Heroes at war won't launch. Guide to development in the game Heroes at War. Interface and control

Finally, in Play Heroes at War from your computer became possible. Millions of fans of the project who play it on their phones have been waiting for the move to PC. Agree, the phone is certainly good, but not a single mobile device will convey the entire volume of the game, its realism and special features. effects. That's game Heroes at War in our opinion, she made the right step, which will undoubtedly attract more and more fans to her side. So, moving Heroes at War for PC took place, so it's time to make a small one Heroes at War review and see what she has in store for us on the big screen.

The first thing we will see is the registration page of the official Heroes at War website. Since the game is absolutely free, we only need to create an account. That's what we do, enter your Email and password (preferably in a more cunning way, everyone will be calmer). That's it, then the site itself and, accordingly, the game Heroes at War. The resource is not only elegant (against the backdrop of a medieval city), but also very functional. A beginner will definitely not get lost here. All necessary information about the game is presented in full. By the way, the project supports six languages:


The abundance of languages ​​does not in any way affect the quality of the translation. At least in the Russian version, everything is fine. We won’t talk about others, but this is not ours either. headache. Let it hurt our comrades from the European Union.

Heroes at War review


One of the advantages of the project is that you can play Heroes at War online from a computer on any operating system;
Wonderful graphics, flavored with impressive effects;
Heroes at War supports six languages, including the Great and Mighty. The translation does not cause any complaints, everything is on the level;
Development is admirable, more than a hundred skills and two hundred learned technologies, five hundred! elements of various equipment and much more;
Playing Heroes at War on a computer will have to be in constant anticipation of all kinds of provocations; you will have more than enough enemies;
Based on the above, cooperate, make allies, enter into profitable agreements and, of course, put the development of the army at the forefront;
If for some reason there is no desire to conduct active communication, please, you can prove yourself in a single company, the essence is the same, but everything will depend only on you;
Participation in game events will not only enrich you, but will also bring a lot of positive emotions;
A wonderful, unique chat, thanks to the built-in translator, will allow you to communicate with everyone, without exception;
And remember, the Royal Throne must be yours.


Continuing our review of Heroes at War, let's take a look at the game's plot. Fate will take you to a very interesting and turbulent time, to the Middle Ages. Naturally, at the very beginning of your journey you are “Hollow as a Falcon”, a dilapidated shack, and a piece of land, this is what the future King will begin his ascent with. Then everything follows the proven pattern, development and development again. To the delight of many players, the project has an excellent training course that will quietly and unnoticeably introduce you to the game.

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Game Heroes at War - Development

The buildings

Playing Heroes at War from a computer online and not having a developed infrastructure means wasting your time. We will not open America if we inform you that buildings are one of the most important components of your successful development. Therefore, give them double attention. The only thing we didn't like was the automatic selection of construction sites. I would like to choose for myself what and where to build. This small flaw is compensated by the wall, which is located between the courtyard and the walls of the castle, thereby creating a kind of buffer zone. This is also good because everything warehouses, educational, military, etc. remain inside the castle, and processing and extraction of resources, on the outside of its walls.

All buildings can be developed by increasing their level. Any increase entails significant improvements. For example, the efficiency of mining buildings increases, and the military has the opportunity to significantly increase the ranks of their army or speed up the process of training soldiers.

The science

Let's continue the review and touch on the topic of science in the game. This is where there is freedom for the gray masses. Fans of various improvements and the creation of unusual new products will be pleased. You can stay in this section of the game for hours. Indeed, everything is done on the highest level and there is absolutely nothing to complain about. Two buildings represent the science of the project:

Academy - forges your military personnel, significantly increasing their combat effectiveness. Moreover, you will really see the results of her work;
The university is a storehouse of knowledge. Specializes in four areas;
○ military;
○ economic;
○ hero development;
○ improvements.


The game Heroes at War will offer us static battles. Regarding this, opinions differ; some welcome this decision, while others resolutely reject it. It’s beyond our power to change anything, so let’s accept everything as it is.

What is a static combat system??

