Ficus healing medicinal properties and contraindications. Ficus in traditional medicine recipes. Modern combined dream book

Despite the fact that the ficus belongs to the subtropical plants, it does not require special care. Today it can be found in almost every apartment. it useful plant possesses not only magical healing properties, but also positively affects the energy of the room.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the inhabitants of those houses in which there is a ficus very rarely get sick, and the diseases go away from them. in a simplified form. This plant contributes to a wonderful mood and clears the atmosphere of anger, worries and anxieties.

Ficus at home has a calming effect

Ficus is simply necessary for those couples who cannot have a baby for a long time. If this plant appears in the house of a childless woman, then in the near future she will definitely become pregnant.

If you put it at home in the kitchen, its owners will never run out of food. The higher the plant, the more well-being it will bring.

Benjamin brings great benefits to the microclimate of the room. He cleans the air from such harmful compounds as phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene, and then turns them into amino acids and sugars. However, the rubber-bearing species releases rubber into the atmosphere, which can harm people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Inside the ficus contains milky juice, which is considered harmful to people and pets. If it gets on the skin, it can cause irritation. And pets that gnaw on the leaves of this plant can get poisoned.

No matter what, the benefit outweighs the harm. However, you can buy this plant only if the owners can provide it with proper care. Otherwise, the flower may shed its leaves or stop growing.

Only with proper care ficus will help you

How to take homemade ficus benjamina

plant recommended buy during the waxing moon, and pay for it should be an odd amount of money. If the plant is accepted as a gift, a few small coins in an odd amount should be given for it.

Its juice is great remedy for cancer. To obtain it, several leaves of the plant are scrolled in a meat grinder. You need to put honey in the juice and drink it one teaspoon every day. during one week and then take a break for fourteen days. After that, the treatment can be repeated.

Not only classic remedies can help with bruises

What helps the medicinal juice of the plant

Ficus juice is also widely used for the treatment of the following diseases:

Dysentery and intestinal disorders. During the initial three days of illness, juice is recommended take two tablespoons every two hours, and then you should drink it in the same amount before meals three times a day

Haemorrhoids. To get rid of this disease, a cotton swab is wetted in the juice, which is placed overnight in the anus

Mastopathy. With a similar ailment, juice is needed drink for seven days one teaspoon before meals once a day. After a two-week break, the course of treatment can be repeated

fibromyoma- juice should be consumed according to the above method

Neurasthenia and depression. In these cases, three drops of fresh ficus juice dripping on a piece of refined sugar and slowly dissolve it

Penetrating through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, this juice has invigorating effect on the body. After the described procedure, you should refrain from taking any liquid for fifteen minutes.

Toothache. The juice is diluted in fifty milliliters of 70% alcohol and insisted throughout the day. A couple of drops of the resulting liquid are instilled into the open cavity of the tooth.

Hematoma. The juice is mixed with rye flour and cakes are prepared, which are placed overnight. in the form of a compress to the desired area

Ficus juice tincture works magic!

Ficus can be cooked healing tincture. For this:

It is used for rubbing and lotions with radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, boils, wen and warts. With bronchitis and tracheitis, a honey compress from ficus leaves is excellent.

Only properly prepared tincture will help in the treatment

Benefit and harm to humans

  • children
  • Pregnant women
  • people with diseases of the digestive system

The flower has a huge amount of magical and healing properties. However, you can keep this plant in the house only if there are no asthmatics in the family.

Ficus must be placed out of reach of pets.

What is useful ficus? Healing properties ficus. Mastopathy treatment, sciatica treatment, pain treatment, bruise treatment, callus treatment.

Ficus grows in Africa, South-East Asia. Today there are about 800 species of this plant; 20 species are considered cultivated, among them the most common indoor plant is the ampelous ficus. For us, the greatest interest is indoor ficus karika (fig). Its fruits are widely used and known to everyone, these are the so-called wine berries, figs, figs, figs.

Ficus attracts with its bright greenery, it is a wonderful decor in an apartment, office space, winter garden.

Crown pruning is done in the spring, giving it required view, a few weeks before the transplant.

❧ The first rubber (rubber) was extracted from the juice of Hevea brazilian, many people know about it. Among the ficuses there are also rubber-bearing species. They are specially grown on plantations in Southeast Asia to produce rubber.

AT chemical composition ficus carica includes biologically active substances, namely: flavonoids (rutin), furocoumarins (lupeol, mannoheptulose and sedoheptulose); psoralen and bergapten, palmitic acid, trihydroxysteroid saponin (ficusogenin), essential oil. AT folk medicine ficus is used as an anticancer agent. A decoction of the leaves is used as an analgesic, it helps to reduce hemorrhoids, warts. Infructescence is practiced to improve digestion and mild stimulation of lactation in women. Infusions are used for rinsing the mouth, poultices for colds, softening abscesses and tumors.

