Where and how you can restore old furniture. Furniture restoration at home: updating, upholstery, decor, painting. Varnish layer renewal technology

How pitiful it can sometimes be to get rid of old, shabby furniture; the thought that you will have to throw away what you remember from childhood becomes unbearable.

But... shabby chairs do not fit into the interior of the living room and even in the kitchen they look isolated, lonely among the modern kitchen set. As they say, you have to throw it away. Or... you won't have to.

Furniture restoration. What does it mean?

Restoration will help save the situation. The word is familiar to many, but people associated with culture and art understand it best. However, isn't it an art to give old chairs and stools their old look? beautiful view, tidy up your sideboard or closet? Carry out a few simple procedures and make them look as if you just bought them in a store.

Moreover, if you think about a new purchase, then even with the most conservative calculations it will turn out to be quite a decent amount. So is it worth spending money if you just use inexpensive materials and spend very little time restoring furniture with your own hands?

As a result, you can become the owner of exclusive, original furniture that fits perfectly with the new design of your room or kitchen.

Preparation as the basis of work

Any business requires careful preparation; this is necessary for a high-quality result. This also applies to furniture restoration. Before finishing, you always need to prepare the surface.

Since the body is often made of wood, the following steps are carried out during preparation:

  • Carefully inspect the surface to identify various large and small defects.
  • Warmly wash away contaminants using detergents. Dry the surface.
  • They dismantle the furniture. This greatly facilitates the further process and preserves intact the elements that are not subject to alteration.
  • If the part that needs to be corrected does not come off, then everything else is covered with film and sealed with tape. After this, the remaining part can be safely restored without fear of ruining the rest.
  • Restoring upholstered furniture requires a more careful approach. The upholstery is removed very carefully. Then a pattern is made from it using new material. The packing is also removed and replaced.

Removing the polishing layer

If there is polishing that you need to get rid of, you need to:

  • Use a special liquid composition.
  • Use paper towels or napkins;
  • Work with a brush made of natural bristles;
  • Use steel wool, coarse sandpaper and a spatula.

During the work itself, the binder composition is poured into a mug or into a container with a wide neck. Apply a thick layer to the surface with a brush containing the mixture. After some time it softens and is removed. Use a spatula to carefully scrape off the residue, always along the wood fibers.

The procedure is repeated until the entire surface is completely cleaned. In this case, additionally use steel wool and sandpaper. At such a moment, it is better to have rubber gloves on your hands, and to avoid inhaling harmful fumes and not clogging your respiratory tract with fine dust, wear a respirator.

Detected cracks are masked with soft wax, selected according to the shade, rubbing it into the surface. To smooth out chips and gaps, putty is used; after complete drying, the surface is sanded with sandpaper. The varnish is applied only after the entire structure has been carefully processed and primed.

If a beginner has to do the work, it is best to use visual aids on a specific topic. Carefully study all aspects, view photos of the restoration of old furniture.

Basic techniques

At the last stage of decoration at the time of restoration, they resort to not only painting compounds and varnishes. Currently, many professional designers and furniture makers like to use various technical techniques in this matter.

With their help, they sometimes manage to produce absolutely vintage and exclusive elements from completely nondescript items. The following methods are distinguished:

Painting with paints

The most accessible and simple method. In other words, coloring paint and varnish materials. The color is selected to match the general background of the room in which the restored object or a certain decorative element will be located.

A thin layer of paint composition is applied to the prepared surface. The work uses a stencil with a specific pattern or design. After drawing the contours, the stencil is removed and the drawing is painted.


Simple and interesting technique work that even children can do. Various shapes are cut out of fabric and paper and pasted onto a surface, for example, a table. Then they are coated with varnish.


Here there is a combination of two methods at once: decoupage and varnishing. Furniture is thus finished in an antique style. To do this, apply a varnish layer and leave it until completely dry, then apply craquelure varnish on top.

After drying, small cracks form, very similar to antique ones. At the last stage they can be gilded with gold paint.


The name of this technology comes from the main material – veneer. These are thin wood sheets made from different breeds. From them, according to preliminary measurements, elements are cut out.

Using simple PVA office glue, they are glued to a surface that has been prepared and primed. A hot iron is used to smooth the surface.


