Mortgage loan from Sberbank 7.5. Mortgage for housing under construction (new building) in Sberbank: new apartment, house. Here are the necessary documents to complete it:

Purchasing housing has been and remains a pressing problem for Russians. IN Lately preferential lending came to the rescue, designed to ease the financial burden of young families. Typically, borrowers turn to a bank that has established itself as a reliable financial assistant. This credit institution has recently become Sberbank, whose mortgages at 7.4%, subject to compliance with terms and rules, are becoming in demand.

Preferential lending rules

Each credit institution determines a list of requirements for future clients. It will be possible to buy an apartment with a mortgage from Sberbank at 7.4 percent only in those new buildings with which the financial institution has an agreement. Including the opportunity to purchase apartments. The list of new buildings is provided on the official website. Completion dates construction work are not limited by the rules of the promotion. A mortgage in Sberbank subject to 7.4% is limited to the following points:

  • when applying for a mortgage, loan payments can only be made in rubles through the “Safe Payments” service - online transaction;
  • one of the conditions for obtaining a mortgage: a loan of at least 300 thousand rubles, but not more than 85% of the cost of the apartment being purchased and 85% of the price of the collateral provided by the client;
  • A real estate loan is issued for a period of only up to 30 years; it is possible to refinance the mortgage, i.e. reduction of the initial mortgage rate specified in the contract and other changes by individual agreement with the bank;
  • the down payment is determined to be no less than 15% of the mortgage amount if all documents are available (must be provided within three months from the date of a positive decision) and no less than 50% without the citizen having any papers confirming income and work experience;
  • no commission is charged for issuing a home loan;
  • A mortgage can only be obtained with additional compulsory insurance.

Getting the lowest rate in 2018

It is in the interests of each family to receive the lowest lending rate; however, every year, although interest rates decrease, financial requirements become stricter. It is impossible to get a mortgage at 7.4 percent from Sberbank in 2018 without providing income certificates. If the contract is executed only using a passport or other document, rates start at 8–10% per annum.

Registration of collateral: a mandatory point when concluding a banking agreement on such conditions is a guarantee of monetary obligations between the client and the bank’s management. To do this, it will be necessary to take out a mortgage on the residential space or other real estate (property) being purchased.


Mortgages from Sberbank are issued at a reduced rate, subject to confirmation of personal income and official work activity in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation. To conclude an agreement and issue a loan, sets of documents are required; the requirements for borrowers are as follows.

1. Filling out an application - a questionnaire for a future bank client; a sample is available on the credit institution’s website, or an application will be issued when drawing up an agreement.

2. Civil passport of a Russian with a stamp confirming registration at the place of residence (temporary or permanent).

3. Documents that can confirm the financial solvency of the future borrower:

  • certificate from the place of official work in form 2NDFL for the last six months;
  • a certificate determining the amount of pension (other monthly lifelong allowance) from the department Pension Fund RF or other government agency(in the presence of);
  • tax return;
  • certificates of sources of income.

4. Documents on collateral or real estate. If the loan is secured by a pledge on other property, then a document confirming ownership will be required. To confirm ownership of residential premises, the following documents are required:

  • contract of sale,
  • certificate of registration of residential premises with government agencies;
  • official certificate from the Unified State Register electronic system registration of property rights;
  • cadastral passport, floor plan, apartment description or technical passport;
  • consent of the spouse to transfer the apartment as collateral to a financial institution, officially certified by a notary.

5. Documents on making the first mandatory contribution to obtain a mortgage at 7 percent:

  • statement of availability Money in the bank account and other payment documents (cash transfers) confirming the fact of payment of the first mandatory contribution;
  • certificates of subsidies, any certificates, including participants in the housing program for military personnel.

Papers are provided within three months from the date of approval of the loan by the financial institution. The bank has the right to demand any other documents without giving reasons.

Who is the deal available for?

A financial institution issues a mortgage in a new building to clients who receive a “white” salary and buy a new apartment from a reliable developer who has entered into an agreement with the bank and is its partner. Clients are required to obtain insurance and undergo electronic transaction registration. In addition, they must be at least 21 years old, but also no older than 75 years old at the end of payments. A citizen must have continuous work experience of at least a year, and work at the current place of work for at least six months. Help is provided.

