Ilyumzhinov fide resignation. “They can’t fire me, and I can’t fire them. Who is behind the publication

The Russian functionary denied the resignation, spoke about relations with American colleagues, his salary and much more.

“”: Were you able to understand the situation with the message about your resignation that appeared on the FIDE website?

Ilyumzhinov: I myself saw these messages for the first time yesterday (March 27 - approx. "") at lunchtime and was very surprised. After all, I was present at the FIDE Presidential Council. I didn’t just attend, I saw it off. There was no question about the upcoming elections of the head of the organization in 2018. The chairman then adjourned the council and discussions began. Some council members asked if I was going to run for another term.

Did these conversations already take place during the informal part of the council?

Yes. They said that I shouldn’t go to the polls because I was under American sanctions, and in general, I needed to think about the future. I won’t tell you who specifically gave such advice, I will only say that these people are under the influence of certain federations and the gentlemen at their helm. That's how it all ended. We had dinner and I flew to Moscow.

And when we arrived, messages about your resignation were already being discussed everywhere.

And so it happened. I hastened to rebut this information. After all, I did not sign the resignation letter. According to the FIDE Statutes, presidential elections take place for two reasons - death or resignation, which can be submitted for various reasons. Elections can only be carried out by 188 representatives of each of the countries included in FIDE. It meets once every four years. In the letter, I noted that in August 2014 I was elected president for four years. Next elections in September 2018. I said I didn't see the need to resign. I sent this information to all media outlets.

How did they react to the words of Nigel Freeman, who announced your resignation as a fait accompli?

I wrote to him that this discussion took place after the end of the official part of the council. The issue of early resignation of the FIDE President was not on the agenda. Our discussions were not supported by documentation. They are putting pressure on me because of the sanctions, they say I am preventing the federation from working. They say go and sort out your problems yourself. This is what my lawyers do.

If we talk about a change in the leadership of the federation, then I am ready for it. But let the leadership of all 188 national federations express dissatisfaction with my work. If the arguments of the dissatisfied are convincing, I am ready to resign.

What kind of interference with FIDE's work can we talk about if, despite your problems with the USA, the match for the world chess crown was held in New York?

I ask my opponents about the same thing. I played not only this match. Candidates' tournament in Moscow, Grand Prix, Women's World Championship in Tehran. Nobody answers my arguments.

In this case, as the president of the federation, you have no leverage over Freeman, who is spreading false information?

The situation is this: just as they can’t fire me, I can’t fire them ( laughs). In 2014, we were chosen as a “set” - the president and his team. They come with me. Why did they start to hurry? They want to find a replacement for me before the 2018 elections, they think I won’t be able to be re-elected due to sanctions.

So, your resignation will not happen in April?

I wrote to all news agencies and federations that I see no point in holding an extraordinary presidential council in April. I didn’t write a resignation letter, which means there’s nothing to discuss. And the money that would have to be spent on holding a council would be better spent on the development of children's chess.

The American Chess Federation does not hide its dissatisfaction with your work at the head of FIDE. How do you feel about such statements? Is it then difficult to communicate normally with these people?

You know what they say: “The dog barks, the caravan moves on.” I have repeatedly asked my American colleagues why they refuse to cooperate. After all, I held two world chess championships in the United States - in 1999 in Las Vegas and the last one in New York. And there were never any sponsors or any other support from the American side. Despite this, I am for chess; there are many fans of our sport in the USA. I hold tournaments not for officials or federations, but for millions of chess fans around the world.

Do you keep track of those who are dissatisfied with your work, in addition to Americans?

I saw exclusively American statements. The rest are speaking for me. Therefore, we will see how the General Assembly evaluates my work after four years. My deadline expires in 2018. So either I stay or a new president will come.

Are you thinking about running for another term?

It's too early to think about it. I said the same thing to the members of the Presidential Council. We need to work, travel around countries, develop chess.

Many call you the only person capable of effectively leading FIDE. Are you really irreplaceable?

In 1995, when I first joined FIDE, there were one and a half million dollars in debt. There was no money to hold tournaments - both women's and men's. At the same time, he organized a competitor to FIDE in the USA - the Professional Association of Chess Players. Judge for yourself, this is what FIDE was 22 years ago. Now there are 188 countries of the world, more than 10 thousand official competitions, more than 600 million people playing chess around the globe.

Photo: Vladimir Fedorenko / RIA Novosti

In this case, have you ever gotten tired of attacks from outside? Were there any moments when you wanted to give up everything?

