Gladiolus hybrid herbaceous plants for open ground. Gladioli - planting and care in open ground. Storing gladiolus bulbs

Family: iris (Iridaceae).


Gladioli are common in South Africa, as well as in Europe and Asia. The homeland of gladiolus primrose is Southeast Africa. Gladiolus imbricata is naturally distributed on the coast Mediterranean Sea, in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in the northern and eastern regions of Kazakhstan.

Form: herbaceous plant.


Gladiolus, saber-grass, or swordweed, is the name of a genus of perennial corms. In nature there are up to 200 species, in the territory Russian Federation- 9 types. About 40 species are known in culture. In addition, today there are about 8,000 garden forms and varieties. Based on their development cycle, they can be divided into two types. The first type is represented by plants that develop in the winter-spring period. These include the following: Coville gladiolus, dwarf gladiolus, Haarlem gladiolus, Tubergen gladiolus. The second type is plants that bloom in the summer. These include garden hybrid gladiolus and hybrid primrose gladiolus.

Gladiolus primrose (G. primulinus) is a perennial corm plant with a thin straight stem up to 50-80 cm high. Each stem bears 4-6 sword-shaped long leaves, the width of which is 2-2.5 cm. Large sessile flowers located in a wrapper consisting from 2 bracts, form a spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a capsule with an obovate shape. It has been cultivated since 1888. It is used mainly for hybridization and obtaining garden forms and varieties.

(G. imbricatus) is a perennial corm plant with an erect stem about 80 cm high. Long (up to 20-30 cm) leaves have a linear shape. The inflorescence is a dense spike consisting of large (about 3 cm long and about 4 cm wide) bright red flowers. The fruit is a multi-seeded capsule. Gladiolus imbricata (skewered imbricate) blooms in early summer. It has been grown as a cultivated plant since 1604.

(G. hybridis) is a perennial corm plant with a straight stem about 90-200 cm high. Hybrid gladiolus corms are about 4-7 cm wide. Long, wide (up to 4 cm in diameter) sword-shaped leaves of a rich green color are attached to the stem. The inflorescence-spike consists, as a rule, of 15-20 flowers of various colors (from white to black). The flower has the shape of a funnel; its width, depending on the shape and variety, can reach 5-20 cm.

Gladiolus primrose hybrid (G. primulinus hybridis) is the name of the hybrid obtained by crossing Gladiolus primrose and Gladiolus Ghent. This is a plant with a thin, strong stem about 90-100 cm high. The inflorescence is rare, consisting of 12-16 flowers. Flowers 6-10 cm wide can be arranged in one or two rows.

The gladiolus plant has many garden forms and varieties. Depending on the shape of the flower, varieties are divided into several groups:

  • corrugated;





Fragrant varieties are included in a special group.

According to the flowering time, all varieties of hybrid primrose gladiolus are also divided into 6 groups (the number of days from planting to flowering is indicated in parentheses):

    very early (70-75);

    early (76-80);

    mid-early (81-85);

    average (86-90);

    mid-late (91-95);

    late (96 or more).

Based on flower size, varieties are divided into several groups:





Based on their place of origin, all varieties are divided into 2 types: European and American. The flower of European varieties most often has a smooth or slightly wavy edge, a twisted inflorescence, usually consisting of 15-17 flowers. American-type varieties have flowers with corrugated or folded petals; inflorescences form up to 20-22 flowers. These are mainly large-flowered and medium-flowered varieties.

Growing conditions

The lighting is intense; gladiolus prefers to be grown in open areas, protected from the wind, with good soil. The soils are light, loamy or sandy loam.


The gladiolus flower is used to create group flower arrangements, as well as for cutting. Possible winter gladioli.


Watering is abundant and regular, but the plant does not tolerate stagnation of water in the area. During the growth period of gladioli, periodic loosening of the soil, weeding, soil, fertilizing and the use of microfertilizers, as well as measures to prevent diseases, are necessary. Due to the size of the peduncles, gladioli are not very stable and often break in windy weather and require sprinkling to supports. Gladioli are usually pruned after flowering. Peduncles should be cut with two or three leaves. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the remaining leaves are not damaged, since a lack of leaves weakens the plants and negatively affects the formation of corms.


Garden flowers gladioli reproduce by children that form around the corms. Seed propagation used only when breeding new varieties.

Diseases and pests

Common diseases for gladiolus are various rots, fungal diseases, bacterial scab, gladiolus cancer, curvularia, gladiolus smut. Pests include cutworms, mites, slugs, mole crickets, and thrips are often found on gladioli.