This method allows you to give old furniture nobility. The birthplace of this concept is Italy. It is based on the formation of a specific plaque, similar to formations after the oxidation process on bronze and copper objects.

Currently, the main colors used to give wooden furniture abraded effects are gold, silver and copper.

Restoration items

For the most part, restoration includes old sideboards, chests of drawers, cabinets, tables, high-back chairs, stools and all other items whose lifespan is estimated in decades. It is not surprising that over time they become unusable. Having studied all the restoration techniques, many people come to the aid of their “mute household members”

The old sideboard is cleaned of peeling varnish, freed from all defects and, after carrying out the already familiar operations, returns to a new life. Since the surface is very wide, in such work they sometimes use not only brushes of various widths, but also a roller. The main thing is to ensure that there are no leaks or small bubbles.

Restoration of chairs and stools

Everyone knows that kitchen furniture wears out the fastest, since this is where many people like to spend most of their time. Here, unfortunately, sometimes you don’t need to wait several decades to understand that cushioned furniture needs renovation.

And if you try hard, she can regain her attractiveness. Moreover, it still performs its functions perfectly.

To tidy up a stool with a soft seat, you need to very carefully remove the upholstery from it. If the furniture upholstery is good enough, then you can leave it and, proceeding as described above (protect all elements of the stool that are not subject to restoration), begin restoring the legs.

In the event that the old fabric or leather of the seat is no longer suitable for use, patterns are cut out of them in similar sizes. Also, a piece of foam rubber is cut to the size of the seat, which is then attached to it with small nails.

Finally, the furniture is reupholstered with either prepared fabric or leather. The result is an updated kitchen and, most importantly, without any costs.

Photos of the restoration process of old furniture

Did your grandmother leave you antique Soviet furniture from the 30s? Did your parents reward you with an old wardrobe from the 60s? Don't rush to get rid of them! In this article you will learn how to restore Soviet furniture with your own hands, or rather, how to update old furniture so that she again begins to please your eyes. Photos of successful experiments are attached. So…

Stage 1: replacing furniture fittings

The most annoying thing about old furniture is poorly closing doors. If you are going to take on such a thing as remaking Soviet furniture with your own hands, then first you will have to buy new fittings, find material for sealing loose holes (you can use putty, dowels or corks), get a screwdriver and a screwdriver, and then work hard to repair doors

We also advise you to take a closer look at the rest of the fittings. Sometimes simply replacing old-fashioned handles can be enough to completely transform your furniture. As for the wobbly legs of chairs and tables, any workshop can put them in order.

Stage 2: furniture cleaning

Before moving on to remodeling Soviet furniture, it should be thoroughly cleaned. Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture begins with removing dirt and soot, which is recommended to be done using regular sponge, soap made from any vegetable oil, and warm water. To clean the most problematic areas - corners and cracks - use a soft toothbrush; for narrow crevices - a wooden dowel, pointed at one end.

Stage 3: repairing old furniture

The worn and chipped surfaces of Soviet furniture need to be put in order. For sanding, use sandpaper or a special sanding tool (who has what). Any cracks can be carefully repaired with putty, after which the area will need to be sanded again after drying.

Advice: Before filling and painting, the surface should be treated with a primer - then the adhesion will be better, and the applied paint or putty will lie smoother.

Stage 4: DIY furniture decoration

The fourth stage of do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture is decorative finishing. Painting, varnishing, painting, decoupage furniture, decorating with stickers - here you will have to use your imagination and choose the most suitable option. You might be inspired by the ideas in this article.

How to update old furniture - painting furniture

Let's start with the most popular and simple way update old furniture. Here you will learn how to paint Soviet-era furniture.

Furniture should only be painted if it is made of cheap wood (pine, etc.). If your Soviet furniture is made, for example, of oak, then painting it is highly not recommended, since this will forever reduce its value.

Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture is usually done with oil paint. How to paint furniture correctly:

  1. Apply the paint with light movements in a thin layer along the wood grain.
  2. Let dry for about 12 hours.
  3. Clean the surface with sandpaper, wipe off dust and apply a second coat.

If you are restoring Soviet furniture from the 50s to 70s, which was made in a minimalist style, then black, as well as light pastel colors, are perfect for painting it. With this finish it will become an excellent accessory for a modern interior.