In ampelous ficus, leaves are used to treat carbuncles and dysentery. With hemorrhoids, dried leaves are practiced; stems - with furunculosis, rheumatism, ulcers of the larynx. Ficus stem juice is used for dysentery, skin diseases, back pain, hemorrhoids, indigestion and tuberculosis. A decoction of the roots helps with inflammation Bladder and urinary disorders.

In Eastern medicine, ficus preparations increase the sexual performance of men. It is also believed that taking this plant inside relieves pain in the heart, prevents the risk of cancer.

Among other things, the ficus is very beautiful and cleans the air in the room. It absorbs trichlorethylene, phenol, benzene. There is also a belief that if there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want them, you need to plant and grow a ficus, and after a while a child will appear in the family.

Ficus juice for mastopathy

Ingredients: 2 ficus leaves, honey.

Method of preparation: wash the leaves, twist through a meat grinder, add honey.

Method of application: take 1 tsp. 1 time per day at the same time in the morning or evening for 1 week, then interrupt the course for 14 days and repeat again.

Note: Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Ficus tincture for radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis

Ingredients: 1 leaf of ficus, 120 ml of vodka, 250 g of table salt.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add vodka. Insist 14 days in a dark cool place. Then filter with gauze, pour into a dark glass bottle, put in the refrigerator.

How to use: take a warm bath with table salt, then rub the sore spots with infusion, tie them with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment can be up to 10 days.

Ficus cakes for mastopathy

Cooking method: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, add honey, flour, knead the cake.

How to use: apply a lozenge on problem areas at night, fix with a bandage. Do for 1 week, then interrupt treatment for 14 days and repeat again.

Ficus with boils

Ingredients: 2 ficus leaves.

Method of preparation: grind the leaves into a pulp.

How to use: put a gruel of the leaves on the inflamed area, tie with a bandage at night. Repeat the next day. After the 2nd use of the ficus, the pus will come out.

Ficus tincture for toothache

Ingredients: 20 g of fresh juice from ficus leaves, 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Method of preparation: mix juice and alcohol, refrigerate for 2 days.

How to use: draw infusion into a pipette, carefully drop into the hollow of a diseased tooth, avoiding falling on the gum.

Ficus cakes against bruises

Ingredients: 1 leaf of ficus, 1 tsp. honey, flour

Cooking method: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, mix with honey and flour, make a cake.

Method of application: at night, apply the cake to the bruise, tie it with a warm cloth.

Ficus ice for bruises

Ingredients: 3 ficus leaves, water.

Cooking method: cut the leaves, pour a small amount water, boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain, pour into molds for freezing, refrigerate.

How to use: apply a piece of the resulting ice to the bruise, hold for 10 minutes.

Ficus gruel from corns

Ingredients: 1 ficus leaf, 50 ml of 70% acetic acid solution.

Method of preparation: wash the leaf, pass through a meat grinder, mix with vinegar.

How to use: put the mixture on gauze, gently apply on the corn, fix the gauze with a band-aid. After 24 hours, remove the patch, carefully remove the corn. In the event that the corn is not removed, repeat the procedure again.

Ficus is a genus of evergreen or deciduous plants of the mulberry family, common in countries with a subtropical climate. Grows in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Krasnodar Territory, Mediterranean, America, Africa, etc. It belongs to valuable fruit plants and is grown in open ground. In hot countries, ficus leaves are used to cover roofs. In industry, rubber is extracted from several types of ficus. Ficus is also popular in home floriculture as ornamental plant purifying the air in the house.

In addition, this plant is widely used in folk medicine and is part of some official medicine preparations. The medicinal properties of rubber ficus, ficus Benjamin and ficus karika (figs) are especially valued.

Description and preparation

Ficus rubbery has a lignified trunk and large glossy oval leaves on thick cuttings. The fruits are small, yellow-green, oval.
Ficus Benjamin has a wide crown with branches, on which thin-skinned leaves 6-13 cm long are located in the next order. The fruits of this ficus are inedible.
Ficus karika has beautiful lobed leaves that fall in winter. Gives results even at home.
In folk medicine, the following are used: stems, leaves, juice, roots and fruits of ficus.
The leaves of the plant are used both fresh and dried. The fruits of figs are consumed fresh in ripe form, and also dried for future use - for 3-4 days in the sun.

Composition and properties

Ficus leaves and stems contain: flavonoids, trihydroxysteroid saponin, coumarins, palmitic acid, essential oil and other valuable substances. Fig fruits are rich in: tannins, organic acids, proteins, fats, glucose, fructose, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B3, C, PP.

The plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diaphoretic, antipyretic, analgesic, antitumor and tonic effects. Dried figs have a laxative effect.
In folk medicine, ficus is used for:

  • throat disease;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • mastopathy;
  • neurasthenia, depression;
  • radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • indigestion, dysentery;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • mastopathy, uterine myoma;
  • toothache;
  • oncological diseases, tumors;
  • calluses, boils, wen, warts.