Receiving algorithm

A citizen who has decided to contact a credit institution for financial assistance goes to the nearest Sberbank branch, or to the branch where the developer is accredited. Applications are also accepted at in electronic format. A response will be received in no more than a week, including by email.

A mortgage at 7 percent per annum is paid in equal payments once a month. It is possible to repay the loan ahead of schedule upon application submitted to the bank. There are no penalties.

In some cases, the loan is issued in parts, the first part is credited after signing the agreement equity participation, and the second: no later than two years after the execution of this agreement. All amounts are transferred before the parties sign the deed of transfer of the apartment.

Additional features

The state and the enterprises where borrowers work provide them with a lot of additional financial opportunities for purchasing housing. Among these subsidies: maternal capital, military mortgage, non-targeted subsidies. Cash certificates help young families cope with the overwhelming burden of purchasing housing.

Maternity capital – participation in the purchase of an apartment

Maternity capital is provided to families where the second or next child, this is a form of government assistance designed to stimulate the birth rate in Russia. Sberbank issues a mortgage at 7.4% per annum in a new building, subject to the family receiving maternity capital.

With the help of maternity capital, it is possible to make full or partial repayment of the loan, or use it as a down payment. The certificate is provided only once during life, however, payment various types penalties and delays, it can be used again.

Receiving a tax deduction

Tax deductions are calculated depending on the entire amount of interest on the loan and amount to 13%. The amount of tax deduction has been doubled: to 2 million rubles, thus tax deduction is 260 thousand rubles.

The rules are valid for all Russian citizens who purchased housing after 2008 and who have not previously received the specified amount of tax deduction.

The cost of an apartment in many cases is too high for families wishing to purchase housing. Home loans come to the rescue, designed to facilitate the process of acquiring long-awaited square meters. Sberbank’s lending conditions allow us to hope for relief of the financial burden, the possibility of timely payments, especially in the presence of government tax benefits and the availability of maternity capital.

A mortgage for the purchase of housing under construction (new building) in Sberbank is one of the most profitable programs in 2019 in this bank, with an interest rate. In this program, the bank includes both new apartments and a house or other residential premises. Among, under this program, the bank has set the lowest interest rate - from 8.5% per annum.

Features of a mortgage for the purchase of housing under construction

The mortgage program from 8.5% implies the purchase of housing only from the primary market (in a new building). For the purchase of ready-made housing, Sberbank provides from 10.2% per annum.

Important! According to the bank’s terms, the minimum interest rate is calculated subject to the borrower, subject to electronic registration of the transaction and for a subsidy program up to 7 years inclusive. If you refuse all of the above, the interest rate will be higher - 9.5%.

The most popular option is to buy an apartment in a building under construction (new building). The program does not provide restrictions on the readiness and delivery date of the object. They can be anything. The down payment on the mortgage is 15% of the market value of the finished home. The program may include other benefits, for example, for subsequent repayment of interest.

  • Duration up to 30 years. With such a payment period, it is convenient to purchase real estate in the mid-price category (in any city, but only in new buildings).
  • Down payment – ​​from 15%. This makes mortgages more accessible and easier to obtain. Under some conditions, the down payment may be higher.
  • Interest rate – from 8.5%. It remains unchanged throughout the entire loan period. In other mortgage agreements, the rate may change in any direction, at the discretion of Sberbank, depending on trends financial market and/or by borrower characteristics.

Interest rates on a mortgage loan at Sberbank

The standard interest rate for this mortgage program is 9.5% and can be reduced if the following conditions are met:
  1. Basic interest rate - 10,50 %;
  2. Under the subsidy program from 7 years to 12 years (inclusive) - 9,00 %;
  3. Under the subsidy program up to 7 years (inclusive) - 8,50 %.
Sberbank will assign the following allowances:
  • If you refuse to use “ ”: +0.1%;
  • If the borrower refuses the life insurance procedure: +1%;
  • If the borrower is not a salary client of Sberbank or does not have an open account: +0.3%.