If you want to take a more creative approach to painting furniture, but you don’t know how to paint by hand, then use templates. They are sold in stores, they can also be printed from the Internet and cut out on thick paper. Before applying the design to the furniture, the stencil should be secured with adhesive tape.

Painting furniture - before and after photos of old furniture:

Restoring a chest of drawers with your own hands:

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How to update old wardrobe:

How to repurpose an old nightstand and chairs:

It has become very fashionable to paint furniture with thin lace. Simply attach the lace fabric to the surface of the Soviet furniture and then apply paint. The result is amazing!

Remaking old furniture through varnishing

If Soviet furniture is made of valuable wood, then, as we said above, it is better to cover it with a fresh layer of varnish than to paint it over. How to update old furniture through varnishing?

Firstly, when remaking or restoring Soviet furniture with your own hands, it is best to use oil varnishes. They are suitable for all types of wood and form very durable, shiny and moisture-resistant coatings. The only negative is the long drying period (up to 12 hours). For comparison: shellac varnish dries in 1-2 hours, and nitro varnishes dry in 30-40 minutes.

General rules for remaking old furniture:

  1. The varnish can be applied with a brush or a piece of thick, lint-free cloth folded 2-3 times;
  2. The varnish is applied in 3-5 layers, and after applying each new layer, the drying time should be increased;
  3. Excess varnish should be squeezed out on the edges of the jar, and the brush can sometimes be washed in an alcohol solution.

How to update old furniture with craquelure varnish

We also want to give you an example of a special varnishing method, which is performed using a special varnish - craquelure.

Today, for remodeling old furniture, there are many varieties of craquelure varnish: with a patina effect, gilding, etc. The most common one is applied in a thick layer over the base layer of paint, after which it is coated with a different color to highlight cracks. Also, craquelure varnish can consist of two components: the first is applied to age the surface being treated, the second is applied to create decorative cracks.

Restoring Soviet furniture using craquelure is perfect for lovers of antiquity and country style. As, indeed, our next method is decoupage.

Mastering the decoupage technique will help you turn old Soviet furniture into a real designer masterpiece. Decoupage of old furniture is performed using the following tools:

  • Fine-grit sandpaper;
  • Alcohol;
  • Primer;
  • Brush and glue for decoupage;
  • Roller or sponge;
  • Material for decoupage - newspaper clippings, old postcards, letters, drawings, book pages, etc.

The Internet will help you find inspiring ideas and materials for decoupage. For example, we especially like these 2 examples of how to update old chest of drawers decoupage method:

  1. Surface preparation with sandpaper;
  2. Cleaning with a cloth soaked in alcohol;
  3. After the surface has dried, apply a primer (3-4 layers);
  4. If materials for decoupage will be used only in places, then the furniture must first be painted to create a background;
  5. If the furniture will be completely covered (for example, with newspapers), then you can immediately begin applying glue after the primer has dried;
  6. Thin paper can be immediately applied to the glue, while thicker paper should first be thinned with sandpaper and soaked in water;
  7. The wet paper is blotted with a towel on both sides and applied to the glue;
  8. After gluing all the materials, you should walk over the surface with a roller or sponge to remove any remaining glue;
  9. The last stage is applying varnish to the dry surface.

Original furniture in Provence or vintage styles is ready!

Photos of old furniture before and after decoupage:

How to update an old wall

Those who are interested in remodeling furniture with their own hands - here are ideas on how to update an old Soviet wall with decoupage and new paint:

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Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture updated: October 27, 2015 by: Margarita Glushko

Every person, wanting to create comfort in their own home or apartment, furnishes the rooms with beautiful new furniture. At first it pleases the eye, and then begins to collapse under the influence of time.

Do not rush to throw away old furniture, because... Any furniture can be given a second life.

In the era of consumption, many people are in a hurry to get rid of outdated interior items that have lost their original attractive appearance, buying more fashionable things and sending old furniture to the attic or to the country house, where it continues to gather dust and deteriorate. However, there are also those who do not want to part with their favorite items: an old chest of drawers, a carved wardrobe, a table at which they celebrated family holidays for many years.

What advice can you give to lovers of family values? The furniture needs to be restored. Thanks to the renovation, items will not only find a second life, but will also add fresh notes to the interior of your home. Furniture restoration in last years has become a very popular and profitable business. A large number of companies turn old items into modern and stylish things for good money.

