Where is Boguchany located? Boguchany. Chronology of historical events in the area

  • It is located in the northeast of the Krasnoyarsk Territory along the Angara River and borders several regions of the region: in the north with the Evenki Autonomous Okrug, in the northeast with Kezhemsky, in the south with Abansky, and in the southeast with the Irkutsk region
  • The area of ​​the district is 53.98 thousand km2 and extends from south to north for 280 km.
  • The administrative-territorial division of the district is represented by 29 settlements.
  • The administrative center of the Boguchany district is the village of Boguchany, the population of the village is 11,177 people. (as of 01/01/2017)
  • The population of the district is 45,373 people (as of 01/01/2017)
  • At the beginning of the 17th century, Evens and Evenks, nomadic tribes, lived in the region.
  • The area is interesting geologically. There are deposits of natural gas, iron ores, non-ferrous and rare metals, coal, and non-metallic minerals.
  • Unlike the neighboring territories of the Lower Angara region, the Boguchansky district has a more noticeably developed transport network, with year-round roads operating.
  • Boguchansky district is equal to the conditions of the Far North.
  • The entire territory of the region is located within the Central Siberian Plateau. Low-mountain landscapes predominate.
  • Initially, climatic conditions unfavorable for agriculture determined the employment of the local population in fur farming and fishing. By the end of the 19th century, an agricultural, cattle-breeding and commercial type of economy was established in the Boguchansky volost.
  • By the end of 1933, almost the entire region was collectivized.
  • In 1933, the first Boguchansky timber industry enterprise in the region was opened and the timber industry began to develop.
  • In the post-war period, the area was classified as industrial.
  • The indigenous population of the region consisted of the descendants of the founders of the Smolin, Rukosuev, Bryukhanov, Bezrukikh, Sosedov, Loginov, Mutovin, Kaverzin, Tolstoy clans.
  • Today, the Boguchansky district is one of the most promising areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Siberia.
  • History of the area

    Development of land in the region

    Before the arrival of the Russians, the Evenki (Tungus) tribes lived in the region, who were tributaries of the Buryat princes. From the second half of the 17th century. The princes of the Tuba and Yenisei Kyrgyz began to lay claim to dominance over the Evenks. Russian servicemen and fishermen, acting simultaneously from the Yenisei, Rybinsk, and Boguchansky, Ilimsky and Bratsk forts, relatively quickly brought the ulus people under the “hand of the white king”, having explained them. The tribute, which every adult hunter had to pay, amounted to 10 sables to the treasury and 1 “memorial gift” to the local authorities.

    According to the yasak reform of M. M. Speransky, the Evenks entered the category of “wandering foreigners” and were controlled by clan foremen. According to the X revision of 1859, tribute bearers of the 1st and 3rd Kurkugir clan roamed along the river. Bedobe and Irkineeva. They gathered annually in the spring in dd. Bedobskaya and Kamenskaya held suglans - social and administrative meetings, where tribute was paid, already in money, elders of clan administrations were elected, disputes and conflicts were resolved in courts - “in verbal reprisals”. The elders, who were approved by the governor himself, formally had full power over the relatives, but did not conduct written records and had to be guided by old customs. Such broad self-government provided opportunities for the progressive development of the foreign population. The clan nobility was gradually drawn into new socio-economic relations and joined the ranks of the local emerging bourgeoisie.

    Russian fishermen appeared here in the 20s. XVII century They were attracted by rich fur trades, as well as the possibility of moving along the Angara east to Lake Baikal and further to the Pacific Ocean. In the 30s XVII century single huts and yasak winter huts appeared, outlining the main network of Russian settlements in the 18th-19th centuries. In the first decades of the 18th century, when the threat of nomad raids had passed, part of the Russian population moved south, and settlers from the old Yenisei settlements began to arrive on their lands. The overall scale of Russian settlement was insignificant, only a few hundred people. A serious obstacle was the policy of the central government, which prohibited the occupation of lands of yasak people for the purpose of “non-milking,” i.e., complete collection of yasak furs. By the end of the 17th century, when the fur trade was severely undermined by the overfishing of sable, local authorities even began to encourage the Russians to cross and transfer them to settlements located along the waterways, since the increase in cargo traffic along the Angara required workers to service ships. New settlers from peasants, exiles and even fugitives were given assistance of up to 24 rubles, loans and benefits. There were quite a lot of people from Yeniseisk who belonged to the townsman class (from 1775 - burghers) and merchants. At the end of the 18th century. Almost every tradesman who lived in the region had a surname that was common among the residents of Yeniseisk.

    In the list of settlements of the Yenisei district for 1735, given by the historian G.F. Miller, in the territory of the region, which was then part of the Taseevsky and Rybinsk forts, there were 7 villages, including dd. Boguchanskaya (in the source Bukuchanskaya), Chadobskaya, Irkineevo, Goltyavinskoye, Murskaya, aka Buzykanova, Prospikhino, Boguchanskaya grain borrowing.

    Dynamics of population distribution

    on tax and church materials

    The administrative-territorial structure of the region has undergone noticeable changes over two centuries. At an early stage, it was part of the Kezhemskaya settlement (from 1710 - a court) of the Yenisei district. As a result of the administrative reform of 1719, the award was transferred to Ilimsky, and in 1775 - to the Kirensky district of the Irkutsk province (since 1764 - a province). In 1783, these lands were again returned to the Yenisei district, which became part of the Tobolsk province, and divided into Chadobskaya, Motyginskaya and Petropavlovskaya volosts. The latter, in 1822, consisting of 7 villages (Vydrinskaya, Takhtamanskaya, Balturinskaya, also known as Vydrinskaya, Kondratyeva, Maleeva and Yarkovskaya) went to the Irkutsk province. In addition, after the revision of 1723, 7 villages were transferred from Chadobskaya volost to Kezhemskaya, in which economic (former monastic) peasants lived, who were subordinate to the Kashinoshiversky monastery. These were dd. Kashinoshiverskaya patrimony, Sosnovaya, Ryzhkova, Pashennaya (aka Ostrovnaya), Prospikhina, Kudinskaya and Syromolotova, in which, according to the 5th revision, there were 314 people, including 135 rev. souls of peasants. As a result of the consolidation of the volosts under the administrative reform of Paul I, the named volosts were united and on their basis the Boguchansky volost was created, which, together with the Kezhemskaya, became part of the Boguchany Commissariat. Almost the entire Middle and Lower Angara region was under his jurisdiction. With the formation of the Yenisei province, the volosts were redrawn again: the territory of the Boguchansky district mainly remained in the same Boguchansky volost, partially covering the territories of the modern Abansky, Kezhemsky and Motyginsky districts. With the development of gold mining, the volost administration was moved from Boguchany to the old-timer village. Pinchugskoye, located at the intersection of the paths that led to the mines, and the volost began to be called Pinchugskaya.

