Guessing the future horoscope of the astrologer Senya. Fortune telling by astrologer Senya. Read more "Astrologer Senya Solitaire"

The cards used for this divination were developed by the Italian scientist and alchemist, Giovanni Ceni (or Senia), in the mid-17th century. They are a particularly carefully created and thought-out system of interconnected arrangements of celestial objects. Interpretation helps to understand the solitaire of astrologer Senia and get one hundred percent answers to your questions.

Historical reference

Giovanni Ceni - scientist and alchemist of the 17th century. Although one of the greatest and most mysterious soothsayers of his time, he is completely unknown today.

At the age of thirty, he was already known for his predictions throughout Europe, so he became the personal astrologer of the German commander Albrecht Wallenstein.

They say that it was the advice of a wise fortuneteller that helped the military leader win one victory after another. But when Seni saw the death of his patron, he did not believe him and died. The poet Schiller reflected this event in his poem.

The essence of fortune telling

Modern solitaire represents a symbiosis of astral and fortune-telling cards.

In order to predict the future, you do not need to indicate your date of birth and other life details necessary for astrological forecasts. It is enough just to turn to the maps, which reflect the signs of the zodiac, constellations, luminaries and planets, satellites. The scientist himself believed that it was also necessary to add rainbows and clouds.

Each card can rotate, symbolizing dynamism celestial bodies. Before guessing, mentally ask a question. It should be clear, specific, without the subjunctive mood and negative particles. Focus on the question. Mix thoroughly, then arrange them six in six rows, picture facing up. Then, look for the established symbols. They can be rotated.


Fortune telling can carry the following symbol meanings:

  1. The sun is good luck and peace, happiness.
  2. The moon is recognition and success in business.
  3. Ursa Major is a strong enemy.
  4. Gemini - happiness in love.
  5. Snake - envious people.
  6. Big Dog - help from friends.
  7. Mercury – profit.
  8. Corona is a good acquaintance.
  9. The ring of Saturn is a profitable marriage.
  10. The Milky Way is the right target.
  11. Pisces are tedious entertainments.
  12. The shield is the fight for success.
  13. Scorpio is a disease.
  14. Mars – troubles and worries.
  15. Hare - peace.
  16. Messenger - news.
  17. The cup is temptation.
  18. The ship is a change of scenery.
  19. Hands - parting with a friend.
  20. The charioteer is the wrong path.
  21. The heart is a frivolous flirt.
  22. Virgo – happy single life.
  23. Venus – the pleasures of love.
  24. Chariot - perseverance will bear fruit.
  25. Titan - success is achieved through wisdom.
  26. Capricorn - goals are realistic if you work hard enough on them.
  27. Juno - pride will bring trouble.
  28. Night star - everything will happen in the dark.
  29. Comet - glory.
  30. Clouds - after tears, happiness will quickly come.
  31. Owl - the mind will help you achieve everything.
  32. Neptune is a danger in water.
  33. Jupiter is power.
  34. Ophiuchus is a threat from a woman.
  35. Ceres is a world in solitude.
  36. Vesta - fire is dangerous.
  37. The morning star is strength in beauty.
  38. Earth - happiness is closer than it seems.
  39. Uranus – keep secrets.
  40. Pegasus – good luck in creativity.
  41. Delta - guests.
  42. Lyra - false talents.
  43. Taurus – injustice to the innocent.
  44. Diona - unnoticed love.
  45. Hyperion - unexpected profit.
  46. A nursery is a happy chore.
  47. Leo – ignore rumors.
  48. Swan – if you don’t make an effort, love will die.
  49. Ladder - achieving the goal.
  50. Andromeda - loneliness will interrupt the appearance of fate.
  51. Hydra - a loved one is a liar.
  52. Sagittarius – love in sports.
  53. Perseus - wedding soon.
  54. Cancer - obstacles.
  55. The Pleiades are ghostly targets.
  56. Chicken - remember your parents.
  57. Triangle - fate - in music.
  58. Libra - time to correct mistakes.
  59. Southern Cross – jealousy.
  60. Vega - more pride.
  61. Aries - one to be wary of.
  62. Thetis is a short moment of happiness.
  63. Aquarius - the inability to resist fate.
  64. Titania - youth passes quickly.
  65. Rainbow - quarrels will ruin happiness.
  66. Cassiopeia - your love will not find an answer.
  67. Oberon - fire will scorch the wings.
  68. Saturn – long happy life.
  69. Deimos - your mistake is greed.
  70. Keith - great work will bring great happiness.
  71. Phobos is death.
  72. Mace - aggression will turn against you.

The star charts used in the free online fortune-telling game Astrologer Senius Solitaire were created by the Italian scientist J.B. Senius in the 17th century and are a carefully developed system of signs with images of constellations, planets, satellites, asteroids and atmospheric phenomena. By turning to the unique symbols of the Senia solitaire cards, you can get a forecast for the future or an answer to an exciting question.

