Are there mercenaries fighting for everything? How to become mercenaries in Donbass. Contracts, recruiters, division into castes. Civilian specialties in Syria

According to historians, the first armies appeared during the time of Carthage and Ancient Rome. Militia and slave militia were replaced by professional mercenary soldiers. They received a salary for their work, and to maintain discipline, management resorted to physical coercion. These days, mercenary armies are in their finest hour. This has become a business both for the creators of such formations and for the military themselves. How do you become a mercenary? What personal qualities and skills should the applicant have? This article will help answer these questions.

What are the advantages of private armies?

As experts say, mercenaries and private military companies (PMCs) can successfully earn money regardless of global agreements. For example, if on the territory of a country the movements of regular armies of other states are limited, then the PMC operates freely. A private army, having concluded a contract, goes to a foreign country and performs a wide range of tasks there. These may be security jobs, but most often professional mercenaries fight for one of the warring parties. They can also be used to overthrow a political regime. If there was money, there would always be highly professional military personnel.

Various PMCs are suitable for those who, having visited “hot spots” and returned to civilian life, were unable to adapt to peaceful life. Questions about how to become a mercenary and what is required for this are also of interest to those who simply want to make money. This category of people is absolutely indifferent to whom they fight for.

About private military companies

According to experts, many PMCs work closely with the intelligence services of the United States and Great Britain, as well as other Western countries. With the help of mercenary armies, weapons are purchased and military specialists are trained. The basis of the military-industrial complex of the United States is made up of PMCs: mercenaries serve the army, participate in the development of new weapons and help government security services.

The very first such company, Vinnell Corporation, was created in America in 1931. During World War II, she defended the interests of the US Army. It also operated in Africa and the Middle East. The company was officially listed as a construction company. However, in addition to the construction of military facilities, employees were involved in combat operations and reconnaissance raids. Vinnell Corporation trained National Guard soldiers for Saudi Arabia and fought the rebels in Mecca. Today, the tasks performed by PMCs are clearly divided. For example, oil facilities are guarded by Erinys Irag Limited and XE Services, and Kroll PMC soldiers accompany convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan. Caci supplies qualified military interpreters and KBR supplies the troops.

In Russia, PMCs appeared later. After the collapse of the USSR, many military specialists were laid off. Some were dissatisfied with the low wages and general lack of employment. Industrial scale mercenarism acquired in the 90s. Nowadays, there are several PMCs operating in Russia, offering very specific services to customers. The most famous Russian private armies are Wagner PMCs, Tiger Rent Security, E.N.O.T. CORP, PMC MAR, Cossacks, Moran Security Group. “Soldiers of Fortune” are hired to guard facilities, escort cargo, train security forces, and also to fight pirates.

How do you become PMC mercenaries? About the requirements for the applicant

Is it possible for a random unemployed citizen or a pensioner who decides to improve his financial situation to become a mercenary? According to experts, of course, such a category cannot be included in PMCs. This work, not to mention the moral ones, requires special physical and psychological qualities. A potential PMC employee must meet the following requirements:

  • Be no older than 45 years old. PMCs recruit young people from 25 years of age.
  • The applicant must be at least 175 cm tall and in good physical shape.
  • If a young person is found to have bad habits (addiction to alcohol, drugs, medications, etc.), he will be denied admission.

Anyone who wants to work for a PMC should be prepared that they can be sent to any climatic region.

About the moral side

Very often, the question of how people become mercenaries is asked by previously convicted citizens. According to experts, this category will definitely not become employees of PMCs. A person with an already expunged criminal record should not be a mercenary. A military man will also be denied entry if he is dismissed from the armed forces under a discreditable article.

Strict rules are due to the fact that such people, as psychologists are convinced, tend to disobey or violate discipline. If a young man has an impeccably clean reputation, but is related to terrorists, then he will not be accepted either.

About psychological criteria

The best mercenary is the one with a balanced psyche and resistance to stress. In addition, the “soldier of fortune” must be attentive, responsible and conscientious. Because not only his life, but also the success of the entire business will depend on how skillfully he copes with his responsibilities. No one will let him work carelessly. Since the PMCs are all adults and already psychologically formed people, they will not rehabilitate a careless fighter.

