What constitutes the fate of a person. What does fate depend on? The value of astrology in shaping destiny and managing your life. astrology and Buddhism

The bosses do not respect, the second half does not listen, and when entering any office of any authority, no one raises their eyes at us. In this case, what will coaches, coaches, psychologists say? Something like the following - in a huge variability of depth, approach, angle of view: you need to develop inner self-confidence, you need to spend more time with your wife, it is important to do exercises to develop personal dignity, to make peace with any character (whose actions caused trauma in the past).

Also in the practice of self-development there are many techniques, methods and methods of "curing" from many psychological ailments. Here's what to say about this: it all works! Indeed, there are many examples of people who have achieved great success in life by reading books on self-development, having mentors, teachers. The fact is that effective self-development practices in one way or another affect those aspects of the character of a person that are in one way or another related to astrology, correspond to astrological criteria.

But what is the challenge of this article? The essence of any event in life is to practice bad deeds and enjoy the result of good ones. In other words, the real depth of causes lies in the plane of such a thing as fate.

The vicissitudes of fate and the influence of the planets

Who Shapes Destiny? What does fate depend on? Why does one person get everything without difficulty, another gets it at the cost of tremendous effort, and the third never gets it? Because this is the scenario of our life, which we have formed for ourselves in the past.

Okay, we figured it out! A reasonable question remains: what should we do with this, is it possible to change our destiny? Yes, it is possible and even very necessary, this is the meaning of our life: to overcome destiny, take lessons, transform for the better, always for the better. Do you know the saying: everything that is done is done for the better? This is from the same opera.

All planets and bodies in space are administrators of our destiny. These individuals strictly control everything that we get and what we lose in accordance with our "personal business." In other words, these individuals are our teachers who are very friendly to us and want us to go through the lesson.

At the beginning of the article, there are listed concerns that relate to the patrimony of the same person - the Sun. In the ancient astrology of Jyotish there is such a concept as "karaka", or the idea of ​​the planet. The sun personifies power, respect, glory, and so on. What modern experts in self-development could advise in this vein is true. But isn't it easier to learn more about the person on whom we are heavily dependent and try to satisfy this influential person (in our case, the Sun)?

One of the Sun's carak is the father and the elders - (as a principle. The Sun does not tolerate disrespect for elders in age, position, power. If we get a bad father, then it is for our sins from the past. The same applies to the authorities, teachers. Someone is lucky, and he bathes in the love and care of his elders. It is easier for such a person to love and respect in return. But someone constantly suffers from this category of citizens, this is where you need to understand and conquer fate.

If a person has the above problems, then, first of all, it is necessary to establish relations with the elders and with the father (if any). Father is a priority. The Sun also loves it very much when its wards donate for the needs of temples and altars.

Helping astrology manage your life

Each planet has its own side of life. If we take our environment, then each category of people is patronized by its own planet, and this planet will punish or reward us for actions in relation to their pets. Here are some examples: Mars watches over us in relation to brothers and sisters, Jupiter watches over how we deal with children, the Moon protects women and mothers, Saturn worries about the elderly.

Each planet can be approached even in the most neglected situation. And the love and generosity of these powerful beings defies any description. Now do you understand why Cristiano Ronaldo is Cristiano Ronaldo - with his generosity towards children and the sick (he donates a lot)?

If successful people did not do charity work, they would quickly squander the potential that they brought from a past life. After all, not a single good period of life lasts more than a couple of decades, more often such periods are even more fleeting.

Study your lessons through astrology and take control of your life - this is the purpose of astrology.

The qualities of a person's character are given close attention when applying for a job, when choosing a family and on all vital issues. Personnel officers, psychologists, educators, scientists and many others, characterizing someone, always talk about the leading qualities of a person's character. It is no secret that the qualities of character have a great influence not only on the performance in activities and the harmony of relationships in the team and in the family, but also on the fate of a person as a whole. In life, we often come across the fact that one person can be entrusted with the most valuable, and he will not let you down, but with another - you feel like on a powder keg. How to determine which of them you are dealing with? How to update your character traits to change the future for the better? How to transform negative qualities that interfere with life and lead to illness - into spiritual and creative, giving health and joy? Today we are starting a series of publications on this very important topic.

There are no imperfect people - there are those who have fallen away from themselves.