Fortune telling using solitaire by astrologer Senia is carried out as follows: 36 picture cards are laid out in 6 rows of 6 cards each. (If solitaire is played to answer a specific question, then it must be formulated before fortune telling.) After this, it is necessary to find matching symbols - they predict the near future. By rotating the pictures, you can get additional matches - these symbols predict a more distant future. To simplify the process of combining symbols, each part of the map has its own digital designation.

Attention! In the online fortune-telling “Astrologer Senia’s Solitaire”, each picture has 4 different interpretations, depending on the position in which the matching symbol fell: 1 - the picture fell in a straight position, 2 - the picture is rotated to the right, 3 - the picture is rotated to the left, 4 - the picture fell out upside down.

To do fortune telling, click the “Fortune” button, to rotate the picture, click on it with the mouse.

Interpretation of the symbols of the astrological solitaire Senia

1 - Sun

1 (straight picture position). You are destined for a bright sunny life, cloudless and carefree. You will succeed in all your endeavors. You will have love and loyalty. People will call you lucky.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your happiness will be so great that many will envy, but you will defeat your enemies. Despite minor troubles, your life will be rich and blessed.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Happiness in all matters until old age, as well as satisfaction, wealth and health. You bring light and warmth everywhere.

4 (the picture is upside down). Don't forget to make others happy with your happiness. Use it - it won't last long. Peace and anxiety, joy and pain will constantly replace each other in your life. The full sun will rarely illuminate you, but your heart will not turn to stone, and you will be able to rejoice in the happiness of others.

1 (straight picture position). You will achieve wealth and fame without difficulty, and your name will be famous far and wide.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will gain great honor, and this will play a greater role in your life than love. For the sake of honor you will give up love.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your vanity will give you peace and satisfaction. You strive for big goals and will choose different means to achieve them. In the fight against opponents and competitors, your best years, and what you achieve will be less than what you expected.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your honor will be threatened, your enemies will rejoice, believing that you are defeated, and yet you will achieve recognition.

3 - Ursa Major

1 (straight picture position). You are threatened by a powerful enemy who hates you out of jealousy.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Get ready! The happiness you are waiting for is approaching.

3 (picture rotated to the left). A famous person will create difficulties for you. Try to overcome them if you want to move forward. You can't achieve anything with force, but with intelligence and cunning you can achieve everything.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will suffer humiliation from cruel power. You will be tormented by family disputes. Strangers will show you more love than your loved ones.

4 - Gemini

1 (straight picture position). You have a happy marriage. Your pride is good children. There is nothing more you could wish for.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Friendship and love accompany you throughout your life. Children will bring happiness, although illness will cause a lot of trouble.

3 (picture rotated to the left). The child will bring you suffering. All your life you will be tormented by unfulfilled dreams.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your name will fly high and shine like a star in the sky. Pick up what the Lord has laid at your doorstep.

1 (straight picture position). You are haunted by jealousy and envy. People are jealous of your successes and misjudge them. But you will kill this snake.

2 (picture rotated to the right). A famous person wants to come between you and your love. She will make you go through difficult moments, but fate will eliminate her in time.

3 (picture rotated to the left). There are bad rumors about you. They will take away peace and sleep. You will be bitten by snakes, you will begin to doubt loyalty and love, but in the end the person who opposes you and hates you will turn this hatred into love. An amazing destiny awaits you.

4 (the picture is upside down). Be as smart as a snake and as cunning as a dove if you want to achieve what you want.

6 - Canis Major

1 (straight picture position). A person you know well will still play a big role in your life.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Don’t get along with those whose price is lower than yours, it will ruin you, your friend will betray you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You love a person whose value is lower than yours. Beware! This can ruin you because he is only using you. This kind of love is madness.

4 (the picture is upside down). Many respect and love you as a benefactor and friend. Your intelligence, your compassion and justice will bring good. Good for the one who is not arrogant and who dries the tears of misfortune.

7 – Mercury (trade)

1 (straight picture position). Trading will bring great profits. You will be lucky in everything. Whatever you strive for, you will achieve tenfold.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Don't speculate! You'll be out of luck. Think through every step. The successes are very doubtful.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Beware of cunning speeches. They want to lure you into a bad deal. Your advisors intend to use you for their own purposes.

4 (the picture is upside down). You can't do this alone. You need to acquire a rich and loyal friend, otherwise everything will fail.

8 - Crown

1 (straight picture position). You will meet a person who will bring you happiness. Your path will go up. Someone else will bow to you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). With your own strength you will make your way. Rely only on yourself. Nothing is impossible for you in life.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Changes await you, which may cause trouble. Don't get confused and you will easily get rid of them.

4 (the picture is upside down). An unexpected obstacle will suddenly turn your life upside down, but only for a while. Soon everyone will see that you were treated unfairly, and you will rise even higher.

