What is hosting for? What is a domain and hosting: why you need it and how to choose the right one. VPS: the best choice

In simple terms, hosting is a place necessary for storing an Internet site, allocated by organizations that provide such a service and have at their disposal a certain number of servers on which clients' sites are stored. It provides round-the-clock operation of the site, so it is always available to Internet users. Of course, you can store the site on your computer and use special programs to make it available to Internet users. But in this case, the computer must work around the clock and not turn off, for which it is simply not designed.

Why do you need hosting?

A hosting provider is necessary in order for your site to work constantly and to ensure high performance of the resource, regardless of how many users visit the site daily. The hosting service is rented, so each site owner periodically pays for storage space. Hosting providers often provide the option of buying a domain name, which is the address of the site.

Such a place is a rented apartment for the site, which, if desired, can always move to another place, which it considers more suitable. The number of Internet resources is increasing every day, so competition in the provision of hosting services is growing. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult for the owners of Internet resources to make the right choice.

Hosting types

Hosting, or storage space for the site, can be provided either for a fee or for free. Therefore, this service can be divided into two main types: paid and free.

Free hosting makes it possible to host a website without any investment. But at the same time, each provider offers, in return for paying for their services, to place their advertisements on your site for free. At the same time, one cannot be sure of the high speed of work that is provided by paid resources, the quality and wide opportunities for working with databases. Also, the domain name of the site will be the third level.

If we consider the services of paid providers, then they provide quality guarantees, ensure faster site operation, provide a second-level domain name and do not require anything in return for their services except for payment. Paid providers provide their customers with a wide range of advanced services. Also, in the paid version, the site owner can choose a tariff that suits the cost, which will include the ability to host a certain number of sites and the allocated memory size for storing them. Over time, when the site expands or the number of your resources becomes more than the allowable one, you can switch to another tariff plan that provides more options.

Paid hosting, in turn, is also divided into several types:

Shared hosting is the most demanded. This is a server that allows you to host a large number of internet resources. All server users have the same rights. On the main server, virtual ones are created, in which sites with files and folders are stored. This option is optimal for beginners and intermediate resources;

Dedicated virtual server VPS. In this case, the user is provided with a certain disk space in which he can host his site and exercise full control over it. This opens up significant opportunities in software customization, but requires knowledge and skills;

Dedicated server is one of the most expensive services, but it provides the most features. In this case, the site owner is provided with a fully dedicated server for use, on which you can install any programs and OS and also use it for any given task. The server will be serviced by the provider that provided it for use. This option is usually used by the largest companies and organizations that have sites with thousands of visitors;

Colocation - this type of hosting consists in installing a server in the provider's data center. This option is the most expensive and provides the broadest opportunities.

The main type of equipment of hosting providers are servers of various capacities. The selection of servers is based on financial capabilities and preferences for providing services to site owners.

Due to the variety of types of hosting providers, each owner of an Internet site or several resources has the opportunity to choose for himself the best option for price, functionality, performance and many other characteristics.

When choosing a hosting, you should pay attention not only to the services that it provides, as well as their cost, but also to the authority, scale of activities, customer reviews and other parameters. This is the only way to choose the best option, which will not be too expensive for the price, and provide the necessary performance of the site.

Pros and cons of hosting

Each type of hosting has both positive and negative sides. Some options are cheaper and more accessible for beginners, while others are more expensive, but they have ample opportunities to actively develop the Internet resource. In order to minimize the disadvantages of each type, it is necessary to use them in stages. You can even start with a free one, gradually moving to a paid shared hosting, and then to a dedicated one, and so on. Thus, you can consistently develop your Internet resources with minimal tangible costs required to pay for services for renting space on the server.

To save money, you can conclude contracts with providers for a year of service, the price in this case is significantly reduced. But, on the other hand, during this time the site may grow, and it will need a higher-performing provider, and switching to it before the end of the contract will mean a loss of money. Each option has pros and cons to consider.

Hello dear friends and guests of the blog site! Today I will tell you what cloud-based hosting is and why you need hosting for your website on the Internet. If you are interested in this issue, let's start discussing it right now. Go...

To begin with, so that everyone (even a beginner) understands the essence of the issue, we will talk about it today. Let's find out the basics, which is exactly what ...

What is hosting and why is it needed for a website?

Hosting Is a service for allocating space for your web resource on the Internet, which is provided by specialized servers.

Hosting is different. Let me now tell you briefly about what hosting services are found on the Internet. There are several main groups or types of hosting:

Co-location Is a service for providing hosting to a client, which is one of the most expensive and time consuming. Since the provider locates the client's equipment on its territory and the client pays for everything, including the consumed electricity. I think that this type of service is not for you and me ?!

Dedicated server- this is hosting provided to the client and consists in the fact that he is allocated a separate physical machine. That is, you are allocated your own server on the side of the provider, which will only be yours and no one else's. Also not a cheap option. But, of course, you have to choose!

Virtual dedicated server (VPS hosting)- in this type of service, when you receive your hosting for the site, you get an almost full-fledged server for your web resources. The point is that this hosting service is virtual and not physical. Choose, as always, for you!

What is Cloud Shared Hosting?

Cloud hosting or, in other words, it is essentially a brilliant invention that has become available to each of us at the present time. Since this service for providing hosting for a website is a unique tool that allows its users to use much more capacity and space than, for example, a simple shared hosting allows it.

Thus, you can use cloud hosting to create high-load portals, etc. Take your pick and you will not regret it!

More details about how to choose a hosting for a website and not to be mistaken,.

Good luck and prosperity to everyone in the New Year 2019! Until next time!

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Any novice developer already at the first stage of the realization of his old dream is faced with a rather difficult question. At this point, most people merge. They cannot withstand the onslaught of terminology, the abundance of information and abandon their plan.

To prevent this from happening to you, I decided to write an article about what hosting is needed for and what information a beginner should start from in order to choose it and finally go from words to deeds.

If you have a dream, but no website, then this is the last article that you read as a theorist. Let's start?

Basics: what is hosting, domain, what engines are needed for and how sites are created

If there are not so many popular browsers, then the number of CMS is amazing. The difference lies in how they create files and how well known browsers can transform them later.

So that you understand how close the creation of sites is by analogy with all the well-known fairy tale. I can note that there are even ready-made "dresses" - themes with the design of an electronic resource. You just take it, change the content a little and you're done.

Why do you need a domain? So that people know the name of your site and can find it.

How easy it is to create a website for a beginner and what to be guided by when choosing

Well, now let's return to our reality and I will tell you what to be guided by when choosing a hosting. This is a very important topic, since here the bulk of those wishing to end up trying to create their own site. Too many terms and unnecessary complexity.

There are free hosting sites and those that provide their services for money. I do not recommend that you use the former.

Undoubtedly, there are other hosting, better ways to create sites, but I suggest you start your journey in building sites as quickly as possible and without compromising your budget.

You do not have to pay for the account for 10 days, you will have a free trial period on the hosting, and for everything else you will not pay a dime if you want. You need to see how it all works from the inside. As they say, see it with your own eyes.

Building a website is not such a tricky thing. In fact, everyone can have it. Why don't people take advantage of this opportunity?

It's not about laziness and lack of awareness. Too much information, a huge number of proposals, among which you need to choose the best one. By the way, this is the main mistake of the majority: the newcomers are convinced that their fate is now being decided. This is not true. You can change the situation at any time, but you need to start right now.

Learn the information gradually, do not try to cover everything at once. Try to act. Take a step and the path begins to open in front of you. Hosting is just a guide to the world of the Internet, and now the main thing for you is to get there. How what and where - the information is acquired!

So that is all. Hope this article was helpful to you. Subscribe to the newsletter and find out more relevant information about making money on the Internet. Until next time and good luck in your endeavors.

When we enter a website address in a browser, we don't think about where the text, images and design come from. The page is loaded because a computer is running somewhere, in the memory of which files with the text of the site, pictures, videos, scripts are stored. Such a computer is called a server.

The server stores files with site content and downloads them when users visit the site. The bigger and more popular the site is, the more resources it will need. For example, Facebook uses over 50,000 servers.

Hosting is a paid service. It includes renting space on the server and its capacities. Companies that provide hosting are called hosting providers or hosters. The task of these companies is to make sure that your site is available to users around the clock.

Hosting can be done on home computer, but then you have to keep it turned on around the clock and monitor the load and power outages yourself.

Hosting is like an art gallery. The gallery contains art objects, and the hosting contains sites. To look at paintings or sculptures, you need to know the address of the gallery and the opening hours. And the site is available around the clock. To access it, you only need to know the correct domain. Enter the domain in the browser and the desired page opens.

Why do you need hosting

Hosting is needed to store files with the site in round-the-clock access, manage these files and change their properties. For this, hosting providers install special equipment - control panels. It will not be possible to briefly describe all the hosting features, but here are the main ones.

For email
The hosting will store letters and mail settings: spam filter parameters, automatic replies, forwarding rules, contacts.

For security certificate
If you are going to install an SSL certificate on a website, you will need hosting space. The certificate files and its settings will be stored there.

The certificate encrypts the contact forms on the site so that fraudsters cannot use the personal data of users.

For site
The hosting stores files with the site and manages them. In the control panel, the administrator downloads and deletes files, changes appearance site, monitors its performance.

For application
An application needs hosting to store application files, be online around the clock, and store user information.

Hosting types

Most often, hosting is bought for websites. Every site requires different amount resources, so there is different types hosting.
They differ in memory size, functionality and pre-installed software.
There are five main types of hosting.

For a business card site, promo page and a small online store

Shared hosting

This is a type of hosting in which one server is divided into many parts and rented out separately. Several hundred users can simultaneously host their sites on one server.

Shared hosting can be compared to apartment building... At tenants general heating and water supply, common entrance and parking. But some tenants have more living space, while others have less.

All users use the resources of one server. This means that if someone uses too many resources, it will be reflected on other sites. To prevent this from happening and everyone has a level playing field, hosting providers impose restrictions. May limit the use of RAM or the speed of writing to disk. Read about the limitations of shared hosting in our blog.

This does not mean that shared hosting is the worst. It's just meant for small projects... Most sites do not need the resources of an entire server, so it is divided into parts.

This type of hosting is suitable for a business card site, promo page, portfolio, blog or small online store.

Virtual server

This is a type of hosting in which a physical server is divided into several independent parts and rented out separately. One physical server can have several dozen virtual servers.

A virtual server can be compared to a townhouse or a complex of private houses. Such houses have neighbors, but each family has its own entrance and its own front garden.

A virtual server has no restrictions like a shared hosting. It can be freely customized for your project. You can even install your own software.

As is the case with shared hosting, multiple virtual servers are hosted on one physical server. Each of them is isolated from each other. If one virtual server consumes a lot of resources, it will not affect other users.

This type of hosting is suitable for an online store, a forum with a large number of visitors, an application or a corporate website where customers and employees have accounts or personal mail.

For an average online store, forum, corporate website

Dedicated server

This is a type of hosting in which you manage the whole server alone. In this case, you do not depend on other clients of the hosting provider. Your options will be limited only by the capabilities of the server itself.

A dedicated server can be compared to a private home. This house has its own plot and garage. And there is no need to share territory with neighbors.

The dedicated server administrator gets full access to software and hardware. This means that you will be in control of the operating and file systems and can even buy additional hardware if necessary.

This type of hosting is suitable for a game server, social network, a banking site, a large online store, or an application that requires a lot of resources.

Cloud hosting

This is a type of hosting in which you pay only for the amount of resources, and the hosting provider distributes them between random servers. Imagine that your site is partially stored on three different servers. RAM, processor power and other resources are also taken from different servers. This helps the hosting provider to better balance the load on the equipment.

Imagine that the management of a residential complex decided to joke and gave you a kitchen in one house, a bedroom in a second, a living room in a third, and a bathroom in a fourth.

Living in such a house would be hell, but in the case of hosting it is even better. If over time you begin to run out of hosting resources, then you will not have to switch to another tariff plan. You use the resources of several independent servers and can change the amount of resources when needed.

This type of hosting is suitable for a media publishing site, online store, application or site that lacks the resources of a virtual server.

For resources on which the load changes: one day 3k visitors, the next - 100

For large projects that need multiple dedicated servers


This is a type of hosting in which the user hosts their servers with a hosting provider and pays for their maintenance. Usually, the price includes a minimum set of services: rent and security of space for equipment, connection to electricity and the Internet, cooling, etc. For a fee, they can offer additional services such as data protection and backup.

Colocation is like staying in a hotel. You book a room, and in return you get accommodation, internet, service and, possibly, food.

This type of hosting is suitable if your site consumes more resources than a dedicated server gives. Paying for a few dedicated servers every month will be more expensive than buying your own equipment and renting a room for it.

What's next

Test your website hosting

The test period lasts 30 days and applies only to shared hosting plans. During this time, you will understand whether the tariff plan is right for you, understand the control panel and evaluate the hosting speed. If the tariff plan does not work, you will not lose money.

Ask a question in the chat

Choosing a hosting is difficult. Especially if you are faced with this for the first time. Let's choose a suitable tariff together. Write to the support service, and we will help you calculate the amount of memory for the site, tell you how the tariffs differ, and tell you where to find the desired option in the control panel. We work around the clock in chats, tickets and by phone.

When in doubt
write to support.