Individual apartment heating systems. Heating in an apartment in an apartment building. Dismantling old heating

It is not surprising that more and more people are thinking about switching to individual heating in an apartment building. Residents of apartment buildings know firsthand how imperfect a centralized heating system can be. In many Soviet-era buildings, it has not been changed and often not repaired since the first residents moved in. However, switching to autonomous heating requires not only financial investments and time, but also the correct execution of the necessary documentation.

What are the benefits of an individual heating system?

Anyone wishing to install an individual heating system must understand that they are responsible for its safe operation. It is also worth preparing for considerable material costs at the installation stage of the system. However, do not despair, because the payback for this event comes quite soon.

Individual heating of an apartment, if carried out professionally, has a huge advantage compared to the centralized heating that many are accustomed to: it works without interruption.

Thanks to this, the rooms are heated properly, regardless of the weather outside. The main condition for correct operation is the correctly selected boiler power and installation of batteries in those areas where heat loss is greatest.

  1. In addition, switching to individual heating in an apartment in a multi-storey building allows:
  2. Independently arrange the indoor microclimate. This feature helps reduce heating costs. If you are away from home for a long time, you can set the system to minimum to save money. There are remote controlled systems that can be adjusted via SMS messages.
  3. Reduce operating costs. This is achieved by installing gas individual heating in the apartment. In this case, preference should be given to modern condensing gas boilers or a unit with a modular burner. This way you will reduce energy consumption to an optimal level.

In addition to large material investments, the owner of an apartment who decides to install an individual heating system must prepare all the documents correctly.

Otherwise, he may face trials and subsequent punishment.

Procedure for disconnecting from the centralized heating system

When preparing all the necessary documents for the transition to individual heating of housing, it is necessary to study the relevant legislation:

  • Federal Law No. 190 of July 27, 2010;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of April 16, 2012;
  • Art. 25, 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The simplest solution would be to install an electric boiler. You just need to make an application and submit it to the district electrical network. If the technical conditions are appropriate, the permit will be issued quickly. But the heat generated in this case may exceed the cost of thermal energy from centralized heating.

Therefore, installing a gas boiler is more profitable in terms of cost savings, since the cost of natural gas is relatively low. But when carrying out individual gas heating, you will have to comply with many formalities:

  1. You must obtain the appropriate technical specifications from the city gas service.
  2. Check the chimney for serviceability and obtain a conclusion about this from the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society (VDPO).
  3. Obtain the consent of the remaining residents of the house (this point is specified in Part 3 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This is very important, because if one apartment refuses centralized heating, malfunctions in the operation of the entire system may occur. In addition, it is necessary to obtain relevant documents and find out who owns system elements such as batteries and piping. If they are in common property, it is also necessary to obtain special permission from the neighbors. If the heating components are not common property, permission to disconnect must be obtained from the management company.
  4. In city heating networks, obtain the right to dismantle the heating system in your apartment.

For those residents who have gas water heaters installed in their apartments, it will be easier to obtain permission for individual heating, since such buildings have a chimney, and the pressure in the gas pipeline is suitable for the operation of a gas boiler.

Having received preliminary permission for a gas heating project, you should prepare the following documents:

  1. A statement in which you must indicate that the owner of the apartment plans to install individual heating and disconnect from the centralized system.
  2. The original registration certificate of the apartment, which should indicate the location of the batteries and pipes.
  3. Permission from the residents of the house (if the system components are common property) or from the management company.
  4. Decision on possible redevelopment of the apartment. It is issued by the housing office or management company.

The period for obtaining permission to dismantle the centralized system and install an individual one can last from 3 months to six months. Once permission has been received from representatives of the utility service, you can proceed to dismantling the heating elements in the apartment.

How to arrange individual heating in an apartment building

In order to correctly register autonomous heating, the apartment owner must decide not only on the boiler model, but also on the type of energy carrier. Let's consider the option of installing a gas boiler.

First of all, a gas heating project is drawn up. For this purpose, you need to contact the gas supply company. Its specialists are engaged in determining autonomous heating schemes for residential buildings with specific technical conditions. One of the most important issues is the required level of pressure in the gas pipeline. If it is not able to ensure the operation of the boiler, the company will most likely refuse to install gas heating.

Then you will have to choose a system with a different coolant. This could be an electric boiler or, alternatively, heated floors in the apartment.