9 – Ring of Saturn

1 (straight picture position). More than once you will have the opportunity to marry profitably, but you will not be able to make a choice. And yet your marriage will be very happy.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Happy is he who marries for love and despises money. Your happiness will be in moderation, but in carefree conditions.

3 (picture rotated to the left). The ring will pinch your finger and become a burden to you. You will try to forget yourself in earthly joys and will not do without debts.

4 (the picture is upside down). Either don’t get married at all, or death will soon dissolve your marriage. Gray fog consumes your ring.

10 – Milky Way

1 (straight picture position). A smooth, straight road leads you through life. The stars are shining above your head, the flowers are blooming at your feet.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Slowly but surely your path leads you to your goal.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are on the wrong path, you are in danger of getting lost in the swamp. Hot, passionate thoughts and your fickle character are bad traveling companions! Back!

4 (the picture is upside down). If you fight in vain, you will not achieve your goal.

1 (straight picture position). Joy and fun are the magical power that will open any heart for you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Beware! They want to catch you. Tempting prey is fraught with danger.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Goldfish are not easily caught in nets. It will be difficult for you to catch it, and if you do, it will not be of any use.

4 (the picture is upside down). Passions, pleasures and feasts will bring ruin to your flesh and soul.

12 – Palada (shield)

1 (straight picture position). Your star predicts a life full of battles. Fighting will bring you victory and honor not only on the battlefield, but in all areas of life. You will have to fight for love and your daily bread, but success and happiness await you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will find a strong well-wisher, under whose protection you will achieve a high goal.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Virtue is the best shield! Virtue will bring you love and respect. With your virtue you will conquer your beloved being.

4 (the picture is upside down). You are in great danger. Fearlessness and wisdom will become your shield and tell you what to do.

13 – Scorpio

1 (upright position of the picture). You are in great danger, there are cunning enemies around. Act wisely and deliberately.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You are at risk of illness and difficult times ahead.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Fake love poisons your life. Your trust is paid for with cunning and ingratitude.

4 (the picture is upside down). A dagger flashed in the darkness of the night - beware of lonely night paths! You will achieve your happiness by acting openly and honestly.

1 (straight picture position). Your happiness is in wars. Your loved one will be a military man or your beloved will be the daughter of a military man. Your planet promises you honor and glory. waiting for you bright life and high position. War will not bring you harm.

2 (picture rotated to the right). A promotion awaits you, but you will have to part with your loved ones for a long time. You will face difficulties and troubles.

3 (picture rotated to the left). A hectic life and many changes await you, without much success, but not without pleasure and fun.

4 (the picture is upside down). War will bring you trouble and misfortune.

1 (straight picture position). All failures will rush past you at the speed of a hare.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will need prudence and caution. By not trusting people, you will find a great danger threatening you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Only the brave belong to the world. If you want to win, go ahead boldly.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will miss your happiness if you do not have the courage to rush into battle in time. Others will hurry up and snatch your luck from under your nose.

16 – Mercury (letter)

1 (straight picture position). The greatest happiness in life will come to you with a letter.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your biggest enemies are your own letters. They will destroy your happiness.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Good news in your endeavors.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will soon receive a secret love message.

1 (straight picture position). Excessive pleasures and fun await you, but they will not spoil you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You have to fight with tempting offers. Beware! Excess will ruin you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will drink from the well of wisdom and your light will illuminate the world.

4 (the picture is upside down). Beware of cards and glasses! A person can drown not only in the sea, but also in a glass.

18 – Ship

1 (straight picture position). Big changes are coming to you. You will leave your homeland.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Do not trust your entire fortune to one ship - it may sink. Do not trust your flesh and soul to a famous person - she can deceive.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will go around the whole world, get to know many people and experience various adventures, but the love of your homeland will call you home. A calm old age awaits you in your homeland.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your happiness will sail to you by sea. Soon a ship will arrive, and on it will come a man who will decide your fate.

19 – Castor and Pollux (hands)

1 (straight picture position). Soon the most dear person in the world will extend his hand to you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Friendship and love accompany you throughout your life. All hearts will be drawn to you, and you will have many friends.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will find yourself in a difficult situation, but a friend will come and help you out.

4 (the picture is upside down). I feel sorry for you! Friends will abandon you, you will stumble out of the blue.

20 – Charioteer (whip)

1 (straight picture position). Soon you will complete a difficult undertaking.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Quite unexpectedly, exciting news will come that means big changes for you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will work under the whip of another, and your sweat will enrich others.

4 (the picture is upside down). Come back while you still have time!

21 – Heart

1 (straight picture position). One person fell in love with you passionately. You own a heart that will be faithful all your life.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You play with feelings frivolously and turn love into hate.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Soon you will capture the hand and heart of one person. Inexplicable happiness awaits you.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will push away the heart that offers you a hut, instead you will only have castles in the air. You will end your life alone and without love.

