If leucorrhoea is not white, what does it mean? And what should they be normally? Causes and treatment of copious white discharge in women Large discharge in women

According to research, vaginal discharge is as physiological as the production of saliva, sweat or tears. They perform certain functions in the body and are found in absolutely healthy women. Heavy discharge from the vagina are absolutely normal, they contain cervical mucus, epithelial cells, as well as from 5 to 12 types of microorganisms (normal).

Normal vaginal discharge is acidic, which is possible due to the presence of lactobacilli. But under certain conditions, the nature and composition of the discharge may change. In this case, we can talk about pathological discharge, indicating diseases of the genitourinary system.

Discharge after menstruation

Vaginal discharge after menstruation can be physiological and pathological. Normally, postmenstrual discharge is dark brown in color. This is due to increased blood clotting at the end of menstruation and its slow release. Physiological secretions are odorless.

An unpleasant odor accompanying vaginal discharge before and after menstruation indicates the possible presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma or.

If discharge does not appear immediately after menstruation, but after a few days, then an uterine or ectopic pregnancy can be suspected. In this case, the woman needs to contact a gynecologist.

Normal discharge

Normal vaginal discharge comes in many varieties. This variety will depend on the woman’s age, sexual activity and hormonal status.

It is possible to determine which vaginal discharge is normal and which is pathological thanks to some general criteria:

  • slightly sour smell or its complete absence;
  • homogeneous thick consistency (liquid sour cream), lumps up to 3 mm are acceptable;
  • transparent or with a white tint;
  • the total amount of discharge does not exceed 1 to 4 ml per day.

Physiological discharge is never accompanied. However, when changing sexual partners, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase.

Types of vaginal discharge

There are many types of vaginal discharge, which can have both physiological and pathological origins. In case the discharge has bad smell, purulent consistency or are accompanied by a burning sensation, pain or other manifestations of discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

We answered in more detail below the question about what types of vaginal discharge there are.

Watery discharge

Watery vaginal discharge may indicate inflammation of the fallopian tubes or cervical erosion. This is due to the fact that when the fallopian tube is inflamed, the secretion of cells through the uterine cavity enters the vagina.

Normally, liquid vaginal discharge may occur in pregnant women. The appearance of vaginal discharge like water is not an independent sign of the disease, but signals the presence of a pathological process in the body.

Purulent discharge

Purulent vaginal discharge may indicate inflammatory diseases, such as bacterial vaginitis, salpingitis, cervicitis, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases ().

The discharge becomes liquid or foamy, has an unpleasant odor and is yellow-colored. green color. They are often abundant.

Transparent selections

Transparent vaginal discharge accompanies the normal functioning of the genital organs. They are an indicator of cyclical changes in the body associated with the normal functioning of the ovaries.

Transparent mucous discharge from the vagina is a physiological fluid, which contains epithelial cells, lymph, mucus and microorganisms. Copious transparent vaginal discharge can become pathological only in girls under 10 years of age.

Mucus discharge

Mucous discharge from the vagina is normal in most cases; it is due to the nature of the uterine secretion. If vaginal discharge looks like snot, it is accompanied by unpleasant smell and have streaks of blood, this may indicate cysts and erosions present in the body.

In addition, jelly-like vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Vaginal mucus mixed with blood can also occur during an ectopic pregnancy.

Bloody discharge

As a rule, bloody discharge from the vagina into small quantity happen before and after menstruation. Also bloody issues from the vagina may appear in women taking oral contraceptives in the first 2 months from the start of use.

If vaginal discharge with blood is not associated with the physiological cycle, it may be a manifestation of cervical cancer pathologies, endometriosis or advanced erosion. IN in this case It is best to consult a gynecologist to find out the nature of such discharge.

White discharge

White vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency almost always indicates... At the beginning of the disease, the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina is small, but if left untreated, it can become profuse. Often white thick discharge from, itching and.

Upon examination, the mucous membrane of the external genital organs is covered with a curdled or milky coating, which is easily removed.

Brown discharge

Brown vaginal discharge normally occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle and at the beginning of sexual activity. Pathological vaginal discharge Brown occur with thrush, trichomoniasis or inflammation of the vagina.

Brownish vaginal discharge is also observed when the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Yellow discharge

If yellow vaginal discharge has a faint yellow tint and is not accompanied by discomfort, then this is normal.

If vaginal discharge yellow color have a rich hue and are accompanied by itching, pain or an unpleasant odor, then we can say that this is observed with inflammation of the uterine appendages and sexually transmitted infections. In addition, yellowish vaginal discharge is also observed with cervical erosions.

Black discharge

Most often, black discharge from the vagina can occur during inflammatory diseases or when using hormonal contraceptives.

Pink discharge

Normally, pink vaginal discharge may appear during ovulation. If the discharge Pink colour from the vagina are accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, then doctors may suspect cervical erosion.

Faint pinkish vaginal discharge, aggravated by pain, may indicate various.

Dark discharge

Dark vaginal discharge normally occurs before, after and in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If the discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain or other discomfort, then cervical erosion, pelvic inflammation, or the presence of sexually transmitted diseases can be suspected.

Orange discharge

Orange vaginal discharge that appears after unprotected sex indicates infection with trichomoniasis or. If there is no sexual activity, such discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis.

Gray discharge

Serous vaginal discharge is considered normal if it is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, itching, or unpleasant odor. If gray vaginal discharge is accompanied by pain, then one may suspect the presence of infections such as ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis. Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Foamy discharge

Foamy vaginal discharge can be caused by stress, nervous fatigue, or recent unprotected intercourse. Most often, foamy discharge is accompanied by trichomoniasis.

Discharge flakes

Flaky vaginal discharge is most common with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). They also have a characteristic white color and sour odor.

Brown discharge

Typically, brown vaginal discharge is considered normal only at the beginning and end of menstruation. In other cases, these are pathologies, the causes of which are determined in the laboratory.

Creamy discharge

Quite often, creamy vaginal discharge can indicate pregnancy, and if there is discomfort, it can indicate pathological diseases of the genital organs.

Colorless discharge

Most often, colorless vaginal discharge that is not accompanied by physical discomfort or odor is completely normal. If you are also concerned about discomfort in the genital area, you should consult a doctor.

Cloudy discharge

Cloudy vaginal discharge is most common with bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sticky discharge

Sticky vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of thrush or other genitourinary infections in the body. One way or another, the situation requires medical intervention.

Light discharge

Light-colored vaginal discharge—white, transparent, or slightly tinged with pink or yellow—is normal. However, it is worth remembering that normally their number is minimal, and any discomfort, itching or burning in the vaginal or labia area indicates the presence of infections, which requires contacting a gynecologist.

Green discharge

Green vaginal discharge indicates an increased level of white blood cells. Greenish vaginal discharge, therefore, indicates bacterial inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Treatment of discharge

Many women practice self-treatment of vaginal discharge. But this may not only be ineffective, but also harmful in itself, since with or chamomile decoction, beneficial microorganisms are washed out of the vagina. Therefore, treatment for vaginal discharge should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.

If pathological discharge appears, you must contact a gynecologist to diagnose the disease that caused it. After identifying the cause, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the underlying disease, as well as procedures aimed at restoring the vaginal microflora and increasing the body’s immunoresistance.

Vaginal discharge in a child

Vaginal discharge in a child can be either a physiological process or a sign of a disease.

A girl should not experience vaginal discharge before puberty; it appears about a year before the start of menstruation. The causes of pathological discharge in children may be:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • worms;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • thrush;
  • allergic reactions.

Vaginal discharge in adolescents practicing sexual relations, may indicate sexually transmitted diseases. Often the onset of sexual activity is normally accompanied by discharge that does not cause physical discomfort.

Discharge in newborns

Physiological vaginal discharge in newborns can occur in the first week of life during a hormonal crisis. This is due to the fact that their body gets rid of the mother’s hormones and begins to form its own hormonal background. If vaginal discharge in a baby is accompanied by pain or itching, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms.

Causes of discharge

Basically, the causes of vaginal discharge are due to one of the physiological processes in the body, unless they are accompanied by itching, pain or an unpleasant odor. If they change their character and cause discomfort to the woman, then they are already talking about pathological discharge. They can occur with bacterial inflammation of the genital organs, erosion, polyps, polycystic disease, venereal and fungal diseases.

It is possible to reliably determine the reason why vaginal discharge suddenly changed its properties only by laboratory methods.

Discharge from a cold

When you have a cold, vaginal discharge can become fungal in nature. This is due to the fact that hypothermia and viral diseases disrupt the balance of normal microflora. Most often, thrush can develop against the background of a cold. It also manifests itself as cheesy vaginal discharge.