Popular varieties

Varieties of hybrid primrose gladiolus:

    'Atom'- red gladiolus with white edging;

    'Candy'- with brown-red flowers with pale red spots;

    ‘Giorgine’- grayish-yellow gladioli with beige spots;

    'Little Mo'- with yellow flowers with deep pink spots;

    'Trump'- an early variety with bright orange flowers with brownish spots and yellowish streaks;

    'Acacia'- fragrant gladiolus, soft pink gladioli with ruffled flowers;

    ‘Sweet Lavender’- fragrant gladiolus with pale lilac flowers with red spots, corrugated;

    'Firstborn'- fragrant gladiolus with reddish-orange corrugated flowers;

    'Bluebird'- small-flowered variety with purple corrugated flowers with white spots;

    ‘Goldilox’- small-flowered variety with yellow corrugated flowers;

    'Little Slam'- small-flowered variety with bright red corrugated flowers with red speckles;

    ‘Statuette’- a variety with yellow corrugated flowers with red spots; gladioli variety ‘Statuette’ belongs to the small-flowered group;

    'Bibi'- medium-flowered early variety with reddish-pink flowers;

    'Cupid'- medium-flowered white gladioli with a greenish core, with corrugated flowers;

    'Madama Butterfly'- medium-flowered variety with soft pink flowers;

    'Mecca'- medium-flowered variety, matte red gladioli with yellow spots;

    'American Express'- an early large-flowered variety with soft yellow flowers with dark spots;

    'Ballerina'- large-flowered white gladiolus with ruffled flowers with reddish spots;

    'Dixieland'- a large-flowered variety with deep red and yellow-spotted corrugated flowers;

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in a vertical position has its own advantages and “ side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers of infectious diseases that are dangerous to both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it, is one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg - a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive and butter in a pan; this, of course, is not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and huge selection color, shape and taste of the fruit. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will tell you about a unique product for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its own time,” and every plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to main products onion goes, carrots, tomatoes, beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of the most favorite garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to really get good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point in the agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants There are many beautiful flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

Gladiolus (Gladíolus) got its name due to the similarity of its leaves to a blade (from Latin “gladius” is translated as “sword”). Otherwise, it is also called a sword. All varieties of this plant, of which there are more than 8,000, appeared as a result of crossing wild species native to the subtropical regions of Africa.

Which every year forms a new stem, leaves and inflorescences, and by autumn a young corm is formed. The stem can grow up to 2 m tall. It bears an inflorescence consisting of 16-22 large flowers. Their size can reach 20 cm. The corm is also quite large, from 3 to 8 cm in diameter, round, slightly flattened. It has a thin leathery shell, the color of which varies from light beige to dark cherry and depends on the specific variety.

These are perennial corms, which, however, do not tolerate cold well. They need to be dug up in the fall and planted in the spring. Winter period flowers are kept in a cool, dark place. Therefore, gladioli are often grown as annual plants.

Gladioli have smooth, vertical stems that can reach a height of 2 m. Long sword-shaped and pointed leaves close around the stem, giving the plant strength.

The flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. All of them have a simple perianth of 6 petals. But their shape can be very different. The bizarre curve of some resembles a butterfly, others look like an orchid, and still others look like a lily. Flowers are:

  • corrugated;
  • dissected;
  • terry;
  • simple;
  • draconian;
  • folded.

The tips of the petals are most often simple, but can be fringed or corrugated.

The corm of the plant dies after a year. Instead, one or two new corms appear. Small tuber buds are located near their base. Gladioli reproduce:

  • tuber bud babies;
  • corms;
  • seeds.

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Popular varieties

Before choosing seeds, you need to decide on the variety. Let's look at the most popular varieties.

Variety name general description Decorative properties Application
"Dmitry Solunsky" (Gladiolus Dmitri Solynski) The plant reaches a height of 2 m

The flowers are very large, arranged in a spike, white with a pinkish tint.

In cutting and in flower beds

"White-stone Moscow" (Moskva Belokamennaya) Height up to 160 cm Large flowers, white, creamy center In the flower beds
"Blue Snowflakes" (Hyacintho nives) Medium-sized variety White flowers with a blue border, medium in size

For cutting, in flower beds, in flower beds

"Oscar" (Marcus) Plant height up to 2 m The flowers are red, regular in shape, the flowers are slightly corrugated For cutting, in flower beds, in flower beds
"Neon lightning" (Neo fulguris) Reaches 1.6 m in height Flowers lilac shade with white center Great option for cutting
"Golden Bells" (Aureis) Medium-sized variety Yellow flowers, large Beautiful cut
"Dragon Pearl" (Draco Pearl) Plant height up to 1.4 m Flowers are red-black, strong corrugation Flower beds and flowerbeds

The most popular varieties:

  1. Gladiolus Jester. Powerful, tall plants with a corrugated, yellow with crimson spot, flower. Look great in tall vases.
  2. Gladiolus Cardinal. Well-corrugated large buds of bright red color on a stem with a lush inflorescence are appropriate for special occasions and status events.
  3. Gladiolus Green Star. The buds of the Green Star variety are colored rich green color lime Their rich color and meter-high plants create a unique decor for your garden plot. Gladiolus Green Star is an amazing and paradoxical accent in any bouquet of flowers, stunning with its unusualness and freshness;
  4. Gladiolus Anouk. Spectacular, tall plants with large flowers bright lilac color with a white core;
  5. Gladiolus Wine and Roses(Vine & Roses). A magnificent variety of flowers whose petals resemble the coloring of the wings of birds of paradise. Gladiolus Vine & Roses is cut-resistant and can last for more than 7 days.
  6. Gladiolus orange - in its color, this flower is very similar to the fruit after which it was named. It is the orange hue that best describes this magnificent bright orange inflorescence. The plant itself reaches a height of 90-110 cm and is a representative of the low-growing class. Orange is characterized by the presence of large bright colors who have enough large diameter and slightly wrinkled edges.
  7. Gladiolus seashell - this variety is characterized by delicate raspberry-pink inflorescences, shimmering from the middle of the flower to its edges. The diameter of its bud is 11-14 cm, and up to 12 large flowers can form simultaneously on the stem. The height of the shoots reaches 100-120 cm, which gives this flower the opportunity to be used in various parts garden and be their decoration.
  8. Gladiolus pink lady - the red and white flowers that are inherent in this variety are difficult to miss among other plants. In addition, the shape of the inflorescence is quite refined and helps to distinguish it from the general mass. garden plants. The ruffled edges, framed by reddish veins, create unforgettable appearance characteristics. Gladiolus pink lady has a height of 100-120 cm and can have up to 10-12 large flowers on its stem.
  9. Gladiolus plumtat - this purple-violet flower will be difficult to miss in a flower bed, even despite its rather short stature. This variety reaches a height of only 80-110 cm. Moreover, the shape of its inflorescence has a rather bizarre shape with curved edges. In turn, the size of the bud, combined with the folds on the edges, makes the flower truly huge. It can reach 14-18 cm and have about 10-12 flowers on its shoot.
  10. Gladiolus goliath is a prominent representative of dark varieties. Its inflorescences are ruffled in shape and vary from light to dark shades of brown. At the same time, the number of flowers on 1 stem can reach up to 20-25 pieces, having quite impressive dimensions, making up a diameter of 14-16 cm. Based on the need to hold all these elements, the height of the shoot varies from 150 to 160 cm.
  11. Gladiolus Sunny Ruffle - this rather exotic name hides a delicate flower of a pale pink hue with a red center. Its edges are slightly compressed, and the height of the shoot is 80-110 cm. Gladiolus Sunny Raffle can have up to 10-14 flowers with a magnificent appearance and excellent shape.
  12. Gladiolus “revival” is one of the most striking representatives of the tall varieties of this plant: the length of the shoots is 155-170 cm. Its color ranges from dark crimson to light purple and can shimmer from the center towards the edges. The diameter of 1 flower can reach 14 cm, and the inflorescence can contain up to 23 flowers, but only 8-9 of them are open at the same time. At the same time, the bud itself resembles delicate velvet to the touch, which is the calling card of this species.
  13. Gladiolus "buccaco", on the contrary, refers to low-growing varieties plants and is only 100-120 cm in length. The color of the flowers inherent in this variety varies from light brown to beige with dark veins. At the same time, the inflorescence is characterized by small size and contains only 7-10 flowers, the size of which is 11-14 cm. The shape of the flower has folded edges and is characterized by a strong header.
  14. Gladiolus "chocolate girl" is best characterized by its name; it has a rich color reminiscent of cocoa. Its monotony is broken only by small pink inclusions located throughout the entire area of ​​the flower. The height of the plant stems reaches 160 cm and can accommodate up to 23 flowers. However, only 7-8 of them are open at the same time. The diameter of the flower is 12-13 cm, it is characterized by strong corrugation.
  15. Gladiolus “royal gift” has a soft pink hue that shimmers from the center to the edges of the bud. The height of the stems of this variety can reach 150 cm, on which up to 22-23 flowers are placed simultaneously. At the same time, out of the entire inflorescence, only 8-9 buds are in a dissolved state, making up 15-16 cm in diameter.
  16. Gladiolus "passos" is another representative of the low-growing varieties of this plant and reaches a height of 80-100 cm. Its stems are straight and contain 7-10 buds. They have a triangular shape and unsurpassed coloring. Dark lilac flower with small purple spots, it represents one of the most striking images that exist in nature. The size of the flower, which varies between 14-18 cm, makes the plant particularly impressive.
  17. Gladiolus "twilight" has a purple tint and is characterized by a monotonous color. The height of its species is 160 cm, and the inflorescence contains 18-21 buds, of which 8-11 can bloom at the same time. The size of the flower can reach 15 cm, and its shape in many ways resembles a star, which is why it received such a laconic name.
  18. Gladiolus "Espresso" 495 S, SG, 2015, Rodichev. The encoding states that the variety has large flowers up to 14 cm (number 4). The numbers 95 indicate that the color is smoky, but quite rich, closer to brown. The fact that this number is odd indicates heterogeneity of color. Indeed, the flowers of this variety have a small pinkish spot and a light arrow on the lower petal. Flowering period is average. Flowers medium degree corrugations - in the form of tucks.
  19. Gladiolus “Dew in Emerald” can intrigue just by its name. And its code - 540, RS, OSG, 1999, Gromov - indicates that it has very large, highly corrugated flowers with a diameter of more than 14 cm. A very peculiar, iridescent pink color with an emerald border. Rather, it is not dew in emerald, but emerald in dew.