Fig fruits are useful for iron deficiency anemia, chest pain, heart palpitations.
Ficus is also used to improve lactation in women and sexual strength in men.


We bring to your attention recipes for medicines prepared on the basis of rubber ficus.

Tincture for dysentery and intestinal disorders:

  • 50 g juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 g of vodka.

Mix the juice with vodka and let it brew for two days in the refrigerator. Treatment: on the first day, take 1 tablespoon of tincture every two hours, on the second or third day, take 1 tablespoon of tincture 5 times a day, and on the 4th day - 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.
Another cure for dysentery:

  • juice from 5-6 ficus leaves;
  • 1 tsp alcohol;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Mix the juice with alcohol and honey. For the first 3 days, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture every 2 hours. In the following days, take the mixture 3 times a day after meals.
With tracheitis or bronchitis soak a ficus leaf in boiling water for 3 minutes, then brush it with honey and apply it on your chest overnight. Tie a warm scarf over the top. Such a compress helps to expel mucus.
To improve lactation put 5 drops of ficus juice on a piece of sugar, slowly dissolve it, and then eat a banana. You can do this twice a day.
With neurasthenia or depression, 3 drops of juice of a fresh ficus leaf are dripped onto a piece of sugar or bread and eaten without drinking water.

Tincture for sciatica:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 120 ml of vodka.

Wash the sheet, grind in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder and pour vodka. Put the mixture in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Strain the resulting infusion. Store the finished product in the refrigerator in a dark glass container. Take a bath with the addition of 250 g of salt, and then rub the sore spots with ficus tincture. After rubbing, tie these places with a woolen scarf. The recommended course of treatment is 7-10 days. Use for radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.
Toothache remedy:

  • 20 g juice from fresh ficus leaves;
  • 100 ml of 70% alcohol.

Mix the juice with alcohol and refrigerate for 2 days. Drip the resulting tincture with a toothache into the hollow of a damaged tooth, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.
Cakes for mastopathy:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp flour.

Wash the ficus leaf, chop, add honey and flour and mix well to make a cake. Apply to the affected area at night and secure with a bandage. Recommended course of treatment: 7 days. Then you should take a break for two weeks and repeat the course of treatment. Such cakes can also be used to treat bruises (in this case, the cake is fixed overnight with a warm cloth). Instead of cakes with mastopathy, you can make lotions from mashed leaves.

Also, with mastopathy, you can take inside a mixture of crushed ficus leaves with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, 1 teaspoon per day, either in the morning or in the evening (at the same time). Course of treatment: 7 days, then a break for 14 days and repeat the course of administration.

For uterine myoma:

  • 2-3 leaves of ficus;
  • 1 st. vodka;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 raw egg yolk.

Pour the crushed ficus leaves with vodka in dark glass bottles and refrigerate for two weeks. Strain the finished tincture, add honey and yolk to it and mix well. Rub the resulting mixture into the lower abdomen at night for two weeks every night. From above, be sure to wrap your hips with a woolen scarf or scarf.
Ficus with hemorrhoids:

  • 1 part ficus juice;
  • 2 parts filtered water.

Mix juice with water and freeze in foil molds. Enter the resulting candles into the anus for 10 seconds for 3-4 days in a row. In the following days, you can increase the time of holding the candle. Recommended course of treatment: 7-10 days.
For the treatment of boils, ficus leaves are crushed into gruel, applied to the site of inflammation and fixed with a bandage. They do it at night. Usually two procedures are enough to open the abscess.

For the treatment of bruises prepare ficus ice: cut three leaves of ficus, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them and boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and freeze in molds. To treat a bruise, apply this ice on 10 ice.

Ficus from hard corns:

  • 1 ficus leaf;
  • 50 ml of 70% acetic acid.

Grind a clean leaf into gruel and mix with vinegar. Put the resulting mixture on a small piece of gauze, attach to the corn and secure with a band-aid. Leave the lotion for a day. After the specified time, the corn should be easily removed. If the corn is not removed, then repeat the procedure.
Tincture to get rid of wen and warts:

  • 1 ficus leaf (medium size);
  • 50 g apple or table vinegar.

Twist the leaf through a meat grinder, pour vinegar over it and let it brew for 10 days. Strain the finished tincture. For treatment, moisten a small piece of cotton with tincture, apply to a wart or wen and secure with adhesive tape. Keep no longer than 5 minutes.
Another recipe for warts: Mix 2 parts ficus juice with 1 part vinegar essence. Drop on the wart. Wash off after 5 minutes. In case of severe burning, wash off the product with water after 5-10 seconds. You need to store this medicine in a dark place.


  • children under 5 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • with allergies and individual intolerance.

