Elf Update v1.1 - Dragon Age: Origins - Replayers. Walkthrough Dragon Age: Origins - Elves The impact of the decision made about the fate of the elves and werewolves on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins

In Ferelden, these people are mortal, but ancient legends say that this was not always the case. They say that immortal beings once lived, existing in harmony with nature and worshiping the Elven Pantheon of the Gods. The first "shems" (short for "shemlen", a word meaning "quick children"; used to describe humans) they encountered were the mages of the Tevinter Empire. They traded with people and generally maintained friendly relations in every possible way, but soon learned that only human children appeared as a result of sexual relations with people. Elves genetically adapted perfectly, but as a result of sex with humans, they also became “fast”.

The hitherto immortal people began to grow old and die. In fear, the elves broke off all relations with the human race, but the Empire regarded this as an act of aggression and captured Arlatan, the homeland of the elves. People have enslaved this people. Immortality was lost, as was the support of the gods.

Later, the elves created a new state in the Dales, but the Order of the Church destroyed it for unknown reasons. The result was the Dalish elves.

Dalish Elves

The Dalish lead a migrant lifestyle. They are the descendants of the rulers of the destroyed state of the elves. People consider them almost criminals. The Dalish believe in ancient gods, and each member of the tribe wears a face tattoo of the god they worship. They travel to the remote corners of Thedas in special wagons with special triangular sails on the roof and keel-like contraptions at the back. The Dalish are also known as the only race capable of smelting iron bark, a special metal that is stronger and lighter than steel. They use this material to make weapons, some clothes and amulets.

The Dalish prefer to avoid human contact. But still, sometimes it doesn't work. In such cases, they prefer to settle things as quickly as possible, so as not to attract too much attention. After all, feuding with humans ends badly for the elves.

Dalish clans are very different from each other. Some get along pretty well with people and even live in the vicinity of their villages, while others, on the contrary, behave hostilely and hide in the mountains. The elves of Ferelden maintain something of a neutrality in their relationship with the human race. Clan paths rarely cross. Once a decade they meet and their Guardians (elders and leaders) exchange knowledge and information.

The Dalish live according to a special Vir Tanadahl code, the name of which means "The Way of the Three Trees". It consists of three parts:
Vir Assan ("Way of the Arrow") - Fly straight and don't swerve.
Vir Bor "Assan ("The Way of the Bow") - be flexible, but do not break.
Vir Adahlen ("Way of the Forest") - together we are stronger than alone.

These three parts of the philosophy are very often used together as a mantra, which the Dalish conclude with: "We are the last of the Elvenans, and we will never give up."

Alienage culture

“Elfinages have existed since the time when elves and shems lived on the same land. It's not bad for us: they say that ten thousand elves live in Val Royeaux in an area no larger than Denerim's market. The walls there are so high that even sunlight illuminates their houses only by noon.

But do not rush to destroy the walls and start a fight with the guards. Outside they leave more than inside. After all, we are not forced to live here. Sometimes a family can take a break and buy a house on the docks or around town. If they are lucky, they will return back after the marauders burn their belongings. Those who turn their backs on luck will go to work in the field with the poor.

Here we are in the family. We look out for each other. This is where the memory of the old days is kept. The long-ears who left here fall into despair. They will never become human, but, after their departure, they will no longer be elves either. So who will they become? Nobody."

Saretia, elder of the Gwaren elfinage


  • Abelas (ah-BELL-aws) - (literally: "sorrow"), used to apologize.
  • Andaran atish'an (an-DARE-an AH-tish-awn) - (very: "go down in peace"), official greeting.
  • Arlathan (ahr-LATH-ahn) - the homeland of the elves; the phrase "ar lath'an" means "I love this place".
  • Shemlen (shem-LEN) - (literally: "quick children"), so the elves call people.
  • Lethallin (leth-ah-LEEN) - "(worthy:" my friend "), an appeal to fellow elves.
  • Durgen'len (dur-gen-LEN) - (literally: "children of the stone"), as the elves call the dwarves.
  • Vallaslin (vahl-ess-LEEN) - (literally: "painting in blood"), a type of tattoo used to show worship of the Elven Pantheon of the Gods.
  • Uthenera is an ancient term meaning that an immortal elf passes on his life force to the next generation. Title track dragon age: Origins is called "In Uthenera".
  • Shue shah tauthau toetoi thuet. "I don't want to kill you."
  • Shue shiahthau uet tshuesparkar. "I'm a cheeseburger." =)

The apostrophe in Elvish is part of the style, not to indicate stress.

At the beginning of the game, you have to choose a race (human, dwarf or elf) and a class (warrior, rogue or mage); elves and gnomes have 2 more sub-races (city elf / wood elf and noble dwarf / untouchable). Depending on the path you choose, you will have different backgrounds for joining the gray guards. Briefly about each of them.

