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Most of us associate Voodoo fortune telling with something sinister and unknown. And this is not surprising, because it is an example of ancient and very effective magic. Voodoo is one of the few pagan cults that not only survived the advent of Christianity, but continues to be actively practiced to this day.

But you should not treat Voodoo fortune-telling as fun and harmless entertainment. Contact him only when you need to resolve a really important issue that worries you greatly.

What is Voodoo fortune telling?

Voodoo divination is performed using 16 cowrie shells and a special round board. It is called the Disk of Destiny or the Board of Ifa. Ifa is an ancient African oracle. He not only predicts the future, but also acts as a guide between a person and various spirits. It is he who is the patron of predictions and is responsible for the success of fortune telling.

The Fate board itself is divided into four equal zones. Each of these zones has its own meaning and is under the auspices of one of the spirits called the Lords of the Crossroads.

  • Upper left zone. This is the black part of the board, ruled by the ancient spirit Legba. The energy of this zone is positive masculine. It is associated with various trips, travel, the transfer of any things and even information. This includes news, gifts, and relocations, depending on the specific situation.
  • Upper right zone. She white and belongs to the Lady of the Crossroads named Erzulie Geu-Rouge. The energy that rules here is negative feminine. It is associated with negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, anger and oppression.
  • Lower right zone. This section of the board is colored red and is under the auspices of the Lord of Death named Baron Samedi. This is male negative energy. This zone is responsible for struggle, competition, competition. But it carries not only destruction - it is also associated with health issues. It is Baron Samedi who is able to give healing.
  • Lower left zone. This is the orange section of the board where feminine positive energy reigns. Mistress Erzulie, who is responsible for love in all its manifestations, is in charge here.

Voodoo Divination Process

Fortune telling begins with a mental appeal to one of the Lords of the Crossroads whose help you currently require. You should concentrate well and clearly formulate the question that concerns you. After this, you need to pour the cowrie shells onto the board.

If you are guessing online, then you just need to click on the appropriate button, after which the virtual shells will also appear on the Disk of Fate. The answer to your appeal to the spirits will depend on how the shells are distributed among the four zones on the board. If you use the free option of fortune telling online, then you don’t even have to look closely at the Ifa Board, since the system itself will analyze the position of the shells and provide you with the corresponding result. But whether to listen to Voodoo’s advice or not is up to you to decide.

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Voodoo divination takes place on the Ifa Board, which has the head of the patron of divination, Ifa, on the side. In the upper right corner of the circle is the sign of Erzulie Dantor, or Erzulie Jeu-Rouge ("Red-Eyed"), drawn in black and white. Symbol of negative feminine energy. This sector of the Ifa Board is associated with problems of oppression, jealousy, hatred, anger.

In the lower right corner of the circle is the sign of Baron Samedi (Lord of Death), drawn in black on a red background. A symbol of aggressive, negative male energy. This sector is important in matters related to death, related to the defeat of opponents, victory in competition and “black magic”. It is curious that the Lord of Death is also a healer, so this sector is also associated with health issues.

In the upper left corner of the circle there is a sign of Legba, the Lord of Crossroads, drawn in white on a black background, transmitting information and guarding doors and roads. This sector of the Ifa Board is associated with benevolent, positive masculine energy. It is important in matters related to "white magic", contracts, travel and communications. In the lower left corner of the circle is the sign of Erzulie (Goddess of Love), drawn in black on an orange background. This is a symbol of positive feminine energy. This sector is important in matters related to the positive aspect of the energy of Venus.

Fortune telling on cowrie shells in the most simple version requires sixteen shells. Before fortune telling, you should call on one of the four Lords of the Crossroads and ask him to be your mediator in dialogue with the spirits, and throw the shells on the board.

Voodoo fortune telling

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Tarot cards have been around for almost 600 years, and during this time they have hardly changed. Even the most modern tarot cards are always based on ideas that emerged from the darkness of centuries in the late 14th century.


Runes are a magical and alphabetic system of signs. Runic writing existed among European peoples until the 19th century and was used primarily in everyday household magic.