Is it possible to repair it and what restoration methods can you master on your own?

Updating interior items

Inhale new life everyone can get into old things caring owner, you just need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations for repairing and updating furniture, purchase the necessary tools for this task and show a little imagination and patience.

So, what should you do if the item is scratched or covered with cracks, the varnish and paint have peeled off in places, and soft upholstery Has the sofa and armchairs come apart or faded? There are several ways to repair interior items that can be done at home.

  1. The furniture can be partially restored. The bottom line is that you do not need to update the entire item, for example, a closet, but only a small section of it. This may be a varnish coating.
  2. Complete renovation of furniture. The method involves painting, varnishing, covering with film or covering the entire object with fabric.
  3. Artificial aging of a thing. This method is good for people who want to style their furniture antique and give the room a more ancient look. As a result of aging, furniture either becomes covered with cracks or its surface becomes uneven in color.

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Varnishing of products

It is advisable to varnish wooden furniture at least twice so that the wood lasts as long as possible.

In Soviet times, it was very fashionable to buy lacquered cabinets and tables. They sparkled beautifully and delighted the owners with their appearance. But very soon people began to notice that the varnish had come off in places, had rubbed off, and scratches appeared here and there on the surface of the object. To restore the product to its former attractiveness, it can be re-varnished. For restoration small area cabinet, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • a soft cloth;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • petrol;
  • furniture varnish.

First, lightly moisten a cloth with gasoline and gently wipe the damaged area with it to degrease it. After the area has dried, you need to take sandpaper and use it to clean the varnish top layer. Then the dust is removed from the area with a dry brush, then it is varnished using a brush and furniture varnish.

It is good to restore old furniture in this way if the varnish is only slightly damaged. If there are scratches and abrasions on the entire surface of the object, an operation should be carried out to completely remove the old coating, and then re-varnish the object. It will require

  • putty knife;
  • Toothbrush;
  • cloth/construction vacuum cleaner;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • gloves;
  • emulsion remover SM-1/SM-2;
  • solvent;

Washing helps remove varnish from the surface of the cabinet without any problems. It should be applied with a brush to a piece of furniture and left on it for a certain time. The exposure period depends on the type of varnish coating. If it was nitrocellulose or alcohol varnish, then after half an hour the remover will soften it, and if the cabinet was covered with polyester varnish, it will take about 2 hours to destroy it.

After the curing period has expired, the varnish that has become softened should be carefully removed from the surface with a spatula, and in the corners of the furniture with a toothbrush. Then a solvent is applied to the cabinet walls and doors.

After 1.5 hours, when the surface is dry, it must be sanded with sandpaper and then dusted with a dry cloth or a construction vacuum cleaner. After this, you can begin to coat the surface of the cabinet with fresh varnish in 2-3 layers, each of them must dry. The color of this varnish may differ from the previous one, so the restored cabinet will look new.

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Application of acrylic and decoupage

The “Decoupage” technique allows furniture to acquire individual design, besides, it does not require much time and expense.

IN Lately It is very fashionable to restore old furniture using acrylic paints. They have a rich color scheme, there are pearlescent paints and compositions with glitter. To update your interior items with paint you will need:

  • tassels;
  • roller;
  • sandpaper;
  • scissors;
  • masking tape;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • pencil;

To begin with, the surface of the bedside table or table is cleaned with sandpaper. old paint, its residues and dust should be removed with a brush. Then you need to apply a primer to the product with a roller and let it dry. Afterwards you can paint the furniture with acrylic.

The product will be more interesting if it is painted with different patterns, ornaments or colors. To do this, you need to select a drawing or stencil and transfer it to the prepared and primed surface of the furniture. Then the patterns are carefully painted over with a brush.

In order not to spoil the picture, after applying light paints and drying them, you can seal them with masking tape, then the dark elements of the picture or pattern are drawn, and at the end of the work the tape is removed. Finally, the dried surface of the product is varnished. Colorful designs with geometric shapes or stripes on the bedside table and chest of drawers look especially unusual.

You can restore old furniture (kitchen and living room) using the decoupage technique. To work you will need:

  • acrylic paints and varnish;
  • transparent primer;
  • decoupage napkins and glue;
  • decoupage scissors;
  • flat brush.