Before going to the gas company, you need to make sure you have the following documentation:

  • registration certificate for the apartment indicating the fact of disconnection from the centralized heating system;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN;
  • a copy of the boiler passport with detailed instructions for its installation;
  • confirmation of payment for the services provided by the gas company for drawing up a project for an individual apartment heating system.

Only after receiving permission to switch to individual gas heating in an apartment building can you begin the direct installation of all components of the system. The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the arrangement of autonomous heating in an apartment: a gas boiler must be equipped with a closed combustion chamber and well-functioning carbon monoxide removal routes. If this condition is not met, the installation of individual heating will be prohibited.

Expert advice on choosing heating system components

The further operation of the entire system depends on the choice of optimal heating elements (boiler, pipes and radiators).

  1. Having decided to switch to individual heating in the apartment, the apartment owner insures himself against pressure drops in the pipes, so you can safely install aluminum batteries. Installation of bimetallic radiators is preferable when there is a high probability of water hammer.
  2. Most autonomous heating systems use polypropylene piping. They are easy to install yourself.
  3. Remote control. In order to take the most rational approach to heating residential premises, the heating circuit must be equipped with a programmer and several temperature sensors. If configured correctly, the system will automatically control the heating power of the apartment.

To minimize heat loss in an apartment on the ground floor of individual houses, you can insulate the floor. For this purpose, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are successfully used.

A person who decides to change central heating to individual heating will have to tinker a lot. But by observing all the formalities, collecting all the necessary documentation, and carrying out the correct installation of all components of autonomous heating, the owner of the apartment will receive a well-functioning, perfectly working system that saves him money.

Abandoning a centralized system and switching to your own heating in an apartment is now quite common, as a more profitable, that is, effective and cheaper option. We will not consider the legal side of the issue; this is a completely separate topic. Here we will pay attention to the methods of wiring radiators from a gas convection boiler.

Heating system

For autonomy, the heating system in an apartment can be very different, but if we are talking about water circuits, then three main options can be considered here - “warm floor”, two-pipe and single-pipe heating systems. A combined option is also possible, which also brings very good results. But we will focus specifically on radiators, so dear and familiar to every post-Soviet person.

Two-pipe and one-pipe systems

  • Perhaps the most reliable is, because with such wiring there is a minimum of heat loss. Here the coolant, in this case water, enters the radiator from the supply pipe, but returns from it to the return or “return” pipe. The pipes can be positioned in different ways - they can run two together, under the radiators, near the floor, or the supply can be mounted on top of the heating devices.

  • The situation is somewhat different with, because in this case the water, flowing from the pipe into the radiator, again returns to the same pipe, but slightly cooled. It turns out that the further the heating device is from the beginning, the colder it will be, because the coolant, reaching it, cools down in other batteries. This design is good for two or three medium-sized batteries, in any case, you can allow up to five, but this would be too much.

Apartment heating diagram: number 1 indicates the bypass, and number 2 indicates the radiator

  • Single-pipe apartment heating schemes can be with a bypass, as shown in the top picture, and can be without it, as can be seen in the bottom picture. The difference is that the jumper allows you to dismantle the radiator without stopping the circulation of the coolant - to do this, you just need to turn off the taps to the battery. But if there is no bypass, then by removing the heating device, you break the circuit, and therefore interrupt the circulation (the water supply to heated towel rails in apartment buildings is often assembled according to this scheme).

Advice. If the rooms in the apartment are located in the same line, then there is no point in installing a single-pipe heating circuit, because the pipe still needs to be turned back to the boiler. The material consumption will be the same, so it is better to use a two-pipe connection.

Installation of heating circuit

  1. Pipe made of metal-plastic or propylene;
  2. Ball valves;
  3. Direct-flow radiator valve;
  4. Membrane expansion tank 18 l;
  5. Circulation pump included;
  6. Check Valve;
  7. Security Group;
  8. Heating radiators;
  9. Thermostatic valve;
  10. Angled or straight radiator taps (as required);
  11. Plug or foot;
  12. Mayevsky valves;
  13. Ball valve for draining water;
  14. Plug or foot;
  15. Thermostatic heads.

Tips: the diameter of the pipes is indicated in the diagram, but using polypropylene (eco-plastic), the supply and return can be done with the thirty-second pipe (outer d-32 mm), and the outlets to the radiators can be made with the twentieth. It is also better to use faucets made of polypropylene, because they practically do not boil and their service life is longer than that of metal ones.