As soon as you send your troops into battle, you immediately receive a message about the result of the battle. That's all. Apart from those preparations that need to be made immediately before the battle: in Battles take place in a static mode, in the sense that there is no graphic design, and the result of the battle will be given to us immediately. The battle planning is as follows:

Selecting a target: this is either the player or the computer or various enterprises scattered throughout the map;
We determine the type of troops and quantity;
We will definitely form a reserve, an ambush regiment, so to speak;

On the surface it seems that all this is quite simple, but it is not so. We'll have to sweat. Every little detail will have to be taken into account. For example: who to put against whom is not an idle question; we will have to figure out who acts more effectively against whom. Or you are planning to shake up a resource enterprise, which means you need to send fighters with increased carrying capacity into battle, and then you need to take out the trophy. And so on for each position, and nothing else, otherwise victory will pass by.

Game Heroes at War - Our impressions

We are absolutely sure that the move of Heroes at War to the computer was a triumph. Heroes at War is fun to play online. The project really pleased me, everything in it is at a very decent level, no complaints. Therefore, those who previously used a phone to play this game can now appreciate the difference and play from a computer.

Hello dear reader! In this guide, I will try to tell you how quickly you can increase your economy and not be disadvantaged at the very beginning of the game. By choosing any server, you are automatically thrown into the thick of new players, where enemy fortresses are located near yours. For this very reason you will not have a normal economic development, since all nearby sources of resources will be occupied by more developed and powerful players with their armies. Plus, these players may already be members of clans and you, as a lone wolf, can count on anything in the game, well, there’s simply nothing. As they say - “no chance.” Of course, the first time in the game you will have protection from attack, the so-called “Dome,” but it is given to new players for only a couple of days. Therefore, I recommend that at the very beginning of the game you find a clan with which you will further develop. I’ll briefly describe the advantages of the clan: these are additional daily tasks, which bring resources and experience to the chapters. hero, exchange of resources, joint defense and attack on fortresses, as well as camps (in which valuable resources are obtained for crafting armor for your hero), clan gifts.

And so, after you have registered and entered the game (whether or not you joined a clan), you will need to develop your fortress, as well as complete the main tasks for which you are given additional ones. resources, experience and valuable crystals. Crystals are the in-game currency for which you can buy almost everything. It is these crystals that we will need to purchase a teleporter in order to change the coordinates of the original location of your fortress. We are looking for a suitable place on the map; if you are in a clan, it is better to be closer to your allies. The place should be free, where valuable resources are nearby and there are no enemy castles. Example in the picture.

Next we need to take care of our economy. I recommend building up the area outside the castle walls with farms, the rest of the resource buildings are 1 each. The limit for construction outside the castle walls is 25. And this amounts to: 21 farms, 1 mine, 1 quarry, 1 woodcutter's hut and 1 inn. Why? - You ask 21 farms? But because, to maintain a large number of troops, a large increase in grain will be needed. It is through the troops that the main extraction of useful resources occurs!
As for the military and other buildings, already inside the castle, everything is built one building at a time, only the warehouse is in duplicate. Try to build all the buildings that are available in the “Construction” menu at once, since any type of building, be it a forge or a mill, reduces the construction time by 2% and the cost of constructing courtyard buildings by 3%. And in the future they will improve.
Example in the picture

Another important point in developing your economy is studying science in a university building! There are four of them: war, economy, hero, craft.
Science "War" - allows you to improve and hire different type troops, we will begin to study it at the very beginning, having upgraded to hiring “Guardians”. Guardians are the second type of infantry and perhaps the most best view troops to collect resources, of course, the “militias” are also not bad at the very beginning, but they are inferior in many respects.
After we have pumped up the guards, we move on to studying the “Hero” science. There we study - “Superiority over a Level 1 Monster”, which allows our hero to attack Level 1 golem monsters, receiving experience, valuable trophies and resources for them. And this knowledge will be enough for us to level up the hero for the first time.
Let's move on to the most important aspect of economic development, the study of the science of "Economics". Here I’ll probably highlight two skills: “ printing press", which reduces the time for studying all sciences and "instruction for economists", which increases the rate of accumulation of resources in deposits. They should be pumped up to the limit!
And the last science is “Craft”. This science is needed to improve the hero’s equipment, as well as magic runes. It should be studied at the very end, when you, my dear friend, have a strong economy, army and main character with a considerable level (minimum 15 lvl).
I hope my guide will be useful to you! Good luck!

Heroes at War is an exciting online strategy game in the medieval genre, which was originally created for mobile devices based on Android, and now you can play it on PC. Here you have to become the ruler of a medieval castle, manage lands and build your own empire, as well as increase its military power.


  • The presence of advanced methods for improving your own kingdom with a large abundance of different buildings and troops.
  • Improving your own buildings, creating defensive structures, beautifying personal possessions and surrounding areas.
  • Elaboration of the unit pumping system.
  • The presence of a system of unions and alliances with other players, thanks to which it is possible to take part in large-scale battles for the throne in the wild lands.
  • The uniqueness of the game chat, which translates messages from other players, thereby creating a space for communication between players from different countries.

Official site

http://haw.apexpoint.com/- link to the official Heroes at War website.

Here you will find a simple registration in the game or through social networks.

Game plot

Starting your journey in this medieval world, you will not immediately learn about the history of this world. You can reach a new stage in the plot only after completing a certain number of missions.

Initially, you receive only fragments of memories, from which you understand that you got the castle from nowhere. From this moment you have to begin to unravel and develop the twisted plot.

Heroes at War review


All the most interesting things are hidden in the possibilities of the gameplay. On the one hand, many things are familiar to you from other strategies, but still this game project has its own special atmosphere that is seriously captivating.


The basis of all your actions, as well as opportunities, are resources. You can't do anything without them. There are five types of resources that can be either mined or obtained by force by plundering the territories of other players.
  • Corn– a farm is required to obtain. Used to maintain the city as a whole and, of course, the army. You will have to spend it when hiring an army, as well as during the construction of some buildings.
  • Iron, wood, stone– To obtain it, you need appropriate buildings. They are used absolutely everywhere: construction, improvement, research or recruiting an army.
  • Silver- in-game currency, necessary for many operations, for example, purchasing and improving an army, bidding for resources on the market, and so on.
  • Crystals– in-game currency provided as a donation. They are also a good addition for completed quests. They speed up any actions in the game, thanks to which you do not become stronger, but you move more significantly in the ranking of players.


For construction it is provided a large number of various buildings: military academies, resource mines, stables, barracks and much more, and you choose the place where to build a particular building yourself.

An interesting feature of the entire construction is that there is a division into inner and outer courtyards. The castle wall separates them. This division, in fact, carries a certain logic: all resources are mined outside the castle, while warehouses and military installations remain inside.

Each building has several levels of development, and each building carries certain advantages. Mining points increase productivity, and expanding the capabilities of the army depends on the military.

Improvement and Science

Here you will find a huge number of different upgrades with which you can develop your city endlessly. Military Academy serves to improve attacking and defensive skills. You just need to focus on certain abilities and your results during combat will change significantly. The university stores scientific knowledge of four branches: economics, war, crafting and hero. Each of them has many different improvements.


Building your own indestructible army begins with hiring ordinary militias, the weakest units. As you progress, new types of troops open up: infantry, cavalry, ranged warriors, and eventually siege weapons.

Each type of warrior has its own characteristics of attack, defense, and movement speed. Also, each unit has its own maintenance cost and carrying capacity during robberies.

By paying attention to these parameters, you can determine which units are more effective in different conditions, and depending on this data, build a specific attack and defense strategy.


An interesting game thing is the presence of a character, and with him a role-playing system in a given game project. Your hero gains experience and increases levels.

With each new level you have the opportunity to strengthen your character's skills, and you will have to choose: give preference to strengthening the army or concentrate on the economy. You can send your character into an attack along with the army, thereby increasing your chances of winning.


You can create equipment for your character. You can create not only armor, helmets, shoes and weapons, but also ordinary things and rarer ones. There are only five rarity levels, but each of them has a fairly impressive selection. Only during crafting you should be extremely careful, because each item has the ability to provide different bonuses, for example, to defense and attack, the cost of hiring troops or extracting resources. Depending on your strategy, choose what item to craft. If you prioritize attack, then you should choose things that increase attack.


Clans occupy a worthy place in this game project. Teaming up with other players makes it easier to survive. Plus, in the clan you receive additional bonuses and gifts.

Download Heroes at War

This game project is browser-based and you don’t need to download anything. To play, you just need to follow the link and register at e-mail or through one of the presented social networks.

http://haw.apexpoint.com/- link to register in the game.

Let's summarize
  • The presence of a role-playing component and a crafting system.
  • The thoughtfulness of combat confrontations.
  • A wide variety of troops and their improvement.
  • Lots of different buildings with a wide choice of research.
  • Necessary permanent connection to the Internet.
  • Availability of donation, which is not always convenient.
  • Numerous buildings that can be improved, increasing their efficiency and functionality;
  • The ability to enter into alliances and conclude alliances to effectively conduct campaigns of conquest, protect rear areas and increase influence;
  • Excellent graphics and music, uncharacteristic of most browser games;
  • Six types of resources necessary for the successful development of a settlement. You can get them different ways– from honest labor to capturing enemy castles;
  • Maximum realism - the developers have thought through everything, from the construction of buildings to the looting of captured cities;
  • A huge variety of combat units and auxiliary troops: crossbowmen, militia, druids, archers, slingers, mages, horsemen, knights, guards and many others.

Game plot

Heroes at War begins, like most strategies, with the player being given a noble title and a fortress. True, it’s hard to call it a fortress - a wasteland and several dilapidated towers can hardly be awarded this loud name. Therefore, before you begin to conquer the surrounding lands and capture enemy castles, you should take care of your own base. First of all, you need to rebuild the wall, warehouse, barracks, university and other buildings necessary to maintain the defense capability and economic independence of your future kingdom. Gradually restoring the castle, hire troops. They will be useful both for capturing the surrounding lands and for defending the castle. Only the army gives real strength in this cruel world. And the neighbors will listen and take into account the opinion of only a strong feudal lord who is able to insist on his own.

Game results

Heroes at War will certainly pleasantly impress every online strategy fan. The developers paid a lot of attention to detail. For example, each type of military has many characteristics, ranging from attack, speed and defense to the cost of maintenance and the ability to carry resources - a very important indicator if you have to plunder a captured city. Combined with great graphics, this makes the game best choice for many thousands of fans. Just look into the game, and you will probably not be able to tear yourself away from it soon.

The online game Heroes at War is a medieval city-building strategy from Apex Point Games, known for its cross-platform projects. Players will struggle for resources and develop their own kingdom. The goal of the game is to increase military force and influence, but at the beginning you will play Heroes at War as the ruler of a weak kingdom without an army.


Review of the game Heroes at War

The first tasks explain to the player the laws of the harsh world of the Middle Ages and will help create the basis for a strong state.

First of all, the pretty girl-mentor will offer to build your own fortress. You can freely place buildings on the settlement map and watch the progress of construction online. It is possible to speed up any action for free or for crystals, which are purchased for real money.

The online game Heroes of War features five types of resources: wood, stone, iron, grain and silver. To extract them, you need to build a lumberjack's house, a mine, a quarry and a farm. To get silver (the local currency), you need to complete quests, trade and plunder neighboring cities.

An important part of the browser game Heroes at War is scientific progress. As the kingdom develops, exploration is revealed to the player. They increase the rank of the ruler, speed up the production and training of troops.


The main force in the military-economic online strategy Heroes of War is the army: militias, horsemen, guards, knights, magicians, archers, druids and others. Players can attack neighboring kingdoms, capture resource points, fight mythical creatures and defend their own fortress.

Battles in the online game Heroes at War take place in real time and automatically. The following active actions are available to choose from:

  • Attack- send troops to battle. As a reward for victory, resources are given, but there is a chance of losing troops.
  • Explore- send scouts to obtain information about enemy resources.

A strong enemy cannot be defeated with one type of unit. The real winner in any battle will be the one who develops all directions and creates detachments from diverse troops.

Heroes at War gameplay video


  • Free-to-play multi-platform game in multiple languages. Play Heroes at War online on your computer or download the app for mobile devices. Communicate with players from all over the world thanks to the automatic chat translator.
  • Lots of options for developing the fortress and more than five dozen types of buildings with various improvements. Explore online world, expand the ruler’s possessions and capabilities. Equip your hero and learn additional skills to make your troops more efficient and quickly obtain resources.
  • Guilds and alliances. Play online game Heroes at War collaborate with other players and conduct massive battles to capture vast territories. Take control of neighboring states and rise to the highest level of government. Take part in competitions and become famous throughout the game server!

The browser-based online strategy Heroes at War is perfect for relaxation, and thanks to its cross-platform functionality, you can continue playing it at work or school.