Rogue or Warrior
You will play as a noble man from the Couslands family. Teirnir Highever has long been considered their ancestral home. The game begins with a conversation with his own father, Bryce Cousland. He will tell you that in connection with the invasion of the creatures of darkness, he is forced to go to war in the southern lands along with your older brother. The brother is about to leave, and the first task is to find him and say goodbye. Likewise, our father will introduce us to the Gray Warden Duncan and his friend, the Earl of Aramantine, Rendon Howe. Let's go in search of our brother. On the way, we will be asked to look into the kitchen and calm down our dog. Let's go there. In the kitchen we will be met by a cook who is in a very bad mood. She will yell at our poor four-legged friend. Approaching the dog, we will see that he is heroically fighting a crowd of fat rats that have flooded the kitchen. We help him deal with rodents, pick up everything that is badly lying, reprimand the owner for disrespect for a thoroughbred dog with a 100-year-old pedigree and go on walking around the castle. We can talk to our mother and two guests. there will be no tasks from them, but still. Also go to the church to the preacher for a blessing and to the scientist to help him conduct a history lesson with children (in the library and church you can read several books that give experience).
Now go to your brother's quarters, give him your father's instructions, and go to sleep in your room.
In the middle of the night you will be awakened by the sound of weapons and the growl of your faithful mabari. The dog will actually save your life, because. otherwise, you would wake up at the Creator with a dagger in your neck. We quickly equip ourselves (a chest with things next to the bed) and go to find out what's what. In the corridor we will meet with the mother, who will also be fully armed. She will tell you that Earl Howe betrayed our father and attacked the castle at night. We make our way to the family of our brother, but alas, we find both his wife and daughter (your niece) dead. We need to find our father no matter what. We chop Hou's soldiers into cabbage and make our way to the main hall, where we will be informed that the teyrn was wounded and retreated to the pantry. Mother will say that there is a secret exit from the castle, along the way she will ask us to go to the treasury and pick up the family sword and shield so that Howe does not get these relics. Having done this, we go to the pantry. There we will meet a mortally wounded father, a little later Duncan will come running there. As it turns out, he is on our side and originally came to the castle for ... us. He wants to take us into the gray guards. We agree. The father will ask you to leave him. We can theoretically save the mother, but she wants to stay with her husband. Alas, we will not be able to change anything - our parents will die in an unequal battle with Howe's thugs, and we will go straight to Ostagar for initiation into the gray guards and a long struggle with the creatures of darkness.
Note 1: An opportunity to take revenge on Earl Howe presents itself at the end of the game. Personally, I took great pleasure in killing that vile butcher.
Note 2: When playing this story, mabari will appear immediately, if you play for other branches, then only in Ostagar.

You will play as a beginner mage. The game will start in the circle tower in the torture hall. You have to go through this very torture. What does it represent? Nothing special: you will be sent to the shadows (something like a parallel world inhabited by demons and spirits), where you will have to kill the demon.
Once inside, look around and go straight a bit, killing wisp (such funny fireflies). You will meet a talking Mouse, which turns out to be the spirit of a magician who was stuck in the shadows a long time ago. He will agree to help you and advise you not to go to battle with the demon yet, but to visit two local spirits. We agree. The mouse will follow you. On the very first lawn we will meet the spirit of valor (it looks like a templar). We speak with him and ask him for weapons. He will agree to give it to us if we defeat him in a fair fight. We can fight, or we can convince them to give us a weapon just like that (this requires a level 2 persuasion skill). We get a staff from the spirit and move on. On the way we will be attacked by ghost wolves. These monsters are quite easy to kill, but will be invisible until a certain point. Soon we will get to the second lawn, where the demon of idleness will doze. Although he is a demon, but not the one we need. So we talk to him and ask for help. He can teach the Mouse to turn into a bear, but for this we need to solve 3 riddles. If you do not want to rack your brains, then just finish off the spirit properly. Now that the Mouse has been turned into a bear, let's go back. At the first edge, where you recently spoke with Valor, the Demon of Wrath appeared. First, talk to him, while being rude in the toughest way. When the fight begins, the demon will summon several wisps to help. It is better to trust the Bear Mouse to deal with them, and deal with the demon himself. Lyrium veins around can heal your wounds. After the victory, talk to the Mouse. It turns out that it was he who was the demon, and much stronger than his just killed relative. Fortunately, the second demon will not have to be killed. Your mission in the shadows is completed and it's time for you to return to the harsh reality.
We will come to our senses being in the students' rooms (this is on the first floor of the tower). Our friend Jovan will immediately run up to us and ask about the test. He himself will be extremely dissatisfied with the fact that he has not yet been taken to the Torment. We calm him down, after which he will say that the first sorcerer Irving was looking for us. He lives on the second floor, so let's go there. In his chambers we will meet the commander of the templars Gregor and the gray guard Duncan. We speak with them all, after which we take Duncan to the guest cell. Then we will meet Jovan again, who will be extremely preoccupied with one problem. We go with him to the local chapel, where he will introduce us to his girlfriend. She is a templar and they meet despite the prohibitions of their communities (templars and mages in a very difficult relationship). Jovan wants to leave the tower with her, but to do this, you first need to destroy the amulet with Jovan's blood (templars use such amulets to find runaway magicians). The relic is stored in the basement of the tower, which can only be accessed with the help of a fire wand, which in turn is located in the pacified Owain. We go to him and ask for the rod. He will agree to give it up in exchange for a paper of recommendation signed by the first sorcerer. It is clear that Irving will not sign this document. 3 magicians can forge a signature. Each of them will have their own task. I will describe the way I went through myself. We go to the laboratory and speak with the sorceress there. At first, she will refuse our request, but at the same time she will subtly hint that not everything is in order in the pantry. We cling to this information and agree to settle the problems. I'm going to the warehouse. Everything is infested with spiders. We kill arthropods and return to the sorceress for a signature. Now we have the document, again we go to Owain and get the rod. We return to Jovan. He will almost take off his mantle for joy, join you in a group, and together you will go to the cellars of the tower.
Once inside, go through the first door. The second door will be closed, so you'll have to take a huge detour. Along the way, we sentence the guards to death. We reach the room with the cat statue. We examine it, after which we move the cabinet and use the cat as a detonator for a big explosion. We go inside, deal with a handful of guards and pick up Jovan's amulet. I'm going to the exit. Alas, there we are swaddled by a bunch of templars led by Gregor and Irving. If before the escape you nevertheless told Irving about Jovan's intentions, then you will not be beaten. Jovan, on the other hand, will turn out to be a blood magician and, in order to save his beloved from the clutches of the templars, he will finish them off in 2 counts. Only here's the bad luck, the bride-temple will not want to forgive the bridegroom-blood magician. Jovan will run away, and they will want to execute you for aiding and hiding the Malifikar. Here Duncan intervenes and announces the right to call. Now you are under the protection of the gray guards and they have no right to execute you. We thank Duncan for the rescue and follow him to Ostagar. And you will meet your "friend" Jovan.