Attention! Ficus is not recommended to grow in the house for people suffering from respiratory diseases.

Such magical powers are attributed to this plant: fertility, protection, wisdom, meditation.

Ficus also absorbs negative emotions, helps to solve protracted life problems, cleanses the atmosphere of the house from anxieties and worries, and it becomes easier to breathe in it, in this it can be compared with a vacuum cleaner.

There is a belief: "If there are no children in the family, and the spouses really want to have them, then you must definitely get a ficus."

Ficus in the house - fortunately

Ficus can help you even if you don't grow it at home. If you feel evil or misfortune nearby, it is enough just to walk around the tree a few times, and evil spirits leave this place in a panic.

To get pregnant (if it is not possible to have a ficus at home), you need to walk naked under this tree.

Leaves sacred ficus used in incense during meditation, as well as in mixtures made for gaining wisdom.

To attract good luck and wealth to the house, Benjamin's ficus (small-leaved ficus) will help. With such a ficus in the kitchen, your family will never go hungry. And if the ficus is placed in any zone according to Feng Shui, then it will help to bring harmony in this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life.

Colds can be treated with ficus. In general, ficus helps in many cases of health problems. He, like aloe, is an integral part of a valuable home first aid kit and a universal assistant. Ficus is successfully used as an anti-inflammatory agent for pain associated with the musculoskeletal system, with injuries.

Ficus in traditional medicine recipes

Bronchitis, tracheitis, catarrhal cough.

Ficus is not only an effective expectorant, it also eliminates inflammation in the respiratory system. Apply it in the form of a compress: boil the leaf for several minutes in water, grease it with honey and attach it whole to the chest. Put cellophane, flannel fabric on top and secure (with a scarf).

For intestinal disorders leaf juice mixed with honey will help well. Drink 2 tablespoons of this mixture every two hours until the problem disappears.

Dysentery, intestinal disorders. Add about 100 ml of medical alcohol to 50 g of juice from ficus leaves. Insist 2 days, take 1 tbsp. l. on the first day every 2 hours, on the second and third - 5 times a day, on the fifth - 1 tsp. three times per day.

Alcohol tincture ficus helps with toothache. To do this, mix a tablespoon of ficus juice with 3 tablespoons of alcohol and leave in a dark place for 2-3 days. In case of acute toothache, moisten a cotton swab with tincture and put it on the aching tooth, or drop it directly into the hollow with a pipette.

Haemorrhoids. Moisten a cotton swab with ficus juice and inject overnight. The course of treatment is 10 days. You can make ice candles: 1 tsp. juice dilute 2 tsp. water and freeze in a foil mold. The first 3-4 days, an ice candle is injected for 10 seconds, then the time is extended. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Joint disease. Grind one leaf of ficus and pour 100 ml of vodka, insist for two weeks. In the evening, after a bath, rub this tincture on sore joints and wrap them with a woolen scarf.

calluses. Grind a ficus leaf, add 70% ethyl alcohol to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the corn, cover with cellophane and a cloth. Leave the bandage for a day. The procedure must be repeated until a positive result is obtained.

Mastopathy. Boil a leaf of ficus for several minutes in water, grind to a mushy state and apply to sore spots of the chest. Repeat the procedure until the condition improves.

Warts, papillomas. Pour a ficus leaf crushed to the consistency of a porridge with 50 ml of vinegar, insist for 10 days. Apply for 5-10 minutes.

Hematoma. Apply a cotton swab moistened with the juice of ficus leaves to the hematoma for 1 minute. 5-6 times throughout the day until completely absorbed.

An infusion that helps with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis: pass the ficus leaf through a meat grinder, pour 100 ml of vodka, close tightly and keep in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Then filter the infusion through a double layer of gauze, pour into a dark glass bottle and store in a dark place. Before use, the infusion is best heated under a stream. hot water. Take in moderation before bed hot bath(39 degrees), adding 200 g of ordinary table salt to it, then rub the sore spot with ficus tincture and tie it with a warm woolen scarf. The course of treatment is 10 days.

There is also an old sign: if a childless woman who wants to have a baby starts growing ficus in her house, she will soon become pregnant.

The ancient Chinese teaching of feng shui attributes to ficus magical properties . It is believed that it helps to solve protracted life problems, absorbs negative emotions.

According to modern astrologers, this is the plant of Capricorn. It cleanses the atmosphere of a living space from anxieties and worries, relieves emotional stress, it becomes easier to breathe in the house. Ficus in the house - fortunately.

Ficus Benefit and harm to humans

Ficus (from lat. Ficus) came to us from hot tropical countries. Ficus is a typical representative of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). For a long time, this flower has gained popularity in our apartments, houses and offices, and some of its representatives are successfully cultivated in household plots. Most of us have often thought about whether ficus is useful or not worth keeping in an apartment. Some are afraid to start this flower because of superstition, and some, on the contrary, consider it very useful. But, what is the mystery of this famous and attractive plant for us?