If an inflammatory process in the ovaries begins during a cold, the discharge becomes abundant and may even contain streaks of blood.

Discharge during menopause

Vaginal discharge during menopause is not normal. They may indicate inflammatory diseases, tumors and neoplasms in the breast and genitals. As a rule, discharge during menopause can be in the form of exudate, which indicates inflammation, or transudate - in diseases of a non-inflammatory nature.

The exudate has a mucous consistency and contains protein. It may be catarrhal, purulent, serous, fibrinous or hemorrhagic. The consistency of the transudate is liquid and does not contain protein. It is either straw-colored or transparent with an admixture of blood and other body fluids.

Discharge during defecation

It should be noted that vaginal discharge during defecation is a pathological process. Copious discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed mainly with. Bloody discharge indicates hemorrhoids or intestinal fistulas. If the discharge becomes purulent or mucous in nature, an inflammatory process or tumor disintegration can be suspected.

Taste of discharge

The taste of vaginal discharge largely depends on the nationality, the nature of the food consumed and the presence of certain diseases of the genitourinary system. In general, a healthy woman's discharge tastes like sour milk.

Salty discharge

Salty vaginal discharge appears when an alkaline environment forms in the vagina. This is a pathological phenomenon that occurs during bacterial infections and inflammations that require medical intervention.

Acid discharge

Acidic vaginal discharge is normal. If the sour taste becomes pronounced, this may indicate a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa - thrush (candidiasis). In this case, you need to see a gynecologist and probably undergo a course of treatment.

Women and girls should always have discharge - this is a natural state of the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, thanks to secretions, the vagina independently cleanses itself of various bacteria, dead cells, menstrual blood, and mucus. Most often, natural discharge is colorless, but sometimes the appearance of white discharge in girls and women can raise the question of whether this is normal or whether it is pathological, indicating some kind of disease.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Often, white discharge in girls is somewhat more abundant than in women of reproductive age, middle age, or women during menopause. This is explained by the fact that in girls the hormonal levels are just forming and beginning to stabilize, while in middle-aged women this process is already completed and is more permanent. Normally, both in girls and in women before menopause, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment due to the presence of lactobacilli, which form lactic acid. This environment is destructive for pathogenic microorganisms; it is unfavorable for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. So, what kind of discharge can be considered normal?

Why does the girl have white discharge with a sour smell?

White mucous discharge in girls and women is usually called leucorrhea. They are a natural product of the body’s vital activity, since the cells covering the walls of the vagina are constantly being renewed. Dead cells are constantly sloughed off and mixed with mucus. In addition, the leucorrhoea also contains discharge from the cervix, so physiologically during ovulation the amount of discharge from the cervix increases, it becomes more stretchy and mucous. Therefore, it is normal if the discharge is transparent or white, but nothing more woman Doesn't bother me, no burning sensation, no pain.

However, if white discharge appears with a sour odor, itching or discomfort are either significant or only bother you periodically; this may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis. a lot - these include hormonal changes, disruptions, taking hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy very often there is thrush, poor hygiene, abuse of flavored and antibacterial agents intimate hygiene, colored toilet paper, taking antibiotics, stressful situations, climate change, dietary errors - sugar abuse, diets, synthetic underwear, douching too often ()

What discharge may indicate a disease?

With a decrease in local or general immunity, poor hygiene, taking antibiotics, or hormonal imbalances, opportunistic organisms that are normally found in the vagina without causing harm can begin to multiply and lead to an inflammatory process. If a girl experiences the following type of discharge, this is a symptom of any diseases or disorders and requires examination and thorough examination by a gynecologist:

  • Very abundant, white, thick, cheesy discharge in girls. If the discharge resembles cottage cheese, and the woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina, especially while sitting cross-legged, this is a bright sign for girls. Moreover, thrush or vaginal candidiasis does not depend on whether the girl is leading sex life or not.
  • Foamy, copious discharge - more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Discharge of any pronounced color - brown discharge, yellow, green or other noticeable shades.
  • Unpleasant odor - putrid odor, sour, onion odor and others.
  • Any suspicious discharge, especially in combination with itching, dryness or discomfort during intercourse, redness of the external genitalia, pain in the lower abdomen (on one side or both sides just below the navel), increased body temperature or persistent pain during and after intercourse .

