The history of creating electronic payment systems. Electronic payment systems. Yandex.Money payment system


The rapid development of popularity The global Internet has led to a powerful impetus for the development of new approaches and solutions in various areas of the global economy. Even conservative systems such as electronic payments in banks succumbed to new trends. This was expressed in the emergence and development of payment systems on the network, the main advantage of which is that customers can make payments (financial transactions), bypassing the exhaustive and sometimes technically difficult-to-consuming phase of physical transportation of the payment order to the bank. Banks and banking institutions are also interested in implementing these systems, so they allow you to increase the speed of customer service and reduce overhead costs for payments.

In electronic payment systems, information is circulated, including confidential, which requires protection from viewing, modifying and imposing false information. The development of appropriate Internet-oriented protection technologies causes serious difficulties at present. The reason for this is that the architecture, the main resources and technology network of the Internet are focused on the organization of access or collection of open information. However, in lately Approaches and decisions appeared, indicating the possibility of using standard Internet technologies in building systems of protected information over the Internet.

The purpose of the work is the analysis of payment systems and the development of recommendations on the use of each of them.

    Theoretical and methodological aspects of payment


      History of payment systems

For the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "electronic money", "electronic cash" (E-Cash) or "electronic payments" was proposed by an American specialist in the complexity of David Choum (David Chaum) in the late 70s on the Euphoria wave around the first digital systems Signatures and digital envelopes based on transformations with two keys (passwords): "open" or public and "closed" or individual.

As in conventional digital signature systems, the keys of two types are used in the electronic money system: individual keys are used to confirm the cost of bills, and publicly available - to verify their authenticity when conducting payments.

The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200bChowim consisted in the so-called "blind" digital signature system, when the signing information sees it only in terms of it necessary, but its digital signature assures the authenticity of all information: the Issuer sees the dignity of the bill, but does not know their serial numbers that only them knows only them. owner.

At the same time, mathematically proves that the authenticity of the entire contents of bills with the same reliability is guaranteed by such a "blind" signature as the usual digital signature that has been one of the most popular authentication tools in recent years.

To date, there are such types of payment systems on the Internet: credit systems (based on online banking, based on credit cards); Debit systems (electronic checks, electronic cash - based on smart cards, based on a personal computer).

      Classification of payment systems

Payment systems can be classified based on both the specifics of electronic calculations and on the basis of a specific technology underlying the PS.

PS classification depending on the type of electronic calculations:

According to the composition of payment participants (Tab 1).

Table 1

Type of electronic calculations

Faces of payment

Analogue in the traditional monetary calculation system

An example of PS.

Payments Bank-Bank

Financial institutions

no analog

Payments b2b.

Legal entities

Non-cash settlements between organizations

Payments C2B.

Ultimate consumers of goods and services and legal entities - sellers

Cash and non-cash payments of buyers by sellers


Payments C2C.


Direct cash flows between individuals, postal, telegraphic transfer

Additionally, it should be noted that there is another type of payments, it is logically not quite fit into Table 1. It fully falls into the field of C2B, but nevertheless cannot be provided with means of widespread PS of this species. For micropagles is characterized by extremely small (cents or valuations of cents) cost of goods. Most characteristic for everyone popular articles An example of a system implementing microplating is the sale of jokes (at a fit). To implement micropagles, systems like EAccess and PhonePay are suitable.

By type of operations carried out (tab. 2).

table 2

Type of electronic calculations

Where are used

An example of PS.

Bank Account Management Operations

Systems "Client Bank" with access via modem, Internet, mobile phone, etc.

Bank Account Management Operations "Client

Transfer operations without opening a bank account

Money Translation Systems for Computer Networks, similar to postal and telegraph transfers

Card Bank Accounts

Debit and credit plastic cards

CyberPlat (Cyberpos)

Operations with electronic checks and other non-cash payment obligations

Closed systems of intercorporative payments

CyberPlat (CyberCheck)

Operations with electronic (quasi) cash

Calculations with physical. persons, electronic analogs of tokens and prepaid cards used as monetary surrogates for payment

It should be noted that the system of type "client - bank" is known for a long time. Access to your account in the bank could be obtained using a modem. Over the past decade, new opportunities for managing their account with the help of the Internet, through a user-friendly Web interface appeared. This service was called "Internet banking" and did not make anything fundamentally new in the payment system of the type "Client-Bank". In addition, there are other possibilities of accessing a bank account, for example, using a mobile phone (WAP-banking, SMS-banking). Now in Russia, Internet banking services provide about 100 commercial banks using more than 10 different PS.

According to the technologies used (Tab 3).

One of the most important qualities of the PS is the resistance to hacking. Perhaps this is the most discussed characteristics of such systems. As can be seen from Table 3, when solving the security problem of the system, most approaches to the construction of the PS are based on the secrecy of a certain central database containing critical information. At the same time, some of them are added to this secret database, additional levels of protection based on the durability of the equipment.

In principle, there are other technologies on the basis of which PS can be built. For example, not so long ago, the media passed the development of a PS based on CDR disks embedded in a plastic card. However, such systems have not been widespread in world practice, in connection with which we will not sharpen attention on them.

Table 3.


What is the basis of the stability of the system

An example of PS.

Systems with central server client bank, translation of funds

Secretness of access keys

Telebank (Guta Bank),

"Internet Service Bank" (AutoBank)

Smart card

Hardware Sustainability Smart Card to Hack

Mondex, Accord

Magnetic cards and virtual credit cards

Assist, Elite

Screch cards

Secrecy of the database with numbers and screch card codes

E-Port, Creditpilot, Webmoney, Paycash, Rapira

File / wallet in the form of a program on a user's computer

Cryptographic Information Exchange Protocol Stability

Paid phone call

Secrecy of the central database with PIN codes and hardware stability of the intelligent telephone network

EACCESS, Phonepay.

1.3. Western payment systems and methods of their use


Cybercash is an American company that has developed and offers an electronic payment system for calculations using credit cards on the Internet - Secure Internet Payment System.

Neither the store, nor any other seller can learn anything about the client credit card. It is almost reduced to zero the likelihood of data interception on the Internet (the price of the decryption can be a million and more dollars). CyberCash does not leave any purchase data, and only a customer bank, a credit card issuer, will be as usual in the course of purchase details.

And software (Cybercash Wallet), and services, that is, the transactions themselves are free. The credit company adds 2% of the volume of operation plus 20 cents. Due to the overall minimum transaction cost of about 20 cents, the system is not ready to satisfy the needs of the information business using microplates, but such a system is ideal for selling "serious" software, "expensive" information, CDs and so on. Especially it is good for sales by catalogs.

However, the described credit system of payments on the Internet is not the only Cybercash, and now the company is working on a similar debit system, the purpose of developing the calculations between any two persons having an e-mail address, in addition to this, the company has just launched the Cybercoin system specifically for micropagles .

Checkfree is, thanks to the inclusion of it in the standard Compuserve and AOL package (the largest Internet providers in the world), the most used electronic payment system. The system pays over the Internet with credit cards and digital cash.

The checkfree electronic payment system is especially convenient and where the check is suitable for calculations, that is, almost in all cases. It is especially convenient to make regular payments, for light, for gas, for example. However, due to the cost of this service (there are various payment schemes, on average, however, it is about 30 cents per transaction, that is, the check) is not adapted for micropagles.

Microplates on the Internet using digital cash and credit card payment is possible using CheckFree Wallet - collaborative with CyberCash development. The secrecy of data on the client and its credit card is guaranteed by using powerful encryption algorithms with an open (very long) key, but the transactions themselves are not anonymous, and the bank and the seller have information about the client's purchases and thus can monitor customer preferences.

First Virtual is almost the first electronic payment system on the Internet. FIRST VIRTUAL began to offer its payment services (information) back in October 1994. By the standards of the Internet - this is a long time ago. The features of First Virtual are:

    the system does not use the encryption information at all, instead of a sensitive information for the client once is transmitted by phone and never - via the Internet;

    the system allows you to get a service, information or other goods before they are paid;

    messaging is carried out by e-mail.

The risk distribution for the system participants is somewhat overwhelmed in favor of the buyer, which can first get acquainted with the information and only then pay, while the seller constantly risks not to receive payment. First Virtual for refusing to pay the goods does not respond. Therefore, to use this system for the sale of physical goods that still require payment for shipment is not recommended, and the system is more suitable for distributing information or goods in digital form. Infinitely exploit the confidence of sellers to the client will not succeed, since after a number of failures from payment of the information received, such a client will be excluded from the system.

As for the security of the system, even if someone can intercept the customer email, then the maximum that can be learned from it - this is a description of the goods. Banking and other personal information of the client over the Internet is not sent at all in the First Virtual (when registering it is transmitted once using a regular telephone button), so the system is ideal for people suffering from paranoia "lack of security on the Internet". And if the customer password will be somehow intercepted and used to purchase, then the client will simply reject its payment and ask him to change it. The seller will be extremely the extreme, who in this case risks not to receive payment for the information provided.

Netcash is, as well as First Virtual, older thanks. The debit system Netcash has been operating since 1994. This electronic payment system is very simple - the potential buyer must first buy coupons in Netbank. To do this, with the help of the mail program or directly on the Netcash website, it also requests 15-type lines in the same way, which then sends the seller in exchange for a product or service.

Netcash does not use encryption at all and hopes for the built-in WEB browser capabilities and on third-party letters encryption. Thus, theoretically, it is possible to intercept the coupons and take advantage of them even before the client does, the latter can lose real money. The client always remains for the seller an unknown, that is, the system may be called completely anonymous, but NetBank can theoretically follow the movement of coupons released by them. Netcash system is quite widely used, despite small safety. Netcash sets the initial fee for the seller who must open an account in Netbank, in the amount of $ 19.95, the client pays a commission of 2% (minimum of $ 2) when he receives coupons, and the seller is 2% (at least $ 4) when they present them back to Netbank.

1.4. Russian payment systems and their use methodology

Currently, there are many electronic payment systems in the Russian Internet, although not all of them are widespread. It is characteristic that almost all Western payment systems used in the runet are tied to credit cards. Some of them, for example, PayPal, officially refuse to work with customers from Russia. The greatest distribution today received the following systems:

6) Creditary

CyberPlat refers to mixed type systems (from the point of view of any of the above classifications). In fact, it can be said that in this system under one roof three separates are collected: the classical system "Client-Bank", allowing clients to manage accounts opened in the bank members (11 Russian banks and 1 Latvian); CyberCheck system that allows secure payments between legal entities connected to the system; and an Internet acquiring system, that is, processing payments made from credit cards - Cyberpos. Among all Internet acquiring systems available on the Russian market, CyberPlat provides the processing of the greatest amount of credit card types, namely: Visa, Mastercard / Eurocard, American Express7, Diners Club, JCB, Union Card, announced a quick connection to the STB-Card system and Accord Card / Bashkard. Unofficially, the company's employees claimed that they work out the possibility of docking and with other Russian card systems. In addition to the listed CyberPlat, it provides the processing of scratch-cards of the E-PORT payment system and announced an upcoming commissioning of the gateway with the PayCash system.

Currently, to improve the level of protection against payments from thorough credit cards, the company develops a specialized PalPay technology, which is that the seller is given the opportunity to check whether the buyer has access to a bank account associated with the credit card, or only knows its details. Officially, it is not yet announced about the introduction of this technology.