The use of indoor flower in medicine

AT folk recipes plant sap is used as the best remedy from tumors. Grind a few leaves, squeeze out the juice, add a little honey and take 1 tsp. (daily). After 6-7 days, take a two-week break and repeat the course.

Leaf Juice Uses:

  1. With mastopathy, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water and drink 1 tsp for a week.
  2. Cotton swabs soaked in milky juice and inserted into the anus overnight will help cure hemorrhoids.
  3. Bruises and bruises will pass faster if cakes made from juice and rye flour are applied to the sore spot.

Alcohol tincture of healing liquid will help relieve toothache. To do this, moisten a piece of gauze and attach to the aching tooth. Ficus juice is included in some pharmaceutical preparations, ointments for osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Medicinal properties of Ficus

The medicinal properties of the flower have a wide range of uses. What is useful ficus? This question is answered years of experience botanists and gardeners from many parts of the world. It occupies a worthy place among medicinal plants.

Experts in traditional medicine advise using the beneficial qualities of ficus leaves in the manufacture of various ointments, lotions and compresses. Ointments, tinctures, ficus milk juice affect human body as an analgesic and expectorant, and tones the body. This popular plant will become an assistant in the treatment of:

  • intestinal disorders;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • lung disease;
  • vascular diseases;
  • inflammation of the back and joints;
  • female diseases.

In addition, ficus juice is added to medicines based on alcohol, which are used for toothache and diseases of the oral cavity.

There are also contraindications in which plant-based medicines cannot be taken:

  • pregnant women and children under 18;
  • people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;
  • asthmatics.

Residents of Eastern countries use ficus products to increase the sexual potential in men. There is an opinion that the use of the plant inside can prevent cancer and eliminate pain in the heart.

Attention! Do not self-medicate! Consult your doctor.

Home Recipes for Joint Treatment

The plant is indispensable in the treatment of joint pain, deforming arthrosis and arthritis.

Recipe 1. Grind a couple of leaves, add 1 tbsp to the resulting slurry. l. salt and liquid honey. Stir, insist for half an hour, apply on a gauze bandage and apply to a sore spot for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe 2. For 300 ml of medical alcohol, take 3 leaves, 10 ml of camphor and iodine, mix and infuse in a dark, cool room for 3-4 weeks. The resulting infusion is used for rubbing.

Recipe 3. Pour three large leaves with a glass of vodka and leave for 14 days in the cold, tightly closing the lid. After that, you need to add chicken yolk and 1 tbsp. l. honey, mix and use for rubbing and compresses. It is necessary to store the product in the refrigerator, but not longer than 2 weeks.

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Are all ficuses harmful?

The genus Ficus has been known since ancient times, but consisted of only 7 species. Today, the genus Ficus has about 1000 species of trees, shrubs and vines. This beautiful plant is native to India and Asia. In nature, they are found in tropical forests, where heat and moisture create optimal conditions for their successful growth.

Perhaps the most famous representative in our area, which is often heard, is a fig tree or fig (lat. Ficus carica). A representative of this species can often be found in the gardens of the southern part of our country, in the Crimea. Its tasty and healthy fruits are so popular that they need no introduction.

In most cases, rubber-bearing ficus (lat. Ficus elastica) was kept in houses and apartments. This unpretentious and remarkable plant has always attracted both experienced botanists and ordinary citizens. But today, when the choice different varieties great and multiplying, the no less attractive and amazing ficus Benjamin (lat. Ficus benjamina) has gained popularity. With its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance, this ficus has gained popularity among ordinary people.

The benefits and harms of rubber ficus

I remember that in the distant Soviet times, the rubber-bearing ficus was a frequent inhabitant of not only apartments, but also clinics, sanatoriums, stood on "guard" in the reception of various organizations. In our time, the title of “old friend” has taken root behind him, due to his frequent presence in our lives. At home, its height reaches about 25-30 meters, but in "apartment" conditions, its height borders on growth ordinary person. At home, caring for him is absolutely not difficult. Its leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth to give them a "glossy" look. Also, the ficus loves "rain", so it would be nice to irrigate its leaves with water.

The ficus owes its unusual name to the thick juice, which contains a significant amount of rubber. Therefore he for a long time was of industrial importance for the production of rubber. For this purpose, the plant has been cultivated since the 19th century. Like all representatives of this species, rubber ficus perfectly frees the air from harmful substances and is used in the manufacture of medicines. But there are restrictions for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as its juice contains substances harmful to them.

The benefits and harms of ficus Benjamin

It is customary to grow Ficus Benjamin both in the usual way (bush) and in the exotic form of "bonsai". In some literature, another name for this plant is also known - Ficus brilliant. In its natural environment, Benjamin's ficus is a tall tree and sometimes reaches a height of 30 meters.