A private mercenary will have to work in very harsh conditions with physical and psychological stress. Therefore, if there are any diseases for which “straining” is contraindicated, then it is better not to go to a PMC. In addition to high endurance, a “soldier of fortune” must be able to adapt and quickly restore his strength.

Who is this work for?

According to experts, private military companies predominantly hire officers with extensive combat experience. Combat awards are welcome. Leaders of military operations also act out of turn.

This job is for those who have good preparation contract military personnel, graduates of military educational institutions, reserve security forces, combat veterans and candidates with any unique military specialties. Taking into account the specifics of work in PMCs, preference is given to unmarried applicants.


Of course, upon arriving at a PMC, a newcomer already has a certain military specialty and level of training. However, in modern world One specialty is not enough. For this reason, according to experts, even experienced military personnel are subject to retraining at the expense of a private company. Employees are trained in various classical and specialized disciplines, taking into account the characteristics of the country in which they will have to work. “Soldiers of Fortune” are introduced to modern technology, information systems, etc.

Instructors are taught to shoot from different types weapons, perform combat missions using Vehicle(driving at night, avoiding collisions, driving along serpentine roads, transferring control, emergency braking and turning, preventing accidents, shooting while moving, etc.). In addition, mercenaries are taught how to destroy ambushes, escort and guard various cargo, and also work in extreme conditions.

Unlike foreign private military companies, Russian personnel are selected more carefully. According to experts, foreign PMCs are multinational, but only citizens of the Russian Federation can join Russian ones. Armies also differ in professional level fighters. Employees of foreign PMCs are trained by Western instructors. It is not uncommon for people to become mercenaries local residents. There is no language barrier in communication between such “soldiers of fortune”; they know the area and customs well, and most importantly, they are not very demanding in terms of payment.


Since a private military company is a serious commercial structure, its management requires its employees to follow certain rules. For example, a “soldier of fortune” signs documents on the non-disclosure of various secrets and information about the employer. There is also a clause in the contract that states that the mercenary must obey his superiors. If the terms are violated by the employee, the employer unilaterally terminates the contract early. This will not do anything good for the “soldier of fortune”: he will not receive the promised money, and he will have to return home from the mission on his own.

Russia has imposed an unusual war on Ukraine; some incomprehensible individuals are fighting under the flags of the Russian Federation, calling themselves militias. It is difficult to understand the course of hostilities if you do not know some of the secrets of this “militia”. We tried to put together all the information about the terrorists, even that which is not in either the Russian or Ukrainian media.

How to become militants

Contract for terrorism

Mercenaries going to Donbass sign time-limited contracts. At the very beginning, when the military registration and enlistment offices of the Russian Federation had not yet started working, there were even weekly contracts. Like, go for a week, take a look, then, if everything goes well, stay longer.

But most contracts are for a period of one to three months. It is quite difficult to drive groups across the border; frequent changes in the composition of units have a bad effect on morale. But rotation is necessary, otherwise desertion begins. It is clear that those units that are in combat cannot carry out rotation. As well as units located in surrounded cities (now this is actually Gorlovka).

Call sign Motorola. Yesterday with a flag on the front line, and today with a cocktail on the beach in Yalta.

The vast majority of terrorists return to the ATO zone after a short rest. The militants are offered paid vacations in Crimea so that they do not have any thoughts of returning home. The second or third voyage to war raises the status of a fighter; he is already considered an “experienced veteran.”

Permanent composition

Militant groups also have a permanent composition that has not changed since the beginning of hostilities. These are commanders, military specialists from the GRU General Staff or the FSB (they operate undercover, even the terrorists themselves do not know even half of the military experts from the Russian Federation), socially unsettled elements (no home, family work in the Russian Federation), criminals who are wanted on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Commanders of militant groups have completely different contracts. They receive their salary in an offshore account, and all conditions for retreat have been created for them. When Mozgovoy became too carried away with banditry and decided to overthrow Bolotov, giving all power in the Lugansk region to Efremov from the Party of Regions, he was urgently summoned to Moscow and reforged.