1 (straight picture position). Happy love! Fast victory! Brilliant future!

2 (picture rotated to the right). People often do not understand your proud and unapproachable character and treat you in a way that you do not deserve. It's tormenting you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Honor can be compared to a mirror. Be careful not to sully it lightly! No amount of tears can wash away a stained honor.

4 (the picture is upside down). And there is happiness in a bachelor's house. You won't have a wedding, but you will live freely and carefree.

23 – Venus (doves)

1 (straight picture position). Complete happiness in love. Happiness is boundless and cloudless.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Don't pick forbidden fruits. This will bring you trouble and contempt.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are waiting for the affection of your loved one. His reserve and shyness will offend you. Alienation will come.

4 (the picture is upside down). You are destined for only a short love pleasure, but the memories of it will last a lifetime.

24 – Chariot

1 (straight picture position). Well-being achieved on your own.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You won't stay where you are now for long.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your persistence will make you wander around the world, and there, far away, you will find your happiness.

4 (the picture is upside down). Don't rely too much on your luck. Circumstances are changing! He who rides proudly in a carriage in his youth becomes a beggar in old age.

25 – Titan, satellite of Saturn

1 (straight picture position). Nothing in life will come easy to you. You will conquer fortresses by force.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will accomplish great things and people will mention your name with delight.

3 (picture rotated to the left). It is not only with the sword that one wins in battles. Your wisdom is your best weapon.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will achieve more with affection and calmness than with force.

26 – Capricorn

1 (straight picture position). You will only get the average prize in life's big lottery.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your life is limited within narrow boundaries. You would like to ride on an excellent horse, but you are content with an old nag. Or this: you want a good cow, but you are happy with a goat.

3 (picture rotated to the left). By working, you will rise from poverty to a high position.

4 (the picture is upside down). Quietly you will go through your sad path of life.

27 – Juno (mirror)

1 (straight picture position). Life gives you generous gifts, and it seems to you that the world shines like the sun.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will win with your soul, morality and beauty.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Pride and passions harm you. Luxury and ignorance destroy your happiness.

4 (the picture is upside down). It will be bad for the person who only wants to rule and never serve. His happiness will break like an earthen jug.

28 – Evening Star

1 (straight picture position). All the best and happy things come to you at a late hour. The stars are better for you than the sun.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You were born under a lucky star!

3 (picture rotated to the left). Don't look for cover in the dark for bad deeds. The star ray will give you away!

4 (the picture is upside down). Your star will go out and night will fall over you.

29 – Comet

1 (straight picture position). Your destiny is like a comet. You will emerge from the darkness, sparkle for a short moment and go out in the darkness.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will gain fame in art. Everyone will be watching your brilliant rise. You will sparkle under the sky of art.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are walking down the wrong path. Come back! She will lead you into the swamp.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your love is like a star that will sparkle and go out.

30 – Clouds

1 (straight picture position). The sun of your happiness will be covered by clouds.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Small worries torment you and make your life gray.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Don't be afraid if lightning flashes and storms rush over you. They will disperse the clouds that will cover the sun. After the fear you have experienced, the double sun will illuminate you.

4 (the picture is upside down). Rain brings goodness. With abundant tears you will water the late harvest of your life.

Z1 – Pallas (owl)

1 (straight picture position). Everyone knows and praises your wisdom. You are smart enough not to rely on people.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You do a lot of unnecessary and useless work that will not bring you any benefit.

3 (picture rotated to the left). They don't like you because of your always gloomy mood. Don't avoid light and fun.

4 (the picture is upside down). The greatest wealth is a sharp mind. He conquers the world.

32 – Neptune (trident)

1 (straight picture position). Water will bring you happiness and health.

2 (picture rotated to the right). A woman who has this sign in her horoscope will dream of a sailor and live happily. The man will be lucky in sailing.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are in danger due to water; Only with great difficulty will you be able to save your life.

4 (the picture is upside down). Beware of water! There you will lose your happiness.

33 – Jupiter

1 (straight picture position). You will have great influence and power. Many will submit to your will and will tremble at your gaze.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Don't use your position in vain, the worm is under your feet, and enemies lurk everywhere.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You have been given great power over people's hearts. The lightning of your eyes ignites the flame and allows you to win even where you do not want to win.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your pride and thirst for power push you to do things that hasten your death.

34 – Ophiuchus

1 (straight picture position). The women you meet along the way are kind and affectionate. God forbid if it turns out differently.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will have enmity and bitter quarrels because of a woman who will poison your life.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Hostile and envious women will create difficulties for you and disturb the peace of your married life.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will quarrel with your loved one, but the restoration of peace and harmony will be all the sweeter.

35 – Ceres (ears)

1 (straight picture position). Happiness will smile on you in the village, not in the city.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your love for work will help you move forward.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Suddenly you will find yourself in a village. You will have a home where you will see good days and bad days.