If leucorrhoea begins to change color, smell, quantity, and irritation and discomfort appear in the genital area, this is considered pathological changes and discharge, and the cause of its appearance should be determined. Also, the discharge can be different in origin, that is, it can come from different parts of the woman’s reproductive system. The classification of discharge by origin is as follows:

  • Pipe leucorrhoea- appear when the fallopian tubes become inflamed, and fluid accumulates in the tubes, which first enters the uterus, then exits through the cervix into the vagina.
  • Vaginal leucorrhoea- these are the most harmless discharges, when in case of inflammatory diseases of the vagina, various white, yellow discharges appear, most often with an unpleasant odor - this can be trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, thrush, etc.
  • Cervical leucorrhoea- appear with inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) of any etiology. The cause may be mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Uterine leucorrhoea- with endometritis of any etiology. In this case, the inflammatory exudate flows through the cervical canal into the vagina and mixes with vaginal secretions.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there may be over 100 reasons that cause changes in the color and nature of discharge, based on external description discharge, no gynecologist without laboratory diagnostics can establish a diagnosis. Theoretically, only abundant, strong white curd-like discharge in girls and women can be an unmistakable diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. However, thrush is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, so only smear tests and bacterial culture, as well as tests for STIs, can determine the true cause of changes in a woman’s discharge. The color of the discharge can only give a little hint in which direction the research should be carried out more thoroughly:

  • Transparent leucorrhoea, foaming may be .
  • Gray shade whiter with a characteristic fishy odor, most often occurs with gardnerellosis,.
  • Greenish discharge- discharge with such a shade indicates a purulent process, since a large number of Leukocytes give the discharge a green color. The stronger the inflammatory process, the more leukocytes, and, accordingly, the more green tint the discharge has.
  • Yellow discharge- this may be one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis, since inflammation in trichomoniasis is most often localized in the vagina, where the concentration of leukocytes is lower.
  • Discharge in girls white- can either be a symptom of thrush or be the norm. Since with a mild degree of vaginal candidiasis there may not be significant itching and burning, only occasionally and slightly, therefore, if more abundant, too white, thick, curdled discharge appears, you should visit a gynecologist and find out whether it is thrush or not.

However, the color of the leucorrhoea should not be unequivocally regarded as a diagnosis of the disease; only tests can establish an accurate diagnosis for pathological discharge.

When should you see a doctor if you have white discharge?

If a girl or woman has no more than a teaspoon of white discharge per day and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to worry. However, if the discharge becomes very abundant, curdled, foamy, thick, appears, the color changes to yellow, green, gray, any unpleasant odor appears, especially if any of the above is supplemented by itching, burning, pain, even low-grade, low-grade pain fever is a reason to consult a doctor:

  • First, the gynecologist performs an examination on the chair. In the mirrors you can see the walls of the vagina and the cervix - what condition they are in, whether they are inflamed or not, whether there are pathological discharges from the cervix and what they are.
  • In some cases, the doctor may perform a colposcopy to exclude or confirm cervical dysplasia or erosion.
  • If an STI is suspected, in addition to the usual smear for flora and culture, the gynecologist may refer you for a smear test using the PCR method.
  • If the patient complains of pain, menstrual irregularities, etc., if inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages or the uterus itself are suspected, a transvaginal ultrasound is indicated, which can help in establishing the full clinical picture.

All women are familiar with the phenomenon of vaginal discharge. These discharges accompany our lives almost every day, and in most cases they do not cause concern. There is a sufficient amount of mucus in the vagina, so it is not surprising that some type of vaginal discharge occurs almost constantly.

But sometimes the vaginal secretion changes and begins to cause concern to the woman. Again, it is important to understand which types of vaginal discharge should cause concern and which are natural.

Types of normal vaginal discharge

Most daily vaginal discharge is understandable and normal for a healthy woman. Such discharges have the following signs:

They are clear, white or red mucus,

They do not cause irritation or itching,

Such vaginal discharge does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor,

They are not accompanied by increased body temperature, pain, discomfort, etc.,

This vaginal discharge is small.

By the way, the last point requires a little clarification. IN Everyday life For women, there is a situation where there is quite a lot of vaginal discharge, but this is a variant of the norm.

An increase in the amount of discharge occurs during sexual intercourse (especially unprotected). It's no secret that during sexual intercourse and for some time after it, so-called lubricant is released - and there can be a lot of it - and this is the norm.