    In the economic life of the population of the volost, occupations related to the maintenance of the Troitsk salt plant played a large role. Until 1783, Boguchan residents were involved in servicing the Moscow-Siberian highway.

    The most striking event in the public life of the Boguchan residents was the preparation for the work of the Legislative Commission, convened by Catherine II in 1767 to draw up a new Code of Laws. The peasants of the volost submitted their orders, in which they complained about the burden of maintaining the highway and other roads, transporting government cargo, especially through the Angarsk rapids, and the arbitrariness of the local administration - the managers of the courts.

    In the second half of the 19th century. There were no significant changes in the administrative boundaries of the volost. It was located along the Angara River and belonged to old-income areas. The banks of the Angara remained the most populated. Here, by the end of the 19th century. there were 50 settlements, of which 5 villages and 45 hamlets. The largest of them were the villages of Boguchanskoye (54 households, 378 souls), Chervyanskoye (101 households, 605 souls); villages of Zaledeev (52 households, 409 souls); Irkineeva (79 households, 479 souls); Kamenskaya (106 households, 568 souls). In the volost center of Pingugsky there were 68 households, in which 210 people lived. In total, 5871 people lived in the volost in 1890. The main contingent of the population were old-timers, descendants of the pioneers of the 17th century. The share of the exiled element in the volost was extremely small, amounting to only 1.6%. The Yenisei Tungus roamed the Angara and Podkamennaya Tunguska basins. At the beginning of the 20th century. their number did not exceed 400 people. They conducted barter trade with Russian farmers.
    Settlers from European Russia began to populate the lands of the volost only during the years of the Stolypin reform, when the reserve of free lands in the southern regions of the province had already been exhausted. In 1909, 15 resettlement areas were formed in the volost, including Zimovye on Khai, Kamenno-Bukhara, Verkhne-Bukhara, Kuvalun, Shkilev, Khozho, Gorny Khozhokon, Arnagda, Vershino-Tigansky, etc. Population of the volost at the beginning of the First World War war increased to 9,184 people.

    In the economy of the Angara peasants, agriculture did not play a leading role, since even winter rye crops sometimes did not have time to ripen due to early cold weather. Therefore, hunting and fishing were necessary support. Fishing took place in the fall, peasants organized themselves into artels, and all the fish caught by the public net was divided equally. According to contemporaries, one boat produced up to 30 pounds of red fish per day. Some of the fish was used for home harvesting, and some was for sale. Mainly valuable species predominated: sturgeon, sterlet, taimen, burbot, the liver of which was used as a remedy for scurvy. There was always a lot of game meat on the Angara table: hazel grouse, wood grouse, black grouse, elk. The hunting season began in the fall. The hunting grounds of the Boguchans extended for hundreds of kilometers. Fur-bearing animals were sable, squirrel, gules, and wolverine. In a good season, a hunter could catch up to 200 or more squirrels; sable was a rarer catch. It was considered lucky to catch one or two sables per season.

    Crafts such as charcoal burning, tar smoking, tar distillation, leather dressing, weaving, fur making, and felting were widely developed. An additional source of income for local peasants was the delivery of food to gold mines. The settlers, who especially needed money, went to work in the mines themselves.

    Almost complete isolation from the Russian population, a semi-agricultural, semi-animal farming type of economy, and the underdevelopment of cultural and educational institutions led to the fact that the economic and social life of the Angara residents, according to a well-known researcher of the Siberian peasantry of the early 20th century. A. A. Makarenko, “ossified in the primary forms of backward agricultural culture.” “Their morals and customs are surprisingly archaic; their spiritual life lingered at a comparatively low stage of development and was full of superstitious prejudices,” he wrote. At the same time, Makarenko could not help but pay tribute to the Angara residents for their “amazing endurance and perseverance in the struggle for their own existence in the ruined Angarsk region; for extraordinary patience in the work of planting an agricultural culture there and maintaining courage in the dangers associated with the animal industry in the taiga wilderness and with fishing in the stormy rapids and rifts of the Angara.”

    Starting from the second half of the 19th century, the Angara region became a place where the tsarist government sent active figures of the revolutionary movement. In the 1860s. Participants of the uprising in Poland in 1863-1864 were sent here, in the 1870-1880s. populists. But political exile became truly widespread after the First Russian Revolution. In the Pinchug volost there was a large colony of political exiles who created an alliance for mutual assistance and joint struggle against the punitive policies of the authorities. District branches of the union operated in Pinguga, Boguchany, and Rybny. The highest governing body was the congress of the union, convened twice a year. Among the members of the union were the exiles of the Pinchug volost G. K. Ordzhonikidze, O. A. Pyatnitsky, G. Kh. Eikhe, P. A. Japaridze, V. L. Schanzer, E. Kh. Rumba, A. G. Perenson and others To improve the financial situation of the exiles, consumer societies were created in Boguchany, Pinchug, and Kamenka. The turnover of a consumer shop, for example, in Boguchany reached 20 thousand rubles. This undermined the monopoly of local merchants, who traded at inflated prices. Local peasants gradually began to participate in consumer cooperation, calling consumer cooperation “Terebilovka.”

    The exiles organized a university where courses on philosophy and the history of political thought were taught. His classes were attended by local school teachers, a doctor and paramedics. After the overthrow of the autocracy and the political amnesty, most of the political exiles left the volost.

    The fateful events of 1917 did not bring any special changes to the life of the indigenous Angara residents. Even the outbreak of the Civil War and the partisan movement that unfolded in the neighboring Taseevskaya volost did not affect the residents of Boguchany. Peasant self-government was established in the volost, headed by the volost foreman Molchanov. The echoes of the Civil War reached the Boguchan residents only at the end of 1919 - beginning of 1920, when the flight of the White Army began, the remnants of which made their way to Irkutsk along the Angara. To counteract the looting of the retreating Kolchakites, the peasants created a fighting squad.