4 (the picture is upside down). Quiet happiness will smile on you, but you, wandering in the noise of the city, will lock the gates of your paradise.

36 – Vesta (hearth)

1 (straight picture position). High ideals burn within you, you strive for your goal. Your hearth will burn brightly, and there will be prosperity in your home.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You love ardently and passionately, but the fire that you light burns like a hellish fire over which the angels weep.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Beware of fire! Fire will bring you misfortune and horror. Protect your children from him.

4 (the picture is upside down). You keep a secret love in your heart. It will burn to the ground and remain a dream of loneliness.

37 – Morning Star

1 (straight picture position). The morning is wiser than the evening! The rays of this star promise you happiness.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Everything good and happy comes to you on a bright day.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Merry entertainments and feasts await you. Follow your lucky star!

4 (the picture is upside down). Under the star of beauty and youth you shine brightest. Take care of your beauty, because it is your only capital.

38 – Earth

1 (straight picture position). You will learn to understand the world and glorify the heavenly miracle.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your name will be heard far all over the world. Make sure that it carries a good reputation, because the names of criminals make people tremble with fear.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will get everything the world can give: sadness and joy, pain and fun. You will quickly get tired of a life filled with changes.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will know the world from its worst side and will despise it in quiet solitude.

39 – Uranus (hourglass)

1 (straight picture position). Each hour indicates the insignificance and transience of human life. Use your life wisely.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Evil plans lie like giants at the gates of heaven.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Don't open your heart to people. They mock you and trample your best feelings into the dirt.

4 (the picture is upside down). If you want to do good, do not hesitate and do it now. Look how time flies.

40 – Pegasus

1 (straight picture position). The holy spirit protects you and lifts you to the heights of Parnassus.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You try in vain, there will be no success!

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your sharp mind will find a way out, and golden rain will fall over you.

4 (the picture is upside down). The muses stand at your cradle, and your talent will inspire the world.

41 – Delta (house)

1 (straight picture position). Happiness will smile on your home, its residents will be healthy and cheerful.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your next home will be very welcoming. You will throw grand feasts, and everyone will praise and glorify you with one voice.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your desire for entertainment will unfortunately turn you away from home.

4 (the picture is upside down). Flattering and selfish friends will come to your home and destroy your well-being.

1 (straight picture position). With songs you will win hearts and find your happiness.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You imagine that you have talent and are striving for a false goal.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will care a lot about the arts and achieve great recognition.

4 (the picture is upside down). You love joy and fun, dancing and games. Happy melodies will sound to you throughout your life.

43 – Taurus

1 (straight picture position). Others take advantage of your hard work and force you to pull a heavy load.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your stubbornness is the rock on which your happiness will often be broken.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are unfair to an innocent person because you still trust the one who slandered him.

4 (the picture is upside down). Why fight with thorns! Be patient and bear your cross.

44 – Dione, satellite of Saturn (bird on a branch)

1 (straight picture position). Your closeness bestows love and blossom on everyone.

2 (picture rotated to the right). They love you, but you don’t notice!

3 (picture rotated to the left). Soon you will receive an expensive gift that testifies to the love of a dear person.

4 (the picture is upside down). They send you flowers and hope that you understand their language.

45 – Hyperion, satellite of Saturn (money)

1 (straight picture position). You will get rich and you will get money by the handful.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Big win in the lottery.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will unexpectedly receive a large inheritance.

4 (the picture is upside down). You are unlucky in money matters. You'll go bankrupt. You will be deceived, beaten, and you will not leave much of an inheritance.

1 (straight picture position). Your good deeds will be generously rewarded. You will be kind to the child, who will then make up for all your suffering.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Lots of children, work and worries, but also a lot of joy and happiness.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Quickly get out of diapers and become independent. Don't let your caregivers solve your problems.

4 (the picture is upside down). Your childhood and youth were sad, but happiness awaits you in later life.

1 (straight picture position). You stubbornly pursue your goal, and any path seems permitted to you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will play a big role in society and set the tone. Many will envy you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will give rise to bad rumors. There will be a big scandal, society will want to get rid of you, but it will not succeed.

4 (the picture is upside down). At the right moment, you will show courage and determination and achieve recognition.

48 – Swan

1 (straight picture position). During your journey, you will show your kindness and beauty and thus win the heart of a wonderful person.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your romantic love adventure, after many difficulties and battles, will end with the conquest of your loved one.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You love to wander around the world, and you don’t have time to arrange your home. You'll regret it.

4 (the picture is upside down). Love will sound in your heart like a swan song and die.

49 – Stairs

1 (straight picture position). You will rise high in your glory, honor and wealth.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Without looking back, you will climb high up the mountain, only to fall even deeper into the abyss.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Human goodwill and good odds motivate you to act. You will soon reach your goal.