There they explained to him that an account of several million dollars somewhere in the Antilles, coupled with an offshore passport giving the right to visa-free entry into almost any country in the world, is much better than the small cash that can be squeezed out of the local rich or received from regional parties.

How much does one terrorist cost?

The magic formula of “one hundred dollars a day” formed the basis for hiring militants. For the majority of the population of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, such a salary was a pipe dream throughout their lives. It is clear that a good specialist knows his worth, so more expensive contracts will be awarded. Most of the "high quality" militias sold for amounts ranging from 100 to 300 units of US currency per day.

Due to the confusing financing schemes, there are no exact prices. A militant’s salary can be 20, 50, 100 or 200 dollars a day, just depending on what group he joined, who hired him, and for how long he agreed.

Treaty guarantees on terrorism

From the very beginning of the war, the main rule was established - no guarantees. The war is secret, no one should ever find evidence of direct participation of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the militant is not given any papers, although he signs a whole package of documents.

The command takes care of the leisure of the soldiers

Here is an obligation of non-disclosure, and a waiver of claims, and some other documents that allow one to later claim in court that he was not in the Donbass at that time, but somewhere in the Arctic Circle, extracting oil or washing gold in Kolyma. He died there, the bears ate him and left nothing behind.

And it’s also convenient for the employer - the main payment occurs after the contract is completed. A “DPR militiaman” died and there is no need to pay anything. Those who send militants to eastern Ukraine are most interested in their physical destruction.

Cashiers from the FSB or other government organizations involved in paying salaries and bonuses, if the terrorist does not return, can keep at least part of his fee for themselves. Yes, even if a fighter returns from the front, part of his salary can be squeezed - after all, what will he prove? That he fought in the east?

Therefore, the entire giant machine involved in supplying militants and weapons to eastern Ukraine is extremely interested in the endless continuation of the conflict. The war allows people from the FSB and the Ministry of Defense to cut huge financial flows, which in peacetime go to all sorts of Olympics.

Three terrorist tankers

Labor disputes in terrorist organizations

Russian customers are accustomed to not paying extra for work. Therefore, many terrorists, when they find themselves in a combat zone, learn that $100 is a salary for a day of fighting, and since there is no fighting now, then for that day they will receive significantly less or nothing at all.

Other labor disputes also arise. After all, after some time in the existence of a militant detachment, it turns out that its members receive very different salaries. It’s okay when some local fights for pennies. And when Omsk or St. Petersburg residents, recruited by different organizations, meet, and in a personal conversation they find out that their salaries are very different.

To settle disputes and raise morale, advance payments are made in all units. Militants are given some cash from time to time. There is another reason here - the command is fighting in every possible way against looting, undermining the faith of the local population in all sorts of DPR and LPR.

Premium payments

Only highly qualified specialists - snipers, artillery computers, tank shooters, anti-aircraft gunners - receive stable and high bonuses. They don't have much high salary(the same $100 a day or less), but a serious bonus for a killed Ukrainian soldier/damaged armored vehicle/captured height.

But even here there are very different cases. Not all snipers receive bonuses. Some of them work for a “bare salary,” while locals may not receive a salary at all.

In some situations, a bonus is established for ordinary fighters. Take the height - get 200 each or hold the position for a few more days. IN Lately, when the Ukrainian army wedges deeper and deeper into the territory of the so-called “Novorossiya”, commanders are increasingly forced to offer and pay bonuses.

Terrorist division

Ordinary fighters are divided into three main types - “meat”, “fighters”, “specialists”. This is our terminology, different recruiters use different words to designate these types, but this is how they all divide their contingent.


This category includes those who have a military specialty, no matter what it is. Russian troops, fighting in the east of Ukraine under the flags of all sorts of DPR, LPR, Novorossiya and so on, are in dire need of qualified military personnel. With the development of science and technology, all weapons have become more complex; to operate them effectively requires months, if not years of preparation.

Tank drivers and gunners, artillery computers and snipers, miners and sappers - these people need to be trained from several months to six months. But this is only if the “student” has basic knowledge (mathematics, physics, chemistry and other sciences) and a sufficient level of intelligence.