Radiators for autonomous heating

  • Until recently, as required by the instructions, you probably had cast iron radiators that were connected to a centralized heating system. But for autonomy, such heating devices are not profitable, for at least two reasons - firstly, they have too large a capacity and a lot of water needs to be heated and, secondly, cast iron is not a very good heat conductor (too thick) and therefore takes a long time to warm up. As a result, you will end up with excessive gas consumption and unreasonable expenses of money.
  • The most suitable heating radiators for apartments are made of aluminum, steel and bimetal. Any of them are suitable for low pressure, such as a small water circuit, and all of them can withstand high temperatures. If you wish, you can also combine radiators and a water heated floor system in one circuit.

Advice. The most effective (the price is also the highest), but also the most capricious of all the above heating devices are aluminum radiators, and if there is a high content of alkalis in the water, neutralizers must be added to the system. Also, the presence of copper in the circuit should not be allowed, since the interaction of these two non-ferrous metals leads to their oxidation and destruction.

Radiator calculations

  • To calculate the number of sections in a radiator required for a room with ceilings no higher than 3 meters, you can use the formula S*100/P. Here S denotes the area of ​​the room, and P is the rated power of the section, which usually ranges from 180 to 200 W. The number 100 displays the required amount of W/m2, and the letter K denotes the initial result.
  • We take, for example, a standard room 3.5 × 6.5 m = 22.75 m 2, batteries with a power of one section of 185 W and substitute the values ​​into the formula. We get K=S*100/P=22.75*100/185=12.29, but there cannot be a fractional number of sections, so we round the number up (as a reserve) and get a heating device consisting of 13 sections.

  • But what if you purchased panel heating radiators for your apartment, because they are not disassembled into sections, but simply vary in power and size. In this situation, a formula is also used, but, of course, a different one - P=V*41. The letter P here will correspond to the initial power, V – the volume of the room, 41 – the number of W/m 3. For calculations we use a small bedroom with a height of 250 cm and an area of ​​225 * 450 = 10.125 m 2, which means V = 2.5 * 10.125 = 25.3125 m 3.
  • Now we calculate the power of the radiator, which we will have to install with our own hands in this very bedroom. This means P=V*41=25.3125*41=1037.81.25W. Of course, there are no heating devices with such power, therefore, depending on the climate of your region, we choose either a 1 kW or 1.5 kW battery.

Welding polypropylene

  • The most effective heating of apartments is obtained from, and this implies not only the heat transfer of radiators, but also the price of the circuit and the speed of its installation. For wiring, as mentioned above, a pipe reinforced with aluminum foil with a diameter of 32 mm and 20 mm is used.

  • Polypropylene is heated at a temperature of 280⁰C-300⁰C, holding the pipe and fitting on the hot nozzle for 5-6 seconds. Then the parts are removed and connected to each other by inserting into each other, as in the photo above. After fixation, they are held for another 5-6 seconds.


You've probably watched videos or observed with your own eyes the installation of a heating system. But when you do it yourself, try to follow the instructions that you will find on this page and in the gas boiler instructions.

Tired of huge utility bills, untimely shutdowns of heat and sudden temperature changes, many are wondering: how to install individual heating in an apartment? It is quite possible to install a personal heating and hot water supply system. You just need to know some subtleties and aspects, without which nothing will work.

The real installation of individual heating in an apartment building begins not with calling specialists, but with collecting all the necessary permits. Many services do not want to sign papers of their own free will. You can understand them, because they are losing money. But the law is on the side of apartment owners. If it is technically possible to disconnect from the general heating, and the location of the pipes in the house provides for such a possibility, each time you visit the office, you can refer to the Federal Law “On Heat Supply” No. 190, as well as to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of April 16, 2012, which talks about the procedure for installing and connecting heat supply systems.

The legislator does not prohibit the use of modern boilers and systems that meet the requirements and standards. You can read more about a variety of modern heating systems. Today there are many examples where the owners of living space won the courts and installed the desired engineering systems for themselves, which save money on utility bills by 3-5 times.

The documents with which the installation of individual heating in an apartment begins are usually an impressively sized folder, for the registration of which you will have to go through many authorities. But it's worth it. After all, comfort, economy and convenience are the decisive factors in this matter.