    After the Civil War, the anarchy that had lasted for Angara residents since 1917 ended. The establishment of the surplus appropriation system, although it infringed on the economic interests of the peasants, did not last long and did not have any significant social consequences. Already in the early 1920s. The first TOZs and communes appear in the volost. In the village of Chunoyar, the “Death to Capital” commune arose, consisting of 11 families. However, most of those that emerged in the 1920s. communes, as a rule, were not viable, since they united weakly powerful poor peasant farms. The situation changed at the end of the 1920s, when mass collectivization began and collective farms began to emerge.
    By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were more than 20 collective farms in the region.

    History of the collective farm named after. Lenin (village Boguchany).
    In April 1928, several poor households united to jointly farm. Nikolai Alekseevich Smolin was elected chairman. The cooperative provided them with cars. In the same year, another agricultural artel arose, in which the middle peasants united. Mikhail Dmitrievich Mutovin became the chairman.

    In 1929, over 60% of the residents of the village of Boguchany joined collective farms. In January 1930, both collective farms merged into a commune, and in August of the same year the commune was liquidated and an agricultural artel was formed, which received its name. Lenin. Mikhail Dmitrievich Mutovin became the chairman. The artel united 57 personal farms and included 90 able-bodied people. There were 106 horses, 122 cows, there were chickens, sheep, and rabbits. There were few agricultural implements: two horse-drawn reapers, a winnowing machine, and several plows. There were no tractors until 1937. All work was carried out manually, they worked from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. The collective farm had its own nursery.
    In 1937, the first tractor column (23 tractors) arrived from Kansk via Aban.

    On the collective farm in the 1930s, waste fishing was introduced into practice. Every autumn, male collective farmers went into the taiga to hunt. We returned only in December. The harvested furs were handed over to Vostsibpushnina, an organization that procures furs. After returning from the taiga, the men began preparing for spring sowing.

    In the 1950s, the sown area of ​​the collective farm was 604 hectares. The collective farm had two five-body plows, one four and one three-body plow, two mobile grain dryers, five tractors, four combines, and two cars.
    A lot of strength and energy of the collective farmers was invested in the farm before the collective farm firmly stood on its feet and became one of the leading ones.
    State policy in the 1990s led to the collapse of agriculture: state and collective farms began to be liquidated and a transition to the farm method of farming began.

    Chronology of historical events in the area

    - IN 1905 — 1917 years, revolutionaries served exile in the area: G.K. Ordzhonikidze, A.G. Perenson, S. Petryakovsky, P.A. Japaridze, O.Ya. Pyatnitsky and others.
    -July 4, 1927 The Boguchansky district was formed, which from 1930 to 1934 was part of the East Siberian Territory.
    - 1929. — an agricultural artel was organized in the village of Boguchany, in the future a collective farm named after. V.I.Lenin
    - By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were more than 20 collective farms in the region
    - 1933- Boguchansky timber industry enterprise was created
    - 1934- the newspaper “Angarsk Collective Farmer” (later “Angarskaya Pravda”) began to be published
    - 1935.- in the village Boguchany power plant commissioned
    - 1936- passenger air transportation began
    - 1937. — the regional MTS (machine and tractor station) was opened
    - 1937— the first tractor column to Boguchany came from Kansk. There were 23 vehicles: eight tracked - ChTZ and fifteen wheeled - KhTZ
    - 1939- the first graduation of students from Boguchany Secondary School took place
    -1939— the first building of the district hospital was built
    - 1957 g. - the region from an agricultural one receives the status of an industrial one and the first title of Hero of Socialist Labor was received by Stepan Sergeevich Mutovin, a mechanic at the Boguchansky timber industry enterprise.
    - 1964- construction of the Reshoty-Boguchany railway is being completed
    - 1965
    . - a new power plant with a capacity of 430 kilowatts is being built in the regional center
    - 1966- in Boguchany, construction began on the building of the district House of Culture with an auditorium for 200 seats (now the Central District Library)
    - 1976 - on the opening day of the XXV Congress of the CPSU, central television began broadcasting.
    - 1980- TRC "Spektr" begins broadcasting
    - 1985— the state power transmission line (PTL) came to Boguchany.
    - 1996- email appeared in the area
    - 2001- work traffic on the Aban - Boguchany highway opened
    - 2002— the Internet appeared.
    -2003— an adapted physical education department has been opened at the Boguchany children’s and youth physical training club.
    - 2006- secondary school No. 20 in the village of Taezhny was put into operation
    - 2007- the local history museum was put into operation. D.M.Andona
    - 2007- start of construction of the Boguchansky aluminum smelter
    -2008- Karabul coal mine began work - the first industrial development of a mineral deposit (Gavrilskoye deposit)
    - 2008. — Kirill Gotovtsev became the absolute champion of Russia in freestyle wrestling
    - 2008— Boguchansky LPK began work
    - 2008— the beginning of the construction of houses within the framework of the regional target program "Resettlement of citizens from dilapidated and dilapidated housing"
    - 2008- the initial stage of construction of a bridge across the Angara, Transmost LLC
    - 2008— the beginning of construction of the Orthodox Church of Peter and Paul (executor LLC Sibirskaya Usadba)
    - 2008— start of work in our area by the exploration company Vostokneftgazstroy LLC (Abakan site - western part of the village of Boguchany)
    - 2009— the title of “People’s Hero of the United Krasnoyarsk Territory” was awarded to Gennady Ivanovich Rukosuev, director of the Krasnogoryevsk LZU, Nikolay Stepanovich Kozlov, head of the technical operation unit of Siberia Telecom OJSC, Tamara Ivanovna Evtushenko, chairman of the veterans council of the village of Khrebtovy.
    - 2009. — a digital telephone exchange has been launched in Angarsky, which provides not only long-distance, but also international communication. Today, digital PBXs are installed in all settlements of the region, which are serviced by the communications operator "Yenisei-Telecom"
    - 2009- awarded the badge "Mother's Glory" Margarita Aleksandrovna Baykina (Angarsky village), Anna Alekseevna Manushkina (Manzya village), Irina Evgenievna Shevchenko (Pinchuga village), Olga Yakovlevna Gulina (Chunoyar village)
    - 2009- “Rosneft-class” was opened on the basis of Boguchany secondary school No. 2
    - 2010- grand opening of the "Care" hotel at the social service center for the elderly and disabled. Project of the local branch of the WFP "United Russia"
    - 2010— in May, the construction of the Church of God in the village of Pinchuga began, the largest project of local and Boguchansky “United Russia” members, which is being implemented through voluntary donations
    - 2010— in June the first inter-district conference “Lower Angara Region: tasks, problems, prospects” took place in Boguchany
    - 2011— On November 10, a solemn ceremony took place to mark the opening of the largest bridge crossing across the Angara River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
    - 2013. — construction of a school began in the village of Pinchuga in January
    - 2013- in February a new building of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was opened in the Boguchansky district
    - 2013- in March, the children's exemplary artistic choreographic ensemble "Rainbow" became the winner of the second and third degrees of the international festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Czech Spring 2013", held in the city of Teplice in the Czech Republic
    - 2013. - in July, for the first time, Boguchan musicians defended the honor of the region at the X International Festival of Ethnic Music and Crafts “World of Siberia”
    - 2013- in July, three budgetary institutions of the Tayezhny village: a cultural and sports complex, a village library, and a children's art school won social grants from the RUSAL Territory program. The total amount of grants is 6 million rubles.
    - 2013-On October 10, for great merits and personal contribution to the socio-economic development of the Boguchansky district and in connection with the 50th anniversary, the head of our district, Alexander Vadimovich Bakhtin, was awarded the insignia of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “For Labor Merit”
    - 2013— November 9, the cultural and educational route “Yenisei Express” under the slogan “United region - creating something new, preserving the best!” visited our area.
    - 2013- On December 17, the first joint of pipes of the Kuyumba-Taishet oil pipeline was welded, the commissioning of which is scheduled for the end of 2016.
    - 2014- May - a memorial plaque was opened to the Afghan warrior Andrei Tolstykh (BSS No. 1) and an obelisk dedicated to the Afghan soldiers was opened. on the territory of secondary school No. 3.
    - 2014 June - the first regional sports competition for people with disabilities took place at the Angara stadium.
    -2014. -September 1 - a new modern school was inaugurated in the village of Pinchuga.
    - 2014- September 12 - the opening of the Square of Military Glory took place.
    - 2014- September - the launch of the 1st stage of the forestry complex took place within the framework of the priority investment project in the field of forest development "Boguchany. Timber industry complex. Sawmill production"
    -2014 December 1 - a memorial sign was unveiled on the building of the Boguchany Museum of Local Lore in memory of local historian Daniil Markovich Andon
    - 2014 On December 7, an award ceremony took place for residents of the district who work or have worked in various fields of activity, who have made a great contribution to the development of the region and the region - the Head of the district, A.V. Bakhtin, presented them with well-deserved awards - anniversary honorary badges of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
    - 2014 On December 12, memorial signs were unveiled on the new building of a secondary school in the village of Pinchuga in memory of the wonderful teachers Veniamin Nikiforovich Kuznetsov and Alexey Nikolaevich Mazenkov.
    - 2015 On September 12, the Church of St. George the Victorious was solemnly opened in the village of Pinchuga
    - 2016 On April 26, in memory of the tragic events of 30 years ago, a memorial sign was unveiled on the Square of Memory and Glory in the village of Boguchany in memory of the victims of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which operated on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR.
    - 2016. On May 28, a monument to border guards was unveiled in the village of Oktyabrsky.
    -2016 On November 25, the honorary badge “Maternal Glory” was awarded to residents of the Boguchany district: Antonina Vladimirovna Vorobyova (village of Pinchuga, raising 8 children) and Zoya Nikolaevna Dushkina (village of Boguchany, raising 7 children).

    village Boguchany. Historical reference

    The village of Boguchany is the administrative center of the Boguchansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, located on the left bank of the Angara River, 320 km. from its confluence with the Yenisei, 588 km. from the city of Krasnoyarsk.
    Boguchanskaya village has been known since 1630 as the village of Boguchanskaya on the Ob-Yenisei - Angara - Lena waterway. Translated from Evenki, Boguchany (“bukachan”) means “hillock”, “hill”, “island”. Like a significant part of the other settlements near the Angara region, Boguchany arose from an outgoing settlement. The bulk of the population came from the Pomeranian regions of European Russia.
    Since 1735, Boguchany has become the center of an independent court, and since 1885. - a volost village, and since 1927. - regional center. The year of foundation of the village is considered to be 1642.
    Economically, the village was closely connected with the city of Yeniseisk. This is evidenced by the fact that “the Yenisei merchant P. Loginov took part in the financing of the construction of the stone Peter and Paul Church, which ended in 1791.” Initially, climatic conditions unfavorable for agriculture determined the employment of the local population in fur farming and fishing. But agricultural and gardening activities are gradually expanding. And by the end of the 19th century, an agricultural, cattle-breeding and fishing type of economy was established in the village of Boguchany. The most common crops were winter and spring rye, wheat, barley, and less common peas and millet. The population fully provided itself with grain reserves. And besides, at the end of the 19th century, residents of the volost exported up to 4 thousand pounds of valuable fish to the cities of Kansk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk.

    • In 1864, in the village of Boguchansky there was one street, 29 courtyards with a population of 193 people, a church, a school, and a state reserve store.
    • 1897 Boguchany village - 380 inhabitants: 182 men, 192 women, church, school, public drinking establishment
    • In 1911 - three streets, 58 courtyards, 409 residents, a church, a one-class school, a library, a local hospital with three doctors, a post office, a savings bank, a credit partnership, a bread store, a state-owned wine shop.
    • In 1916 there were 70 households with a population. 426 people. The average land area was 239.9 acres per yard.
    • In 1924-25 Boguchany was part of the Priangarsky district of Kansk district from May 25, 1925. - to the Kansky district.
    • In 1926, the village of Boguchany was located on the picturesque bank of the Angara, starting from the Podemnoy stream to the building now located at st. Beregovaya, 8.
    • 1930—159 farms, 693 inhabitants
    • 1959—population 3,350
    • 1969—population 5,085

    Coat of arms of Boguchansky village council, entered into the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 10099 . The heraldic description of the coat of arms of the Boguchansky village council reads: “In a green field, with a narrow azure head burdened with a golden ax and hoe folded crosswise and separated from the main field by a silver spruce-like border jagged on both sides - a golden sable is on alert.”
    The coat of arms reflects the historical, cultural and economic characteristics of the rural settlement. The green field of the coat of arms symbolizes fertility, life, health, covered with taiga evergreen forests of the Lower Angara region.
    The image of an azure (blue, blue) fir-like head bordered with silver (white) allegorically points to the main water artery of the Boguchansky village council - the Angara River. The spruce-like division symbolizes the settlement's rich coniferous forests and reflects the unique surrounding nature. Coniferous evergreen trees are a symbol of strength, perseverance, and eternal life.
    Silver is a symbol of wisdom, perfection, purity.
    Silver (white color) also allegorically points to a promising industry - the aluminum industry.
    The sable symbolizes the rich fauna of the settlement's forests - a storehouse of natural treasures.
    The image of an ax symbolizes the forestry industry, and the hoe symbolizes the agriculture of the settlement.
    Gold (yellow) is a symbol of greatness, wealth and prosperity, strength
    Author of the coat of arms, image and rationale for symbolism: Vladimir Nagaevsky (Tikhoretsk)

    The key sector of the region's economy at the present stage is the timber industry complex. The Boguchansky district occupies a leading position in providing wood raw materials to processing enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and is a leader in logging production in the Lower Angara region. Boguchany residents supply the famous Angara pine to the market.

    Agricultural production in the Boguchansky district does not occupy a leading position in the economy. Agricultural products are not exported outside the region, and agriculture is mainly carried out by the population of the region.

    In the 1980s Large gas and oil fields were discovered in the Angara region. Not far from Boguchany, natural gas was found at the Imbinskaya and Ilbonichesky sites. A large Agaleevskoye gas field of industrial importance with reserves of 30.5 cubic meters of gas was discovered on the border of the Kezhemsky and Boguchansky districts. The process of developing the Yurubcheno-Tokhomsk group of oil and gas fields has begun. In 2013, construction of the Kuyumba - Taishet oil pipeline began: its length will be 700 km, the pipeline will connect new fields in the region with the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean highway.

    In 2006, the implementation of a project for the integrated development of the Lower Angara region began in the region, which includes the construction of roads, housing, social facilities, and large enterprises. The future of the region is aimed at industrialization and the construction of industrial enterprises. Today, housing and social facilities are being actively built in the area.

    In 2009, construction of the Karabula-Yarki railway line and substations to receive energy from the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric station began in the area. In 2011, a new bridge across the Angara was opened to traffic. On October 15, 2012, the first hydraulic units of the Boguchanskaya HPP were put into commercial operation. In 2014, the Boguchansky aluminum smelter will produce its first aluminum.

    The length of highways in the region is 1,095.71 km. In recent years, bridges have been built across the Melnichnaya, Imbala, Mura, Chuna, Icha rivers, and two bridges across the Karabula River. Branches of banks, Russian Post, and telecom operators operate in most settlements in the region.

    Social infrastructure is well developed in the Boguchansky district. The education system of the Boguchansky district includes 31 kindergartens, 23 secondary schools, one basic school, two primary schools, and one evening school. In addition, schoolchildren can study at the center for additional education for children, at the children's and youth physical training club, and at six children's art schools.

    The healthcare network includes the Boguchany Central District Hospital and the Chunoyarsk District Hospital, which include various outpatient services and paramedic and obstetric centers.

    Sports can be practiced in 85 gyms and complexes. In the Boguchansky district, sports such as football, bandy (rink bandy), volleyball, basketball, rounders, chess, gorodki, freestyle wrestling, and powerlifting are especially popular among residents of the region.

    There are 28 clubs, a local history museum, six folk amateur groups, and four children's exemplary art ensembles in the area. The Boguchany inter-settlement central regional library is considered the main methodological center, which includes 25 rural libraries.

    More than five thousand tourists visit the local history museum and its main pride - the cultural monument in the village of Goltyavino, a real Angara house, in which entire generations of Russian old-timers have lived for more than 200 years. It was built from round larch without a single nail, inside there is an ancient adobe oven, flooring and many icons, some of which were painted in Boguchany.

    On the right bank of the Angara, 5 km upstream from the village of Manzya, an arch on a rock marks the entrance to a small cave where you can admire stalactites and salt deposits.

    In the village of Taezhny, which is next to the Karabula station, there is a small copy of the Moscow Kremlin. Nikolai Pashnev built it in the courtyard of his own house for almost 20 years according to his own drawings. The Spasskaya and Borovitskaya towers have been recreated down to the smallest detail, and on the roof of the summer kitchen is the bell tower of Ivan the Great. Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Yaroslavl Cathedral - on the barn.

    Sergei Kulakov, a deputy of the Boguchany Village Council, contacted the editor. He was outraged by the words of the head of the district that residents live comfortably - in good houses, drive expensive cars, and the boat is rocked by a group of populists. He also wanted to tell why deputies Simanovsky and Efimov rushed to defend Bakhtin in the Legislative Assembly.

    “I am that “populist” and I am ready to tell everything as it really is.

    — How long have you lived in Boguchany?

    — Since birth, since 1953.

    —Where exactly do you live? In which village?

    — Boguchany village, district center. And I never left; I have lived in this village since my birth.

    — What have you been doing all your life? How did you become a deputy?

    — I was elected as a deputy to the City Council when Lokutov lost to Alexander Bakhtin in the 2nd round, and he was supposed to be a deputy in the first district, but due to illness, he passed away, and I became a deputy, was a supporter of Lokutov. This is a man who was very competent as a leader. It was possible to take an example from such men, he cared about the region, raised a difficult region at that time, but Efimov and Simanovsky brought Bakhtin to power to replace him.

    — What is the role of Efimov and Simanovsky here?

    — Efimov and Simanovsky came to Boguchany looking for candidates. And so they found a candidate in 2005. When the election campaign was already underway, I remember coming to the Geophysics Palace of Culture with Artur Aleksandrovich, the candidate for head Bakhtin was standing, he was accompanied by Simanovsky, and Kurovsky was the chief of police.

    I ask: “Who are you?”

    “I am a deputy of the Legislative Assembly in charge of the Boguchansky district from the United Russia party.

    When they came, they promised housing and communal services tariffs according to the law, the development of small businesses, and a comfortable life in the area. What we see today: small businesses are not developing, housing and communal services tariffs are the highest in our country out of all the regions equated to the Far North.

    — How much do people pay?

    — Conventionally, I pay for 60 sq. m. m. 8300 rub. for heat and cold water supply.

    — What is the condition of the infrastructure, roads and everything else?

    — The roads are in disgusting condition.

    - Wait. Bakhtin, at a committee meeting with Alexei Kleshko, said that 2/3 of the roads in the area are asphalted, and whoever says that the roads have not been repaired has never been to Boguchany at all, so he addressed deputy Serebryakov. Almost everywhere there is asphalt, except 80 km. How would you comment on this?

    — We have almost closed the issue of asphalt in the Boguchan area; there are 2 pieces left in the Khaya area that are not asphalted. And so it’s completely asphalt to the Boguchan border, then again gravel from Chunoyar to the border of the Abansky district. I’m specifically talking about Boguchany.

    — How many settlements are there in the Boguchansky district? Are there road connections between them like this? Asphalted or gravel, primer?

    — One settlement, Taiga, is on asphalt, you can get there by asphalt to Boguchany. Not a single settlement is paved anymore.

    — Approximately how many settlements are there?

    — Approximately 20-21 settlements.

    — Out of 21 settlements, only one road is paved - to Taiga?

    — Yes, and that’s only check-in and check-out. Why is things poorly done there, because we could get in and out from Kansk-Boguchany. And we drive in and out in the same direction, because the asphalt is one-way.

    - This is enough for people, but is it gravel, a primer in one direction, or does it all become limp in bad weather? How are people coping?

    “The people are very dissatisfied, because take Gremuchy, Shirinsky, Krasnogorensky, they have now built a bridge under the federal program, it has become very convenient for us now, and the ferry is running again. The distance from the bridge to the ferry is 14-15 km. Why does the ferry operate because it is impossible to drive along that road after it rains. And people are forced to travel by ferry, they are happy about it. This, of course, reduces time, but if there was a road, why not go. The bus should also run. There are also problems with water. The Angara either gets shallow, then the ferry goes, then it doesn’t, then it’s foggy. There are also many problems.

    -Money is spent on building roads, on their maintenance, on maintenance.

    — I’ll tell you about Boguchany, since I am a deputy. In Boguchany only 3 years ago we started making rugs. They constantly did pothole repairs, it was enough for 2 months. When there was the 3rd convocation of deputies of the village council, deputies from the communist opposition created “United Russia”, including me, who proposed laying a rug, and this is the result. We completely paved Lenin Street and rolled it into a rug. From the Bakanovsky store to the Lenin monument. Then there are large vehicles, although we decided to limit the weight to 30 tons. But it's no use.

    — Large vehicles are often used for business and production purposes. Boguchansky district is in good standing, one of the industrial centers - investment-attractive, etc. What is the benefit to residents in the social infrastructure and budget of the region from the fact that billions of rubles are spent there annually?

    — I’ll tell you that the exhaust, in particular on the roads. It was done a little near the school, turn Novoselov to Perenson, part of the road, about 200 meters on Stroiteley Street, on Molokanka, there was such a small exhaust. Then they made a new version of the hockey box. There are progress, but they are not significant. With such volumes that today we have the Aluminum Plant, Krasinvest, PLPC, a railway is being built, Transneft. I think we should live much better, happily ever after. Transneft allocated money for the kindergarten, and construction of the kindergarten began in the village of Angarsky. And the kindergarten is being built for 240 places, and Transneft allocates 60 million rubles. for the construction of a landfill and waste disposal. Boguchans are 375 years old, local residents don’t know where to throw garbage, they hoard it near their houses. I believe that this is not a desire. The administration is working in this direction.

    — It was reported at the Kleshko Committee that the Oil Company entered into an agreement for the construction of a kindergarten, and as a result, when the district administration hired people, workers, contractors, and built a kindergarten, Transneft refused to pay, is this true?

    - Yes it's true. 60 million rubles, which were allocated for the landfill, were redistributed to the kindergarten. I personally heard Efimov’s words on TV, “What is more important, a kindergarten or a training ground.” But for some reason 60 million rubles. spent the entire amount on kindergarten. As a result, the garden was completed, the floors bulged, and it seemed like it was basically done.

    - How much did it cost?

    — I don’t know the exact figure, but it’s very expensive. Transneft said that we will not allocate it to you. There is social support for enterprises that have entered into a social program. Now we want to discuss issues in this direction with Simanovsky, what further development will be.

    — Both deputy Serebryakov and Krasnoyarsk politician Anatoly Bykov comment on the situation in Boguchany, how such a successful, investment-attractive area ended up in such a situation as if it was being used as a colony. They earn money for their own sake and the money goes to their businessmen and to Moscow. No serious social obligations. How does this happen? Why is business not socially responsible? Why is it not investing in the territory at all?

    — How will they invest in business if Transneft asked for land to build an industrial base in Boguchany, there is no land. The land is all distributed. In our country, only 16 hectares in the regional center of the village are owned by Bakhtin’s friend Volkov, and Bakhtin’s niece Plekhanova Maria.

    - How did this happen?

    — Since 2008, all the land was acquired by these comrades, Volkov is a friend of Bakhtin. And still the land is not used for its intended purpose, for the construction of a pharmacy, low-rise buildings, etc.

    — They bought at the market price without breaking the law?

    - No, because we wrote to the prosecutor’s office, the prosecutor’s office responded like this: why didn’t you purchase it? It was possible to argue.

    — You probably didn’t even know that the plot was put up for auction.

    — I remember that land surveying was carried out on the site opposite the hospital under construction from the budget.

    — How much were the land plots purchased for?

    “I don’t know, I know that all the land in the center today belongs to either Bakhtin’s friend or relatives, that’s all.” If in the very center 1.2 hectares are sold for a million rubles. This is Bakhtin's ex-wife's plot. And on a field where the land has not been used for its intended purpose for 10 years, 500 thousand rubles. - 15 acres. Land is meant to be bought.

    — How did Bakhtin come to power?

    — Alexander Bakhtin came with his wife to Boguchany, she first worked as a shoemaker, and he worked as an engineer at the trust. I didn’t know him at all, although I am a local resident, we had never met. Then he began to engage in forestry, buy timber, send it. Thus, money began to appear, people began to develop.

    -By what years did he become successful?

    By 2005, very quickly.

    -Who did he sell the timber to?

    I sold timber to anyone in Vladivostok.

    — Did he just buy cheaper and sell more expensive?

    - Yes, mostly. And then he created an association before the elections, gathered all the resellers, deceived half of them. He was in the center, he set certain conditions, if they were not met, then that was it, goodbye. He took advantage of this when he went to the polls and said that he hired almost 1,000 people working for the enterprise.

    — How did his life and fortune change after he came to power?

    When he became head from the 2nd round, the technology used was very dirty and there were unfair elections. From the first days of its work, we created Boguchanzhilkomkhoz Housing and Communal Services LLC. And Sergey Yuryevich Volkov began to own half a billion dollars in property. And since then they have been a monopoly on the market. In the housing and communal services department.

    - In fact, under Bakhtin and under Volkov, all the housing and communal services of Boguchan are?

    Yes. This is heat and water supply.

    - And everything is private? How is Kraskom from Krasnoyarsk?

    — And what speeds are there, decent?

    Yes, they are decent. Hundreds of millions. And the service and quality...

    — What are your impressions, your reaction to Bakhtin’s answer? The fact that there are no hungry people in the region, they live well, investments are attracted, the management of the districts is almost the first in the region according to all ratings, etc.

    — I don’t know by what criteria a district is awarded 1st place, if this is how we live, then I can imagine who lives in 8th-10th place. If we have a program today, and we are the center, then at a minimum we should walk on the asphalt in the center of the village. We only have 2 streets asphalted, Oktyabrskaya and Lenina, but we have many streets.

    — How many inhabitants are there in the village?

    11 thousand population.

    — Bakhtin replied that there are no global problems, but there are populists who “pump up” these topics. Are you one of these populists?

    - I do.

    -Do you have your own team that constantly gives him nightmares?

    - No. He thinks that I am in the opposition, but since I am a resident of the village of Boguchany, I would like the village to look attractive to the same investors. If an investor comes and sees littered fences, will he come here? Clearly not.

    — What is the attitude of most residents towards Bakhchin and the regional authorities?

    — Negative, the residents of the village of Boguchany are dissatisfied with the head, but we see that he is not at work, he is constantly in Krasnoyarsk. He does not lead the area, but rules.

    — If you had the opportunity to contact Alexander Uss, what would you tell about Bakhtin, how would you manage his political fate?

    “I would turn to Alexander Viktorovich Uss and say, on your desk there is an inspection report from the deputy governor, you have an inspection report from the Accounts Chamber, and there are a lot of complaints from fellow villagers of Baguchan, and everything is written out there. There is such an article, interesting arithmetic from 2005, and it turns out that since 2005 it has been written in which enterprises Bakhtin’s children, Efimova’s sister, became founders, and in which enterprises they themselves became founders. With the coming to power, arithmetic began.

    - Nepotism.

    — Yes, or there was the privatization of municipal property. Auction of a bathhouse, made of brick, asking price 500 thousand rubles. If your wooden hut cost at least 800 thousand rubles. and whoever takes it, Bakanov’s friend, was Altemirov’s friend. Altemirov worked as the general director of a management company and had 10% of the authorized capital. For 500 thousand rubles. buys this bathhouse and uses it for its intended purpose for 2-3 years. And then he sells it to Bakhtin’s daughter. The complex is purchased for 500 thousand rubles. They sold only one bathhouse for 4 million rubles. To outsiders.

    — As for Simanovsky and Efimov, do they have any interests in the region, why are they so protective of the head of Bakhtin?

    — There was an election campaign in 2005, who was present there, Martysheva, Simanovsky, Efimov. As a result of their actions, they brought Bakhtin to power and from the very first days they began privatization, and to this day the company belongs to Volkov.

    -Do Simanovsky and Efimov have an interest in Bakhtin remaining in power?

    — Specifically, Brik LLC has 100% of Efimov’s authorized capital, that’s how to understand it. Their business changes every year, their founders change. And when he left for the Legislative Assembly, he was our chairman of the Council.

    Certainly. If we believe his words today when he went to the polls, his relatives and friends are still living comfortably.

    A village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located on the Angara (tributary of the Yenisei). Population 13.4 thousand people. Founded in 1642 by Cossacks. Architectural monuments: the building of the former volost government, the house of the clerk and the volost clerk (XVIII century). Source: Encyclopedia... ...Russian history

    Boguchany 1- 663431, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky...

    Boguchany 2- 663432, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky... Settlements and indexes of Russia

    Boguchany 3- 663433, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky... Settlements and indexes of Russia

    Boguchany 5- 663435, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky... Settlements and indexes of Russia

    Boguchany- Boguchany, a village in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the center of the Boguchansky district, 588 km northeast of Krasnoyarsk. Located on the river. Angara (tributary of the Yenisei), 50 km north of the Karabula (Taiga) railway station. Population 13.4 thousand... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    Boguchany RUPS- 663430, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky district… Settlements and indexes of Russia

    Angara (football club, Boguchany)- This term has other meanings, see Angara. Angara Full name Football ... Wikipedia

    Boguchany RUPS, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky... Settlements and indexes of Russia

    Boguchany 1, Krasnoyarsk, Boguchansky... Settlements and indexes of Russia


    • Bratsk-Boguchany, . The photo album is dedicated to the history of Bratsk. Photographic materials chronicle the events of the construction of the hydroelectric power station. The album also contains photographs of foreign delegations from Fidel Castro to the Queen... Buy for 280 rubles
    • His name was Marat, Svyatoslav Vinogradov. The documentary story is dedicated to the life and work of Virgil Leonovich Shantser, who bore the party nickname Marat. The name of this outstanding revolutionary, the founder of our party, is associated with...