That’s why I said at the council that I was ready to leave if they explained to me what others would give to FIDE. I don’t belong to this place, I don’t receive a salary. I travel to 100 countries a year, wasting my time and health. In 22 years, I raised more than $100 million in FIDE. I united the chess world, now there is only one champion on the planet. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee recognized chess as a sport. I am ready to leave, but I must make sure that a worthy successor comes to take my place. With ideas, investments, who will say: “Kirsan, tomorrow there will be a billion chess players in the world.” I will be happy to write a statement of my own free will.

Do you consider Kasparov as a successor? They say he will be your main rival in the upcoming elections.

It will be interesting. I don’t want to discuss either Kasparov or myself now. Now we need to work.

Let's return to the issue of salary. How does the most powerful person in FIDE not get paid for his work?

This is true. Since 1995 I have been the President of FIDE, every day I spend several hours on work, and sometimes all day long She's busy and hasn't earned a cent. I don't have a salary. The rest of the federation's staff, including chief executive Nigel Freeman, are handsomely remunerated. I won’t name the amounts.

How does your experience in big politics help in your current work?

On the contrary, chess helped me in politics ( laughs). My grandfather taught me to play when I was 5 years old. And in chess it’s like this: first think, then make a move. And politics... Our whole life is politics. Even when going out to pick up potatoes, it’s there.

When you met and communicated with such controversial political figures as Saddam Hussein, did you think that this would affect your reputation in the future?

Who called the controversial figure of Gaddafi? I once saw on TV how the US Secretary of State hugged and kissed Gaddafi. The British? (former British Prime Minister - approx. "") invited Gaddafi to meetings where he signed contracts worth millions of pounds, under which he promised to supply Gaddafi with weapons. (former Prime Minister of Italy - approx. "")? I saw him kiss Gaddafi’s hand in a tent because he was selling gas to Italy at a discount. ? I remember that Gaddafi transferred 156 million euros to his election fund. I looked at the US leaders and... If they can fraternize with the head of the country, then why can’t I go and hold the World Cup there, for example? In 2004, it was held in Tripoli.

Bashar al-Assad? He studied in London and received a normal education. (39th President of the United States - approx. "") not only came to Assad, but rode around Damascus with him, sat in a restaurant in the city center. So Assad is the same person as . They are elected by the people, the official leaders of their countries. The Syrian Ambassador sits in Washington, they have representatives in. But for some reason I can’t meet with Assad. Discrimination!

The International Chess Federation (FIDE) announced the resignation of its leader since 1995. He himself denies this information, citing the machinations of the American Chess Federation. understands what really happened and why the chair swayed under Ilyumzhinov.

American trace

We say “FIDE”, we mean “Ilyumzhinov”, and vice versa. In the minds of most people, these are almost synonymous. The former head of the Republic of Kalmykia has been at the helm of the federation for more than 20 years, without showing any signs of fatigue. More than once Ilyumzhinov was accused of corruption and rigging voting results, but things did not go beyond words. All the more unexpected were the reports about Ilyumzhinov’s resignation, which he allegedly announced at a meeting of the FIDE Presidential Council in Athens.

This news was published on the FIDE website on Monday, March 27. Ilyumzhinov reacted instantly, making denials in the Russian media. According to him, only working issues were discussed at the council. The head of FIDE admitted that the American and British chess federations tried to initiate his impeachment, but did not meet with support, and this issue was not even included on the agenda.

“It's called a setup. This is the machinations of the American Chess Federation and their allies; they have already tried to do this more than once. In Athens they tried to bring up the issue of my resignation for discussion, but they failed. In general, I even receive threats, demanding that I leave,” Ilyumzhinov said in an interview.

Ilyumzhinov’s confrontation with the Americans has been going on for more than one year. In November 2015, the American included the head of FIDE on the sanctions list for connections with the Syrian government.

Photo: Dmitry Azarov / Kommersant

Does this mean that the US is trying to remove Ilyumzhinov from his post? US Chess Federation President Gary Walters rejected the FIDE head's accusations: “Although we do not hide the fact that we would like to see another person at the head of FIDE, we have never taken part in organizing impeachment or even talking about it. Our position is well known. We provided FIDE open letter dated February 14, 2017. It notes that Mr. Ilyumzhinov caused confusion in great game- chess".

How did the resignation message appear on the site? spoke out different versions: from the same Western provocations to the mistake of the press service. On Tuesday, an explanatory letter from the organization's executive director, Nigel Freeman, was published on the FIDE website. According to him, Ilyumzhinov still talked about resignation. "He threatened to resign several times during the meeting and was told 'I'm leaving' three times before leaving the room," Freeman said.

Ilyumzhinov commented on Freeman’s words. “After the meeting, an emotional conversation took place, and I told my colleagues that I would leave only when I put things in order in the organization. This can be called a conspiracy against me,” says the head of FIDE.

The deputy chairman, the 12th world chess champion, explains the incident as an attempt to redistribute power. “When the sanctions list was published and Kirsan entered it, he temporarily resigned. And now the game has begun. This is some kind of struggle for power, not very clean,” the chess player noted.