Of course, you can train an artillery gunner according to an accelerated program, taking the first “Donbass resident” who can count to more than one hundred. But in this case, one should not be surprised if the projectile hits a little in the wrong direction, deviating only a couple of kilometers from the target.

Problem positions

But the greatest value is not even tankers and artillerymen, but signalmen and commanders. Not the second one now World War, when the presence of one radio per company was considered normal, now it is necessary to coordinate the actions of armored vehicles and infantry, artillery and air defense (if we are talking about militants).

If you distribute walkie-talkies to all the fighters, then defeat is inevitable - they will fill the air with screams and obscenities, shouting over each other. Therefore, it is necessary not only to distribute radios, but also to divide frequencies and channels, establish a communication order and determine call signs. Moreover, all this must be done in such a way that the enemy listening to the broadcast can extract as little information as possible from it.

And then there is electronic warfare (electronic warfare), radio reconnaissance and many, many other activities that require not only expensive, powerful equipment, but also professionals who know how to use it.

Comrade commanders

The main problem of terrorists is the acute shortage of junior officers. They have plenty of battalion group commanders, such as Leshy or Bosun. But we also need platoon commanders with the rank of lieutenant and company commanders with the rank of captain. And there are problems with this.

Every Russian officer who came to fight in Donbass wants to be the most important in the detachment; no one wants to become a junior commander. And there are not so many officers themselves. Please note that the war has been going on for almost six months, and everyone these armies still have neither officer shoulder straps nor officer ranks.

They even managed to figure out the medal, the banners were sewn, but the shoulder straps were tight. And this despite the fact that Girkin-Strelkov fancies himself a White Guard officer. Watch interviews with militants on their channels, you will not find a single junior officer there. There is a detachment commander, maybe even a chief of staff, but a platoon or company commander is a rarity.


This category includes those recruits who have already taken part in hostilities. A soldier can be driven around training grounds and training classes for years; he can be given a carload of shells and cartridges for shooting at targets. But nothing can replace him at school, where bullets and mines whistle overhead and can kill.

Neither “three orders out of turn,” nor a garrison guardhouse, nor even a disciplinary battalion, have the same pedagogical effect as a bullet or shrapnel. Therefore, when in recruitment, participation in hostilities is valued higher than long-term contract service.

This category has one more remarkable property. “Militants” can easily torture and kill people. The sight of blood and the screams of the victim no longer cause such disgust in them; they had already seen and heard this in the previous war.

Terrorists are not born, terrorists are made

But if combat experience has already been acquired during the conflict in eastern Ukraine, then the fighter should not count on a serious increase in the contract. If you fought in Chechnya or Georgia, they will immediately offer you, say, $300. But if you “passed Slavyansk,” then you can be happy if your salary rises from $100 to $120.


It doesn’t matter whether you serve or not, whether you know how to disassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle in 30 seconds or not, if you don’t fit into the first two categories, you’ll be cannon fodder. This is the most widespread category; the majority of those recruited both on the territory of the Russian Federation and in Ukraine fall into it.

It is clear that such fighters receive the lowest salaries. It is clear that no one is taking care of them. Sometimes the militia trains them, but in most cases they are given only basic skills - how to load and clean a machine gun, how to use a grenade, how to aim and shoot.

Recruiting squads

The first experience of military clashes showed that any terrorist squad must have fighters of all three categories. If a detachment is staffed only with “militants” and “specialists”, it is suitable for conducting complex combat operations. Experienced and intelligent people will not go on the attack unless they are completely confident of victory. They will not hold any line if the enemy outnumbers them and there is no possibility of retreat.

Therefore, military experts from the Russian Federation came up with the following formula for an “ideal battalion group” (terrorist detachment) – 60-70% “meat”, 30-25% “militants” and 5-10% “specialists”. This is exactly how they try to staff the detachments of all these Bezlers, Girkins, Leshys, and Mozgovs.

Recruiters' work

This is exactly how “orders” are drawn up for recruiters, no matter who they are - employees of military registration and enlistment offices in the Russian Federation, self-defense of Crimea or agents on the territory of Ukraine. The only exception is “specialists”. Due to the acute shortage of people in this category, they are paid many times more and accepted in any quantity.