A layer is applied to a wooden surface treated with sandpaper. acrylic paint or clear primer. Next, take a decoupage napkin and remove the top colored layer from it. Using special scissors, cut out a design or element of a picture and apply it to the intended area of ​​furniture, coated with a special glue for napkins.

Then the applique is carefully straightened so that there are no folds, and along the very edge it is smeared with glue using a brush. When the napkin element dries well, it is covered first with one and then with another layer of acrylic varnish. In the same way, other decorative details are glued to the furniture. Instead of napkins, you can use elements of wallpaper and fabric. At the end of the work, the entire surface of the bedside table or cabinet is covered in 2 layers of acrylic varnish.

To buy new furniture you will need a decent amount of money, which not everyone has. In addition, the renovation itself and new finishing were not cheap. How to solve the current problem? The answer is very simple - a second life for old furniture. It is enough to devote a little time and effort, and also use inexpensive materials. Thus, any inconspicuous element will become exclusive and original, which will allow it to fit into the new one. Do-it-yourself restoration of old furniture is carried out in accordance with the recommendations and rules. All the subtleties of the process will be discussed in this article.

Furniture preparation is the basis of the process

Any type of work requires careful preparation to improve the final result. This also applies to furniture restoration: before you start finishing, you should carefully prepare the surface, regardless of whether it is wooden or upholstered. Since the main part (body) is made of wood, special attention is paid to it.

To spend proper preparation you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Carefully inspect the surface for defects and damage. It is necessary to take into account not only major damage, but also scratches.
  2. Washing away dirt and dust using warm water and detergents. Drying.
  3. Disassembling wooden furniture into pieces, to the maximum. For example, when restoring table legs, you need to disconnect them from the tabletop - this will make the process easier. In addition, the remaining elements that are not involved in the alteration will not get dirty or deteriorate.
  4. If it is impossible to separate the part that needs to be changed, then it is necessary to seal the remaining parts with tape and film. Experts recommend using masking tape that will not leave marks on the surface when peeled off.
  5. You must be extremely careful with soft objects and parts. The upholstery is removed carefully so that it can be used to make a pattern from new material. The packing is also removed and replaced.
Note! In order not to forget anything and completely eliminate defects, it is worth writing them down on a piece of paper. This will allow you not to forget about even the most minor abrasions that will affect the overall appearance.

Polishing layer removal technology

If it is necessary to remove a layer of polish from furniture during its restoration, you must prepare in advance:

  • special composition for removing polish;
  • metal wool;
  • sandpaper (coarse fraction);
  • paper towels or napkins;
  • natural bristle brush;
  • putty knife.
Note! Compositions for removing the polishing layer can be of two types: thick and liquid. Thick compositions are used for the restoration of vertical surfaces. Liquids will be absorbed into the most inaccessible corners and carved elements.

Using an example, let’s look at the technology for removing polish using a thick compound:

  1. The binder is poured from a bottle into a mug or other container with a wide neck. Using a brush, apply a thick layer of the mixture to the wooden surface.
  2. Wait the time specified by the manufacturer on the packaging. The top layer should soften, after which it is removed. It is necessary to scrape strictly in the direction of the wood fibers using a spatula. If the polishing does not come off completely the first time, the procedure must be repeated. In hard-to-reach places, the layer is removed using an old toothbrush.
  3. Residues of the thick composition and polishing are cleaned with steel wool: a thin layer is applied to the surface and wiped on top with a paper towel.
  4. Cleaning and correcting irregularities is carried out with medium-grit sandpaper.

It is very important to adhere to safety rules when restoring old furniture. Carry out work only in a well-ventilated area. To protect your respiratory system, wear a respirator and rubber gloves on your hands.

Note! When applying a thick composition, it is important to adhere to the technology, that is, follow only one direction. This will allow the layer to lay down evenly.

Removing damage and deformation

After polishing is removed, defects and damage may appear on the surface in the form of deep cracks and scratches. Before proceeding with restoration, they must be eliminated. Each of them has its own technology and means.

  1. The cracks are covered with soft wax, which must be rubbed into the surface (choose a suitable shade).
  2. Chips and deep gaps are repaired with wood putty. It is applied with a spatula and the residue is removed with it. After 24 hours - this is exactly the time needed for complete drying - the surface is sanded.
  3. Before applying the paint layer, it is necessary to carry out priming, which will strengthen the connection with the wooden surface.