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A tarot reader, parapsychologist, psychologist and psychotherapist talked about how exactly Tarot fortune telling “works”, and whether you should trust the results 100%.

Tarot cards are a message to humanity

The occult understanding of Tarot cards is associated, first of all, with the name of Antoine Court de Gebelin, pastor of the French Protestant church. He was looking for a single mythological and religious truth.

Runic symbols in love magic

Behind the runes - just three dozen signs - there is a whole world - the world of myths, magic and history. The slightest immersion into this world leads to interesting observations and amazing discoveries.

10 Myths About Tarot Cards

People treat Tarot cards consumeristly, placing responsibility for making decisions on the cards, or they try to tailor the answers to what they want to hear. Without knowing the true nature of prediction, people create all kinds of myths around them.

Runes and the end of the world

The epic says that Odin carved runes just as he carved people out of wood. But at any moment Odin can scrape the runes back and then Ragnarok will come.

Rune magic

Our whole life is one big journey. We travel always and everywhere, even when we sleep. During such travels, we are surrounded by both good and evil forces. This fact has been known to our ancestors since ancient times. They depicted various magical signs (runes) on the walls of their homes, on weapons, and on jewelry. These runes had different effects, depending on who drew these signs, for what purpose and in what particular combinations and sequences.

Tarot and astrology are two faces of one truth.

The Tarot has its origins in Egypt and was passed down to us along with astrology by the legendary Hermes Trismegistus, so it is clear that there are direct connections between the two systems.

Rune systems

Studying runology, we perceive runes as a symbolic image of our world and its components, while we understand that the runes were not invented or invented by anyone. They arose at the core and along with the world.

Tarot: Seven levels of comprehension.

Looking at the Tarot, you don’t even suspect that this is the Great Book of Cosmic Mysteries, because the motivation for turning to them is often purely pragmatic: to learn to determine what awaits tomorrow. You may not even suspect that the Tarot has seven levels of comprehension.

Voodoo has its roots in an ancient religious system that is still practiced today by many peoples on the west coast of Africa. In this religion, where there are a huge number of gods, it is customary to perform ritual pagan sacrifices. Even the word “Voodoo” in African dialects means a mysterious and cruel force that interferes in human life.
At the time when slaves began to be brought to America, this pagan cult, popular among African peoples, spread there, and as an African-American religious system it is often found among residents of the West Indian islands - Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad. Hollywood, with its films, has further expanded the circle of people interested in the cult of Voodoo and who want to find out the answers to their questions with the help of the Voodoo sorcerer.
Voodoo fortune telling is somewhat similar to fortune telling using the Book of Changes and can give answers that are just as detailed, but require additional thought. It can be deeper and carried out on the Ifa board and simpler, in which they use Obi, which is four flat objects.
If fortune telling occurs on the Ifa board, you need to know that I designate the four parts of this circle. In the upper right part, on a white background, the sign of Erzulie Jeu-Rouge, or the red-eyed deity, symbolizing dark feminine energy, is depicted in black. Accordingly, this area of ​​the Ifa board symbolizes hatred, jealousy and other negative human emotions.
In the lower right part of the board, on a red background, the sign of Baron Samedi or the Lord of Death is depicted in black, symbolizing negative male energy. This part of the board is important when resolving issues related to life and death, participation in wars, both on the battlefield and psychologically, and the struggle for primacy. At the same time, the Lord of Death in the Voodoo religion is a healer, so health issues are also resolved in this sector. The top and bottom right sides of the Ifa board are associated with black magic.
The upper left sector of the Ifa board contains the symbol of Legba or the Lord of the Crossings, depicted in white paint on a black background. It symbolizes positive masculine energy and governs matters of business, travel and positive relationships.
And finally, the lower left sector, colored in Orange color, contains the symbol of the Goddess of Love. The sign of Erzulie, depicted in black paint, symbolizes positive feminine energy and controls a person’s bright feelings.
Fortune telling begins with the Voodoo sorcerer calling upon the Lord of Crossroads to help him, who will become an intermediary between man and the Voodoo deities. Then cowrie shells are thrown onto the board and, depending on which sector they fall into, the answer of the Voodoo gods to the question asked of them is interpreted.
When doing Voodoo fortune telling, four flat objects, such as coins, are sometimes used. In this case, one should clearly distinguish between the two sides of these objects, one of them is considered dark, the other is light. The items should be mixed well and tossed. With each toss, depending on how many objects are placed with the light side up and how many with the dark side up, one of five possible options is created. Just as in the Book of Changes, depending on the combination of the dark and light sides of the dropped objects, there are approximate interpretations of the answers to the questions asked.