This is not the first attempt to remove Ilyumzhinov. In September 2016, at the General Assembly of the FIDE Congress, a representative of Jamaica made a proposal to impeach the president of the organization. But even then the initiative did not find adequate support.

The FIDE Presidential Council, in principle, cannot decide the issue of the resignation of the head of the organization; this is the prerogative of the federation assembly. To declare impeachment, 50 percent plus one other person must vote yes.

In an interview with, the first vice-president of the Moscow Chess Federation, Nikita Kim, expressed the opinion that all the confusion in FIDE is nothing more than an attempt to rock Ilyumzhinov’s chair on the eve of the election of the organization’s president. “FIDE is one of the three most influential sports organizations in the world. Its president is an influential figure. More than 600 million people play chess around the world - in fact, he gains control of an entire state. It is very difficult to beat Ilyumzhinov in the elections. At the last in Tromsø, the perfectly prepared lost to Kirsan by almost two-thirds of the votes,” said Kim.

In his opinion, Ilyumzhinov’s opponents are testing the waters, trying to find support for removing the FIDE head from office: “His opponents are looking to see if they will find support if a proposal is made to impeach him. I suspect they will be disappointed. Most likely, people will rally around Ilyumzhinov. This is what always happens in critical situations.”

Ilyumzhinov has already stated that he plans to complete his presidential term. The next FIDE elections will take place in September 2018. It is expected that Garry Kasparov will once again become the main rival of the current head of the organization. In 2014, he secured US support and ran for office, but was caught trying to bribe a number of Asian countries. He was suspended from chess activities until the fall of 2017.

It is difficult to say whether Kasparov is able to prevent Ilyumzhinov from again taking the presidency. At one time, the functionary, who is now under American sanctions, spoke about his contact with aliens. They allegedly took him to the ship, where they explained why they did not communicate with earthlings. Ilyumzhinov reported what had happened to the then President of Russia and returned to his duties. Try to beat this one in the elections.

The situation may develop as early as April, when an extraordinary meeting of the FIDE Presidential Council will take place, where, according to Freeman, he will be elected new chapter organizations. After such an ambiguous statement, the FIDE executive director fell silent, promising to provide information about Ilyumzhinov’s further fate in the very near future.

"SE" collected news about the strange situation that has developed around the announcement of the resignation of the FIDE President.


Russian Kirsan Ilyumzhinov Following a meeting of the FIDE Presidential Council in Athens yesterday, he announced his resignation from the post of head of the organization, the official website of the International Chess Federation reported today.

The Presidential Council received an official notification, the FIDE press service notes. An extraordinary meeting will take place in April, at which a new head of the organization will be elected.

The former president of Kalmykia has headed FIDE since 1995.


Resignation information Kirsana Ilyumzhinova is not true, FIDE assistant director told SE Berik Balgabaev.

No comments. This is not true,” Balgabaev said. (Elena SOBOL)


Head of FIDE Kirsan Ilyumzhinov denied the message from the official website of his organization.

These are the forces that want my resignation,” Ilyumzhinov told SE. - This is all after I was put on the sanctions list, the Americans are demanding my resignation. This is a provocation, interference in the internal affairs of an international organization. Therefore I refute this. I'm not going to leave.

- Will you investigate who posted such information on the official FIDE website?

Certainly. Everything is already clear there, everyone has already been caught - the Americans, someone else. I have been experiencing this pressure from all sides for a year now. Now there will be a refutation.

- You probably don’t react to such provocations anymore?

No. (Elena SOBOL)


FIDE Executive Director Nigel Freeman confirmed the information about the statement Kirsana Ilyumzhinova about resignation, contrary to the words of the leader himself that the message on his organization’s website does not correspond to reality.

“Mr. Ilyumzhinov announced his resignation; an extraordinary meeting of the Presidential Council will be held in April to discuss this issue,” Freeman said in response to SE’s request about why information about the resignation appeared on the website, despite Ilyumzhinov’s denials.

“I’m sorry, I can’t comment on anything more than what I said earlier,” Freeman noted, responding to a request to comment on the circumstances under which Ilyumzhinov allegedly made his resignation letter. (Elena SOBOL)


Later Kirsan Ilyumzhinov sent a letter to the FIDE Presidential Council and all national chess federations, TASS reports.

Information appeared in the media about my resignation from the post of FIDE President. In this regard, I would like to state the following: I have not signed any documents regarding my resignation and do not intend to do so. “No speculation about my resignation is true,” Ilyumzhinov wrote.

A lively conversation with Ilyumzhinov for the “Friday Conversation” column in December 2010

Frank interview with the head of FIDE in November 2015