Note: roleplaying as a mage is similar to the human race.
Rogue or Warrior
Dalish (Wood) Elf
This story begins with a short cutscene that shows you tracking down a squad of human smugglers. As soon as you corner them, your partner appears and offers to put the little people on Dalish cutlets. Kill them or not - you decide. One way or another, after that it will be necessary to examine the ruins not far from the edge. Inside them, we make our way through the crowds of spiders until we get to the Mirror Room. There you will be attacked by a huge wolf with a spiked skin. After killing him, we approach the mirror. We speak with a partner, at this moment the mirror will begin to come to life, and in another moment you will fall into darkness ...
Oddly enough, you will wake up at home in the elven camp, where you will meet Duncan and learn that the mirror at one time served as a portal for communication between the Dalish camps. However, now it has turned into a kind of black hole that fills the souls of those who look into it with filth, after which the unfortunate ones turn into creatures of darkness. We have already been saved from such a finale, but our partner is unknown. We need to talk to the elder's apprentice and then return to the ruins.
By the time you return, they will be inhabited. a small amount creatures of darkness. Again we make our way through all the evil spirits to the Mirror Room. There we will again meet Duncan, who will report that our friend most likely cannot be saved. Returning to the village, we report everything to the elder. Then Duncan invites us to join the gray guards and takes us to Ostagar.

city ​​elf
This story begins very optimistically and cheerfully. Your own sister wakes you up and talks about your upcoming wedding. We dress appropriately, talk with our father, and then go outside. We go to our friend, then to the bride. A video will start telling us about the wedding, which, alas, was interrupted in a prim and uncouth way.
The drunken son of Arl Denerim Vaughan arrived in Elfinage (the elven quarter of the capital) and took all the girls under escort to his estate, including your wife. At this very moment, Duncan will arrive. We speak with him, and then with the elder Valendrian. Now head to Earl Denerim's mansion. There we smash to smithereens the guards that come across along the way. We go into the servants' room and kill the watchman. We take alcohol in the kitchen, rat poison in the pantry. We go to the dining room and give this ruff to three soldiers. We rob them to the skin and go in search of Vaughan. When we do find him, he will get into a fight. We release his guts, free the girls and take them back to the alienage. In moments, the guards will come running and want to arrest us. Duncan will intervene in the conflict and declare the right to call. We agree to become gray guard and go with him to Ostagar.

Note: Dwarves cannot become mages.

Rogue or Warrior
Crown Prince (Dwarf Noble)
The story begins in the diamond halls of Orzammar in the royal palace. You have to play for the second oldest son of the current dwarf king from the Aedukan family. We speak with our bodyguard, after which we go to the main hall. We can choose to wander around the city or go straight to the feast.
At the celebration, talk to your father. He will ask you to find your younger brother Belen in the arena of trials. We go there and talk to a relative. He will say that our older brother wants to kill us. We thank Belen for the information and invite you to the banquet. After a sea of ​​ale and delicious food, it will be announced that you and your older brother should go to the abandoned teig of the Aedukan house.
When we are in place, we make our way to the crossroads through clusters of spiders and small detachments of creatures of darkness. At the crossroads we will receive the first reinforcements, through two underground rooms - the second (beware of ambushes of the creatures of darkness). With a fully equipped detachment, we go to the teig. Inside we will stumble upon a detachment of mercenaries. We send them to a meeting with the Creator and take a signet ring from the corpse of their leader. After we go into the house and solve one simple puzzle. We need to open the sarcophagus with a shield, for this, simply place your companions on the shifted tiles on the floor. We pick up the shield, go outside and break the wall with a shot from the ballista. A pack of deep hunters will run out on you. We kill them and return to the crossroads. Your older brother has set a trap for you. Nothing to do but kill him. Once you do that, your father and Belen will appear. You will be accused of killing your brother, deprived of your title and caste, and imprisoned, and our younger brother Belen will be behind all this. In prison, a former bodyguard will visit you and inform you that they are going to expel us, sending us naked, but with weapons, to the deep paths. Also, out of old friendship, the bodyguard will hint to us that perhaps there are still gray guards in that sector who can help us. Then a short exile scene will follow: we will be given a weapon, a sentence will be read out and thrown out the door, after which it will be bullied. Further, everything is simple: we make our way through the creatures of darkness to the gray guards behind the collapse, getting equipment in battle (from dead gnomes). Barely reaching the guards, we speak with Duncan and tell about what happened. He will be extremely surprised by all this, will offer us help and the opportunity to become a gray guard. We agree and go to Ostagar.