List of required documents:

All of the above only partially answers the question of how to install individual heating in an apartment building; the success of the planned enterprise also depends on the choice of equipment.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating

Traditionally, boilers for individual apartment heating are chosen based on their power and reliability. For those residents of apartment complexes where gas is installed in the premises, the choice of boilers leans towards gas equipment. Although owners of apartments with electrical equipment can also install a gas boiler.

A gas boiler

To establish a comfortable temperature regime in the apartment, the required boiler power is calculated. Competent calculations can only be made by specialists who can assess the climatic conditions of the region, correctly measure the heated area, and select the equipment of the apartment according to all the necessary aspects.

When installing the system, you will have to choose not only boilers, radiators and the pipes themselves. It will be necessary to determine in advance whether single-pipe or two-pipe wiring is best done in this particular area. Single-pipe wiring is suitable for one-room apartments and a small number of radiators. But large areas require an increase in the number of pipes.

Modern individual gas heating in an apartment building is carried out with the participation of the main element of the system - a gas boiler.

On the market you can find products of both foreign and domestic production. Only those who live in Russia should pay attention to the fact that spare parts for repairing European versions are more difficult to find, and not every master will understand the structure of an imported unit. And domestic boilers are repaired without any problems.

Gas is one of the cheapest types of fuel. A gas-fired boiler will cost less to operate than its electric “brother.”

The advantages of a gas boiler include the following aspects:

With all the advantages, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the boiler will need a chimney to operate, and constant monitoring of the tightness of the equipment. According to norms and standards, a gas boiler is placed in an individual residential building in the kitchen or bathroom. To install it, the room must have wide doors, a window on the window, and a tap from which water can be turned on at any time.

Electric boiler

Today, individual heating electric boilers are considered the easiest to use devices for autonomous heating in an apartment. They are divided into floor and wall devices. They are much easier to install than all other systems, and their maintenance does not take much time.

Also, electric boilers for individual heating, the price of which is slightly higher than gas boilers, are considered safer and quieter devices. When heating with electricity, you can set different modes for each room. Among heating boilers there are devices that operate on different types of fuel. They belong to the combined type of boilers, and can operate in different modes as efficiently as boilers operating on a single fuel option.

System installation: selection of batteries and components

When the documents are completed and the choice of equipment is made, the next question arises: how to properly install heating in an apartment, the answer to which only a qualified technician can give in full. But at the initial stage, the home owner begins to develop a heating project, so we will consider heating batteries for the apartment and all the components for them.

The most suitable option for heating an apartment is considered to be batteries consisting of sections. The power of the radiator and the amount of heat that it can give off for heating depend on the number of sections. The material from which the section is made may have different thermal conductivity.

Let's take a closer look at the thermal conductivity of one section depending on the material:

Thus, thin heating radiators will give off more heat than, for example, cast iron ones, but not all radiators meet quality standards. The number of sections can be calculated by taking into account the following operating conditions:

In many apartments, the loggia plays the role of a separate living space. How to install heating on a loggia? To do this, it must be insulated by installing windows there and laying insulation on the walls, floor and ceiling. Then pipes are stretched from the nearest radiator to the loggia, to which the battery sections are connected.

The standard connection of bimetallic heating radiators includes the installation of an installation complex with brackets and two taps to completely shut off the water. With a small number of sections, bimetallic batteries are connected according to the proven “supply and return” circuit. For radiators with a large number of sections, the wiring is done “diagonally”.

Starting the heating system

If all the previous conditions are met, how to turn on the heating in the apartment and at the same time avoid serious mistakes? The most common method is a test water supply. Of course, if a leak occurs somewhere, you will have to change some parts of the system. But overall, the method is worth the risks.

To successfully test a set of equipment, you need to know how a heating battery works and on what principle heat exchange is carried out. The water heated by the boiler moves through the pipes, entering the battery, giving off heat to the radiator. The radiator material, heated by hot water, radiates heat into the surrounding space.

So how to turn on the heating battery in an apartment?

It is necessary to open all the taps in stages, making sure in practice that there are no leaks anywhere and the entire complex is homogeneous. It is convenient to divide the system with several limiters, by turning which you can let water flow into the radiators of a separate room, or completely disconnect the selected room from the rest of the complex.

