It is known that Pythagoras was an Olympic champion. Pythagoras is a champion! The great scientist won the Olympic Games. What type of Olympic champion was Pythagoras?

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What do we know about Pythagoras Pythagoras was born in 576 BC. e. on the island of Samos. Pythagoras's father was Mnesarchus, a gem cutter. The name of Pythagoras' mother has not been preserved. Many believed that Pythagoras was not a name, but a nickname. The word Pythagoras means “persuasive by speech.” It is not without reason that he achieved success as a brilliant orator and preacher. Among the teachers of young Pythagoras were the elder Hermodamant and Pherecydes of Syros. EGYPT - BABYLON In 550 BC. e Pythagoras makes a decision and goes to Egypt. An unknown country and an unknown culture opens before Pythagoras. Much amazed and surprised Pythagoras in this country, and after some observations of the life of the Egyptians, Pythagoras realized that the path to knowledge lies through religion. After eleven years of study in Egypt, Pythagoras goes to his homeland, where along the way he falls into Babylonian captivity. Here Pythagoras gets acquainted with Babylonian science, which was more developed than Egyptian. The Babylonians were able to solve linear, quadratic, and some types of cubic equations. They successfully applied the Pythagorean theorem. In cuneiform texts, its use dates back to the era of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), that is, 12 centuries before the birth of Pythagoras. The characteristic drawing of the Pythagorean theorem, which today is sometimes transformed by schoolchildren, for example, into a professor dressed in a robe or a man in a top hat, was often used in those days as a symbol of mathematics. KROTON Hiding from the tyranny of Polycarp, Pythagoras settled in Kroton, where he quickly gained wide fame. The most glorious period in the life of Pythagoras began in Kroton. There he established something like a religious-ethical brotherhood or a secret monastic order, the members of which were obliged to lead the so-called Pythagorean way of life. The main Pythagorean symbol - a symbol of health and an identifying mark - was the pentagram or Pythagorean star. The Pythagorean system of classes consisted of three sections: the doctrine of numbers - arithmetic, the doctrine of figures - geometry, the doctrine of the structure of the Universe - astronomy. The following circumstance is striking. It is the star-shaped pentagon that is most common in living nature (remember the flowers of forget-me-nots, carnations, bells, cherries, apple trees) and is fundamentally impossible in the crystal lattices of inanimate nature. Fifth order symmetry is called the symmetry of life. This is peculiar defense mechanism living nature against crystallization, against petrification, for the preservation of living individuality. And it is this geometric figure that the Pythagoreans choose as a symbol of health and life. The famous Pythagorean thesis: “Everything is a number.” Of the many numbers, the number “36” is sacred to the Pythagoreans: 1 + 2 + 3. It consists of one, and without one there is not a single number and it symbolizes the unity of existence and the world. It consists of a two, which symbolizes the fundamental polarity in the Universe: light-darkness, good-evil, etc. It consists of a three, the most perfect of numbers, because it has a beginning, middle and end. In addition, in the number “36” there are possible amazing transformations, for example: 36 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8. The ritual of initiation into members of the Pythagorean brotherhood was surrounded by many sacraments, the disclosure of which was severely punished. “When younger people came to him and wanted to live in the Pythagorean school, he did not immediately give consent, but waited until he checked them and made his judgment about them.” But even, having entered the order after a strict selection and probationary period, newcomers could It was only from behind the curtain that one could listen to the teacher’s voice, and one was allowed to see him only after several years of purification through music and ascetic life. However, this was not harsh Christian asceticism, which mortified the flesh for the beginner and was reduced, first of all, to a vow of silence. The exercise of the sage, for Pythagoras, consisted in completely subduing his tongue and words, those very words that poets call flying, by plucking the feathers behind a white wall of teeth. In other words, this is what the beginnings of wisdom boil down to: learning to think, forget how to chat. The moral principles preached by Pythagoras are still worthy of imitation today: every person should follow the rule: flee from all cunning, cut off illness from the body, ignorance from the soul, luxury from the womb, turmoil from the city, and quarrel from the family. According to Pythagoras, there are three things in the world that are worth striving for and achieving: firstly, the beautiful and glorious, secondly, useful for life, thirdly, giving pleasure. But this does not mean vulgar and deceptive pleasure, which does not satisfy our gluttony with luxuries, but something else, aimed at the beautiful, righteous and necessary for life. There is a lot of confusion in the reports about Pythagoras' Olympic triumph. Some sources indicate that he won in pankration. Others insist that it is a struggle. The historian Plutarch, who, by the way, was definitely an Olympic champion in pankration (a type of martial arts in Ancient Greece, who combined the techniques of wrestling and fist fighting), in the “Biography of Numa” claims that Pythagoras was actually a runner. Should we believe Plutarch, who was born 700 years after Pythagoras? There is also confusion about the dates. One of the lists of Olympic champions that have reached us indicates that Pythagoras of Samos won the victory in 588 BC. e. And in his biographies the most early year births - 586. He couldn’t have become an Olympian two years before his birth! The authors of this confusion were the valiant Christian “historian” monks, thanks to whom not a single ancient Greek text has reached us in the original. Only statements in Latin with the notes “slander and blasphemy.” The memory of the pagan Olympic Games was erased very carefully. Evidence that Pythagoras could have been a participant in the Olympic Games This is what has been established for sure. A certain Milo of Croton was a student of the Pythagorean school. And he called Pythagoras “a teacher in everything.” So, this Milo became famous for his treatise “Physics” and seven victories at the Olympic Games in strength competitions. This time. Even armed enemies were afraid to contact the students of the Pythagorean school, believing that they possessed an unknown system of hand-to-hand combat developed by the founder of the teaching, Pythagoras. They were able to destroy the school only by starting a fire in its building at night, in which most of the Pythagoreans died. E t o d v a. Finally, the entire Hellenistic system of education and training was built on the harmony of intellectual and physical development. A great scientist could not help but be a great athlete. This is confirmed by the examples of Plato, Archimedes and the same Plutarch. E t o t r i. And it’s not for nothing that one of the most offensive characteristics in Ancient Greece was this: “He can neither read nor swim.” The Pythagoreans cared with equal zeal for both physical and spiritual development. It was from them that the term “kalocagathia” was born, denoting the Greek ideal of a person who combines the aesthetic (beautiful) and ethical (good) principles, the harmony of physical and spiritual qualities. Therefore, there is there are reasons to assert that Pythagoras was able to achieve such significant heights in mathematics only thanks to a healthy lifestyle, excellent physical fitness and victories in the Olympic Games