This story begins in the dirtiest and stinkiest quarter of Orzammar (Dust City), where the untouchables live (dwarves without caste, without clan, without tribe, but just do nothing). We are one of those lucky ones. We live by working for the criminal gang Charter. It also turns out that a certain Berat, our boss, is dissatisfied with your work as a racketeer and the work of your prostitute sisters. He gives us the task to click on one merchant on the topic of lyrium stolen from the Charter. The merchant sits in the tavern "At the taverns". With our accomplice Leske, we need to either kill the merchant, or threaten to get lyrium. As soon as we get the goods, we carry it to the shop to Berat. there we will be accused of rats (they say there is not enough lyrium). Making excuses is pointless. We will be sent to the arena of tests in order to poison a fighter named Mylar (for this you will need to pour poison into his wine), who must fight against one of your boss's hangers-on named Everd. Later it turns out that Everd is drunk as an insole, and therefore we will have to fight in the arena for him (in his armor). We equip ourselves and go to distract Mylar while Leske adds poison.
Then go down to the arena and start fighting. Instead of one fight, you get five. As a result, you will be exposed, arrested, because. untouchables do not have the right to take part in battles and will be sent to jail. Only now, not for ordinary gnomes, but to Berat under a dusty city. With the help of the guard, we get out of the cell, free the accomplice and go to repay the debts. Having found Berat, we rip open his belly for all the good things. We go outside and get into the store, where not so long ago we gave the order to the deceased. Then we go to the street, where the guards will already be waiting for us. Unexpectedly (as always), Duncan will intervene, give us the family mace of the Aedukan family (the royal family, however) and take us to Ostagar.

Let's start with the main thing: I know that the appearance given to the elves by the developers in the second part of the game is, to put it mildly, controversial in terms of aesthetics, and not everyone likes it.
So, I want to say that, despite the statement in the description, this mod won't do elves in the first part are similar to the elves from the second. They will just become less like the short people they look like in the original game. Makes them more sophisticated, right? The mod in no way contradicts the lore - on the contrary, it makes the elves what they can be imagined by reading the codex and the history of Thedas.
Now let's get to the mod itself. Read full description very desirable , so that later questions would not arise in the spirit of "what?", "where from?", "why?" and "your mod doesn't work!".


The author of the mod on the page has everything very conveniently laid out in optional folders, and I kept it, but changed the hierarchy a little. Separate folder optional I'm listing options that you might not want to use - or they overwrite the original mod files.

Installation: just put the folder Elf update by the address Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override, if desired, install optional files. Each option is standalone and can be installed in any combination. Removal is safe at any time during the game.
So what does this mod change? Let's start with the main folder in the archive, it is Elf update.

- Bodies, that is, bodies. Changes the shape of the bodies of the elves to more proportional. The male elves are almost unchanged, only the proportions are slightly corrected, but the female elves are almost completely redesigned. Elves no longer look like short people with disproportionately broad shoulders and boyishly narrow hips. Now they look just miniature, with the correct proportions of the body. This option also changes the underwear of the elves to the same one from the second part. (approx. translator: The textures of the original mod were in very low resolution, so I replaced them with those that I myself pulled from the DA2 archives, as a result they began to look much better. In the folder with the model of the female body, you can choose the color of linen - red or green. The default is red. If you want to replace it with green, delete the red linen texture file, and remove the one in the green name).

- eyes, i.e. Eyes. This option does not add any textures, it just makes the irises of all elves, without exception, larger and more expressive. Now you do not need to peer into the face for a long time, when ears are not visible, in order to understand whether the elf is in front of you or a person. The only problem is that some playable elf morphs have too small eye slit, and the iris can take up the entire eye. Unfortunately, there is no solution, but you can simply find another morph for a particular elf. Or, a more versatile option is to use a mod Dragon Age Origins Redesign, there is almost no such problem. From myself I also recommend the mod LOTC's Default Eye Textures, which enhances vanilla eye textures.

- Ears i.e. Ears. Makes elves less flat-eared. But in practice, unfortunately, this option only works in Toolset. For playable elves and character presets, morphs need to be updated.

- Proportions Literally, Proportions. Changes the models and proportions of all clothes and armor in the game, fitting them to the bodies from this mod. Currently only for women. I doubt that the author will update the mod six years later ... but what if? However, changes in the male body are practically not noticeable in clothes, so this is not critical.

- Fixes, these are fis, fix bugs that may occur in the game with this mod.

That's it, the main folder has been dismantled, now open the folder optional. Files from this folder must be thrown into the folder with the original mod, with merging and overwriting files and folders, otherwise bugs or the mod may not work. It’s easy to understand, I tried to sort and describe everything very clearly even for a beginner.

- Light Armor - Unisex . Changes the models of women's light armor to similar ones for men (i.e. without a neckline and other things), while maintaining the proportions of the bodies from the mod.
- Massive armor - symmetrical shoulder pads . Makes shoulder pads on elven massive armor (templar armor, royal armor, etc.) symmetrical. No more overweight on one side.
- morphs. Author's morphs that replace elves. Very amateur. Includes enlarged (sometimes too enlarged) ears and a "humped" bridge of the nose, imitating the elves from DA2. Naturally, it is not compatible with any mods for the faces of elves.
- nude women . Exactly what the name says - removes the underwear from all elven women, replacing it with a high-quality texture of a naked body. By the way, the quality of the model turned out better than dressed, more "smooth" and natural. I can’t imagine screenshots, because nudity is kind of forbidden here. For men, the author did not provide such an option.
- head shape . Changes the model of the head, imitating the "humped" bridge of the nose of the elves from the second part. Works when creating a new character, or in Toolset.

Compatibility Issues:

First, conflict is possible, of course, with any body replayer that affects elves. Here you will have to choose which one you want to leave, to your taste. You can combine, for example, take from here female body, and the male one is from another mod. As I said, all modules are autonomous, and work perfectly without each other. The only thing I recommend is that if you put body models, put clothes models as well, so that there are no strange differences in the proportions of dressed and undressed elves.
- Not compatible with the mod Elf Female Proportions Fix the same author. Here you also need to choose what you like best. For example, the clothing and armor models from this mod make the elves more petite, with a fragile physique, and will fit better with the bodies presented here, and Proportions Fix has more voluminous forms, closer to human ones.