Of great interest to the organization of work with corporate partners is CyberCheck. Its main feature (compared to the reception of payments on credit cards) is the impossibility of paying the payer from making post-finactum payment. In other words, receiving confirmation of the payment from CyberCheck is just as reliably as the receipt of such a confirmation from the bank, where the seller's account is posted. All these characteristics make CyberPlat, perhaps most advanced and interesting for sellers of the Russian Internet EPS.

The Assist system in terms of processing of credit card payments is largely a functional analogue of CyberPlat. In Moscow, its interests represents Alpha Bank. A total of 5 banks are connected to the system. Internet acquiring subsystem allows you to accept payments from Visa, MasterCard / EuroCard, STB-Card cards. Announced on the Assist website of the settlement method using electronic certificates purchased from an Internet provider is quite interesting as new business areas opening providers.

In addition to those mentioned in the descriptions of Cyberplat and Assist card systems, there are also others who have received a certain distribution on the market. Discover / Novus has widespread in North America and can be interesting to electronic stores that work on the Western audience. Among Russian card systems, after STB and Union Card, the Golden Crown, Sberbard (Sberbank), "Universal Card" and "ICB-Card" (Promstroybank), and the Card / Bashkard already mentioned above, are most noticeable. . "ICB-Card" is processed by a pair of small acquiring companies, receiving payments via the Internet from the Golden Corona cards and Sbercard, allegedly ensures direct issuers and / or related companies, and in the case of Universal Card, it seems not to be provided by anyone.

Paycash and WebMoney are positioned by their developers as an electronic cash system, but at closer examination only PayCash can claim such status.

The development of PayCash was initiated by the Bank "Tauride", but now other banks are connected to the system, for example, Guta-Bank.

From a technological point of view, PayCash provides almost complete imitation of cash settlements. From one electronic wallet (a specialized program installed by the client on its own computer), money can be translated into another, while the anonymity of the payment relative to the bank is ensured. The system was widely widespread in Russia and currently takes attempts to enter the global market.

A bottleneck of PayCash is a procedure for transferring money to an electronic wallet. Until recently, it was the only way to do it - to go to the bank branch and transfer money to the system account. True, there were alternatives - for users of the "Telebank" system Guta-Bank, there was an opportunity to transfer money from the account in a Guta Bank, without leaving the house, but in some cases, it seems that it is easier to translate them directly to the seller's account - electronic Store without using PayCash as an intermediary. You could also translate money through Western Union or post / telegraph translation, but the attractiveness of this path was limited to a high level of commission. For residents of St. Petersburg, there is a completely exotic opportunity - to call the courier money to the house. Wonderful, but, alas, we all live in the northern capital.

The ability to list money in PayCash from credit cards to this day is absent. This is due to the fact that companies supporting the work of card systems provide their customers with the possibility of the so-called "Charge Back" - refusal to make a payment "rear." "Charge Back" is a mechanism that protects the owner of a credit card from fraudsters, which can take advantage of its details. In case of such a refusal, the burden of evidence that the goods really were delivered to the present card holder and that the payment should be performed, falls on the seller. But in the case of PAYCASH, this kind of proof is in principle impossible - for quite obvious reasons. The above-mentioned gateway with CyberPlat, which is under development, is intended to solve this problem.

In the meantime, to squeeze this narrow place in the system, Paycash has taken two fairly reasonable moves - released prepaid scratch cards and ensured receiving payments through the Contact translation system, whose tariffs are significantly lower than postal (2.2% versus 8%).

WebMoney system is one of the "pioneers" in the electronic payment market in Russia. It is currently international in nature. Webmoney has representatives not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also in far abroad. The system operator is the autonomous non-profit organization "VM Center".

WEBMONEY functioning mode is very similar to electronic cash, only attentive and picky analysis allows you to make sure that in fact Webmoney does not provide a complete anonymity of payments, that is, they are not closed from the owners of the system. However, the practice of WEBMoney has shown that this property is more likely to benefit, allowing some cases to deal with fraud. Moreover, as a separate paid service "VM-Center" offers a certification of a legal entity and an individual, naturally, depriving it with anonymity in relation to other participants in the system. This feature is necessary, first of all, those who want to organize an honest electronic store and intends to convince potential buyers in their reliability. Webmoney allows you to open accounts and translate funds in two currencies: rubles and dollars.

For access to the system, the program "Electronic Wallet". Additional features of the system are the transfer of short messages from the wallet on the wallet, as well as credit operations between wallets owners. However, in our opinion, few people agree to lend anonymous via the Internet, without the opportunity to force the loan in case of its non-return.

Unlike Paycash, Webmoney initially provided the opportunity for the transfer of ordinary cash in the wallet and the cashing of wallets content without tiring procedures for filling out payment orders in the bank, but rather strange, from a legal point of view, in a way. In general, the legal support of Webmoney in terms of its work with organizations has long caused a lot of complaints.

It was the reason that while the end users actively installed "wallers", many electronic stores refused to use this PS. True, at present this situation spent somewhat recovered, and the active marketing position of Webmoney owners leads to the fact that the system image is constantly improving. One of the interesting features of this marketing strategy was that almost immediately after its entry into the market, everyone was given the opportunity to earn money in this system. Just like PayCash, WebMoney releases prepaid scratch cards designed to enter money into the system.

Two systems based on scratch maps: E-port (carcarde-holding) and "credit pylons" ("credit pylon"), similar to the twin brothers. Both, and the other suggest that the buyer will first buy a scratch card with a secret code somewhere in a wide distribution network or by ordering a courier to the house, after which it will start paying on the Internet using this code with shops that make payments of these systems. E-PORT additionally offers the ability to create "virtual" scratch-cards by transferring money to the company's account through the bank or through the WebMoney system.

The Rapida system, which began to work since September 2001, as well as the two previous ones, offers to enter money at the user's account through scratch cards or payment in the bank member. Additionally, the possibility of working in the "Client-Bank" mode and transferring money to the accounts of legal entities who are not participating in the system, as well as individuals without opening a bank account. Access to the system is not only available via the Internet, but also by phone, using a tone dialing. In general, the system looks technologically perfect and very interesting, but so far there has been not enough time after it is commissioned, so that you can argue about the prospects.

PS, allowing payment to pay the same way as it is made for long-distance calls (postfactum, on the basis of an account coming from the telephone company), first appeared in the United States. However, due to the systematic fraudulent actions of many owners of such systems, they did not gain popularity among buyers, and the sellers were not particularly satisfied, since these systems tormented significantly to delay payments.

Two domestic implementations of such a concept - PhonePay and Eaccess - are at the very beginning of its path. Both, and the other system assume that the client to make a payment must make a call to a certain long-distance number in code 8-809 (provided by MTU-Inform), after which it will be dictated by a robot of some key information. In The case of EACCESS is a PIN code used to access a paid information resource, and in the case of PhonePay, a universal "digital coin", consisting of 12 digits of one of the five rating values \u200b\u200bin the system system. Looking at system sites, it can be noted that e -Access is still gradually developing, increasing the number of stores connected to the system, and PhonePay never connected to its system a single store that does not belong to the developers.

Experience of international payment systems, the legal framework of the Russian interbank settlements and the possibilities of modern electronic technologies underlie the Rapid payment system. It provides individuals, banks, shopping and service enterprises the ability to remote payment service (remote management of bank accounts, universal payment cards and money transfers). Technologies and principles of system operation are built on the use of remote control of means in real time, without opening additional bank accounts.

Pay for goods or services (mobile, long-distance and international communications, utility bills and insurance services, Internet access, the use of paid information materials, purchases in online stores, etc.) can be around the clock in a stationary or mobile phone, as well as online.

You can use the services of the system using a universal payment card "Rapid". It combines the possibility of paying access to the Internet, long-distance talks, shopping in online stores. Maps are manufactured with a denomination of 0.5, 1 and 3 thousand rubles. The system also allows for quick money transfers to legal entities and individuals.

Creditpilot is a universal electronic payment system that allows you to make payments for purchases in Russian online stores, pay for mobile operators, Internet providers, telecommunications companies. Payments are performed on the operating server of the "Creditinil" system, which does not require the installation of additional software on the buyer's side. Access to a virtual account can be made from any computer by browser. Information transmission occurs in protected mode (SSL-3.0.). Security tools are certified, comply with state standards. Services Buyers: More than 100 merchants of goods and services are accredited in the system: Bolero,, Megashop, Tradition, Colibri, Wstore, Online Casino, Molotok.Ru, Purple Legion,,, Smsmail .ru, etc. MegaFon subscribers in the Moscow region and customers of the CosmosTV television company have the opportunity to exercise direct replenishment of their accounts. The account in the system "Creditpil" can be replenished: in the Sberbank of Russia; in another bank; Map "Crimpil". Services Stores: The use of the system allows you to receive payments (including microplates, payments on credit and scratch cards, bank transfers). Connecting to the system - free, no, no fixed payments (only percentages from real transactions are paid).

In 2005, a new technological solution was created, allowing agents to organize acceptance of payments from individuals in any conditions, named "Creditary dealer"

the system technology makes it possible to carry out all types of payments: via the Web interface, using the "CP-ticket" module, through the cash registers, self-service terminals, POS terminals, ATMs, an XML gateway.

Finally, one more type of PS should be mentioned - specialized transfers systems between individuals competing with traditional postal and telegraph translations. The first of this niche has been taken by foreign systems such as Western Union and Money Gram. Compared with traditional translations, they provide greater speed and reliability of the payment. At the same time, they have a number of significant drawbacks, the main of which is the high cost of their services, reaching up to 10% of the transfer amount. Another trouble is that these systems cannot be used legally for systematic reception of payments for the goods. However, those who want to simply send money to their relatives and loved ones, makes sense to pay attention to these systems, as well as on their domestic analogs (ANELIK and CONTACT). So far, neither Paycash, nor Webmoney is able to make competition to them, as they get in cash, pulling them out of an electronic wallet somewhere in Australia or Germany, it is not possible. In the PS Rapida, such an opportunity is announced, but so far there are no details on the site, and the geography of the system offices does not have any comparison with the system already available on the market.

Owners of electronic stores, apparently, should be thought of first of all about receiving money from credit cards and electronic cash systems - Webmoney and Paycash. According to consumer characteristics, in our opinion, the competition with CyberPlat does not withstand any of the credit card payment systems on the Russian market. All other systems are subject to optional use, especially if you remember that the same e-port is not necessarily installed separately, since its cards are serviced by CyberPlat.

2. Payment SystemWebMoney.Transfer.

WM TRANSFER LTD is the owner and administrator of the WebMoney Transfer payment system. WebMoney Transfer has existed since 1998. The WebMoney Transfer payment system software developer is the computational forces closed joint-stock company, which also provides technical support for the WebMoney system.

WebMoney Transfer is an accounting payment system, with which everyone can exchange universal accounts: WebMoney title signs (WM). The system is open to free use by all those who want anywhere in the globe.

WebMoney Transfer has a universal flexible structure and provides an opportunity for any user user to make real-time secure cash.

System customers are sellers and buyers of goods and services. On the one hand, these are web-shops, on the other - Internet users who are not able or not wanting to use alternative calculation methods (credit cards, and the like) due to the duration of transactions, low security, the risk of returning made payments and the like.

