The history of the pillow is an interesting story. When did the pillow appear? The history of the origin of the sofa cushion

Today we can no longer imagine our life without pillows, but initially they were intended only for wealthy people. The history of the pillow begins in times Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists found the first specimens in the pyramids.

The Egyptians invented them because they were afraid of ruining their intricate hairstyle while sleeping. The pillow of that time was a curved plank on a stand. Images of gods were placed on pillows so that they could protect the sleeper from evil forces.

Wooden pillows were also common in Japan until the 19th century. Pieces made of stone, metal or porcelain were traditionally Chinese. These were solid stands shaped like a rectangle.

The appearance of the first soft pillows in history was noted in Greece. They had no common connection with the Egyptian or Chinese versions. The Greeks valued comfort more. The bed was a cult object for them, as they spent most of their day on it. This is why soft mattresses and pillows were invented in Greece. Difficulties in making dyes, as well as sewing techniques, turned the pillow into a piece of art. Now richly decorated pillows have become real expensive goods.

Already before our era, every wealthy Greek (5th century) had pillows. They were made in different sizes, and animal hair, grass, bird feathers and down were used as filler. The cover, which had a rectangular or square shape, could be made of leather or thick fabric.

At first they were distrustful of the pillows in Ancient Rome. But soon they were appreciated there too; the Romans especially loved down pillows. Goose down was used to create them. Military commanders often sent their subordinates to get down for pillows, freeing soldiers from military service.

In those days, it was believed that pillows could have magical effects. So, for example, Nero always had his bracelet made of snakeskin under his pillow. He did this, wanting to make his night's sleep sounder.

Octavian Augustus wanted to own the pillow of a Roman patrician who was mired in debt. All his property was sold. The emperor ordered the purchase of a pillow on which a man who had a sea of ​​debts slept so peacefully.

I spied on the friendess alinaveter a picture depicting a very cool-looking pillow, and suddenly I thought that I had not yet seen materials on LiveJournal about these products, without which life would have become much more difficult. :)

I found an article about the history of pillow making, and found a bunch of pictures - pillows, thoughts, cushions.
Different in form and content. Plump and flat. Square, oval, in the shape of animals and some things...

on Yandex.Photos

History of the pillow

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, pillows were originally used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil an intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow then consisted of curved planks on a stand.

On pillows they began to depict gods who protected the sleeper from dark forces, mystical plants, and animals.

Up until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan.

Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain or metal. They were also solid rectangular stands. Some pillows were more artistically executed and were rather small sculptural figures depicting people, animals and household items.

In Africa, hard pillows made of wood and stone were also used.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Comfort was more valued here, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult object for the Greeks; they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented.

The sophistication of making dyes and sewing techniques led to the transformation of the pillow into an object of art, and richly decorated pillows became expensive goods.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. The pillow sizes varied. They were filled with animal hair, grass, down and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

In ancient Rome, at first they were distrustful of pillows. But the Romans soon began to appreciate pillows, especially down pillows. For the manufacture of down pillows We used goose down. Often military commanders exempted their subordinates from carrying out military service and sent them to extract down for pillows.

Back then it was believed that pillows had a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow to help him sleep more soundly. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold off. Emperor Augustus ordered the purchase of a pillow for debtors; according to him, he wanted to own a pillow on which a person with so many debts slept peacefully.

There are a lot of interesting stories related to pillows. Here are some of them.

Indian pillows helped the great Buddha restore his health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture; he lay on the ground, barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful aroma of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground and filled a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, and he had the strength to continue on his journey.

The Kama Sutra says that ordinary Indians also used pillows. This love treatise was compiled on the basis of knowledge accumulated over more than three thousand years. And some poses from the Kama Sutra cannot be reproduced without a pillow.

In Arab countries, pillows were most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered, painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet that protected the feet from the cold. The castles had stone floors, the heating could not warm up large premises during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days.
It was at that time that pillows began to be used for prayer; they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Cushions for riding horses were also common; they softened saddles.

In some European countries there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under their pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say to your wife at night during the performance of marital duty, “Give birth to a boy,” a boy will definitely be born.