Therefore, if you suddenly installed a mod, and you didn’t find any changes in the game, then look for conflicts in yourself. Try searching the folder override for matching files. Keep in mind that matching files may also be packed in erf archives, so they may not appear in the search. Therefore, it is better, of course, to remember what and where you installed.
And yet - the mod is not tied to any language, there simply are no such files, so it can't "bring down into English", the problem should be looked for elsewhere.

From the translator : the mod is in the WIP stage, but is frozen by the author, and most likely will not be updated anymore. From myself, I promise some more minor cosmetic corrections, such as refinement of textures and other things.

Also in the process of work, updated or made from scratch morphs for all elves in the game.
Goal: to keep each elf individually the way the developers intended and fully recognizable, but at the same time make changes from this mod, making the appearance more "elven", different from human. No ridiculously protruding ears from DA2, and no "square", expressionless faces that some elves have in the original. Screenshot examples.
Expect new morphs in future updates.

Based on games, books, anime and series of the universe of the same name


Character search

  • We will search among the characters of the fandom

Character groups

Total characters - 151

0 0 0

One of the ancient elf guardians guarding the Well of Sorrow in the Temple of Mythal.

Aveline Vallen

5 4 0

One of Hawke's first partners in Dragon Age II. She fled Lothering with her husband, Sir Wesley, during the Fifth Blight. Ambushed by darkspawn and rescued by the Hawk family. Aveline is one of Hawke's companions.

0 0 0

A Gray Warden who lives in the abandoned Soldier's Peak.

Avernus was a young mage when Sophia Dryden became Commander of the Fereldan Order. Gray Wardens.

During King Arland's attack on Soldier's Peak, Commander Dryden, aware of Avernus' blood magic, demanded that he summon demons. Avernus complied, but was unable to keep the demons under control. The veil was torn.

Avernus retreated back to his laboratory, where he spent almost 200 years in forced confinement, not allowing the demons to leave the fortress, until the Guardian came to the abandoned fortress of the order.

Alistair Theirin

11 15 1

Cheerful and good-natured Gray Warden, one of the protagonist's partners.

Illegitimate son of King Maric, was raised by Earl Eamon. Trained as a templar for some time, but was drafted into the Gray Wardens by Duncan. During the events of the Fifth Blight, he can become the king of Ferelden or stay with the Gray Wardens.


2 0 0

The last Inquisitor of the old Inquisition. Became an Inquisitor at the request of his friend Emperor Orlais Cordilius Drakkon. With the help of a spirit companion, he imprisoned Gakkon and himself in a time loop in an ancient temple.

0 0 0

Staring into the sky, Avvar priest of the Mistress of Heaven. When the sky opened up in the Sanctuary, he realized that it was the Mistress of Heaven speaking. Now, in order to fulfill her will, he follows the wonderful lowlanders from the Inquisition.

15 41 0

Renegade mage.

Anders is not a real name, but a nickname that is a reference to his family being from Anderfels. He escaped the Ferelden Circle of Magi seven times before being drafted into the ranks of the Gray Wardens.

At Vigil's Tower, Anders met Justice and long time talked to him. He survived the darkspawn attack on the Tower. He agreed to let Justice into his body, believing that together they could help the mages. However, Anders' hatred for the Circle of Magi twisted Justice into the demon Vengeance. The guards did not agree to harbor the possessed, which they believed Anders was, and the magician had to flee to Kirkwall.

At 9:37 Anders blew up the Church, which started the massacre in Kirkwall.


2 1 0

Prophetess Andraste is the founder of the Church, the creator of the Song of Light, and the savior of all believers.

As the people of Andraste rebelled against the occupation of Tevinter, her visions became more vivid and touching, and her understanding of the Maker's will became less abstract and more active. She began to consider herself an intermediary between people and the Creator, announcing to people His truth and His requirements for their salvation.

Andraste's husband, Maferath conspired with Archon Hessarian and allowed the disguised Tevinter to enter Andraste's fortress in the city of Nevarra. The Prophetess was captured, taken to Tevinter and burned alive, the most painful and brutal punishment Tevinter was capable of.

0 0 0

Elf mage, healer and former apprentice of Winn.

He needed time to get used to the Circle, but Wynn, believing that it was necessary to start learning, did not give him this time. When Aneirin tried to talk to her, she only told him to concentrate on his spells. He often talked about the Dalish and how he wanted to see them. One night, he left the tower, but the templars found the student missing and, taking the phylactery, left to look for him. Having caught Aneurin, they pierced him with a sword and, considering him dead, left him. Luckily, he was found by a Dalish clan who took him in and nursed him back to health.

Anora Theirin (nee Mac Tir)

3 4 0

Only daughter of Loghain MacTeer, wife of King Cailan.

1 0 0

Ariana is an excellent warrior and the best hunter of her clan. Fights with two blades. When an ancient book of elven history that belonged to her clan is stolen, Keeper Solan sends her to find the book. She is determined to fulfill the order given by the keeper. While searching, she crosses paths with the Guardian, who is looking for the Morrigan. During the conversation, it turns out that it was Morrigan who stole the book, and Ariana joins the Guardian to find the witch together.

3 0 0

Kitshock became the Qunari Arishok in 9:25 Draconic.

The Arishok and his Qunari pursued Isabela, who had stolen the "Scripture of Koslun" - a sacred relic that Orlais was trying to return to the Qunari to improve diplomatic relations. The storm sank the ships of both sides off Kirkwall. So the Arishok ended up in Kirkwall, where he and his army were given a place to stay in the port while they supposedly waited for Qunari ships.

Died fighting the Defender of Kirkwall.

The Architect

2 1 0

Garlock is an emissary of the darkspawn, one of those masters who invaded the Golden City. The Architect is the first known darkspawn to have a will of its own.