Types of mortgage lending programs and general conditions for them

The name of the program Rate, year Loan terms Amount, from An initial fee
from 8.5% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 15% (from 50% without confirmation of income)
from 10.2% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 15%
from 10.9% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles -
from 6% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand - up to 12 million rubles from 20%
from 11.6% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 25%
from 13% up to 20 years from 300 thousand - up to 10 million rubles -
country estate from 11.1% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 25%
from 10.2% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 15%
from 10.5% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 15%
from 9.5% up to 20 years from 300 thousand - up to 2.502 million ₽ -
from 11.6% up to 30 years old from 300 thousand rubles from 25%
- - - -

How to get a mortgage for a building under construction at Sberbank (for a new building)

This mortgage program has a standard design scheme. can be done on this one. Since the loan is taken for a period of up to 30 years and in the category of new buildings, it is suitable for people with average incomes.

Buy your own home for favorable conditions It's quite difficult today. However, by taking advantage of the 2017 7 percent mortgage program from Sberbank, you can buy real estate in new buildings with minimal financial burden. To carry out the operation, you must comply with banking conditions.

Mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum in Sberbank

All citizens of the Russian Federation who submit an application electronically and submit a package of documents in accordance with banking requirements can receive the smallest percentage. In general, no difficulties should arise, since the 7.4 percent mortgage does not differ significantly from the standard procedure.

You can get a minimum interest rate based on the conditions set by the developer (this significantly affects the future interest rate). Mortgage rate of 7 percent in 2017 applies to all regions Russian Federation, however, it will not be possible to arrange a deal at 7 percent everywhere.

The main condition for obtaining a mortgage at a rate of 7.4 percent is the purchase of an apartment only from a borrower accredited by the bank for a period of no more than 7 years.

Program conditions

The loan does not apply to all mortgage products, but only to new buildings (finished/under construction). The construction period for housing for a mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum is not specified, that is, there is no time limit.

Documents must be submitted 90 days (calendar) from the date the bank approves the client’s application. The mortgage rate of 7 percent per annum applies only to eligible participants.

The conditions are as follows:

  • issued exclusively in rubles;
  • the minimum amount is 300 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum amount cannot exceed 85% of the cost of the purchased home with a mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum and 85% of the price of the collateral provided by the client;
  • lending can be carried out for a period of up to 30 years;
  • the down payment to receive a mortgage rate at 7 percent per annum in Sberbank must be at least 15% when submitting all the requested documentation and at least 50% without providing data on income and work experience;
  • There is no commission fee for issuing a mortgage;
  • insurance is mandatory.

List of documents

In order to conclude an agreement and participate in the mortgage program at 7 percent, you should prepare a package of papers:

  • statement;
  • passport with registration mark (temporary registration is allowed);
  • any additional document confirming your identity (military ID, driver’s license, foreign passport, etc.);
  • a mortgage of 7 percent per annum is issued on the basis of certificates guaranteeing the financial solvency of the borrower and co-borrower (if any), his level of income and employment;
  • Sberbank's 7.4 percent mortgage requires documents for the property that will act as collateral.

It is worth remembering that when considering an application for participation in the program, a financial institution may require additional documents or change the procedure for submitting general data. Such situations do not occur often; as a rule, these are special cases, but it is worth keeping in mind.

Requirements for borrowers

Mortgages at 7 percent per annum in 2017 are available to the following citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • Age from 21 to 75 years. The upper threshold can be reduced to 65 years if the potential borrower does not provide information on profitability and other financial issues. The mortgage rate of 7 percent may be changed upward.
  • Total work experience of 12 months over the last 5 years. The client must have held the position at the current place of work for at least 6 months.
  • Sberbank mortgages at 7 percent per annum are issued with relaxed requirements to citizens who receive wages on a financial institution card.
  • The spouse acts as a mandatory co-borrower, with the exception only if there is a prenuptial agreement. In general, a client can attract no more than 3 co-borrowers.

Mortgage loan rate

A mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum in Sberbank can be issued online (submitting an application electronically).

The loan rate also varies:

  • basic is 9.5%;
  • rate 9.4%; except Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • 7.5% when the program is subsidized by the developer;
  • 7.4 percent per annum when subsidized by the developer and submitting an application in electronic format.

