Blueberries beneficial properties. Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications, composition, recipes. Blueberries: lowers or increases blood pressure

Blueberries are a valuable medicinal berry that grows mainly in swampy areas. You need to pick it very carefully, since the berry is delicate and can be easily damaged. For the same reason, it is practically not stored fresh. It is frozen, dried or processed into various products.


Blueberries are a real treasure trove of vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances responsible for the proper functioning of the human body. It is not for nothing that the peoples of the North necessarily include this berry in their diet.

Blueberries cannot be called a record holder for iron content. But this microelement, which is part of the berry, is almost 100% absorbed by the body.

Blueberries are also a source of significant amounts of vitamin K1 (phyllohioneine), which is involved in the blood clotting process.

The berry is rich in phenolic compounds - physiologically active substances, strengthening capillaries and retaining vitamin C in the body (saving its consumption).

Among all forest berries Blueberries rank first in pectin content. The value of these substances is that they remove radioactive metals from the body.

Scientists from the USA studied blueberries and found that this berry slows down the aging of brain cells and protects the body from the harmful effects of radiation.

IN folk medicine tea made from dried blueberries is drunk for illnesses Bladder and as a remedy for diarrhea. A decoction of berry leaves is a good expectorant.

The anthocyanins included in its composition prevent the weakening of memory and restore its mnemonic function.

Blueberries are one of the best preventive agents against cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and Alzheimer's disease.

Its juice normalizes metabolism and improves well-being during colds. One serving of blueberry juice per day will replenish your daily requirement of vitamins contained in the fruit.

Blueberries contain carotenoids, which, with long-term and regular consumption of the berry, have a beneficial effect on visual functions. The berry is useful for glaucoma and other eye diseases.

Blueberries contain magnesium, which is why they have a calming effect on the body.

This one is delicious and healthy berry strengthens the immune system and replenishes vitamin reserves in the body. It is useful for everyone: children, adults, old people, people weakened due to illness.

This blue berry removes waste and toxins from the body. It has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blueberry juice is a source of natural antioxidants. It tones and strengthens the body.

Fresh berries are also widely used due to their antimicrobial properties. It is used as a prophylactic for many infectious diseases, including dysentery.

Blueberries also help with:

  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastritis;
  • scurvy;
  • sore throat;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • heart diseases.

People who are struggling with excess weight will also enjoy this delicious dietary berry. Blueberries are capable of breaking down fats. Moreover, it is low-calorie.

Blueberry decoctions are useful for people with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Blueberries are also widely used in the cosmetics industry. It helps maintain beauty and youth. Blue berry is included in creams, lotions, and serums. The plant components of blueberries can not only absorb UV rays, but also protect the skin from free radicals.

Blueberry extract whitens and cleanses facial skin. It strengthens the epidermis and has a light peeling effect.

And fresh blueberry leaves tighten pores and effectively fight skin rashes.


Blueberries are not allergenic berries, but they should be consumed large quantities do not do it. Otherwise, the berry can cause headache, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

In addition, excess amounts of antioxidants can also cause harm to the body. IN in this case they will help reduce the supply of oxygen to the muscles, thereby impairing their functions.

Calorie content

100 grams of fresh blueberries contain about 39 kcal. Of these: proteins – 1 g (~4 kcal), fats – 0.5 g (~5 kcal), carbohydrates – 6.6 g (~26 kcal).


A contraindication for eating blueberries is biliary dyskinesia.

Pregnant women should consume blueberries with caution and in small portions. Otherwise, the berry may cause allergies.

Breastfeeding mothers are not recommended to consume blueberries, as they can cause diathesis in infants.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Blueberries are a natural source of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, antioxidants, pectins and other substances that determine the benefits and value of the berry.

Component name

Quantity per 100 g. product


Vitamin PP 0.3 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.01 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.02 mg
Vitamin C 20 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 1.4 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 0.4 mg


Iron (Fe) 0.8 mg
Phosphorus (P) 8 mg
Potassium (K) 51 mg
Sodium (Na) 6 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 7 mg
Calcium (Ca) 16 mg

" Blueberry

What is not discussed on women's forums - Goji berries, pineapple, jojoba... In terms of the frequency of mentions, blueberries are far from the first places in the rating.

This undeservedly forgotten berry is often confused with blueberries. They are similar in appearance, but blueberries are larger and their flesh is green.. Another plus of blueberries is that their berries do not stain your mouth, you can eat without fear of appearing with blue teeth and lips afterwards. Let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties and contraindications of blueberries.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of blueberries is:

  • proteins - 1 gram,
  • fats - 0.5 grams,
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 grams.

This quite decent sugar content is combined with the low calorie content of the berries.: 100 grams of blueberries are only 39 calories. And the list of all useful ingredients rightfully puts blueberries on the list of not only dietary, but also medicinal products.