4 (the picture is upside down). Intrigues are being woven against you. Cunning friends denigrate you and secretly harm you. Your honesty won't save you.

50 – Andromeda

1 (straight picture position). You suffer offense without guilt. Don't worry - the savior is coming!

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will face judgment and experience days filled with fear and worry.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Trouble will come as a result of a frivolous step. You have a lot to go through and endure.

4 (the picture is upside down). Love will bring you suffering.

51 – Hydra

1 (straight picture position). You have a lot of troubles ahead of you, but fate will save you from them in time.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will be deeply mistaken. The person you consider honest and loved will turn out to be a cunning traitor.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You trust people too much and the time will come when you will go to court.

4 (the picture is upside down). Among your acquaintances there is a person who will often harm you with his quarrels and cunning.

52 – Sagittarius

1 (straight picture position). Hunting will make your life attractive. While hunting, you will meet a person who will play a decisive role in your life.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will soon masterfully shoot Cupid's arrow.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You're wasting your gunpowder - you won't catch the bird of happiness.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will find in sports not only yourself, but also your loved one.

53 – Perseus

1 (straight picture position). Get ready, the wedding is not far away!

2 (picture rotated to the right). Fate is preparing a laurel wreath for you. You will achieve the heights of art and immortality.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Don't be arrogant! Today you have a laurel wreath, but tomorrow you won’t have a single leaf for your soup.

4 (the picture is upside down). You will be recognized and glorified after death.

1 (straight position of the picture).Despite the obstacles, you will go forward.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your road is too difficult. You will be tired before you reach your goal.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your life is going the way of cancer. It will be better if you do everything the other way around.

4 (the picture is upside down). Don't start anything under the sign of Cancer!

55 – Pleiades (7 stars)

1 (straight picture position). Too many tempting stars! You don't know what to strive for, and this distances you from happiness.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your goals are unattainable. You don't belong to this society. You become ridiculous, which reduces your chances.

3 (picture rotated to the left). The star of your happiness will rise! It will fall into your hands on its own.

4 (the picture is upside down). The number 7 brings good things to you. Years of life that are divisible by 7 will be happy for you.

56 – Chicken

1 (straight picture position). Children will be the happiness of your life.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Taking care of your home and relatives will be generously rewarded.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Don't be frivolous! Don't spoil the children! You will suffer.

4 (the picture is upside down). You have the best mother in the world. You owe her a lot. Never forget your mother.

57 – Triangle

1 (straight picture position). You will wander around the world all your life. You only feel good where there is music and wine. You will die on a dark night on the highway.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You are attracted to joy and fun, but gypsy freedom will spoil you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You love music - under its power you will calm down. Music will be the only solace in your life.

4 (the picture is upside down). Surrender to the music! With her you will conquer the world.

1 (straight picture position). You fight for justice - it will only bring you good.

2 (picture rotated to the right). How you treat others is how others will treat you. Don't be surprised if you receive little love and friendship. Your proud and strong character harms you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will meet a person from the judicial circle. Many events in your life will be connected with him.

4 (the picture is upside down). By believing evil rumors, you insulted a person whose tears will forever darken your happiness. Correct your fault!

59 – Southern Cross

1 (straight picture position). Your merits will be recognized and rewarded with an order.

2 (picture rotated to the right). It seems that you are happy, but you are carrying your cross. No one will ever know that you are crying.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Everyone has their own cross. Your cross is jealousy.

4 (the picture is upside down). Faith will bring you peace and joy. You will reassure others and quietly accomplish great things.

60 – Vega (lily)

1 (straight picture position). Your life is pure and unsullied. People admire you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Don't get high! Your virtues are not as high as you pretend. There's poison in your glass of love.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Learn patience! A rose has thorns, a lily does not. Love hurts, faith heals.

4 (the picture is upside down). Know your worth and keep your head up!

1 (straight picture position). Your endeavors are ill-conceived and unbalanced. You swung high and got scared yourself.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You are rapidly moving towards your goal. All obstacles are within your power. Success guaranteed.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Be careful! Fate, like a hunter, is watching you.

4 (the picture is upside down). You live carefree and fun. Be careful so that adversity does not take you by surprise.

62 – Thetis, satellite of Saturn (cornucopia)

1 (straight picture position). You will have everything your heart desires.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Happiness, wealth, joy and health until the end of your days.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Love and friendship protect you. Your happiness comes from the kindness of people.

4 (the picture is upside down). Happiness smiles on you, but only for a short hour.

63 – Aquarius

1 (straight picture position). You've experienced a tragedy, but don't think that all is lost. Hope and your hopes will come true.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You wait impatiently for your loved one and trust him. Don't worry, he will still come.

3 (picture rotated to the left). The sea of ​​fate will swallow the boat of your happiness, and you will submit to fate.

4 (the picture is upside down). After the storm the sun shines. It may not be your first love, but it will make you happy.

