Knotweed plants for ponds. We decorate the pond: coastal perennial plants. Planting and caring for vegetation in the pond

Almost every garden plot has ponds, and these are not necessarily ponds or pools, but simply sources of water used for irrigation. Not only decorative ponds, but also household containers with water reserves can be given decorative look and then they will become elements of improvement.

To give a pond a decorative appearance, increase aesthetic value, and completeness of the composition, its shoreline can be decorated with herbaceous perennials.

Plants that grow well in moist soils are suitable for decorating a pond. But in addition to high humidity, the roots of coastal plants also need soil air. In other words, the soil for coastal plants should be moist, fertile and loose, well aerated.

If you select plants according to these requirements, then you will find a very large group of perennial ornamental herbaceous plants: daylily, hosta, anemone, Thunberg astilbe, Japanese astilbe, aconite, Siberian iris, marsh forget-me-not, thin-leaved bergenia, cordifolia maquea, palmate rhubarb. In addition, to decorate the coastal line of a reservoir, you can also use plants growing along the banks of natural reservoirs: bathing suit, ferns, fireweed, creeping buttercup and many others. It is easy to sort coastal plants and select the ones you need according to height.

Aconite glomerulosa (Aconitum napellus) is a herbaceous, perennial plant, up to 1 meter tall, with carved, dark green leaves divided into 5-7 lobes. Aconite glomerulosa is considered a poisonous plant. It blooms in July - August with purple, white or white-violet flowers collected in loose racemes.

Bergenia thin-leaved (Bergenia crassifolia) is an excellent plant for decorating the shoreline of a reservoir. Growing bergenia.

Volzhanka dioecious (aruncus dioicus), or aruncus- perennial herbaceous plant, forms an ornamental bush up to 1.5 meters high with a loose crown. The leaves are green, very lacy, twice or thrice pinnately dissected. The flowers are white or cream, fragrant, collected in complex paniculate inflorescences.

Volzhanka dioecious is propagated by dividing the bush, root and stem cuttings. Prefers moist, light, fertile soils. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. It grows in one place for 7 years.

Sakhalin knotweed (Fallopiasachalinenses), or Sakhalin buckwheat- tall, up to 2-3 meters tall, perennial plant. The stems are straight, the rhizome is creeping. The leaves are light green, broadly oval, very large. The flowers are creamy-white, small, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Flowering period: August - September.

Sakhalin knotweed reproduces by seeds, root suckers, and division of the bush. Grows well in loose, fertile, moist soils. It grows in one place for up to 10 years. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant.

Swamp iris, or iris yellow (Iris pseudoacorus) - is a rapidly growing, dense bush 0.7-1.0 m high. The leaves are green, sword-shaped. The flowers are small, golden yellow. Flowering period: June - July.

Grows well in moist humus soils. Swamp iris is light-loving, but also tolerates shade and is frost-resistant. Propagated by dividing the rhizome. It grows in one place for up to 6 years. There are variegated forms of marsh iris.

Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) is a rapidly growing, densely leafy bush up to 1 meter tall. The leaves are light green, linear, much shorter than the peduncle. The flowers are small, blue, light blue, smoky white, collected 2-3 in an inflorescence.

Siberian iris prefers well-fertilized, loamy, moist soils. Photophilous, frost-resistant. It is considered very hardy plant, unpretentious in care. Propagated by dividing the bush, green cuttings with a heel, which take root well in a shaded place in open ground.

Asian swimsuit(Trollius asiaticus), or frying- perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm tall. The rhizome is branched, growing upward. The basal leaves are dark green, carved, on a long petiole, collected in a rosette. Stem leaves on a short petiole, or sessile, are similar to basal leaves, but become smaller towards the top. The flowers are solitary, orange or dark yellow. Flowering period: May - June.

Asian swimmer needs constant soil moisture. Grows best in well-fertilized, loose soils. It can grow in open places and in partial shade, and is frost-resistant. It grows in one place for up to 6 years, but due to the rhizomes constantly growing upward, it requires constant addition of humus, compost or peat to feed and cover the rhizomes. The Asian swimsuit is listed in the Red Book.

European swimsuit (Trolliuseuropaeus) is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are dark green, carved, and turn yellow after flowering.

The flowers are solitary, bright yellow or lemon, large. Flowering period is May. European swimmer grows in loose, fertile soils. It grows both in open places and in partial shade, is moisture-loving and frost-resistant. Propagated by seeds, which are sown in autumn open ground, and dividing the rhizome. It grows in one place for up to 5 years.