Outwardly, this interesting plant looks like a small tree. The leaves are light green in color, slightly pointed towards the tip. Its benefits are quite large. At home, various tinctures and rubbing are prepared from this pretty plant. The extract of the plant is added to medicines for mastopathy, to prevent myomas and fibromyomas, gout and radiculitis. Milk juice in frozen form is excellent for hematomas. By the way, for this you can use a compress from the frayed leaves of the plant. But, like all ficuses, this variety can also cause little harm. As mentioned above, the milky juice in ficuses leads to an exacerbation of allergies. And Benjamin is no exception.

Plant features

Before doubting whether a ficus is harmful or not, you should first find out the basic facts about this tropical flower from tropical countries. Homeland ficus - Mediterranean, it grows in nature and on the coasts South Africa, Indian Ocean. Part of the mulberry family, is an evergreen perennial plant. More than 1000 varieties with leaves and stems are known different forms, sizes, colors.

Beneficial features unpretentious flower were discovered many centuries ago. It was found that the owners of ficuses are less sick, more often in a good mood, less likely to become depressed. Leaves also purify indoor air by filtering dust and unpleasant odors. But there are also unpleasant features - the stems and foliage of the plant contain a dangerous milky juice that causes skin irritation and poisoning of pets.

The most famous and common varieties in apartments are 6 varieties:

  • Benjamin;
  • Benedict;
  • rubbery;
  • dwarf;
  • Bengal;
  • lyre-shaped.

Important. All species love good lighting, being in a warm room as far as possible from drafts, they cannot stand frequent rearrangements from one place to another.


The unpretentiousness of the ficus has made it a common indoor plant. Home Ficus is represented by many species. The most popular of them:

  • rubbery;
  • Benjamin;
  • Binnedeyka Ali;
  • microcarp;
  • dwarf;
  • lyre-shaped;
  • Bengali
  • sacred (religious).

The plant can be very large in size. So large that it cannot be placed in an ordinary city apartment.

Or maybe dwarf, perfect for a small-sized odnushka.

How to cut.

As you remember, ficus grows quite intensively under favorable conditions. The leaf mass is growing rapidly. However, over time, the lower foliage begins to fall off. Pruned bushes in order to restrain the development of this culture. Many flower growers, in order for the ficus to form lateral shoots, pinch the plants up, unfortunately, branching will not increase from this event. Perhaps, after this procedure, the upper kidney will begin to awaken, but the side shoots will not form. Usually, several internodes are cut during pruning. If the upper part of the bush is too stretchy, then you can remove it. But do not throw away this stalk, it is quite possible to root it and get a new plant from it. When, in your opinion, the shoots become as tall as possible (for your apartment), then the upper part of the plant should be cut again.

It is recommended to trim the bushes in early spring if you do this later, then the side shoots will not develop again, and the ficus will begin to grow upward again. The pruning tool must be disinfected before use. The knife must be sharp. It is advisable to remove the juice that will stand out after this procedure. If you want to grow lush bushes, then you can plant several ficuses in one pot. At first, plants are recommended to be placed in slightly shaded places, moreover, the bushes are recommended to be rotated periodically so that the shoots develop evenly, are even and beautiful. And if you don’t do this, then the bush will reach for the light, which means it’s decorative appearance plants may lose. You can completely plant a ficus in a container. However, it can also be made more bushy. It is advisable to wake up inactive buds in time, for this, try to prune the plants as we advised you earlier.

Sometimes the trunk is pierced in order to increase the splendor of the plant. Moreover, the depth of this puncture should not be more than 1/3 of the width of the stem. They begin to carry out this procedure from the top, ending with the base of the bush. Sometimes the top of a young plant is specially inclined to the bottom, fixed on the surface of the soil, so the side shoots begin to awaken, which means that the bush will be more lush, but as soon as you notice that the buds have become active, the plant is recommended to be returned to its usual position, be sure , side shoots will begin to develop actively.

Is it possible to donate?

It will be great if you yourself receive a flower as a gift. Acquired independently does not have such a powerful energy as a gift with pure intentions. If you want a really strong plant, ask for a flower as a gift. from a close and loving person.


Ficus can be propagated in many ways. And the most common method is cuttings. Moreover, this method is considered the simplest and most effective. In order to get a cutting, you will need to cut off the top of the stem, the shoot should be no more than 15 cm long. On each cutting, you will need to cut off all the leaves, leaving one pair of leaf blades. The juice oozing from the wound will need to be removed, the cut point should be washed with water, and this will need to be done until the sap flow stops. The cuttings are placed in containers with liquid, and in order to prevent moisture from evaporating from the surface of the foliage, they are recommended to be rolled up. You can fix them in this position with a regular clerical rubber band. Of course, in water, cuttings form a root system, but faster this process passes when the cutting is placed in a special mixture. In order to create a favorable microclimate, containers with cuttings are recommended to be covered with film or glass. Usually from the cuttings obtained in this way, full-fledged plants develop very quickly. There are no problems with acceleration. However, in certain subspecies of this culture, the cuttings take root worse, so it is best to pre-treat them with a growth stimulator, so root system formed more intensely. It is also possible to build a mini greenhouse for them, providing heating of the soil mixture from below. In some varieties, it should be noted that cuttings take root very poorly, so it is better to propagate them in other ways.