Note! Experts recommend using polyester or water-based putty.

Restoration of an old chest of drawers

A chest of drawers is part of a furniture set for a bedroom, children's room or living room. It can fit a large number of of things. When changing the interior, it may not fit into the room, so as not to throw it away, it is enough to carry out restoration. To do this, you need to choose a tool such as:

  • sandpaper (coarse and fine);
  • protective equipment (goggles and respirator);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • rag;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • paints.
  1. If possible, the chest of drawers is disassembled into individual elements.
  2. The varnish layer is removed using coarse sandpaper. To make the process easier and faster, you can use a grinder with a special circular attachment. Thus, they reach the wood layer.
  3. All surfaces of the chest of drawers are cleaned using fine-grain sandpaper. The result should be a smooth surface without serifs.
  4. Using a damp soft cloth, wipe the chest of drawers - this will remove dust and small particles of debris.
  5. After complete drying, the wood is primed to ensure better adhesion to the paint layer.
  6. The final stage is painting. It is best to use enamels with a glossy color. It is best to apply paint with brushes along the wooden fibers: the layer must be thin, otherwise drips will form. To obtain a more saturated color, apply a second layer of paint every other day. After complete drying, the elements of the chest of drawers are twisted and the fittings are fixed.
Note! When restoring a chest of drawers for a children's room, you can use stencils. The result is a bright and original element that your baby will love.

This is what the restoration process looks like:


Here's a video on restoring a chest of drawers:

Restoration of chairs and stools

The furniture in the kitchen wears out the fastest, since this is where people spend most of their time. Due to the high price of headsets, not everyone can afford to purchase new ones every 5–10 years, and the old ones do not fit into the interior after renovation. In this case it is also worth using various methods and restoration methods kitchen furniture.

For example, although stools lose their appeal over time, they are still functional. It is enough to devote a little time and effort to carry out the update. You can do this by following the step-by-step instructions:

    1. A stool with a soft seat must first be carefully disassembled and the upholstery removed. It will be possible to cut out new material from it, and foam rubber is also cut according to the size of the filler (the desired thickness is 5 cm).
    2. After all the elements of the chair have been disassembled, you can clean it, remove the old paint layer and remove defects. As with the cabinet, sandpaper, putty and a putty knife are used.
    3. The prepared and primed surfaces are opened with varnish or paint to match the kitchen finish.

  1. The soft part is covered with new fabric using a construction stapler.
  2. After complete drying, everything is fastened again. Experts recommend using new fasteners.

There is another way to quickly restore chairs with backs - covers made of any textile. To do this, you need to take measurements, make a pattern and sew a cover according to it. This type of restoration is called fabric draping.

Note! When upholstering the soft part of stools or chairs for the kitchen, it is recommended to use thick textiles or artificial leather. They are least susceptible to wear and tear, so they will last longer.

Basic techniques for restoring wooden furniture

To carry out the final stage of decoration during furniture restoration, you can use not only paints and varnishes. So, today designers and furniture makers use various restoration techniques, with the help of which they can turn a nondescript element into a vintage and exclusive one.

Painting with paints. The most affordable and simple restoration method is painting with paints and varnishes. To do this, apply a thin layer of the main color to the prepared surface, which should match the color of the room or other decorative elements. After complete drying, using stencils or carbon paper, you can draw the outlines of any design and then paint it. You can find such patterns on the Internet.

You can make decorations using this technique together with your children, as it is very simple and interesting. Thus, various patterns are cut out of fabric and paper; many people use napkins for these purposes. The resulting elements are placed on the surface, for example, of a table, and then glued, not forgetting to smooth them well. Afterwards it is covered with a layer of varnish.

The technology combines two methods at once: decoupage and varnishing. With its help you can give the furniture an antique look. To do this, apply a layer of varnish, and until it is completely dry, cover the top with craquelure varnish. When drying, small cracks will form, which imitate the surface of an antique. In the future, they can be filled, for example, with gold paint. The most interesting is the combination of contrasting colors of paints and varnishes.

Veneering. This technology got its name due to the main material – veneer. It is presented in the form of thin sheets of wood of various species. Elements are cut out from sheets according to pre-made measurements. So, using ordinary stationery PVA glue, they are fixed to a previously prepared and primed surface. To smooth it, you need to iron the surface with a hot iron.