With the help of WebMoney Transfer, you can make instant irrevocable transactions related to the transfer of property rights to any goods and services, create your own Web services and networking enterprises, carry out operations with other participants, produce and maintain our own settlement tools, and, of course, pay for goods and Services (MEGASTOCK catalog): mobile communications, pay TV, utilities, newspapers and magazines, e-books, online games, music, movies, software, tickets and hotels, online insurance and much more.

Title signs WebMoney (WM) of several types provided by various assets and stored on the appropriate electronic wallets are served by the transactional tool.

WMR - equivalent of Russian rubles (type R wallet),

WMZ - US dollars equivalent (type Z wallet),

WME - EURO equivalent (Wallet type E),

WMU is the equivalent of Ukrainian hryvnia (wallet type U),

WMB is the equivalent of Belarusian rubles (type B wallet),

WMY - Equivalent of the Uzbek sum (Wallet type Y),

WMC and WMD - WMZ Equivalent for Credit Operations on C - and D-Wallets

WMG is an equivalent of gold (wallet type G).

When transferring funds, single-type wallets are used, and the exchange of various title characters is made in exchange services.

Registration in the system, as well as management of the tools is carried out using the WM Keeper client program.

Using the WM Keeper program, you can perform instant calculations in WM with other clients of the system, pay for goods and services online, convert WM to assets with transfer to bank accounts, as well as discuss with partners to a trading transaction in the WM Keeper Program Protected System Messaging.

All payments in the system are instantaneous and irrevocable.

The emission of the title characters of a certain type is carried out by the guarantor - an organization that stores the emission that establishes the equivalent of exchange to the declared property rights, published on the Web site of the System and in the Program WebMoney Keeper program to buy the title-based type of type guaranteed, providing legally significant introduction In the economic turnover of title signs of the type of type guaranteed in accordance with the laws of the country of registration.

The guarantor of WMR operations is LLC VMR, a company representing WebMoney Transfer in Russia.

AMSTAR HOLDINGS LIMITED, S.A. is the guarantor over WMZ and WME operations.

The guarantor of WMU operations is the Ukrainian Warranty Agency LLC.

The Guarant for WMY operations is the company Uzbek warranty agency TILLO-GARANT LLC.

The guarantor of WMB operations is the open joint-stock company Tekhnobank.

WMG-operations warfare performs WM Metals FZE.

The rest of the companies not specified in this list are authorized dealers or independent exchange points. WebMoney system does not bear any responsibility for their activities or accomplished by them. Unauthorized use of trademarks, names, logos and branded symbolism can lead to an exception from the system and block access to the account.

Get WebMoney on a wallet is possible in several ways:

    translate from any bank (including Sberbank of the Russian Federation;

    WM cards (for z-wallets);

    postal transfer;

    through monetary transfers systems (Contact, Unistream, Western Union);

    through exchange offices;

    through self-service terminals;

    with plastic cards;

    using prepaid cards;

    through Internet banking systems;

    from other system participants in exchange for goods, services or cash.

Webmoney stored on the wallet are in complete disposal and at any time - round the clock and daily - can be used for calculations. If necessary, you can remove WebMoney from the wallet and translate to the specified bank account with simultaneous conversion to the appropriate currency.

WebMoney Transfer technology has been designed to take into account all modern security requirements for information management systems via the Internet.

Establishing the truth of the information is the key to ensure the security of any data passing through the system.

3. Yandex.Money payment system

You can manage your tools in Yandex.Money on the website Yandex.Cessel is a wallet, access to which is carried out through the Yandex.Money website. They can be used from any computer. Internet. Clase is a program that is installed on a computer. You can install copies of the Internet. Cleather into several computers. You can use more convenient for the version, but using the program you cannot access Yandex.Cool, and with the help of a web interface - to the Internet. You need to choose something one or start two different walletes, independent of each other. Methods for entering and outputing money coincide for Yandex.Chelkov and Internet. Cools, only a wallet management method (web interface or program) differs. Both those and other wallets come in the same Yandex.Money system. When entering money into the system, you do not need to specify the type of your wallet, as the numbering of Yandex.Colkov and the Internet. Shooters does not intersect. To go to use the web interface, you need to register on Yandex.

To become a member of the system, it is not at all necessary to have an account in a bank or credit card. It is enough to register in the Yandex.Money payment system. At the same time, the billing system will automatically be opened in the payment system associated with the wallet.

Scheme of the system of Yandex.Money:

1. You are registered in the Yandex.Money payment system and put money on your account in the processing center of the system. Thus, you have an electronic cash in your wallet.

2. Choose a product or service in an electronic store and send the order - click the "Buy" button. Wallet of the Seller (Store) sets your wallet to payment requirement containing the text of the contract (contract of sale). The contract was signed by an electronic digital signature of the seller.

Your wallet makes you the text of the contract. If you agree, you have enough money in the account, then your wallet sends the seller's wallet electronic money and a contract signed by your electronic signature.

4. Seller's wallet makes electronic money received from you to the processing center to confirm their authenticity.

5. In the case of a positive test result, the Yandex.Money processing center enrolls the appropriate amount of money to the seller's account. The message about it is transmitted by the seller's wallet along with the "receipt" for you.

6. Having received an answer from the bank, the seller's wallet passes a message about successful money enrollment on his account, and sends a "receipt" to your wallet.

When purchasing a purchase using the Yandex.Money system, together with electronic money, the contract of sale between the participants of the transaction is transmitted. During the calculations, this contract is automatically signed by electronic digital signatures of wallets owners transmitting and receiving money under this contract.

Thus, the buyer remains an electronic document confirming the commodity commodity obligations, with its electronic signature.

4 Other payment systems

RBK Money is a high-tech Internet business, which is part of the RBC Group of Companies.

RBKmoney creates a single payment platform operating in real time, which will associate all the necessary ways of Internet settlements - electronic money, bank cards, as well as online banking services and mobile payments.

RBK Money is a payment system that will allow: quickly and safely carry out various payments - both on the Internet and beyond the mobile phone, utilities, television, Internet and other services are available; Make detailed statistics of payments, relieving the need to remember the details.

The RBK Money payment system until 2008 existed under the Rupay brand. In connection with the entry of Rupay to the RBC Holding, the system was renamed RBK Money and received a new address on the Internet -, from which access to already existing Rupay wallets began. The Rupay system was created by a group of Russian and Ukrainian economists and programmers. System functioned from October 7, 2002.

Initially, the name Rupay was formed by capital letters of countries in which the system operates: R - Russian, U - Ukraine and word Pay - denoting payment. The gradual development of the system led to the expansion of the geography of Rupay. The Rupay system was an integrator of payment systems, where payment systems and exchange points in one system were programmatically combined.

The system is not a bank and does not provide banking services, the system works with partner banks that provide banking services.

Paypal payment system. The International Paypal Payment System was founded in 1998 by Peter Thiel (Peter Thiel) and Max Levchin. At the moment it is one of the most popular and reliable payment systems. A few years ago, the system was purchased for $ 1.5 billion by an international Internet auction eBay. PayPal is the most dynamically developing Internet payment system. That direct proof is the statistics of open client accounts: today they are already about 114 million.

PayPal is a private company posted in Palo Alto in California. PayPal provides its users with the ability to receive and send payments using email or mobile phone with Internet access.

There are several types of accounts: Personal Account, Personal Prime Account and Business Account. Everyone has its own specific features. You can replenish your account using a credit card or transfer from a bank account.

At the moment, the payment service for Russians is limited - it is possible to use it only for payments for the purchase. Take money through PayPal, as well as withdraw money from the payment system is impossible. It is possible to only enter and pay them.

PayPal provides its users to receive and send payments using email or mobile phone with Internet access. Paypal payment system users have the opportunity:

    Send payments (Send Money).

2. PAYPAL user can translate any amount from its personal account. At the same time, the payee can act as another PayPal user and a completely outsider. To make the payment, the user must fill in the translation form, which includes the following fields: the address of the recipient's email mailbox, the amount of payment, the recipient's surname. When a user is ready to make a payment, you must click "Send Money", and the email will be departed to the recipient, which by reference in the letter hits the payment system website, where it makes a money transfer.

3. Perform a payment request (Money Request). Using this type of service, the user can send emails to his debtors containing a payment request (write an invoice for payment). You can add your letter as a separate user and the group of people. To do this, the user must enter a special email address of the recipient and the amount in the field of the special form. Next, the payer receives a letter with reference to the payment system website. On the PayPal website, the user draws money transfer, after which the required amount falls on the recipient's account of the payment system.

4. Placement on the Web site of special tools for receiving payments (Web Tools). This service is available only for owners of prime accounts and business accounts and is recommended for the use of online storeholders. At the same time, the user can place the button on its website by clicking the payer hits the payment system website, where it can execute the payment procedure (you can use a credit card), after which it returns to the user's website. Commission for receiving payments is 1.9% of the amount of payment.

5. Use of tools for auction trade (AUTION Tools). The payment system offers two types of services. 1) Automatic mailing request requests (Automatic Payment Request). 2) The winners of the auction bidding can pay directly from the Web site on which the Auction is carried out (Instant Purchase for Auctions).

6. Implement financial transactions using a mobile phone (Mobile Payments).

7. Perform simultaneous payment to a large number of users (Batch Pay).

8. To carry out the daily transfer of funds to the bank account (AUTO-SWEEP).

Payment system Moneybookers. The Moneybookers electronic payment system was opened in 2003. Moneybookers Limited is a transmitter of money in line with the legislation of Great Britain. The owner of Moneybookers is the company: Gatcombe Park Ventures Limited, London.

Moneybookers helps a company or consumer who has email address, reliable and cheap way to send and receive online payments - real-time.

Listening to Moneybookers, you can:

Send money using email from a credit card or bank account

Shopping online

Make money by email

Cash on the user's account are presented in a certain national currency that can be selected during registration.

The advantages of Moneybookers are the same as all payment systems: the publicity of the payment of small commissions. To work with the payment system, Moneybookers does not require installation of additional software: account management is carried out from the system site.

E-GOLD payment system. The E-GOLD system was created in 1996, is managed by Gold & Silver Reserve (G & SR). For several years of work, the company has opened more than 1 million bills with a daily turnover of more than $ 1.500,000. In addition, the E-GOLD payment system is ensured by the guarantees of US Banks and Switzerland.

Open an E-Gold account may be free Anyone from any country in the world. E-GOLD users are not tied to any national currency, which makes the system particularly effective for international payments.

As a unit for exchanging, weights of precious metals are used - gold, platinum, silver and palladium. E-GOLD is one of the most popular Internet payment systems.

An increasing number of Western companies prefer E-GOLD as an alternative to another scandalous Western PayPal payment system. Therefore, E-GOLD is an indispensable system of electronic payments, for those who are seriously going to engage in e-commerce.

    Comparative payment system characteristics

Table 4.



System Protection and Encryption

512 bits, algorithm similar to RSA

Audience coverage

Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, United States

Russian rubles

Russian rubles

Main world currencies

USD (WM-Z) - US dollars, EUR (WM-E) - Euro, RUR (WM-R) - Russian rubles

multi currency (potentially the number of currencies is not limited)

Russian rubles

Special requirements for the user

The system requires the user number of his passport, military ticket

To start working with the system, the user must acquire the Rapid payment card

To start working with the system, the user must acquire a payment card "Credit Pilot"

User Interface

Registration - on the system website. Work - using a special application.