The rate is indicated upon receipt by the client wages to a Sberbank card. For all other borrowers, the interest rate will be increased by 0.5%. Also, a 1% premium will be given to citizens who refuse insurance (optional).

When applying for a mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum in Sberbank using two documents, the rate also increases by approximately 1% (there may be some differences for different clients). Also, an increase of another 1% applies to borrowers who have not completed the life and health insurance procedure.

Decrease in mortgage rates in 2017

A reduction in mortgage rates to 7 percent in 2017 is also available under the Young Family program. Additionally, you must submit a marriage certificate, a birth certificate and prove your relationship with your parents if they will also participate in future mortgage payments at 7 percent.

Clients applying for a loan using maternity capital will need to add to the general list of documentation a certificate of receipt of capital and a certificate confirming the balance of the amount. A 7.4 percent mortgage is issued in a standard time period. It is also recommended to clarify the validity period of all additional certificates, as some of them have restrictions of up to 30 days.

A mortgage of 7 percent from Sberbank is the lowest rate in 2017, which is available only in some regions of the Russian Federation if a number of conditions are met. In general, the bank offers 9.5 percent under the mortgage purchase program in new buildings. It is worth remembering this when contacting a financial institution.

The procedure for obtaining and repaying a Sberbank mortgage

The loan is provided in all Sberbank branches at the place of registration, location of the lending object and accreditation of the borrower’s company. The application will be reviewed from 2 to 5 days from the moment the client submits the application. A mortgage at 7 percent per annum (7.4%) is repaid in equal monthly payments.

Early repayment is allowed without penalties from the bank. The procedure is carried out with the permission of the bank after submitting an application, where it is necessary to indicate the payment date, amount and other information requested by the institution. A mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum from Sberbank can be issued in installments or at a time.

In case of delay in payments, the penalty will be an amount depending on the agreement. All clients are strongly advised to review the agreement carefully before signing and agreeing to the terms.


A 7 percent mortgage is an opportunity to get housing in new buildings throughout the Russian Federation, but to achieve minimum percentage not so easy. In general, we can say that the average rate, which is reduced by submitting a full package of documents, is about 8%. You can find out more information on the official Sberbank website or by visiting one of the branches.

Discontinued in 2017 state program to support mortgage lending. It was this that became the stimulus for the development of the construction market and the reason for the decline interest rate on mortgage. Since August, for example, a 7 percent mortgage from Sberbank of Russia has been available, and loans from other financial institutions have also become more attractive. In this regard, Russians are interested in the possibility of buying an apartment at 7% per annum; people want to know whether this is possible in principle, and what will be needed to obtain a “cheap” loan.

What conditions does Sberbank offer?

You can get a loan at seven percent only if you purchase an apartment in a new residential complex that has been accredited by the main financial institution of the Russian Federation. Several cooperate with the bank construction companies, accordingly, the proposal does not work on the secondary market. While a reduction in the average mortgage rate to 8% in Russia is planned for the second half of 2018, Sberbank already provides the opportunity to take out loans at 7%, which many Russians doubt. Meanwhile, the terms of the loan are posted on the financial institution’s website on the most favorable terms:

  • To purchase an apartment, only Russian rubles should be used, so get a loan in foreign currency will not work.
  • An application approved by the bank can only be valid for 90 working days, after which it is cancelled.
  • All payments are made through letters of credit.
  • To reduce the burden on the buyer and reduce the amount of the monthly payment, it is divided into two parts.
  • The minimum mortgage size is 300 thousand rubles, while the upper limit of the purchase price is not limited.
  • It is impossible to buy an apartment without a down payment, but the borrower is obliged to pay 15% of the price of the property, and if the mortgage is issued using two documents, this amount increases to 50%.
  • It will take 7 years, or 30 years, to repay the loan at 7.4%, but in this case the interest rate increases to 9.4%.

Among mandatory conditions In lending, it is also worth highlighting the fact that the mortgage is secured by collateral of the property, and the possibility of issuing an insurance policy is not even discussed - this will have to be done without fail. Up to 3 co-borrowers can be involved in receiving a loan, with a spouse (even without income) being one of them. Bank specialists claim that the program does not involve any hidden payments, but whether it is realistic to get a mortgage at 7% is a question of interest to many Russians who want to improve their living conditions as soon as possible.