Archon Hessarian

1 0 0

Hessarian the Unshackled is a mage and ruler of the Tevinter Empire during the Andraste Rebellion. By his order, the prophetess Andraste was publicly executed.

After the execution of Andraste, he believed in the Creator, and declared Andrastianism the only faith in the territory of Tevinter.


0 1 0

Elf smuggler, Hawke's first employer.


0 0 0

One of the rulers of the Fereldan lands, divided among the aristocrats of the Empire of Orlais during the occupation of Ferelden. Blood Mage. By killing many young girls, she tried to regain her youth. In the end, the subjects turned their backs on the Baroness and burned her house. Before her death, the Orlesian cast a spell that transferred her soul and the souls of all people to the Fade, a nightmarish version of the Black Swamps.

Bartrand Tethras

0 0 0

A ground dwarf of House Tethras, Varric's older brother.

Organized an expedition to the Deep Roads. Fell under the influence of a lyrium idol and abandoned Hawke and Varric in the Primordial Taig.


0 0 0

A werewolf that the Guardian first encounters in West Brecilian. He is the head of the werewolves living in the Brecilian Forest.

Bhelen Aeducan

2 1 0

Member of the Dwarven Council and third child of King Endryn Aedukan. Belen is playing a political game and rigged the murder of Trian and the betrayal of the Guardian in order to become the first contender for the throne of Orzammar after his father.

If Belen becomes king, he initiates reforms and works to strengthen Orzammar's connection to the land world. It also gives new rights to the untouchables and privileges for military service in battles against the creatures of darkness. This policy helps Orzammar capture the lost part of the Deep Roads, but draws the ire of the warrior and noble castes. After several attempts on his life, Belen dissolves the Council and rules alone. Some will remember him as a tyrant, and others as a far-sighted ruler.

0 0 0

Chapter of the Charter before the events Dragon games Age: Origins. Invested in the nobility hunter Rika. He was killed by the Guardian - a commoner dwarf.

Bethany Hawke

6 3 0

Hawke's younger sister and Carver's twin. She is a renegade mage like her father, causing her family and her to live in fear of the templars. Her father taught her magic.

If Hawke is a mage, then Bethany dies at the beginning of the game, but if he (a) is a warrior or a robber, then she accompanies her brother / sister throughout the first act.


2 5 0

Guardian-Constable of the Orlesian city of Val Chevin and partner of the Inquisitor.

Blackwall is one of the few Gray Wardens who willingly and enthusiastically chose such a share. He believes wholeheartedly in the noble ideals of the Gray Wardens and would not trade this life for any other.

Bodahn Feddic

1 0 0

Traveling Dwarf Trader. In Dragon Age: Origins, he travels with the Guardian along with his adopted son Sandal. In the second part, Bodan joins Bartrand's expedition to the Deep Roads as a merchant. After the expedition, Bodan, with Hawke's permission, moves to the Hawke estate with Sandal.

Bram Kenric

1 0 0

Researcher and professor, originally from Starkhaven. Specializes in the history of the early Church, especially from the time of the signing of the Nevaaran Agreement. He transferred from Starkhaven to Orlais to be closer to the subject of his studies.

0 0 0

Branca was the wife of Oghren, a member of the warrior House Kondrat. She became Perfect through the invention of smokeless coal. In 9:28 Dragon Age, two years before the start of the Fifth Blight, she and her entire household except for Oghren went on an expedition to the Deep Roads in search of the Anvil of the Void.

Ferdinand Genitivi

2 0 0

One of the most famous ecclesiastical scholars, largely due to his published stories (many considered fiction by his contemporaries) of travels up and down Thedas. A significant part of the code in all games is written from his perspective.

1 0 0

Elf servant of the Empress Selina.

On behalf of Selina, she organized the search for Sir Michel de Chevin. During the search, she learns that her parents were killed on the orders of Selina. After breaking up with Selina, Briala raised an underground elf army to harass both sides of the civil war.

Bianca Davri

1 0 0

Inventor, member of the Dwarven Merchant Guild, and lover of Varric Tethras, after whom he named his crossbow.


0 0 0

Elf hagren in the Denerim alienage. An old friend of Duncan's.

Varric Tethras

17 16 0

Rogue dwarf and Hawke's partner. It is he who tells the story of Hawke during the interrogation that Cassandra arranges, trying to find out what started the war of magicians and templars and where Hawke, who became the Defender of Kirkwall, went.

Varric is the youngest son of the Tethras family, while his older brother Bartrand is the head of the house and runs the family business. His real business is the leadership of the "spy network", the main task of which is to provide information to the Tetras family, which is part of the Commerce Guild, and also to quietly solve the problems of the family.

After Hawk disappeared from Quircall, he was interrogated by Cassandra and joined the Inquisition.

1 0 0

The successor to the guardian of the clan of the Dalish elves, a potential partner of the protagonist. She knows well how much the elves lost in the war with people, and considers it right that people with the invasion of the creatures of darkness lost no less.

Velanna has a short temper and is not afraid to say what she thinks, even if it might offend someone. She hates people, but will help them in pursuit of her goal.


1 2 0

Senior sorcerer-knight of the Orlesian Circle of Mages. Potential partner of the Inquisitor.

Vivien was one of the main candidates for the post of First Enchanter in Montsimmar. But the conflict between the magicians and the templars and the civil war in Orlais prevented her from officially taking this position.

Vivien is called the "iron lady", and she fully justifies this nickname. This formidable woman, the head of the magicians and the official sorceress of the imperial court, achieved her position through cunning and skillful political play.

4 2 1

Mage, Elder Enchanter of the Ferelden Circle of Magi and one of the Guardian's possible companions in Dragon Age: Origins. He plays a cameo role in the "Awakening" add-on, and is also one of the main characters in the book "Ghost Mask" by David Gaider.