Also, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase under stress, with a sudden climate change or with chronic fatigue syndrome.

What types of normal vaginal discharge are there?

1. Scanty discharge of a creamy or jelly-like consistency - in the second half of the cycle;

2. Transparent vaginal discharge with a mucous consistency, similar to raw egg white – normal discharge in the middle of the cycle, before ovulation;

3. Mucous discharge with bloody streaks - in the middle of the cycle after;

4. Copious discharge of a creamy or jelly-like consistency - before the onset of menstruation in the last days of the cycle;

5. Scarlet discharge, gradually becoming more abundant and bloody - normal vaginal discharge on the first day of menstruation;

6. Brown spotting is normal discharge in the first months after starting hormonal contraceptives.

7. White, transparent or yellowish thick discharge is normal in the first hours
with sperm entering the vagina;

8. Scanty, creamy white discharge is normal after sex with a condom, when sperm does not enter the vagina (vaginal lubrication);

9. Copious white discharge is normal after unprotected sexual intercourse, when sperm enters the vagina;

10. White discharge, similar to milk, and the same liquid, does not cause itching and does not have an unpleasant odor - normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy;

11. Pink discharge, similar to ichor, is a normal phenomenon after childbirth (lochia).

Pathological vaginal discharge

Pathological vaginal discharge can be very different and have many features and differences from normal female discharge. Let's figure out what these or other distinctive features of vaginal discharge indicate.

Bloody issues

If spotting is not associated with the onset of menstruation, this may indicate a problem with the women's health.

But even bloody discharge released during menstruation may have its own characteristics. For example, if this discharge becomes brown or even black, it means that the blood in the uterine cavity is oxidized and destroyed. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Copious bloody vaginal discharge with a foul odor is also a reason for timely consultation with a doctor - even if this discharge occurs as part of the cycle.

In the first months after starting to take oral contraceptives, you may also experience scanty bleeding - and this is normal. But if such discharge continues for 3-4-5 months, this is a clear reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps this contraceptive is simply not suitable for you.

It is worth remembering that any heavy bleeding from the vagina (including during pregnancy) that causes you concern should be important reason to see a doctor immediately. Such discharge may be signs of internal bleeding, endometriosis, threatened miscarriage, menstrual irregularities, advanced erosion, or even cervical cancer.

Whitish, greenish or yellowish discharge

Any whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge that is not associated with the reasons described above and has an unpleasant odor or causes itching or pain in the lower abdomen and lower back may indicate some kind of women's health problem. And if the discharge is greenish, even more so, you need to urgently run to the doctor!

Among the diseases manifested by such symptoms may be: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, adnexitis, salpingitis, chlamydia, thrush.

Curdled, thick, foamy, flaky, etc. discharge

Normal vaginal discharge should be mucous (exception: liquid during pregnancy, creamy after sexual intercourse). Any other consistency is an indicator that something is wrong with women’s health. Most often, a different consistency of vaginal discharge is caused by some infection: candidiasis, gardnerellosis, chronic endometritis, chronic endocercitis, etc.

Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor

An unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge always indicates the presence of an infection, since it is pathogenic microorganisms that emit specific gases that have this kind of odor. The smell of vaginal discharge can be very different: fishy, ​​rotten, sour, etc.

Most often, diseases that provoke the appearance of this kind of “fragrant” discharge are: chlamydia, gonorrhea, urogenital trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginitis.

If you notice strange discharge with an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor immediately. In rare cases, but it happens that such discharge may be a consequence not of infection, but of hormonal imbalance - and only a doctor can find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Vaginal discharge before and after sexual intercourse

Vaginal discharge before, during and after sexual intercourse, as already mentioned, is normal. True, this pattern applies only if the discharge is not accompanied by pain, itching and has a transparent color. Sometimes it happens that after sexual intercourse, bloody discharge from the vagina appears. This may signal that the woman has.

If, some time after sexual intercourse, yellow, white or green discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, it is most likely that you have become infected with some kind of infection.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is normal. True, there are some types of vaginal discharge during pregnancy that should alert you expectant mother and be a worthy reason to visit a gynecologist unscheduled.

If there is spotting in the early stages of pregnancy, this may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or.

Any green or whitish discharge may be a signal of a sexually transmitted infection - and in this case, you should not delay a visit to the doctor.

Brownish vaginal discharge on later pregnancy may signal problems with the vessels of the uterus - and this can be considered sufficient reason to visit a doctor.