Many subspecies of ficus are propagated using air layering. In order to grow new plants, you will need to make a special cut on the shoot, but not very deep. And in order for the wound not to heal, a match is inserted there. And after that, these places will need to be wrapped with wet sphagnum, wrapped with foil and fixed with adhesive tape. Usually in such places begin to form aerial roots, through a transparent film, you can quite determine the time when the roots begin to break through. When the root system looks massive enough, it will be possible to separate this process below and plant it in a separate container. Ficus is often propagated by leaf. This method is considered not very simple, therefore experienced gardeners this method of reproduction is considered not entirely verified. However, some researchers claim that this method is considered effective. Try cutting off one leaf plate and sending it to a glass of water. Sometimes, after a certain period of time, roots begin to grow at the base. And after that, you can plant the plant in a separate pot, but very often the leaf plate does not have enough strength to form shoots, so this mini plant will show off on your windowsill for more than one year, but complete plant from a sheet plate and will not be formed.


Will ficus help family happiness or harm? Esoteric scientists endow it, along with ivy, with masculine qualities, while relying on all sorts of ancient existences. Slavic peoples did not trust this "southerner", considering him the destroyer of happy harmony in the house.

It is impossible to agree with such an interpretation. Indeed, a couple of centuries ago, this flower, like geranium, was a symbol of bourgeois life. And who does not dream of silence, comfort, peace in the family, without revolutionary changes, deafening scandals and screams.

Strong advice - place this cute flower in the house. Indeed, in strong and prosperous families for many centuries there have always been tubs with rubber ficuses and “cuckoo” clocks.


Ficus Benjamin has erect shoots, a round stem part and very peculiar foliage. The leaves can be glossy, smooth, thin leathery, oblong-oval, and have a pointed apex. The average length of the leaves varies from 6 to 13 centimeters, the width can vary from 2 to 6 centimeters.

Whole-edge leaves are arranged alternately and are formed in the same plane. The pinnate-loop-like type of venation is characteristic, the central vein is weakly expressed and branches into eight or more lateral veins. The length of the petiole rarely exceeds a couple of centimeters. Coloration of the bark is gray with slight inclusions Brown color. The crown is wide, the type of branches is drooping.


Ficus is a wonderful plant. My girlfriend gave it to me New Year. A year later, on the same holiday, I told her wonderful news - I became pregnant, which I had long dreamed of. I believe that the tree helped me.


The tree is very beautiful, although capricious. If he doesn’t like something, he can drop all the leaves! Then do not expect good from him. Only when good care hopefully the tree will help.


My ficus grows well, literally flourishes. But I can't have a baby yet. It helps a lot, perhaps, and luck awaits me.

Ficus leaves are used to quickly remove bruises. Ficus cakes and ice are used.

To make a cake, you need 1 leaf of ficus, 1 teaspoon of flour and the same amount of bee honey:

  • A clean leaf is crushed through a meat grinder, honey and flour are added.
  • Knead, make a cake.
  • Apply to the bruise, fix with a warm cloth. Usually the procedure is carried out at night.

To make ice, take 3 leaves of ficus:

  • They are crushed with a knife, poured with water so that the leaves do not burn.
  • Boil 5 minutes. After the broth has cooled, filter it, pour into molds, freeze.
  • Prepared ice is applied to the bruise and held for 10 minutes.

A decoction of ficus leaves is used to reduce nodes in hemorrhoids, warts. Prepare it in the same way as for making ice.

A photo

The photo shows the appearance of the ficus:

General information

Benjamin's ficuses are incredibly popular with lovers of indoor floriculture, masters of phytodesign and interior landscaping. Compliance proper care contributes to the fairly rapid growth of Benjamin. The plant can reach a height of two or more meters.

The most popular among flower growers are the following types and varieties of ficus:

  • ficus Danielle;
  • ficus Exotica;
  • ficus Monique;
  • ficus Barok;
  • variegated ficus Starlight;
  • variegated ficus Reginald;
  • small-leaved ficus Natasja;
  • small-leaved ficus Kinky;
  • small-leaved ficus Wiandi.


The initial task is to visit an allergist, since only a doctor can determine the exact diagnosis. It is important to tune in advance to the fact that a lengthy preliminary conversation with the doctor will be required. The specialist will try to collect as much information as possible about the characteristics of the state of health of a sick person in order to determine an accurate diagnosis and make a decision regarding further treatment.