64 – Titania, satellite of Uranus (crown, crown, veil)

1 (straight picture position). You drink the drink of joy in large sips, but see if someone adds more wormwood.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You are fickle, you often fall in love, this is your misfortune.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are inspired by tender feelings and ideals. Soon it will end, and then what?

4 (the picture is upside down). You look beautiful! But for how long? Hurry up to make a friend for life!

65 – Rainbow

1 (straight picture position). You will find peace of mind. You will not be disturbed by pain, sadness, or evil people.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will make peace with the person who for a long time harmed you, and nothing will interfere with your happiness anymore.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Domestic quarrels threaten your happiness. Finish them off!

4 (the picture is upside down). Soon you will shine like a rainbow in one person's heart.

66 – Cassiopeia

1 (straight picture position). You will know the pain and suffering of love. There will be a lot of sadness, but it will all be good for you.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Your work will outlive you. You will be remembered after death.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are wasting your energy fighting the impossible.

4 (the picture is upside down). The letter “B” brings you happiness and salvation. A person whose name begins with “V” is friendly to you and will not cause you serious grief.

67 – Oberon, satellite of Uranus (butterfly)

1 (straight picture position). Your soul is immortal, and your name in the world will be immortal.

2 (picture rotated to the right). There will be many changes in your life. You will never stay in one place for long.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your life will fly by in the smell of flowers and the shine of the sun. Misfortune will not touch your wings.

4 (the picture is upside down). I feel sorry for the moth that flies towards the candle. And you will singe your wings.

68 – Saturn (sickle)

1 (straight picture position). You will live to a very happy old age.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Petty worries and pain fill your life, but there is no serious danger.

3 (picture rotated to the left). Your harvest is generous and rich. Rejoice!

4 (the picture is upside down). He who has not sowed has nothing to reap. Work hard to achieve success.

69 – Deimos, satellite of Mars (jug)

1 (straight picture position). Greed makes you evil. Eat and drink in moderation!

2 (picture rotated to the right). An unknown well-wisher will soon help you. Wait!

3 (picture rotated to the left). You crave love. You don't have to wait long, happiness is close.

4 (the picture is upside down). And the best jug can break. Your opponent's cunning will soon become known to everyone.

1 (straight picture position). Don't give up on the great work that awaits you. You will fulfill it with honor.

2 (picture rotated to the right). You will successfully escape from great danger.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You will lose and never find what you lost again.

4 (the picture is upside down). The feast is coming! Prepare a treat and set the table!

71 – Phobos, satellite of Mars (torch)

1 (straight picture position). The torch of war will be lit, your homeland will win honor and glory, all your relatives and loved ones will return safe and sound.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Difficult and turbulent times await you. The struggle will be severe, but neither you nor your property will be in danger.

3 (picture rotated to the left). I feel sorry for you! The battle will be treacherous for you. The fire will burn you.

4 (the picture is upside down). The angel of death will knock over the torch and it will go out.

72 – Mace

1 (straight picture position). Your rivals will attack you, but with courage and strength you will crush them.

2 (picture rotated to the right). Evil person with hypocritical goodwill he is trying to deceive you and destroy you.

3 (picture rotated to the left). You are recklessly approaching your goal. The blow you are about to deliver will break your own heart.

4 (the picture is upside down). Use the situation correctly and you will win a lot.

Fortune telling with tea, oddly enough, was invented not in the homeland of this drink, in China, but in England.

It is not as common as fortune telling for coffee, because if everything is relatively simple with coffee, then the tea leaves must be of a certain quality, otherwise fortune telling will not work.

For this fortune telling, it is best to brew tea directly in a cup, or in a teapot with a wide spout that easily allows tea leaves to pass through. It is better to choose a medium grind variety.

For fortune telling you need to take a cup with tea leaves and leftovers...

Astrology is an ancient science. No less ancient is the concept of karma, which has existed in Indian philosophy for at least 5000 years. Karma and fate, which astrology speaks of, are closely related. Karmic astrology analyzes, first of all, the legacy of past incarnations.

A person's attitude towards many things in this life is determined by his experience of these incarnations. Karma is a law of nature, such as, for example, the law of universal gravitation. It is useless to appeal to him - he is inexorable. Law of Karma...

For a long time, people have been interested in what awaits them in the future. This interest was also fueled by the fact that at that time people still knew very little about the world around them. It was then that the first types of fortune telling arose. They used fortune telling on literally everything, but one of the most popular was fortune telling on cards.

The success of this type of fortune telling is due, first of all, to the fact that it was simple and did not require any financial investments and special conditions.

The first fortune telling cards were Tarot cards, which appeared back in the 14th century...

Dice were known in ancient times and came to Europe from Asia. Dice became especially widespread in Greece, where they were used both for fortune telling and for various games. There were two types of bones. The first type is cubes, which are similar to modern dice.

