Ready-made presentations in English. Presentations on the English language (English), download on lesson topics for free. English vocabulary for presentations

History of the origin of the English language. The beginning of development - V century - the invasion of Germanic tribes into Britain. Germanic influence on Celtic and Latin languages. Preservation of local languages: Welsh and Gaulish. The Vikings brought the Old Icelandic language. French- the language of the English aristocracy (since 1066).

Dictionaries are record holders of the English language. The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary (1989, Oxford University Press); Webster's dictionary Webster's New International Dictionary (1934, description of 600 thousand words).

On the Internet, English plays a special role. Today, about 82% of all Internet texts are presented on English language. Global English is a simplified version of traditional English. A feature of global English is its rather limited lexicon and a simplified grammar reminiscent of the Basic English system developed by Charles Ogden.

Phonetics. Shop British English – “shop” American English. – “shap” Love British English. – “lav” for the Irish – “liv” for the Scots – “luv” Day British English. – “day” Australians – “di” “Racking” - savory chewing, voicing of consonants, shortening of vowels. For example: the word “bete” (“better”) turns into “bader”.

Correct English. There are several regional dialects in the UK: Northern, Central, South Western, South Eastern, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. One of these dialects, the language of the educated population of London and the southeast of England, eventually acquired the status of a national standard (RP). It is based on “correct English” - this is the language of the best private schools (Eton, Winchester, Harrow, Rugby) and universities (Oxford and Cambridge). This is that classic, literary English.

Differences between American and British English: Spelling: spelling -er instead of -re (center center, meter, theater theater), -or instead of -our (favor service, honor, labor), check instead of check check, connection instead of connexion connection, jail instead of gaol prison, story instead of storey floor, etc.

Grammar Americans are less willing than the British to use plural verbs with collective nouns (the audience were - lit.: the public were, the government have - lit.: the government have). More often they form nouns from verbs by conversion (to author create from authorauthor, to research explore from research). They replace shall with will (an indicator of the future tense) and use have got instead of the simple have have, and have gotten instead of became.

Phonetics: Vowel in English words like class class, half half, pass pass, dance dance, most Americans pronounce it more like in father father. Americans pronounce the vowel in words like God God, got got, rob rob more like in father than in cloth. The U-shaped sound in words like dew dew, duke duke, new new Many Americans rhyme with too too; too, and not with you you (i.e. they pronounce it as, and not as). They pronounce the middle tt, as in butter, very similar to [d]. For the most part, they do not omit the postvocalic r, as in car and card, like the English, but pronounce a certain r-shaped sound in its place.

English mentality through the prism of language: the linguistic-specific concept UNDERSTATEMENT Every Understatement is a little private joke about Englishness (Every “understatement” is a small, private joke about an Englishman). Kate Fox The English have no soul, they have the understatement instead (The English have no soul, they only have understatement). G. Mikes

16 What version of English should I learn? American - simplified; - many dialects; - simple grammar; - non-standard pronunciation; - more conversational. British is correct; - meticulous; - intonation - expressive; - polite; - full and rich; - classic.

The presentation was developed for the textbook Spotlight 6 (English in Focus. Grade 6) Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D., Podolyako O.E., V. Evans. It was created specifically for module 4 (lesson 4 b). This presentation should be used in conjunction with the textbook, because... After viewing a particular slide, students refer to the corresponding tasks in the textbook.
This development serves to provide clarity and sets the pace of the lesson. It also helps students quickly check completed assignments.

The presentation was compiled for the textbook by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva “Rainbow English” 2nd grade. The presentation can be used in a general lesson on the study of lexical units of this teaching materials and the basic letters and sounds of the English language. In addition, the presentation is designed to repeat the speech cliché “I can see a...”. Recommended time: after Step 14. Resources: scanned and edited pictures from this teaching aid.

This presentation is intended for 6th grade students who are studying German as a second foreign language. During the lesson, students practice vocabulary on the topic "Food", as well as grammatical material (word order in a German sentence, endings of adjectives).

Target audience: for 6th grade

The purpose of this presentation is to activate students in the use of vocabulary and consolidate the learned vocabulary in a playful way. The slide shows a man with a missing body part. Students are asked to name the part that is missing. By clicking on the screen, the correct answer appears.

Target audience: for 5th grade

This development is intended for the acquisition of new lexical and grammatical material. Created on the basis of UMK Spotlight. Aimed at involving students in the educational process. Some slides are designed for interaction between teachers and students.

Target audience: for 2nd grade

Lesson German language"How to ask about age." 2nd grade, designed for students in class S(K)O. The lesson provides for repetition of what has been covered, introduction and consolidation of new material. I would especially like to draw attention to the work on developing reading skills for students in this category. To review letter combinations and prepare for reading with the help of an audio course for the textbook, students first find “difficult moments in reading” in words - letter combinations (my students work on the board - underlining letter combinations, and then we check if they underlined them correctly). For this category of students, “duplicating the sound on top of the letter combination” plays a big positive role. This helps them remember letter combinations faster and master reading skills faster.