An amazing fact, but in Rus' the pillow appeared in wide use only in the twentieth century. And at the very beginning, it was considered an expensive household item: poor people even put just clothes under their heads before going to bed.
During the Christmas holidays, fir branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped make wishes come true. Many fortune tellings are related to pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of their betrothed, girls put a broom twig under their pillows.
In Rus', embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. They appeared a little later decorative pillows. The poor stuffed pillows with hay and horsehair, down and feather pillows were considered a luxury.
And those who owned pillows kept them and passed them on to their children. The tradition of passing them on by inheritance remains today. And that is great. Maybe your grandmother once used your pillow?
How nice it is to feel the connection between generations through an ordinary thing. Imagine how long your grandmother or mother spent collecting fluff and fluff for your pillow. This is truly worthy of love and respect.

Duvets and pillows have been and remain an integral part of the cultural tradition of many peoples of the world.

And orange slices!))

History of origin sofa cushion

A decorative sofa pillow is a keeper of dreams, a girl's friend and bright accent in the interior. You can cry into it, or you can press it to your chest like a loved one. You can trust her with the secrets of your heart, or you can throw her to the floor in anger. She will endure everything. She's almost alive. Haven’t you noticed that even her name itself is so consonant with the word “soul”.

The history of the sofa cushion, which dates back many millennia, deserves special attention. Their homeland is considered to be the East or Ancient Greece, where their first similarity appeared. The first soft pillows originated in Greece. And it is not surprising, because the Greeks are recognized connoisseurs of comfort, for whom the bed was a cult attribute in the house.

In Lebanon, in a room intended for receiving guests, there was usually a low sofa on which were placed flat, bright and colorful pillows. The interior of a traditional Turkish home has always been characterized by the absence of furniture. They eat and sleep on the floor on mats, carpets and oblong-shaped pillows - minders.

One of the characteristic details of an old Russian house was a mountain of pillows that reached the ceiling. different sizes. This spoke of both the wealth of the owners and the fact that they know how to relax comfortably. And, therefore, to work.

Thus, the history of the sofa cushion provides food for the implementation of bold, creative and unusual design ideas today. An intricate thought is an excellent way to revive boring interior. Scatter pillows with oriental patterns over the sofa and armchairs, and you will find yourself in the harem of the Turkish Sultan; cover the boring factory-made pillows with fabric in “animal colors” like a giraffe or leopard - and you are in the African savannah.

Levina Elena

creation and execution of sofa cushions



Municipal state educational institution

"SOSH", p. Zikeevo Zhizdrinsky district Kaluga region

Creative project



Levina Elena

Class 11

Technology teacher

Levina Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Zikeevo, 2014

I. Preparatory stage

  1. Setting the project goal…………………………………..……………3
  2. Justification of the problem……………………………………..3
  3. Development of the concept...……………………………………..……….. ..5
  4. History of the sofa cushion……………………………………………………….5

II. Design stage

  1. Sketches of alternative models……………………………………7
  2. Product design development……………………………..…………..…11
  3. Drawing of a sofa cushion……………………………………………..15
  4. Characteristics of the materials and equipment used………...16
  5. Rules for safe work with tools………………...………..17
  6. Sanitary and hygienic requirements…………………………………..17

III. Technological stage

  1. Sofa cushion manufacturing technology…….……………..……18
  2. Manufacturing technology of pillowcases for sofa cushions………..19

IV. The final stage

  1. Economic justification…………………………………………...21
  2. Environmental justification……………………………………………………………24
  3. Self-esteem………………….………………………………………….24
  4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….….25
  5. Advertising………………………………………………………………………………….26
  6. Bibliographic list of used literature………….27


  1. Preparatory stage
  1. Setting a goal

Goal of the work: create a product that meets certain criteria and my artistic taste.

  1. Justification of the problem that has arisen

In technology class, I need to complete a creative project. A problem immediately arose in front of me, what could I do, because I not only need to do something, but I need this product to be useful and useful in my life. Most likely, this should be something for my home, since we recently moved into new apartment, and now, together with my mother, we are trying to make it more comfortable, warm and beautiful, besides, I now have my own room, where I can bring to life my wildest interior design fantasies, and try on the role of a designer a little.