Some terrorists take painkillers before the battle begins

The reasons for the shortage are very simple - those who know how to organize communications at the battalion level or are able to calculate a ballistic trajectory in seconds have enough high level intelligence to understand the stupidity and futility of this war. These people, in most cases, are well-settled in life, they have families and jobs, they have no need to go to fight for some ephemeral republics.

Try entering the word “mercenary” into an Internet search engine and you will receive approximately 850,000 queries, among which there is even a strategy game dedicated to local conflicts modernity. There would be demand, but there are enough offers. Will our compatriots who have completed military service succumb to the promises of foreign recruiters? What responsibility awaits mercenaries when returning to their homeland? Are there any social guarantees for “soldiers of fortune”? The head of the press service of the internal troops, Major Vladimir PORKHOMTSEV, and the chief specialist in socio-psychological activities of the GUKVV (psychologist), Lieutenant Colonel Alexander BORTNIK, help Spetsnaz find answers to these and other questions.

— On the one hand, it’s a personal matter for everyone how to use their professional skills. Who would judge, for example, a builder who decided to join a company offering higher earnings? But with regard to professional military personnel, the evaluation criteria are different, because decisions about the life and death of other people directly depend on their actions. Is there a possibility that a guy who served in a special forces unit will then decide to apply the acquired skills in another country?

As we know, there are plenty of conflicts in the world. And the main reason why a soldier becomes a mercenary is the opportunity to enrich himself. The warring parties allegedly pay a lot of money to the people who hire them. Who can join the ranks of the “soldiers of fortune”? First of all, those who understand military affairs. If we consider the soldiers who passed conscript service in the internal troops, can any of them participate in military conflicts as mercenaries? I think the probability is almost zero. The guys, fortunately, do not have combat experience, which is necessary in hot spots. Military personnel have sufficient training to perform service and combat tasks specific to internal troops, and are always ready to defend our state from external aggression, but they are unlikely to be able to fight abroad, much less feel like specialist mercenaries.

Let's figure out who the mercenaries are. These are those who are recruited for money to fight. Contract employees in the army cannot be called mercenaries. Contract officers are guided by ideology, a sense of duty, serve the state, their people, and take an oath. And the “soldiers of fortune” do not go to serve, but to fight. This is the fundamental difference. According to international conventions, mercenaries are not recognized as combatants - those taking direct part in hostilities as part of the armed forces of one of the parties to an international armed conflict. They are equated to members of illegal armed groups. In fact - to war criminals heading to hot spots for profit.

- Alexander, Vladimir believes that our guys who have completed military service will not be in demand in combat operations abroad, but not only professionals fight.

In no case should the level of training of our military personnel be underestimated. Slavic warriors are famous for their patience and endurance, courage, and thirst for knowledge, including in military affairs and the use of weapons. Theoretically, it is unlikely that any armed formation will immediately refuse to take our guys as mercenaries. Another thing is that our guys will not go there themselves. This is a matter of education and self-awareness, responsibility to the country and people.

V.P.: Our military personnel have excellent specialized training, and there are enough security forces in Belarus where it will be in demand. When officers talk with soldiers on this topic, introduce soldiers to the articles of the Criminal Code that relate to punishments for mercenarism, the military personnel come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no reason to go somewhere to fight. Before making a decision, it’s worth thinking about: what do you get and what do you lose? The big question is: will you make money there or not? There are often cases when recruiters do not fulfill their obligations, because there is no contract. A bullet in the back - and the person is forgotten. Officially he is not there.

A.B.: According to the law, mercenaries are criminals. People whose psychology is characterized by so-called deviant behavior may be characterized by aggressiveness, a tendency towards sadism and violence. In society, this trait is distinguished by people who consciously commit a crime. Then they can motivate the action with anything: a low level of financial status, addiction, or something else. But a person who goes to war understands what he will do there - he consciously commits a crime.