The variety “Mystery of the Night” has code 458, RS, SG, 2006, Baranov. This is a skewer with large, strongly corrugated flowers. They have a red-black color and petals with a velvety effect. Gladiolus “Mystery of the Night”, despite the even number of the code, has white tips of the flower’s stigma decorating it. These are simply luxurious flowers that look great both in the flowerbed and as a cut flower.

Gladiolus "Countess" 543, SR, OSG, 2001, Kolganov. Although this variety is classified as pink according to the code, it has two-tone pink and yellow flowers. The lower petals are predominantly lemon yellow, while the upper petals are predominantly pink. The petals are very strongly corrugated with tucks, which gives the flowers a double appearance. This variety with a powerful and slender stem is truly distinguished by its countly dignity and majesty.

When purchasing imported varieties, there is usually no variety code on the packaging with planting material. But there are its main characteristics.

Gladiolus "Kingston" was bred outside our country. Therefore, you usually cannot find coding on the packaging of the corms of this plant. Even planting material brought from abroad, it is packaged mainly at our agricultural companies. But bags with bulbs usually have a photograph and at least short description plants.

The main characteristics of this sword hybrid are as follows: the plant is not very tall (up to 1 m), blooms in a rich crimson color. On the pinches of the petals there are strokes of a lighter tone. Large flowers do not cover the plant stem very tightly. This variety of fennel blooms in July-September.

The variety "Pearl Flora" is of foreign origin, but is successfully propagated and sold here. "Ash" in Russian means purple. However, the very large flowers (up to 20 cm in diameter) of the plants have a beautiful rich purple hue. Based on the shape of the flowers, it is classified as the “butterfly” type. This means that the dense petals are not folded or tucked. But at the same time, the flowers tightly cover a powerful tall stem (up to 2 m). This variety will be a magnificent garden decoration when planted alone or in combination, for example, with white swords.

Solar lace

  1. Lace Bow. Beautiful flower, one of the most beautiful of the entire iris family. The lace bow pleases the eye with its heavily ruffled petals and delicate shades. The petals have a soft pastel color, followed by a pink-lilac highlight. The lower petals of each bud are different from the rest: they are light golden in color, the edges of the petals are lilac-pink. The flowers are very elegant, beautiful and unique in their color. These buds can become the main decoration festive table.
  2. Claudia. It has a soft and pleasant vanilla-milk color. Attracts the eye with beautiful lacy buds and splendor of flowering. The main shade is soft cream tones, but the lower petal is slightly darker. The unobtrusive yellow-sand shade of the lower petal is the main feature of this species.
  3. Angelica is the daughter of the Goddess. The name alone already says a lot about this flower. It is beautiful, sunny, with a soft orange color. The flowers are slightly corrugated, but the buds boast an interesting color. There are three main shades: pale yellow, orange and lemon. One shade smoothly gives way to another. The corrugated tips of the buds are orange. Angelica, daughter of the Goddess, is the flower of summer, sun, good mood and ringing laughter.

Flowers with a “delicious” name

  1. Gladiolus Chocolate is one of the most popular. It has a velvety brown color with many shades. The color can range from fiery red to dark brown. The flowers are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and simply stunning colors. The cluster of flowers resembles chocolate melted in the sun.
  2. All in chocolate. The name already clearly indicates the color of the buds and its main color. The variety is distinguished by a smoky brown hue, which is complemented by creamy yellow streaks. There is an edging. The flowers are strongly corrugated, densely packed. Important Feature- all 10 buds are open at the same time.
  3. Apricot Aroma. A flower with stunning colors. The juicy, sun-filled petals have a pleasant apricot color with a soft and warm shade. The petals are strongly corrugated, with a smooth play of apricot shades. A wonderful decoration for the garden if it is difficult to decide on a variety!
  4. Raspberry Liqueur. The richly colored corrugated petals have a bright crimson hue. The lower petal is sprinkled with silver moire. An excellent option for creating a bright contrast with the Claudia variety.

Variegated color

  1. Mon amyr. An elegant ruffled flower that effectively combines soft yellow and lilac-pink tones. The peculiarity of the flower is that it has an interesting variegated appearance. The variety of shades is complemented by highly ruffled edges, which make the play of color even more impressive.
  2. Madam. Delicate, beautiful and incredibly charming flower. The upper petals are characterized by a rich salmon color, the lower ones have cream spots. The closer to the edges, the thicker and more saturated the color. The variety has a dense texture of petals.
  3. Forest Nymph. A lovely flower with a simply magical color. The bicolor petals have a garnet red top and an olive bottom. The flower resembles a painting by a talented artist who wanted to convey the spirit of the forest in a decorative beauty. Thanks to the achievements of Russian selection, other colors of this variety are possible, for example, the combination of a soft yellow tint with purple-violet is widely known.
  4. Paul Gauguin. The buds are light brown in color with a large yellow spot on the lower petals, the background of which is decorated with reddish-brown shading. The flowers look a bit like a translucent lady's veil that someone supposedly left in the garden. Beautiful flower for a beautiful garden.

