

The modification was expressed only in the installation of a latch for a padlock, the installation of support legs and the making of two pairs of holes for the reinforcing rod for hanging hooks with semi-finished meat products (photo 2).

The finished cabinet was installed in a permanent place in the corner of the yard away from the buildings. The heating elements were enclosed in a special portable housing in the form of a trough on legs. I connected the heating elements to the power supply with a long cable.

Such a heater (Fig. 1) is convenient to maintain and store between smoking sessions in a dry place on a shelf in the garage.

Making a smoke generator with an electric heater with your own hands is quite simple.

We bend a trough from a rectangular piece of sheet metal 1 mm thick. Its length must correspond to the dimensions of the heating elements. We cut out two cheek-legs from the same metal and electric weld them to the trough. We drill two holes in the cheeks according to the diameter of the heating elements, and then cut vertical grooves into which we place these heaters.

Using copper jumpers, we assemble a serial circuit for connecting the heaters to the cable. The positive result of this connection is that the heating temperature is optimal for the slow smoldering of wood in the trough.

In addition, the fins of the heating elements do not allow the logs to be laid tightly (photo 3), which ensures excellent convection of the hot air necessary for their smoldering. The power of the heaters must be consistent with the size of the smokehouse and correspond to the permissible load of the home electrical network. In my case, the optimal power of two heaters was 1.5 kW.

To protect against accidental contact with electrical contacts, we cover all connections with protective boxes, which we attach with screws and nuts to the cheeks of the heater body.

The third, very important part of the design is the drip pan, which prevents melted fat from getting onto the chocks and the hot heater. Wood soaked in grease can catch fire.

Let's make a dropper from three rectangular sheet metal blanks of the same size. Trays should be slightly longer than the width of the cabinet. We connect the drip pan into a single unit by electric spot welding of trays with corner triangular ribs so that the upper tray overlaps the edges of the lower ones, and the ribs are inclined towards draining the fat. Inclined fins easily pass smoke and even mix its flow.

The attached drawings will help you understand the simple design of the smokehouse (see Fig. 1-3).

Homemade electric smokehouse - drawings

Drawing 1: Device homemade smokehouse and a scheme for smoking products.

1. Cabinet 2. Door. 3. Cover 4. Lock assembly. 5. Hinges. 6. Legs 7. Support plates 8. Rod for hanging and then smoking meat and fish 9. Door handle 10. Hook for smoking meat and fish

Drawing 2: Electric smokehouse heater.

1. Trough body 1 PC
2. Legs - cheeks 2 pcs
3 Protective covers 2 pcs
4. Air heating elements 2×1.5 kW
5. M5 bolt, nuts, washers 4 sets
6. Spacers TZN in place 4 things
7. TZN copper jumper 1 PC
8. M4 nuts. fastening washers 4 sets
9. Copper radiator 2 pcs
10. M4 screw, nuts, cable fastening washers 2 sets
11. Diselectric rubber in the lid 1 PC
12. Cable with plug set

Drawing 3. Smokehouse drip.

In any case, after assembling the product, a period of testing begins. Having hung a couple of pieces of salted lard on special powerful hooks, I put several bird cherry chicks in the trough and turned on the heater. After about 30 minutes, smoke began to pour out of all the cracks in the smoking cabinet. The process turned out to be easy to manage.

There is not enough smoke - I added wooden chocks, but there is no such thing as a lot of smoke in smoking! There will be a summer rich in all kinds of fish - let's catch several buckets of it, salt it and smoke it.

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Most smokers need open fire for heating sawdust or a smoke generator. But there are smokehouses that do not need fire. The device is heated by electricity. If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase a branded device, then you can make an electric smokehouse with your own hands.

Combined electric smokehouse

These installations are convenient to use in a city apartment. They have advantages over conventional devices:

  • installation on a balcony is possible;
  • no need for a gas stove;
  • heating the device using electricity allows you to automate the process by installing temperature sensors and time relays.

Step-by-step assembly instructions consist of the following points:

  1. at a height of 20 mm from the bottom, a Ø 10 mm hole is drilled for the wire;
  2. the plug is disconnected from the electric stove;
  3. the tile is placed on the bottom of the barrel, and the wire is passed through the hole;
  4. the plug is connected to the wire;
  5. A frying pan without a handle is placed on the electric stove, onto which sawdust will be poured.

Cold smoked electric smokehouse with smoke generator

have a more complex structure. In these devices, smoke is produced separately, in a smoke generator, and enters the smoking chamber through the chimney. Passing through it, the smoke cools and enters the smokehouse.

Its structure is no different from conventional installations. This can be made from any electric smoke generator.

It is a hermetically sealed cylinder with a capacity of 3 liters. There is a heating element in the lower part of the body, and sawdust and wood chips are poured into the upper part of 2/3 of the volume.