Chinese swimsuit (Trollius chinensis) is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 1.2 m tall. The basal leaves on long petioles are collected in a rosette, green, carved. The flowers are solitary, large, orange. Flowering period is June.

Propagated by seeds, which ripen in August and self-sow widely. Grows well both in open areas and in partial shade. Prefers well-fertilized, loose, moist soils. Requires constant addition of humus soil to the exposed rhizome. Frost-resistant. It grows in one place for up to 6 years.

Daylily yellow (Hemerocallislilioasphodelus), or Krasnodnev- a perennial herbaceous plant with a rhizome growing upward, up to 75 cm high. Green broad-line leaves are collected in a rosette. The flowers are fragrant, dark yellow, lemon yellow. Flowering period: May - June.

Yellow daylily is unpretentious, but prefers well-fertilized, moist soils. Grows well in open areas, tolerates partial shade. Frost-resistant. Propagated by dividing rhizomes in late summer. It grows in one place for up to 10 years.

Daylily orange (Hemerocallisfulva) is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant up to 1 meter tall. Long, green, broadly linear leaves are collected in a rosette. The flowers are orange-red or brown-yellow, large, simple or double. Flowering period - July. The flowering of one flower lasts only one day, but due to the constantly opening flowers, the flowering period extends for a long time.

Rhubarb palmate (Rheumpalmatum) is a tall, up to 3-4 meters tall, decorative foliage plant. The stem is slightly branched, straight, hollow inside. The leaves are very large, up to 1 meter long, carved, on large petioles. The flowers are small, white, cream, fawn, red, collected in a powerful panicle. Flowering period is June.

Rhubarb is very picky about soils; it does not tolerate heavy clay soils, with stagnant water, or swampy soils. Sandy soils are also not suitable for growing it. The best soils are deeply cultivated, well-fertilized, and moist.

Light-loving, but tolerates light partial shade, moisture-loving, and frost-resistant. Propagated by seeds and division of rhizomes. It grows in one place for up to 8 years. Rhubarb can be used not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a vegetable plant: young leaves and petioles of rhubarb can be eaten.

Hosta is another unpretentious perennial plant that also grows well in moist, loose, fertile soils, which can also be used to decorate a pond.

When writing this article, materials from were used,
A. Krestnikova. Decorative perennials. 1987
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As a rule, when arranging decorative structures, special attention is paid beautiful design coastal line, and the water surface of the garden pond is content, at best, with water lilies. But plants that can not only decorate water surface, but also benefit the pond and its inhabitants, much more than you can imagine, and landscape designer Natalya Vysotskaya, our regular author and consultant, will introduce you to some of them today.

Oxygenating plants

It's no secret that only a clean and healthy body of water can have an attractive appearance. In nature, unique plants cope with cleaning water bodies, which, by absorbing carbon dioxide normalize the oxygen balance in their habitat. Thanks to this unique ability, plants got their name - oxygenators. The stems, leaves and flowers of oxygenators, in most cases, are under water and only occasionally appear on the surface, therefore they are classified as underwater plants.

Most oxygenators do not have any decorative value, but they are an indispensable component for the life of a reservoir. Let's try to systematize the diversity of representatives of this group. When choosing oxygenators you need to consider:

1. Dimensions of the reservoir

2. Presence of plants in the pond

3. Presence of living creatures in the reservoir

For small ponds, it is advisable to use one of the annuals - autumn swampweed ( Callitriche autumnalis), from perennials - spicate urut ( Myriophyllum spicatum), which in the conditions of central Russia requires wintering indoors. This category also includes swampweed or water chickweed ( Callitriche palustris) and needle mire ( Eleocharis acicularis).

For larger reservoirs of perennials, dark green hornwort is used ( Ceratophyllum demersum), which can grow at a depth of up to 9 m, and elodea ( Elodea), which grows at a depth of 20 cm to 3 m, but since it grows very quickly, it is recommended to be cultivated in large reservoirs. Rdest ( Potamogeton) prefers running water and can serve as food for fish; it will thrive in reservoirs of any size; even when it dries out, the plant remains alive for some time and can regenerate when placed in a favorable environment.

Hornwort is considered a unique oxygenating plant ( Ceratophyllum), which is very decorative and unpretentious - it grows both in the sun and in the shade and is not picky about the size of the reservoir. When propagating, hornwort cuttings are simply thrown into water. Also among the decorative oxygenators can be considered swamp turkey ( Hottonia palustris), this is one of the few flowering representatives of this group of aquatic plants. Turcha blooms in early summer on the surface of the water, forming peduncles up to 20–25 cm in height, at the ends of which there are pale lilac or white flowers.