Target audience: for 2nd grade

Abstract to the material

English presentation(English) will make it easier to master a foreign language at any stage of its study. Today, knowledge of this language is becoming increasingly relevant. It is spoken not only in Britain. The majority of the European population is fluent in English. It is spoken on the American continent. He confidently conquered Asia, so we will also have to communicate with the world in this language. The school lays a foundation that can then be developed further. Presentations on the English language on topics of grammar and vocabulary, with children's cartoons and sights of England will help to instill interest in the subject.

From the proposed section you can download presentations for English lessons for free for any grade and on almost all topics. The finished works were completed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, since the authors of the works are mainly practicing teachers. There are many resources in the sections created by students who are just starting to learn the language or who already speak it almost perfectly by the time they graduate. These presentations are in English. language can also be downloaded for conducting a modern lesson or for working in elective classes.

Take advantage finished works possible for escort open lesson in English and for initial acquaintance with the topic, for consolidating the material and for conducting extracurricular activities, for independent mastery of lexical material and for preparing students for tests or tests. You can download presentations on English grammar and vocabulary for any class using textbooks by Biboletova and other authors. We fill class sections daily. Appear here best works English teachers and talented schoolchildren, for whom this item became a favorite. Many developments presented by teachers have a lesson plan or detailed lesson notes.

Ready-made presentations in English are not only pictures and text material. These are clear grammar diagrams, lots of tables, games and interesting tasks. Many electronic resources have sound design. During the lesson, schoolchildren will hear not only the teacher’s speech, but also phrases performed by a native speaker, which is important for the formation of the language culture of schoolchildren.

Let learning a foreign language open up great prospects in life for our schoolchildren, and let presentations in English help with this.

English - 1st grade

An English presentation for grade 1 is a vivid visual aid that will allow students to get a first impression of foreign language. As a rule, first-graders begin learning a foreign language with interest. It is important to support and develop this interest in them. The first words are usually remembered very quickly. The presence of a computer in class does not delay...

English - 2nd grade

Presentations in English for 2nd grade are the main visual aid for foreign language lessons, which allows you to conduct classes at the proper level. Almost every modern classroom has a computer and a projector, so the teacher has an excellent opportunity to use multimedia developments to accompany lessons. By introducing new technologies, the teacher radically changes...

English - 3rd grade

Presentations on English in grade 3 are collected in one section for teachers who use ICT in their lessons. Teaching and learning with a computer is interesting and productive. Children have a desire to master a foreign language at a decent level, and the teacher, seeing their desire to learn, wants to give more in class useful material. Will help...

English - 4th grade

Presentation on English in 4th grade is increasingly used by modern teachers. It is not for nothing that this multimedia product has become so widespread. Research shows that learning material in foreign language lessons using ICT occurs at a faster rate. high level. Electronic visibility helps to increase motivation for learning. Language material is absorbed quickly and...

English - 5th grade

Presentations on English in the 5th grade allow the teacher to teach interesting and creative lessons, and children to gain knowledge easily and without much difficulty. For a long time now, no one has considered the use of ICT in the process of teaching a foreign language as something outlandish. New times have required a change in approaches to the study of school subjects, which is why presentations have become so relevant...

English - 6th grade

Presentations on English in the 6th grade serve to activate the cognitive activity of students who will have to learn new topics, memorize many words, become familiar with the rules, translate texts and compose dialogues. Mastering all these intricacies in a foreign language is not easy, but it is possible, because ICT has come to school, making learning understandable and unobtrusive...

English - 7th grade

Presentations on English in the 7th grade are the best visibility that allows you to make modern lessons and extracurricular activities productive and interesting. Without resorting to frills, a teacher can use an interactive whiteboard or screen to reveal to his students the most difficult topic, provide new words, work with texts, listen to audio recordings and perform...

English is the native language of 427 million people around the world, but more than a billion people speak it. Our site provides you with presentations on a variety of topics, written in this popular language, one of the six official languages ​​of the UN. Check out this wide list and you are sure to find a lot of useful and important information. We have selected only the best presentations, which will make your classes and learning more productive, interesting and memorable.

Presentations on the English language are made in PowerPoint; here you will find a large assortment of presentations on the English language that can be downloaded absolutely free. Thanks to the search across the entire huge range of works presented with us, you can easily find exactly the topic that suits you best. Before downloading the presentation you like, you can evaluate all its contents so as not to waste time on a topic that is not entirely suitable.

Among all these presentations in English you will find both colorful and visual, interesting topics for younger students, and more informative and useful for high school students.

Due to the fact that all information is presented in the form of blocks, well structured and understandable, it is perceived much more effectively, which can significantly increase class performance and interest the entire audience.