What goes around comes around. Russian proverb

The goal of the development of consciousness on Earth is to develop through life earthly experience the qualities necessary for the formation of the cosmic divine principle. The development of human consciousness from the point of view of the energy-informational worldview occurs through a series of incarnations, in which certain character traits are formed, as practical developments of consciousness. In the process of life, the matrix of the astral and mental bodies (the body of the Soul) is filled, i.e. there is a development of the energy and informational component of consciousness. In Eastern philosophy, they are called chakras or energy centers that connect the physical body with the subtle and fiery bodies. Energy-information centers are channels of the bodies of the Soul and Spirit, connecting the physical body of a person with the energy-information field of the program for the development of his consciousness. The level of the qualities of consciousness corresponds to the level of disclosure of a certain energy center and indicates the stage of development of human consciousness. In parallel with the set of earthly experience (earthly information), a spiritual creative component was formed, which manifested itself as ethical norms - morality and ethics, which did not allow a person to act immorally in relation to the outside world.

Man formed all these necessary qualities by receiving earthly experience. All of them were necessary for the formation of consciousness of the cosmic level. Man was driven by desire - the driving force. Primitive man was guided by the survival instinct through overcoming fear of nature, in order to obtain food, shelter, etc. Desires became the main driving force and developed civilization in the future until today.

Any quality, like a magnet, has two poles: bottom and top, plus and minus: low vibrational (earthly) and high vibrational (spiritual). The spectrum of qualities is located vertically from one pole to another: from hatred to love. If you take away a part of the earthly, then its other pole grows - the spiritual one. During life, a transformation of qualities occurs: some begin to form, others, on the contrary, decrease and disappear due to their transition from the earthly to the spiritual-creative, for example, stubbornness turns into persistence, greed - into generosity, closeness into openness, etc.

The fate of a person directly depends on the qualities of his character and lifestyle. If a person is not satisfied with his fate, he needs to think about changing his character traits and changing his lifestyle. In fact, Destiny is a program of a person in his earthly embodiment, which presupposes certain events in life and the formation of certain qualities. This is the path of human development, depending on the sum of all his evil and good deeds in this and past lives. Freed from the burden of karma, bad passions and habits, a person is able to change his destiny. Program yourself as you want to be and you will become that way. The people say: fate leads the one who wants, and forcibly drags the one who does not want. After all, what always happens to a person is what looks like him and he deserves what he really is.

In the beginning, a person forms a habit, which gradually forms certain character traits. Therefore, the people say: you sow a habit - you reap a character. Sow character - reap Destiny. Thus, a person gradually creates his own Destiny, is himself responsible for his choice, for his habits, his decisions and actions. It all depends on the person: for someone a whole life is not enough, and for someone a bitter experience and a few minutes are enough to understand that life and Fate depend only on ourselves. And in order to change the future and improve your destiny, you need to renew yourself in the qualities of character through the efforts of the will in order to sublimate and choose the best. It all depends on the level of a person's development, on HOW he perceives his Destiny, HOW he copes with the difficulties of life, WHO he really is. As the saying goes: what we ourselves are, so are the sleds. A person will control his own destiny if he learns to control himself. Difficulties and trials in life help to reveal hidden flaws, pushing for their transformation. Thanks to trials, we receive from fate wonderful gifts of determination, courage, hard work, cordiality, awareness, etc. The growth of human consciousness depends on changes in characteristic qualities. All qualities can be roughly divided into four groups:

Quality level

Quality of character

top level:

a person's openness to knowledge and the ability to be creative

a responsibility

average level:

acceptance of the situation as it is and the person's ability to show kindness


low level:

closeness to novelty, ignorance, lack of purpose

self pity
acquittal - accusation

lowest level:

complete closeness to other information, "your opinion", selfhood, aggressiveness, fear

rancor - malice
greed - prudence
arrogance - rudeness

Thus, passing through life, we acquire a range of character traits in order to become closer to the level of stellar consciousness and learn to "overcome the beast in ourselves." It is no coincidence that all fairy tales tell us about the victory of good over evil. Therefore, our task is to form our spiritual and creative centers through renewal, revealing cordiality and love. Then the creative principle of man will be revealed - the internal human psychological factor, which has unlimited physical, intellectual and psychological capabilities.

People often reflect on the topic “ what is fate". Everyone just dreams of meeting her and does not understand that fate is something inevitable, written before birth. Well, if we speak in general and abstract terms, referring to religious and philosophical views on this issue. And if you delve into the essence, then this is a combination of factors that affect the course of events and the quality of our existence as a whole.

What does our destiny depend on?

To begin with, you need to clearly realize that the factors influencing our life are of two types: those that depend on us and those that do not depend on us.

Let's start with the latter. Independent factors, for example, include the quality of life of a minor child. To begin with, parents are not chosen. They may not exist at all if an orphan. They can be rich or poor, educated or illiterate, drinking or leading. However, this is only decisive at the start. For the fact that a child is in a prosperous family does not mean that his future life will certainly be successful, although the chances are many times higher than that of a child from a less prosperous family. Because, he can afford to get good education, satisfy their material needs in order to establish themselves in society and much more. In other words, such a person already from childhood has a springboard to a bright future, and whether he will use it or not, this is his choice, not destiny.

Can destiny be changed?

For reasons beyond our control can also be attributed to events from the category of "force majeure" or "case". For example, if you are a “mere mortal”, then, as a rule, it does not depend on you whether hostilities begin or not, provided, of course, that you are not a saboteur. You also cannot influence sudden natural disasters like tsunamis or earthquakes. Or, when, for reasons beyond your control, a pillar or brick falls on your head, unless, of course, you were taken for a walk to the construction site. You cannot change the course of these events, and you shouldn't. In this case, the point is not what is happening around, but how you react to it and what you are doing.

The third factor beyond our control is a serious illness. And it doesn't matter whether it is a congenital pathology or a sudden illness. Here one can only sympathize, but only to the one who used all the chances of recovery available to him.

As for the reasons that depend on us, everything is much more interesting here. If something good happens, it’s all thanks to our efforts, but if it’s bad, then, of course, it’s fate. For example, when contacting a person with the character of an adventurer, we do not want to accept the fact that he is a player, and everything that surrounds him, including people, is only a means to achieve his brilliant goals. At such moments, for some reason, we are sure that he will not do this to us. So, disappointment is a payback for stupidity and arrogance.

How can destiny be changed?

The most important thing is the right to choose. We make choices every day, and every step can change our former life beyond recognition.

We often expect everything to come by itself. This "self" is inanimate and cannot come. Go get it yourself. Our relationships with people also depend on our inner fears, worldview, the degree of communication skills and the level of activity. We are afraid, we doubt, and time goes by. Tick ​​tick. Time is counting down inexorably.

Fear is man's greatest enemy. Fears envelop us in such a dense veil that sometimes it is difficult to see the person behind them. We afraid make a decision, because we are afraid of punishment, while it is easier to admit a mistake and correct it in time. But man is a fearful and insecure creature. And even when we do start to fight for the quality of life, then, as a rule, first of all, we fight with ourselves, with our fears and stereotypes.

Let's summarize. Only that which does not depend on us can be called fate. Everything else is nothing more than a causal relationship.

I do not wish you good luck, I wish you purposefulness, meaningfulness and self-confidence. I believe you will succeed, however, and I will too.

How I would like to exclaim: “Man is the creator of his own destiny! Man is the master of his life! "

I would like to, but this is not entirely true.

What determines the fate of a person? And how does it depend on the person himself?

What determines the fate of a person?

1. From the life potential that we receive from our parents.

Where do conscious parents come from if no one teaches the upbringing process, and everything depends on the desire for self-education of future young dads and mothers?

So it turns out that the impulse from childhood - a margin of safety, self-confidence, practical skills, many do not have or have even seen only negative examples.

But this is not a reason to complain about fate. This is a reason to realize it and begin to consciously change.

2. From the ability to work on your own character.Character builds our destiny.



Isn't it possible to think over how to develop and strengthen these qualities? It is possible and necessary.

But irresponsibility, aggression, primitiveness, hovering in the clouds can bring unkind events to you, up to the complete removal of society from you.

3. From the ability to find an individual approach to each person.

It would seem - show love and care and people will be drawn to you. But in practice, one will sit on your neck, the other will reproach that you are crawling into his soul, the third will cultivate his own, psychological vampirism, ingratitude, the fourth will take your love for servility and begin to push you around.

In order not to be deceived in a person, you need to take into account the age, moral, and intellectual component. This often happens intuitively, but only if they are not rejected, but revered. Of course, life observations and theoretical knowledge about the psychological intricacies of communication will also sooner or later lead you to the fact that you will learn to understand people, find an individual approach to each partner in life, but this is a longer process.

The relationship between a man and a woman, an elder with a younger, a boss and a subordinate, rich and poor, is full of contradictions in the modern world. So change them at least a little for the better with your thoughtful actions!

4. From the ability to draw conclusions from the past.

The past is our experience, this is our wealth.

Because we understand what brought us victory, satisfaction and pleasure, and what brought us down.

But do not seek to duplicate your past victorious actions. Life is fast and, if you do not take into account the widespread changes, then what once brought you victory in a year can be just ridiculous.

Even the next victory should already be on a new level of awareness. Keep up with the times, be modern!

Well, and the analysis of the causes of defeat

If not done, it will lead to slippage and continuous frustration;

If done, then fate will open up new perspectives for you.

I want to dwell on the ability of sincere repentance in the event of unintentional harm to someone because of their own ineptitude in the past. There is no strength to repent before anyone, repent at least to yourself.

Draw conclusions from the past, but do not pull it into your future. This will only add to the problems. , your view of the world.

5. From the conscious formation of one's own .

Strive to come not only to healthy, but also to people who surpass you in intelligence, practical skills, and lack of starry.

People who are not successful or unpleasant in communication, especially if they are relatives, need to be tactfully moved aside, but not to stop full communication, because everything happens for a reason in our life. Maybe these people were given to you from above - by God or by fate as a test and you need to very clearly understand who to help and whom to direct in the opposite direction from you.

But there are always people around you who are dependent on you. Pass with dignity.

All this is the hierarchical ladder of your personal world, that space of existence that you yourself you form and give birth to your traditions, world outlook, communication manners. In this world, you yourself appoint teachers, students, sponsors and partners.

Choosing your social circle is choosing your destiny.

6. From the ability to appreciate what you have.

To sweep everything in its path "to the ground, and then, we are ours, we will build a new world" - this is the slogan of an embittered envious person, and not a person who thought about such a concept as fate and the invaluableness of life itself.

7. From the ability to leave periodically reliable life positions and start something new in your life.

Just as a child who once decides to unhook his mother's finger and start independent steps takes risks, so an adult, starting something new, must show courage, overcome fear, understand the possible risks. But like a small child who is delighted with his independence, so an adult will receive indescribable emotions from what has been done, achieved, overcome again.

8. From skill in every moment of your life to do everything as well as you can, as circumstances allow you.

Do not leave your unique opportunities that fate has already given you.

11. From the desire to develop harmoniously.

Fate will not be able to present you the chance that it has prepared for you if you have not reached the required level of development in any of its three components -.

12. From the ability to correct your self-esteem.

There is no need to take offense at fate, we must not miss the chances that it gives us. This helps to form your own objective. Do we overestimate or underestimate ourselves? They say about one: "Doesn't catch mice!" What do you say about yourself?

Life is difficult, but surprisingly interesting. This can be attributed to any age, to any habitat, to any level of income, to any era.

Well, who believes in God, he perceives all life trials as a gift from heaven and comes out of them as an expert and a wise man, i.e. with a new stock of knowledge and experience.

Who does not believe in God, he must responsibly feel like a man - homosapiens - a creature, first of all, thinking, and therefore having the ability to change himself, and then and.

Here in this article we argue about what our fate may depend on, but there are recommendations of our great connoisseur of human souls L. Tolstoy, who teaches,. Maybe we mere mortals should listen?

So, we think and try to understand or,
what the Almighty expects from us, what is
we think and try to understand what influences our destiny and how we can change this process, what are our possibilities?

Even if in childhood someone did not receive something, but still by the age of 25 people can fully, if not build, then influence their fate.

Fate plays with us, but we can afford to play with fate a little, and exclaim: “I am happy that I live in this world!”.

Such a position in life will help to find.

Good luck, dear reader!

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Religions, doctrines or philosophical movements necessarily relate to reflections on the meaning of life, fate, causes and consequences of any events and their patterns. Conclusions and dogmas periodically coincide, and sometimes they can radically differ or even come into conflict.

The main opinions on this score, of course, are polar. One version says that all human life is "planned" even before birth, and it is impossible to avoid the prescribed events. According to another theory, people themselves are the creators and leaders of their own destiny, and everything that happens to them is the results of their own actions.

Life is destined from above

All religious movements are based on the assertion that the world and humanity were created by divine forces. The names and descriptions of the gods vary, but the fact that our lives are being ruled from outside remains the same.

Therefore, it is generally accepted that a person does not fully influence the events that happen to him. But the idea of ​​dependence on higher powers does not mean that, for example, bad luck is inevitable. Religion gives hope that a bad fate can be corrected by asking the Creator for patronage and protection.

Astrology and Buddhism

But such a teaching as astrology quite clearly and unshakably says that the overwhelming majority of events and experiences have already been recorded in a person's natal chart. And to avoid the planned, both good and bad, is almost impossible.

In Buddhism, it is generally accepted that fate is a set of assessments earned for actions in past lives. Adepts of this religion believe that each next birth bears the fruits of incarnations already lived. In other words, bad fate is nothing other than retribution for one's own mistakes and sins from previous lives, and luck and prosperity are the corresponding reward.

Everyone is his own boss

People who deny the existence of God declare that all life events and events occur exclusively at the will of the person himself. Therefore, destiny is created by our own. Accordingly, a person is responsible for both happiness and failure.

Similar theories assert that a person is capable of changing his reality not only by actions, but also by thoughts. With a positive or negative attitude, transform life around you.

However, no matter what version people adhere to, the main thing is to understand that each of us directly affects the fate of our relatives and friends. We inevitably depend on each other both in the broad sense and in minor details.