Wynn was born with the natural gift of a Spiritual Healer.

Vaughan Kendells

1 0 0

Son of Urien Kendels, Earl of Denerim.

After the death of Arl Urien Kendells, Loghain made his supporter Randon Howe Earl of Denerim. Vaughan was imprisoned.

Gereon Alexius

1 1 0

A Tevinter magister and commander of the Venatori who occupied Redcliffe. Was the teacher of Dorian Pavus.

Hakkon Wintersbreath

0 0 0

At the beginning of the game, you should choose the gender of the character, then one of the three races - a man, an elf or a dwarf, after that the class is a warrior, mage (dwarves are not available) or a robber, and finally decide on the origin. The gender of the character only affects appearance, since men and women in Ferelden are by and large equal, and will only affect possible romantic acquaintances...


Humans are the most numerous, but at the same time the most divided of all races. For all time, they have only united four times for a common goal, the last time it was centuries ago. Religion and Church play important role in human society, and this distinguishes humans from elves and dwarves more than anything else. People can be warriors, mages and robbers.

Racial Benefits: +1 strength, +1 dexterity, +1 magic, +1 cunning.


Once enslaved by humans, most elves have already forgotten their culture, living in the slums of human cities. Only the nomadic Dalish tribes still adhere to the customs and follow the precepts of their old gods. They earn their living by hunting in the ancient forests - they are not welcome anywhere else. Elves can be warriors, mages, and rogues.

Racial Benefits: +2 willpower, +2 magic.


Bound by caste and tradition, the Dwarves have been fighting a hopeless war for generations, trying to protect the last stronghold of their once vast underground empire from the creatures of darkness. All gnomes are strong and have a high resistance to any kind of magic, which prevents them from becoming magicians themselves.

Racial Benefits: +1 strength, +1 dexterity, +2 constitution, 10% chance to resist hostile magic.

Classes and specializations


The Warrior is a powerful fighter who specializes in the use of melee and ranged weapons. He can withstand numerous damage and in turn inflict it on his enemies, and has considerable knowledge of tactics and strategy. Warriors who come from noble families receive enhanced combat training.

  • Initial health (health): 100, increase per level: 6;
  • Initial stamina/mana (stamina/mana): 100, increase per level: 5;
  • Initial attribute bonuses: +4 strength (strength), +3 dexterity, +3 constitution (constitution);
  • Skill: Combat Training with variations based on race and lineage, requires 3 levels to gain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Shield Bash or Pinning Shot or Dual-Weapon Sweep;
  • Base attack score: 60, base defense score: 45.

The first berserkers were gnomes. They put themselves into a state of dark rage to increase their strength and resilience. Over time, the dwarves taught this to others, and now berserkers are found among representatives of all races. Berserkers are known for their ability to instill fear in opponents.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 strength (strength), +10 health (health).


Mages who reject the power of the Circle become apostates and live in fear of the templars, who can dispel magic and resist it. Templars are faithful servants of the Church and for centuries have been her most effective tool control over the spread and use of magical powers.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 magic, +3 mental resistance.

Vityaz (Champion)

The Knight is an experienced warrior who confidently leads others in battles. The Knight can raise the spirit of allies, as well as intimidate and demoralize enemies. Such heroes often command entire armies or rush headlong into the fray, which makes it seem not so dangerous.


Demonic spirits teach more than just blood magic. Rippers are able to use the souls of fallen enemies to heal their flesh and go into a bloody rampage, growing stronger as they approach their own doom.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 constitution, +5 physical resistance.

Berserker- Learn from Oghren's companion or buy a manual from Gorim in the Denerim Market after the Gathering of the Lands.

Templar- learn from companion Alistair (Alistair) or purchase a textbook from Bodan Feddik (Bodahn Feddic) in the camp.

Vityaz (Champion)- Receive Earl Eamon as a reward for healing him or learn from the last (secret) party member.

Ripper- side with Kolgrim in the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest.


As dangerous as it is effective, magic is a curse to those who lack the will to control their gifts. Evil spirits who want to penetrate the world of the living are attracted by magicians like fire that attracts moths, and this is dangerous both for the magician himself and for everyone around him. Therefore, magicians live in isolation from the world.

  • Initial health (health): 85, increase per level: 4;
  • Base stamina/mana: 115, bonus per level: 6;
  • Initial Attribute Bonuses: +5 Magic, +4 Willpower, +1 Cunning
  • Initial skills (skill): Herbalism (Herbalism) and Combat Tactics (Combat Tactics), 3 levels are required to obtain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Magic arrow (Arcane Bolt);
  • Base attack score: 50, base defense score: 40.
Werewolf (Shapeshifter)

According to rumors, the barbarians know the secrets of transformation into various animals. The circle of mages denies such rumors, but in the remote corners of Thedas this rare art is still alive. Body control gives werewolves some protection even in human form, making them hardy enemies and staunch allies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 constitution (constitution), +1 armor (armor).

Spirit healer

Not all Shadow dwellers are demonic in nature. Many are benevolent beings of life energy and can be called upon to heal flesh or heal disease. The spiritual healer is able to redirect the energy emanating from such spirits.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 magic, slow health regeneration in combat.

Battle mage (Arcane warrior)

Among the ancient elves were magicians who developed magical abilities in addition to combat. They channeled magical power through their weapons and bodies, spreading terror on the battlefield. It is believed that these skills are forever lost, but it is possible that they are still preserved in some wilds.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 cunning, +5 attack.

Blood Mage

The dark pull of blood magic is felt by every mage. These rituals, brought to our world by demons, use the power of blood, turning life energy into mana and giving the magician power over another's consciousness. But for such opportunities, the magician has to pay with someone's health, his own or his allies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 constitution, +2 spellpower.