Relatively unpretentious oxygenating plants include fire fontinalis, or water moss ( Fontinalis antipyretica). This slow-growing plant thrives in both sun and partial shade, but prefers a little current.

To improve the quality of water with a high lime content, use wild-growing algae called chara ( Charales). After the hara has fulfilled its purpose, experts advise removing it from the reservoir, since the plant is an aggressor. Regarding the use of tillea for natural cleaning of reservoirs ( Tillaea) there are conflicting opinions. On the one hand, tillya is a plant that copes well with the functions of an oxygenator, on the other hand, it is a strong aggressor, which, as it grows, intensively displaces other species from its habitat.

Plants floating on the surface

This category of plants is characterized by free-floating leaves or stems on or near the water's surface. Such plants are especially necessary if the pond is illuminated by the sun most of the day. The leaf blade floating on the surface shades the water surface, thereby preventing the development of unwanted blue-green algae.

The most common plants from this group: watercolor, wolfia, hydrocleis, zherushnik, luronium, duckweed, telores, eichornia.

Let's name the features of some of them:

Common watercolor ( Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) is a perennial plant with small (2.5–5 cm) rounded leaves and white three-petaled flowers that rise 3–5 cm above the surface of the water. Vodokras blooms throughout the summer. Snow-white flowers take turns replacing each other, so the pond will always look elegant; apparently, the watercolor got its name due to the effect of continuous flowering.

“Planting” the plant will not cause any difficulties. It is enough to dip the water paint buds into water. A big advantage of using water paint in landscaping garden ponds is the possibility of overwintering at the bottom of the pond in the form of dormant buds (provided it is possible to overwinter below the freezing level of the water). The plant is not aggressive, grows slowly, and is excellent for cultivation in central Russia.

But when using duckweed for green decoration, you should be more careful. The plant fills the water surface more aggressively than the previous species, so its numbers need to be controlled. The most famous two species are duckweed ( Lemna minor) and duckweed trilobed ( Lemna trisulca). Describe appearance We will not use duckweed, since everyone knows it. Duckweed overwinters in the same way as watercolor, in the form of buds that sink to the bottom along with the dead plant. In addition to protecting the reservoir from the sun and supplying it with oxygen, duckweed serves as food for fish.

Another representative of the duckweed family is Wolfia rootless ( Wolffia arrhiza). Its tiny stem-plates, floating on the surface, form green or brownish-green spots on the water. The miniature size of this plant allows it to be used for small ponds. The peculiarity of planting and care is that you don’t need to do anything - just launch the colony into a pond and admire it. The plant overwinters in a pond.

Aloe-like teloresis ( Stratiotes aloides) - combines the qualities of both watercolor (since it belongs to the same family) and duckweed. With the elegance of its snow-white three-petal flowers it is similar to watercolor, its foliage is similar to aloe (hence it got its name), and the aggressiveness of its spread is similar to duckweed. Most of the time, the telores is attached by its roots to the bottom of the reservoir, and only twice a year it floats up and floats freely - in July during flowering and at the end of August, when daughter rosettes appear.

Eichornia thick-peduncle, or water hyacinth ( ) although it requires wintering indoors, it is, of course, a leader among plants that are used in landscaping ponds, since it is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty during flowering.

Eichornia pachypodina (water hyacinth)

Rarely found plants floating on the water deserve attention: azolla, bladderwort, water chestnut, pistia and salvinia. The most beautiful aquatic plants are of tropical origin, which means they need wintering in a warm room. Perhaps this is why they are so rarely found in our reservoirs.

Azolla ( Azolla) and Salvinia ( Salvinia) are one of the few representatives of ferns that can swim. This plant is quite rare in our reservoirs, since it is heat-loving and requires wintering indoors, where the air temperature does not drop below +12 ºС. Therefore, the reservoir in which these ferns will live in the summer should be small and well warmed up.

Pemphigus ( Utricularia) is an insectivorous plant with yellow flowers, which blooms from June to September. Why pemphigus? Because on thin underwater leaves there are many small bubbles, the complex mechanism of which helps the bladderwort to catch its edible victims. In the conditions of central Russia, it winters at the bottom of the reservoir.

Deep sea plants

The features of cultivation have already been covered on our website. Now let’s look in more detail at water lilies, egg capsules and nymphaeum.