When heated, the wood chips release hot smoke, which enters the chimney and then into the smokehouse to the products. The temperature of the smoking process depends on the length of the chimney.

The power of such a device is 0.1-2 kW, and the average electricity consumption is 4 kWh per day. The greater the power of the heating element, the faster the heating occurs, but at the same time hotter smoke is released. Therefore, it is advisable to install a thermostat in the smoking chamber that turns off the heating when the temperature is exceeded. There is enough smoke inside the chamber to keep smoking going.

A type of electric smoker is. Like other devices, you can make it yourself.

Interesting! In the first half of the 20th century, some cars had similar installations installed instead of a gasoline tank, only the wood chips were heated not by electricity, but by firewood.

Factory-made electric smokehouses

There are many companies that produce electric smokers. Among them are the electric smokehouses “Dymka” and “Solinger”.

Hot smoked electric smokehouse “Dymka”

The Russian-made electric smoker “Dymka” is made of food-grade stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8 mm and is capable of smoking 7 kg of food at a time. Inside the housing there are grates and trays for wood chips and fat. The lid is sealed with a water seal, and there is also a smoke exhaust pipe. This design ensures that there are no odors in the room.

The smokehouse has a built-in heating regulator and a thermometer mounted on the lid. This allows you to maintain the required temperature during the smoking process. The power of the heating element is 1 kW, which ensures heating of wood chips to 250-300°C.

Some models are equipped with an additional tank, which is installed instead of the lid. According to the manufacturer’s description, this allows you to smoke fish and sausage up to 80 cm long in a suspended state.

The installation has the following parameters:

  • smoking chamber capacity 20 l;
  • diameter 25 cm;
  • height 41 cm;
  • structure height 63 cm;
  • weight without food and wood chips 7.8 kg.

Smokehouse "Solinger"

The Solinger smoking chamber is made of stainless steel. The tank capacity is 20 liters, which is enough for simultaneous smoking of 5-7 kg of products.

The smokehouse has a flat bottom, 2 mm thick, which ensures even heating and is suitable for use with stoves different types- gas, induction and conventional electric.

Even a woman can accomplish the task of “making a smoking apparatus with her own hands.” To do this you need:

  • Have the necessary components on hand. Buy and prepare everything in advance;
  • Have a clear plan for assembling the smokehouse (in your head or on paper - it makes no difference);
  • Strictly follow the given instructions. Flight of fancy in in this case may waste time.

The process of assembling an electric smokehouse for a home takes a maximum of one day.

An electric smokehouse consists of two main parts - the body and the heating element. The heating element receives electricity from the network and heats the container with wood sawdust. The sawdust emits heat and smoke, which cooks the meat.

Method number 1: classic electric smokehouse

The simplest apparatus for hot smoking meat. Consists of a minimum number of parts.

What will you need?

  • Metal barrel with lid (200-250 liters)
  • 4 wheels for moving the barrel
  • Electric stove (heating element)
  • Cable for connecting the stove to the electrical network
  • Thermostat
  • Thermometer
  • Container for wood chips
  • Container for collecting fat during the smoking process
  • A metal grate on which the meat will be fried.

How it works?

The metal barrel is the body of an electric smokehouse. An electric stove is a heat source that heats up a homemade smokehouse.

The first step is to separate the heating element from the stove.

Let's take a burner from an electric stove as a heater.

The heating element is installed down the barrel and heats the container with sawdust. The heat rises from the sawdust, heating the meat. The thermostat regulates the temperature inside the housing. And the fat from the meat drips into the container provided for this. As a result, the meat is baked until crispy.

Build process:

  1. The barrel is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and grease;
  2. The wheels are attached to the bottom of the barrel. This is done so that the smokehouse is easy to move;
  3. 6-7 holes are made in the lower part of the barrel for air intake;
  4. The heating element is installed at the bottom of the barrel and secured with screws in the center. It is obtained by separating it from an electric stove. Be sure to leave two wires for power supply from the network;
  5. The heating element is connected to the thermostat;
  6. The sawdust container is placed 7-8 centimeters above the heating element;
  7. The thermometer is installed on top of the barrel. The thermometer shows the real temperature inside the device;
  8. A meat grid is installed at the very top of the barrel. A little lower is a tray for fat, which will drain there while heating the meat;
  9. The device is closed on top with a lid, in which it is necessary to make round hole for smoke to escape. A hollow cylindrical metal element is suitable as a chimney.
  10. It's time to experiment with meat! The electric smoker is ready!

The instructions given are the easiest way to assemble a smokehouse with your own hands. The device is easy to use, mobile, and, best of all, immortal. Why? But because in the event of a breakdown, any part is easily replaced with a similar one. This is precisely the huge advantage of a smokehouse assembled by yourself rather than a professional one.