Werewolf (Shapeshifter)- learn from the companion Morrigan (Morrigan) or buy a manual from Varathorn (Varathorn) in the Dalish camp.

Spirit healer- learn from companion Wynne or purchase a textbook from Wonders of Thedas in the Denerim market after the Gathering of the Lands.

Battle mage (Arcane warrior)- obtained by completing the quest Nature of the Beast.

Blood Mage- obtained by completing the quest Arl of Redcliffe by bargaining with a demon in the Fade (only available if the main character mage).


The Rogue is an experienced adventurer. Rogues come from all walks of life, and are all skilled at picking locks and detecting traps, making them a valuable addition to any squad. Tactically, they are not very good for open combat, but if the rogue can backstab the enemy, the effect will be amazing.

  • Initial health (health): 90, increase per level: 5;
  • Base stamina/mana: 90, gain per level: 4;
  • Initial attribute bonuses: +4 dexterity, +2 willpower, +4 cunning;
  • Skill: Poison-Making, with variations based on race and lineage, requires 2 levels to gain a skill point;
  • Initial skill (talent/spell): Dirty Fighting;
  • Base attack score: 55, base defense score: 50.

The killer believes that the battlefield is not a place for manifestations of nobility. Assassins make extensive use of poisons, as well as deadly blows that leave terrible wounds on the body of the enemy. They are excellent at hiding and, unexpectedly for the enemy, deliver a fatal blow.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, +2.5% Critical Chance.


In Orlais, bards are traditionally engaged in contract killings, espionage and other secret assignments for the nobility, mired in incessant internecine squabbles. Bringing your skill to the highest level, bards become excellent actors and skillful manipulators. With their songs and tales, they are able to inspire allies and discourage enemies.

Specialization Bonuses: +2 willpower, +1 cunning.

Pathfinder (Ranger)

The Pathfinder feels great in dense forests and wastelands, untouched by civilization. He is not a servant of nature, but her master. Pathfinders take full advantage of their surroundings and can lure wild animals to set them on enemies.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 constitution, +5 nature resistance.


A duelist is a deadly fighter who prefers to fight in light armor and inflict, albeit not strong, but accurate blows. Experienced duelists have amazing reflexes, allowing them to dodge clumsy enemy attacks and retaliate with precision.

Specialization Bonuses: +1 dexterity, +1 damage per hit (damage).

Assassin- Learn from companion Zevran or buy the manual from Alarith's Store in Elvenage after the Gathering of the Lands.

Bard- learn from companion Leliana (Leliana) or purchase a textbook from Alimar (Alimar) in Orzammar.

Pathfinder (Ranger)- buy a manual from Bodahn Feddic in the camp.

Duelist- learn from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim) or buy a manual from Bodahn Feddic in the camp.


noble person(Human noble)

You are the second child of the teyrn Cousland, second only to the king in wealth and power. For generations, your family has ruled the lands of Highever with moderation and justice, earning the loyalty of their people. When the Orlesian Empire took over Ferelden, your father and grandfather fought against the oppressors under royal banners. Now it's your elder brother's turn to go to the service of the crown, but this time he raised the banner of the House of Couslands not against the Orlesians, but against the darkspawn coming from the south...

Mage (Magi)

Above the dark waters of Calenhad Lake rises a fortress, the Tower of the Circle of Magi. It serves as a gilded cage for all those gifted with powers as dangerous as they are vast. When it becomes noticeable that the child has magical abilities, he is taken away from the family and locked in this Tower. You know that magic is a curse for those who lack the will to control it, and you look forward to the ritual of Torment, the only opportunity to prove yourself in the fight against the demons that lurk both in the outside world and in your soul. Succeed or face death at the blades of the knights who protect the world from the likes of you.

Dalish Elf (Dalish Elf)

You were born among the Dalish elves, noble wanderers who did not want to live among the people who enslaved their homeland many centuries ago. Dalish travel the land in friendly clans, seeking to find the half-forgotten knowledge of the elves in the world of people who hate and despise them. You pride yourself on being one of the few "true elves" and have always thought you'd spend your life in your own tribe... but a chance encounter with a shard of your people's past threatens to pull you out of your familiar world.

City Elf

Long ago, the elves were slaves to humans, but although more than one generation has changed since their liberation, equality is still far away. Elves live in a walled area called an elvenage, working as servants and laborers if they can find work. You have spent your whole life under the heavy hand of your human masters, however, when a local lord disrupts your wedding, smoldering racial contradictions instantly flare up with an all-devouring flame ...

Dwarf Noble

Deep in frosty mountains is the city of Orzammar, once former heart great empire. It was connected to other dwarf cities by the Deep Roads, tunnels thousands of miles long. But those times are in the past. The invasion of the creatures of darkness cut off the city from the ancient lands of the dwarves. However, in spite of everything, the houses of the dwarven nobility continue their age-old struggle for power. Blackmail, murder - all this is in use here, the main thing is to maintain the appearance of honor and nobility. The second child of the Dwarven King, Endryn Aedukan, you are taking command of the troops for the first time, and you are very proud of it. As yet, you do not know that the vile intrigues of family members and their accomplices can carry a greater danger than even a battlefield ...

Dwarf Commoner

You were born untouchable in Orzammar, once the capital of an underground empire where caste is everything. At the foot of huge statues, behind the walls of the guild halls where the nobles play politics, the lower castes live in its shadow, seeking to serve the noble, just like their ancestors. And below all you. You are forced to do dirty deeds for the local leader of criminals and hide in the shadows all your life ... However, by chance, you find yourself in the light and finally get the opportunity to prove that the future can be determined not only by the circumstances of your birth, but also by your actions.