    We went to Boguchany to visit my friend. She lives in something like this house, built in the late 1970s - early 80s, in the western, more modern, part of the village.

    There will be almost no modern buildings in my report; I was interested in seeing what has been preserved here from ancient times.
    But it has been preserved, as I read in the book by Gustav Dmitrievich Shilko “Small Motherland. Essays on the history of the Boguchany region” (Boguchany, 2000). And it was also interesting to compare what was preserved with old photographs from the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore, which I found on the Internet. You will also see these photographs here, and they were taken in 1911.

    So, the most authentic buildings have been preserved in the eastern ("collective farm") part of the village on Oktyabrskaya and Lenin streets. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of houses are strong and of good quality. This is what a larch foundation and walls made of Angara pine mean! To the credit of the Boguchan residents, I note that they take care of their old houses. Where necessary, they correct with fresh wood, fortunately it is in abundance here (for non-Krasnoyarsk residents: Boguchansky district is the capital of the forest industry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory).

    I won’t write much about the history of the village in this post; I will give only small comments on photographs of historical Boguchany buildings. So, the first mention of Boguchany dates back to 1642, when the Russians came here. Previously, these places were inhabited by Tungus tribes (now Evenks). However, the Russians and the Tungus subsequently lived peacefully, and besides, the aborigines taught the newcomers a lot, without which they would hardly have survived in these harsh and rather isolated places.

    The entire village stretches along the Angara; on the other side, the width of the development is limited by pine hills, which I dreamed of getting close to, but never found access to the picturesque outskirts.
    We are walking in the eastern part of the street. Oktyabrskaya. Some houses are nice, with platbands. Very harmonious, in my opinion:

    Somewhere ahead of the Hangar. We will definitely be there!

    Compare and find any differences :)

    Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that this is the current Oktyabrskaya Street:

    And this is the building of the Boguchany Central District Library (district library). I confess, I was too lazy to come in:

    These buildings are from the forties and fifties. Department store:

    The district administration building was then designed and built by exiled civil engineer A.F. Ryabokon:

    Nearby is the village administration:

    Somewhere on the next street is the "Zabota" hotel in the same style:

    For a change, I’ll show you a new building:

    A masterpiece poster from a local history museum hangs nearby on the fence:

    We will see Artak Norekyan’s exhibition in a post about the museum:

    Memorial to participants of the Great Patriotic War. In this place in the 1920s and 30s there was an executive committee building, which later burned down:

    Across the road, in the fence of the school (I don’t know its number) is another monument:

    Construction of a stone church in Boguchany began in 1791 on the site of a dilapidated wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The temple was consecrated in 1795. The church had two altars: the main one in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and in the name of the Holy Wonderworker Nicholas. In the early 1930s, this architectural monument was destroyed. A new school was built from the bricks of the destroyed temple.

    The church is also visible in this old photo:

    A wooden crucifix, banner and icons from the Boguchany Church of Peter and Paul are kept in the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore. In 2000-2004 church relics were restored in the recently burned Grabar Center. I'll give you a fragment articles about them:
    The icons were probably executed in one of the northern Russian icon painting centers. The icon complex was repeatedly renewed; during the restoration, at least 5 layers of records were revealed. The Boguchansky Deesis represents the earliest in Siberia and the most developed (initially out of 19 faces) version of the main order of the Russian high iconostasis, in which the theme of prayer is the most important. In 1892, Bishop Tikhon of Yenisei and Krasnoyarsk, surveying the Angarsk churches, found that there was too much sculpture and carving in their decoration, and ordered “to free the royal doors from decorations inappropriate for the place and the shrine, and the iconostasis itself from some images in its upper pillars.”

    The bishop was guided by synodal recommendations and advocated for church splendor. The Boguchany clergy reconstructed and updated the old iconostases. As a result, a significant number of icons and almost all sculpture were removed from church use, and in 1908-1911, with the consent of the clergy, they were transferred to the Krasnoyarsk museum.


    Fragment of the crucifixion:

    And here is the new Boguchansky Peter and Paul Church, completely new (unfortunately, I don’t know when it was consecrated):

    Across the road from it is the Internal Affairs Directorate building, on the site of which a stone temple once stood. And next to it is a wooden building of the volost government. The house was built from larch in 1885, when the village of Boguchanskoye became a volost. Until recently, the Church of Peter and Paul was located here:

    And this house is listed in guidebooks as the estate of A.M. Kaverzina. Her parents were dispossessed, but in the 1940s. the family built a new estate, typical of the Angara region, with beautiful shutters:

    The building of the regional newspaper is located in the former house of the merchant of the first guild P.V. Tolstykh. The merchant had shops throughout the area, was rich and respected, but with the arrival of the Red Army he voluntarily handed over his property, for which he was probably exiled away from Boguchan. The building has now been extensively rebuilt:

    and the letters on the sign are drunk and strange:

    Nearby there are very old houses and outbuildings. Angarsk houses did not differ in any architectural features. They were all built according to the same scheme. A house made of pine logs usually consisted of two halves - winter and summer, separated by a vestibule. The house was surrounded by flocks, stables, and rain shelters for work in the summer. And of course the barn, which was usually two floors. All buildings were surrounded by a high fence (“zaplot” in Angarsk). To avoid fire, the bathhouse was moved outside the estate - writes G.D. Shilko in his book.

    And we slowly made our way to the local history museum. Here he is, cheerful, peeking out from behind a large old building, adapted for storage of museum objects:

    The museum was founded by political exile Daniil Markovich Andon, who went through Stalin’s camps in Kolyma. Several years ago the building burned down. Almost nothing of the exhibits could be saved. The new museum was opened 3 years ago.
    Behind the museum is an old park, planted in 1946-48. years of war participants, and a monument to Lenin at the beginning of the street of the same name:

    Immediately on Lenin we saw an unusual house:

    And you can’t say that these were parts of the same house.. But here is a clear example of an update:

    Angara Stadium:

    A typical Boguchansky yard with firewood reserves:

    Well, enough of the frying, let's go to the Angara. The shore is high and steep:

    Boats are stored in “water” sheds:

    Meanwhile, the sky was overcast and it was drizzling. We look at the water in confusion, not daring to undress and take a plunge:

    and people are swimming:

    and the place seems to be suitable for this:

    Well, at least we’ll help our legs.