The second type is astragalus, which was oblong and had only four sides. There were no twos or fives on the astragalus. All fortune telling using cubes and astragals was dedicated to Hermes. The fortune telling was to...

The word runa itself means “secret,” going back to an ancient Indo-Germanic root meaning “to hide, to hide.” Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, compare, for example, the German raunen - “whisper”, the Latvian runat - “to speak” or the Finnish runo - “poem, spell”.

By the way, the Russian “keep” is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs used by the peoples of Europe from the Black Sea coast to distant Greenland. The runes were carved...

Lenormand cards are slightly modified Tarot cards. To make it easier to navigate the meaning during fortune telling, the cards are equipped with symbolic drawings that help the fortuneteller easily understand their meaning.

You can buy such cards, or you can take a regular deck of 36 cards, renumber them all again and use them as a Lenormand deck.

The layout of the cards does not matter, but it is quite possible to use the method that was used by the creator of this deck - the Lenormand maiden.

There are two ways of such fortune telling. Simple and antique.

Easy way

You need to take a bowl of water and some sewing needles or tailor's pins. The needles need to be lubricated with some kind of fat or cream, and then carefully placed on the water.

One of the needles must be mentally designated as your own.

If you are interested in relationships with a loved one or business relationships with business partners, then you first need to mentally name each needle with the name of a specific person.

Those needles...

The very concept of “astrology” implies consideration of the influence of stars on human life in time and space. Vedic knowledge covers the entire spectrum of existence of the soul, both in the material world and in the spiritual world. Thus.

Vedic astrology should provide the key to understanding the passage of a living being different forms life, right up to spiritual liberation, therefore it is closely related to such a concept as reincarnation, the reincarnation of the soul.

Of course, this question is deep and vast, and...

Take two needles different sizes. The large one will symbolize a man, and the small one will symbolize a woman. Grease the needles and place them in a glass of water. Drowning needles will mean a rupture...

10:12:48 - Evgeniy: astrologer, bioenergy corrector. Russia Togliatti tel. 79270293194. ... Karmic astrology - Interpretation of the karmic birth chart.

07:49:53 - Lazarus: August 9, 2011 Opinion of an astrologer (11) For a beginning astrologer (30) Astrology and karma (15) ... Ancient solitaire - online fortune telling. Tuesday, August 09, 2011 21:55 (link)

20:39:40 - Marina: Esoteric site, free unique fortune telling, interesting psychological articles, wise thoughts

09:38:47 - Vladislav: XENIA’S HEALTH - Ksenia is sick and nervous.

SEX AND LOVE OF KSENIA - Ksenia is very charming and perfectly knows how to use this quality to her advantage.

07:39:39 - Christina: General horoscope. Astrological forecast. ... In Ukrainian, Ksenia is Oksana. According to another version, the name Ksenia is a colloquial form of the name Polyxenia (Greek - very hospitable).

03:45:03 - Karl: Here are 12 volumes from the “Classical Astrology” series, authored by the famous Russian astrologer S.A. Vronsky. List of books: - Introduction to astrology - Gradology - Domology

10:34:02 - Yuri: Movies for children. Collector's series: The most favorite cartoons. Luntik. ...

Astrologer Senia's solitaire game "Star Cards"

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Read more "Astrologer Senya Solitaire"

11:49:33 - Flora: Solitaire for one deck of 52 cards. Solitaire is of average difficulty level, although it requires increased attention from the player. The playing field is like a dial.

16:27:02 - Artem: Description: Fortune telling cards: Solitaire: 36 sheets: Star cards of the astrologer Senia. Publishing house. Saratov: Helium.

15:25:43 - Ksenia: Ancient solitaire, horoscope of the astrologer Senia, runes, Lenormand, virtual vest. ... Astrino - free astrological portal! Horoscopes and zodiac!

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about what or who you are casting a spell on. Hold down the deck until you feel like it’s time to finish shuffling the cards.

Divination A horoscope is a very detailed and quite difficult to understand fortune telling. The number of cards in the layout symbolizes 12 months and provides comprehensive answers to the fortuneteller’s questions. Having received the results of fortune telling, you must think everything over very carefully, since you probably won’t be able to understand it right away.

Technique for performing online fortune telling:

Divination carried out by the Etteilla Tarot deck. Before it starts, you need to carefully shuffle the cards and move some of them with your left hand towards you. After this, lay out the cards according to the figure below, starting from the left side and laying out the cards counterclockwise. The cards have the following meanings:

1 The fortuneteller himself:
2 Money and property:
3 State of mind, feelings, short trips:
4 Childhood memories:
5 Children, love, pleasures, thoughts:
6 Health:
7 Marriage, friendships or business relationships:
8 Death, state house, sources of profit:
9 Religious and philosophical views, dreams, long trips:
10 Career, position in society, reputation:
11 Friends, social life, hopes, ambitions: