Where to get unique culinary recipes on the Internet. Earn money from culinary recipes: cook and get paid! Selling recipes

This type of income will appeal to anyone who loves to cook. Its essence is very simple.

There are a lot of recipe sites on the Internet that are constantly looking for new recipes with photos of the cooking process.

It is not profitable for culinary sites to create content themselves, prepare various dishes and photograph the entire process. Therefore, they are willing to pay people for this work.

This way they kill two birds with one stone, constantly receive new content for a relatively small fee and do not spend money on products.

Why might this be beneficial for you? Because one recipe can be posted on several sites and you will not only get a ready-made dish for lunch, but also recoup all food costs and even earn money. I will describe how to do this at the end of the article.

To start earning money you will need a camera (a smartphone with a weak camera will not work).

Each site has its own conditions for accepting prescriptions, but the main requirements can be identified:

  • All photos must be taken by you. You won't be able to steal photos and texts from other sites
  • Photos must be of high quality
  • The text describing the cooking process must be unique
  • Every step of food preparation should be described and photographed.

I have compiled the most for you full list culinary sites that buy recipes.

Websites for buying recipes

Site name Payment per prescription Notes
Patee. Recipes from 350 to 500 rubles per 1000 interactions Interaction – viewing publications and adding them to the recipe book with premium access.
iamcook.ru 150-200 rubles
sladko-em.ru 70 rubles Recipes for multicookers
liyabruni.ru 50 rubles Dietary recipes + pay 100 rubles for crafts
vpuzo.com 1 dollar
findfood.ru 60 rubles 100 rub. for the video recipe.
lozhka.su 30 rubles You can add other people's recipes
webspoon.ru from 100 to 400 rubles Strict moderation
prosmak.ru 100 characters 10 cents
pekarenok.info 200 rubles
w-say.ru 500 rubles for 10 recipes Large volumes of prescriptions are purchased.
Additional payments for active authors.
minproduct.ru 200 rubles
multivarka-recepti.ru 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
calorizator.ru from 30 to 100 rubles The price depends on the number of steps in the recipe and other bonuses
multi-recepti.ru 50 rubles
sypchik.ru 70 rubles
dadaeda.ru 75 rubles for 1000 characters
multi-varca.ru 100 rubles Recipes for multicookers
gotovim-sushi-doma.ru 250 rubles Only Japanese recipes
foodbest.ru 40-60 rubles
  • Each site has its own requirements for recipes. Read them carefully
  • First, send recipes to not very popular sites, they have weaker moderation. You'll be more likely to get your prescription accepted and understand how things work.
  • You should not submit several recipes to the site at once. Make one recipe and see how your recipe passes the test and whether you get paid
  • Even a simple recipe can be made unique by changing just one ingredient.
  • Use white dishes to prepare the dish. She looks good in photos
  • You should have a good selection of different utensils. You should also have beautiful tablecloths and various napkins
  • Do not take photographs of the ingredients in the packaging
  • Explore the recipes that have already been added to the site. Try to take photos and descriptions of the same quality
  • Do not use a flash on your camera

How to increase your earnings from photo recipes

You can post one recipe on several sites at once. But the problem is that most recipe sites only want unique photos and recipe descriptions. Therefore, photograph each step of cooking several times on a different background and on different dishes. Also, do not forget to change the text of the recipe.

Since payment is made regardless of the number of photos, it is not necessary to choose complex recipes with many cooking steps. You can prepare recipes for salads, drinks, and simple baked goods easier and faster.

Another way to make quick money is to translate recipes from foreign sites and uniquely personalize their photos. You can make your photos unique by slightly changing the light, shadows, color palette, or mirroring the image. But to do this, you must be proficient in Photoshop or another graphic editor.

Be sure to check the uniqueness of the text before posting the recipe. You can check the text, for example, using Advego Plagiatus. Photos can be checked for uniqueness at images.google.com

This is how you cook for yourself or your family delicious dishes you can also earn money. Write in the comments about your successes in this type of earnings.

So, if you love to cook, then our site provides you with the opportunity to post your recipes, describe them step by step and upload photos you took in the process of preparing dishes, and get paid for it. Before 60 rub. for the photo recipe and 100 rub. for the video recipe. Make money making recipes in your free time.

1. Where to start?

Before you start posting a recipe on the site, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the existing recipes on the site. A recipe whose name is similar to yours does not need to be published. You can check its availability on the site using the recipe search form on the main page of the site. In addition, study the list of products and other sections of the site that will definitely be useful to you. To write recipes, you must be logged in. To do this, you first need to register on our website.

2. Text requirements

The description should be broken down into steps (minimum number of steps: 5).

The 1st step should begin with the name of the recipe and description of the recipe.
Recipe name: Vegetable soup with rice.
1st step: Vegetable soup with rice turns out thick, rich, tasty and satisfying, and it is prepared only from plant products, without meat. So vegetarians can confidently add this recipe to their repertoire.

Describe exclusively the technology of preparing a dish; deviations in the text are possible: serving the dish, methods of consumption, alternatives to ingredients and equipment, tricks and nuances of cooking at a separate step or the dish as a whole. “Inflating” the description with related topics (history of the dish, benefits and harms of ingredients...) is not recommended in order to avoid returns for revision.

The site only accepts recipes with a unique description. Copying recipes from other sites in whole or individual sentences is prohibited.

Posting on other sites is permitted only after 1 month of publication on the site and only with the permission of the site administration (write) 95% You can check the text for uniqueness yourself. For this purpose, you need to use a service that automatically checks your text for uniqueness. We recommend using only Text.ru The uniqueness of the text should be at least

. Otherwise, the recipe will be returned for revision.

3. Photo requirements You are allowed to publish photographs that were taken personally by you and have not been published anywhere before. Photo orientation - horizontal
(width>height). No photos allowed.
Bad quality
The image must be in focus with sufficient lighting and a resolution of at least 1280 by 1024px. Each recipe must be presented as a plated dish in the last step. If this is borscht then in
The final step should be a plate of borscht, not a pan on the stove.

Create recipes for people to make them want to cook exactly your recipe. Aesthetics first.

  • 80% of photos must contain a sticker.
  • If your recipe uses 10 photos, then eight of the photos should have a sticker that says “site”
  • The sticker must be placed on the photographs during the cooking process (step 1, step 2, etc.). Thus, you guarantee the uniqueness of the photos taken.
  • In the photo of the finished dish, and in the photo of the last step, there is a sticker DO NOT POST.
  • The sticker must be compact and aesthetic, and at the same time it should not take up half of the photo.
  • It is advisable to print the sticker on a printer.

5. Payment for prescriptions

Payment for a recipe is calculated based on two parameters: the total number of characters in the recipe description and the user’s rating (activity).

Calculation of the cost of a recipe with a standard user rating (from 1000 to 5000)

  • 50 rub.- more than 2000 characters (~300 words)
  • 40 rub.- more than 1200 characters (~200 words)
  • 30 rub.- more than 500 characters (~80 words)

The number of characters and the cost of the recipe are calculated automatically at the top of the page.

Payment is made:

  • through the WebMoney system (WMR);

To receive payments, you must fill in the WebMoney field in your profile settings

Withdrawals are made 4 times a month, every Thursday.

6. Rating calculation

For each published recipe +100, for each return for revision -400. Thus, in order to maintain the highest possible rating and to pay for prescriptions with a 20% premium, you can make mistakes and then return 1 time for every 3 prescriptions.

P.S.: This system was introduced based on an analysis of the total number of returns for revision. There was a case when 1 recipe was returned 9 times for revision due to the extreme carelessness of the author.

Each time you return for review, the moderator checks the recipe again. In total, it turned out that moderation was doing triple work. The system with coefficients, we hope, will encourage authors to be more attentive to publications before sending them for review and payment, and thereby reduce the time for moderating recipes.

7. Publishing recipes To add a recipe you need to go to . All fields are required. All products that are used in the preparation of the dish and appear in the description must be added to the ingredients section indicating the quantity and unit of measurement. may not be in our database. Then you simply write the correct name of the product in the nominative case. In the future, this product will definitely be added to the site.

It is allowed to indicate fractional values ​​in the form of 0.00 in the quantity field. It is highly advisable to accompany each step with a photograph. In rare cases, you may skip a photo at a non-key step.

A photo of the main dish is required. The fields “Difficulty”, “Time”, “Vegetarianism”, “Kitchen” also need to be filled out.

The comment field is used exclusively for the exchange of information between the author and the moderator. Here the moderator will indicate the reasons for the return, if any.

Moderator comments should not be deleted. Write below.

After you have completed everything step by step, you can simply save the recipe, thereby looking at it through the eyes of a moderator (In this case, the recipe is not sent for moderation).

When you click the "Submit" button, the recipe goes for initial or re-moderation, and you are automatically transferred to your personal page indicating the recipes and their statuses.

Please note that the recipe will not immediately appear on the website. Only after checking by a moderator will it be published/not published. You can monitor the status of recipes on your page and, if necessary, modify them by specifying a moderator.

If the recipe was returned to the author for revision, but from the moment of return, within a month, the author did not take any action (any attempt to correct it), the recipe may be published with modifications by the moderator as abandoned without payment.

8. Reasons for returning for revision

Low uniqueness (less than 90%)

According to text.ru if the uniqueness is below 90%. ;

Ingredient(s) missing

An ingredient that is mentioned in the description and is necessary for preparing the dish is not attached;

Wrong ingredient

An ingredient is indicated outside the proposed list (if present in the list);

Extra ingredient

An ingredient is indicated that is not mentioned in the recipe;

Unit not specified change main ingredient

Spices or optional ingredients of the dish are indicated according to taste. Mayonnaise in Olivier cannot be left unfilled :).

No photo

The main photo of the dish was not added, or a photo was missed at a key step;

No website sticker It is impossible to determine the uniqueness of the photographs taken;

Hello dear readers of my experimental Internet business blog “From words to deeds!” In one of my previous publications, I raised the topic of making money from culinary recipes. Here is this article -

Culinary publications or how to sell your recipe on the Internet...

Let me start with the fact that many people sell this information in the form of their information product for bucks. Just yesterday I saw a text on one of the sites where this course is praised and recommended to be purchased. By the way, they usually scold and curse most other information products, but they recommend this one as proven and cool. Based on the comments and discussions at the bottom of their post, I realized that many are looking for and want to buy this course. I am keeping my promise and publishing a list of culinary publications that are willing to pay you money for your recipes.

Culinary publications — You can sell your recipe online on the following sites:

  • Webspoon.ru This culinary publication pays its authors generously, ranging from $3 to $9 per photo recipe. But I want to immediately warn you against thinking that this is easy money. The site contains rules that the author must follow in order for his recipe to be published and for him to receive his money. In short, the recipe should be clear, concise with step by step description and plus beautiful and high quality photos to each of the steps. I’ll say right away that they have serious requirements for photos. It’s stupid to click photos on a 5-6 megapixel point-and-shoot camera and you won’t be able to sell it right away. The dish needs to be prepared for a photo session in the truest sense of the word. If you are a photographer who loves to cook, then this is your business ahead of you for orders.

The tariff plan on this site is set automatically to each registered user of the resource as conditions and tasks are fulfilled. At first, the culinary publication is ready to pay according to the Lite tariff plan (Lite $3 for one publication of up to 10 published recipes); as soon as you submit more than 10 successful recipes, they will pay according to the next tariff plan - Standard. Tariff plan Standard (Standard $5 for one publication up to 50 published recipes) and then the Premium and VIP tariff plans (Premium $7 for one publication up to 100 published recipes), (Vip $9 for one publication more than 100 published recipes)

The culinary publication Webspoon.ru is one of the leaders in this niche, so I described it in detail. I’ll just list the rest of the resources:

  • Prosmak.ru(from $0.3 to $1.3 for your photo recipe). Money is also credited automatically depending on the number of characters in the recipe (500 - 2000 characters).
  • Findfood.ru (here they pay from 30 to 50 rubles for a photo recipe). Almost the same scheme for the quality of recipes and your user rating of the system. If the user rating is less than 0, then the standard cost of the recipe must be multiplied by 0.8. When the maximum possible rating is reached, the cost per recipe will be multiplied by 1.2.
  • Kakprosto.ru (standard payment is 40 rubles for a photo recipe and plus 50 rubles for every 1000 views of your recipe). An interesting nuance - here they pay not only for recipes, but also for other thematic articles too.
  • Fotorecept.com(from 0 to 500 rubles for every 1000 views of the photo recipe you published).