Requirements for the borrower

In fact, a mortgage at 7 percent is a reality today, and many citizens of the Russian Federation from different regions countries. Meanwhile, reducing the interest rate is not easy, for which the borrower, firstly, must meet certain criteria, and secondly, find necessary object and choose the right developer. We propose to consider the factors influencing the decrease or increase rates up to 7.4 percent:

  • The developer must be accredited, and you can find out by using the information provided on Domklik. This will help reduce the rate by 2% per annum.
  • The rate will be lower by another tenth of a percent for electronic registration.
  • The load for salary card holders is reduced by half a percent.
  • Borrowers who refuse to take out an insurance policy will have to pay 1 percent more.

Thus, after weighing all the pros and cons, bank specialists will decide on the advisability of providing a loan for better conditions, or the borrower can only qualify for a mortgage at a maximum rate of 11% per annum.

If all measures to reduce the interest rate to a minimum value have been taken, you will have to submit some documents, without which the possibility of obtaining a loan is reduced to a minimum.
What documents need to be prepared and what requirements must the borrower meet?
Only those who are ready to submit a number of documents can apply for a 7 percent mortgage from Sberbank. First of all, this concerns certificates confirming the income of family members, without which it is not possible to get a loan. Those who do not confirm the presence of a stable income will have to rely on a loan at 8.5% per annum, and only if they purchase an apartment from an accredited developer and pay half the cost of the property. As already mentioned, you can reduce the rate by 0.1% by completing a loan transaction with bank employees online.

Remember! For “resale” in Sberbank, even if you pay 50% of the asking price, the rate is 10.5% or 10.4% (when registering via the Internet).

Ideal borrower, which may qualify for loan at a rate of 7.4 points is a citizen of Russia - this is the main thing. The applicant must also have a crystal clear reputation as a borrower, receive a salary on a Sberbank card, and the loan must be processed electronically. Russians aged 21-75 with at least 6 months of work experience in their last place can count on this. The following documents, provided in a timely manner, will speed up the lending process:

  1. passport identifying the borrower;
  2. another document to choose from - it could be a driver’s license or a military ID, for example;
  3. copy of TD or extract from work book, which confirms the availability of a permanent job;
  4. for non-salary clients you will need a certificate confirming your income;
  5. if a third-party property is used as collateral, you must provide facts confirming the right of ownership of the collateral property.

The package of the above documents is an addition to the application and questionnaire. They will have to be filled out online or at the bank office. After receiving approval from the bank, within 90 days you will have to submit an agreement for the apartment, concluded with a developer accredited by Sberbank. The client of the financial institution must also confirm the seriousness of his intentions by providing evidence of the availability of an amount sufficient to pay the down payment. This could be an extract from a bank account, a certificate for maternity capital, and “parental” funds can also be used for these purposes, another document.

Important! The requirements for co-borrowers do not differ from those that the main borrower must meet.

Russia is implementing a program to help young families, who can also qualify for a preferential loan at 7.4% per annum. To obtain it, you will have to additionally prepare marriage and birth certificates and a certificate of financial status.

Sequence of steps to obtain a mortgage online

To take advantage of the “tasty” offer in the form of a mortgage at 7 percent, you must first find a property that meets the requirements. Firstly, it must be a new building, the construction of which is carried out by a developer who has passed accreditation, and you can find a list of suitable objects by going to Domklik. Secondly, the borrower must prepare a document on the cost of the apartment and an agreement with the developer. We offer a sequence of actions that will have to be done on the Domklik website after choosing an investor:

  • Calculate the cost of the mortgage, and the project provides for such an opportunity. You will have to indicate in a special form the real cost of the property, the amount of the down payment and other necessary data.
  • You can apply by registering Personal Area, into which all documents will be loaded. Here, the applicant for a loan will be asked to select the nearest bank branch.
  • After 5 days, check the status of the application, go to the specified office to draw up an agreement, if the issue is resolved positively.

The administrators of the Domklik website have made it easier to submit documents for a loan online by offering Sberbank clients a mobile application. It is easy to use, and the functionality is practically no different from the software used to work on a personal computer. By the way, when applying for a loan online, you can use other options, including the possibility of ordering an independent examination of the object; also, bank employees can, at the client’s request, assist in ensuring the security of a transaction carried out by bank transfer.