Everyone dreams of a well-appointed, comfortable and beautiful house. And everyone faces just one question: how to make your home beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, cozy? After all, an ideal apartment planning solution cannot provide us with comfort without rational and artistic organization of the interior.

Different people define the concept of " cozy room"different meaning. And this is correct, because there are so many people, so many opinions. Comfort, undoubtedly, can be different, but no matter what we put into this concept, there are things that are associated with it most often.

For example, a sofa cushion. It not only provides additional comfort when we settle down to relax on our favorite sofa or chair after work, but also decorates our upholstered furniture, and the whole room as a whole. My room just doesn’t have enough beautiful, soft, cozy sofa pillows, so I decided to make a set of sofa pillows that will delight me and my family.

The color scheme is of particular importance in creating works. But about color - a special conversation. Over many centuries, people have admired all the splendor and variety of colors created by the great artist Nature, and discovered the laws color harmony, which professional artists know well. Those who work with a combination of colors can be called artists, only in their hands instead of a brush and paints they have colored rags, threads and a needle. Just like artists, they need to have color literacy, which helps them avoid gross mistakes when creating “painting.” And the bright and varied color scheme will not limit even the highest flight of imagination.

Works of painting, graphics, applied arts, sculpture and artistic textiles are the finishing touches in organizing the interior of the apartment. Some spend a lot of money on paintings, some buy expensive souvenirs and decorations. This project involves a very inexpensive and very exciting way to decorate your apartment, add comfort to it, and give individuality to your home.

Enough to provide for yourself necessary tools, materials and devices, fortunately, now it is not difficult and accessible to everyone.

  1. Concept development

When choosing, I took into account:

  1. My skill level.
  2. This or that product is a necessity for me.
  3. Costs of purchasing materials and tools for work.
  4. The amount of time required to complete a product.
  1. History of the sofa cushion

The emergence of sofa cushions occurred somewhat later than the appearance of ordinary pillows for sleeping, but the history of the sofa cushion goes back many centuries.

If the first pillows for sleeping were found already in the times of Ancient Egypt, then the East or Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of sofa pillows.

One of the stories of the origin of sofa cushions is connected with the special tradition of eastern countries - the absence of furniture that is familiar and familiar to us: chairs, armchairs, benches. In the east they ate and slept on the floor.

In rich houses, the floor was naturally covered with soft, warm carpets, but this was not enough. This is how the first sofa cushions appeared. Usually, for greater convenience, they had an oblong shape. These pillows were called minders.

Another option for the origin of a sofa cushion is Ancient Greece. A low couch bed or soft sofa was a widespread piece of furniture among the ancient Greeks.

During a feast or discussion of important transactions, they preferred to recline on comfortable couches surrounded by pillows. That is why the history of the emergence of sofa cushions is usually associated with this period in the history of mankind. It must be said that the pillows that appeared among the ancient Greeks had nothing in common with the sleeping pillows of the ancient Egyptians.

They were soft. Every wealthy citizen of Greece had a similar attribute of comfort and coziness in his property.

These pillows, the ancestors of modern sofa cushions, were filled with the most various materials and were decorated to show the wealth and prosperity of their owners.

The story of the sofa cushion did not end there. Already in the Middle Ages, analogues of modern sofa cushions were taken to church, placed on benches, and placed in saddles. Even a special kind of pillows appeared; feet were placed on them so as not to freeze them on the cold stone floors of castles.

In Rus', a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

The appearance of the sofa cushion in our usual understanding of this combination occurred later.

It was then that the pillows were laid additional function decor of the room, when in addition to comfort for its owners, the pillow had to decorate the sofa or armchair and the room as a whole.

Different styles replaced each other, sofa cushions changed, and the main functions that were assigned to them changed.

One thing remained unchanged: they were always needed to provide comfort and create additional coziness.

Sofa cushions still regularly perform this important function in our apartments.

  1. Design stage
  1. Model sketches

To develop my product, I looked through a lot of magazines and books on needlework and came to the conclusion that I could make a set of pillows various types handicrafts. Here are a few pillow options I came up with:

Knitted pillows. This interesting option pillows, but I think it’s not very suitable for my room, since the room should have some rustic notes in its style, but I want it to be modern and youthful, so this option is not suitable for me.