Luxurious large-flowered Bangladesh

The plant was bred in the hot tropical climate of Bangladesh. Ideal variety for a holiday bouquet. He will be the favorite of the celebration, attracting the eyes of the guests. Slightly corrugated snow-white flowers with a golden center tightly cover the stem. They look like a lush frill of a wedding dress or airy sweet marshmallows. The buds have a delicate honey hue, as if they glow from the inside with sunlight. The diameter of the open flower exceeds 18 cm. Gladiolus Bangladesh reaches a height of 120 cm. Some specimens grow up to 150 cm. Flowering begins in July and lasts until mid-September.

Free Zizani

Previously, the delicate variegated flower was destroyed as a harmful wild weed. Then they began to grow it as a cultivated plant. The meaning of the word “zizani” turned out to be most suitable for the wild gladiolus saved from extermination. The name is translated from French as “free”. Gladiolus Zizani grows up to 120 cm. It is tolerant of weather conditions and does not require special care.

Flowers of “free” gladiolus can be small or huge. It has bright colors, reminiscent of chaotic strokes of snow-white color on a ruby ​​background. Due to the combination of red and white, the plant is considered a symbol of love and innocence. This flower will decorate the bride's bouquet.

Gladioli Fidelio and Greyhound

The variety with deep pink petals received its name in honor of the romantic opera “Fidelio” by the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven.

During flowering, the height of the plant reaches 110 cm, so it often needs special support. The stem and leaves are very dense, and the flowers are very large (up to 14 cm in diameter), with a thin white stripe that seems to divide each bud in half.

Plants of this species bloom from July to September. Note that cut flowers of this variety can stand in a vase for several days without fading for a long time.

Among the general variety, Greyhound gladiolus stands out for its unusual color. During flowering, white flowers with delicate notes of gray and a pink “edge” of a coral shade along the edges of the petals bloom on a high stalk (up to 120 cm). Due to the fact that they have a corrugated edge, a unique play of shades is formed.

Plants of this species bloom in July and are pleasing to the eye almost until the end of October. Once cut, they can stand in a vase for several days, maintaining their freshness.

Baccarat and Cobra

The bright and rich color makes the Baccarat gladiolus the center of any flower bed, attracting everyone's attention to it.

The red petals have a thin white border around the edges and an equally thin dividing stripe in the center. This species blooms from July to September, the height of the stem varies between 1 m.

Experienced flower growers note the unpretentiousness of the variety, as well as its ease of propagation. Note that he loves sunny and sheltered places from the wind.

Despite its “dangerous” name, the Cobra flower looks very attractive and luxurious. And all thanks to the rich lilac color of the petals, to which the slightly corrugated edges give a charming originality.

Due to the fact that the flowers are densely located next to each other, they look monolithic. It looks very beautiful both in a flower bed and in a vase.

The Cobra variety has a fairly tall stem (up to 150 cm). It blooms starting in mid-July and blooms almost until the end of September.

Experts note that soil with weak acidity and good drainage would be ideal for this plant.

Peter Pierce

Peter Pierce - this bright plant will become the visual center of a flower garden or flower bed. The variety Peter Pierce stands out among its “brothers” in the family due to its very large flowers. Their diameter reaches 18 cm, while most varieties of gladioli have a flower diameter within 14 cm.

The petals of the Peter Pierce variety have a rich Orange color, which will make them stand out among other colors. This variety has a rather tall stem (up to 2 m), and the height of the stem with flowers can be 80 cm.

Gladiolus Peter Pierce begins to bloom in early summer and can continue blooming until mid-September. Just like its brothers, it loves an abundance of sunlight and requires protection from the wind.

Nova Lux

The Nova Lux flower variety also belongs to the large-flowered class. Its petals are bright yellow, they are a little wavy and a little curled. Gladiolus Nova Lux will look great in a flower bed in combination with its “brothers” of other, darker shades.

Like all large-flowered gladioli, this variety has a flower up to 18 cm in diameter. They are planted tightly on the stem, which creates a beautiful three-dimensional composition. The height of the stem reaches 130 cm, and the inflorescence itself grows up to 50 cm long.

The Nova Lux variety blooms in July and continues to delight gardeners with its bright colors until August. Flowering time lasts up to 20 days, and when cut they can be quite for a long time maintain its original appearance.

Gladiolus Grand Duchess Elizabeth

This is truly a royal flower. It was developed not so long ago, in 2002, but has already won recognition from the world's leading flower growers. Having grown it, the owner of the site will become the owner of an excellent exhibition plant.

Gladiolus Grand Duchess Elizabeth has a majestic appearance that sets it apart from other plants. The petals have a soft salmon color with an admixture of pink; towards the edges the main color becomes more intense.

Gladiolus flowers of this variety have a very dense texture; incredibly corrugated edges give them an amazing airy appearance. They look equally interesting both in a flowerbed and in a bouquet.

This variety blooms from July to September.


In fact, salmon gladiolus is not even one specific variety, but a whole family. It is united by a primary color, the shades of which can range from the most delicate to bright and saturated.

Gladiolus Salmon, like its “brothers” of other varieties, has tightly seated flowers, the diameter of which varies within 15 cm. The main color is shaded by a lighter rim along the edges of the petal.

The height of the stem can reach 130 cm. It is recommended to combine it in a flowerbed with “brethren” of darker varieties.