Possibilities for completing an electronic transaction

One of the conditions for obtaining a loan at a minimum rate, as already mentioned, is the electronic application. In this case, a bank employee using the Domklik system can pay the state fee on behalf of the client in a matter of minutes and organize the issuance of electronic signatures. Without the participation of the applicant, the necessary agreements will be concluded, and the data for registering the transaction will be sent to Rosreestr.
The consequence of such actions will be the transfer of ownership and a formalized purchase and sale agreement. All documents, including a certificate of registration in the real estate register, will be sent by employees of the financial institution to email client. The cost of such a service is 5.5 thousand rubles, but in this case the borrower not only receives a bonus in the form of a 0.1% reduction in the interest rate, but also saves his time.

Since August 10, 2017, Sberbank has reduced lending rates to record lows. Thus, under certain conditions in 2018, you can get a mortgage at 7 percent per annum if you purchase an apartment in a new building from an accredited developer.

Conditions for preferential mortgages at Sberbank

You can only get a mortgage at such a low rate from certain developers accredited by Sberbank. You can view the list of available objects at the link You need:

  • select the appropriate region (the default is Moscow);
  • type of housing - new building;
  • indicate the desired delivery date.

The system will automatically sort properties participating in the program to reduce mortgage rates to 7 percent. You can choose the ones that suit you and contact the developer to clarify the addresses and prices of apartments and apartments.

The key conditions for a preferential mortgage at Sberbank are as follows:

  • Duration of validity of the approved application is 90 days;
  • making payments through letters of credit;
  • the ability to split the loan into two parts to reduce the monthly payment;
  • currency - rubles only;
  • amount – from 300 thousand rubles, maximum size loans are nominally unlimited;
  • first payment – ​​15% (50% if a mortgage is issued using two documents);
  • term - up to 7 years, if you need to get a mortgage at 7.4 percent, up to 30 years - with a mortgage from 9.4%.

Under the terms of the program, the purchased apartment is subject to collateral and insurance will be required for it.

The client can attract up to 3 co-borrowers, their income will be taken into account when calculating the maximum loan amount. The spouse of the recipient of a preferential mortgage is necessarily a co-borrower, even if he does not have a regular income.

There is no commission or additional fees for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank at 7 percent per annum, however, when using safe deposit boxes or a letter of credit, you will have to pay for storing funds.

Under the program, you cannot buy an apartment on the secondary market or from an unaccredited developer; the terms of the preferential mortgage do not apply to townhouses and private houses.

The application is reviewed within 5 working days.

How to get the lowest rate in 2018

To take out a mortgage at 7 percent per annum, the borrower must meet certain requirements. Thus, the standard flat mortgage rate for any buyers is 9.5% per annum.

How to reduce to 7.4% per annum

You can reduce it to the coveted 7.4 percent:

  • by 2% – when purchasing housing in a new building from accredited developers registered on the Domklik website;
  • by 0.1% – when registering a transaction online by Sberbank employees.

The following surcharges apply:

  • 0.5% – for borrowers who are not payroll clients of the bank;
  • 1% – if the borrower refuses to take out life insurance.

Documents for rate reduction

It is impossible to get a mortgage at 7 percent in 2018 without providing income certificates. When applying for a mortgage using two documents (passport and anything else), the following rates apply:

  • 8.5% – when paying more than 50% of the down payment and when purchasing an apartment from an accredited developer;
  • 8.4% – similar, but when registering a transaction online.

If you purchase an apartment on credit on the secondary market or on the primary market from a developer not accredited by Sberbank, then if you make more than 50 percent of the down payment and without providing proof of income, you can count on a rate of 10.4-10.5% per annum.

A mortgage at 7.4 percent per annum can only be obtained by salary clients who buy a new building from an accredited developer, have taken out insurance and entrusted the registration of the transaction to an electronic service.

Getting a mortgage at 7%

Borrowers who meet the requirements can receive a mortgage with a rate of 7 percent basic requirements Sberbank:

  • age from 21 years;
  • maximum age – 75 years at the time of repayment of the mortgage;
  • experience – at least six months.