Note! A combination of several techniques will look most advantageous on one piece of furniture. Experts recommend using acrylic paints for painting wooden surfaces. For varnished furniture, you can use automotive paints in cans.

As you can see, all elements of wooden furniture that have not lost their strength and functionality can be updated using various technologies. Thus, restoration can be carried out during repair work and every time the old cabinet will look more impressive and better than the previous one. In addition, it will fit well into the existing interior.


See how to restore an old one wooden chair using decoupage technique:

The new is the long forgotten old. And this is not surprising, since a new thing does not necessarily have to be purchased. You can give something old the new kind, having restored it, and this thing will look completely different. This can be applied to old furniture. People often chase after new products, designer models, but they stop appreciating and noticing the true beauty of old furniture. Most people simply throw away old furniture in order to buy something new. But is this rational? It's no secret that old furniture differs in quality from new furniture. Such products were often made from solid wood and environmentally friendly materials were selected. Moreover, they are very reliable and strong. Therefore, it is worth thinking about not buying new furniture, but bringing life back to the old one. Anyone can do this - both a beginner and an experienced person. Let's look at how to restore old furniture with your own hands .

Before you begin, you should decide how you will restore the furniture. There are several methods for this purpose, some of which we will consider throughout the article. In order to restore wooden or chipboard surfaces, the following methods are used:

  • decoupage;
  • adhesive tape;
  • painting with paints;
  • craquelure;
  • varnish and stain treatment;
  • lamination or veneering.

You can use one or more techniques in your work. It all depends on skills and desire. For example, craquelure goes well with decoupage, and they can be complemented with painting.

Let's look at what each technology is:

  1. Decoupage is the process of gluing appliques onto furniture. To mask furniture defects that arose during operation, this method is often used. To work, you need napkins with a pattern, which you can buy in the store, glue and varnish. A design is cut out of a napkin, secured with PVA glue, and after drying it is coated with varnish.
  2. Adhesive tape. Everything is simple here - this tape with different textures and patterns is used to cover the surface of the furniture. Thus, old furniture finds new life.
  3. Painting with paints. This technology requires artistic skills and imagination. The work requires paints and brushes. The finished drawing is opened with varnish.
  4. Craquelure. This is a special technique for which a special composition is used. You can buy it in the store. After applying this composition to the surface, it dries, imitating the texture of old cracked wood.
  5. Treatment with varnish and stain. It's no secret that stain is ideal for coloring wood. With its help you can restore the color of old furniture. All you need is paint, a brush and varnish.
  6. Lamination or veneering. A method that requires veneer, iron and special glue. The entire surface is covered with glue in two layers. After that, veneer is applied to it, which is ironed through the paper with an iron. You need to iron from the center to the edges.

Such a restoration will give you the opportunity to realize Creative skills and fantasy. No special skills are required, and you will be in a good mood.

Before starting work, you should prepare the furniture for restoration work. There is no need to rush in this matter. All details, parts and surfaces should be prepared very delicately. First, you need to clean them with a sponge previously soaked in a soap solution. Treat all surfaces and joints. The water should be warm, but not hot. It is better to use vegetable soap, without the presence of active chemicals.

If the product is decorated with decorative elements, be it carvings or fittings, use a toothbrush and the same soap solution for cleaning. And to get dirt out of hard-to-reach places, an awl or a regular toothpick will do.

For the most stubborn plaque, buy sandpaper - zero grade. Use it to remove dirt, carefully, without pressing on the surface. After such manipulations, everything is ready for restoration work.

After the cleaning work is completed, you can begin repairing and replacing parts. Finding exactly the same legs or fittings will be problematic, but still possible. Contact a specialized furniture store or simply look for it on the market. If you couldn’t find something suitable there, you can make the part yourself. If it's a broken leg, door or other element, just do it yourself. Fittings and other accessories can be replaced with others. The entire structure should be checked for strength and, if the bolts are loose somewhere, tighten them. Corroded ones should be replaced with new ones. If there are cracks, they need to be joined with special glue, and cracks with wood putty.

If the old layer of finish is in very poor condition, or you are simply planning to replace it, then it should be removed. This can be done using chemical solvents and sandpaper.