Color characteristics

Few plants can boast such breadth color range, like gladiolus: from white to almost black.

If the second two digits in the code are 00, then these are white varieties:

  • 02, 04 - green gamma;
  • 10 - 16 are yellow and cream gladioli;
  • 20 - 26 - from orange to fawn color;
  • 30 - 36 - orange-pink (salmon);
  • 40 - 46 - various shades of pink;
  • 50 - 58 - red flowers;
  • 60 - 68 - crimson flowers of varying intensity;
  • 70 - 78 - lilac;
  • 80 - 86 - from pale blue to deep purple, almost black;
  • 90 - 98 - flowers from delicate smoky to deep brown.

Letter designations easy to decipher. For example, OR is very early varieties, SP - mid-late, etc.

The next 2 or 3 letters indicate the degree of corrugation of the petals.

Planting scheme and timing

It is best to plant gladioli in open areas where there is enough moisture, but the water does not stagnate. The land for planting should be loose and fertile. If the area where flowers are planted is subject to excessive moisture, the flower beds should be raised slightly above the basic soil level. Before planting, it is recommended to add rotted sawdust mixed with humus and sand to the beds. Bulbs should be planted on the same day the soil was prepared.

To get a strong plant with big flowers, after the stems appear, it is necessary to leave one, the strongest one. To avoid infection, wounds from removed stems are treated with brilliant green and covered with activated carbon.

Pre-planting care means that in the spring, the corms selected for planting are left in a warm and bright place for germination and treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate in order to further protect the plant from diseases.

It’s not enough to plant plants beautifully; you also need to prepare the furrows between the rows for watering. This eliminates the possibility of excessive flooding and water getting on the leaves, which will prevent them from rotting.

They begin to germinate gladioli in the spring, after all the snow has melted and a constant above-zero temperature has been established without night frosts. Planting depth – 12-17 cm. The distance between the bulbs should be 10-20 cm, it depends on the size of the corms themselves.

To landscape the area, flowers are planted in small groups next to plants that bloom before and after the fencing. However, most often gladioli are grown for cutting. They are exceptionally good and effective in bouquets, and with proper care flowers can be kept fresh in water for more than 10 days.

How to plant and store gladioli (video)

How to care for a plant: basic rules

Growing gladioli requires following certain rules.

  • It is necessary to maintain the planting depth. In heavy soils it should be equal to three bulb diameters, in light soils – four.
  • You should not place large and small bulbs on the garden bed. Such specimens will not get along together - large specimens will oppress their smaller counterparts.
  • Do not place gladioli in one place for more than 2 years in a row; there will be no flowering.
  • Even if you properly care for the plant, it will not develop if the climatic conditions are not suitable for it.
  • How much of the plot should be given over to the plant? It should be light, these flowers do not grow in the shade.
  • When replanting, the plant should be planted in a different type of soil. If the flower initially grew on sandy loam soil, it can be transplanted onto alumina, and vice versa.

  • Planting should be done in a ventilated area, otherwise the flower may be affected by fungal diseases.
  • Agronomic cultivation technology involves spraying the leaves of plants that develop in sandy loam with fertilizers.
  • 4 days before planting the tuber, it is cleared of scales, watering is carried out a day after planting.
  • In the greenhouse in the summer, flowers are watered once every 7 days, but abundantly.
  • Tall specimens must be tied up.
  • During the growing season you need to feed the plants 3-4 times mineral fertilizer(40-50 g per 10 liters of water), you should also periodically remove weeds, which often harbor slugs that damage flower crops.

Features of reproduction

Flowers reproduce using tubers. Corms should be dug up in the fall before the first frost appears; for the middle zone this is September - early October. Large roots and stems are immediately cut off and dried in a well-ventilated and dry place for 10-15 days. If the roots are very dirty, they should be washed in warm water and only then laid to dry. For well-dried corms, it is necessary to remove small roots, children and old corms, and then the planting material can be stored in a cool (4-8 degrees) place.

Flowers are propagated mainly by corms, and very rarely by seeds. Corms produce good inflorescences for the first 4-5 years, then they need to be replaced with younger ones.

How to tie it correctly

Compared to lilies, gladioli flowers always tend upward. If the stem deviates to the side, the inflorescence becomes crooked. In view of this, the garter plays a big role in growing gladiolus.

The easiest way to tie is to create a support with your own hands from pegs or beams and twine. The second option is preferable, since it will not need to be placed in the ground a large number of pegs. All that remains is to simply walk along the row and tie the gladioli with twine to the beam in a figure-eight pattern.

Combination with other plants

Gladiolus is a rather capricious flower in choosing a place and in choosing a planting method, and not all neighbors will suit it. The number of plants also matters: if there are few flowers, it will look sparse, if there are many, the area will resemble a selection garden. To maintain the golden mean, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Gladiolus is not used as a tapeworm. Typically, several plant bulbs are germinated and then planted together. Varieties with different contrasting colors, planted together, look beautiful. Another option is to combine plants with richly colored and pastel flowers.
  • Perennial gladioli are a bad neighbor for tall dahlias. Cultures will compete in the colorfulness of their flowers.
  • Varieties with small flowers should not be planted next to large-flowered varieties: large flowers will overshadow the small ones.
  • Before designing a flower bed, it is important to find out how long the plants planned for planting bloom. Gladiolus should be surrounded by plants that bloom for a long time, and their forcing should not cause problems. Optimal neighbors are daffodils, tulips, peonies and hydrangea.

Gladioli: choosing a variety (video)

Gladiolus is a majestic tall flower that requires careful care. It is recommended to propagate it from bulbs, and in order for the plant to fit harmoniously into the landscape design, it needs to find suitable neighbors. Another important point Something worth considering when growing gladiolus is that its tubers are dug up for the winter.

Gladioli amaze with their beauty and diversity. These flowers, with proper care, will be a spectacular end to the garden season, blooming in flower beds almost at the beginning of September. The key to the lush flowering of gladioli is planting and caring for open ground according to the rules.

It is important for a florist to know not only how to plant gladioli, but also when, since the timing of planting the bulbs is of great importance for the quality of flowering shoots.

Growing gladioli requires compliance with agricultural technology!

Opinions differ somewhat regarding the timing of planting. Some people believe that gladioli should be planted depending on the warming of the soil, and others – according to climatic conditions. However, if there are abnormal warm temperatures, then when focusing on warming up the soil, you can plant flowers too early, and when the cold returns, the bulbs will suffer, which will negatively affect flowering.

Available general recommendations on planting gladioli in open ground, which is desirable to be guided by, but naturally with some adjustment regarding the weather, which may be too cold, and then the planting will shift. In the southern regions of Russia, under normal weather conditions, the optimal time for planting planting material is from mid-March to mid-April. In the middle zone, planting should take place in late April - early May. In the Urals and Siberia, planting is carried out from May 5 to May 15. If, within the recommended planting time, the soil temperature at a depth of 12 cm does not reach +10 degrees gardening work will need to be postponed.

How to prepare for landing?

Planting material and flower beds must be properly prepared. Gladioli cannot simply be planted in freshly dug soil.

Soil requirements

The soil for gladioli needs to be nutritious and quite loose. To do this, it is prepared for planting flowers in the fall. If the soil is loamy, sand is added to it, and if it is too sandy, compost is added. When the soil is too acidic, to reduce this indicator it is necessary to use chalk or dolomite flour, which are used at the rate of 200 g per 1 m2.

Digging the soil in autumn period is the main one. It is carried out to 1 depth of the spade bayonet, and after that nutritious soil and fertilizers are added.

Soil enrichment per 1 m/sq.m should be as follows:

  • humus or peat compost - 1 bucket 10 l;
  • superphosphate – 3 matchboxes;
  • potassium salt – 1.5 matchboxes;
  • wood ash – 1 jar with a volume of 500 ml.

After applying fertilizers, the flowerbed is dug up again. In the spring it only needs to be loosened, and there is no need to dig it up again.

If it was not possible to prepare a place for planting in the autumn season, all preparatory work must be carried out in the spring in the same order 2 weeks before planting the material.

Preparing bulbs before planting

Bulbs require special preparation before planting, without which it will not be possible to get beautiful flowers. Preparation of plants begins 30 days before they are planted in the ground.

After removing the planting material from the basement or refrigerator, it is cleaned of dry scales, which, if left on the bulb, will delay its germination. Early varieties may have already begun to produce sprouts, so care must be taken when cleaning to avoid breaking them.

Sick bulbs are discarded, since they cannot produce beautiful flowers, but they can very easily infect the rest of the material. If the damaged area is small, it can be cut out with a knife that has been previously heated over a fire, and immediately covered with brilliant green. This will save the bulb.

After this, the gladioli are placed for germination in a bright, warm place with low humidity. The bulbs should produce strong, not tall sprouts and not long root buds.

If the bulbs do not germinate, there is no point in planting them.

Immediately before planting, gladioli are treated with an antiseptic solution. Without this, the bulbs will most likely become diseased.

For processing use:

  • drug "Maxim" - according to the instructions;
  • foundation - in a solution with a strength of 0.3%, planting material is kept for 30 minutes;
  • manganese - keep the bulbs in a solution of 0.3% strength for 2 hours.

Treatment with growth stimulants (according to the instructions for them) has a positive effect on plant growth.

Choosing a landing site

A flower bed with gladioli is placed exclusively in well-lit areas, inaccessible to the wind and with light, well-drained, nutritious soil. Also, the place where plants are planted should not be wet. It is optimal if at noon, when the sun's rays are especially hot, the plants will be slightly shaded, as this will allow them not to waste energy on protection from excessive ultraviolet radiation, and the flower-bearing arrows will be of better quality.

Caring for herbaceous plants in open ground

Proper care of gladioli allows you to get the highest quality flowering. Without care, even excellent bulbs will not produce good flowering shoots.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizers

Flowers love water, and when watering 1 m2 you need to use 15 liters. The soil must be well moistened to a depth of 35 cm, since the roots of the bulbs reach there. The flowerbed should be watered as needed. In order for water to be better absorbed, it is good to make shallow grooves.