After that, you will need to take a clinical blood test, make tests for various allergens. These techniques allow us to understand what still provokes a negative response from the side. immune system. It is assumed that it is necessary to introduce a minimum dosage of various allergens to further control the immune response and determine the reasons why unwanted symptoms appear. After that, the course of treatment begins.

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Vladimir 61 years old

I clean the vessels steadily every year. I started doing this when I turned 30, because the pressure was to hell. Doctors only shrugged. I had to take care of my own health. different ways tried, but one helps me especially well… More >>>

There is a beautiful belief that if you give a ficus to a childless couple, then very soon they will have a child. Interestingly, on the Internet you can find a lot of rave reviews from parents who have been helped by this sign.

If bloomed

with bloom indoor plants many superstitions are associated, and there are real legends about ficus flowers. Moreover, in some peoples, the appearance of inflorescences on it indicates a future increase in the financial well-being of the owner, while in others - the addition of a family.

The sign associated with the emergence of a new life is widely known to both the Slavs and the Eastern peoples. It's believed that if the ficus bloomed, it means that soon its owner will become pregnant.

The same result is usually expected if the ficus has sprouted. The appearance of young shoots symbolizes new life.

Popular beliefs

More than others, the housewives liked the ficuses of Benjamin, Robusta, Rubber-bearing, Melanie, Elastica and Natasha. There are many signs associated with these ficuses, which are on everyone's lips. Among them are the following:

  • if the ficus is in the living room, then this bring happiness to the house;
  • plant growing in the kitchen to money;
  • in the bedroom - to the birth of children;
  • ficus in the hallway protects the energy of the family;
  • if the ficus is placed in the workplace, it increase efficiency.

Signs and superstitions

A popular sign that is associated with this amazing plant speaks of its ability to influence the birth of children. If you put a ficus in the bedroom, then replenishment in the family is just around the corner. But for this you need to change new escape in new pot and you can wait for the result.

Various countries associate many beliefs with ficus. In China and Thailand, there is an opinion that this flower is sacred. They grow it in any available places. It is often given as a gift to relatives and friends on various occasions. Slavic peoples This plant is controversial. Some believe that keeping ficus at home negatively affects the atmosphere in the apartment, but many gardeners are sure that ficus is a flower that brings good luck. After all, it is not without reason that by placing it in the kitchen, the family will never know hunger. The more magnificent your ficus grows, the more successful your family will be. It is also recommended to place ficus in the children's room, if there are no negative reasons for this. In the nursery, he creates an atmosphere of comfort and a measured flow of life. Popular prejudices do not recommend putting a flower in the guest room because it protects the hearth from negative impact. Simply put, this is a family plant and it does not need extra attention from prying eyes.

Ficus is also mentioned sympathetically and respectfully in the Bible. It was this flower that was the first garment of Adam and Eve after the expulsion from Eden. It was from this that the expression came: "cover yourself with a fig leaf." Also, the fruits of this tree became their first food.

So it turns out that opinions about the ficus are very diverse. And there are a lot more positive and positive qualities in it than you might think.

Without a doubt, ficus is an attractive and popular plant. Its aesthetic beauty pleases the eye and brings peace. The positive and healing properties of ficus in many ways exalt it over the negative aspects. If you do not have any contraindications, and pets do not bother its leaves, then you need to safely start this flower at home or in any other room. But it should also be remembered that the flower is very "touchy" and, in protest, begins to shed its leaves. Therefore, you should not forget about it and try to take care of it in a timely manner. And in this case, it will definitely bring you benefits, good mood and pleasant moments in the process of leaving!

Harm to humans

Is it possible to be allergic to ficus? Ficus is an allergenic plant that produces rubber.

They can adversely affect the health of asthmatics. Various allergic reactions in persons with hypersensitivity: attacks of bronchial asthma, swelling of the mucous membranes, diarrhea, vomiting.

According to experts, small-leaved "Benjamin" ranks 3rd among allergens after dust mites and pets.

Is it poisonous?

What is poisonous ficus? The plant secretes juice. It can not be tasted unnecessarily and, moreover, drink it. Once on the skin of the hands, it can cause irritation.

Ficus refers to plants that during the day, in sunlight, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and vice versa at night. Therefore, you should not actively decorate the bedroom, and even more so, the nursery.

But in general, the ficus did not deserve notoriety. He lost the title of "philistine" flower. Today, it is again of interest and is popular with flower growers. Moreover, among 900 types of ficuses, you can choose the one that suits you.

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Bring one and a half cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Turn off, lay the ficus leaf for 3 minutes. Take out, put a spoonful of honey.

Apply to the chest, wrapped in flannel fabric. Leave until the morning, then remove. You can repeat the procedure until complete recovery.