V.P.: Work is selected according to your capabilities and character. In hot spots, people with combat experience are needed, who, having returned from the war, are so immersed in it that they do not see themselves anywhere else. For them, war is a way of life. Our military personnel do not experience psychological withdrawal from war. In addition, before conscription, guys undergo a medical examination, where people with deviant behavior and a criminal past are eliminated.

Sometimes typical stories appear in television newsreels: a dying foreign citizen was found in a combat area and was not provided with medical assistance in a timely manner. It turned out that no one needed him.

Mercenaries are used to carry out sabotage or small local operations, so they do not have documents or names. They carry out a short criminal order from the commander of a gang and carry out the dirtiest work. They understand that they are committing war crimes. The conversation with them is short: they are not captured, they are not given medical care, and even if captured they will not be interrogated, because the “wild geese” still don’t know anything and are not suitable as informants. Such people are not part of government forces and act only in the interests of the field commander.

On the Internet you can find videos where guys talk about how they make money from the war, for example, to buy apartments. Why isn't it a temptation for young people? Good income is the dream of many...

V.P.: This is all information propaganda. You shouldn’t believe something that was thrown onto the network by someone unknown. The likelihood of the truth is low. Mercenaries fight in small units. They have little besides small arms. They are not provided with high-quality and modern equipment; they buy it themselves at the expense of some guy. To the extent he wants to sponsor them, that’s how they will develop. And when could mercenaries adequately resist the active army? Never. Their tactics are jackals: jump out, bite, hide. Lucky. Survived. The day has come when you can return home. How to cross the border? How to transfer money?

A.B.: I will add that a spiritually developed and religious person will not become a mercenary. And religion should not be used to cover up violence. None world religion does not directly say: “Go and kill!” In Orthodoxy, a warrior going to war to defend the Fatherland deliberately condemns his soul to mortal sin, although he sacrifices his life to protect his family, his people, and his native land from the enemies. According to church canons, soldiers returning from war are excommunicated from communion for three years. They advise you to sincerely repent.

Legal educational program

From the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus

Article 132. Recruitment, training, financing and use of mercenaries.

Recruitment, training, funding, other material support and the use of mercenaries to participate in armed conflicts or hostilities - are punishable by imprisonment for a term of seven to fifteen years.

Article 133. Mercenary.

Participation on the territory of a foreign state in armed conflicts, military actions of a person who is not part of the armed forces of the warring parties and acts in order to receive material reward without the authority of the state of which he is a citizen or on whose territory he permanently resides (mercenarism), - is punishable by imprisonment. for a term of three to seven years with or without confiscation of property.

- There are two articles in our Criminal Code that provide punishment for mercenarism. However, on Internet videos, guys from Belarus in camouflage openly claim that they are mercenaries. Strange?

V.P.: Maybe there is no one to judge anymore. A couple of minutes - and there is no person, but the video hangs.

A.B.: The Internet is littered with false information. Yes, smiling guys tell how much fun they have fighting, and they are armed with all the most modern, and they are harmless even in the line of fire, but in reality everything is a lie. Even if someone can’t sit still and is itching to fight, he must understand that it is easy for the intelligence services to track his movements across the border and for what purpose he is doing this. War criminals are tracked and identified.

V.P.: Going to fight is one thing, but returning is another. All these are just fairy tales, designed for simpletons who in reality work as cannon fodder.

They don’t just let go of someone who knows a lot, participated in special operations and saw the faces of his comrades, remembers their names. Where is the guarantee that yesterday's friends will not kill?

I cannot help but mention that the French Foreign Legion is widely known - a military unit that is part of the French ground forces. Service there is considered prestigious.

Yes, mercenaries are accepted into the Foreign Legion, but there is a strict army structure, division into units, and funding. In essence, it is a military formation that has uniforms, insignia, and symbols. Its existence is recognized in world practice. It is impossible to deny the fact that practically the same mercenaries serve there, since people who are not citizens of France are accepted into service in the legion, which is why it is called “foreign”. Citizens of other states come not out of duty, not out of ideology, but to earn money and, possibly, obtain a residence permit in France.