Water lily (Nymphaea) is an aquatic, flowering, light-loving perennial that grows well when planted to a depth of 2 m. The best way cultivation - (this is also what this plant is called) in special containers that are placed at the bottom of the reservoir. In the conditions of central Russia, winter-hardy water lily species can overwinter in open water bodies: snow-white water lily ( N. candida), white water lily ( N. alba), fragrant water lily ( N. odorata).

Kubyshka ( Nuphar), unlike the water lily, is less decorative, but can grow in shade. Winters only in non-frozen water bodies.

Nymphaeum ( Nymphoides) is an incredibly attractive and aggressive plant. The yellow, buttercup-like flowers bloom in July-September. It prefers sunny places and overwinters, like the egg capsule, in frost-free reservoirs.

Indian nymphaeum

Coastal plants

Calamus, watch, knotweed, decodon, iris, marigold, arrow leaf, reed, cattail - this is far from full list coastal plants. Many of them need no introduction and have long been known in culture.

Coastal ones not only perform the function of a smooth transition from the water element to land, but also protect the banks of reservoirs from erosion, and in winter period Hollow-stemmed plant stems ensure oxygen flows under the ice crust.

Natalia Vysotskaya, landscape designer

2013 - 2016, . All rights reserved.

Highlander - this perennial shrub belongs to the Buckwheat family (lat. Polýgonum). In nature there are about 200 species. No more than 20 are cultivated. Japan, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands are considered its homeland. Translated from Greek, it is translated as “polygon”.

Luxurious shrubs with a dense crown and a well-branched shoot system. There are climbing plants, like vines, whose branches grow up to 15 m. People call it buckwheat.

Shrub form with erect climbing shoots and large leaves. Inflorescences are formed in the form of a panicle. Pink and cherry colored flowers. The plant has a strong root system. Considering unusual shape stems, knotweed is called Siberian bamboo because they resemble its shoots.

Climbing variety It has thin stems, smaller leaves, and flowers with peculiar inflorescences. After the flowering period, nuts are formed on the bushes, with seeds in the form of small seeds. At first glance, the leaves of the plant are elastic and hard, but in fact they are tender and suitable for consumption.

It is worth considering the fact that the knotweed grows in large sizes; if it is planted under a fence or near buildings, its green mass can completely hide the vertical surface underneath.

This is an excellent honey plant, of particular value for beekeepers. It makes delicious buckwheat honey.

The taste of the shoots of some types of knotweed (Sakhalin and Spread) resembles asparagus. The roots contain starch and tannin components, which contain tannin. To reduce its quantity, they are stewed or fried. The leaves are consumed fresh because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Plant species

Several species of knotweed are common in Russia.

Weyrich (Polygonum weyrichii)

In the wild it grows on the slopes of the mountains of the Kuril Islands, Japan. Forming powerful thickets with branched stems. The rhizome is creeping. The peak of decorativeness occurs at the end of summer. The flowers are racemose, small, white. Tolerates frosts well. Grows well in rich loams.

Knotweed (Polygonum capilatum)

Little-known plant species, annual. With the arrival of spring, it develops quickly. Highlander loves sunny areas. In the shade, the foliage becomes pale and unattractive. Bushes no more than 15 cm high with small leaves with red stripes. The inflorescences are round, soft pink. The peak of decorativeness occurs at the beginning of June and continues until the end of autumn. This is a great option for borders, containers, hanging flowerpots and even growing in pots on a terrace or balcony.

Aubert's knotweed (Polygonum aubertii)

Native to western China, it grows as low, shrubby vines with non-lignified shoots. The ovoid green leaves are no more than 9 cm in diameter and turn red in autumn. The peak of decorativeness occurs in mid-August. The plant is suitable for planting near buildings, but the formation of a bush is necessary. The knotweed requires support along which the shoots will grow. This species is resistant to diseases and pests. The leaves are suitable for eating raw or cooked.

Kamchatka buckwheat

Bush with white paniculate flowers and heart-shaped leaves. During flowering, a pleasant smell develops throughout the garden.

It grows in the form of a large shrub up to 4 m high. It is worth noting the only drawback of a beautiful decorative appearance - for planting in small areas in the garden or at the dacha. Having decided to remove it, you will have to cut off the shoots that sprout from the miniature roots remaining in the soil for several more years. With its green mass it will shade other trees and cultivated plants. If the area is large, it will grow freely and delight with luxurious flowering.