Web interface, phone

Web Interface, Special Program "Wallet"

Two types of interfaces: Web interface and special system for working with the system

Web Interface and Special Program "Moneykeeper"

Web interface, phone


Paycash, as well as most Russian online stores and e-commerce systems (more than 196)

Many Russian online stores and firms

Various network services, shops

A large number of different network services whose number is increasing daily

CyberPlat, more than 100 Russian online stores and electronic commerce funds

More than 700 online stores



Program interface

Free software, however, special certificates are required that can be obtained by registering and collecting a package of documents.

Web interface, customizable for customer needs

HTTPS many platforms. HTTPS for authentication. XML system interfaces for corporate use.

Web Interface, Client Application Services

Free Software Plus Setup System User Specialist Genuine

    Facilities for the protection of payment systems

6.1 Threats associated with the use of payment systems

The main object of an attacker attack is fundamental means, more precisely, their electronic substituents (surrogates) are payment orders circulating in the payment system. In relation to the means, the attacker may chase the following goals:

1. Abduction of funds.

2. Implementation of fake financial resources (violation of the financial balance of the system).

3. Violation of system performance (technical threat).

These objects and attack objectives are abstract and do not allow analyzing and developing the necessary information protection measures, therefore, Table 4 provides specification of objects and goals of destroying the attacker.

Table 4 Model of possible destructive action attacker

Object impact

The purpose of the impact

Possible mechanisms for implementing impact.

HTML pages on the Bank's Web server

Substitution in order to obtain information introduced into a payment order by the client.

Attack on the server and sublection of pages on the server.

Substitution of pages in traffic.

Attack on the client's computer and subscribe to the client

Client information pages on the server

Receiving information on customer payments (s)

Attack on the server.

Attack on traffic.

Attack on the client's computer.

Payment order data made by the client in the form

Obtaining information introduced into a payment order by the Client.

Attack on the client's computer (viruses, etc.).

Attack on these instructions when you ship by traffic.

Attack on the server.

Private client information located on the client's computer and non-electronic payment system

Obtaining confidential client information.

Modification of customer information.

Disagreement of a client computer.

The whole complex of famous attacks on a computer connected to the Internet.

Additional attacks that appear as a result of using the mechanisms of the payment system.

Information of the Bank's Processing Center.

Disclosure and modification of the information of the processing center and the local network of the bank.

Attack on the local network connected to the Internet.

From this table, there are basic requirements that should satisfy any electronic payment system via the Internet:

1. The system must ensure the protection of payment orders from unauthorized changes and modification.

2. The system should not increase the possibility of an attacker on organizing attacks to the client's computer.

3. The system must provide data protection on the server from unauthorized reading and modification.

4. The system should provide or support the bank's local network protection system from exposure from the global network.

6.2 Payment System Protection Technologies

For a while, the development of WWW was contained by the fact that HTML pages that are the basis of WWW are static text, i.e. With their help it is difficult to organize interactive exchange of information between the user and the server. Developers offered many ways to expand HTML capabilities in this direction, many of which were not widespread. One of the most powerful solutions that came the new stage in the development of the Internet was the supply of Sun to use as interactive components connected to Java-applet HTML pages.

Java applet is a program that is written in the Java programming language, and is compiled into special byte-codes that are codes of some virtual computer - Java machines - and different from the Intel family processor codes. Applets are shirled on the server on the network and uploaded to the user's computer whenever the HTML page appears, which contains the call to this applet.

To perform applet codes, a standard browser includes the implementation of a Java machine that interprets byte-codes into the Intel (or another family) processor commanders. Posted in Java-applet technology features, on the one hand, allow you to develop powerful user interfaces, organize access to any URL network resources, easy to use TCP / IP protocols, FTP, etc., and, on the other hand, deprive the ability to implement Access directly to computer resources. For example, applets do not have access to the computer file system and to the connected devices.

A similar solution to enhanced WWW features is Microsoft - Active X. Technology. The most significant differences of this technology from Java is that the components (an analogues of applets) are programs in the Intel processor codes and the fact that these components have access to all computer resources. , as well as Windows interfaces and services.

Another less common approach to the expansion of WWW capabilities is an approach based on using the Plug-in for Netscape Navigator's embedded Plug-In for Netscape Netscape Modules. It is this technology that seems the most optimal basis for building electronic payment information protection systems over the Internet. For further presentation, we consider how the problem of protecting the information of the Web server is solved using this technology.

Suppose that there is some web server and the administrator of this server you need to restrict access to some part of the server's information array, i.e. Organize so that some users have access to some information, and the rest are not.

Currently, a number of approaches to solving this problem, in particular, many operating systems managed by the Internet servers, request a password to access some of their own regions, i.e. require authentication. Such an approach has two significant drawbacks: first, the data is stored on the server itself in the open form, and, secondly, the data is transmitted over the network also in the open form. Thus, the attacker arises the possibility of organizing two attacks: actually to the server (password selection, password bypass I.T.) and the attack on traffic. The facts of implementing such attack are widely known to the Internet community.

Another famous approach to solving the problem of information protection is an approach based on SSL technology (Secure Sockets Layer). When using SSL between the client and the server, a protected communication channel is set to which data is transmitted, i.e. The problem of data transmission in open space can be considered relatively solved. The main problem SSL is to build a key system and control over it. What swinging the troubleshooting problems on the server in the open form, then it remains unresolved.

Another important disadvantage of the approaches described above is the need for their support from the software and server, and the client of the network, which is not always possible and convenient. Especially in systems oriented on a mass and unorganized client.

The author offered by the author is based on the protection of directly HTML pages, which are the main carrier information in the Internet. The creature of protection is that files containing HTML pages are stored on the server in encrypted form. At the same time, the key on which they are encrypted is known only to encrypt it (administrator) and customers (in general, the problem of building a key system is solved in the same way as in the case of transparent file encryption).

Customer access to secure information is carried out using the Netscape Plug-In for Netscape modules technology. These modules are programs, more accurately software components that are associated with certain types of files in the MIME standard. MIME is an international standard that defines file formats on the Internet. For example, there are following file types: text / html, text / place, image / jpg, image / bmp, etc. In addition, the standard defines the mechanism for setting user types of files that can be determined and used by independent developers.

So, PLUG-INS modules are used, which are associated with certain MIME file types. Communication is that when accessing the user to the files of the corresponding type, the browser launches the plug-in associated with it and this module performs all actions to visualize the file data and processing the user's actions with these files.

Modules that are playing videos in AVI format can be brought as the most famous Plug-in modules. Viewing data files is not included in the full-time browser capabilities, but by setting the appropriate Plug-in, you can easily view these files in the browser.

Next, all encrypted files in accordance with the established international standard are defined as MIME files type. "Application / X-SHP". Then, in accordance with the technology and NetScape protocols, PLUG-IN is developed, which binds to this type of files. This module performs two functions: first, it requests a password and user ID, and secondly, it works to decrypt and display the file to the browser window. These module is set, in accordance with the regular installed Netscape, the order for browsers of all computers of customers.

On this preparatory stage of work completed the system is ready for operation. When working, clients appeal to encrypted HTML pages for their standard address (URL). The browser determines the type of these pages and automatically starts the module developed by us by passing it the contents of the encrypted file. The module conducts the client authentication and when it has been successfully completed, decrypts and displays the contents of the page.

When performing the entire procedure, the client creates a sense of "transparent" pages encryption, since the entire work of the system is hidden from his eye. At the same time, all the standard features embedded in HTML pages, such as using pictures, Java applets, CGI-scenarios are saved.

It is easy to see that with this approach, many problems of information protection are solved, because In the open form, it is only on computers from customers, data is transmitted over the network in encrypted form. An attacker, pursuing the goal to receive information, can only implement the attack on a specific user, and no server information protection system cannot be protected from this attack.

Currently, the author has developed two information security systems based on the proposed approach, for the Netscape NAVIGATOR (3.x) browser and Netscape Communicator 4.x. During pre-testing, it is established that the developed systems can function normally and running MEXPlorer, but not in all cases.

It is important to note that the data of the system versions do not encrypt objects associated with an HTML page: pictures, script applets, etc.

System 1 offers protection (encryption) actually HTML pages, as a single object. You create a page, and then encrypt it and copy to the server. When accessing an encrypted page, it is automatically decrypted and displayed in a special window. Support protection system from the server software is not required. All work on encryption and decryption is carried out on the client's workstation. This system is universal, i.e. It does not depend on the structure and purpose of the page.

System 2 offers a different approach to protection. This system provides a display of your secure information in some area. The information lies in the encrypted file (not necessarily in the HTML format) on the server. When you go to your page, the protection system automatically refers to this file, reads the data from it and displays them in a specific page area. These approach allows to achieve maximum efficiency and aesthetic beauty, with minimal versatility. Those. The system turns out to be a specific appointment.

This approach can also be applied when building electronic payment systems via the Internet. In this case, when accessing some WEB server page, the PLUG-IN module starts, which displays the user's payment order form. After the client fills it, the module encrypts the payment data and sends them to the server. At the same time, he can request an electronic signature from the user. Moreover, encryption and signature keys can be read from any media: flexible disks, electronic tablets, smart cards, etc.

6.3 Analysis of technology for compliance with basic requirements for payment systems

One of the possible types of attacks is the substitution of the attacker of the corresponding client protection modules. In the case of technology, J is applets, in the case of AX - immersed components, in the case of P is the included Plug-in modules. Obviously, an attacker has the opportunity to replace the protection modules directly on the client's computer. The mechanisms for implementing this attack lie outside this analysis, however, it should be noted that the implementation of this attack does not depend on the technology of protection. And the level of security of each technology coincides, i.e. All of them are equally unstable to this attack.

The most vulnerable place in the technologies J and AX, from the point of view of the substitution, is their download from the Internet. It is at this moment that an attacker can carry out the substitution. Moreover, if the attacker manages to carry out the data submenu of the modules on the bank server, then it gets access to all the amounts of information of the payment system circulating on the Internet.

In the case of technology P hazard, no substitution is not, since the module is not loaded from the network - it is constantly stored on the client's computer.

The consequences of the substitution are different: in the case of J-technology, an attacker can only steal the information entering the client (which is a serious threat), and in the case, Active-X and Plug-in an attacker can get any information to which the client works on the computer has access to the client.

Requirement for the protection of information circulating in the system of electronic payments over the Internet. In this case, the technology J is inferior and P and AX in one very significant question. All information protection mechanisms are based on encryption or electronic signature, and all relevant algorithms are based on cryptographic transformations that require the introduction of key elements. Currently, the length of the key elements is about 32-128 bytes, so it is almost impossible to require their user by the user from the keyboard. The question arises how to enter them? Since P and AX technologies have access to computer resources, the solution of this problem is obvious and well known - the keys are read from local files, with floppy disks, tablets or smart cards. But in the case of technology J, this input is impossible, it means that it is necessary to either require the client to enter a long sequence of unconference information, or, reducing the length of the key elements, reduce the resistance of cryptographic transformations and therefore reduce the reliability of protection mechanisms. Moreover, this decline is very significant.

The requirement that the electronic payment system should organize data protection located on the server from unauthorized reading and modifications. This requirement follows from the fact that the system involves hosting confidential information on the server intended for the user. For example, a list of payment orders sent to them with a mark on the results of processing.

In the case of technology P, these information is submitted with the form of HTML pages that are encrypted and posted on the server. All actions are performed in accordance with the above (encryption of HTML pages) algorithm.

In the case of J and AX technologies, this information can be placed in some structured form in the file on the server, and components or applets must perform read and visualize data. All this as a whole leads to an increase in the total size of applets and components, and, consequently, to reduce the speed of loading the corresponding pages.

From the point of view of this requirement, the technology P wins thanks to greater technological, i.e. Smaller overhead costs for development, and greater resistance to the substitution of components during their passage over the network.

As for the last requirement of protecting the banking local network, it is performed due to the competent construction of the firewall system (firewalls) and the technologies under consideration does not depend.

From the comparative analysis of technologies J, AX and P implies that J technology should be applied if the maintenance of the client's computer security is significantly more important than the persistence of cryptographic transformations used in electronic payment systems.

Technology P seems the most optimal technological solution underlying the payment information protection systems, as it combines the power of the standard Win32 application and the security of attacks through the Internet. The practical and commercial implementation of projects using this technology is engaged, for example, the company "Russian financial communications".

As for the AX technology, its use is ineffective and unstable to attacks of intruders.


Electronic money is increasingly beginning to become our daily reality. Many large firms offer payment of their services and goods through electronic calculations. This consumer saves time significantly.

Free software to open your e-wallet and for all work with money is most adapted for mass computers. Electronic money is money that gets more and more widely distributed every day, opening more and more opportunities for a person with access to the network.

The goal of the course work was performed, the following tasks were resolved:

1. The main tasks of electronic payment systems and the principles of their functioning are determined, their features.

2. Analyzed the main systems of electronic payments.

3. Analyzed the threats associated with the use of electronic money.

4. Analyzed the means of protection when using electronic payment systems

List of sources used

    Tiley E. Security of a personal computer / per. from English; Hood oblast M.V.Dako. - MN: LLC "Popurri", 1997. - C.261.

    Melnikov V.V. Protection of information in computer systems. - M.: Finance and Statistics; Elektiform, 1997. - P.85, 245.

    Iconnikov A. Cyberplat - the first system of settlement system in the Internet / Internet publication. -

    Zavaleev V. Plastic card as a payment instrument (basic concepts) / Internet publishing -

    Lebedev A. Electronic money: myth or reality / Internet publication. -

    Weinstein V. Personal Finance, Purchase and Bank Account Management through the Internet / Internet Publication. -

    Preobrazhensky K.V. Internet payment systems in Russia are the first swallows / Internet publication. -

    Digital Cash turns empty pockets / Internet publication. -

    Demidov A. "Digital Money - electronic money" // Money, 2006. - №3.

    Eisner D. . The use of plastic cards "Golden Crown" in modern conditions / Internet publication. -

    Kuznetsova I.M. Local payment systems are the first stage into the world of electronic money / Internet publication. -

    Plastic cards Bashcard / Internet publishing. -

    Sundays V. General Description of the functioning of the PayCash / Internet publication system. -

Electronic money. History of creation and development prospects

The history of electronic payment systems has a little more than two decades. However, justice should be noted that the transfer of money from the user to the user with the help of electrical chains was first carried out in the second half of the 19th century! What awaits us in the near future?

For the first time, the transfer of money with the help of telegraph lines of Western Union was carried out in 1871, and in 1980 the company's revenues from remittances exceeded the receipt from the sale of telegraph services.

In the 80s of the 20th century, Dutch analyst David Caum concealed to design the electronic payment system called Ecash, the purpose of which was to solve a number of problems associated with slowness and weak credit card payments. According to the idea, Ecash was to operate with debt obligations in the form of electronic certificates that could produce a bank or other organization. If necessary, these obligations could be exchanged for money from the Issuer.

Later, this technology was successfully adapted by the Yandex.Money Internet payments system, as well as the Ukrainian Internet. Doney. Today, the latter, and without performing its swan song, is on the verge of closing or reorganization.

From the second half of the 90s of the last century, various "universal" electronic money systems still continue to occur, uncomplyed or having values \u200b\u200bfocused on private property. In most cases, such systems are an ideal environment for theft and money laundering.

For example, the story of one of the oldest E-GOLD payment systems, the virtual currency of which corresponded to various types precious metals. The leadership of E-Gold recognized himself guilty of criminal financial frauds and was forced to make a deal with justice, declaring bankrupt company. A similar fate probably still expects not one EPS, in particular, given that recently our lawmakers have a look at this area.

Much great success than full-fledged electronic money, in the last decade, debit electronic payment systems were used, whose accounts are replenished with money credited from user payment cards. The first among the equal here is PayPal founded in 1999.

Nothing revolutionary This EPS to users suggested: just the ability to pay for purchases and transfers between users through a secure connection. With its dizzying success, the company is obliged by the world-famous EBay Internet auction. The funds attached by PayPal creators in the advertising company led to the fact that very soon most of the eBay merchants began to use this tool for receiving payments, and in 2002, Ebay acquired PayPal.

In order to keep international positions within the law, Paypal has to buy licenses for remittances - separately for each state and each country. By the way, the restriction on the withdrawal of funds from PayPal for the inhabitants of the CIS is most likely due not to elevated distrust of our compatriots, but with the lack of necessary licenses. Each such license in the United States costs about $ 1 million and provides permission for PayPal users to make payments exceeding a limit of $ 1 thousand / day.

Meanwhile, according to evaluations of foreign experts, users are usually resorted to the help of PayPal, but Western Union and bank checks. The share of Internet payments exceeding the threshold of an expensive license is only about 5%. This forces some Western market participants to voice the opinions that Paypal's management deliberately covers money laundering in large sizes.

Considering that in various countries - different legislation and different rules governing the electronic payment market, to adapt to all of them the only system is not possible. To solve this problem, for example, Webmoney in the countries of its presence is looking for various ways of legal adaptation, in parallel leading a dialogue with officials at the level of legislative initiatives.

Meanwhile, the exit from the current situation, simple and elegant, has already been found. It is that the systems actually providing financial services displaced their activities, turning payments on the sale of digital goods. So, the systems like,, and others, offer users a specific category of goods - electronic vouchers or e-tokens.

In essence, it is the most real digital cash that can be accepted for payment by sellers on the Internet, or addressed to other types of non-cash money, followed by cash. It seems that something like in Ukraine is trying to introduce, the translated part of the cash desk for service without coins.

Another of the leading trends in the world of electronic payments is a gradual awareness of mobile operators of the mighty potential of mobile commerce. Today, when confidence in the banking system is undermined by the global economic crisis, and numerous electronic payments system conduct battle for personal user data, mobile operators already have all sufficient funds to personalize their subscribers.

Millions of subscribers with enviable regularity deposit their own funds on mobile phone accounts. In most cases, this money goes to paying mobile services. However, the experience of selling mobile billing services (premium SMS), showed that part of users is ready to pay even unreasonably large money for various products and services.

As a result, we will come to the fact that mobile operators will achieve licenses for the implementation of financial transactions and money put on a mobile phone balance can not only translate to friends and acquaintances, but also spend on goods and services, pay in cash, and maybe even put For a percentage. And this will happen in the very near future.

So, the Russian MTS reported readiness to launch the micropaging service, with which the subscribers will be able to pay transport, utilities and traffic police fines. Just the other day, China Telecom's largest Chinese mobile provider purchased local.

Ukrainian participants in the payment terminal market, which are forced to undergo special licensing or enter into agency agreements with banks, say that mobile operators in Ukraine are preparing to make some changes, as a result of which such licensing will become unnecessary. Obviously we are talking about obtaining financial operators themselves. If this happens - they will become the largest market operators of instant payments.

It is well known that for the healthy functioning of the economy, the national currency must be provided by commodity production. How will the world change, which we know, with the advent of a denationalized currency, having no real goods in ensuring, and virtual services? Does the current banking system be replaced, which is a circulatory system of the state, something new? Will these social transformations behave?

I would like to hope that the rapid technological growth and development of electronic payments will not be the reason for the next global economic crisis. At least, the current discovered the high stress resistance of the EPS before the universal drop in production and the economy collapse.

Essence and basic concepts of electronic settlement system

Money is an integral part of the economic life of human society. They are necessary for calculations for produced products provided services. At the same time, calculations can take both cash and non-cash form. Their evolution from a simple, primitive form (cash) to a more appropriate (non-cash) passed a centuries-old way. The first form is characteristic of countries with the most backward economy, the second - for highly developed countries. But today there are many more countries where both forms are valid. The percentage between them depends on the degree of development of the economy, science, education, the level of development of trade relations.

Calculations using cash is extremely expensive by state and commercial financial structures. The release of new bills, the exchange of old, the content of large personnel, the inconvenience and the big loss of time of ordinary customers - all this heavy burden falls on the country's economy. In Russia, for example, about 20% of the cost of each ruble goes to maintain its own appeal. One of the possible and most promising ways to resolve the problem of cash turnover is to create an effective automated system of non-cash payments, that is, electronic calculation systems.

It is legitimate to talk about the appearance of electronic calculations as a type of non-cash settlement in the second half of the twentieth century. Speaking otherwise, the transfer of information about payments on the wires existed for a long time, but acquired a fundamentally new quality when computers appeared at both ends of the wires. Information was transmitted using Telex, Teletage, Computer Networks, which appeared at that time. A qualitatively new jump was expressed in the fact that the rate of payment of payments significantly increased and the possibility of their automatic processing appeared. In the future, electronic equivalents of other types of calculations - cash payments and other means of payment (for example, checks) have arisen.

The term "electronic calculations" combines many various technologiesAmong which is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange - Electronic Data Exchange), Email, Internet, Intranet (exchange of information within the Company), Extranet (Exchange of information with the outside world). The electronic calculation system (electronic payment system) is a non-cash payment system, contracting and transferring money between sellers and buyers, banks and their clients using electronic communication tools with the use of information coding tools and automatic processing.

There are various ways and communication channels to access electronic calculation systems. Today the most common from these channels is the Internet. Erects the distribution of electronic payment systems, access to which is carried out using a mobile phone (via SMS, WAP and other protocols). Other ways are less common: on the modem, by phone with a tone set, by phone through the system operator. The system operator is a legal entity, and not a credit organization carrying out banking operations. It only provides users with the opportunity to apply the electronic calculation system and is the organizer of payments, providing intermediary services to its participants.

Electronic payments, like any others, provide for the payer and the payment recipient. The task of payments, as you know, is the movement of the sum of money from the payer to the recipient. In electronic systems, such a translation is accompanied by an electronic payment protocol. This process also requires a certain financial institution that relates to which the parties shall exchange in the payment protocol with the real movement of funds. Such a financial institution can serve as a bank operating with real cash, or some organization that issues and monitors other forms of finance.

Calculations in the electronic payment system are made using special intra-system electronic money, which certainly correlated with real currencies in the world. Current legislature Russian Federation Does not operate with such concepts as "electronic money" and "Internet money." Electronic money is not considered money in the understanding in which they are defined in Article 140 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. That is, with respect to electronic money, the use of the term "money", and even more so the dissemination of the legal regime of money from a legal point of view is incorrect. In fact, digital cash is an electronic means of accounting for any assets, the rights of claims and property. Therefore, electronic money is correctly called electronic metering or simply electronic cash.

Electronic cash is the technology that has appeared in the 1990s, which allows electronic calculations that are not tied to the transfer of money from the account to the bank or another financial organization, that is, directly between persons - finite payments. Another major property of electronic cash is provided by it anonymity of payments. The authorization center certifying the payment does not have information about who specifically and who translated money.

Historical aspects of the emergence and development of electronic settlement systems

Since man began to produce anything at least, it invents new and new ways of mutual settlements. It all started with a natural exchange of goods to the goods. Its natural development was used when exchanging a kind of product, which does not deteriorate, has high liquidity and has a small amount of cost. So the first "money" several millennia ago were precious metals and stones, and later coins appeared, subsequently that were replaced by paper money. In the middle of the last century, the first credit cards appeared in the United States, from which the age of electronic money began. At the moment, the overwhelming majority of transactions in the world occurs without the use of banknotes. Completely natural, therefore, one can consider the appearance of electronic payment systems.

The first stage in the appearance of electronic calculations is considered to be 1880. It was then that the famous American scientist Edward Bellamy in his book "Looking back" ("LookingBackward" S) offered to use prepaid maps when calculating. However, his promising idea did not find a response. Throughout a quarter of a century in 1914, the first attempts are made to apply credit cards, however, everyone ended in failure. In 1950, DCI (DinersClubinternational) released the world's first universal payment card - DinersClub. Following this, the next year after the DCI initiative, the American bank FranklinnationalBank has released the first credit card. After seven years, again, the American bank, the largest Bankofamerica country, produces the first universal bank card bankamericard, which is now known to the whole world called Visa. Already in 1965 the first Interbank Card Association was formed - EurocardInternational.

The second half of the century is considered the second half of the twentieth century, which was remembered by the history of the rapid development of information technologies and microelectronics in particular. American banks, for the first time in the world, begin to actively implement electronic methods of money transfers. Electronic translation technologies appear, such as EFT (ElectronicFundStransfer). In 1968, the light saw the electronic data exchange technology - ElectronicDataInterChange (EDI), which was subsequently based on electronic transactions. Electronic payments are developing more and more active, the world begins to refer to credit cards without panic fear. In the US, two interbank card associations are formed. The first of them, NBI, is now known as Visainternational, the second - ICA, respectively, MasterCardInternational.

Information technologies did not stand still, and in 1979 in America for non-cash banking payments, the use of the first electronic terminals, which were named EFTPOS and laid the foundations of electronic payments. Already in 1984, the financial sector enterprises begin to actively apply email when communicating with customers. In essence, it was the first step towards e-banking and Internet banking. It takes three more years, and the first banks begin to provide services online.

At about the same time, the USSR comes into the history of electronic money. In 1988, Vnesheconombank of the USSR produces the first credit bank card in the state - Eurocardgold. However, only highly important person could receive such a card: about thirty of these cards could be released for the entire huge territory of the USSR. The classic Visa came to the Russian Federation much later, only in 1991: almost twenty years after the appearance of Visa and MasterCard cards abroad, the Russian "Credo Bank" released the first international credit bank card of the Visainternational system in the country. In general, it was the second stage that laid the foundations for electronic payment systems using credit bank cards.

The third stage distinguished himself by the development of information technologies, in 1981 the first classic personal computer was created - IBM PC, and the development of microelectronics by that time began to root directly. In the second half of the eighties, a microprocessor was mounted in a plastic credit card, which predetermined the emergence of a fundamental new type of money - digital cash. However, 1993, in which Dr. David CHUM, head of cryptography in the Dutch National Research Center CWI, has become revolutionary for the history of electronic settlements, in which Dr. David CHUM, head of the CWI Group, has developed a software solution - ECASH technology to work with digital cash. Subsequently, Ecash has become the foundation of the world's first electronic payment system of the Digicash and the progenitor of all existing electronic payment systems today. The concept of ECASH introduced the concept of an e-currency to pay for goods and services through computer networks, which by that time had already received significant distribution. The currency itself is stored on the hard disk of the personal computer, where it is downloaded using a special client software that must be previously installed. A year after the appearance of Ecash, in 1994, the first purchase of the Internet was carried out in the USA. In the same year, the first domestic microprocessor map of the "Golden Crown" system appeared in Russia.

In 1996, the Visainternational Association introduced its own electronic Visacash wallet. The development of uniform requirements for the manufacture of microprocessor cards (EMV technologies) begins, participants in this take all major participants in the electronic payment market. By that time, the Internet developed enough to generate full-fledged e-commerce, and issues of information security of electronic payments in the World Wide Web were supplied. As a result, after EMV technology, a special protocol was developed for secure transactions on the Internet - SecureElectronicTransaction (SET).

Russia also tries to keep up with world progress, in 1998 the PayCash payment system emerged - a powerful tool for storing and transmitting on open financial information networks. PAYCASH electronic payment system is a Russian high-tech project in the field of e-commerce. The system allows you to perform instantaneous, secure and provable payments through an open data network. Development and promotion of technology is carried out by Alkor Paeksh, together with a number of partners, among whom it is worth noting the Association of Economic Cooperation of the territories of the North-West of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Regional Problems of Informatics and Management, the Russian Cryptological Association and the International Banking Institute. By 1997, the development of PayCash technology was completed, and after a year - on January 15, 1998, the pilot version of the PayCash payment system was launched, in which the "toy" money was used, and anyone could try it in action. In 1997, CyberPlat (cyberflat) began to function in Russia - the first electronic payment system. The first online payment was held on March 18, 1998 in favor of the Garant Park company, and the first payment in favor of the cellular operator - Beeline - was carried out on August 12, 1998. To date, Cyberplat® (CyberPlat) has been operating in the electronic payment market for more than 14 years and is the largest in Russia and the CIS countries, reliable and debugged payment system. At the end of 1998, the most famous and more common payment system WebMoney has appeared. You can use its services using the Special WM KEEPER CLASSIC client program or via WM Keeper Light Web application and browser. The date of the first transaction is 20.11.1998. However, the official appearance of the WebMoney system is considered to be 24.11.1998. The official developer and founder of the electronic payment system was "Computer and Information Technologies". In view of the reigned economic instability, the WebMoney system management competently organizes a campaign to attract new customers, system participants. The first thousand registered participants of the system received 30 WM, the first connected shops received 100 WM. The main thing is that already at the initial stages of development distinguished WebMoney Transfer from Internet banks - it is easy to use. Clients of the system make up the impression that the intermediary between the addressee and the sender of the translation simply does not exist. This option of organizing the payment system is called "Person to Person". It is probably why the users of the system immediately nicknamed her "anthill". The appearance of the corresponding logo did not make it wait.

About a year later, the most now popular and reliable payment system Webmoney appeared. Webmoney system initially was not so comfortable. WebMoney users were forced to look for what to spend their electronic money, because Russian online stores working with WM-Kami was a bit. Send a conversion to a relative was a problem because the system was not so popular. Yes, and the withdrawal of funds could be implemented only in Moscow.

Conducting this, WM Transfer expands its sphere of influence. Since 1999, it became possible to carry out postal and telegraph translations. Webmoney begins to cooperate with the famous Western Union translation system. This allowed many users to start transmitting money to relatives abroad, using Webmoney. In the same 1999, on November 22, WebMoney Transfer introduces a system of certificates. The certificate becomes a kind of measure of the user's authority. The higher the level of your certificate, the more confidence in you. The buyer may always be before paying for something, see the seller's certificate and decide whether it is worth having a matter with him. At the unscrupulous client Webmoney may recoup the certificate, i.e. make it non-functional.

Politics The company is folded as follows: WebMoney guarantees the provision of their electronic checks, but at the same time it is trying to make money from the system at all, therefore it permits to open exchange points in different cities of Russia, according to a fairly simple scheme. It is enough to have a personal certificate and any individual can register as an exchange point in the Megastock catalog.

WebMoney do not stand still and to increase liquidity does not prohibit changing their title signs on other electronic money. Already by then, E-Gold and E-Bullion, later Yandexdoney, were already in the lists of permitted payments.

At the same time, webmoney begins to work with legal entities, offering buying webmoney per 1%. Multimillion threads of non-cash rubles from many legal entities joined the system. Exchange items The first felt this blow to themselves, a lot of conclusions were sprinkled, the amounts went with 6-digit zeros. This splash of activity and reflected on the webmoney's exchange, WMR can be exchanged for WMZ but already with loss 2 and more%. The growth rates of users make up almost 100% per year! Over time, the number of users of the system among legal entities and individuals is growing. And there is a need to introduce a new virtual currency. In April 2000, the equivalent of the ruble was added to WMZ (USD Equivalent) - WMR. Former WM (dollars) are now referred to as WMZ. In the same year, Webmoney Transfer joined the list of the most popular payment systems used for online purchases. The WebMoney system is becoming increasingly popular and not only in Russia. In 2001, a new opportunity appears in the system - to receive and issue loans to other participants. The company introduces a new WME currency - euro equivalent. It was probably done for raising prestige, and not because of the great need. Even today, few people are working with WME. The system participants are becoming more and more. In 2001, the first of the first of viruses appeared on the Internet, written specifically for theft of users from their electronic wallets. In 2002, the Security service is created, now WebMoney have become more secure. In the same year, the Merchant service appears to simplify online payments in online stores and suppliers of goods connected to the WebMoney system.

On July 24, 2002, Paycash concludes partnership agreements with Yandex on the launch of the Yandex. Money project - a universal payment system. Initially Yandex. Money could pay the services of Yandex itself, i.e. For advertising on the site, the online stores appeared later. Yandex also understood that it was necessary to create a base of shops where you can spend Yandex.Money and connected the largest stores on preferential terms.

The payment system policy was as follows:

  • 1) can not be entrepreneurial;
  • 2) money in the system can only be spent or output by ways presented on the official website;
  • 3) Exchanges in other cities to put it mildly are not welcome, but if they managed to negotiate, then only on the terms to give 5% Yandex from the operation.

Yandex. Money themselves go on banks, offer favorable working conditions, thereby you can buy Yandex in many banks for 0%. Because of this, for a short period of time, Yandex. Money can be introduced in all cities of Russia.

By the end of 2002, a group of Russian and Ukrainian economists and programmers created a Rupay system representing the integrator of payment systems. It is programmatically combined into one system several EPS and exchange points. When registering in Rupay, personal information about the user is not requested and no documents are required. While some EPS introduced user certification, Rupay, turn, announced the introduction of the practice of guaranteed cash compensation to users. If you sent a payment by mistake not there or became a victim of scammers, you will be returned to money. Thus, the seller or buyer performing calculations using the Rupay system receives a 100% guarantee of the counterparty of its obligations.

In 2003, WM TRANSFER LTD launched the Notify Notification Service on the receipt of messages, translations or accounts, the rules for receiving personal certificates were tightened, the WMU electronic wallets appeared - the Equivalent of the hryvnia. With the advent of Grievous Wallets Webmoney gains immense popularity in Ukraine. In June 2004, the Bank "Tavrichesky" received an indefinite registration certificate from the Bank of Russia to the emission of the prepaid financial product No. 17 C / 2. For the development and promotion of technology, the International PAYCASH Group of Companies, which unites owners and licensees of technology. In the development process, the draft Aerospace Equipment Corporation "Aerosmatic Equipment" and a number of other Russian and foreign investors were included in the development of the project.

In the WebMoney system in 2004, GSM Keeper was released - a special version of software for mobile phones, now at any time there are access to WebMoney services. In 2004, Maimayl ("Moneymail") was developed by [email protected], which, according to developers, is devoid of common vices of existing payment systems and allows you to translate money quickly, easily and, most importantly, safely. The financial activity of the company "Maimayl" is ensured by interaction with such large organizations as Megawatt-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, as well as "cyberplates" and "E-port".

The benefits of [email protected] include a wide range of features offered, complete absence Subscription fees and other periodic payments. The system accepts payments for utilities (rent, MGTS, Rostelecom), mobile communications and Internet access, and also allows you to make loan payments. At the same time, the Commission from the user is not charged. Security of the accounts of this payment system is provided in several ways. In addition to the traditional input password, [email protected] uses a protected SSL connection, IP lock and payment confirmation system (using a special code, a key card, SMS. Since 2004, it works and develops in the payment system market "Joint instant system payments "(OSMP), providing subscribers a convenient and operational method for payment for cellular operators, Internet providers, commercial television, IP telephony.

In 2005, the WebMoney system introduced a special indicator of Business LEVEL's business activity, Uzbek wallets WMY appeared. And the projects of Yandex.Money projects on September 29, 2005 began to work through the web interface. In 2006, debt service for users was opened for all participants in the WebMoney system, WMB wallets appeared in Belarus. The significant event of 2006 is a connection to Webmoney and many Western casinos, bookmakers and other services for payment by electronic money. WebMoney system quickly moves to the West.

In 2007, a new type of title characters was introduced - WMG, which are provided with gold. WebMoney Advisor panel was also created. System security enhanced, a processing service that simplifies the reception of payments to sellers of goods through Webmoney has been introduced. On March 31, 2008, a real breakthrough was committed in the system of Russian Internet payments - Yandex Money can now be output and introduced with bank card Russian development bank.

April 15, 2008 - RBC Information Systems OJSC (MICEX, RTS: RBCI) announces the purchase of one of the leading Internet payments market players, Rupay systems. The purpose of the transaction is to create a universal system financial settlements On the Internet using the Infrastructure of the RBC Bank. At the first stage, RBC acquired a 20% rupay shares with an increase in the share of up to 51% for three years. By this time, Rupay serves more than 250,000 Russian Internet users and 6000 online stores. On April 2 April 2008, the company was brought to the market QIWI retail brand. QIWI is a payment service designed to pay for various daily services, from mobile communications and LCD to bank loans. In October 2009, the leading companies of the Russian electronic payments market within round Table. "Electronic money: in search of regulation" announced the creation of the Association "Electronic Money" (AEE). The Association joined the company I-Free, Webmoney, Index. Money, payment service QIWI (Kiwi), National Industrial Associations, Nimir and Nouture. The creators of the Association identified the main objective of the AED as follows: the development of the electronic money market as a publicly available financial service in the interests of the population, states and participants of the industry.

In 2010, the total turnover of the Cyberplat® payment system ("CyberPlat") amounted to about $ 5.5 billion. Cyberplat® (CyberPlat ") collects about 25% of the revenue of the largest mobile operators of Russia, being the leading partner of Bilain, MTS and "MegaFon" on the amount of payments received from subscribers. According to statistics in December 2010, 78.8% of Cyberplat® turnover (CyberPlat) accommodation accounts for payments from subscribers of mobile operators, 3.7% - from Internet users and IP telephony, 3.5% make up payments For housing and utilities, 1.6% - payment of fixed communications, 1.7% - payments for subscribers of commercial television operators, 10.7% - repayment of bank loans, remittances, payment of goods, payments for services of security alarm systems, payment of fines Traffic police and other payments (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1. Cyberflat system payments structure in 2010

The average annual growth rates of the Russian market of electronic payment systems over the past 3 years amounted to 119%. Positive market dynamics, as well as the continued growth in the number of Russian Internet users talk about the investment and commercial attractiveness of this segment.

According to the results of 2011, the turnover of the Russian market for electronic (instant) payments increased by more than 15% compared with 2010, exceeding 892 billion rubles. This is stated in the new report of the Committee on Payment Systems and Banking Tools of the National Association of E-commerce Members (Nout).

The number of transactions in 2011 decreased by 3.4% compared to 2010 and amounted to 5.7 billion. At the same time, the amount of average payments increased by 18%, reaching 156 rubles. Obviously, this is due to the continuing increase in the share of "heavy" payments with a relatively large check. The share of payments for mobile services in the total market turnover in 2011 decreased to 66%.

For comparison, in 2010 it accounted for 73.5% to the cellular payments. While the share of payments aimed at repaying bank loans increased to 3%, exceeding the 2010 indicators by 4.3% (Fig. 1.2, 1.3).

Fig. 1.3. The turnover of the Russian electronic payments market by type of operations in 2011

The fourth stage is the modern world, in which several dozen electronic payment systems are actively working, the most famous E-Gold, PayPal, Payace and StormPay. In Russia, foreign systems are not as developed, but the domestic companies Webmoney, Cyberplat, E-Port, Yandex.Money, Rapida are occupied by good positions. Not so long ago, the largest mail server of Russia Mail.Ru launched together with the IR Finams of its project Electronic payment system - Moneymail. Most modern payment systems, both foreign and Russian, today can function completely through the Web interface without requiring the installation of client software.

It is worth noting that in 2011 a list of services that can be paid through instant payments continued to grow. Today it includes payments in favor of Rosreestra, the federal service of bailiffs and traffic police, taxes (transport, land, income), utilities, visa consular fees, fee for kindergartenEven the transfer of the prisoners and much more.

According to CNews Analytics, the troika of the market leaders in 2011 did not change: it includes QIWI, "CyberPlat" and "Eleknet". At the same time, the share of the main players continued to decline due to the activity of smaller regional companies. Their cumulative turnover in 2011 has grown again, an increase of 14.6% compared to 2010, and amounted to 29% of the total market turnover.


"Electronic" non-cash money was invented recently. With her appearance, they made the same coup as the past centuries were called paper money, quickly crowded metal coins. A rapidly developing computer equipment suggests that the "electronic" cashless money can soon displace cash. And this "soon" is no longer around the corner. Paradox, however, in the fact that still few people know what is "electronic" non-cash money.

Today the Internet is used in commercial activities, that is, trade not only by information products, but also the most traditional.

Theoretical and methodological aspects of payment systems

History of payment systems

With all the benefits of non-cash electronic payment systems, be it electronic interbank calculations, electronic payment documents in client-bank systems or payment of goods and services by individuals by debit or credit cards, and the latter are the main type of payment of goods and services in Western European countries and the United States, With all this, according to the data of economists, cash and in these countries are not excluded from the turnover, but on the contrary, they constitute a much greater percentage of total money supply than in Russia (reaching up to 40%). What are the main advantages of cash settlements that allow them to safely coexist with all the innovations of electronic payment systems and not even lose their positions?

This is efficiency, great reliability and, most importantly, anonymity.

And then there is a completely natural question: "Is it possible to connect all the advantages of electronic settlement systems with the main advantage of cash - anonymity?" It turns out.

For the first time the idea of \u200b\u200bthe so-called "electronic money", "electronic cash" (E-Cash) or "electronic payments" was proposed by an American specialist in the complexity of David Choum (David Chaum) in the late 70s on the Euphoria wave around the first digital systems Signatures and digital envelopes based on transformations with two keys (passwords): "open" or public and "closed" or individual.

It turned out that the same principles can also be achieved by the anonymity of the operations carried out, while maintaining the possibility of evidence of their correctness in the subsequent.

As in conventional digital signature systems, the keys of two types are used in the electronic money system: individual keys are used to confirm the cost of bills, and publicly available - to verify their authenticity when conducting payments.

The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200bChowim consisted in the so-called "blind" digital signature system, when the signing information sees it only in terms of it necessary, but its digital signature assures the authenticity of all information: the Issuer sees the dignity of the bill, but does not know their serial numbers that only them knows only them. owner.

At the same time, mathematically proves that the authenticity of the entire contents of bills with the same reliability is guaranteed by such a "blind" signature as the usual digital signature that has been one of the most popular authentication tools in recent years.

Systems of the blind signature over the past 25 years were invented a bit. The most famous of them are patented by David Choum. Now he heads the Dutch company Digicash, which sells about two dozen-specific pilot projects in the field of electronic money for Western European and American banks and financial companies.

To date, in the modern virtual world, in the Internet there are such types of payment systems: credit systems (based on Internet banking, based on credit cards); Debit systems (electronic checks, electronic cash - based on smart cards, based on a personal computer).

Electronic payment systems became very tight in our lives. It is so convenient to pay for services or goods via the Internet that we have long considered this norm. But most recently it was just fantastic. The world of high technologies, electronic wallets and electronic money made it completely normal, even ordinary and our new reality.

With the development of trade and services for our society, methods, rules and whole training disciplines of successful sales have arisen and improved. Not news that in this industry, the buyer will receive any whim for his money. Even the most trusted and unimaginable requests are embodied if they are paid. Mentioning about payment, everything is organized for the convenience of the buyer and the seller. Today we have a huge number of options, how to pay for your order, product, service and many more things are only included in everyday life.

One of these options, which have already gained their fame and actively acting, electronic payment systems.

What is EPS (electronic payment systems)

From the very name of this service, a rather clear understanding of the fact that the electronic payment system is a system organized to pay for services through online services, programs, cards that allows you to translate money into account immediately, without actions with bills.

It is believed that the emergence of electronic money circulation, directly affects the evolution of money, the development of the culture of money and their activity. Developing, as the type of monetary payment, the EPS has already proven themselves from the positive side. Electronic payment method chose for themselves many organizations, enterprises, not to mention online services in which this payment system is basic.

The history of the development of electronic payment systems

1871 can be considered the year of birth of electronic payment systems. It was then that, already known, Western Union performed the world's first electronic money transfer. Of course, it is impossible to call it electronically, since it was implemented using telegraph messages. Since then, Western Union has been successfully used by its invention. But not only this company has taken into service this type of money turnover.

In 1980, a Dutch company was already applied to the upgraded system, the purpose of which was to create a reliable and fast payment system. Such reliability was achieved by the company to operate debt obligations. This company ECASH was called, its founder was David Caum, a Dutch analyst, who modernized the Western Union system.

One of such companies, which is considered one of the first and oldest in electronic payment systems, E-GOLD. Having started his procession in the business of electronic money, it was quite loud and successfully became bankrupt, and its leadership was street in fraud.

In 1998, electronic payment systems for the first time appear in Russia. Presents EPS in Russia Pay Cash. This electronic system received its beginning as a joint project of three Russian companies: the Bank "Tavrichesky", Alkor and Aerospace Equipment Corporation.

And in 1999, a well-known WebMoney appeared, which still dominates the market for electronic payment systems.

2002 became also important for the development of EPS, since this year an agreement was concluded for the creation of the Rupay system. The importance is that the contract was concluded between the Russian and Ukrainian programmers.

Today we can say that the main engine of the development of electronic payment systems is the development of the sphere of communication: Internet technologies, mobile services and the work of banks.

What are electronic money

With the emergence and start of active use in the world of electronic payment systems, the concepts associated with this process begin to appear. One of these concepts is electronic money.

Electronic money - A certain monetary equivalent of a payment system user, which is fixed and stored on electronic electronic media. Used for online payment, translations, payments.

This payment tool has its own varieties:

  • On the basis of Smart cards. Such cards are associated direct with bank accounts and represent a certain amount that the card user manages. The most famous payment systems on this database: Visa Cash, Ecash, Proton. Such systems allow you to pay for Internet acquisitions, store money in several currencies and telephone communication can be used to manage this system. But this method It is not flawless safe, since it is simply impossible to keep track of the legality of all operations.
  • On the basis of networks. For an electronic system of such a monetary turnover, it is necessary to establish a specific program. Such programs are free and with the development of mobile applications, mobile applications of such systems have been created. Basically, the EPS on the basis of networks choose users who deal with earnings on the Internet, acquiring goods through online stores or firms that wish to expand payment for payment for their services.
  • There are also other classifications of electronic money, which determine the type of anonymity, state and non-public appearance and so on.

Electronic payment systems in Russia

In Russia, the payment systems found themselves widespread and very tightly entered our lives. We also pay for services and goods via the Internet using various electronic wallets.

We list the main payment systems and wallets used in Russia:

  1. WebMoney.
  2. Qiwi-wallet
  3. Yandex money
  4. PayPal
  6. Rapida.
  7. Perfect Money.
  8. Okpay.
  9. Liqpay.
  10. Advcash
  11. Bitcoin
  12. Z-Payment.
  13. RBK Money.

There are of course other payment systems in Russia, we only listed the main ones.

Popular Russian payment systems

Consider the most popular Russian electronic systems:

WebMoney Electronic Payment System

WebMoney. Completed in Russia and neighboring countries. This program requires a mandatory registration with the provision of photocopy of a passport for receipt, without which you will not be able to fully operate your capital.

After registration and receipt of the certificate, electronic wallets of various currencies will be available to you, which will have an identification number, which will be the main information for transferring money to it. With this system, you can pay for services, make payments, perform exchange operations.

You will be offered 4 options for managing your own tools in WebMoney Keeper: Mobile, Mini, Light, Classic. You choose the one that suits you by parameters.

The undoubted advantage of the webmoney's electronic wallet is its versatility, and it is possible to translate and pay for goods and services in various currencies. Most Popular Wallets in WebMoney:

  • WMR - Russian rubles
  • WMZ - American Dollars
  • WME - Euro
  • WMB - Belarusian rubles
  • WMU - Ukrainian hryvnia

Since the system has a huge user audience, it practically does not arise problems with payment in the Internet with its help. It also has an extensive list of companies, shops and government agencies that support payment through WebMoney.

The advantage is the ability to output funds in several ways to be offered by the system.

For the safety of operations on the input and output of funds in the system, the automatic locking of your account is programmed. This moment, having studied user feedback, is not always adequate and sometimes the wallets are blocked without visible causes and without their explanation from those support.

Electronic Payment System QIWI

Payment System Way QIWI It has been rooted in 2006, when her name was still a "mobile wallet". Subsequently, the name was changed in 2010.

Now "Qiwi Wallet" firmly keeps the first position among users. It should also be noted that Kiwi has won the recognition of customers in 22 countries of the world. This system is considered one of the most flexible and mobile services that provides diverse services.

This is a justified opinion, since Kiwi today makes it possible to replenish the account and withdrawal of funds in several different ways, also offers a large list of pay for services and purchases. In addition, low commissions for transfers and the ability to conduct payments on SMS are undoubtedly attracted.

Among other advantages, in kiwi service, you will find a convenient "reminder", which will notify you in advance, about the product of the required payment. The interface of the site and the mobile application will delight and here everything is available and understandable even a newcomer. A system that offers a virtual or plastic card service.

One of the minuses of Kiwi is the impossibility of entering the payment of the amount more than 15 thousand at a time. The inconvenience is in the partial introduction of funds. Kiwi has its own goal of the user only inside the system, so any output of funds beyond the limits will be problematic and covered with a high percentage. Plus, numerous complaints about the annoying advertising of partners, which comes regularly to you.

Yandex Electronic Payment System Money

Yandex money It is recognized as one of the most universal PS (payment systems) in Russia. She choose those who earn with the help of the Internet and those who choose online purchases and pay for services online.

The Yandex-money payment system offers two options for choice - this is:

  • Yandex. Wallet - You can get into this wallet directly through the Yandex Money website. That is, you can go to it from any computer.
  • The Internet. Wallet - a program that is installed on a computer or mobile device.

You can choose one or start both, they are neither not related to each other and can have a different balance. It should also be understood that they are also different from them, so you can't use the introductory data of one wallet to get into another.

Yandex Money has all the same advantages as other PS, but also there is a easier registerment procedure and providing a more convenient way to work with the system (Yandex Wallet, Internet Wallet)

As for the minuses, everything is more serious here, firstly, the system does not recognize the manipulations from any other currency except rubles. Secondly, there is nothing to do with legal entities. Manage your capital in this system is allowed only to individuals. In addition, there is no anonymity (request for passport data during registration) and a high commission in the derivation of funds.

All of the above, however, does not prevent Yandex money to remain in the top three most popular and selected payment systems.

China Electronic Payment Systems

Now, as soon as the question is, the question of the formation of a complete and correct understanding of China's electronic payment systems, as now to build Internet business with China offer everyone who at least somehow is interested in this and has free time. Trading platforms of Chinese industrialists attract Russian customers, firstly by their variety of goods, and secondly by their price. In order to make a purchase, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main leaders of China's EPS, so as not to become victims of cyber charlatans.

So, today, reliable and beneficial on the spectrum of the services provided by electronic payment systems, China can be considered:


Alipay. (The largest and most well-known payment system of China) was established in 1999 and was assumed to be an intermediary between monetary manipulations between two other companies, but in 2004, already confident in these matters, a development team, proposed to create their own PS.

According to many users, the company offers really favorable terms of cooperation: registration is free, the lack of interest on the withdrawal of funds. True, there are some limits on the conclusion of funds with which you will be familiar with when registering.

All the famous location Alispress cooperates with Alipei and creates a special version of Ali Wallet, for more accessible payment for goods from this site and other sites with Alibaba Group.


You can start immediately from the cons of this payment system, as they are enough, and the advantages or differences this system does not shine. So, the first and main minus, which left a negative aftertaste is the problem of registration. Requirements and restrictions on entered characters, besides, it is impossible to say that the choice of this system will be justified if your goal is paid for purchases, with the same success, but more accessible you will check the transaction on Alipay.

The only one who chooses this system for themselves is lovers to play Chinese online games. QQ-money is needed there. Immediately you can give you advice: find the Chinese. 🙂 If you are not strong in Chinese, then without his help you cannot do. It sounds amazing, but in China, this PS on the rating ranks second.


Unionpay. It was founded in 2002 as a national payment system, which remains to this day the only state PS, with the support of the Central Bank of the PRC. First of all, it must be said that the system is more coordinated to the release of plastic cards, rather than on the turnover of money on the basis of networks.

In Russia, Unionpay was noticed in 2007. The holders of such cards in Russia are allowed to pay Internet services and purchases, cash out. More difficult with entering money on a map: it is prohibited at the legislative level. But together with Russian banks, work is underway to resolve the issue and permission to serve Russian data cards.

In 2013, UNIONPEY became a Russian payment system, this is evidenced by its enhancing in the register of payment systems of Russia.

As for the development of the system based on networks, it is, but not so successfully compared with plastic cards.


PayEase. - The large payment system of China, which works only with legal entities. In 2014, it was recognized as the most popular. Collaborating PayEase with the world's largest organizations. Proven itself as reliable, secure, convenient to carry out the transaction company. The company has a certificate of a qualified provider of services from Visa, has developed platforms for its activities in many countries of the world.

These were the largest and most famous devices, adequacy and speed, China's payment systems. Smaller companies do not differ in any other spectrum of services offered and working conditions.

Types of electronic payment systems

There are two main types of EPS:

  • Credit Systems
  • Debit systems

The first systems imply control of money through the Internet and through credit cards. The credit card in this case is considered an element of personal account management. You choose a more accessible and convenient electronic money management option.

Debit systems are an electronic version of paper checks and bills. In fact, this prescribed payer's obligation to translate to his bank.

Electronic checks differ from paper little:

  • Your signature will be electronic
  • The issuance of the check will also be in electronic format.

There is a payment procedure using an electronic check:

  1. Extract of the electronic check and the certification of its electronic signature.
  2. Sending a check to the recipient with a checking account open key Bank (is done for the safety of the operation).
  3. Acceptance of the PS Check and checking it and your signature on authenticity.
  4. After authentication, the operation is completed by the delivery of goods to the recipient and money transfer to the seller.

Electronic money is also an analogue of paper bills, but in electronic form. They can also pay products and services.

Advantages and disadvantages of payment systems

Today, in times of technical progress, electronic payment systems occupied the leading positions and create serious competition with paper calculations. There are already millions of people around the world about the convenience and reliability of EPS, and that is why this type of management of their capital is chosen more and more preferring it to any other.

Here are the main advantages, thanks to which electronic payment systems occupied confident positions in the cash circulation:

  1. Opportunity without bill payment, translations and other cash manipulations.
  2. The speed of remittances and the commission of other monetary operations is many times greater than obsolete postal transfers and translations through the bank.
  3. You can make cash manipulations without leaving home. Such accessibility is explained by the fact that literally in a matter of minutes, the user can pass an uncomplicated registration in any convenient PS and get started.
  4. The safety of these payment systems has already confirmed its reliability. Special bindings to phone numbers, identification through a password request and communication with a computer. If you follow the rules prescribed by the system, you will not affect or cyber fraudsters, or unscrupulous buyers or payers.
  5. In comparison with ATMs and banks, pay for services through payment systems is much more profitable, since neither in any PS commission does not exceed 1% of the total amount of payment.
  6. The system itself leads to the statistics of your flow and loan for you. You will always be aware of the infusion of money in the account and their consumption. This is quite convenient statistics present in certain sections in all without exception. software and your personal accounts PS.

Of course, electronic payment systems have their drawbacks, which, however, do not interfere with them to develop and be the most selectable payment option.

  1. No guarantees. Since the founders of EPS are private organizations, it is impossible to talk about 100% confidence of the legality of actions by the administration of the system.
  2. You must be a confident user of the Internet. Without an Internet connection, these systems do not work in most cases. But, whether it is a minus, in our age of Internet technologies, when most aspects of our lives are already connected, one way or another with the Internet.
  3. In some cases, to receive full list Tools for managing your wallet, you will need to introduce personal data: INN, passport details. Using this data, the State Tax Service may have access to all information on your accounts.

Electronic payment systems are constantly being improved, expand their capabilities and begins cooperation with new companies. Therefore, today there is a low fame and a limited range of services and purchases with payment through EPS cannot be called a significant disadvantage. But at the moment there is a negative moment of scarcity of the list of EPS partners.


Today, the world spider web offers us not only information flow as the provision of real services and goods, which is why electronic payment systems have become so popular today.

  1. Located Internet Business
  2. Ease of payment for services and online shopping
  3. Clear control of your budget
  4. Secure cash storage (small amounts)

Nowadays, electronic payment systems have not yet achieved complete recognition and continue to develop. It is expected that financial institutions in the future will bet on such payment systems and thereby give the move even more innovations in the field of EPS.

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Electronic payment systems Updated: February 7, 2018 by the author: admin.