Who can apply

Documents you will need:

  • application and questionnaire;
  • passport;
  • optionally - any other identification document (for example, driver’s license, military ID, SNILS);
  • an extract from the work record book or a copy of the employment contract;
  • a certificate confirming regular income (not needed for salary clients);
  • when providing collateral - documents evidencing the borrower’s right to the property.

After approval of an application for a mortgage with Sberbank at 7.4 percent, the future home owner must provide within 90 days:

  • documents for the selected apartment, including an agreement with the developer (most of the papers are provided by the developer, the assessment can be ordered on DomClick);
  • evidence of the client’s availability of funds for the down payment – ​​account statement, savings book, maternity capital certificate, etc.

To simultaneously participate in the Mortgage at 7 percent per annum and Young Family programs, you will additionally need to provide:

  • certificates of the borrower's marital status;
  • documents confirming the fact of the birth of the baby;
  • certificates about the financial situation of the family.

Receiving algorithm

In order to get a mortgage at 7 percent per annum, you must

  • find a suitable investment object on the website of the official representative of Sberbank Domclick at;
  • contact the developer, clarify the cost of the apartment and obtain from him all the documents necessary for the bank;
  • calculate the loan on the page, indicating the full price of housing and the amount of the down payment, as well as selecting additional options that affect the reduction in the cost of the loan;
  • create a personal account on the Domklik website, upload it to it Required documents and submit an application to receive a mortgage from Sberbank at 7 percent for the purchase of the selected apartment, indicating the branch where it is most convenient to draw up an agreement;
  • expect your application to be reviewed within 5 working days;
  • drive to the selected bank office to agree on all conditions and sign the loan agreement and other documents.

There is a DomClick mobile application through which you can submit applications and track their status.

You can get additional services on the service website. For example, order an express examination of an apartment, a real estate appraisal, and create conditions for secure non-cash payments with the seller.

To save on a mortgage at 7 percent per annum in 2018, you can purchase an electronic policy in advance at; it will cost less than if issued at a branch.

Additional features

Maternity capital funds can be used to partially pay the mortgage or pay off the down payment. In addition to the certificate itself, the bank will need an extract from the Pension Fund, which indicates exactly how much money is left in the account of the owner of the capital.

Mortgage plus maternity capital

To obtain a mortgage from Sberbank at 7 percent per annum using maternity capital, you must participate in the Mortgage plus maternity capital program. The presence of a certificate does not affect the likelihood of loan approval or disapproval.

Electronic transaction registration

Other opportunities provided by Sberbank include electronic registration of a transaction. It is performed by a bank employee using the Domklik service. The service includes:

  • payment of necessary state fees;
  • issuing an electronic signature for all parties;
  • support of the entire transaction by a bank employee, including drawing up an agreement;
  • sending documents to Rosreestr and monitoring the transaction registration process.

As a result, the client will receive the necessary documents by email: an extract from Rosreestr indicating the transfer of ownership, a real estate purchase and sale agreement.

The cost of the service is from 5550 rubles. Ordering electronic registration affects the reduction in the cost of a Sberbank mortgage of 7 percent in 2018 by 0.1 percentage point.

Receiving a tax deduction

Another additional option when applying for a mortgage is receiving a tax deduction:

  • property - in the amount of 13% of the cost of the purchased housing (maximum amount - 260 thousand rubles, it can be received only after registration of ownership of the apartment, i.e. after delivery of the property);
  • for the amount of mortgage interest - maximum 13% of 2 million rubles

The last type of deduction can be received before registering ownership of the property, which is important when purchasing a new building. The resulting deductions can be used at your discretion, including for partial early repayment of the loan.


Thus, only certain categories of Sberbank clients can get a mortgage at 7 percent per annum: those who receive their salary on a bank card and those who have taken out a life insurance policy. In addition, the promotion only applies to housing built by accredited developers. To apply for participation in the preferential program, you must go to the website. To reduce the rate, it is necessary to apply electronic registration of the transaction by Sberbank specialists. The client can use additional features mortgage lending: use maternity capital for settlements with the bank, and also receive a tax deduction on interest paid.