Also, specialized stores sell fluid for heating batteries, the price of which varies depending on the brand. This antifreeze is used to protect the system from corrosion and to ensure good pump operation. More details about coolants can be found in our article. When using the liquid in a room that is periodically cooled to low temperatures, draining the antifreeze is not required. If a leak occurs, the liquid vapor can be harmful to the human body. However, it is not flammable and is quite safe when used correctly.

Having examined individual heating in an apartment from all sides, we can come to the conclusion that it has a huge number of advantages.
It’s quite nice to wake up in the fall and spring in a warm room, and not put your feet out of bed on an icy floor, as happens when using central heating. You don’t have to depend on your neighbors for repairs when they change pipes and turn off all residents for the whole day. When a person uses his own boilers and components, the cost of servicing an apartment is greatly reduced, and the equipment itself pays for itself in several years.

During the Soviet Union, heating of apartments and even many private sector houses was carried out centrally. Heat was produced in boiler houses common to the group of buildings, or it was “removed” as excess heat from thermal power plants and numerous industrial enterprises located nearby. Back then the heating was good, and cheap “state” heat was considered the norm. There were few dissatisfied people. But a lot has changed since then. Now individual heating in an apartment building no longer seems so exotic. Why do people resort to this method of heating their homes? Is it even possible to implement it?

What is apartment heating according to an individual scheme?

First of all, it should not be confused with apartment-by-apartment, which is now very popular in new buildings. Since in this case the systems are isolated from each other through distribution units, but heat is generated at a common heating point. Although, as a rule, it is not connected to general networks - it serves one or several buildings. Heating is considered individual when the apartment’s system is looped and supplied with thermal energy exclusively through a separate heat generator.

The question still remains: can it be called autonomous? Perhaps it’s a stretch, although that’s what they sometimes say. After all, we will need an energy source (gas or electricity), we need an outlet to operate the circulation pump and other devices, and in the end, we will feed the system from a water pipe.

Scheme of individual heating of an apartment using heated floors

How does it work

Heat generator

According to statistics, our compatriots prefer water systems. This is a radiator heating or underfloor heating system. In most cases, double-circuit gas boilers are used for individual apartment heating. The choice of gas as the most profitable and convenient fuel is obvious. And an additional circuit for DHW is an excellent solution when there are also problems with hot water supply from public networks. Typically, high-tech wall-mounted models from the world's leading manufacturers are used, since there is little heat loss (due to the small square footage and small area of ​​the external enclosing structures), and high-capacity boilers are not needed.

A wall-mounted double-circuit boiler is installed in the kitchen and hidden by an MDF structure, its coaxial pipe is led outside through the wall

Important! It is desirable that the heating device be equipped with a closed combustion chamber. Then it will be possible to do without a special “smoke” channel, and to remove combustion products (and supply air to the burner) use a coaxial chimney, which can be routed outside through the outer wall.

Another option is to use electricity. In apartments, heating elements, induction or electrode boilers are installed. Convectors and heaters are often used, which heat the air directly in their heat exchangers. Recently, electric heated floors (film IR elements, cable, rod) have been gaining popularity as a main or additional source of heat.


The scheme for individual heating of an apartment is extremely simple. The boiler is installed in the kitchen, and pipes are laid from it along the floor (in the screed or in the voids of the wooden floor frame) along the outer walls, where batteries are mounted under the windows. In most cases, two-pipe horizontal wiring is used. But given the short length of the main ring, single-pipe circuits are also in use; here they are practically devoid of their main flaw - the “outer” radiators are not hot enough as a result of problems with balancing such systems. For technical and aesthetic reasons, the coolant is circulated in the heating circuit using pumping equipment. Pipes use polypropylene with aluminum/fiberglass reinforcement, sometimes cross-linked polyethylene, metal-plastic or copper. Steel, including stainless steel, is rapidly losing its position.

Beam wiring diagram with two collectors

Important! The beam scheme is becoming popular among apartment owners. Unlike the tee wiring method, each heating device is supplied with its own independent supply and return pipes. As a result, the consumer gets the opportunity to regulate the heat transfer of each battery separately, up to complete shutdown (for example, to service the device).

Other devices to create a functional and safe system

As with the implementation of individual heating in a private house, the system will have to be equipped with a standard set of auxiliary elements:

  • expansion tank,
  • circulation pump,
  • safety group (emergency valve, air vent),
  • recharge unit,
  • thermal accumulators for individual heating,
  • control taps/valves,
  • collectors,
  • filters,
  • automation (with the ability to program modes), etc.

