Finnish house made of professional timber. Finnish glued laminated timber is a new generation building material. Price for Finnish timber cut for the project

Due to its environmental friendliness, excellent technical characteristics and beauty, wood is rightfully considered one of the best building materials. Due to the unique properties of natural wood in wooden house always enchanting and unique microclimate. Finnish timber is popular with private developers due to its excellent technical characteristics and guaranteed quality.

What is the difference between Finnish-made laminated veneer lumber and domestic counterparts? Getting started building a house or country cottage, it is extremely important to choose the right material. Let us consider the production technology and features of the structure of the Finnish timber, so that an informed and balanced choice can be made.

Manufacturing technology and profiling

Since the construction of wooden houses has been relevant and in demand for many centuries, manufacturers are trying to constantly improve and modernize not only the production technology, but also the configuration of wooden lamellas. The main goal is to eliminate as much as possible the imperfections of wood, of which, by the way, there are not so many.

Glued laminated timber production technology

One of the significant disadvantages of conventional logs is geometry instability. The material expands under the influence of moisture and cracks and warps with sudden changes in temperature conditions.

The improved technologies for the production of glued structures made of wood, which were developed relatively recently, almost completely eliminate the disadvantages of wooden lamellas.

Finnish profiled timber is produced under strict observance of the following conditions:

  • The logs are sawn into lamellas of the same thickness, which relieves the internal stress of the material and guarantees the stability of the lamella geometry. The timber does not deform and does not crack under the influence of adverse weather conditions;
  • The low moisture content of the material (no more than twelve percent) guarantees minimal wall shrinkage over time. Finnish manufacturers carefully control the drying process. And since the technological process is fully automated, the quality of the material and a certain moisture content of the lamellas are guaranteed;

  • After calibrating the boards and eliminating wood defects, the lamellas are spliced ​​and sanded. This treatment allows you to achieve the perfect geometry of the beams;
  • The lamellas are glued under pressure. As an adhesive, manufacturers from Finland use only environmentally friendly materials that do not affect the main specifications wood. Finnish glued laminated timber has the ability to "breathe", which creates a unique comfortable microclimate in the room.

Important. The strength and durability of the material is also given by the direction of the fibers of the glued lamellas.
The fibers of a cut of two adjacent lamellas are arranged in annual rings in opposite directions.
This arrangement of annual rings reduces internal stress, which significantly increases the strength of the material.

  • Since the beams are profiled and trimmed with high precision, the assembly is easy to do with your own hands. The spike-groove system allows you to connect structural elements without gaps and distortions;
  • Each part is marked and packaged according to the specification, as required by the instructions, so the construction of a house from this material can be carried out in the shortest possible time.

Finnish laminated veneer lumber projects enjoy well-deserved popularity among private developers. A wooden cottage is not only a spectacular and beautiful building, but also a comfortable, durable and environmentally friendly building.

Profile - why it is convenient and reliable

The profiled beam is distinguished by the presence of a lamellar joint connection, therefore the crowns of the beams are tightly and reliably fastened.

There are two common types of profile:

  • German profile - equipped with multi ridge (tongue and groove) joints;
  • The Finnish profile of the bar is distinguished by the crown cups of the connection of the lamellas.

Important. Each manufacturer always has its own know-how for improving the profile connection.
But at the same time, the essence of the profiled connection remains unchanged - the lock longitudinal connection excludes the lateral shift of the material and excludes cracks and gaps during assembly.

Main features of a timber from Finland

Finnish timber belongs to elite building materials, since its cost is quite high. But build small bath or a sauna made of Finnish wood, almost everyone can afford.

What is the difference between a timber from Finland?

  • The arcs of the annual rings of the boards to be glued are directed towards the center, and the core - outward. This arrangement of wood fibers guarantees increased strength and durability by reducing internal stress in the timber; (See also the article.)

  • Different breeds conifers do not mix, which guarantees a beautiful and uniform tone;
  • Bonding strength is ensured by vertical splicing every four to six meters, but no more than three meters. As you can see in the photo, this gluing technology guarantees an excellent appearance and an almost invisible seam;
  • According to Finnish technology, only wide lamellas are used. This is due to the fact that the glue base soaks the wood by one and a half to two centimeters. Therefore, thin lamellas are almost completely saturated with glue and lose their ability to "breathe". Finnish timber with a thickness of 200 millimeters is made from three spliced ​​lamellas with glue impregnation of no more than eight millimeters. This allows you to fully preserve all the positive technical characteristics of natural wood.

It is worth noting that a high-quality imitation of a Finnish timber in terms of technical and aesthetic characteristics is almost identical to an analogue, but the cost of such a material is much lower.

Advice. By purchasing construction material made of wood, give preference to a bar made of winter wood.
It is drier and more durable.
A distinctive feature of winter wood is a lighter color of the ends and the absence of fiber on the longitudinal cuts.
Experts advise checking the material in the following way.
Drop iodine on the cut of the timber - if the stain turns blue, it means there is a lot of starch in the tree, and this is a distinctive feature of "winter" lumber.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminated veneer lumber

Since the price of this building material is quite high, we will focus on its main advantages and disadvantages. Is the advertising characteristics so fair and is it worth overpaying for a foreign guaranteed quality? After all, there are a great many proposals from domestic manufacturers.

The "pluses" include the following characteristics:

  • High resistance to deformation due to the absence of internal stress. The building will retain its shape and size and will not deform over time;
  • Optimum humidity excludes long-term shrinkage of the building.

Advice. But glued laminated timber is wood, so the minimum shrinkage of the house still occurs over time.
Therefore, it is better to start interior finishing work a few months after the construction of the house.

  • The wood guarantees excellent thermal insulation;
  • Treatment of lamellas with antiseptic and flame retardant impregnations before gluing guarantees the strength and durability of the building;
  • Short terms of work. a constructor that can be assembled even with your own hands. Marking of all parts and detailed instructions allows you to build a cottage in a month (not taking into account the foundation device).

When starting to build a house from a profiled bar, special attention should be paid to the type of its profile. There are at least four of them today, each of which is characterized by its inherent advantages and disadvantages. All this must be taken into account in order to end up with a solid house made of wood.

In this article, we will consider bar profiles, we note their positive and negative sides, which will allow, on the basis of the information received, to have a holistic idea of ​​which direction to move in when implementing a plan for the construction of a residential building, and any other wooden structures of the most different purposes.

Wooden house building has a long technological history. Our grandfathers could also cut down a house with one ax - warm and first-class. However, life does not stand still: manual processing of logs was replaced by machine tools - mechanization. This greatly simplified and accelerated the construction of wooden houses in Belarus, Russia and a number of others, mainly Nordic countries.

In the course of technological improvements, a variety of building materials made of wood appeared on the market, but the most demanded were steel rounded log and of course profiled timber.

The engineers paid great attention to the method of connecting the crowns. First of all, it was important to ensure that the walls were not blown through. The old ways of joining were not suitable here, so new ones were created, which, during the tests, received excellent characteristics, approvals from specialists. These are the very profiles of the timber that we are talking about.

What is a bar profile
The profile of the bar can be compared to the tread of a car tire. In fact, this is a drawing that appears on a bar by machining. As for tires, so for profiled timber special meaning the degree of adhesion of two surfaces is given, only in the first case - for rubber with a road surface, and in the other - a crown with a crown.

The profile is created using specialized equipment. Technological process includes the following steps: a piece of wood (for example, a beam of 210x160mm) is "driven" into the machine, and at the exit a profiled beam (size 200x150 mm) is obtained, which already has a drawing corresponding to the type of profile. At the time of technological processing, the timber is polished.

As we noted above, the profiles of the timber are different. They are distinguished by the number of grooves and spikes, some form a comb of three to four grooves on the surface of the timber. Thanks to this, the production of a rigid structure of the house is achieved. Convenience is that there is no need to measure the diagonals of the house once again, since high-precision equipment ensures the manufacture of building materials with the appropriate parameters.

Types of timber profiles
Profiled beams should be classified into two types:
- with the possibility of laying along the crown of the insulation;
—Without such a possibility.

Note that there is no consensus on which type of profile is better. Manufacturers praise their products in every respect, but here objective information gives more benefit, which will allow you to form the most reliable opinion about which type of profile can and should be preferred in a given situation.

There is no document in Belarus that would clearly regulate, establish certain standards for the profiles of the timber. But in this matter, you can rely on the experience of Finland. In this country, a profile beam without the possibility of laying insulation, as well as with a small / medium-height comb, is intended only for the construction of non-residential buildings, for example, outbuildings.

So, today the following are distinguished types of timber profiles:
- a profile with one spike;
- a profile with two spikes;
- a profile with beveled chamfers;
- comb profile - with three or four spikes;
—Finnish profile.

Beam profile with one spike
This is the simplest type of profiled timber. This building material is used in very economical construction. As a rule, it is used in the construction summer houses and outbuildings.

The advantage of a single-spike bar is its relatively low price. Uncomplicated technological processing of workpieces allows you to obtain beams with a spike on one side and a groove on the other. The principle of the connection is not complicated: the spike is inserted into the groove, which ensures the connection of the crowns.

The disadvantage of such a bar is that it is not recommended to use it in regions with a long winter-cold period of the year. The fit of this bar, as practice shows, is not sufficient, therefore cold bridges can form. In addition, when the wooden structure shrinks / shrinks, cracks often form between the crowns, which requires their subsequent caulking, and this may not have the best effect on appearance houses, buildings.

Thus, the use of a profiled bar with one spike is possible, but only under the condition of strict adherence to the technology of its laying and installation.

Beam profile with two spikes
It can be used for construction wooden houses in Belarus, but on condition that a heater, a sealant will be laid between the crowns, and the thickness of the timber will be at least 150 mm.

Thanks to the double studs, cold air does not penetrate into the space between the crowns deep enough to worry about freezing the walls. In addition, the beams of this design have a better fit.

At the moment of shrinkage, they can twist, bend - which is natural for wood, but in this case it is necessary to use dowels, all kinds of inter-lead connectors, and the principle of the lock itself must be chosen optimal. This is the only way to stop the negative consequences or minimize them when the wooden structure shrinks.

Some manufacturers of profiled beams put insulation over its entire length in the form of a foam propylene seal with a diameter of 5-8 mm, which provides a decrease in thermal conductivity by 35-40 percent, therefore, inside a house built from this type of building materials, there will be warmth.

Beveled cant profile

Profiled beams (with a different number of spikes and grooves) can be chamfered. This is done not only for aesthetic reasons, wanting to highlight each beam, emphasizing the naturalness of the building material. There are two more reasons why they are chamfering.

One of the main ones is to prevent water from flowing into the space between the crowns. Water has a negative effect on the groove and the spike: filling up, they expand, which leads to their deformation, the appearance of cracks. In addition, the missing chamfer allows for better caulking of the walls.

As a rule, the chamfer is removed from the upper edge of the bar, because if this is done from the lower edge, then the passage for water into the inter-crown space will be "open". Not only the building material itself will suffer, but also the insulation. Everything will quickly turn to rot. Note that there are no standard chamfer sizes, each manufacturer of the profiled bar decides for himself what the removal value should be.

German bar profile (comb)

Each specialist who is engaged in the construction of wooden houses will say that a profiled beam with a "comb" pattern is the best solution in choosing a building material.

The comb is created by cutting grooves and tenons. There can be three or four of them, which provides the maximum possible protection against cold penetration into the house. When the spike enters the groove, there are no conditions for overcoming the "obstacles" for air, therefore, such an inter-crown connection is considered one of the most reliable and warm.

In some regions, this type of profile is called "German". It was developed in order to get rid of the use of heaters and seals, which put “price pressure” on building materials. Indeed, this approach made it possible to reduce the cost of a comb-shaped bar by as much as 15 percent, which is quite a lot, considering the volumes of construction materials purchased for the construction of a residential building in Belarus.

Such a profile also has one drawback: the presence of a large number of spikes and grooves complicates the work of connecting the beams to each other, because for this it is necessary not only to bring the beam to the wall, but also to aim it with precision so that it "sits" in its place. Often, the use of comb-shaped beams in a rainy season leads to an increase in their moisture content, which also complicates the process of "putting" the beam on the beam. And yet, the speed of building a house does not depend on the type of profile, because the fact who exactly performs the construction work is of greater importance.

Thus, if you build a house, a cottage from a comb-shaped beam, you will get a reliable and very warm structure that will delight the owners with its beauty and reliability for many years.

Finnish profile timber

The Finnish profile has appeared on the Belarusian market relatively recently. It is noteworthy that the technology for its creation was not developed in Finland. Rather, the name of the profile was given by analogy with the high quality that Finnish houses in Belarus.

This type of profile is the following figure: on the lower part of the log, a groove of such a width is chosen so that spikes of sufficient height (at least 1 cm) remain on the sides of the timber. Due to this, the support area of ​​the timber is significantly increased, which provides a better abutment of one crown to another.

It has been proven in practice that the Finnish profile reliably protects the house from wind and frost. In addition, a house made of profiled timber with a Finnish profile gives a more uniform shrinkage. In cases of using insulation, it will not be visible at all, which increases the aesthetic appeal of the house.

Swedish timber profile

The company "Factory of houses" does not use the Swedish profile in the production and construction of houses.

Profiled timber from "Factory of houses"
Company "Factory of houses" offers customers the best samples of profiled beams: with three and four pins and beveled chamfers. Such products meet the requirements for the construction of a truly warm and reliable home. The production technology used at the enterprise meets the requirements of the present.

Multi-stud bar has a number of advantages.
- Firstly, the construction of walls does not require their insulation with insulation or sealing tape. A very high-quality adjoining does not leave the cold hope that it will penetrate the house. This saves a lot of money for home customers.
- Secondly, such a beam makes it possible to carry out construction work at an accelerated pace. The work of construction specialists can be compared to folding the Lego constructor. The absence of a temporary "delay" also has a positive effect on the balance of the family budget.
- Thirdly, only high quality raw materials are used - pine and spruce wood, which have a high fiber density, which provides the material with minimal heat losses, therefore, the walls of a house made of profiled timber will never freeze, which is very important for the northern regions of Belarus.

In addition, the production cycle implemented in the workshops "Factories of houses" provides for chamfering. We talked about the features of this type of bursa above and it makes no sense to repeat, but note that this principle of increasing operational properties not applied by all industry enterprises.

Thus, the company "Factory of houses" produces two of the most popular types of profiled beams: German and Finnish, which have a lot of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages. The latter, by the way, can be avoided if the construction technology is followed wooden house... Specialists will take care of this "Factories of houses". We work within the framework of high requirements, so we manage to fulfill the tasks assigned to them at the highest possible quality and organizational level.

There is a trend in the market where wooden house building began to grow in demand. Against this background, various companies, firms appeared and this seems to be good, however, some in their work are guided by quality and modern technologies, and others - on the possibility of quick earnings at the expense of quality.

The former buy expensive equipment, carry out professional training of workers, introduce foreign technologies and monitor the quality of raw materials, while others are looking for opportunities to make beams at the lowest cost. This attitude affects the consumer properties of wooden houses, which naturally affects the image of wooden housing construction as such.
You should only trust companies that have been working for many years, which are ready to guarantee the construction of wooden houses in Belarus in accordance with the high requirements of customers.

Thus, referring to "Factory of houses" you can protect yourself from cooperation with non-professionals, provide a reasonable investment Money into residential real estate, have a positive experience in construction

Profbrus "comb"

The profile bar of the comb is a great solution for people who appreciate high level life. Regular maintenance of the wooden structure ensures comfortable living in combed houses. Samples of the product usually have 3 - 4 spikes and beveled chamfers, which allows you to build reliable houses that meet modern requirements. Since the gap when laying the comb profile is eliminated, the wall seal is not needed.

Profiled beams are made according to the technology developed in order to minimize the thickness of the inter-joint seam. This method of manufacturing the material eliminates the need for caulking the gaps that form between the beams during the construction of the walls. The spike-in-groove technology ensures the most tight fit of individual elements, so it's easy to assess the advantages and disadvantages of this material.

The German profile with a "comb" pattern is the optimal solution when choosing building materials. The presence of a large number of spikes and grooves on each side of the material greatly complicates the construction. The beam is specially designed in order not to perform unnecessary work related to the insulation of a wooden house. Different kinds heat insulators always require additional investments in the project.

The reliability of a wooden building with the use of a profiled bar of a comb is due to the presence of spikes and grooves on the surface of the material. For the maximum possible protection from the cold, only 3 - 4 thorns are provided. The strength of this inter-crown connection is explained by the precise hitting of the spike into the groove, which prevents cold air from entering the house.

The walls of the comb profiled beam will always keep warm, which is achieved due to the following factors:

  1. Marking of cut elements.
  2. Precision of operations in the production of material.
  3. Cutting bowls on each side of the timber.

Among the main reasons for the popularity of the comb bar are the quality and speed of laying. The use of this type of material in construction can reduce labor costs. Fast erection of a structure based on a special assembly map is possible only by marking the cut elements.

Creation of a reliable "labyrinth castle" excludes the cold wind blowing through the wooden house. This is possible thanks to the ready-cut bowls on all sides of the material. Precision in the manufacture of timber in the factory allows you not to make additional adjustments when laying products.

What to look for when buying

The choice of material for a project for the construction of a wooden house is influenced a large number of various factors. This is not only the price of the product, but also the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of the territory where the construction of a wooden house is planned, as well as its purpose. Glued laminated timber differs from the profiled sample not only in its higher price, but also in a number of characteristics:

  • profiled beams are made of solid logs, and glued beams are made of boards (lamellas);
  • the comb profile provides better thermal insulation of the house than glued material;
  • profiled timber dries completely only a year after the completion of the construction of the house, and the glued array goes on sale dried in production.

To determine which bar is better, one should not take as an axiom the arguments of marketers that the German profile has only advantages. They are provided only for the purpose of luring a potential buyer, therefore they are not a warning about possible consequences use of low-quality profiled timber. Before buying a material, you should think carefully, asking former developers about the shortcomings of the timber.

The cost of wood building material is determined based on the cross-sectional size and moisture content, which can be measured with a compact needle moisture meter. The best choice is a comb beam, the moisture content of which is not higher than 20%. The price for dry material is 11-12 thousand rubles. per 1 m3 with a length equal to 6 m.

The average price of a profiled timber of natural moisture allows you to significantly save on the purchase of this material. For example, a timber with a moisture content of 40% is sold at a price of 7 to 9.5 thousand rubles. depending on the size of its cross-section. It can be:

  • 100x100 mm;
  • 150x150 mm;
  • 200x200 mm;
  • 230x230 mm.

The building material should not have any cracks on the surface, so it should be carefully inspected before purchasing. It is not recommended to trust the handicraft industries involved in the manufacture of timber. The material, which has a "Finnish lock", is offered at higher prices than solid wood with a comb profile. In any case, after purchasing a timber, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for its storage in warehouses and construction sites.

Pros and cons of comb bar

By planning permanent residence in your own wooden house, you will need to take care of the insulation of the walls of the building in advance. Choose products only from large manufacturers. When deciding which bar to choose, you should take into account other advantages of the multi-studded profiled bar:

  1. Accelerated pace of construction work in compliance with the technology of laying products thorn in the groove.
  2. The high quality of raw materials for the production of profiled timber ensures a reduction in heat losses in finished houses.
  3. Insulation or sealing tape is not used when erecting walls from a profiled beam.

If the beams profiled with a comb are laid in a rainy time, then their moisture content begins to increase. The construction of a wooden house from a high-quality bar is quick if all work is done by experienced craftsmen. The term quality profile means dry building material that has been stored in acceptable conditions until the time of use. In general, the type of profile does not play a big role in the process of accelerating the assembly of walls, since the result always depends on the professionalism of the builders.

Since the insulation of the walls of the house from German timber is excluded, then Finishing work exercise is not required. This greatly reduces the cost of construction work. Living in a new wooden house will be comfortable, since the comb beam perfectly retains heat and does not allow moisture to pass between the crowns.

After carrying out work related to the installation of thermal insulation, the facade of the house requires suitable finish... This type of work is carried out not only after the walls are insulated, but also when various damage to the wood appears. It should be remembered about the torsion of the timber due to strong drying, which causes the formation of cracks between the individual structural elements.

Shrinkage of a house made of profiled timber of natural moisture

Building materials made of wood are distinguished by their ability to respond to changes in humidity. It is impossible to accurately predict the consequences of the influence of factors on wood. Since the likelihood of cracks and gaps between the crowns is high, the assembly of a house from a profiled bar requires the use of special devices: pins, pins, etc. They are necessary for a full-fledged interlocking connection of the beams. In practice, crevices and cracks are completely different sizes can appear in any kind of timber.

Characteristics of timber structures

When buying a bar for building a house, they usually choose what is best for a given project: a Finnish profile or a comb. If the choice is made on a German profile, then the installation of a heat insulator during the assembly process between the logs is not required. The manufacturing technology of this material is based on the ideal observance of the geometry of the teeth and grooves. In the process of using the combs for the construction of walls, the beams can crack due to the fact that the teeth do not fully enter the grooves.

Under conditions of improper storage of products, spikes tend to swell from moisture and be damaged. This does not mean that this type of product cannot be used in construction, it is just necessary to buy a bar from a more reliable manufacturer. If the material from the supplier was stored in the open air, then it is better not to buy it. Only perfect observance of the geometry of the German profile will ensure the construction of walls according to the provided technology without the use of thermal insulation. Insofar as correct styling German products assumes the entry of the spikes into the grooves, then the likelihood of material displacement is excluded.

Example of laying a Finnish profile

The popularity of the Finnish profile is due to its unpretentiousness. You can also conduct construction work using material that has gained a little moisture. The classic Finnish profile is not inferior in its characteristics to the German one. The main difference is that when laying, the upper and lower beams of the Finnish profile do not touch each other, forming a thin gap into which a layer of insulation should be laid.

Spruce and pine are the main wood materials from which the profile is made. They have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is 4 times less than that of ceramic bricks. This should mean that with a timber wall width of 20 cm, thermal insulation characteristics constructions are similar to properties brickwork, the thickness of which is 80 cm.

Since the walls made of German timber are actually a monolithic joint, the material after drying should not deform and crack. For the finished construction of the house is not required exterior decoration any panels, since the view natural wood is nice and expensive. The wood does not contain harmful additives, and in the premises of the house a constant level of humidity will be maintained in conditions of natural ventilation.

In the modern building materials market, there are several modifications of profiled timber. There are products with a semicircular front face, straight, smooth with a chamfer of sizes 20x20 cm - 10x10 cm square, rectangular section.

Before you buy a profiled beam, you need to find out which profile is better, in which expert advice will help.

Regardless of the section, the type of decorative front edge, wood material, the profiled beam can have one of two main profiles or an intermediate one. The main profiles are Scandinavian (Finnish), German ("comb"), intermediate profiles are combinations of tenons / grooves.

Scandinavian timber profile

In the Finnish version of the longitudinal locking joint, the timber has two wide spikes in the upper part with a recess between them. On the opposite side, a mirror pattern is milled - the middle protrusion, wide grooves on the sides. When laying the walls of a log house, the profile is additionally insulated, sealed with a seal:

  • jute, tow, polymeric materials, sealant fill the bottom selection
  • the middle wide spike of the upper rim sits in a mating groove with a small gap, designed for shrinkage of the structure when the material is completely dry during operation

Classic cylindering is similar to the installation scheme with this version of the profile of the bar. Profiled products with a Scandinavian longitudinal lock are more convenient for redevelopment, manufacture of extensions:

  • the crowns are easily disassembled, installed in place
  • when making bowls, there is no complex cut

Having chosen a profiled beam for construction, it is necessary to decide which profile is best for a particular project. Many experts believe that the sealing tape, which is used only in the Scandinavian type of longitudinal lock, adds reliability to the joints.

German bar profile

The design of wooden houses with longitudinal locks of the German profile of the bar provides a permanent connection after a short service life. After drying, the labyrinth pattern is securely wedged, the walls become non-separable.

Externally, the lock connection resembles a comb in a cross section, from where the material got its name. Depending on the section of the profiled timber, there may be 4-6 middle grooves on the edges (20x20 cm, 10x10 cm, respectively).

  • in this case, the geometry of the products is unstable;
  • problems arise in the construction spot when the spikes / grooves do not match;
  • the seal is not used when choosing a German profile - the grooves are too small for inserting foreign material;
  • there is an opinion that German locks are easier to work due to the lack of insulation;

In the classic Finnish profile of the bar, the bowls are semicircular; for sealing, a wide tape is placed in the middle part, and a sealing cord is placed in the side grooves. In practice, straight bowls are often used, sealing only in the central part of the profile or only on the sides with polymeric materials. In the German profile, the cup sealing technology is selected individually, depending on the gaps present in the joint. A complex labyrinthine geometry is considered optimal for the absence of blowing through the walls.

Experts answering the question: "Which profile is better for building a wooden house?" - agree that, in all respects, material with factory bowls wins. Their manufacture in the building spot is too complicated, the gaps increase, requiring an overrun of the sealant, and the aesthetics of the frame's perception decreases.

For a long time, Finnish glued laminated timber has been very popular on the Russian market of wooden housing construction. It is known that glued laminated timber began to be produced in Finland about 25 years ago. The technological process for the production of timber was constantly being improved: new adhesives were selected, methods for orienting the lamellas of the timber, the thickness of the workpieces, etc. As a result, we got a very high quality material - Finnish laminated veneer lumber. Glued from sorted and specially selected lamellas, the Finnish three-lamellar laminated timber combines environmental friendliness with high strength and durability.

Why is Finnish timber so popular?

1. For the production of timber, special sawn wood is used.

This is a cut down the center of the log, grasping or removing the core, resulting in a radial cut in the wood that is least prone to warping. Used, as a rule, a thin meter (trunks of small diameter), or the top of the tree.

A special feature of laminated veneer lumber using this type of sawing is the orientation of the outer lamellas when glued with the core side outward. This technology allows you to avoid significant cracks on the outer side of the timber during operation.

2. Thick timber.

In the production of Finnish timber, lumber of greater thickness is used - 75 mm versus 50 mm from Russian manufacturers. Art Holz buys thicker lumber from an Austrian company that successfully harvests timber in the Leningrad, Arkhangelsk regions and Karelia.

3. Caring for health.

Just like Finnish companies, we were the first in Russia to use Purbond polyurethane glue in the manufacture of laminated veneer lumber, which is harmless to health due to the absence of formaldehyde and other components hazardous to humans.

The Art Holz company can offer you a house made of high quality Finnish timber, which is fully consistent with Finnish house building technologies.

Price for Finnish timber cut for the project

The price of a house set consists of the cost of the cut for the project external walls, internal partitions, floor slabs made of laminated veneer lumber, Mauerlat and roof load-bearing structures.

Contents of delivery

  • assembly documentation;
  • glued profiled timber with corner joints, holes for mounting pins and wooden pins, grooves for sliding installation of windows and doors;
  • floor beams, pillars, racks;
  • prefabricated rafter system;
  • hemming and finishing materials;
  • antiseptic treatment of timber (by agreement);
  • protection of the ends of the timber from cracking (RemmersIndulineSW-910 Germany);
  • drilling holes for hidden electrical wiring (as agreed);
  • packing the transport bag in plastic wrap to protect it from pollution and weathering.