Obi divination is one of the main methods of divination in Afro-Caribbean traditions, in particular, the mysterious and mysterious cult of voodoo.

Obi- these are four flat objects that can be easily mixed. The two sides of each item should be clearly distinguishable. Usually one side is dark and the other is light. Traditional obi is four pieces of kola nut or four pieces of fresh coconut. As a substitute, you can use, for example, four coins. Remember which side of the coin will be the dark side in your fortune telling, and which will be the light side.
Questions are asked to which the answers may not only be “yes” and “no,” but also “yes” and “no” to varying degrees. If you throw the obi several times, you can get quite detailed predictions.
With one throw, there are five possible ways for the obi to fall out. Each option has its own name and meaning. Usually the obi is thrown once per question, but a series of questions is allowed. Shake the obi no more than twice.
Important exception to the previous rule:
If it falls out Alafia(World) or Etawah(Struggle), you must definitely throw the obi again to complete the answer. But this only applies to the first throw. Let's say that on the first throw, Etawah came up, and on the second, Alafia. This will be the answer (struggle becomes peace). On this issue no more obi are thrown.
The process of divination is quite simple. Shake and throw the obi and read the answer.

Odu meanings
The five options for throwing the obi are called odu.
ALAFIA (World) - four bright sides
In a broad sense - calm and serenity. Alafia is an unbalanced layout. Yes, peace is good, but too much of it leads to lethargy and lack of concentration. However, this good sign, especially if it appears after The Fight. If Alafia falls out on the first throw, the answer cannot be considered complete; The obi should be mixed and thrown again.
ETAVA (Struggle) - three light sides and one dark side
As the name suggests, Etawah symbolizes conflict. This could be a conflict between people or a struggle with a difficult situation. Misunderstanding, confusion, things out of place. Like Alafia, Etawah is considered an incomplete answer on the first roll, since any conflict must end somewhere.
EIFE (Balance) - two light and two dark sides
This is the most auspicious of all five odus. It means a perfect balance of the forces of darkness and light, creating a harmonious, balanced situation.
OKANA (A little good, a little bad) - three dark sides and one light side
This odu means ordinary, average level. General value: everything is going more or less well. But the situation can change for the worse at any moment.
OYEKUN (Darkness) - four dark sides
This is the complete opposite of Alafia, highest level negative energy. This odu may indicate the worst influences or mean that the question is unanswerable.