Boxing is one of oldest species sports Few people know that it existed before our era and was included in the Olympic Games. Information about the legendary boxers of antiquity has survived to this day.

Outstanding ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras(Pythagoras), was an Olympic champion in boxing (48th Olympiad, 588 BC). He was known as the first fighter to use the tactical and technical style of boxing. According to information recorded by Diogenes Laertius, a long-haired young man came to the Olympic arena and asked permission to compete in the youth category. At that time, Pythagoras was not yet 17 years old. When he was refused, Pythagoras joined the group of adult competitors and, to the surprise of the spectators, became the champion.

Pythagoras later founded a school that was considered one of the strongest and purest in the field of spiritual development in the entire known world. However, Pythagoras and several of his students were burned alive in the house by government mercenaries. At the same time, all his works were destroyed. Many consider Pythagoras not only the founder of the humanities, natural, systematic and exact sciences, but also the classical school of boxing.

Glaukos- Olympic champion 520 BC. e. One day, Dimilos noticed that his son was driving a plow into dry soil with one blow of his fist. Struck by the strength of his son, the peasant sent him to an athletic school. During championship fight a more experienced opponent defeated Glaukos, then the father shouted: “Son, remember how you handled the plow!” Glaukos gathered all his strength, stood up and dealt a knockout blow to his opponent. An island located near Karystos was named in honor of the champion; it still bears the name Glaukos today.