When working with aggressive chemicals, use protective equipment respiratory tract– a respirator is suitable for this purpose.

This process can be called the dirtiest and most painstaking, but the result is worth it. When using a spatula and sandpaper, be especially careful so that your efforts do not come to naught. Thus, your rare furniture is prepared, and further actions will depend on your choice of restoration technology.

Let's look at some options for working on specific example. Almost everyone at home has an old grandma's sideboard. This is an integral part of old apartments. But after restoration, it can become the main element of your home.

The simplest and at the same time beautiful way is painting and varnishing. You can use both stain and another regular paint. It is important to choose a color that fits into the interior. Designers advise using bright, contrasting colors that fit well and do not differ from the overall interior.

Since the surface has been cleaned and all defects have been removed, you can immediately begin painting. Make sure to have brushes of varying widths. A roller will also come in handy, then you will be able to properly cover the entire surface and paint even hard-to-reach places. The process itself is simple: apply paint to the surface with a brush or roller. Make sure there are no leaks or bubbles. After finishing work, be sure to open all windows and doors so that the paint can ventilate and dry faster. That's all, you can enjoy your updated sideboard that will serve you for many years. Whether to open it with varnish or not is entirely your decision.

The next option for making old furniture look noble is patination. The word itself comes from Italy and indicates a specific coating that formed on products made of bronze and copper after its oxidation. Nowadays there are several colors used for the worn effect of wooden furniture: gold, silver, copper.

To achieve this antique look, you need to buy ordinary wood paints: two different colors, which you have in mind for the palette. One shade will be the base shade, and the other will be an additional, shiny shade. Further, the work is divided into three stages:

  1. Cleaning the surface of old finishes, grease and dirt.
  2. Apply a base coat of paint to the surface until completely dry.
  3. Applying a second layer, an auxiliary one, which will imitate wear and tear. This stage is the most creative and requires attention. Using a dry brush, carefully apply the second paint to individual areas of the furniture. You shouldn’t dip it into the paint too much so that the base paint sticks out through the painted layer. Then a textured paint layer will be created on the surface. Pay special attention to relief formations, bends and depressions. Excess paint can be removed with a simple sponge. Some areas can be shaded.

After that, we let the paint dry, and our furniture turned into an “updated” rarity.

The following technique is perfect for restoring old furniture - craquelure. The roots of this word come from France. The word itself means “crack” and refers to a cracked top layer of paint or varnish on an object. This style is very popular and will give your interior the spirit of a certain aristocracy.

Despite all the complexity of the above, achieving the crack effect is easier than you thought. First, you need to apply the first layer of acrylic paint of the desired color to the cleaned surface. After waiting for the paint to dry completely, apply a special craquelure varnish or regular PVA glue. The product must be applied quickly and evenly. The thicker the layer, the larger the cracks will be. Without waiting for complete drying, cover everything with a second layer of paint (the shade may be different). After this, the necessary cracks that we have been waiting for will form on the surface.

Decoupage and DIY drawings

Decoupage is a French word meaning "to cut out." The technique itself is that cut paper napkins are glued to furniture. You can buy such applications in the store, and what’s most important is that there are a lot of varieties and types of them. You can choose the designs that you like and will be in harmony with your interior. Apply a layer of PVA glue to the workpiece and secure it in the desired area. You can choose large patterns and small ones. It all depends on your imagination. The resulting result must be opened with varnish.

If you don’t want to use ready-made ideas, paint and brushes will help you realize your fantasies. You yourself can decorate your furniture the way you see it. You can also involve other family members, for example, children, who will also contribute to the overall design.

An inexpensive and simple way to restore a product is to stick a film on the facade. With the help of such a film, your furniture can become modern and look like new.

The color and texture of this material is very diverse. The choice is yours. All you need is to buy a self-adhesive film and stick it on a cleaned base. The main thing is to correctly calculate the required amount. The advantage of this type of restoration is that the coating will last a long time, will not fade, and the surface itself can be washed with water.

This update applies not only to your old sideboards, but also to old sofas, armchairs and other kitchen furniture. These are not all the options for updating old pieces of furniture, but they will help you do it yourself without much effort.


In these videos, you can see how to restore old furniture with your own hands:


Below you can see examples of restoring old furniture with your own hands: