Toy with growing grass. Grasshopper is a toy from which grass grows. Step-by-step process for making herbal tea

Photo instructions for EcoLiver Dragon:

EcoZhivchik was created with love by the family creative workshop “Skomorokh” of the Smolev family, masters of folk crafts of the Samara region.

Where to begin?

Before EcoZhivchik comes to life under the rays of the sun on the windowsill, it needs to be soaked in warm water room temperature so that the seeds in the toy wake up and begin to germinate. Minimum soaking time 30 minutes. We recommend that in the evening you put it in a container (deep plate or pan) with water, press it on top, for example with a lid (otherwise it floats well), this way it will be better saturated with water and the next morning put it on a saucer - a permanent place of residence.

Where to place it?

As soon as the souvenir is well saturated with water, you need to place it in a place where it will be warm and light enough. Until the blades of grass have sprouted, do not place it in direct sunlight, especially in summer, because the grass will instantly dry out and the growth process will stop. It is recommended to place it inside the room on a table or bookshelf. As soon as all the blades of grass have hatched, you can put the toy anywhere.

How to water?

EcoZhivchik loves water very much, it is not possible to overfill it, the materials and coloring are waterproof, so feel free to give your friend water every day. From time to time, you can bathe him in a bowl of water or even under the tap. In summer, in especially hot weather, the souvenir can be sprayed, which is convenient to do with a spray bottle.

How to trim?

Not only children, but their parents love to cut their pet’s hair, it’s such an exciting activity! In about two weeks, the blades of grass will grow about 12 centimeters and you can be your pet’s hairdresser, giving him a stylish hairstyle. But don’t forget that you can’t cut it too short, leave 5-7 centimeters for restoration. After all, after the next 14 days, the hairstyle will fluff up again, providing the opportunity for new creative imagination!

How to feed?

With frequent pruning, the plant must be fed, because its nutrients are limited by the presence of sawdust only in the filler. Suitable for this purpose universal fertilizers for indoor plants, which are sold in abundance in flower shops. A cap of concentrate per liter of water is sufficient.

Can pets have grass?

If you have pets, you can entrust them with trimming EcoZhivchik. For example, cats need grass from time to time for health. By getting an eco-lude, you will give your cat a great gift, and she will thank you with her affection and purring. Also, parrots, hamsters and other animals will eat the grass with great appetite.

EcoZhivchik - green vitamins for animals.

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A grasshopper is a funny and unusual souvenir, from the top of which bright lawn grass provocatively emerges, forming a kind of hair. To make the herbal toy look cute, you need to organize the herbal toy proper care and create all conditions for normal growth of vegetation.

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Grasshoppers or eco-livers, eco-people, eco-livers (photo) are toys that are traditionally made from material stuffed with sawdust and lawn grass seeds. If such a toy is regularly watered and fertilized, then the seeds placed in sawdust will quickly sprout, and the toy will have nice green hair. Ecoludic can be a wonderful decoration for a child's room and a gift for an inquisitive child.

How to grow grass?

Before choosing a specific place in the children's room for the eco-live, the herbal toy should be thoroughly soaked in water so that the seeds hidden in it swell, receive the required amount of moisture and prepare for the active process of germination. The toy can be soaked in any container that needs to be pre-filled with water at room temperature. Soak the grasshopper like this:

  • The eco-live animal needs to be immersed in water entirely and supported there a little, so that the toy is completely saturated with water and stops floating to the surface.
  • The herbal toy must remain in the water for at least 45 minutes.

If you are growing ecoludic during the cold season, it is better to make a small greenhouse for the toy. A greenhouse can be easily constructed from a regular package. The herb itself is placed on a plate, and the plate is placed in a bag, and the bag itself is tied at the top. Place the greenhouse near any heat source (for example, a radiator) and the grass will sprout in 1-2 days. As soon as you see shoots, take the toy out of the bag and place it on the window.

Ecoludic will grow best on a windowsill exposed to the sun's rays. However, the toy can be placed on a shelf or on a bedside table - the main thing is that the place is well lit. Do not place the grass toy near heaters or radiators; excessive heat will cause the delicate blades of grass to dry out.

How to care for your grass toy?

Eco-livers need daily watering, which must be uniform. Give your herbalist a full bath once every 7 days. To do this, the souvenir is immersed in warm water for about a quarter of an hour. If there is insufficient humidity in the room, regularly spray the herb with water.

Grasshoppers can and should be cut, giving funny little people a variety of hairstyles. However, it is advisable to make the first haircut only 14 days after the first shoots appear on the top of the toy. Don’t be upset if the haircut turns out to be unsuccessful; you can repeat the experiment with creating a hairstyle for an eco-man in just a few weeks.

If for some reason the herb does not germinate, you may have purchased a toy with low-quality seeds or expired seeds. To prevent such a misunderstanding from happening, when purchasing a souvenir, carefully look at the date of manufacture. The shelf life of herbal teas is no more than 2 years.

If your eco-live has begun to dry out, an emergency bath will help. This procedure usually helps to revive the grasshopper and achieve active growth of green hair. Let's finish the story about a funny toy interesting video about how to make a grasshopper with your own hands.

This master class is intended for teachers and parents.

The presented work is a unique ecological toy, made by hand. Its highlight is that you water it with water and after a while, juicy, tender, thick grass begins to grow from its head, creating a very cool head of hair. It will be interesting for both you and your children to watch the process. After the grasshopper’s “hair” has grown a little, you can use it to create hairstyles, carefully trimming the grass the way you like best. Later it will definitely grow again. Moreover, green grass can be used to feed animals in this corner of nature.

Purpose of this craft: This toy will not only decorate your home and bring joy, but also benefit those who have pets.

The purpose of the master class: dissemination and transfer of pedagogical experience, training in manufacturing techniques original toy- grasshopper.


Improving the professional skills of teachers;

Introducing teachers and parents to the techniques of making grass.


“Tell me - I will forget,

Show me - I'll remember

Let me do this

And it will be mine forever.”

A person is always drawn to something new, unknown, and in Everyday life, among the gray everyday life, we are looking for joy and celebration. I'm not an exception. I suggest you try it too! In honor of the first month of summer, let's make a unique environmental toy. I present to your attention a master class on making herbs!

To make a grasshopper we will need:

2. Cereal seeds (barley, wheat) or seeds lawn grass.

4. Scissors.

6. Acrylic paints

7. Pieces of colored self-adhesive wallpaper

Step-by-step process for making herbal tea

Step 1. Let's start making our herb. First we will make the body. Cut off part of the stocking or tights as shown in the photo. For tightening, prepare small pieces of the same nylon. Tighten the end of the stocking with a piece of nylon.

Step 2. Turn our base inside out so that the tail goes inside.

Step 3. Now take a tablespoon and pour in the seeds. Distribute the seeds in the place where you plan for your grass to grow.

Step 4. Now we fill the stocking with sawdust. We put more sawdust, we are not afraid to crush it so that more can fit.

Step 5. These are the heavy bags we got.

Step 6. When there is enough sawdust, we tie the tip of the stocking with a nylon trim and cut off the excess with scissors.

Step 7. Now we begin to shape the future herbalist. It depends on your imagination. We separated a small amount of sawdust, made, for example, a spout, tied it, tightened it with trim and cut off the excess. And so whatever you want: noses, ears, paws...

Step 8. This is what I ended up with.

Step 9. We bring our babies to life. Glue the eyes, nose, and mouth with “Master” glue. I cut them out of self-adhesive wallpaper. In general, eyes are sold directly in sets in stationery. If desired, paint the grasshopper with acrylic paints.

Step 10. Our herbalist is ready!

Step 11. Now you need to soak the grasshopper in water for 1 hour so that it absorbs the water.

Step 12. Place the herb in a warm and bright place and water it every day so that it is constantly moist.

Step 13 We did it with the children kindergarten of herbs on Friday evening, so, fearing that they might dry out over the weekend, I put them in a plate and covered them with a bag. You don’t have to do this at home, just water it regularly

Travyanchik is a bright children's toy with a lush head of a living plant. It is also called ecolive, ecoludic or florik. Herbalists are the most different sizes, shapes and even colors. Most often these are cute animals or funny fairy-tale characters. They are made from nylon, sawdust and lawn grass seeds. They will be an excellent decoration for a child's room and an educational toy at the same time. Grasshoppers come in a variety of sizes, on average ten to twenty centimeters, but you can find a giant up to forty centimeters in size. Small herbal flowers decorate the shelves and window sills of the house, and large ones can be used to decorate a flower bed, garden or cottage.

Grasshopper care

But now you brought home a little herb. How to care for it? Caring for this toy is simple and accessible even to small children. Soak it for an hour in warm water, and then place it on a tray or saucer in a warm, bright place, but make sure that there are no hot heating devices nearby. The first blades of grass will appear in about four days, and after two weeks the grass will be long enough to start doing different hairstyles. You need to water it every day, and once a week - completely immerse it in water for fifteen minutes, sometimes adding liquid fertilizer. If the room is dry, you need to spray the herbalist with a spray bottle.

Herbalists “live” from several months to a year. This depends on the set of seeds that was used to create the toy. In addition, to extend its lifespan, do not forget to feed it with flower fertilizers from time to time.

When purchasing a toy, pay attention to the release date. The shelf life of an unused herb is two years, then the grass seeds lose their viability, and the toy’s hair may not be so lush.

If a cat gets to the weed sitting on your windowsill and thins out its hair a little, don’t worry, this weed will not harm the furry weed. On the contrary, it will only benefit him. Some pet stores sell these herbs just for cats.

There will be a grasshopper a good gift not only to a child, but also to some adults for almost any reason. The grass toy will become ideal option to teach a child how to care for indoor plants. He is funny, grows quickly and is very unpretentious.

You can do it in the store or order it online. In the catalog of the Sphagnum Moss online store you will find wonderful herbal animals that will bring joy to your home!

Travyanchik - a toy from which grass grows

Many housewives have plants in their homes that require care and constant supervision. Women devote a lot of time to plants and set an example for the younger inhabitants of the house. Children very often strive to repeat everything after their parents and it is in this case that they may demand their own plant. What is better to entrust to a child so that he can fully cope with his responsibilities and, without making much effort, notice the fruits of his labor in a short time? There is an answer the best plant For the child there will be a little herb that is made in the form of a toy.

What you need for making:
1. Unnecessary stocking
2. River sand or wood sawdust
3. Glue that is not afraid of moisture
4. Scissors
5. Disposable plate
6. Tube made of cardboard
7. Material for creating the face of the toy
8. Lawn grass seeds

Measure and cut the stocking so that it is approximately 25cm long. The space used for the foot should be cut off as it is dense and may have a negative effect on grass germination. After the stocking is ready, it is tied tightly at one end.

A cardboard tube is inserted into the stocking, which will later allow you to easily place soil and seeds into the space of the product.

Place lawn grass seeds at the bottom of the space and cover the right amount soil. During this action, great attention should be paid to ensuring that the seeds are located exactly on the top of the head of the toy being created, so sow the grass with extreme caution.
The space of the stocking is filled with soil or sawdust until a round shape is formed, which should visually resemble a human head. When the desired shape is obtained, the stocking is tied tightly, and all excess is cut off using scissors.

The preparation of the functional toy is completed and it’s time to decorate it. Turn the product over with the seeds facing up and start decorating it. Using a material that is not afraid of moisture, create eyes, a mouth, ears, and a nose for the grasshopper and glue it to the base of the toy with glue.

Place the finished product in a disposable plate and wet a small amount water. The plate that serves as a stand for the toy must always contain water so that the herb has the opportunity for full growth.

The toy is almost ready; all you have to do is put it on the windowsill and water it daily, which your child can easily handle. Over the course of 3-5 days, the toy will begin to produce its herbal hair, and the youngest inhabitant of the house will be able to feel like a hairdresser creating a hairstyle for his new friend.

Grasshop, ornamental lawn

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Travyanchik florik ecoludic lively ecohuman grass head Sunday, August 25, 2013 17:51 ()

Do you want to see the sincere joy of your loved ones, relatives, friends, work colleagues and give them a truly original, amazing and unforgettable gift and souvenir for the holiday? Then we offer you to buy a unique eco-friendly toy Travyanchik. A funny and cheerful souvenir for everyone: mom, dad, child, grandma, grandpa, boyfriend and girlfriend. The grass head will not leave anyone indifferent. Anyone who receives a herbalist toy as a gift will be simply delighted with it and will receive a lot of positive emotions. Ecoludic is ideal as a souvenir - a gift for the holiday of March 8th, Valentine's Day, February 23rd, Christmas, New Year, Anniversary, Birthday and any other holidays. How to care for a grasshopper? Place Florik in water for a couple of hours. Then pour some water into the saucer and place EcoLive in the saucer. Place in a bright, warm, dry place on a windowsill or other surface in the room and water every day with warm water. Full detailed instructions instructions for caring for the herbalist are indicated on the gift packaging of Zhivchik and video clips on the website page. Look at the photo of our Travyanchik. Such original colorful exclusive little animals, fairy-tale characters, and heroes of your favorite cartoons can no longer be found anywhere else, either in stores or on other sites selling eco-people. We have more than 30 types of them. The herb is made in a folk crafts studio from environmentally friendly, non-toxic materials and fabrics. It is safe for both adults and children. When caring for a florist, the paint does not fade, lawn grass seeds are only of selected elite varieties and they germinate perfectly. With daily watering, the herb begins to grow thick green grass. The grass has grown and now you can turn on all your wild imagination when working with the hairstyle of an eco-man. Keep your grass cut and feed your pets valuable green vitamins. They really miss them, especially in winter. An adult and a child can happily make various florist hairstyles from his lush plant hair. After the eco-live is trimmed, in a few days it will again be overgrown with greenery. The main thing is to remember to water the eco-man, but under no circumstances overwater it. Many people are trying to copy our little herb and make exactly the same one with their own hands. We advise you not to waste your time. It’s cheaper and easier to buy it in the Home and Garden online store. Decorate your room interior with it or give it as a gift. Our toy brings great positivity into the lives of children and adults and puts them in a good holiday mood! Price 249 rubles per piece.
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