Meanings of Omo-Odu

If Alafia (Peace) or Etawah (Struggle) is rolled first, you must throw the obi again to complete the answer. In this case, a combination of two layouts is formed. Such combinations are called omo-odu, which means “children of odu.”
ALAFIA + ALAFIA. This, on the one hand, is the most powerful presence of the “light” element, and on the other hand, the danger of complacency, laziness, inertia, and intoxication. If we are talking about completing a task, then sobriety (in every sense) and concentration are required.
ALAFIA + ETAWAH. A period of peace, contemplation, rest and planning before a test or struggle. If you want to emerge victorious from an upcoming difficult situation, it is recommended to have a clear head and be emotionally cool.
ALAFIA + EIFE. Good arrangement. Clear head and balance. It is recommended to have the attitude “what is to be must be”, and “to be” is most likely good.
ALAFIA + OKANA. No matter how calmly you prepare during the Alafia period, Okana will disrupt the entire smooth process with one small unforeseen obstacle. The alignment is mostly negative. Requires great caution. Most likely, you will have to refrain from the actions you asked about until better times.
ALAFIA + OYEKUN. A sudden, unexpected disaster. When you go out to get a newspaper, you can get hit by a car. Extreme caution is required. This reading also warns that dark elements cannot be identified or calculated in advance.
ETAVA + ALAFIA. Peace and satisfaction will come after hard work and struggle. You must earn your reward.
ETAVA + ETAVA. Fight after fight. Relentless effort is required before the desired goal is achieved. Any weakness will lead to defeat. Another meaning of this alignment: everything goes wrong, no matter what you do.
ETAVA + EIFE. Struggle or effort leads to perfect balance and success.
ETAVA + OKANA. No matter how hard you work, all your plans will be ruined because of some little thing. Failure and discouragement after hard work. Striving for perfection - and mediocre results.
ETAWA + OYEKUN. You struggle and struggle, but inevitably you meet defeat. Your energy is directed against you. Find a decent way to retreat or at least avoid the fight.

The Voodoo belief system originated among the inhabitants of the coast of West Africa. Over time, the cult of Voodoo became the dominant religious movement in Haiti. For uninitiated people, Voodoo is associated with bloody sacrifices and horrific rituals, the resurrection of the dead and the subjugation of zombies. In fact, Voodoo is a system of magical beliefs, where in the first place is the theme of human subordination to the forces of nature, the spirits of ancestors.

Voodooists believe that all life belongs to higher powers. Voodoo fortune telling is a conversation with spirits. Modern Voodoo practitioners know ancient fortune-telling on the Ifa board, as well as card fortune-telling on picture cards. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a beginner in magic or an amateur fortuneteller to find picture cards, so practitioners suggest “naming” an ordinary deck of cards as Voodoo symbols. To do this you will need a black felt-tip pen and self-adhesive paper.

Preparing for fortune telling

Preparation for fortune telling at home is the same as for fortune telling on the Ifa board. You need to keep a three-day fast, eat only red foods, thereby thanking the Lord of Crossroads for the gift of life. On the third day of fasting they begin to make signs. You will need to draw the following symbols and stick them on the corresponding cards (on the backs of the cards):

  • Fire – ace of hearts;
  • Sun - ace of diamonds;
  • Moon - ace of the cross;
  • Earth - ace of spades;
  • Water is the king of diamonds;
  • Stone is the king of the cross;
  • Metal is the king of spades;
  • The sun is the king of hearts;
  • Star – queen of diamonds;
  • The bird is the queen of hearts;
  • Fish is the queen of the cross;
  • Tree is the queen of spades;
  • Flower – jack of diamonds;
  • Cat – jack of hearts;
  • Hand – jack of spades;
  • Leg – jack cross;
  • Eye – 10 worms;
  • Circle – 10 diamonds;
  • Square – 10 crosses;
  • Onion – 10 spades;
  • Arrow – 9 crosses;
  • Spear – 9 peaks;
  • Dog – 9 hearts;
  • Horse – 9 diamonds;
  • Snake – 8 spades;
  • Man – 8 diamonds;
  • Woman – 8 crosses;
  • Chain – 8 spades;
  • Door – 8 hearts;
  • Castle – 7 diamonds;
  • Dagger – 7 crosses;
  • Cross – 7 spades;
  • Bone – 7 hearts;
  • 4 dots – 6 hearts;
  • 3 dots – 6 diamonds;
  • 2 dots – 6 spades;
  • 1 dot – 6 crosses.

When the meanings of all cards have been distributed, prepare a fortune-telling place - cover the table with a red cloth, establish a connection with the spirits of the earth. Place a handful of earth in front of you - connect yourself with your ancestors, put a doll or any image of a person on the left - identify yourself, put a container of water on the right - a drink for the spirits.

Voodoo fortune telling and interpretation of card meanings

After preparing the workplace, ask the spirits: “What awaits me during the period...”. You can guess any period, up to one year, otherwise the fortune telling will be inaccurate. After this, randomly choose from the deck and place three cards at each symbol - at the doll, at the ground and at the water, face down, that is, you should not see the drawn symbols until the card values ​​- kings, tens and others - are before your eyes.

Next, lay out three cards again for these symbols, moving them towards the center. Then repeat the layout again. The result should be three card paths flowing towards the center. After this, we remove the deck and move on to the interpretation of the cards.

Each picture has its own meaning:

  • Fire – loss, loss, material loss;
  • Sun - making a fateful decision that can affect future life;
  • The moon is unexpected news, sometimes fateful;
  • Earth – children, parents, possible contradictions in relationships;
  • Water - acquisition, find, material profit;
  • Stone - fun, joy, feast;
  • Metal – disputes, conflicts, litigation;
  • The sun is the favor of other people towards the fortuneteller, patronage;
  • Star - rapid improvement in social status;
  • Bird - bleak news from afar;
  • Fish - meeting a dangerous and vile person;
  • Wood - strengthening family ties, family;
  • Flower - false hopes, empty dreams;
  • Cat - look for a woman - she is the source of troubles and troubles in life;
  • Hand - a gift or surprise;
  • Leg – a sudden ailment, a minor illness;
  • Eye - don’t believe your eyes, everything is different from what you see;
  • Circle - the fortuneteller is under the protection of higher powers;
  • Square - perfume cannot help. The fate of the fortuneteller is not determined;
  • Onion - increased physical strength, good health;
  • Arrow – activation of creative forces, inspiration;
  • Spear - hard but fruitful work awaits the fortuneteller, which will bring income;
  • Dog - look for a man, problems in the life of a fortuneteller come from negative influence men;
  • Horse - sacrifices await, you will have to give little to get more;
  • Snake - enemies do not sleep, be more attentive to your surroundings;
  • Man – action, courage, decision-making;
  • Woman – doubt, cowardice, indecision;
  • Chain - means a series of events destined by fate;
  • Door - sudden joy, transition to new level perception of life, enlightenment;
  • Castle - the fortuneteller learns a secret, sacred knowledge;
  • Dagger - strength, power, victory over enemies;
  • The cross is an overwhelming work, a burden that can break the questioner;
  • Bone - addition to the family, pregnancy for a woman;
  • 4 points - take a closer look at the signs of nature, you are on the right path;
  • 3 points - establish contact with the souls of your ancestors, they will tell you the right path;
  • 2 points – turn to air magic, this will give you strength;
  • 1 point – the earth helps you, draw strength from the earth. This will increase your magical abilities.

The meaning of the cards will help you begin the interpretation. Here, as in any card fortune telling, analytical and comparative thinking will be required. Beginners can literally interpret the cards and try to find relationships. For example, reading the meanings of cards “from a person” - dog, castle, four dots, we can conclude:

The fortuneteller is prevented by a man, but having learned the sacred secret, he will be able to read the signs of nature and discover magical abilities in himself.

In order for fortune telling using Voodoo cards to be most effective, take into account the specifics of the Voodoo belief - magic works if you believe in it. For the sake of curiosity, it is better not to try this method of fortune telling, it will be false and empty.

Like any Voodoo action, fortune telling ends with words of gratitude to the spirits, making a sacrifice (you can simply pour water into the flowers and take the earth back to where you took it) and cleaning magical tools.

Most effective cleaning There will be cards and dolls held over the fire (over the flame of the fire). This is how the fortune teller cleanses his energy shell of unnecessary information, and his cards from magical influence.

Experienced Voodoo practitioners prefer to combine card fortune telling with Ifa board fortune telling. In this case, the cards are laid out on the board and not only the meanings of the cards are interpreted, but also the symbols of the board. But it’s better to start with regular card fortune telling.

Preparation for the sacrament should take place without haste. First, learn the meanings of all the symbols, then, slowly and with soul, draw them on paper and stick them on cards. Do not tell anyone about the ritual, and perform it alone.