Diagoras- Olympic champion 464 BC. e. - belonged to a noble Greek family. He was remembered by his contemporaries for his special boxing style. Diagoras did not even try to avoid his opponent’s blows, but held them in such a way that it seemed like he was made of steel. He never violated the rules of the fight. Thanks to this, the boxer became a real “people's” champion. In addition to the Olympic Games, he won the Isthmian boxing tournament four times and the Nemean twice.

His son became an Olympic champion in boxing, and another achieved victory in a different form. The winning tradition was also supported by one of the athlete’s grandchildren. According to legend, when the two sons of Diagoras became champions, they lifted their father onto their shoulders and carried them in front of the stands. Someone from the crowd shouted: “After this, it’s not scary to die!” After that, Diagoras suddenly dropped his head on his chest and died.

Zavodchikova Tatyana

Great scientists and a healthy lifestyle



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What do we know about Pythagoras Pythagoras was born in 57 6 BC. e. on the island of Samos. Pythagoras's father was Mnesarchus, a gem cutter. The name of Pythagoras' mother has not been preserved. Many believed that Pythagoras was not a name, but a nickname. The word Pythagoras means “persuasive by speech.” It is not without reason that he achieved success as a brilliant orator and preacher. Among the teachers of young Pythagoras were the elder Hermodamant and Pherecydes of Syros.

EGYPT - BABYLON In 550 BC. e Pythagoras makes a decision and goes to Egypt. An unknown country and an unknown culture open before Pythagoras. Much amazed and surprised Pythagoras in this country, and after some observations of the life of the Egyptians, Pythagoras realized that the path to knowledge lies through religion. After eleven years of study in Egypt, Pif agora goes to his homeland, where along the way he falls into Babylonian captivity. Here Pythagoras gets acquainted with Babylonian science, which was more developed than Egyptian. The Babylonians were able to solve linear, quadratic, and some types of cubic equations. They successfully applied the Pythagorean theorem. In cuneiform texts, its use dates back to the era of Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), that is, 12 centuries before the birth of Pythagoras.

The characteristic drawing of the Pythagorean theorem, which today is sometimes transformed by schoolchildren, for example, into a professor dressed in a robe or a man in a top hat, was often used in those days as a symbol of mathematics.

CROTON Hiding from the tyranny of Polycarp, Pythagoras settled in Croton, where he quickly gained wide fame. The most glorious period in the life of Pythagoras begins in Croton. There he established something like a religious-ethical brotherhood or a secret monastic order, the members of which were obliged to lead the so-called Pythagorean way of life.

The main Pythagorean symbol - a symbol of health and an identifying mark - was the pentagram or Pythagorean star. The Pythagorean system of studies consisted of three sections: the doctrine of numbers - arithmetic, the doctrine of figures - geometry, the doctrine of the structure of the Universe - astronomy.

The following circumstance is striking. It is the star-shaped pentagon that is most common in wildlife (remember the flowers of forget-me-nots, carnations, bells, cherry, apple trees). and is fundamentally impossible in crystal lattices of inanimate nature. Fifth order symmetry is called the symmetry of life. This is a kind of protective mechanism of living nature against crystallization, against petrification, for the preservation of living individuality. And it is this geometric figure that the Pythagoreans choose as a symbol of health and life. The famous Pythagorean thesis: “Everything is a number.” Of the many numbers, the number “36” is sacred to the Pythagoreans: 1 + 2 + 3. It consists of one, and without one there is not a single number and it symbolizes the unity of existence and the world. It consists of a two, which symbolizes the fundamental polarity in the Universe: light-darkness, good-evil, etc. It consists of three, the most perfect of numbers, for it has a beginning, a middle and an end. In addition, amazing transformations are possible in the number “36”, for example: 36 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8.

The ritual of initiation into members of the Pythagorean brotherhood was surrounded by many sacraments, the disclosure of which was severely punished. “When younger people came to him and wanted to live in the Pythagorean school, he did not immediately give consent, but waited until he checked them and made his judgment about them.” But even, having entered the order after a strict selection and probationary period, newcomers could It was only from behind the curtain that one could listen to the teacher’s voice, and one was allowed to see him only after several years of purification through music and ascetic life. However, this was not harsh Christian asceticism, which mortified the flesh for the beginner and was reduced, first of all, to a vow of silence. The exercise of the sage, for Pythagoras, consisted in completely subduing his tongue and words, those very words that poets call flying, plucking feathers behind a white wall of teeth. In other words, this is what the beginnings of wisdom boil down to: learning to think, unlearn how to chat.

The moral principles preached by Pythagoras are still worthy of imitation today. Every person must follow the rule: flee from all cunning, cut off illness from the body, ignorance from the soul, luxury from the womb, turmoil from the city, quarrel from the family. According to Pythagoras, there are three things in the world that are worth striving for and achieving: firstly, the beautiful and glorious, secondly, useful for life, thirdly, giving pleasure. But this does not mean vulgar and deceptive pleasure, which does not satisfy our gluttony with luxuries, but something else, aimed at the beautiful, righteous and necessary for life.

There is a lot of confusion in the reports about Pythagoras' Olympic triumph. Some sources indicate that he won in pankration. Others insist that it is a struggle. The historian Plutarch, who, by the way, was definitely an Olympic champion in pankration (a type of martial arts in Ancient Greece that combined wrestling and fist fighting), in his “Biography of Numa” claims that Pythagoras was actually a runner. Should we believe Plutarch, who was born 700 years after Pythagoras? There is also confusion about the dates. One of the lists of Olympic champions that have reached us indicates that Pythagoras of Samos won the victory in 588 BC. e. And in his biographies the earliest year of birth is 586. He couldn’t have become an Olympian two years before his birth! The authors of this confusion were the valiant Christian “historian” monks, thanks to whom not a single ancient Greek text has reached us in the original. Only statements in Latin with the notes “slander and blasphemy.” The memory of the pagan Olympic Games was erased very carefully.

Evidence that Pythagoras could have been a participant in the Olympic Games This is what has been established for sure. A certain Milo of Croton was a student of the Pythagorean school. And he called Pythagoras “a teacher in everything.” So, this Milo became famous for his treatise “Physics” and seven victories at the Olympic Games in strength competitions. This time. Even armed enemies were afraid to contact the students of the Pythagorean school, believing that they possessed an unknown system of hand-to-hand combat developed by the founder of the teaching, Pythagoras. They were able to destroy the school only by starting a fire in its building at night, in which most of the Pythagoreans died. E t o d v a. Finally, the entire Hellenistic system of education and training was built on the harmony of intellectual and physical development. A great scientist could not help but be a great athlete. This is confirmed by the examples of Plato, Archimedes and the same Plutarch. E t o t r i. And it’s not for nothing that one of the most offensive characteristics in Ancient Greece was this: “He can neither read nor swim.”

The Pythagoreans cared with equal zeal for both physical and spiritual development. It was from them that the term “kalokagathia” was born, denoting the Greek ideal of a person who combines aesthetic (beautiful) and ethical (good) principles, harmony of physical and spiritual qualities. Therefore, there is reason to assert that Pythagoras was able to achieve such significant heights in mathematics only thanks to healthy image life, excellent physical fitness and victories in the Olympic Games


Pythagorean pants Equal on all sides.

Who has not heard this saying, which expresses the essence of one of the most famous mathematical theorems? But how many people know that Pythagoras is the champion of the Olympic Games?

True, there is so much confusion in the reports about the Olympic triumph of Pythagoras! Some sources indicate that he won in pankration. Others insist that it is a struggle. Historian Plutarch, who, by the way, was definitely an Olympic champion in pankration (a type of martial arts in Ancient Greece that combined wrestling and fist fighting techniques. – Note ed.), in the “Biography of Numa” claims that Pythagoras was actually a runner. Should we believe Plutarch, who was born 700 years after Pythagoras?

There is also confusion about the dates. One of the lists of Olympic champions that have reached us indicates that Pythagoras of Samos won the victory in 588 BC. e. And in his biographies the earliest year of birth is 586. He couldn’t have become an Olympian two years before his birth!

The authors of this confusion were the valiant Christian “historian” monks, thanks to whom not a single ancient Greek text has reached us in the original. Only statements in Latin with the notes “slander and blasphemy.” The memory of the pagan Olympic Games was erased very carefully.

But this is what has been established for sure. Someone Milo of Croton was a student of the Pythagorean school. And he called Pythagoras “a teacher in everything.” So, this Milo became famous for his treatise “Physics” and seven victories at the Olympic Games in strength competitions. This time.

Even armed enemies were afraid to contact the students of the Pythagorean school, believing that they possessed an unknown system of hand-to-hand combat developed by the founder of the doctrine. They were able to destroy the school only by starting a fire in its building at night, in which most of the Pythagoreans died. That's two.

Finally, the entire Hellenistic system of education and training was built on the harmony of intellectual and physical development. A great scientist could not help but be a great athlete. What do the examples prove? Plato, Archimedes and all the same Plutarch. That's three.

And it’s not for nothing that one of the most offensive characteristics in Ancient Greece was this: “He can neither read nor swim.”



Born on the island of Samos in Asia Minor. The exact date of birth is unknown.

He studied science in Egypt, Babylon, and India. He founded his own school in Crotone (Southern Italy). He established the connection between string length and pitch, laying the foundation for modern music theory. Proved a number of fundamental mathematical theorems. Founded number theory. Invented the term "philosopher". Developed the astronomical concept of “music of the spheres.” He recognized the sphericity of the Earth and the fact that it moves around the Sun.

The disciples considered him the son of Apollo. He is still included in the pantheon of Hindu gods under the name Yavanacharya (“Ionian teacher”).

He died in a hand-to-hand street fight in the city of Metapont.

“Pythagorean theorem 8th grade” - Practical use Pythagorean theorem. FIGURES. Pythagoras of Samos (VI century BC). Corner. Pythagorean theorem. A perpendicular segment drawn from the vertex of a triangle to a line containing the opposite side. Question answer. The easy way. Geometric solutions quadratic equations. Discoveries of the Pythagoreans in mathematics.

“The Pythagorean theorem in geometry” - In the time of Pythagoras, the formulation of the theorem sounded like this: It is possible that this drawing is evidence of the only “pre-Pythagorean” proof of the theorem. "elefuga". Theorem. "Pythagorean pants Equal in all directions." Since inscribed angles subtended by a diameter are right angles, then? KLM? straight.

“Pythagorean Theorem” - Problem. Friendly numbers. Pythagoras began to think about the properties of even and odd numbers. Pythagorean numbers. What were numbers for Pythagoras? Perfect numbers. Justice was symbolized by the number 4. Pythagoras began to depict numbers with dots. During the journey, Pythagoras was captured by the king of Babylon. Here is the problem of an Indian mathematician of the 12th century. Bhaskars.

“Olympic Champions” - Honored Master of Sports in weightlifting. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1964. World Champion 1977,1979 The first coach was Yu. Borzov. Winner of the European Championship 2005. Winner of the European Championship 2005. Viktor Nikolaevich is a well-known and respected person in the city. Vakhonin Alexey Ivanovich. Champion of the XX Olympic Games in super heavyweight.

“Pythagoras biography” - Algebraic method of proof. Mathematician, philosopher, teacher, politician. Hoffmann's proof. Daily routine at school. Is it Pythagoras' famous theorem? The sacrifice to the Gods from Pythagoras was abundant. The drawing was accompanied by only one word: LOOK! Objectives: Egyptians? Meet Pythagoras.

“Proof of the Pythagorean theorem” - Let’s set aside exactly the same triangles as shown in the figure. Hawkins's proof. Let's rotate triangle ABC around C by 900. Look and prove it! The Golden Theorem of Geometry. Let's complete the right triangle to a square with a side equal to the length of the larger leg b. A square with side c consists of four triangles with sides a and b and one square with side b-a.