Note! Modern wall-mounted boilers are sold with all the necessary components, so there is no need to purchase additional materials. Accordingly, making individual heating in an apartment with your own hands becomes much easier.

Consumer features of individual heating for an apartment

Homeowners are focused on saving money. The user gets the opportunity to independently choose the temperature mode, even stop the system if it gets warmer outside. The subscriber pays only for the energy resources actually used; he is not interested in the level of heat loss on worn-out routes or the exorbitant appetites of generating companies. Many consumers report significant reductions in their bill payments—by 30 percent or more. True, this applies only to those who use main gas, and electric boilers for individual heating, unfortunately, do not provide such bright prospects.

The owner of the apartment is free to set the temperature regime that he considers comfortable for himself and his household, and it may differ for each room. Open windows and blankets on radiators in winter, as well as oil heaters in cold bedrooms, are becoming a thing of the past.

By losing dependence on the heating plant, we become the owners of our own “economy”. It’s good that we don’t have to sit without heat while utility workers fix the next gust on the highway, but we will have to monitor the performance of our heating system, perform maintenance and repair of equipment. And also to respond in case of an emergency situation, for example, when the circuit depressurizes and the neighbors below are flooded (there are no options here).

And let's also not forget that you need to spend money on equipment and wiring improvements. Obtaining approval to switch to individual heating is extremely difficult from both a legal and technical point of view.

With the help of control valves installed on radiators, the required temperature is set in any room.

Why is it sometimes impossible to install individual heating in an apartment?

If you want to switch off from central heating, be prepared to deal with a number of problems. Firstly, you need to coordinate your decision with local authorities, since such changes are considered “reconstruction of residential premises” (Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 25). To prove that the building will not be damaged, including that the appearance of the facade will not deteriorate (the coaxial pipe often becomes a stumbling block), you will have to try. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a project, a permit for reconstruction, acceptance and receipt of an act of commissioning, as well as the consent of the owners of other apartments. Often, city authorities have ready-made lists of houses in which it is allowed to disconnect apartments from public networks, and where this is prohibited. Federal Law “On Heat Supply” No. 190 allows individual heating in an apartment building to be used only in cases where it is determined by the “heat supply scheme”.

The following technical points may be grounds for refusal to transfer a separate apartment in a building in use to an individual heating scheme:

  • Violation/misadjustment of the centralized heating system of the building with all the ensuing consequences.
  • The appearance of excess reserve capacity of the boiler room and its ineffective operation.
  • Small room volume (up to 15 cubic meters) for installing a gas heat generator.
  • Low flow capacity of the gas line.
  • Insufficient allocated power for the operation of electric heat generators.

The situation is much simpler in new buildings or when all apartments in an old building are switched to individual heating. But even in this case, possible damage to municipal heating networks is taken into account.

Video: pros and cons of individual heating

Today there are quite a few ways to create a comfortable temperature in an apartment in a multi-story building. Our compatriots are trying to insulate their homes as much as possible - they use modern, expensive materials for wall insulation, and install new windows and doors. However, if your apartment has a centralized heating system, all these efforts may be in vain. The most effective method of creating the most comfortable conditions during the cold season is individual heating in the apartment.

Scheme of individual heating in the apartment

Reasons for the spread of the system

Today, individual heating is becoming increasingly popular. And there are several good reasons for this.

Comfort and accessibility. Why do many people strive to install autonomous heating systems? The answer is simple - they are not satisfied with the quality of the centralized heating system at home. Frequent breakdowns, low pressure in the pipes (and as a result - cold batteries), high cost of the service - all this causes extremely negative reviews. While individual heating in an apartment can create ideal amenities. First of all, you yourself can control the heating level of the radiators and the operating time of the heating boiler. In addition, even adding up the price of the boiler and components, the cost of installation and fuel will be significantly less than what is spent on regularly paying the heating bill provided by the utility service.

Another significant advantage of individual heating in an apartment building is that the so-called “warm floor” and heated towel rail can be connected to the system. In addition, it is also used to heat water. That is, by installing a modern heating system, you can save on electricity bills - because you no longer need a boiler.

Types of autonomous systems

At the moment, there are a large number of types of individual heating systems. But the two that have gained the most popularity are gas and electric. Both have a significant list of advantages and are suitable for all apartment residents without exception.