The berry is tasty, consists of 90% water, and the remaining 10% is pure goodness.: vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2, K), micro- and macroelements (Fe, P, Ca, M and K), citric, acetic, malic, nicotinic, oxalic acids, fiber, pectins, carotene, tannin substances, antioxidants...

Almost all of these substances are contained in the leaves.

It is known that all fruits and berries purple contain anthocyanins, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells. So in blueberries there are 4 times more of them - 1600 mg of anthocyanins - versus 400 mg/100g in blueberries.

Beneficial properties of berries for the human body

This composition has anti-cancer properties and increases the ability of cells to regenerate. Regular consumption of at least a glass of berries helps to increase the production of natural collagen by 2 times. There is even a special lifting program for getting rid of wrinkles, based on a wild blueberry diet.

With 39 calories per 100 grams of berries, blueberries are indispensable in diets with severe calorie restriction. Carotene, which affects the formation of a beautiful tan, human body absorbs almost completely from blueberries, which cannot be said about carotene from traditional carrots.

But in addition to the cosmetic effect, the collagen formed increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and overall blood flow, which contributes to the saturation of all cells of the body with oxygen. Eating blueberries not only allows you to look good, but also significantly reduces the possibility of a heart attack and other heart diseases.

It’s not just berries that have beneficial properties.. A decoction of the leaves is not only used as a mild laxative, but also to improve sugar levels and is useful for anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Actively influences the nutrition of brain tissue and the vascular system, helps improve memory and memorization processes. There is evidence that its use can slow down the progressive development of senile dementia - Alzheimer's disease. And if you drink fresh juice, age-related memory loss will not develop at all.

For illnesses internal organs pureed berries are very useful. Not only nutritionists advise consuming blueberries for cystitis, gastritis, and enterocolitis. The only thing you should definitely pay attention to is with low acidity, Eating blueberries in large quantities is undesirable: It is naturally endowed with a high content of natural organic acids.

Sour drink is indicated for colds and exacerbation of kidney diseases. Drinks based on blueberries are much superior in this quality not only to imported lemons, but also to traditional cranberries.

Harm from blueberries and contraindications for consumption

It’s still not worth overeating on blueberries. We are not talking about allergies at all - excess antioxidants can be harmful to health because it reduces the amount of oxygen reaching the muscles.

There is another important aspect - Blueberries increase blood clotting. This means that its use must be limited to cardiovascular patients who are forced to take medications to reduce blood viscosity (with the risk of strokes and heart attacks).

Gastroenterologist patients with low acidity They should also not overuse blueberries due to their high content of organic acids.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers You should consult a doctor in any case, even in the absence of any painful symptoms.

Use of blueberries in folk medicine

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has successfully used the properties of blueberries to treat various diseases of men and women.

To normalize intestinal function They used either a decoction of the leaves (has a laxative effect) or an infusion of berries (the fastening effect is manifested if the berries are mashed and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes).

How to prepare a decoction

2 tablespoons dried or fresh leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and until it cools naturally.

Sour drink from garden blueberries is also helps treat kidney inflammation and urolithiasis- acid can dissolve small kidney stones and help cleanse the kidneys.

Colds were treated with blueberry teas and honey.. Instead of modern tablets and antibiotics, the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiscorbutic, and mild sedative effects of blueberries were used.

Modern traditional medicine includes in the list of diseases that can be successfully treated in initial stage simple consumption of blueberries, includes non-immune diabetes, pancreatic diseases, age-related memory changes, mild cases of radiation sickness, varicose veins.

No one knew about thrombosis, but blueberries have been successfully used to combat low clotting with its high vitamin K content.

Use of berries during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Regularly enjoying blueberries during pregnancy is absolutely justified. It not only contains many vitamins, but is also rich in microelements:

  • magnesium responsible for development nervous system baby,
  • iron provides oxygen nutrition.

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to receive not only a sufficient amount of vitamins, but also dietary fiber, peptins and antioxidants, which this berry is so rich in.

After childbirth, pediatricians also advise not to give up your favorite berries - eating blueberries makes a nursing mother calmer(the influence of magnesium) and postpartum anemia goes away faster (iron from blueberries is absorbed almost completely).

Eating blueberries can also cause unpleasant symptoms.: diarrhea, bloating, indigestion. But this will happen if you eat about 1 kilogram of berries at a time. So for a nursing mother and baby, an overdose is unlikely.

A woman should introduce any new products into her diet gradually - this is a well-known fact. Three months after giving birth, you can start eating blueberries with a few berries.. If the baby does not show signs of allergies, the number of berries can be gradually increased. You just need to know when to stop and be attentive to all changes in the baby’s health.

Vitamin recipes from blueberries

Blueberry drinks are not only tasty, but also beneficial for the human body. If they are prepared correctly, most of the beneficial substances are retained. What berries are needed and how many, see our recipes.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of blueberries,
  • 100 grams of blueberries,
  • 200-300 grams of sugar,
  • 3 liters of water.


Sort and rinse the berries running water. Crush in an enamel bowl until juice appears, adding sugar in the process. During this time, the water in the pan should boil. Place the berries, grated with sugar, into a saucepan and stir until almost boiling.. Turn it off immediately. After cooling, strain and bottle. Keep refrigerated.

You will need:

  • 1.5 cups fresh or frozen blueberries,
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar,
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of starch,
  • 1/3 teaspoon citric acid,
  • 1 liter of water.


  • The berries are ground through a fine sieve to obtain separate pomace and juice. The pomace is poured with boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes..
  • Strain the broth, add sugar and bring to a boil. Throw away the squeezings.
  • Dissolve starch in a separate bowl a small amount cold water. Pour into the boiling syrup in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  • Add carefully add blueberry juice and citric acid.
  • Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  • To prevent a film from forming, you can sprinkle it with sugar.
  • Kissel is ready.

Blueberries are consumed both fresh and prepared for the winter, frozen, pureed with sugar, or made into jam.

Garden blueberries pureed with sugar

You will need:

  • 1 kg blueberries,
  • 300-400 g sugar.


Mash the berries or break them with a blender, add granulated sugar and mix in an enamel bowl. Heat until sugar dissolves. Place into sterile jars.

To preserve the vitamin composition of the puree Best stored in the refrigerator. For storage in the basement the workpiece must be sterilized and rolled.



  • 1 kg of berries,
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 glass of water.


  • Sort the blueberries, rinse and dry.
  • While the berries are drying, prepare the syrup.
  • Berries are poured into syrup for 15-20 minutes.
  • Over low heat with constant stirring cook the mixture for 20 minutes, removing the foam.
  • The finished jam is placed in sterile jars, twisted and turned over.
  • The jars are wrapped and left to cool completely.

This jam can be successfully stored even without a refrigerator.


The healing effect of regular consumption of blueberries should not be exaggerated, but such a valuable gift of nature should not be neglected either.

You can be as skeptical as you like about traditional medicine, but chemical composition and many years of nutritionist practice only confirms that this berry deserves more attention.

Beneficial properties of blueberries Lately received well-deserved, truly international recognition. Having appreciated the taste and medicinal qualities of the humble wild berry, gardeners are actively cultivating it. Therefore, blueberries are increasingly appearing on sale in markets and supermarkets. But until now, only a few know how to properly use this wonderful berry.

Broad-spectrum blue bomb: beneficial properties of blueberries

A small bright blueberry really looks like a bomb, and when it enters the human body, it produces the effect of a rejuvenating explosion!

Sweet blueberries - a “box” with vitamins

Blueberries are also called blue grapes for their abundant, fragrant clusters. It is the color - not so much blue, but dark blue, even purple - that indicates the high content of anthocyanins in the berries.

These substances renew and rejuvenate blood vessels, which leads to the solution of many human health problems. Especially in tandem with a powerful antioxidant - vitamin C, the content of which in blueberries is quite high. In the presence of damaged areas in the vessels of the brain, anthocyanins are able to cope with this problem to one degree or another. An interesting joint study was carried out by scientists from America, Asia and Europe. Several hundred elderly people in different regions around the world, under the supervision of doctors, they have been eating blueberries for a long time. The simple and tasty treatment led to significant improvements in memory and brain activity in the subjects. According to their reviews, a feeling of vigor and good mood appeared, and their performance increased. Blueberries slow down aging.

Older people began to feel younger - because they actually became younger!

Anthocyanins reduce cholesterol in the blood, which serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. A beneficial effect of blueberries on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins has also been noted; the components of the berries have a hematopoietic function and are actively involved in the construction of bone tissue.

The glycemic index of blueberries is low, it is useful for diabetics, as well as for hypertensive patients, because it allows you to reduce and stabilize blood pressure. Prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases, removal of toxins, improvement of vision, normalization of digestion, liver function and gallbladder- a whole “bouquet” of bonuses is received by those who love this delicious berry.

The table shows the nutritional content per 100 grams of berries.

Composition of blueberries - table

Nutrients Quantity Norm % of normal
in 100 g
% of normal
in 100 kcal
100% normal
Calorie content 39 kcal 1684 kcal 2,3 % 5,9 % 1696 kcal
Squirrels 1 g 76 g 1,3 % 3,3 % 77 g
Fats 0.5 g 60 g 0,8 % 2,1 % 63 g
Carbohydrates 6.6 g 211 g 3,1 % 7,9 % 213 g
Organic acids 1.4 g
Alimentary fiber 2.5 g 20 g 12,5 % 32,1 % 20 g
Water 87.7 g 2400 g 3,7 % 9,5 % 2370 g
Ash 0.3 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.01 mg 1.5 mg 0,7 % 1,8 % 1 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.02 mg 1.8 mg 1,1 % 2,8 % 2 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid 20 mg 90 mg 22,2 % 56,9 % 90 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.4 mg 15 mg 9,3 % 23,8 % 15 g
Vitamin RR, NE 0.4 mg 20 mg 2 % 5,1 % 20 g
Niacin 0.3 mg
Potassium K 51 mg 2500 mg 2 % 5,1 % 2550 g
Calcium Ca 16 mg 1000 mg 1,6 % 4,1 % 1000 g
Magnesium Mg 7 mg 400 mg 1,8 % 4,6 % 389 g
Sodium Na 6 mg 1300 mg 0,5 % 1,3 % 1200 g
Phosphorus Ph 8 mg 800 mg 1 % 2,6 % 800 g
Iron Fe 0.8 mg 18 mg 4,4 % 11,3 % 18 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 6.6 g max 100 g

About the benefits of berries on video

How to pick and store berries

Until relatively recently, only wild blueberries were known, which were collected in the northern regions, in forests and swamps. But recently, thanks to research and popularization of the beneficial properties of blueberries, their recognition is growing rapidly. Gardeners began to grow on their plots a large number of various breeding varieties of this plant. Garden blueberries are healthy and tasty no less than their forest sister, and their composition does not differ significantly.

It is difficult to pick tender, juicy blueberries without damaging the berries, and when fresh they do not last long - no more than a week. The best way reliably save useful material blueberries until next season is just to freeze them. Dried blueberries can also be stored well, from which effective medicinal preparations can then be prepared.

How to eat blueberries

The best, of course, are fresh berries - the concentration of nutrients in them is maximum. Out of competition and fresh, squeezed juice immediately before use.

Fresh blueberry juice - elixir of youth

A glass of juice or the same amount of fresh berries daily - in pure form or as an additive to culinary dishes - this is the ideal blueberry consumption rate. But in practice, unfortunately, it is impossible to constantly consume only fresh berries. A complete replacement for them can be teas and decoctions made from frozen or dried fruits, as well as from dove leaves. If you prepare such products correctly, they will be an excellent support for the body not only during the short blueberry season, but throughout all year round. Another good option for preparing vitamins for the winter is to grind blueberries with sugar in a one-to-one ratio.

Two tablespoons of berries in any form are enough for daily intake to significantly improve visual acuity and promote healing from glaucoma. In this case, blueberries need to be sprinkled with sugar and taken for a long time. 70 grams of fresh or frozen berries daily - effective remedy, which will help cure atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

Decoction for general strengthening of the body

To enhance the effect of the decoction, it can be rubbed through a sieve.


  • blueberries - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • water - 2 liters.
  • Preparation:

  • Mash ripe (fresh or frozen) berries with a fork.
  • Pour water over blueberries, add sugar.
  • Bring to a boil, simmer for 5–7 minutes.
  • Let the compote brew until it cools completely.
  • Rub through a sieve.
  • Drink a decoction with pureed berries throughout the day. This compote can be consumed every other day or daily, in three-week courses with weekly breaks.

    Kidney tea

    The drug helps treat chronic inflammatory processes of the kidneys, as well as restore normal activity of the pancreas. An infusion of dried berries also helps strengthen the immune system.

    Tea with blueberries will tone the body


  • dried blueberries - 50 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.
  • Preparation:

  • To boil water.
  • Pour boiling water over dried berries in a thermos.
  • Leave to infuse for 7–8 hours.
  • Drink half a glass of infusion between meals. The course of treatment is from a month to a month and a half. For chronic inflammation of the pancreas, it is useful to eat up to 400 grams of berries daily. During exacerbations of pancreatitis, blueberries are contraindicated!

    Infusion of dried berries for diabetes

    Dried blueberries help those suffering from type 2 diabetes to lower their blood glucose levels.

    Dried blueberry “raisins” perfectly preserve nutrients


  • dried blueberries - 20 g;
  • water - 1 glass.
  • Preparation.

  • Pour boiling water over the berries.
  • Place in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Cool slightly.
  • Take daily, on an empty stomach. After drinking the liquid, you can then eat the berries - they contain a lot of useful substances.

    To renew blood vessels

    Blueberry leaves, rich in vitamin K, are collected and dried for the winter. They are used in folk medicine, for example, to strengthen blood vessels and treat varicose veins.

    Not only berries, but also leaves of “blue grapes” are used in folk medicine


  • blueberry leaves - 2 sprigs;
  • water - 1 glass.
  • Preparation.

  • Chop the leaves and put them in a thermos.
  • Pour boiling water over it.
  • Leave for two to three hours.
  • Drink three to four times during the day. Take for a long time. This remedy is also recommended for use before and after surgery, for two weeks, for better healing of postoperative wounds and general restoration of the body's strength.

    Tea against diarrhea

    The property of blueberries to normalize work gastrointestinal tract used in the treatment of diarrhea - a concentrated solution of leaves and twigs is used for this.


  • bush greens - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 glass.
  • Preparation.

  • Chop leaves and thin twigs.
  • Pour boiling water into a thermos.
  • Leave for three hours.
  • Drink in one gulp. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

    For weight loss

    Blueberries have the ability to burn fat and are actively used both in health and cleansing diets and specifically for weight loss.


  • blueberry berries and leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • cold water - 1 glass.
  • Preparation.

  • Pour cold(!) water over the berries and chopped leaves.
  • Leave to infuse overnight.
  • Strain.
  • Warm up before use.
  • Take in the morning, on an empty stomach.

    For women and men

    Blueberries have a positive effect on both the sexual and reproductive spheres of men and women. Men who regularly eat these berries are guaranteed not to develop prostatitis; they are not at risk of infertility and impotence. And if problems have already arisen, folk remedy in conjunction with medications prescribed by a doctor will help resolve them. The rejuvenating and restorative properties of blueberries help women maintain health, beauty and sexual attractiveness for many years. Against the backdrop of constant consumption of berries, the menstrual cycle is regulated and becomes painless, and menopause passes smoothly. A rich complex of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances will also be useful for the expectant mother and her baby. But in this case you need to be careful and know when to stop.

    For children

    Berries are very useful for an actively growing and developing child's body. It is an excellent source of vitamins, microelements, other beneficial substances and supports the immune system. Delicious natural “tablets” help healthy teeth and other bone tissues form correctly from childhood. Blueberries help strengthen memory and better concentration attention, which makes it easier for the child to navigate the rich flow of information.

    Blueberries are an essential vitamin and mineral complex in baby food.

    You just need to remember that this wonderful product is saturated with biologically active substances, which at too early an age can even cause harm, for example, provoke allergies. Therefore, blueberries should not be given to children under three years of age.

    Who are blueberries contraindicated for and what are their harms?

    Like any biologically active product, blueberries have their contraindications. It should not be used during exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, liver, or pancreas. There are not many cases when blue berries can bring harm rather than benefit. But we must remember that if they are consumed in excess, allergies and intoxication may occur, and as a result - nausea, vomiting, skin irritation, headaches and general weakness. Side effects of such overeating also include diarrhea and flatulence - blueberries are known to speed up metabolism.

    First of all, pregnant women and pregnant women should know about this. breastfeeding so as not to provoke problems for yourself and the long-awaited baby - he may develop diathesis if the mother becomes too carried away with the vitamin treat.

    Pregnant women need to be careful: in large doses, blueberries are dangerous. expectant mother and baby

    Blueberry is a plant of the lingonberry family, which has fruits with a pleasant taste and smell. The berries can be made into jam, jam and consumed fresh. What are beneficial features You will learn about blueberries, as well as why the plant is valued, from this material.


    The berry has an extensive list of minerals and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the body. It contains:

    • vitamins A, B, PP, K and E;
    • tannins;
    • alimentary fiber;
    • pectins;
    • flavonoids;
    • phenols, sugars and plant pigments;
    • pectin;
    • minerals (iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium).

    Blueberries are a low-calorie berry, the nutritional value is 57 kcal. Therefore, it is recommended to add it to the diet menu.

    Beneficial properties of blueberry berries and juice

    Due to its rich composition, consumption of the culture has a positive effect on almost all body systems. Beneficial features:

    • It has choleretic and diuretic properties, which helps to reduce weight and normalize the functioning of all organs.
    • Antioxidants contained in fruits prevent aging of the body and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
    • Prevents the formation of tumors.
    • Due to the vitamin C content, the fruits are used to prevent scurvy.
    • Regular consumption of blueberries helps improve vision. The fruits relax the eye muscles and help fight glaucoma.
    • Cleanses the body of toxins and stabilizes metabolism.
    • Improves the functioning of the digestive system. Intestinal peristalsis is improved.
    • The fruits slow down the aging of nerve cells, improve mental abilities and memory.
    • Lowers blood pressure.
    • Eating fruits leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels.
    • Increases appetite, promotes the secretion of sufficient gastric juice.
    • Raises the tone of the body and relieves nervous tension.
    • Increases the body's defenses and improves its resistance to viruses and bacteria.
    • If diarrhea or liver disease occurs, it is useful to drink 1/2 glass of juice 3 times a day.
    • Fresh blueberries remove salts from the body heavy metals and neutralizes the effects of radiation. This ability of the berry can be used by workers in hazardous industries.

    Due to the healing properties of blueberries, its juice also has positive qualities. Doctors recommend using it 1-2 times a week. The drink contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the juice has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the manifestation of fever.

    However, it does not have any restrictions, so the drink is widely used in dietary nutrition. The medicinal qualities of the culture are used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for the prevention of many diseases.

    Adding fruits to your child's menu

    The beneficial properties of blueberries for children are manifested in the saturation of the growing body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

    Due to the absence of allergens, it can be given to infants up to one year old. Initially, the berry is included in the menu in the form of puree. It is added to porridge or mixed with other fruits. Reception begins with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount. The serving size must be agreed with the pediatrician.

    It is forbidden to consume the berry in large quantities, so as not to cause nausea, vomiting or dizziness.

    Blueberries during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, adding berries to the menu is recommended for all women. Due to its beneficial properties, blueberries have the most positive effect during pregnancy. This happens due to the content of vitamins B, P, PP and folic acid, which is sometimes called the "female hormone". This substance forms new cells and prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus.

    In addition, the fruits have the following beneficial effects:

    • The vitamin C content in blueberries stops the development of colds, which have a detrimental effect on the body of the fetus and the expectant mother.
    • Reduces blood sugar, which is especially necessary for women who suffer from diabetes.
    • The iron contained in the berry can maintain normal hemoglobin levels. Rutin prevents blood pressure from rising and gives elasticity to capillaries.
    • The berry has a positive effect on vision. Thanks to the complex minerals, blueberries have anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.

    But you should not abuse the berry during this period, in order to avoid allergic reactions and intoxication in the child. During pregnancy, it is enough for a woman to eat no more than 80-100 g per day. This norm is enough to meet the needs of the body.

    The beneficial properties of blueberries during pregnancy and lactation are manifested in the saturation of vitamins and minerals for both the child and the mother. It is not recommended to consume berries in excessive quantities due to allergies.

    Benefits of blueberry leaves

    Not only fruits have medicinal properties. The leaves of the plant are often used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions. Traditional medicine has many recipes that can:

    • normalize the digestive process;
    • cleanse the body and have a disinfectant effect;
    • eliminate sleep disorders and nervous system disorders;
    • lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
    • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
    • reduce excessive appetite and prevent overeating;
    • strengthen immune system humans, have a preventive effect against colds and infectious diseases.

    A decoction, infusion or tincture is prepared from blueberry leaves. Drinks can be drunk without restrictions if there are no contraindications.

    To prepare a medicinal drink, you need the following:

    1. Take dried leaves of the plant (50 g) in a crushed state for a glass of boiling water.
    2. Brew for 2-3 hours.
    3. Strain the broth and drink a tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals.

    The course of treatment with blueberry decoction should be no more than 1 month, then a break is taken and, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

    A decoction of blueberry leaves is a preventive remedy for many diseases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels. For normalization blood pressure it can be drunk with fresh berries. Daily norm berries are 100-150 g.

    Winter preparations

    Blueberries also have beneficial properties in jam. In this form, its medicinal qualities will be preserved for a long time.

    To make jam, grind the berries in a blender until smooth. Add sugar. Divide into containers and store in the refrigerator.

    This composition preserves everything healing properties blueberries

    There is a method for making jam when the fruits are cooked. For this you need the following ingredients:

    1. Blueberries - 1 kg.
    2. Granulated sugar - 1 kg.
    3. Water - 100 ml.

    Sort and wash the fruits thoroughly. Make syrup from sugar and water and boil for several minutes. Then put the berries in it, boil for 10 minutes and place in sterile jars.

    Jam can be used to prevent colds and infectious diseases, and for diseases of the stomach and bladder.

    Use while dieting

    Having medicinal properties, blueberries are used for weight loss. It can be attributed to dietary products. Polyphenols contained in the berry help break down fat deposits. Blueberries burn extra pounds and prevent the formation of new ones.

    To obtain benefits, the fruits should be consumed in limited quantities. The daily intake of berries is 100-200 g. To achieve results, you need to exercise.

    Along with the berries, you can drink tea from blueberry leaves and drink fruit drinks. It is good to drink fresh fruits with milk, which can have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

    Fruits in cosmetology

    Due to its beneficial properties, blueberries can be used not only to improve the health of the body. The fact that this plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin has been known for a long time. Therefore, the culture is used to prepare facial care products.

    The beneficial properties of blueberries for women are manifested in recipes based on the addition of the berry. Masks will help preserve the beauty of your face and prolong the youth of your skin. Flavonoids protect it from ultraviolet radiation. They are able to cleanse and whiten the skin of the face.

    To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the juice from the berries. Combine in equal proportions with sour cream and cottage cheese. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse warm water. This mask will restore your skin's radiant appearance and get rid of fine wrinkles. But to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the product at least once a week.

    What plant varieties are there?

    A berry that grows in nature has a name or swamp. It is from such bushes that the harvest takes place in forests and swamps.

    First garden varieties were delivered from America. The blueberry bush was tall and reached a height of 2-3 m. Currently, many varieties of berries are known that are cultivated in summer cottages.

    Particularly popular garden blueberry, the properties of which are constantly used in medicinal purposes. But they also grow it for cooking. In the northern regions, a bush called “Canadian blueberry” is widespread. This plant is frost-resistant and has unpretentiousness and juicy fruits.

    For planting, choose a well-lit place with loose soil. She loves acidic soils, and on neutral and alkaline soils, blueberries grow poorly and do not reproduce. It needs to be planted with a large lump of earth; if the roots are exposed, the plant dies.

    Storage rules

    Blueberries are tender. And so as not to lose it all medicinal properties, must be chosen The right way storage

    The fruits should be frozen. Such blueberries retain all their healing properties and can be used to prepare compotes, fruit drinks and jelly. Most often it is used as a filling for pies.

    In some cases, blueberries are dried. You can store it in a glass container in a dark room. Dried fruits, like frozen ones, fully retain their healing properties and can be used to treat various diseases.

    Fresh blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to choose a container with a tight lid. Store at 0-5 degrees for 2 weeks.

    Regardless of the storage method, blueberries retain their properties best when fresh.

    Harm to culture

    Despite the varied medicinal properties of blueberries, the plant also has contraindications. As a rule, negative effects can occur with severe overeating of fruits. The berry is rich in many nutrients, which, when eaten in large quantities, are harmful to the body.

    Signs of poisoning may include:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • general weakness;
    • headache.

    When consuming berries by women during pregnancy and lactation, extreme caution must be taken. After all, this can negatively affect the child when harmful substances enter his body along with mother's milk.

    Patients taking blood thinners should not add fruits to their menu.

    Blueberries are a unique berry that is very popular. Due to its composition and many useful qualities, it can be used not only in medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. The medicinal qualities of blueberries are used for therapeutic and preventive purposes.


    The blueberry is similar in many ways, although in our country it is less popular. But its benefits are enormous for our health and beauty.

    What are the beneficial and medicinal properties of blueberries for health, the benefits of the leaves of the berry for the human body, what are the harms, are there any contraindications for use, how best to prepare and take it? We'll tell you!

    Composition and benefits

    Blueberries contain a lot of organic acids, vitamin C, tannins. The fruits contain a large amount of polyphenols that can relax and dilate blood vessels.

    Together with probiotics, they relieve inflammation and destroy microorganisms that cause them. The leaves of the plant are also useful.

    The product contains anthocyanin substances, which help fight cancer, various inflammations, and bacterial infections.

    The aging process slows down, and the risk of developing destructive processes in the brain is reduced.

    The berry has choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. With its regular use, the functioning of the stomach and heart, intestines, and other gastrointestinal organs improves.

    You can improve your metabolism with medicinal decoctions from the leaves and berries of this plant.

    This product is useful as a general tonic. with vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity. It also has the following benefits:

    Benefits for men, women, children and pregnant women

    For men Blueberries are useful in that they have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, providing prevention of impotence, infertility, and prostatitis.

    For women This is an excellent prevention of anemia and obesity. The berry is low-calorie, so you can eat it without fear of gaining weight.

    During pregnancy the berry brings double benefits. The reason is that during this period, a woman’s body needs large quantities of valuable substances, and blueberries replenish their reserves and ensure the prevention of a number of problems.

    But it is important to eat these fruits in moderation to prevent an allergic reaction.

    Blueberries are also good for children, especially during periods of seasonal illnesses: it strengthens the immune system and vitality, preventing the baby from catching the virus - all benefits, no harm!

    The product also helps strengthen growing bones, improves blood clotting, helping to heal wounds and stop bleeding.

    The program “Live Healthy!” tells about the benefits of blueberries for health, what the healing properties of the berry are, and how to prepare them correctly:

    Which is healthier - fresh or processed?

    The highest concentration of substances is preserved in fresh berries. The beneficial substances and properties of blueberries are preserved frozen.

    Blueberries do not last long; housewives try to preserve their beneficial properties by making jam, marmalade, compote, and jelly from them.

    Benefits of drinking fresh juice. Many lovers of natural alcoholic drinks It is used to prepare wine, liqueurs, and tinctures.

    How and when is the best time to eat berries?

    To get the maximum amount of substances, eat it fresh during the season when this berry is available on the shelves.

    Jams and preserves made from this berry are, of course, delicious, but keep in mind that processing at temperatures above 60 degrees destroys all beneficial substances.

    Fresh berries can be eaten as a separate dish, or add it to fruit salads.

    Also try fresh juice from these fruits. It is both tasty and healthy - it contains a lot of vitamins and antioxidants.

    Cooking recipes

    Blueberries are consumed fresh and cooked.. Preserves and jams are made from it, it is added to curd products, baked goods, fruit salads, juices, wines, and tinctures are made.

    There are many recipes for preparing dishes that preserve the properties of blueberries. Here are some of them.

    Berry compote. You need to prepare the blueberries, place them tightly in sterilized containers. Prepare syrup from 400 g of sugar and 600 ml of water, pour this syrup over the berries, and close the jars with lids.

    Blueberry jam. You will need a kilogram of fruit, a kilogram of sugar and one and a half glasses of water. Sort through, wash the berries, put them in a saucepan, pour sugar syrup.

    Keep it in it for several hours, then cook until done. Place the jam in jars and seal them.

    Berry charlotte. You need to beat the sugar to make foam, combine with flour, mix everything. Add blueberries, soda and citric acid.

    Mix everything again and pour into a pre-oiled mold. Bake in the oven for twenty minutes.

    Do you know for the body? What could be its harm? Find out more!

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    Potential Harm

    Are blueberries healthy, what are the benefits of them, what are the advantages of the berry, we figured it out, now we need to talk about contraindications and possible harm.

    Berries can rarely harm the body. But it is important to use them within reasonable limits, since certain substances in the composition, entering the body in excess, can cause intoxication.

    Possible nausea and vomiting, general weakness, headaches. and, even taking into account the beneficial properties of blueberries, it is important to consume the berry in moderation so as not to cause harm, since the baby may develop allergic reaction, and all the benefits will be negated.

    It is not advisable to eat it if you are taking blood thinners because the berry can increase its coagulability.

    Naturally, Those who are allergic to it should avoid this product. In all other cases, you can use this berry, of course, remembering a sense of proportion.

    Alternative Uses

    Blueberries are valuable not only as a food product. It can be used for medicinal purposes as a tonic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Pureed berries are not a bad idea for those who suffer from cystitis., enterocolitis.

    What are the benefits of blueberry leaves? Based on them, you can prepare a decoction that is useful for heart diseases and anemia. It is useful to drink it for constipation, as it has a mild laxative effect.

    Berry juice is used to cleanse the blood. It increases the tone of the body, has a calming and diuretic effect.

    Used in folk medicine not only leaves and berries, but also bark, shoots, and roots of blueberries. Based on them, decoctions and compresses are prepared that can be used to treat the skin for frostbite and burns. They will be useful for those who suffer from excessive sweating of the extremities.

    Such recipes are popular among people.

    • Compote to strengthen the body, prevention of cancer. To prepare compote, you need to mash fresh berries, add water, then boil, add sugar.

      This infusion should be drunk throughout the day, like water.

    • Infusion for the treatment of diarrhea. You need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant and let it brew. It is recommended to consume before meals.
    • Decoction of leaves and shoots plants to normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. It is enough to pour boiling water over the young branches with leaves, let them brew, and consume them three times a day.

    Blueberries are also used in cosmetology, since the beneficial substances in its composition help preserve beauty and youth.

    • Berry extract is added to various creams and facial serums. Flavonoids provide the skin with protection from free radicals and sun rays, thoroughly cleanse the skin, and whiten it.
    • The extract from it can be used against inflammation and damage to the skin. It has a strengthening and exfoliating effect, helps restore collagen fibers.

    Selection, storage and procurement

    In order for the berry to bring maximum benefits, you need to know the rules for its selection and storage.

    In order not to doubt the quality of the berries, It's better to grow it yourself. But not everyone has such an opportunity and desire, so when purchasing, inspect the fruits carefully.

    They must be whole and dry, no damage or rot is allowed. Their color should be dark blue, and the whitish coating should be uniform.

    Fresh berries do not last long. You can put it in airtight containers and leave it in the refrigerator. It can be stored for up to 14 days.

    You can ensure long-term storage of berries by canning. They are soaked and made into jam., then the fruits do not lose their benefits throughout the year.

    Drying is difficult, so blueberries are often candied: sprinkled granulated sugar and leave it in the refrigerator.

    Another tip: if you need to dry shoots and leaves, do this in a well-ventilated room. They also need to be turned over sometimes.

    During the warm season, don't forget about blueberries. This tasty and healthy berry will help you maintain health and beauty throughout the year.