Picture 1

Toy pillows. When making such pillows you can get very creative; such pillows should be colorful and cheerful. I have a little brother who would love these pillows, but it's no longer suitable for me as I'm out of toy age.

Figure 2

Fabric pillows. Can be different types and sizes, you can also decorate them in a very different way. This set of pillows will probably be the most suitable for my room, the fabric can be chosen to match the color of my curtains, or vice versa, then sew curtains to match the color of my pillows, this will give my room coziness and warmth.

Figure 3

Pillows made from scraps. The patchwork technique is very popular now, and the pillows made using this technique are beautiful and varied, but it is a very labor-intensive process, and since I want to have a set of pillows, in my opinion, this project will take a very long time. I'll probably do it later.

Figure 4

7. Choosing the best option

When choosing a pillow option that was suitable for me, I settled on the 3rd pillow option.

8. Product design development

Pillow sketches

  1. Pillow design development

I love pillows with French edges, I think they are a very interesting decoration for a pillow.

Figure 5

But the sides are somehow not enough for the pillows to be quite beautiful, modern and individual, so I decided to decorate them with decorative braid around the perimeter of the pillow, in the middle of the pillow and stripes on the front of the pillow, it will not be so boring and at the same time it will be made in the same style.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

The sketches of my pillows are ready, I think they are very interesting.

  1. Drawing of a sofa cushion
  1. Characteristics of materials and equipment used

To make my creative project I will need the following materials:

Fabric for pillows calico – 1 m;

Sintepon for filling pillows - 5 m;

The threads are white and match the color of the fabric;

Braid for decoration -7 m;

Lightning – 3 pcs;




Sewing machine;


  1. Safety rules at work hand tools, on a sewing machine, with an iron.
  1. Store needles and pins in a pincushion. Sewing with a thimble.
  2. Do not throw away a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this.
  3. Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.
  4. Place the scissors with the blades closed away from the worker; when passing, hold them by the closed blades.
  5. Promptly and carefully maintain equipment,check serviceability(safety of insulation, connections of the electrical wire, serviceability of the plug) and the speed of operation of the machine.
  6. Good to organize workplace: There is a rubber mat on the floor, do not place scissors and other tools near the rotating parts of the machine.
  7. You cannot work in unfastened clothes, long hair must be picked up, do not lean close to the machine.
  8. Two people cannot operate the machine.
  9. Do not pass scissors, product or parts while the machine is running. To do this, you need to stop working on the machine, transfer the necessary item and start working again.
  10. Installing the bobbin caseThread the upper thread with the machine turned off.
  11. Before you begin cleaning and lubricating the machine, you should turn off the electric motor and take your feet off the pedal.
  12. Use dry hands to connect or disconnect the electrical plug from the socket to avoid electric shock.
  1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  1. The light should fall on work surface on the left side or in front.
  1. Technological stage
  1. Manufacturing technology for sofa cushions


Graphic image

Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward and mark 50x50 cm

Ruler, chalk

Cut six squares along the marked lines


Sweep, leaving 10-15 cm for filling.

Needle, thread

Sew 3 identical bedsteads

Sewing machine, threads

Turn right side out and iron


Fill the pillows with padding polyester (each pillow contains approximately 1.5 m of padding polyester)


Sew the hole with a blind stitch

Needle, thread

  1. Technology for making pillowcases for sofa cushions


Work sequence

Graphic image

Tools, materials and devices

Cut out parts 60x60 and 60x65, three pieces each

Ruler, chalk, scissors

Set aside 15 cm for pieces with a side of 65 cm and cut


Fold the parts right side inward, one part protrudes beyond the other by 0.5 cm

Set aside the length of the zipper at a distance of 2.5 cm, draw

Ruler chalk

Stitch to the marked lines, securing

Sewing machine

Iron the seam


Make a fold of 0.5 cm on the smaller side and iron it

Pin the zipper and sew it in

Pins, sewing machine

Apply strips of padding polyester 4-5 cm wide to the wrong side

Baste with bias stitches

Needle, thread in contrasting color

Baste right sides together and stitch at a distance of 0.8 cm

Needle thread

Sew to fit the pillow, the pillowcase is 2-3 cm larger than the pillow

Sewing machine

Turn the pillowcase right side out and insert the pillow into it

  1. The final stage
  1. Economic justification.

Sp = Mz + Rop + A u + Z dr, where

Sp - total cost of the product

Mz - material costs

ROP - labor costs

A and - tool depreciation

Material costs (M 3 ):

Mz = C1 + C2 + CZ...

Ts1 – the price of material for napkins is 95 rubles per meter, I needed 1 meter of fabric, then

Ts1 = 95 rub.

Ts2 – padding polyester 70 rubles per meter, I needed 4.5 meters,

C2 =70x4.5 = 315 rub.

TsZ - fabric for napkins 110 rubles per meter, I needed 2.5 meters

Ts3 = 110x2.5 = 275 rub.

Ts4 – braid for decoration 25 rubles per meter, I needed 7 meters

C4 = 25x7 = 175 rub.

Ts5 – threads of a contrasting color and to match the fabric, 10 rubles per spool

Ts5 = 10x2 = 20 rubles

Ts6 – zipper 30 rubles, I need 3 pieces.

C6 = 30x3 = 90 rub.

Mz = 95 + 315 + 275 + 175 + 20 + 90 = 970 rub.

Labor costs (ROP)

A worker, working 8 hours a day with a minimum wage of 7,700 rubles. for 22 working days, it turns out that in one working day he will receive 350, in an hour 43.75 rubles, working 1 hour a day for 6 days he will get 43.75 x 6 = 262.5 rubles.

Tool depreciation (A And ).

The service life of scissors is 5 years, a hand needle is 1 year, a sewing machine is 5 years. I do not calculate the depreciation of the needle, since its service life has expired.

The cost of depreciation of instruments is 10% of their value.

Total: 5400 rub.

A and = 1.50 rub.

Other costs (3 DR).

Z dr. = E zat + Z mat

E zat - electricity costs.

Ezat = Operating time (hour) x N (kW) x T (rub.)

I did my work during the day and in the evening.

Working on a creative project in the evening is approximately 1 hour a day, the number of days is 3, then 1 x 3 = 3 hours

Operating time (hour) = 3 hours

N - power of the electrical appliance

N = 60 W x 3 lamps = 180 W = 0.18 kW.

E zat. = 3 x 0.18 x 3.30 = 1.78 rub.

Working on the sewing machine was approximately 1/3 of the total time spent on Project 6: 3 = 2 hours,

Operating time (hour) = 2 hours

N - power of the electrical appliance

T - cost of one kWh = 3.30 rubles.

N = 60 W = 0.06 kW.

E zat. = 2 x 0.06 x 3.30 = 0.4 rub.

Working with the iron took approximately 15 minutes

Operating time (hour) = 0.25 hours

N - power of the electrical appliance

T - cost of one kWh = 3.30 rubles.

N = 1700W = 1.7 kW.

E zat. = 0.25 x 1.7 x 3.30 = 1.40 rub.

E zat. = 1.78 + 0.40 + 1.40 = 3.58 rub.

Z mat - these are other costs of production and sales of products. In my case, the material costs will be travel by public transport to the stores where I purchased consumables.

The bus fare is 25 rubles. I took the bus 2 times.


Z mat = 25 x 2 = 50 rub.

Z dr = 3.58 + 50 = 53.58 rub.

C n = 970 + 262.5 +1.50 +53.58 = 1287.58 rub.

The cost of my product was not very small, but I think that the project is worth it, especially since the calculation was made for a set of pillows and the main costs would go to labor costs, and I would only be happy to do this.

  1. Ecological justification

My pillows are environmentally friendly and safe for human health. The synthetic filler does not cause allergic reactions and is not contraindicated for humans. When carrying out my creative project, I did not pollute in any way environment, used natural fabrics and threads in the project, the pillowcases have synthetic fibers, but this is not environmentally contraindicated, besides, they have a zipper, they can be removed and washed, and this is another plus.

  1. Self-esteem

Having assessed the quality of the work performed, we can draw the following conclusion:

  1. Conclusion

Man has always had and still has a desire for beauty. When creating decorative products, creative independence is manifested: in the search for a theme, technique, and manner of execution. A cheerful person seems to want to create some kind of parallel world.

You just need to be brave and not be afraid to experiment. This project is addressed to everyone who is in love with handicrafts. And, perhaps, someday, the young needlewoman will turn into Maria the Artisan, about whom legends will be made...

While working on my project, I needed a lot of patience in mastering certain technical techniques and studying specialized literature.Having assessed the labor intensity of the project, we can say that I would not change anything in this work if I had to do this work again. This means that my project is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also successful.Only with experience comes mastery and harmony of drawing is achieved. Only by learning technical techniques does one gain complete freedom of expression. The product I had in mind turned out the way I wanted it to be. I achieved my goal. Now these pillows will be a highlight in the interior of my room, delighting me and my guests.

Create! Imagine! Go for it!

  1. Advertising

Decorate home interior Adding interesting sofa cushions to your living room, kitchen or bedroom is not at all difficult. Have you been dreaming about pillows for a long time? unusual shape, textures so conveniently located instead of the back of a corner sofa? And if you make several options for decorative pillowcases, you can easily change the color scheme of the room. We bring to your attention decorative sofa pillows with replaceable pillowcases that will decorate your interior, bring warmth and comfort into it, with a minimum of effort.

  1. Bibliographic list of used literature:
  1. Morozova L.N., Kravchenko N.G., Pavlova O.V. Technology. Grades 5-11: student project activities/ - 2nd ed., stereotype. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  2. Simonenko V.D. "Technology", grades 5-9. Moscow. Ventana-Graf.2001.
  3. Simonenko V.D. " Creative projects", 5-9 grades. Bryansk, 1996.
  4. Shkvyrya Zh.Yu. Volumetric flowers made of woolen threads. New technology. – Publishing group “Content”, 2010.
  5. Yurieva M. Yu. “Not out of boredom - jack of all trades!” "Pedagogy-Press". Moscow. 1994.
  6. Internet resources


Today it is simply impossible to imagine life without a pillow. But in distant ancient times everything was completely different. Only rich people had pillows. The very first pillows were discovered in the burials of ancient Egyptians. Progress did not stand still and with the advent of new dyes and the invention of all kinds of sewing techniques, pillows began to be objects of art. Richly decorated, pillows became quite expensive goods, which appeared first in China, and then in the Middle Ages in Europe.

The very first pillows were invented in Egypt. They looked like curved planks on a stand and served more for maintaining hairstyles during sleep than for comfort. The pillows depicted gods who protected man from dark forces. Until the 19th century, such pillows were widespread in Japan. In China, pillows were made of porcelain, stone or metal. They looked like rectangular stands.

Soft pillows first appeared in Greece. They were significantly different from the Egyptian ones. The Greeks loved the bed and comfort, hence the invention soft pillow It became a cult for them. A little later, the first soft mattress was invented in Greece.

Later, pillows began to be used in Ancient Rome, although at first the Romans treated them with distrust, but having understood the convenience of their use, they appreciated them.

There was a belief that a pillow during sleep was a kind of protection for its owner from evil spirits.

For example, in India, a pillow helped the great Buddha recover. When he lay exhausted on the ground, barely alive, he felt the aroma of leaves attacking the ground from the tree. He raked them into a pile with his hands and filled a bag with them, so it turned out to be a pillow on which he fell asleep. Waking up, he felt cheerfulness and strength to set off on a long journey.

Pillows became very popular in the East. The palaces of the sultans were literally overflowing with rich and beautiful pillows. They were considered an indicator of prosperity, wealth and luxury.

Painted in Rus' beautiful pillows were a mandatory component of the bride's dowry.

The pillows had different fillings: down, feather, hay, horsehair.

It is believed that the average lifespan of a pillow is 5 years. Afterwards, the feather in the pillow begins to deteriorate, mites begin to multiply and feel comfortable. Therefore it is better to buy new pillow, and stop using the old one.

Useful natural fillers for pillows are sheep wool and buckwheat husk.

Today it has become very fashionable to use orthopedic pillows for sleeping. They are mainly recommended for people suffering from curvature of the spine, musculoskeletal, lymphatic and circulatory systems. Also orthopedic pillow will be very good for people suffering from allergies, as it is made from environmentally friendly latex.