Of course, before choosing and purchasing a certain type of system, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

In addition, you should not install an autonomous heating system yourself - such a responsible task should certainly be entrusted to professionals.

Gas boiler for heating system

The most common is the autonomous heating scheme, in which the central element is a modern double-circuit gas boiler. It is a fairly compact device that is mounted on the wall. This device has a special chamber in which the fuel combustion process occurs. Moreover, the advantage of this type of boiler is that there is no need to create a special flue. A modern individual heating system in an apartment allows the boiler to use air, which is supplied directly from the street through a small pipe. The boiler is equipped with a specially designed chimney, which allows you to carefully remove smoke without causing inconvenience to apartment residents or their neighbors.

It should be noted that the individual system circuit itself is equipped with a fairly large number of different sensors that monitor its operation at various levels.

The use of such sophisticated technology ensures the fastest and highest quality, and most importantly, safe operation of the system. For example, gas will not enter the combustion chamber until the system receives feedback about normal operation from all sensors present in it. After this, the circulation pump starts working - it is responsible for the continuous movement of the coolant. In parallel with this, a vacuum is created in the chamber using a special fan. And only after that a small spark is supplied, from which the gas flares up. Moreover, the entire verification process takes only a fraction of a second.

Advantages of an individual heating system

Installing individual heating in an apartment is an excellent solution for those who live in multi-storey buildings with a very low-quality centralized heating system. Residents actually quite often complain about interruptions in apartment heating. There are quite a few reasons for such poor-quality operation of the system - outdated equipment, which does not allow for a complete diagnosis of the state of the system, and, as a result, does not make it possible to identify all its shortcomings. In addition, due to regular breakdowns (and to eliminate them), it is necessary to disconnect the entire riser from the heating - and in severe winter this is extremely unpleasant.

The advantage of individual heating is that diagnosing the system, as well as repairing it, does not take much time. In addition, you can independently regulate the heating level of the radiators. And even if there is a need to leave for a while, individual heating at home allows you to set the minimum heating level - so your apartment will not be cold. And when you return, you can restore the most comfortable temperature in the room in a matter of minutes.

Disadvantages of the system

Of course, any, even the most modern heating system has some fairly minor drawbacks. Among the most significant, many users consider the fact that it is sometimes quite difficult to obtain permission to install an individual heating system. In fact, in some cities, local authorities simply prohibit the installation of these systems. The main motivation is their insecurity. However, for a long time, individual heating in an apartment building has been characterized by increased safety measures, so in some cases it is still possible to obtain permission to install the equipment necessary for an individual heating system.

Of course, you may need to create a special commission to obtain the necessary permits.

However, the desired result requires such a step. Of course, in this case, it is much easier to obtain permission to install individual heating for those who live in a private house. It is enough just to correctly draw up a heating system project and submit it for consideration to a special commission. If you are not able to correctly calculate individual heating, you can contact representatives of a company specializing in providing this service.

The second disadvantage of the system is the significant cost of both the installation itself and the services of those who will install it. At the same time, these expenses are completely justified. After all, tariffs for centralized heating are currently quite high and are growing every year. So, in any case, even if you purchase an expensive installation and regularly spend money on its maintenance and payment of gas or electricity bills (depending on the type of system), you will be able to recoup your losses in a fairly short time. And at the same time you will live in a really warm apartment.

High-quality individual heating systems are actually important for any home, be it an apartment in a multi-storey building or a private country cottage.

You should not be afraid of the difficulties that arise when trying to abandon centralized heating - they are all surmountable. The main thing is to contact the appropriate authorities in a timely manner and comply with all the rules prescribed by current legislation. In addition, you should definitely be extremely careful when choosing the type of autonomous heating system - you should not act based solely on your own opinion or the recommendations of friends. The most correct decision is to turn to specialists - only a professional will be able to assess how appropriate it is to use a system of one type or another in your apartment.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to install the system yourself.

Installing individual heating in an apartment only seems simple. Meanwhile, it requires compliance with a large number of rules and sequence of actions. In turn, errors made during installation of the system can, at best, lead to its breakdown and the need to replace individual elements. And in the worst case, the system may catch fire, which can lead to both human and material losses.

Your home will always be cozy and warm with an autonomous heating system. The main thing is not to try to save money on it. Moreover, nowadays you can find new buildings with individual heating, which is already installed there. In addition, special heat accumulators are often used for individual heating.