  • Where to find a metal barrel;
  • Original methods of producing a heating element;
  • Do-it-yourself homemade smokehouse based on a gas cylinder;
  • What is the sawdust container made of?
  • How to heat an electric smokehouse.

Where can I find a metal barrel?

A home electric smokehouse will last as long as the quality of the metal barrel is. Barrels of 200-250 liters are either paint, oil, or gasoline. Therefore, you can find them in the area of ​​construction sites or hardware stores.

When the treasured container is found, it must be thoroughly cleaned of its internal contents. If there was paint in the barrel, rinse with water detergent, if it’s machine oil, throw it at the bottom of the firewood, set it on fire, and then rinse it with water. Finished barrel for hot smoking it must be sealed and clean.

Methods for producing a heating element

The heating element is also produced by hand. You can get it:

  • From an electric stove
  • From the iron

Household electric stoves contain a heating element that is easy to remove. To do this, you need to open the case, remove all the insides and carefully remove the required part. A standard tile is opened with a screwdriver, which is used to unscrew four screws in sequence. The heating element must have two holes for wires. Through them a connection is made to electrical network.

From the iron - original way creating a smokehouse

You heard right! An ordinary iron (than simpler model, the better) is quite suitable for obtaining a heating element. In the case of an iron the necessary element There will be a surface for ironing clothes. Our task is to separate the metal socket from the body.

Disconnect the heating element of the iron

You can check the operation of the heating element using wood chips. They are placed on the heating element, and the wires are connected to the network. After 5 minutes, a characteristic smoke should emerge from the wood chips. Smoke indicates a rise in temperature on the metal surface. That's what we need! The primitive design is ready!

The heating element can be used in any smokehouse with your own hands - as on the basis metal barrel, and based on a gas cylinder.

Homemade smokehouse based on a gas cylinder

The basis of a high-quality smokehouse for the home is a solid body. It must be sealed, clean and resistant to temperature changes.

The basis for a smokehouse made by yourself can be empty gas cylinder. Before using it for its intended purpose, you will have to do a little magic. Namely, cut off the top part of the cylinder with the handle. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. We fill the bottle with fresh water;
  2. We draw the outline along which we will cut;
  3. Cut off the top of the cylinder with a saw or other tool;
  4. Remove the lid and drill a round hole in the center to allow steam to escape;
  5. We insert a hollow cylindrical metal object into the lid. It will act as a chimney;
  6. Close the smokehouse back with the lid.

The body is ready. Now you can get to the insides. Namely, fastenings for a container for sawdust and a bowl for fat. They can be made using ordinary metal circles. To do this, you need to make several recesses in the body, on which these circles will be placed. A container for sawdust is placed on the bottom circle, and a bowl for fat that will be released from the meat is placed on the top circle.

A heating element is installed at the very bottom of the housing - a source of heat for the meat. First, be sure to make several holes for the wires that will connect it to the electrical network. The network can be either portable or shared. The heating element can be obtained either from an electric stove or separated from an iron (see “methods of obtaining a heating element”).

The hot smoked smokehouse based on a gas cylinder is ready! It remains to check how it works. To do this you need:

  1. Pour fresh fuel into the sawdust container;
  2. Install a metal mesh on top of the housing. Place pieces of meat on it;
  3. Close the smokehouse with a lid;
  4. Connect to the network.
  5. Take a sample of the resulting meat.

The video shows another version of a smokehouse from a gas cylinder:

Sawdust container

The sawdust container is the place where the fuel for smoking is placed. It is in it that the wood burns, the heat from which rises to the top and heats the meat. Therefore, the device must be made of non-toxic and durable material.

A cast iron pan or bowl is ideal as a container for sawdust. These are in every summer resident’s home set.

DIY sawdust for electric smokehouse

Hot smoking fuel plays a huge role. During operation of the device, sawdust is burned, whose smoke rises to the top and interacts with the meat. On the right sawdust, the meat turns out aromatic and is fried to the right condition.

Smoking lovers agree - there is suitable sawdust, and there is not so much. This is due to the type of wood from which the fuel is obtained. Tree sawdust, which releases resin during combustion, is considered unsuitable.

Sawdust from:

  • Birches
  • Alders
  • Juniper

The listed tree varieties imbue the meat with a unique aroma during combustion.

The owner of the smokehouse can either cut sawdust with his own hands or purchase fuel in the store. Quality sawdust for smoking differs bright color(birch chips are rich beige, alder chips are bright gray) and a pleasant smell.

Ready-made wood chips

A DIY smokehouse is an indispensable device for country house. From now on, you and your family will enjoy delicious, healthy and aromatic personally prepared meat.