V.P.: The Foreign Legion guarantees medical care, awards, rituals, and compensation payments to relatives in the event of the death of a soldier. I know a case when a guy dreamed of an officer’s career, wanted to participate in hostilities, had army training behind him, and went to serve as one of the commanders of a unit of the Foreign Legion. He left for romance, wanted to travel the world, improve his professional skills, and participate in hostilities.

A.B.: To satisfy such ambitions, the Foreign Legion in France is one of the suitable units for foreigners. For example, a soldier without the status of a US citizen will not be able to get into the American Navy SEALs. However, in my opinion, foreigners who serve in the legion are mercenaries, regardless of whether they are driven by mercantile financial interests or a desire for romance.

- What is being done to prevent mercenarism among our fellow countrymen?

A.B.: In our units, objective information is provided, which helps soldiers understand the situation, are not cut off from the world, watch television, listen to the radio, and read newspapers. Deputy commanders for ideological work tell soldiers about mercenaries. Educational and sociocultural work is being carried out for the comprehensive development of military personnel - citizens of the state, so there is no danger that they will decide to become mercenaries.

V.P.: Don't forget that some young people are even afraid to serve in the army, let alone go to war. A Slav can mobilize forces to defend his state, but he is unlikely to risk his life for the sake of other people’s interests or unclear goals.

A.B.: We have developed patriotic education, veterans are alive, the memory of the past war is preserved, there is continuity of generations. Since childhood, Belarusians have understood that war is the greatest evil. In the internal troops, young people receive, along with military training, a good store of legal, socio-political knowledge, and spiritual development. Universal human values ​​prevail in their plans for life; they do not think of committing a crime - becoming mercenaries.

PMC is an abbreviation for the term “private military company.” These organizations are military, they carry out the entire range of work associated with military clashes: they provide communications, security, can become participants in an armed conflict, and can also prepare or repair military equipment.

The only difference between a PMC and a national army is that it is not based on the compulsory conscription of privates and is not state-owned. The basis for recruiting for such a service is the contract method. Company employees enter service under a contract, which clearly states the amount for participation in actions in hot spots or for military support. Most often, foreigners join companies; for example, in Syria, the participants will not be Syrians.

At the moment, PMCs are gradually replacing regular armies. Employees of private companies are more motivated, but are not in any way interested in conflict from an ideological or political point of view; they cannot be disappointed and forced to flee by the destruction of their ideals. Mercenaries are more reliable, prepared and interested in military operations. Therefore, the practice of creating PMCs is spreading throughout the world and is beginning to affect even Russia.

The history of the creation of such armies

The first private military organization appeared in England in the last century, in 1967. It was founded by a member of Her Majesty's Army and was involved in military conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. Until now, these zones remain relevant, because clashes in them do not stop.

Gradually, companies began to appear in other countries. The most active growth has occurred since the 1990s, when conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq escalated. The number of private soldiers grew and in the 90s in Iraq they already accounted for 1% of all infantrymen. Such companies have their own private companies developed countries like the USA, Canada and many others. The question remains: when will they appear in Russia?

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Situation in Russia

At the moment, it is not yet officially allowed to open military companies in the Russian Federation, so there is actually no mercenary army in Russia. However, this does not stop some entrepreneurs: private organizations such as Wagner PMC and Tiger Top-Rent Security are being created. They continue to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, since they are mostly security forces and do not get involved in serious conflicts, but the trend of companies now is that they are gradually moving to a more aggressive level and are ready to show themselves in serious firing points.

Now a bill has been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, according to which Russia’s private armies can become completely legal. In this case, they will receive permission to conduct military operations and will become a full-fledged analogue of Western organizations. The issue should be resolved by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

The public is concerned about this statement, because the presence of armed forces that obey any orders for money is scary. However, according to the bill, all armed activities will be regulated. Private armies simply will not have the opportunity to disturb the civil peace of the residents of the Russian Federation, since they will be redirected to other countries: to Iraq to guard oil pipelines or to Syria for military operations. This is a common practice - almost all PMCs operate in countries other than their homeland.

Activities Options

Commercial organizations are not only engaged in providing military support, they can also carry out other types of activities:

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In Russia, commercial armies perform any type of work, except for participation in hostilities.