Any vaginal discharge should not scare you or make you panic. In order to adequately cope with the problem or, conversely, to be happy to know that all your fears are in vain, you need to visit a doctor. And remember - with correct and timely diagnosis, any disease that causes changes in vaginal discharge can be cured!

Every day a representative of the fair sex can meet in her underpants. This is both the norm and a deviation. It all depends on the nature of the discharge, smell and shade. Below in the article we will figure out which discharge is considered normal and which is not.

Even a completely healthy girl can experience discharge white shade. And this is considered the norm. They are accompanied by a slightly sour aroma.

White or almost transparent mucous discharge is normal. They have an excellent effect on a woman’s overall health and protect the microflora of the internal genital organs from infections.

There are a number of symptoms by which a girl herself can distinguish pathological discharge from a normal natural process:

  1. The smell may be slightly sour or absent at all.
  2. At different periods of the cycle, they may differ slightly in shade (white, yellow, cream or translucent).
  3. They can be either liquid or viscous.
  4. No more than one teaspoon should be released per day.
  5. Before menstruation, sexual intercourse or during periods of arousal, their number may increase.

Attention! As soon as the color of the discharge acquires a different shade and also appears, this is a reason to seek help from a doctor. Don't delay this, otherwise it will end very badly.

Why does the character of leucorrhoea change?

So, above we determined that white discharge is considered normal. Changes in their shade and character can be affected by hormonal levels. However, this does not indicate any violations of women’s health.

Available whole line factors that affect hormonal levels, which subsequently affects discharge:

Consequences of ovarian resection, indications, operation process

If you notice a white discharge and are not sure whether this is normal or not, contact your doctor for help. medical institution. Based on the results of a series of studies, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary.

Why does discharge with a specific odor occur?

Normal natural discharges are those that do not have an unpleasant odor. However, a representative of the fairer sex should also not feel:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen
  • burning
  • swelling

The presence of a strong sour odor may indicate a disease such as candidiasis or thrush. Almost every woman has encountered such a pathological process. It is accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. The main causes of candidiasis:

  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Onset of pregnancy
  • Emotional stress
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules
  • Poor quality underwear
  • Poor nutrition
  • Taking certain antibacterial drugs
  • Abrupt change in climatic conditions
  • Allergic reactions

Abnormal discharge in women

It is simply impossible to independently determine the disease, since many of them have similar symptoms. As soon as a woman notices slight deviations from the norm, she should definitely consult a doctor. Only diagnostic measures will help establish the exact problem and the cause that could influence its occurrence.

The main symptoms that should alert a representative of the fairer sex:

  1. A huge amount of discharge, i.e. above the norm.
  2. The discharge changes color to light yellow, green or brown.
  3. Sensation of drying of the external genitalia.
  4. Redness of the outer labia.
  5. Painful sensations that can be pulling in the lower abdomen.
  6. Pain or pain when urinating.

Treatment for abnormal discharge will depend solely on the reason for which it occurred.

Major diseases

Any pathological process of a gynecological nature has a strong influence on the shade of the discharge. However, only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on the results of tests. For testing, a smear is taken and sent for laboratory diagnostics.

Often the color of the discharge indicates certain female pathologies, such as:

If a few weeks after unprotected act If the nature of the discharge has changed in proximity, an unpleasant odor has arisen, or the color has changed, then the woman should also contact any of the above-mentioned specialists, since this indicates infection with infectious diseases.

Preventive actions

To prevent abnormal discharge, it is recommended to follow simple rules of personal hygiene and wear underwear only made from natural fabrics. You should also review your diet and enrich it with fruits and vegetables. Use hormonal medications only after your doctor’s permission. Try to dress appropriately for the weather and not engage in amateur activities. In addition, girls and women are recommended to be examined by a gynecologist once every six months. If you do not have a permanent partner, do not forget to use protective equipment (condoms). In addition, you should avoid stressful situations, as they can lead to pathological discharge.

Daily white or translucent discharge that is not accompanied by discomfort or unpleasant odor is considered normal. Any woman is recommended to listen to her body. It's worth seeing a doctor. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination, prescribe diagnostic measures and, based on them, make a diagnosis and determine a treatment regimen. Do not engage in amateur activities and do not prescribe medications (they have their own contraindications and side effects), this can end very badly.

Dec 24, 2017 Violetta Doctor