Feeding gladioli is done 4 times throughout the entire season. The first feeding is needed when sprouts emerge from the ground and reach a height of 10 cm. For this, ammonium nitrate is used, which is 3 tbsp. dissolves in 10 liters of water. The solution is poured ¼ cup under each flower.

The second feeding is carried out when 4 leaves appear. At this point, potassium fertilizer is used (similar to nitrogen fertilizer).

The third feeding occurs at the time of bud formation. For feeding, special compositions for gladioli are used (according to the instructions for them).

The fourth feeding with superphosphate solution (40g/10l) is carried out at the end of flowering. There is no need to fertilize the plant anymore.

Proper weeding

Weeding is necessary because when weeds appear, plant growth slows down significantly. Work is carried out as needed. Weeds must be removed by the roots.

When and how to cut gladiolus flowers?

Flowers should be cut early in the morning or late in the evening, when they are not exposed to heat and sun. If long-term transportation of flowers is required, they are cut in the phase when one or maximum 2 buds are open. The arrows will fully open in the water during transportation.

For the full development of the bulbs, cutting should be carried out taking into account the need to leave a high-quality above-ground part. At least 4 leaves are left on the plant.

When to dig up plants?

After flowering, the bulbs must ripen in the soil for another 1-1.5 months. You can determine the maturity of the bulb by brown color its external scales and easy passage of babies. Digging should be done before frost sets in.

The weather on the day of digging up plants should be dry. The early varieties are dug up first. The remains of the above-ground part and roots are cut off completely. The bulbs are washed from the ground with running water.

Storing gladiolus bulbs

Storage of gladioli must be organized correctly. The bulbs must be soaked in Maxim for 30 minutes to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Afterwards, the material is sorted by size and dried.

Then cleaning is carried out. To do this, use blunt-tipped scissors to separate the old onion. Scales are not removed from the bulbs. The babies are separated from the parent bulb and immediately stored in paper bags in a cool, dry place. After cleaning, adult bulbs are kept for 2 days at +20 degrees and then also stored in paper bags in a dry basement or refrigerator.

Gladioli in landscape design

IN landscape design Gladioli are not used often, as they require a lot of care. Also against gladioli is the fact that pests love them very much. Also in landscape design, the short flowering period that these plants have is also called a disadvantage. herbaceous plants.

Greetings, friends, to the site, advice for gardeners. Gladioli flowers are one of the most beautiful inhabitants of garden plots. But at the same time, they are quite capricious and capricious plants, caring for which requires certain skills.

Preparing bulbs for planting

It is necessary to water the beds with gladioli early in the morning or late in the evening. On square meter it is necessary to pour out ten to twelve liters of water. If there is extreme heat, then you need to water the flowers every three to four days. Otherwise, the peduncle will lose its elasticity, and existing flowers and buds will wither.

Watering should be done between the rows, and you should also ensure that water does not get on the leaves of the plants. After the soil has absorbed moisture, it is necessary to perform shallow loosening - approximately to a depth of 5...6 centimeters. This will prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the bed. Then carry out hilling.

Loosening must be performed at least once every ten days. This regime must be followed regardless of whether there were rains and watering or not.

After the gladiolus forms buds, it needs to be tied to a peg. This is necessary if the plant is very tall. It is also necessary to promptly remove wilted inflorescences. Otherwise, the flower will begin to waste its energy on ripening the seed pod.

Weeding should be done as needed. This is especially important at the beginning of plant development, since weeds can simply choke out young shoots. In addition, in overgrown beds, gladioli are most at risk of developing various diseases. Ultimately, all this negatively affects future flowering.

Feeding for gladioli

Dry feeding of gladioli depends on the stage of plant development:

First feeding carried out at the stage of two or three leaves. Per square meter of beds, a choice of ammonium sulfate (25 grams), ammonium nitrate (35 grams), or urea (25 grams) is added.

Second– nitrogen-potassium – fertilizing is recommended during the development period of 5...6 leaves. A mixture of superphosphate (20 grams), ammonium sulfate (20 grams) and potassium sulfate (20 grams) is used here.

Third feeding Gladioli are given during the period of bud formation, immediately after the formation of the peduncle. It should include superphosphate (40 grams) and potassium chloride (20 grams).

Gladioli are also responsive to the application of organic fertilizers ( horse dung use is not recommended). They need to be applied (so the plant better absorbs the necessary substances) in liquid form.

Frequency of use: every three weeks. You can continue to add liquid organic matter until August 15th. Then feeding should be stopped.

Foliar fertilizing works well, as it not only speeds up flowering, but also increases the decorative value of flowering gladioli.

Here you can use:

  • Boric acid - 0.15 grams per liter of water;
  • copper sulfate - 0.2 grams per liter of water;
  • potassium permanganate – 15% solution.

Feeding is carried out on the leaves two to three times throughout the entire growing season - at the beginning of growth and during the formation of buds.

Add to the prepared solution small quantity soap When processing, it is necessary to spray both surfaces of the sheet.

Planting gladioli and caring for flowers is not so difficult and anyone can do it, and the incredibly beautiful inhabitants of garden beds will delight your eye with their bright colors.