How can I get there?

Russian mercenary army - how to get into its ranks? The procedure for joining a PMC is similar to the algorithm for contract service. A candidate who is attracted to a private army in Russia must provide guarantees and evidence of his military awareness. Typically, a pre-employment screening consists of:

  • medical examination;
  • training tests;
  • psychological test.

Syria is a state where civil war has not stopped for 5 years. Because of this fact, this country has ceased to be in demand among foreigners who want to make money. Today, many of its residents are leaving Syria, asking for asylum in neighboring countries and

Due to the occurrence conflict situations on the territory of Syria, many foreign nationals do not want to go there to work, even though this state is not poor and is able to offer very good wages to migrant workers. But, unfortunately, today most of the vacancies are concentrated in the military sector.

As you know, not long ago Russia became a participant in this war. Therefore, many Russian citizens are employed in Syria at military bases under contract.

To be employed in Syria at a military base, Russians must sign a contract.

The conclusion of a contract is possible only after completing these procedures:

  • Initially, all applicants for such vacancies are tested for professional suitability.
  • Then all applicants must undergo a mandatory medical examination, which must confirm that the person wishing to get a job at a military base does not have any health problems.

The medical examination consists of 2 parts:

  1. Initially, the physical health of the applicant is determined.
  2. After this, the applicant is required to undergo psychological tests.
  • Each applicant is checked by special authorities for criminal records. The inspection is carried out by employees of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation.

Employment process

After passing all the necessary procedures, a contract is concluded with the applicant for a period of at least 6 months. The contract stipulates that the contract soldier is assigned to a specific military base and receives the opportunity for career growth if he properly performs his duties. The contract also states that the employee has the right to retraining and retraining for a new military specialization.

How to find a job

You can find contract work in Syria through online portals. Many employment sites offer Russian men similar vacancies.

But it is best to contact the military commissariat at your place of actual residence and write a statement confirming your desire to go to work in Syria. After writing the application, the applicant will need to wait at least 3 months. During this time, a special commission makes a decision regarding sending a person to this hot spot.

If a person does not have a military specialty, then he will most likely be refused.

If the commission’s conclusion was in favor of the applicant, then he is sent to undergo a medical commission.


The salary level of a contract worker working in the Syrian Arab Republic depends on factors such as:

  1. Military rank.
  2. Military specialization.
  3. The role of a contractor in conducting military operations on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.
  4. Validity employment contract.
  5. The contractor has awards and distinctions.

The average salary of a military man under a contract is 200,000 rubles. If a Russian military man has awards or extensive experience in military operations, then his salary will exceed the specified amount.

Officers earn on average up to 300,000 rubles per month. In addition to the basic salary, they receive additional payments and bonuses.

The salary of pilots reaches 400,000 rubles. But it is also worth noting that the salary level of fighter pilots depends on the number of flights and the result of the operation.

Working conditions

According to the contract, all military base employees are provided with food and accommodation during their service. The soldiers are also fully provided with the necessary clothing and military equipment. In addition to the above, they are also provided with medical care and all necessary medications.

Often, many military personnel live in so-called military camps, which are fully equipped with everything necessary. On the territory of the camp there are not only living quarters, but also workshops intended for repair and maintenance of equipment.

Typically, camps are located at a distance of at least 300 kilometers from military operations. This location allows for safe accommodation for military personnel.

If a serviceman dies during hostilities, then his family is paid monetary compensation in the amount of 2 million rubles.

Only immediate relatives: parents, spouse or children can receive the payment.

The funeral is financed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Civilian specialties in Syria

In addition to the military, hairdressers, cooks, and repairmen are being recruited for Syria. Representatives of civilian specialties are considered to be workers who work on military bases, but do not have a military specialty.

Hairdressers working on a military base receive on average up to 120,000 rubles per month. Salespeople and drivers have similar salaries.

Only a person with at least 3 years of work experience can get a job as a hairdresser in Syria. The same applies to sellers. The seller must know the cash register.

Drivers are subject to more stringent requirements:

  1. Absence bad habits.
  2. Having a military rank.
  3. Possession of a driving license of categories C and B.