These are just a few culinary publications that, as of today, are willing to pay and are paying. Of course, these are not all culinary sites; there are many more. But for a start, I think this will be quite enough to understand that this is exactly yours. In order to earn real money from culinary publications, you need to really work hard. And to work for my uncle. This type of income in its essence is not very different from hired work. In addition to the schedule, location and remuneration system. But the main thing is that this is still hired labor with linear payment. Earned - received - spent - forgot. If you want more money, start the algorithm from the beginning. But still, this is real income and many people already earn money this way, and perhaps this type of income will also suit you.

Announcement of the next posts about making money on culinary sites!

How to work with culinary publications and a few more useful tips I will publish information on working in this direction and increasing income in one of my next publications. Also, at the first opportunity, I will try to prepare a couple of my recipes and upload them to one of the sites. Usually the wife cooks something interesting on the weekend, she will have to sit down with a camera in the kitchen and film this process... If anyone tries this type of income, I will be glad to read your reviews and thoughts on this matter. Bye everyone. Earn money!

You can make money on everything, including the everyday actions a person performs every day. This type of income includes working on photographing recipes and posting them on resources. This kind of income from recipes on the Internet is available to any housewife, because almost every woman has original ones in her piggy bank. So why not make money from it?

Make money on recipes available on the PhotoRecipe resource. It is necessary to post /recipes/, photos and step-by-step explanations for each recipe.

That's all! The site has its own requirements: each recipe must be posted within 30 days; if this is not done, then payments will be suspended until the next recipe is published. Payment is made for every 1000 views of a culinary masterpiece. Payments of up to 500 rubles.

Regarding recipes, the PhotoRecipe service has its own requirements:

1. Each recipe must be written in at least 500 characters;

2. Each recipe must be prepared by the housewife herself;

3. The entire process of preparing a dish must be photographed, photos should not be copied from the Internet;

4. All recipes must arouse the interest of readers; each dish must have more than 3 components;

5. There is no need to post banal recipes, such as scrambled eggs or making juice.

How to sell recipes online?

Many housewives make extra money by making custom cakes at home. These are the people who can make money on the resource. Because such /recipes with photos/ will be viewed the most. Thus, you can get money from selling cakes and for posting photos on the Internet. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that contain a huge number of recipes, and all of them are made by more than one person.

A lot of recipes are purchased on exchanges on the Internet, or the owners of sites with photo recipes are looking for people who will send them recipes directly. Any recipes are popular: /recipes for salads/, soups or cakes. Webmasters find these artists on content exchanges.

Recipes with photos of finished dishes can be sold on 2 exchanges:

These sites are most often used to search for people who are willing to send recipes to order. Perhaps, when working on these exchanges, there will be a webmaster who will offer to work directly, and this is very good, because the contractor will be provided with work for a long period of time, and this work is permanent, which is important. Working on Photo Recipes is different from making money on stock exchanges. The main difference is that payment on exchanges is charged once, but on PhotoRecipes for the number of views.

How quickly recipes are purchased on content exchanges

Usually recipes sell out very quickly, because many webmasters run sites about photo recipes. Sales will go faster if all the small steps in preparing a dish are photographed and accompanied by explanations. In order for recipes to be purchased instantly, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. All prepared dishes must be photographed, even minor moments: grating, salting or cutting something;

2. You cannot copy photos or text from other sites. Everything must be original and prepared personally. Any recipe taken from the Internet can be modified to suit your own taste;

3. The entire recipe must be described in great detail, because this will lead to an increase in the volume of text. Namely, payment is charged for volume;

4. The text of recipes must be written correctly and readably, there should be no errors. The webmaster who bought them will not like low-quality texts;

5. Photographs must be made clear and understandable, they must clearly show what is photographed on them;

6. You must remember to list the ingredients that are used when preparing the dish;

7. At the end of the recipe there should be a photo of the finished dish.

Making money from recipes is simple and enjoyable; it should be used by all housewives who love to cook. Now you know where and how to sell recipes on the Internet, I wish you all good luck in your endeavors!

We invite everyone who is interested in preparing tasty and healthy food to cooperate and share the results with others. Our project, with a daily audience of more than 100 thousand unique visitors, makes it possible to receive not only aesthetic pleasure from cooking, but also to earn money from your hobby. In addition, on our website you will receive an objective assessment of your culinary creations, make new acquaintances, be able to take part in competitions and much, much more.

Recipe requirements

We have certain requirements for all recipes posted on our website. This is largely due to the fact that we care about the quality of content. Please read them before applying to participate in the project.

  • Photos
    must be unique, including the final photo and photos of each step. Photos must be of high quality, see our recipes. Photos must be yours and must not have been previously published on the Internet.

  • Description of the recipe
    must be completely unique (not published anywhere on the Internet before), write the description in your own words. The description must describe in detail the process of preparing the dish, accompanying each step with a photograph.

How much will I earn?

Our website has a progressive payout scale.

Payment of rewards on IamCOOK occurs automatically when 1000 rubles are accumulated on your balance. We also pay any amount from 50 rubles at the cook’s first request.

You can receive your earned money in 3 ways

  • To WebMoney electronic wallet (WMR) - worldwide
  • On bank card- on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • On mobile phone- on the territory of the Russian Federation

How many recipes can I post?

The financial capabilities of our project are limited, so each author is given a certain number of posted recipes per month (limit). Once the limit is reached in the current month, the ability to add recipes is closed until the start of the next period.

We determine monthly limits for each user individually, depending on quality of recipes: photographs (quality and quantity), description (educational and interesting content, grammatical errors), etc.

Where do I begin?

To participate in the IamCOOK project as an author, you must register on the website, fill out a user profile (upload an avatar, tell a little about yourself, add your accounts to in social networks, if available).

Then you need to write us a letter at . In the letter, please indicate which email address you used to register on the site and attach several photographs of your work. We will answer you within 24 hours, in any case.

Rules for publishing recipes for IamCOOK authors

Before you start posting recipes on IamCOOK, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the guidelines for posting recipes

  • At the very beginning of the recipe, tell the audience about your recipe. You can mention the history of the dish or talk about the intricacies of its preparation, its benefits, or something else.
  • The final recipe photo must be uploaded to the editor itself with cooking instructions, as well as through the upload button for the main recipe photo
  • The description of the step should come before the photo.

Recipe rules

Pay attention to the rules for filling out the recipe, this is very important.

1. Be sure to re-read the recipe before submitting. At least once. Well, please... This way we will understand you better and won’t “mess up” during editing.

2. Indents and spaces are not needed at the beginning and end of the line. Not needed at all. Not in any way.

3. There is no need to put spaces before commas and periods.

4. But after commas and periods it is very, very necessary to put spaces (if this is not the end of a sentence).

5. The dash is distinguished by spaces on both sides.

6. The hyphen does not stand out (closely “adjacent” to the words).

7. There is no need to put a semicolon at the end of each line in the ingredients.

8. Standard notations and abbreviations (this is exactly what should be written in the ingredients and recipe):

  • Teaspoon - tsp.
  • Tablespoon - tbsp.
  • Glass - glass
  • Multiglass – multiglass
  • Gram, grams – g
  • Milliliters – ml
  • Liters – l
  • Bunch - bunch
  • Piece – pcs.
  • Bank - bank
  • Olive oil – olive oil
  • Butter – butter
  • 1/2 - 1/2 (not 1\2), 1/3 – 1/3 (not 1\3)

9. It is not necessary to list the ingredients before the first photo.

10. The final photo is placed twice: by uploading through the editor, and also by selecting a button (this photo is used for the cover).

11. If you want to link to another recipe on our site, please include the link in parentheses next to the phrase you want to link to.

12. Please indicate the main product if it really is the main product for this dish.

13. If your recipe relates to any national cuisine, be sure to mention this in the introduction to the recipe, and also select the appropriate cuisine when filling out the recipe. If you find it difficult to answer the question of which cuisine your dish belongs to, just ignore the choice national cuisine, or, if the dish is original, select Fusion / Author's cuisine.

14. We reserve the right to change the name of a recipe if it overlaps with any recipe on the site. Otherwise, your recipe may turn out to be ineffective; it will not be found in search engines etc.