Related Highlander

Naples is considered its homeland, but it has taken root well in Russia. The plant is similar to a creeping vine; shoots reach a length of 6 m. Thin stems with small leaves. The knotweed develops, covering the support with a green carpet and white and crimson inflorescences. The peak of decorativeness begins in spring and ends in late autumn. Recommended for planting around a pond. During flowering, the plant emits a pleasant aroma, honey plant.

Candleweed knotweed

The shrub begins flowering in the second ten days of September. With coming low temperatures the leaves freeze a little, but the bush continues to bloom with its spike-shaped inflorescences and continues to delight for a long time with its crimson color. This low bush, about two meters high, is suitable for planting around bodies of water. You can plant autumn asters around it, which will contrast brightly with its green mass. Experts recommend covering the bushes with spruce branches or compost for the winter. The procedure is carried out after they have faded.

Sakhalin knotweed

It is considered an unpretentious species that reproduces well by vegetative methods and grows quickly. The height of the bush is about 3 m with white flowers that exude a pleasant aroma. It stands out for its large green leaves with a tree-like stem. Suitable for planting in spacious areas.

Baldschuani knotweed (Polygonum baldschuanicum)

A perennial vine can grow more than 10 m in length per season. It is important to regularly monitor the growth and formation of shoots. An excellent option for camouflaging a building or wall. If you do not trim the shoots on time, within a month it will cover nearby structures and plants with a dense carpet.

The knotweed stands out for its beautiful flowering. The peak of decorativeness occurs at the beginning of autumn and continues until frost. This species is distinguished by its dense, leafy mass and white panicle-shaped inflorescences.


Shrubs do not require special care, since they are unpretentious and grow on any soil. But it is preferable to plant in well-lit areas. They love organic feeding. The peak of decorativeness falls from June to November, blooming until frost. The plant loves moisture and needs to be watered daily. It is better to place the seedlings near the drainage pits, since they will be comfortable, the roots will be saturated with moisture, and decorate the pit itself.

Video about the knotweed plant:


Replant by dividing the roots, carefully pulling out the bush with a lump of earth. Small roots remain in the ground and sprout again. Having provided proper care behind the plant, the knotweed feels great in one place for more than 10 years.

On autumn period You should not forget about trimming the above-ground part. With the arrival of spring, young shoots develop quickly. An excellent option for the banks of reservoirs or mountain slopes.

Plants are not afraid of frost and tolerate temperature drops down to -30 degrees. In some cases, if the roots are damaged by low temperature, the plants do not freeze out, but will bloom with small flowers. After a short time, the bush will rejuvenate and will delight you with lush greenery. If desired, you can choose a variety according to the size and color scheme.

Breeding rules

  • Seeds. After the flowering period, a fruit is formed that is similar in appearance to a nut. Small seeds fall out of it directly into the ground and take root well.
  • Dividing the bush. You can divide the root of an adult plant with a shovel in places with the greatest formation of roots. When replanting, it is important not to injure the roots and carry the plant with a clod of earth.
  • By shoots. As the knotweed grows and forms, drooping branches can become anchored in the soil. If the soil under the plant is moist, miniature roots form from the leaf axils. After some time, a bush forms, which can be carefully separated from the branch and replanted.
  • By cuttings. In summer, cut a shoot about 30 cm long, stick it into the ground and water it abundantly. After 10-14 days, young shoots appear and the root mass develops.

When planning to propagate plants by seeds, they are prepared. For the winter they are placed in the refrigerator for stratification. In the first days of March, sowing is carried out to obtain young shoots. Cover the top with polyethylene or glass and place in a warm place. With the appearance of the first shoots, the boxes are placed in a bright place. When the plants reach their first true leaves, they are planted in containers one at a time. When stable warm weather sets in, highlanders are planted in well-fertilized holes.

Nuances of cultivation

  • The optimal environment for the development of shoots is fertilized, loose soil;
  • In order for the plant to feel good, it needs to be watered abundantly and take care of the mulch; it will retain moisture, preventing it from quickly evaporating in the hot heat. Pine needles or grass clippings will do;
  • When planted in the garden, vines look good with grasses, echinacea, Japanese spirea, hydrangea and anemones.


Highlander refers to medicinal plants, it is harvested in May. At this time, the roots contain the maximum concentration useful substances. The rhizomes are dried in the shade, in a ventilated area. They are valued for gallic and ascorbic acid, catechin, starch, macronutrients and protein. Medicines based on it are used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. They have a calming effect.

Use in folk medicine

  • An infusion of the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory medicine for inflammation and wounds;
  • It is also useful for gastrointestinal diseases, in particular diarrhea, urolithiasis, internal bleeding;
  • Copes well with inflammation due to cholecystitis, peptic ulcers and colitis;
  • Sore throats quickly go away if you regularly gargle with knotweed infusion;
  • The decoction helps eliminate severe sweating of the feet and relieves corns;


  • You can cope with diarrhea by taking 1 g of powder three times a day;
  • The root of the plant, crushed into powder, will help speed up the maturation of abscesses. They cover the abscess with it and leave it there for several hours;
  • Infusions and decoctions of bird knotweed fight cough and lung diseases. To prepare the infusion, take 3 tsp. herbs, add a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil in a water bath. After cooling, drink ½ glass of the medicine in the morning and evening;
  • The herb is valued for its hemostatic effect in cystitis, accompanied by bloody discharge. In this case, take a tablespoon of herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a water bath for half an hour. Take 30 ml three times a day for seven days.


Infusions should not be used by those who suffer from kidney disease and Bladder V acute form. It is also not recommended for pregnant women and children to drink it.

As a conclusion

When planning to plant a knotweed on your plot, you can get not only decorative design vertical surfaces, but also useful plant, which will improve the condition of the body and help cope with diseases.

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Knotweed is one of the few plants that have so many species that are radically different from each other. Annuals, perennials, creeping vines, and shrubs grow all over the world, and there are more than 300 species. Of these, 20 species have been cultivated, and they delight with their decorative properties.


Highbush knotweed is used for landscaping the banks of reservoirs, hedges and for making silage for animals. The most popular of the tall species: Oriental, Sakhalin, Japanese:

  1. Eastern knotweed is an annual plant that grows up to 2 m in height and has large paniculate inflorescences. Flowers are red, pink, lilac or white. The leaves are green, oval, pointed at the ends. After flowering, black nuts are formed. Eastern knotweed blooms in late summer until frost. Easy to care for, loves nutritious and moist soil. Eastern knotweed grows both in the wild and in garden plots. In nature, it can be found in forests, steppes and meadows. As ornamental plant Eastern knotweed is actively grown in the Primorsky Territory and China.
  2. Sakhalin knotweed is a tall perennial plant with creeping roots. Height up to 5 m, branches straight, strong. The leaves are oval, up to 30 cm long and up to 25 cm wide. Flowers are collected in white panicles. Blooms in the second half of summer. Flowering period up to 45 days. The plant is very winter-hardy. It grows naturally on Sakhalin and Japan. It mainly grows on slopes and hills. In garden areas it is used to decorate old buildings, artificial ponds, and hedges. Residents of Sakhalin add young leaves to salads and soups. The plant is used as feed for cattle. Sakhalin knotweed quickly fills free territory, and many gardeners do not risk planting it on their plots.
  3. Japanese knotweed is a tall, bushy plant. The height reaches 5 m. The branches are hollow, cranked, very similar to bamboo stems. The leaves are green, medium in size, oval in shape. There are frequent veins throughout the leaf. The flowers are small, cream-colored, collected in panicles. Japanese knotweed blooms in early September. This is the fastest growing knotweed, allowing you to quickly create a hedge and hide the area from prying eyes. Tolerates pruning well. The branches can be used to weave baskets, vases and other crafts. This knotweed grows very quickly and is difficult to remove from the site.


Low-growing species of knotweed are used for planting in flower beds, decorating alpine slides and as borders. The most popular of the low-growing plants are: Capitate knotweed, Related knotweed and Viviparous knotweed.

Capitate knotweed – annual plant, which can close the void in the soil in a short time. Height up to 15 cm, branched, creeping. The leaves are small, green with red veins and spots. The inflorescences are small, cone-shaped, consisting of small pinkish-white flowers.

It is used for landscaping flower beds, trimmed borders and filling areas under trees. Grows well in both full sun and full shade. Most often propagated by seeds. Undemanding appearance, easy to care for. It responds to fertilizing with abundant flowering. Can be planted in a pot and used as a houseplant.

The related knotweed is a low-growing perennial native to the Himalayas. Plant height up to 25 cm. Leaves are long, lanceolate, green. Flowers in the form of dense spikes.

The color can be pink or red. The length of the inflorescences is 10-12 cm. The related knotweed begins to bloom in May and blooms all over summer season. After flowering, the leaves of the plant turn red. Loves moderate shady places, but can also grow in full sun. Does not require frequent watering and tolerates drought well. When water stagnates, rhizomes can rot.

High winter hardiness, but can freeze in the absence of snow. The related knotweed is very decorative, used in flower beds, alpine slides, for landscaping coastal areas, and fits well with other perennials. It grows well and can choke some plants.

Knotweed Viviparous is a perennial plant, up to 45 cm high. It looks like Snake Knotweed, but has a more decorative appearance. Stems are straight, bare. The leaves are hard, lanceolate, dark green. Inflorescence spike, with pale pinkish or red flowers. Blooms all season. In nature, Viviparous knotweed grows in the tundra, along the banks of rivers and lakes. The roots and flowers are eaten, added to salads, and made into tea.

Highlander - Baldzhuansky liana

Baljuan knotweed is a perennial vine that grows up to 12-15 meters. Is used for vertical gardening plots. It blooms with small white flowers, which become pinkish when the air temperature drops. The leaves of the vine are dark green. The stems of an adult vine become woody.

Baljuan knotweed loves cool, damp places. Requires regular watering. In direct sunlight, the plant stops growing, the leaves curl and become smaller.

To make it decorative, the plant is often pruned and made into the necessary shapes. Haircut also stimulates the appearance of flower stalks.

Baljuansky knotweed tolerates frosts up to 23 degrees. Most often, vines freeze, the roots quickly recover and give new growth in the spring. This type of knotweed grows quickly and in a short time can add attractiveness to fences, gazebos and walls of buildings.

Medicinal Highlander

IN folk medicine knotweed is used to treat eye diseases, gout, heaviness in the stomach and intestines. It has a wound-healing, astringent and bactericidal effect. And this is not all the healing properties of the plant. For medicinal purposes, the most commonly used are Snake and Alpine mountaineers.

Snakeweed is also called Veal's Tongue, Crawfish Neck, or Adder's Grass. A perennial plant with a fistulous stem and small flowers. Flowers can be white, pink, crimson, and collected in an inflorescence - a spikelet.

Snake knotweed grows in sunny places and on moist soils. In nature, it can be found in meadows, fields, along river banks and on mountain slopes. The height of the plant is from 40 to 100 cm. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used: leaves, flowers, roots, seeds.

The maximum benefit comes from raw materials harvested in May. Highlander has a very strong bactericidal effect, quickly stops bleeding and relieves inflammation. Snake knotweed is used to treat diarrhea, stomach diseases, intestinal problems, gallbladder, diseases of the throat, oral cavity, for the treatment of purulent wounds and boils.

Alpine knotweed is popularly called Taran, Mountain knotweed, Kislets. It is a very ornamental weed. Lush bushes, up to 1.5 m high and up to 2 m in diameter. The stems of the plant are branched, especially in the upper part. The roots are powerful and creeping. The leaves are green, oblong. At the ends of the branches there are panicles of small white flowers.

Alpine knotweed blooms in July. In the wild it grows in forests, steppes and meadows. Quite unpretentious and grows quickly. On the site it is used to decorate old buildings and fences. Looks good cut.

Alpine knotweed is successfully used in folk medicine to treat stomach diseases, chronic diarrhea, hypertension and dysentery. Contains a lot of vitamin C and is used in the prevention of respiratory diseases.

The diversity and variety has made the knotweed a unique plant. There are species that have healing properties, some have a beautiful decorative appearance, there are valuable fodder plants, and there are merciless weeds that are dangerous to plant in the garden. To avoid any unpleasant surprises after planting, when choosing a knotweed, you should carefully read the characteristics of each species.

If there is a pond on the site, then decorating it with aquatic plants will be useful to give a special atmosphere. Now there are a lot of crops that can be planted both in the pond itself and in the coastal zone, so it is important to figure out which ones are suitable for what. In this article we will talk about how to decorate decorative pond on suburban area plants and which ones to choose.

Plant selection criteria

Plants in a pond are not only a decorative element, but also an integral part of the ecological system, which helps maintain its balance. In stagnant bodies of water, for example, it is important to have higher plants, which can purify the water and prevent it from becoming cloudy and blooming.

These processes occur especially quickly in warm weather, when bacteria multiply extremely quickly and can quickly turn a body of water unsuitable for use.

When choosing flora for a pond, it is important to take into account the shape and depth of the pond, as well as the surrounding landscape. For a suburban area, they are best suited unpretentious plants who do not need regular care.

When landscaping aquatic type, the following features are taken into account:

  1. The ability of pond plants to survive the winter months both in water and in soil.
  2. Timing and options for planting, as well as the time until the vegetation will delight with its full appearance.
  3. Description of crop care.

If the pond is designed in such a way that it has an angle from which it can be enjoyed, then it is important to plant the vegetation in such a way that it does not cover the pond itself. If there is a recreation area near the water, then it is decorated only with low-growing crops. For the pond at 4 square meters The following plants can be used in various combinations: reeds, reeds, angelica or rhubarb. Very small ponds need simple decoration with calamus, daylily, chastuha or arrowhead.

Variety of pond crops

All plants that are classified as aquatic can grow not only in natural conditions, but also in artificially created ones. There are many of them and almost all are suitable for designing a reservoir in a suburban area. It is only important to choose the right representatives of the flora and correctly combine them with each other.

Advice! If you did not plan to buy plants for the pond, then it is quite possible to bring them from the nearest wetland. Such crops will take root even better in a familiar climate.

Floating plants

A distinctive feature of such crops is that they are not fixed by the root system in the soil and due to this they can float across the entire surface of the pond. Thanks to such vegetation, “blooming” of the water is prevented, and the pond itself is protected from overheating.

Since floating pond plants grow very quickly, they require timely care, which includes mandatory pruning and removal of unnecessary shoots.

Advice! To make growing easier, you can place the plants in a special floating basket.

Coastal crops

When designing ponds such perennials very popular. In order for the pond to look neat and attractive, the vegetation must be correctly combined with each other. If everything is done as needed, then the resulting composition will be a link between water and land.

They look very lively and laconic near the water. various cultures, related to cereals, as well as irises and daylilies, valerian, loosestrife, bathwort, meadowsweet. All varieties of ferns are incredibly elegant.

Swamp vegetation

Many plants in this group will be an excellent option for decorating a pond, as they are unpretentious. To prevent them from growing extremely wildly, you need to periodically plant and trim them.

To improve the quality of water in an artificial reservoir on the site, its timely cleaning is important. Swamp forget-me-not, butterwort, burberry, Magellan sedge, and swamp violet cope well with this task.


These pond-useful plants are crops whose flowers are on the surface, and the rest of the plant is in the water column. They prevent various pollution, and also, if fish are bred in the pond, they will become an excellent place for their spawning.

The foliage that is under water has the property of absorbing mineral salts and carbon dioxide, which is especially important in the spring and summer to improve water quality.

Deep-sea varieties

Such plants are long shoots, the roots of which are in the bottom soil, the stem and foliage are in the water column, and the flowers are on the surface. They are planted in a pond not only for beauty, but also to prevent the uncontrolled proliferation of bacteria and algae. Most often, water lilies, water lilies, eichornia, duckweed, hornwort or marsh flower are used in artificial reservoirs.

Planting and caring for vegetation in the pond

Plants are planted in and around the pond only when the structure is completely completed and filled with water. It is important that the water sits for at least 10 days. Moisture-loving crops are planted in early summer. Depending on the type of plant, it is located directly in the pond or near it. Deep-water crops are planted at the bottom of the pond, and it is better to do this in pots with holes all over the surface so that the roots do not rot in the future. It is much easier to care for crops in pots, or rather, move them to a warm place for the winter and move them as needed.

It is imperative to ensure that the soil in baskets and pots is protected from erosion and does not cause cloudiness to rise from it. To do this, already installed pots with plants are covered with a layer of burlap, on which there are small pebbles.

Regardless of the type of pond plant, it is important to remove all old leaves and long roots before planting. It is necessary to clarify in advance at what depth in the soil the plant’s roots should be. Crops are not planted close to each other, but so that each shoot has enough space and light for normal growth.

Advice! It is best not to specifically plant a plant such as duckweed, since it grows very quickly and can take up the entire space, which will not decorate any body of water.

We take care of the plantings

It is not enough to simply plant plants in and around the pond. To enjoy a beautiful view, you need to properly care for everything that was planted. It consists of constant thinning, during which old, dead and overgrown shoots and leaves are removed.

As for wintering, those aquatic plants that grow in a given climate can be left in the pond, since this is their usual environment and they are ready for such conditions. But exotic crops from the pond will have to be moved to a warm place. An aquarium or bathtub is suitable as a reservoir for them, but only located indoors. Before immersing in a new place, the roots of such plants are cut off. It is important to remember that it is necessary to maintain sufficient lighting in the room, thanks to which the flora representatives will not wither away.

Plant options based on pond shape

Depending on the configuration of the artificial reservoir, various types of plants can be offered:


Decorating a pond with plants is a unique process in which it is important to focus not only on the external beauty and the result obtained, but also on the combination of plants. If you do everything according to the rules, you can get an original design for an artificial pond that will decorate the area.